The holidays are coming soon, and if there is one key ingredient at this time, it's smoked salmon.

Rich in omega 3 !!

Would you like to smoke your salmon yourself, but you don't have a smokehouse?

Nothing is impossible.

Here are the ingredients and the steps to follow to amaze the whole family.

Ingredients for smoking salmon at home:

1 back or fillet of salmon with its plump skin

500 g coarse salt

125 g caster sugar

Espelette pepper or spices of your choice (optional)

Utensils :

big tweezers


mixing bowl

a large glass or stainless steel dish

a clean towel

a wok or casserole

150g beech sawdust

Preparation steps for smoking salmon at home without a smokehouse:

Step 1: start by preparing the salmon. To do this, remove all the bones from the back of the salmon using tweezers. Then split the fillet in half and remove the skin.

Eliminate the bloody parts in the middle of each fillet.step 2: in the bowl, mix the salt, sugar, pepper and spices.

Pour half of this mixture into a large dish and place the salmon on top, then cover it completely with the rest of the mixture.

Step 3: wrap the dish in film and leave to marinate for 24 hours in the refrigerator.

Step 4: Once the salmon is well marinated, remove it from the dish and wash it in cold water. Then dry it with the clean towel.

Step 5: Place the salmon on an oven rack.

Step 6: pour the sawdust into the bottom of the wok or casserole, put a transparent lid on to observe the formation of smoke and turn on the heat to maximum power.

Step 7: After a few minutes, when you have enough smoke, quickly place the grate with the salmon in the wok.

Step 8: leave the fire lit for a few more moments, always to have a very dense smoke.

At the same time, wrap your wok to seal the lid and trap the smoke.

Step 9: then remove the wok from the heat, and as soon as possible put everything in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

Here, your homemade smoked salmon is finally ready ! It's time to treat yourself !    

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld