The seventh edition of the Choose France summit opened Monday May 13, 2024, in Versailles. On this occasion, Emmanuel Macron received 180 French and foreign bosses in the prestigious grounds of the Palace of Versailles.

The Presidency of the Republic announced 56 new investment projects for a total amount of 15 billion euros - compared to 13 billion in 2023. This is a "record", trumpeted the Elysée during a meeting with journalists. These announcements could create 10,000 jobs, according to the Elysée.

A harvest of investments... 15 billion euros

This is one of the flagship events of the Élysée strategy to attract foreign investment in order to “support growth, innovation and employment”. The fruit of a tax and energy policy, in particular.

As the European elections approach, the government is seeking to take advantage of this period to regain ground in the polls against the National Rally (RN). With GDP growth in the first quarter exceeding expectations (+0.2%), Emmanuel Macron aims to improve his image after the turbulence linked to public deficits in the spring.

However, despite this wave of investments, industrial production in volume remains 5% lower than its level before the health crisis, and productivity is still stagnating. The question therefore arises: is the reindustrialization advocated by the government really underway?

Among the 56 announcements made, 7 projects relate to the field of quantum and artificial intelligence, 11 to decarbonization, 10 to the transport sector, 9 to health and 10 to the financial sector. Nine of these projects concern regular investments by companies already present in France. Companies such as Microsoft, McCain, Amazon, FertigHy, Skeleton (an Estonian battery factory) and others are planning to test
their luck on French soil.

44% of this total was committed by American companies (including Microsoft, Amazon and Pfizer), 36% by European companies, compared to only 3.9% for China - including the New Silk Roads sovereign fund. A reversal of dynamics compared to 2023 when American investments represented only 3.93% of the total announced, compared to 52.6% for Asian companies. Geopolitics was also involved...

...for a trompe l'oeil attractiveness

A very low number of jobs per billion

A Business France study dating from 2022 showed that only 3% of foreign investment projects exceeded 250 employees in France. And two-thirds of projects had 20 or fewer.

However, despite the title of European champion in terms of foreign investment attractiveness attributed to France by the latest EY barometer published at the beginning of May, there is a decline in terms of job creation:

on average, only 35 jobs are generated per investment project in France, compared to 49 in Germany, 61 in the United Kingdom and even 299 in Spain.

This trend is partly explained by the high cost of labor in France and the shortage of qualified labor, particularly in the field of industrial projects, as Sylvain Bersinger, economist at Asteres, points out.

Due to these cost and labor challenges, France is attracting more investors for projects focused on cutting-edge technology, while industrial projects lead to a significant drop in job creation.

Is France really attractive for employment? When analyzing the number of jobs created in relation to the total population, France ranks only eighth in Europe, behind countries such as Portugal, Serbia, Ireland, Hungary, Spain, the United Kingdom and Greece.

How to explain it? In addition to our legendary labor costs, “France is a country of service professions and suffers from a lack of qualified labor for industrial projects,” points out Sylvain Bersinger, economist at the Asteres firm. France itself moreover invests more abroad (45 billion) than the reverse (34 billion).

As a result of all these factors, foreign investments account for only 0.13% of employment in France, says EY. A drop in the ocean, Choose France does not solve the problem of unemployment. By building cutting-edge products at home, we may gain geopolitical independence, particularly from countries like China...and at the margins.

“Failing to sell enough, France sells itself to others”

The economist Jean-Marc Daniel interviewed by L'Express is also worried.

“What France suffers from is not too low an attractiveness, pointed out the president of the Society of Political Economy. It suffers from an excessive demand which, not finding a sufficient national supply in comparison, is concerns imports. As a result, France accumulates external deficits, the consequence of which is a transfer of financial resources to its suppliers, and more generally to the rest of the world.

As it cannot sell enough to cover the cost of its imports, it sells itself, its commercial partners using the proceeds of their sales made on its territory to buy its heritage." "Failing to sell enough, France sells itself to others", he was already worried after the announcement of colossal investments by Qatar in the French economy – 10 billion euros by 2030.

