Valeurs Actuelles continues to be the spokesperson for part of the army. Two and a half weeks after a controversial first text, calling on Emmanuel Macron and the executive to defend patriotism, the weekly Valeurs contemporaine published, Sunday, May 9, 2021, in the evening, a new forum. This time, launched by active soldiers, it is open for signatures.

“Our elders are right on the substance of their text, in its entirety. We see violence in our towns and villages. We see communitarianism taking hold in public space, in public debate. We see hatred for France and its history becoming the norm. The first text had caused much ink to flow, the second risks driving the point home. "

“Take action, ladies and gentlemen. This time, it is not about custom emotion, ready-made formulas or media coverage. It is not a question of extending your mandates or conquering others. It is about the survival of our country, of your country ”, write the authors in this text addressed to the President of the Republic, to ministers, parliamentarians and general officers.

A first shocking platform on April 21

Current Values ​​had published, on April 21, a first shocking platform in which "twenty generals, a hundred high-ranking officers and more than a thousand other soldiers" called on President Emmanuel Macron to defend patriotism and said " willing to support policies which will take into consideration the safeguard of the nation ”. This text had triggered a lively controversy in the political class.

Seized by parliamentarians from rebellious France, the Paris prosecutor Rémy Heitz rejected the request to initiate proceedings against the authors and broadcasters of the platform because “no criminal offense” appears there. According to the Harris Interactive poll conducted for LCI, 64% of people questioned about the first forum had heard of this forum denouncing the "disintegration" of France due to "a certain anti-racism", "the Islamism and suburban hordes ”. In total, 58% of those questioned supported the soldiers who signed the platform, according to the poll, carried out on a sample of 1,613 people.

Still according to the same survey, 84% of French people questioned think that violence is increasing day by day and 73% of them believe that the country is crumbling. The supporters of the right and the far right seem more in agreement with the ideas of the signatories. In particular on the issue of security: for example, 93% of Republicans and 94% of supporters of the National Rally think that the laws of the Republic do not apply in some cities. And two-thirds of the panel believe that the signatories of the platform should not be punished.

"The generation of fire"

The authors of the second column say they have “recently entered the quarry” and specify that they cannot “legally” express themselves “with their face uncovered.” “We are from what the newspapers have called“ the generation of fire ”. ". Men and women, active soldiers, of all armies and of all ranks, of all sensibilities, we love our country. These are our only claims to fame, ”they write to introduce themselves.

“Afghanistan, Mali, Central African Republic or elsewhere, a number of us have experienced enemy fire. Some have left comrades there. They offered their skin to destroy Islamism to which you are making concessions on our soil, ”say the authors. “Almost all of us have known Operation Sentinel. We saw with our own eyes the abandoned suburbs, the accommodation with delinquency. We have undergone the attempts to instrumentalize several religious communities, for whom France means nothing - nothing but an object of sarcasm, contempt and even hatred ”.

While Emmanuel Macron appeared, as a sign of unity, with the chiefs of staff of the armies on Saturday, May 8 during the commemorations of the German surrender in 1945, the soldiers, confronted with the realities on the ground, continue to denounce "forfeiture", "communitarianism" and "Islamism" to which the executive would make "concessions."

According to the signatories, who rely on their experience of Operation Sentinel to justify their assessment of the situation in France, the civil war is "brewing.

Alize Marion for DayNewsWorld