In the sauna it is too hot and all these groans disturbed me.

It's true that I'm not stuck but still.

There are no limits. I do not know it's true that we live in a world where sex alcohol drugs are de rigueur. Then we take the direction of a small bar ouf because I was thirsty.

In this place everyone wears a sarong, couples behave normally. Men ask me if I come often I say no because it is a commodity exchange.

And there, I had to turn my tongue seven times in the mouth. On this neighbor just asks me how much I take the time. I choke on my mango juice. Alicia comes to my aid and announces her price 1000 dollars the benefit.

Mickaël looks shocked and asks me if I am finally a call girl and not a businesswoman. I look at him and I tell him you take me for whom. There, Alicia responds good you are not a holy ni-key Mia besides you always sing at night no bouguibougui before your prayers in the evening by jumping on your bed in thong.

Mickaël: Mia you are a resourceful woman, you dance, you make love to the plumber. I have the impression that everyone listens to me more this conversation a little private seems to relax the clientele a customer comes to kiss me saying I love you Mia how cool.

Another gives me a pat on the cucul telling me you gave me the urge to go back to church my pretty Mia.Another comes to me a smack in the neck telling me I would have offered you 3000 dollars just for a dinner with you very dear Alicia what a success my beloved cousin, you are a little diamond.

Mickael: Good Mia if you lose your job at least you have a job all found. I look him straight in the eyes thinking deep in me you are the C ....

But I answer him: You're right I did not think about it. It must be fun and fun.

I turn to his boyfriend throwing a what else with my best smile. On this the friend of Mickaël invites us to go because he is hungry.

I cry too I'm hungry and take the direction of the locker room and in less than five minutes I'm dressed again. We all go out and head to the Japanese restaurant. Whew I paid my gambling debt ... that's what I proudly tell them.

Alicia with her small pussy eyes retorts :

Debt of game debt of heart.

Mia Kennedy for DayNewsWorld