Images are looping on social networks:

several ministers of Emmanuel Macaron went to sleep in front of the cameras during the press conference of Emmanuel Macron of April 25, 2019.

Obviously, indeed, the presidential purr was far more effective than the Prozac.

Besides, fortunately the event happened in France, a Republic, still (but for how long?) Democratic and liberal. In North Korea, Hyon Yong Chol, the Minister of Defense who had fallen asleep during military celebrations, was executed by air gun ...

Of course, the continuous news TV channels have seen nothing and heard nothing!

And yet, while Emmanuel Macron was talking about the pension reform that called on the French to work more, his ministers began to sleep.

The images have raised hilarity and mockery on social networks: "the pipo player, sandman (remember good night little ones) a man named Emmanuel Macron, went well that night.

It is true that the scene we followed from end to end was soporific.

Before the presidential election of 2017, we had been announced a new world, happy, alive and satisfying, led by a brilliant man, charismatic, with a good knowledge of France, a man with a feather new to rhyme poetry, philosophy and politics .

The French found themselves in fact, less than 2 years after the said election, in the face of an austere man, pronouncing endless monologues, in a tone and by means of proposals that sound wrong, so much Emmanuel Macron overplay his score facing the events of more and more agitated.

Even Christophe Castaner, who usually drinks the words of the monarch and who seems, again, the most "motivated" minister, has given the impression of anger. ... thinking maybe, according to some nasty languages, at his last night out.

What we have seen in any event, April 25 is that, or Emmanuel Macron exhausted or they became, one after another zombies against a president, prophet of misfortune who debits " complex sentences ", more and more irrational, disconnected from the daily life of the French.

It is also true that on the side of the floor of some 300 journalists, handpicked (some have not managed to get an access badge) the impression was no better. The eyecups of the cameras swept that evening a public amazed or even annihilated.

The introductory speech that was announced to last 20 minutes actually lasted 1:30, leaving a small hour available for questions and answers where, it should be noted, women journalists and their impertinence, were the brightest.

But then, if LREM falls asleep, imagine what could happen in response to the 3.4 million viewers who, at a prime time, had agreed to listen to the speech of the Head of State.

Let us point out, from the same point of view, that Emmanuel Macron had had more exceptional hearings during the last six months: on December 10, 2018, the President of the Republic's speech, devoted to the violence during the Yellow Vest demonstrations, had gathered 23 million listeners (3 times more) ...

A Harris Interactive-Agence Epoka survey, commented on Saturday (April 27th) shows that Emmanuel Macron only convinced 37% of the French; 63% were therefore not persuaded of the correctness of the speech in relation to the current situation and their demands.

Also, it seems vain to believe, as Jean Michel Blanquer, Minister of National Education, who has come to do after sales service on France Info, suggested, that hope could come "when people will see concrete measures"? ? We will have to wait again!

Discontent therefore remains important. Far from lulling the French, Emmanuel Macron and his acolytes annoy more and more, preventing a large majority of French to fall asleep in front of wallets or empty fridges.

On the other hand, while the great debate had somewhat anesthetized opinion today, the day of the XXIV episode of the Yellow Vests, the context of the demonstrations could prove that the trap of the Great Debate, could close soon on Emmanuel Macron.

A few weeks before the European elections, the hardest will indeed start for the executive who was expected at the turn for the press conference Thursday night.

Because many have not yet found "there had been a before and after Yellow Vests" or even a change of course, Emmanuel Macron remained straight in his boots.

Let's be honest nonetheless! Edouard Philippe had warned and prepared the ground: "after the Great Debate would be deceptive"; but deceptive! I invite you to consult the Larousse is synonymous with "deception".

The French would have been deceived which would explain the anger that is still expressed in the streets, during the demonstrations during which we heard: "Macron resignation" or "dissolution of the National Assembly" next to the RIC ...

A good look at the images of Ministers sleeping in front of the cameras during the speech of Emmanuel Macron one is taken to the impression that the somnolences macron-diurnal some ministers could soon end, tired that are some of them, of always hear the same speech that fails to convince and does not interrupt the sometimes violent manifestations.

If our impression was good, it could soon (in the aftermath of the European elections ?) A schism appears on awakening, in the government, the "and left and right" can not continue for a long time.

The awakening will then be hard for Emmanuel Macron, who has not long ago dreamed of a European leader ship ...

But if this was still his state of mind, the Head of State could have at least told us about Europe during its Press Conference and reform, priority, of the ECB (European Central Bank), a dossier which will inevitably be tackled immediately.

Clara Mitchell for DayNewsWorld