Spring will soon be coming to an end, it is high time to revive our inner fire!

We absorb a lot of toxins from our environment, the air we breathe, the water we drink, modern food and we can also create them through stress and negative emotions.

The symptoms of chronic intoxication are varied: weight gain, poor sleep, pale complexion, puffiness and dark circles, digestive problems, skin (eczema, acne ...), ENT (ear infections, rhinitis, sinusitis ...), allergies, weakening of the system immune, and so on!

The goal of the detox is to help and stimulate the purifying organs, to do their job well and to manage the overabundance of toxins, it is a super drainage, a scaling!

There are five of them: the lungs, the liver, the intestines, the kidneys and the skin. With excess and fatigue, they clog up and perform their cleaning function less well.

The toxins accumulate and the first inconveniences appear (pimple, migraines, digestive disorders, persistent fatigue, immunity at half mast). A “great cleaning of our organism” then becomes necessary to protect it and allow it to maintain its vitality.

The treatment should be short (3 weeks on average). It must always be adapted to the person's profile and their level of vitality.

To deeply cleanse the body, there are various natural techniques.

First essential step, putting the digestive system to rest, thanks to a hypotoxic diet which involves some changes in eating habits:

• Eat 80% vegetables and fruits and 20% animal products

• Eat more raw than cooked

• Do not consume refined or denatured products

• No exciting: coffee, tea, alcohol, soda

• Reduce meat (especially red), favor cereals and starchy foods (preferably whole)

• Consume quality oil: organic, first cold and raw pressing

• Eat more small fatty fish: sardines, mackerel (rich in Omega 3 and 6).

• Drink little mineralized water (one glass per hour)

For people who are not deficient and who have sufficient energy, it is interesting to test the single diet which consists of eating only one category of food for at least 24 hours.

By the single diet:

• Apple: indicated for cholesterol, eczema,

• Grape: for cleaning the digestive tract

• Cherry: for kidney problems, arthritis

• Rice: for people with a nervous temperament

• Carrot: for these depurative and diuretic properties

By herbal medicine

Birch sap is your ally of spring! Powerful diuretic, it supports the kidneys and the whole urinary system! If you are subject to hay fever and / or hives, the Plantain, will be your savior! it relieves the lungs and the skin!

And if spring revives your youth by bringing back the acne of your adolescence, this is the Fumitory that should be used! It will regulate the activity of the liver and act on skin problems of this type, but also on eczema!

My detox green juice recipe

3 Cucumbers

1 bunch celery branch or spinach

1 bunch of Parsley 1 Apple

1 tsp Fresh ginger

½ cc Turmeric

So take advantage of the arrival of this new spring to test, experiment, listen to your body and take care of yourself !

Emily Jackson for DayNewsWorld