The spectacular increase in an indicator, net foreign assets, in other words the difference between the value of what the French hold abroad and that of what foreigners hold in France, corroborates this analysis. From -40 billion euros in 2001, this figure plummeted to -630 billion in 2022.

Our leaders “must focus their policy not on the appeal to foreign capital but on more rigor in the management of public finances, the deficit of which artificially maintains demand and absorbs savings which are lacking in productive investment”.

Joanne Courbet for DayNewsWorld



The international community, meeting Monday in Paris at a humanitarian conference for Sudan, promised to provide aid of more than 2 billion euros, announced the French president. The country has been torn apart by war for a year.

“In total, we can announce that more than 2 billion euros will be mobilized,” declared French President Emmanuel Macron. He said that before Monday's meeting, only 190 million pledges had been recorded.

Of the 2 billion, the member countries of the European Union will contribute 900 million euros, including 110 million by France. Switzerland has made 19 million francs available for Sudan for 2024.

The conference ended with a joint declaration calling on “all foreign actors” to stop providing armed support to the belligerents in Sudan.

A bloody civil war

It has been a year since Sudan has been gripped by a bloody civil war between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces, a paramilitary group. The fighting has caused tens of thousands of casualties and some six million people have been displaced, the majority of them within the country. Sudan has thus become one of the largest humanitarian crises in the world. A year after the start of the war, one in two Sudanese needs humanitarian aid.

Deadly clashes broke out on Saturday April 15, 2023 in Sudan between the Sudanese Armed Forces led by General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, and the Rapid Support Forces, a paramilitary militia led by General Hemetti.

“For Eid, our country bleeds: destruction, desolation and the sound of bullets have taken precedence over joy,” General Burhane declared to the 45 million Sudanese.

This violence is not a surprise. It is the culmination of several months of tension between the two groups and especially their two leaders. At the origin of this situation, a power struggle between the two most powerful generals in Sudan. On one side, the head of the army, Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, who de facto rules the country. On the other, his number two, General Mohamed Hamdane Daglo, nicknamed “Hemetti”, at the head of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF, in English), a powerful paramilitary force.

To understand this rivalry, we have to go back to April 11, 2019. That day, the dictator Omar al-Bashir was overthrown by a military coup. Al Burhan and his junta take power. Hemetti is number two in the regime. Sudan is moving towards a transfer of power to civilians, but in October 2021, the military staged another putsch. Al Burhan and Hemetti are maneuvering to defeat the democratic transition.

How did we get here ?

In October 2021, the two generals therefore united to oust the civilians with whom they had shared power since the fall of dictator Omar al-Bashir in 2019.

“A marriage of convenience” for the putsch, explains researcher Hamid Khalafallah. “They never had a sincere partnership but shared interests vis-à-vis civilians.”

And the breaches in the sacred union quickly came to light: The head of the Rapid Support Forces (FSR), Hemedti, has several times denounced the “failure” of a putsch which reinstated “the old regime” of Bashir, according to him. Then the conflict intensified when it was necessary to sign the conditions for integrating his men into the regular troops, as part of the agreement with the civilians which was to relaunch the democratic transition.

For experts, this agreement opened Pandora's box: by letting the military negotiate among themselves, "Hemedti went from being second to Burhan's equal," says Kholood Khair, who founded the Confluence research center. Advisory in Khartoum. Feeling "more autonomous in the face of the army", Hemedti saw an opportunity to realize "his very great political ambitions", adds Alan Boswell, in charge of the Horn of Africa at the International Crisis Group.

The thorny question remained to be resolved: how to integrate Hemetti's Rapid Support Forces into the regular army. And then who will control the soldiers? Who to control weapons?

Another bone of contention, the presence since the reign of Omar el-Bashir of numerous Islamist officers in the Sudanese army, whom General Hemedti wanted to purge. Since the coup d'état of October 2021, the Islamist movement, which already benefited from significant support within the army, has strengthened with the blessing of General al-Burhan. This was one of the main points of tension with General Hemedti.

