Exciting or uncomfortable !

Yes they excite you or bother you with the smells coming from the skin or sex, play a vital role in our sexuality.

The skin has an erotic scent. I love it woody fragrance!

It is because in sexuality, the five senses play a primordial role: they perceive signals that reinforce or affect sexual arousal. During the first meeting, the sight gauge in record time the physical aspect.

Hearing will evaluate the range of the voice, which stimulates the female desire when it is serious. If you touch the hand of the other, its softness will encourage us to continue the caress.

And at a closer distance ah it is the sense of smell that comes into play. Quit or double: the personal scents are revealed, they fascinate or repel. Breath:

often crippling when it does not please. the connection is more intimate, the taste makes its entry, complementary to the sense of smell. It is at this moment that the intimate smells are revealed ...

The smell of the skin plays a strong emotional role, sending us to erotic memories. Who has never felt a garment of his dear and tender to "breathe"? Because yes, our smells are spoken and play a role in dating. Have you heard of these parties called "Pheromones Party"?

Each participant comes with a T-shirt worn a few days and unwashed and sniffs the T-shirts of others in order to find love.

AH but why the odors of the skin ???

It's simple, it comes partly from sweat glands, responsible for perspiration. They are particularly present at the armpit and nipple levels, soles of the feet, palms of the hands, face.

But also pubic and genitals. To fulfill their role of temperature regulator, they evacuate water and odorous compounds, including sulfur and acid molecules, or others influenced by food. But it's mainly the billions of bacteria that cover our skin, which feed on dead skin, sweat, sebum and various molecules. 

Their "digestion" leads to the production of gases, some of which are quite strong. As a sanitized society, it focuses on hygiene and tends to make all these strong fragrances disappear. This does not prevent some people from judging some "scents" of sweat very attractive!

And what about the role of odors and pheromones ?

In the majority of animals, genital olfactory stimuli play a key role in sexual motivation, as are pheromones, odorless olfactory signals that play a role in sexual attraction. They push to seek proximity and increase attachment.

But in humans it is more complicated: sexual behaviors have become more complex in humans. They are influenced by intellectual and cultural factors. 

The role of pheromones has diminished ... 

This would not prevent other volatile compounds still unknown to intervene according to the principle of pheromones, according to Lucy Vincent, author of Comment becomes one in love .

 Archaic legacy or not, the sense of smell still has a say in sexual attachment, especially if we believe many lovers ... 

So pay attention to your body odor please for seduction !

After having sex, do you feel like you smell a particular smell invading the room ?

Hey well, rest assured, because you are not crazy ! 

Sex does have an odor! If you have done a little quick, it is clear that we hope that no one will open the door of the room and feel this "good" atmosphere ... 

If yes, you have clearly missed your chance to be subtle ! 

So here is exactly what this smell is according to science.

Indeed, your sperm is alkaline (high pH between 7.2 and 8) and vaginal secretions are low pH, between 3.8 and 4.5. When the two combine, there is a particular smell that emerges. 

The two PHs react together to create a new chemical property, says Sara Gottfried, MD, author of The Hormone Resert Diet.

But can the smell change, but can the smell change ?

According to Darius Paduch, director of sexual health at Weill Cornelle Medical College, the answer is YES. It all depends on the pH levels of each of you 2. For example, if your precious bath takes a bath the pH can change, just like if you wash with a new soap. Food can also affect the pH of your gender, and therefore, alter the sex smell.


Kate White for DayNewsWorld