Indulge in the pleasures of the flesh, yes, but with barrier gestures !?

This is what the Canadian health authorities recommended in September. Dr Theresa Tam, the country's public health official, suggested that "some couples should avoid kissing and even wear a mask during sex."

Masturbation does not spread Covid-19

But here's a release from the New York Department of Health from February 2021 that deserves our attention. “You are your most secure sexual partner. Masturbation does not spread Covid-19, especially if you wash your hands (and sex toys) with soap and water for at least twenty seconds before and after. " . In this damn gloomy time, there really would be no harm in doing yourself some good.

In the anti-Covid time, let's continue to enjoy life, and just enjoy it. Moreover, the safest sex in the event of a global pandemic is solo sex, as Canadian Theresa Tam also concedes. "The least risky sexual activities while Covid-19 is rife are those where you are alone", she also declared. In other words,masturbation (solitary) is the sexual practice that most limits the risk of contamination of the coronavirus. As long as we washed our hands well, of course.

In addition, the benefits of masturbation are not limited to that: it is a moment to oneself where you can be totally in tune with your body, and give yourself pleasure in full awareness. An enchanted break where wearing a mask is not compulsory. If you reserve this practice in the privacy of your home of course.

Therefore, advice to lovers of onanism: the time seems favorable to the joys of solitary pleasures, since masturbation makes it possible to respect barrier gestures. Sexuality would remain our last territory of freedom.

An activity compatible with teleworking.

It is even an activity completely compatible with teleworking! While some take advantage of their break to run a washing machine, others choose to recharge their batteries. There are those who take a nap - 21% of teleworkers have done at least one during the second confinement - and those who prefer to masturbate: 17% including 40% among young people under 30 years old.

Nothing like a good cocktail of hormones dispensed by an orgasm –prolactin and oxytocin among others– to get back on your feet. “This can be a quick and effective way to de-stress,” says Frenchwoman Isabelle Braun-Lestrat, vice-president of the National Union of Clinical Sexologists.

A manual for manual work

These are all factors that partly explain the enthusiasm aroused by Jouissance Club. This sexual education manual illustrated by simple and playful diagrams has sold 200,000 copies since its publication in January 2020 and will be reissued next October.

“In this book, you'll find everything there is to know about sex without going through the“ penetration ”box,” comments the author and illustrator, Jüne Plã, on the back cover. “I have worked hard so that you can explore your sexuality and that of your partners in many ways. [...] The idea is to go there at your own pace and vary the pleasures alone, in pairs or in groups. " One way to make the most of all the time you have been in the house, so a few wise tips to achieve this cannot help.

Sales of sex toys boosted by confinement

The sex toy is also doing well. Published in the journal Sexually Transmitted Infections, an Australian study, carried out via an online questionnaire, evaluated the impact of confinement on the sexual practices of 965 people, 70% of whom were women. Regarding sexual activities, about 14% of participants said they used sex toys for themselves more often and 26% that they masturbated more. A total of 98 participants (11%) said they bought a sex toy while in lockdown and of those, 24% said it was the first time they had done so.

The success is such that these toys come out of specialized stores. The proof, Monoprix is ​​engulfed in the breach. Since January, the stores have installed a corner dedicated to intimate pleasures, stocked by Passage du Désir.

"Last fall, when the curfew was put in place, we decided to offer anti-gloom measures with the creation of an original offer democratizing access to pleasure," relates Maguelone Paré, concept director and innovation at Monoprix. If there is one brand that can afford to be a little out of step, it is ours. We therefore seized confinement as an opportunity. We said to ourselves: people are at home, there are some very nice things to do at home and therefore we will help them equip themselves. "

We have entered the era of the democratization of accessories, and as the sexperte Maïa Mazaurette declared in April 2020 on TMC, "it is the golden age of masturbation".

Hoping that the pandemic does not last too long to finally stop thinking about Covid that separates us.

Mia Kennedy for DayNewsWorld