The two generals have opposing positions.

The army wanted very rapid integration, within one or two years. General Al-Burhan, supported by Egypt, and under pressure from certain Islamist executives in the army, made the signing of the agreement conditional on the integration of the RSF into the ranks of the army, under his command.

The RSF wanted to maintain autonomy for up to ten years. Hemetti categorically refused to let his rival command his men and agreed to place his forces only under the authority of a civilian head of state, and on condition that the army was purged of its Islamist elements. This security reform, a central issue in the transfer of power to civilians, has therefore ignited the powder.

Ancient rivalry of economic power

But the rivalry between the two men is older. For years, General Hemetti's Rapid Support Forces have continued to grow in strength. Made up of 80 to 120,000 men, well equipped, well trained, this force in the form of a free electron, which did not respond to central power, aroused discontent in the general staff of the regular army. With the sending of mercenaries to Yemen and the financial windfall from gold smuggling on behalf of the United Arab Emirates, Hemetti also became one of the richest and most powerful men in the country.

The rivalry between Al-Burhan and Hemetti is also personal. The two officers know each other well, they both operated in Darfur during the civil war in the 2000s and then during the Yemen war. And they have been competing for several years to reclaim a number of resource networks since the 2019 revolution.

All this only made things worse over the months. With an acceleration during political negotiations. Each camp recruited massively, particularly among the youth of Darfur, the large western region. And clashes could break out.

A year after the start of the war, one in two Sudanese needs humanitarian aid. Sudan has thus become one of the largest humanitarian crises in the world.

Andrew Preston for DayNewsWorld


The mobilization of farmers will last “as long as it takes for the answers to be provided,” warns Arnaud Rousseau, president of the FNSEA. Through blockades and demonstrations, tractor France is experiencing a surge of eruptive fever, demanding numerous emergency measures and more global adjustments.

Faced with their growing unease, farmers decided to make themselves heard. On trailers and in livestock trucks, tanks, modular construction, generators and tents, farmers plan to set up camp and occupy certain highways in France

“Do we still want to eat French?”, “farmers = realistic, administration = utopian”, or even: “Our end will be your hunger”.

The complaints are pouring in.

“With the increase in costs, cash flow is increasingly tight and even if prices have increased, we are far from the target.”

“Unfair competition with imported products”, “stifling standards”, “colleagues who did not receive CAP aid on time”:

The drivers are all ages, but the same fed up.

Our demands ?

Stop the excess of standards, and let's release income on our farms to allow young people to settle down and replace the 45% of farmers who will retire by 2030, summarizes Yannis Baltzer, president of the JA du Bas-Rhin.

Note that debt and loss of competitiveness pushes, every day, a farmer to end his life...

An alarming observation which crystallizes the agricultural situation and which endangers our food sovereignty.

The French agricultural model under European supervision

The decline in agricultural employment, the expansion of farms, motorization and the use of fertilizers and phytosanitary products characterize the major transformations of French agriculture since the 1950s. At the end of the war and in order to ensure the develop agricultural production, French agriculture thus came under the supervision of Europe thanks to the creation of the CAP, Common Agricultural Policy in 1962.

To stimulate agriculture, 3 tools were created: import taxes, guaranteed prices for farmers and export refunds. The subsidies allocated by the CAP are distributed according to the following model: 70% of the subsidies are called "direct", in other words farmers receive "a basic income", calculated according to the operating area, regardless of the way in which production is carried out.

The rest of the subsidies, co-financed by the member states, relate to rural development, that is to say additional support which aims to support farmers who implement environmentally friendly practices, who launch their activity or who suffer from a competitive disadvantage due to their geographical area.

Fewer and fewer farmers, who are increasingly older

By encouraging farmers to expand and gain competitiveness, it is natural that over the past 60 years, French agriculture has lost 80% of its farms and more than five million agricultural jobs. Today, French agricultural policy is therefore based on productivity thanks to the growing increase in large farms.

