As you know, we are currently going through a complicated period. In a period of confinement, take advantage of it to learn a bit about health, especially in terms of food to effectively boost our immune defenses.

It is obviously first of all to take care of your lifestyle, by adopting simple and basic rules, too often neglected: get enough sleep, practice a sporting activity - even at home and without equipment! - bring the sun in your inside…

And as everyone knows, health is also on the plate, we shop with discernment.

So turn to vitamin A and vitamin C, but also probiotics: garlic, onions, nuts, asparagus, legumes, red fruits or parsnips.

Use turmeric to sprinkle on dishes or add to soups. Ginger tea also boosts our immune defenses.

For the infusion boil water with pieces of ginger, pour the infused water into a cup, add a few drops of lemon and a teaspoon of honey, and you will get a comforting drink.

And fall for fresh fruit and vegetable juices, provided you have a juicer, and your fruits and vegetables are in season !

Emily Jackson for DayNewsWorld