The political class as a whole, from left to right through the center, talks to you all year round about tax havens.

If the words still have a meaning then let's take a closer look at them !

The notion of Paradise is a notion common to most religions and it is opposed to hell.

The obvious conclusion is that everyone is living in a tax hell and we want to eliminate paradise for good.

When the citizens go out of their towns they can observe in the countryside shepherds leading flocks.

But have you seen many flocks of wolves led by a shepherd ? No, it is more common to see sheep, indeed a flock of sheep is easier to lead, the risk of being bitten or being devoured is almost zero.

Sheep are docile and easier to lead to the slaughterhouse !

States and politicians are Shepherds, and citizens are sheep !

Another important evidence is that it is easier to build a hell than a paradise.

Fiscal hell leads to poverty, to the dependence of citizens who, in order not to suffer additional punishments, blindly obey the directives given to them.

For the many States, which have put a tax hell in place, tax havens are proof that we can do otherwise, which is why they are the sworn enemy that we must destroy at all costs.

When we observe the top 10 countries in which the taxation is the highest in the world, it is clear that they are generally in debt for an amount greater than their GDP !

For these tax hells there is never enough money, we could double, triple the amount of taxes that they would always remain in debt !

These states behave like compulsive gamblers, like alcoholics, over and over again !

By definition hell is the punishment and Heaven the reward so why should the majority of citizens be punished, what original fault did they commit to suffer hell ?

All the maneuvers of the states of many nations which aim to destroy tax havens by implementing increasingly warlike measures hope that they will put an end to havens.

So here we are before the Eternal, fighting evil against good.

Should evil win at all costs, should hell become the norm ?

The citizens must do their conscience examination, they too often forget that they still have one weapon of choice against the politicians who manage the States, it is the vote during the elections.

Yes, by voting, citizens can overturn the table and make tax paradise the new norm, paradise and wealth for all, as a reality that is imposed on the whole planet!

Despite all the coercive measures to destroy paradise, the increasingly rogue regulations, the war led by a fierce battle (Common Reporting Standard "CRS", Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act "FATCA" ...) and communication, always more and more aggressive and dependent, the tax havens resist and organize themselves, and even, oh surprise, certain new havens appear, more discreet and more refined.

In the concert of states we are faced with a hypocrisy: most states are indeed waging a merciless fiscal war against each other. As proof, it suffices to observe the different tax rates in each country, for example in the European Union (Is France 27.31%, Is Germany 15%, Is Luxembourg 15%, Is Ireland 12.5%, Is Poland 9%, etc ...) and sometimes even within the same country, as for example in the different States which constitute the United States.

What if we made all the countries on this planet a tax haven by applying a tax rate of 2% globally ?

Yes, of course, expensive states should put themselves on a strong diet, thus discovering the virtues of savings and budgetary rigor.

Not possible !, impossible !! , this is what you will surely hear from everywhere, but ....

Everyone knew it was impossible, but a day came when a "fool", who didn't know it was not possible, tried to achieve this thing, and he succeeded in doing it  !!

What we do with it will not be the future. Prefer paradise to hell, we say impossible !?

Personally I like to think that a day will come when a “fool” will definitely transform hell, which has become too generalized, into “Paradise for all” !!!

Tom Morgan for DayNewsWorld