And for good reason, in 2010, very large farms represented 33% of French farms compared to 67% in 2016. According to the 2020 agricultural census, there are around 389,800 farms in mainland France. That's 100,000 fewer than 10 years ago. On average, they extend over 14 additional hectares than in 2010.

The proportion of operating farmers in France has declined sharply. If they represented 7.1% of total employment in 1982, they only accounted for 1.5% in 2019, or 400,000 people.

They are considerably older than all employed people: 55% of them are 50 years old or over, compared to 31% for the rest of workers. Only 1% of them are under 25 years old. They also report a weekly working time well above that of all employed people: 55 hours per week on average, compared to 37 hours for the second group.

Agriculture has always been an important sector even if it tends to decrease over the years, to represent 1.6% of the national GDP. At the European level, France is still the leading agricultural producer with a turnover of 70.7 billion euros in 2016, the second after Germany for the agri-food industry with 370 billion euros.

A podium which risks being turned upside down by ever fiercer competitiveness and the arrival of other countries in the Union. The new free trade agreements [agreements between Canada and Europe, New Zealand, Morocco or Argentina] are further crushing farmers

Increased competition from our European neighbors has greatly weakened the French agricultural situation.

Agriculture today is no longer the same as yesterday. The peasant world, which has become a minority, even marginal, in France, sees its model completely disrupted. Increasing competition from our European neighbors has considerably weakened the French agricultural situation.

Rightly so, an INSEE study since the 2000s reveals that the share of food imports has doubled, increasing the share of foreign dishes on the plate of a French citizen to 20%. Food products, although imported, are undeniably more affordable.

For several years, France has adopted a policy focused on consumer purchasing power, conditioning them to opt for lower-cost purchases. When we consider that the hourly cost in Poland is four times lower than that in France, the competition becomes fierce despite the lightness of their environmental and health standards. Due to a lack of profitability, France has thus relegated part of its crops.

Faced with this competition, many French farmers have embarked on a race for profitability and expansion, forcing them to invest massively in equipment that meets their needs. new needs.

These colossal investments have led most farmers into a vicious spiral of debt, from which few have managed to emerge. A colossal burden, knowing that in 2017, nearly 20% of farmers did not receive any income...

Today, the agricultural world is in the grip of an economic, but also social, crisis. In addition to financial pressure from production changes, farmers face unprecedented moral pressure. Consumers have been questioning conventional agriculture based on petrochemicals for several years, in favor of organic agriculture that respects life.

“Farm bashing,” or the denigration of traditional agriculture, has become commonplace, undermining the trust we place in our farmers.

Alyson Braxton for DayNewsWorld




Europe must be ready for war by the end of the decade, according to Germany's defense minister.

Europe “could face dangers” from Russia by the end of the decade. EU countries must develop their defense industries in order to be ready, German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said in an interview with Welt am Sonntag on Saturday (December 16).

“[Vladimir Putin's] threats to the Baltic States, Georgia and Moldova must be taken very seriously. These are not mere threats in the wind. We could face dangers by the end of the decade,” Mr Pistorius said.

It is high time for European countries to adapt to the changing geopolitical landscape, especially as the United States may reduce its presence on the continent, he added.

“It will take time for the defense industry to increase its capabilities. We now have five to eight years to catch up, both in terms of the armed forces, industry and society,” insisted the Minister of Defense.

100 billion euros for the Bundeswehr

After Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the German government stepped up efforts to rebuild its ailing armed forces, also relying on a special 100 billion euro fund set up by the government at the continuation of the attack

Mr Pistorius was appointed defense minister earlier this year, replacing Christine Lambrecht.

Last month, Mr. Pistorius presented new defense guidelines, setting a goal for the Bundeswehr, Germany's army, to be "ready for war" and for Germany to assume a role of military leader as Europe's "largest and most populous economy."

His rhetoric caused some controversy in Germany, given the country's pacifist culture, shaped by the experience of World War II.

