A week goes by with Philippe de confinement. The days are repetitive I have the impression that we are old grandpa grandma I can't take it anymore I will crack. Then one day, that is to say, what had to happen happened.

And yes living together with his boss without seeing other people I fell in love with. No I completely freaked out. I started to insult him then he too couldn't help treating him like a daddy's son, he replied that I was a lazy girl a little upstairs who dressed me in New Yorker without taste. So there he deeply annoyed me it was the worst insult that I have no taste.

Because I made so much effort to arrive where I am to resume my studies try to dress up like working girls then learn to speak in the same way because in my city people are rather direct when they have something to say they are not false asses.

Here when you meet an enemy you say hello darling a guy who cheats on you you say love pass me the bread please when you submit to work a project that you find useless unfeasible and especially if it is your boss who had this stupid idea you applaud like the ten other collaborators by saying that it is a brilliant idea and that you would never have thought about it because this idea is unfeasible and out of budget.

When you meet a colleague and she tells you when she returns from vacation if you haven't found anything changed in her.

you dare not ask her like last year if she is pregnant because she says to you with all her height that you need glasses because she is said to have lost twelve pounds and in addition she has new breasts. From where when you crossed it you said to him yoaou as you lost weight you seem ten years less you seem so rested.

When you sleep with a guy you tell him that he's a good shot even if he enjoyed in ten minutes flat and that you think it's just the preliminaries.

So Mr Philippe the little country girl is rednecked according to you and proud of it because at least she says what she thinks most of the time. So the war started I took out my four truths and it was not really very nice what I said to him I even think that I exaggerated a little. After I left to confine myself to my room I was almost ready to go on hunger strike.

Philippe knocks on my door and he tells me that the meal is ready I answer him I'm not hungry. Philippe: Come on Mia stop having a child if you want to go have dinner quietly I stay in my room so that we don't see each other.

I think I'm going to go to dinner so I'm not going to pass out for her beautiful eyes. I look in the corridors not Philippe the way is clear.

I arrive in the kitchen he has set the table and my meal is nicely served. I feel embarrassed so I decide to go see him in his room to offer him to come and share this good meal with me.

He sleeps what I hope he sleeps because he is in the dark lying in his bed that doesn't look like him. I touch him I ask him if it's okay he asks me if it's true that I find him immature.

I see so much pain in his eyes that I play it New York style by telling him that my words exceeded my thoughts even if I continue to find this guy completely immature.

His smile comes back and he forgives me for what he told me. And he takes me by the arm and we kiss on the mouth and the clothes waltz.

We review the doggy style you know where you feel the cock of your guy at the bottom it's so good that I think my ex-boss heard me enjoy but enjoy making the neighbor pale.

Mia Kennedy for DayNewsWorld