The mystery about the crash of the Ajaccio-Nice flight on September 11, 1968 will he finally be lifted ?
The Air France Ajaccio-Nice flight crashed on September 11, 1968 at sea a few kilometers from Cap d'Antibes, killing 95 people, including 13 children and 6 crew members.

Admittedly, an investigation had been carried out after the disaster, but it had led to a dismissal, concluding that a fire on board linked to the water heater in the toilets. The facts had been declared time-barred before the file was reopened for "subtraction and concealment of evidence" in 2011, at the insistence of the families.

At the end of March 2018, the investigating judge Alain Chemama officially requested a lifting of defense secrecy. The judge in charge of the investigation into the mysterious crash of the Ajaccio-Nice flight considered that the thesis of an accidental missile strike affecting the rear of the aircraft should be taken "very seriously".

To shed light on this crash of the caravel, Emmanuel Macron therefore asked the Minister of the Armed Forces to seize the National Defense Committee in order to obtain the lifting of the defense secret on classified documents.

In a letter addressed to Mathieu Paoli, president of the association of the families of the victims of this disaster, the Elysée ensures that the president of the Republic “hears your quest in favor of the manifestation of the truth”.

In a joint letter that the mayors of Ajaccio, Laurent Marcangeli, and Nice, Christian Estrosi made public, they denounced "51 years of silence, not to say indifference on the part of the State".

Luc T. for DayNewsWorld