What if we weren't alone in the universe ?

In recent years, ufological studies have experienced unprecedented enthusiasm, fueled by the courageous testimony of many "whistleblowers" who have seized the opportunity of digital transparency to share their revelations in broad daylight. These testimonies, striking in many respects, have now acquired greater credibility.

Congress itself conducts hearings, highlighting the testimonies of fighter pilots confronted with very real and recurring incidents.

During a hearing before a committee of the United States Congress on Wednesday, July 26, 2023, Mr. David Grusch, a resigning former agent of the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, having elected "whistleblower" status, maintained that our governments concealed many realities from us... "We are not alone in the universe, and the authorities hide the evidence of the existence of extraterrestrials, including the remains of an unidentified object, affirmed Mr. Grusch, emphasizing being "absolutely" convinced that the United States has a UFO.

Colonel decorated during the war in Afghanistan, David Grusch spent 14 years of his life within the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA) under the aegis of the American Department of Defense. From 2019 to 2021, he was a member of a team responsible for investigating UFOs, then appointed co-head of the Agency for the analysis of "unidentified aerial phenomena", a term officially used by the American authorities. During this period, he had access to images captured by American air pilots, revealing objects with "unknown characteristics".

Last April, David Grusch left the Ministry of Defense to start a "whistleblower" procedure.

This procedure forced him to hand over to the ministry his classified documents intended for the American Congress.

On July 26, 2023, before this national institution, he confirmed his sensational comments previously made on television:

"In the course of my duties, I learned that there was a program (...) aimed at recovering the remains of an unidentified device and analyzing it. This testimony is based on information that I were passed on by individuals with a proven track record of legitimacy and service to this country, and many have provided me with compelling evidence, in the form of photographs, official documents and classified oral testimony."

Decades of observation, including military

Awaiting evidence, remain the disturbing testimonies of two other witnesses called by Congress:

David Fravor, ancien commandant de la marine, et Ryan Graves, ancien pilote. Ryan Graves n’a pas hésité à exhorter la représentation à "mettre de côté la stigmatisation et à aborder le problème de sécurité et de sûreté que ce sujet représente", faisant aussi part des "multiples rencontres" expérimentées par plusieurs pilotes lors de vols d’entraînements.

"Si les ovnis sont des drones étrangers, c’est un problème urgent de sécurité nationale ; s’il s’agit d’autre chose, c’est un problème pour la science.

Dans les deux cas, les objets non identifiés sont une préoccupation pour la sécurité des vols", a-t-il aussi déclaré.

En avril, Sean Kirkpatrick, le responsable du service du Pentagone chargé d'enquêter sur ces phénomènes et les risques qu'ils posent pour la sécurité nationale, avait quant à lui assuré qu'aucun signe d'activité extraterrestre n'avait été recensé.

Le bureau "n'a détecté aucune preuve crédible d'une activité extraterrestre, de technologie non terrestre ou d'objets défiant les lois de la physique", avait-il affirmé.

Le gouvernement américain prend, toutefois, au sérieux ces phénomènes et la Nasa a récemment appelé à davantage d'efforts pour les étudier scientifiquement, tout comme le Pentagone qui, lui, s'inquiète de possibles activités d'espionnage chinoises.

Un certain nombre de cas déroutants

In the United States, these phenomena have been analyzed very closely since the 1940s, various projects having been set up over time, the best known being Grudge, Blue Book and the Condon report. Blue Book thus allowed the examination of 10,147 cases of which 9,501 were explained.

Of the 3,201 cases retained for the final statistical analysis, the confirmed but still unexplained cases represented a total of 22% of the total.

In July 2020, scientist Ravi Kopparapu and astrobiologist Jacob Haqq-Misra, both working for NASA, wrote in Scientific American magazine about the need to revisit the conclusions of the report that ended the "Blue Book" project, considering that "beyond military aircraft and strange weather formations, there are still a number of truly puzzling [unidentified anomalous] cases that might be worth investigating."

A little later, an assessment, mandated by the United States government, was published on June 25, 2021 just after Barack Obama said "there are images and recordings of objects in the sky, which we do not don't know exactly what they are".

This report was compiled by the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force and consisted of 144 sightings of unidentified phenomena between 2004 and 2021. Of these 144 phenomena, 18 exhibited objects with "unusual flight characteristics" and "appeared to remain stationary in winds aloft, moving against the wind, maneuvering suddenly or moving at considerable speed, without discernible means of propulsion".

More surprisingly, some of these objects emitted radio frequency energy detected by US Air Force planes.

For some authors of parapsychology, UFOs are the angels and gods of our myths.

For others, UFOs are a fascinating anthropological case study, not extraterrestrials, but perhaps time travelers or manifestations from the supersensible world...Others, more prosaic, consider the hypothesis of military technologies developed in secret.

The fact remains that, extraterrestrial or not, unexplained aerial phenomena are indeed a reality that the American government takes seriously enough to communicate regularly about them.

Research into this exciting topic continues, ushering in a new era where the possibility of encounters of the third kind is no longer relegated to fantasy, but is a scientific and security challenge that authorities are determined to understand.

And if, finally, the authors of science fiction were right ?

Simon Freeman for DayNewsWorld