The defections continue.

This Tuesday morning, seven new deputies leave the LaREM group in the National Assembly to join a new group, called "Acting together". Despite this departure, the group presents itself in its press release as a "pillar of the majority".

At present, there are therefore 281 deputies in the LaREM group at the Palais-Bourbon. In fact, the loss of the absolute majority (289 seats) is widening. The new group, called "Acting together", whose spirit aims to be "constructive", includes 17 elected officials in all.

Barely a week ago, "walkers" and ex "walkers" officially tabled in the National Assembly a ninth political group called "Ecology democracy solidarity" so that La République en Marche (LREM) thus lost the absolute majority. politicians elected.

A new thunderbolt in the political landscape: the party of Emmanuel Macron not only no longer knows its absolute majority at the Palais-Bourbon, set at 289 deputies. But since 2017, would lose an average of one deputy every two and a half months. The movement now has only 281 - against 314 at the start of the legislature three years ago.

But what are the reasons given by the interested parties ?

Why are these elected officials leaving the ship ?

A colleague from Franceinfo explains the flight of "walkers". With the exception of the case of deputy M'jid El Guerrab who left in September 2017 after being accused of intentional violence with a weapon, Jean-Michel Clément, MP for Vienna, is the first to leave the macronist movement. He slams the door in April 2018, after several political disappointments.

Security laws that put off leftist deputies.

The former socialist did not appreciate the extension of the state of emergency in June 2017, the law on the transparency of political life, which, according to him, omits the question of lobbies but especially the asylum and immigration law, in April 2018, which precipitates his departure.

The security texts put off a myriad of deputies from the PS or with a left-wing sensitivity. Thus Albane Gaillot, elected in the Val-de-Marne, who first stood back from the group by sitting among the related in September 2019, before finally leaving his former comrades in March 2020. “It was a gradual evolution.

There was the asylum and immigration law and the anti-breakers law. I was more and more uncomfortable on these subjects, and then the government's response to the crisis of 'yellow vests' was not up to par, ”she explains for France-info. The use of 49.3, this article of the Constitution brandished by the government to push through the pension reform was the last straw that broke the camel's back, she explains.Sébastien Nadot also joined Ecology, democracy, solidarity after having been excluded from the LREM group in December 2018, for not having voted the budget ...

Lack of political culture and aides-de-camp.

In addition to their political disagreement on certain texts, these deserting deputies also advance another major dysfunction specific to the young macronist movement and likely to explain in part their departure. “LREM is an empty ideological shell. The deputies have no other choice but to put themselves in phase with the text of the minister because they have no ideological basis to get in the way.

There are no resources collectively, explains Sébastien Nadot. At the PS and at LR's, when a minister came to present his text, he would eventually get into it. It was not necessarily visible, but the text was evolving ”. An observation shared by all those who left. "It is a plethora of unexpectedly elected people, with no political background or culture, and who do notwere not in the sense of disobeying, "says Jean-Michel Clément. We do not have an ideological corpus, we have not worked on it and therefore we do not have this political depth, which is lacking in all this architecture ", continues Albane Gaillot, ex-deputy LREM on franceinfo

LREM deputies would have no room for maneuver. “It is run like a business with four out of five MPs who decide in relation to the government. The others are aides-de-camp, ”says Sébastien Nadot.

Garett Skyport for DayNewsWorld