In the interview, Mr Pistorius reiterated the guidelines' call for increased collaboration on European defense.

The Weimar Triangle, an informal forum between Germany, Poland and France.

The 2023 guidelines describe the EU's defense role as primarily "complementary" to NATO's defensive capabilities "through economic, humanitarian and financial measures." Instead, Pistorius said it was possible to strengthen coordination through the Weimar Triangle, an informal forum between Germany, Poland and France.

“We are very interested in [adding a military component to the Weimar Triangle],” Pistorius said, adding that he had invited new Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk to Berlin and was considering travel to Poland as soon as possible in the new year. The government's promise to revive the forum and encourage closer ties with Poland went largely unheeded under the government of Mr Tusk's predecessor, Mateusz Morawiecki.

EU strategic autonomy: between geopolitics and protectionism

Growing calls for Europe to strengthen its autonomy and reduce its dependence on other countries in strategic areas have divided the EU, as competition intensifies on the international scene.a defense, a sensitive point

The concept of Europe's strategic autonomy in defense became evident after Russian aggression in Ukraine, with analysts suggesting that Europe must find its place in the geopolitical complexity of today's world.

Isolationist sentiments in the United States

Ionela Maria Ciolan, a foreign policy and defense expert at the Wilfried Martens Center for European Studies, said Europe's post-Cold War security architecture has collapsed as Russia "seeks to redraw borders." Europeans by force.

“Meanwhile, isolationist sentiments in the United States, fueled by perceptions of insufficient European defense contributions, could further strain transatlantic relations if Donald Trump were to be [re-elected],” she said. note.

If such a scenario comes true, Ms. Ciolan expects that American support for Ukraine will decline and that Europeans will become increasingly responsible for the security of the European continent and the fight against the Russian threat.

The risk reduction strategy towards China

“Europeans should fill the gaps in military capabilities within NATO and the EU. The concept of EU strategic autonomy is not a challenge to the United States or NATO, but an effort to jointly strengthen European defense capabilities. »

“Concretely, the EU's strategic autonomy in matters of security and defense also means the strengthening of the European pillar of NATO,” she continued, insisting on the fact that Europe should rely on national suppliers or countries that share the same values ​​as it.

We have already reduced our dependence on Russia, but we must intensify our risk reduction strategy vis-à-vis China […]

The EU's policy towards China should be based on the principles of cooperation where possible, competition where necessary and confrontation where necessary,” she said. concluded.

Alyson Braxton for DayNewsWorld


It is difficult to be surprised, each French citizen is unfortunately more and more aware of it, France is the world champion for taxes.

In 2022 46.1% of GDP

With an amount of compulsory deductions representing 46.1% of GDP in 2022, it is ahead of Norway and Austria.

According to the 2023 edition of "Public Revenue Statistics" just published by the OECD, France once again became the world tax champion in 2022, with a rate of compulsory deductions (PO) representing 46.1% of GDP, compared to 45.2% in 2021.

It dethroned Denmark from its first place, where the level of taxation recorded a spectacular drop of 5 points of GDP last year, to 41.9%, "mainly due to the contraction in tax revenues on income", explains the OECD. Denmark is now relegated to seventh place in the world.

It is Norway that we find, behind France, in second place in the 2022 ranking of the most taxed countries (44.3% of GDP, + 1.8 points compared to 2021), mainly due to a jump in corporate tax (IS) revenues from exceptional profits made by companies in the energy sector.

With a PO/GDP ratio of 43.1%, Austria takes third place, ahead of Finland (43%) and Italy (42.9%).

Mexico has the lowest rate among OECD countries

At the other end of the scale, Mexico is, among the 38 OECD countries, the one with the lowest level of compulsory taxes (16.9% of GDP), followed by Colombia (19. 7%), Turkey (20.8%) and Ireland (20.9%).

In comparison, this ratio stands at 27.2% in Switzerland, 27.7% in the United States, 35.3% in the United Kingdom and 39.3% in Germany.

On average, the amount of taxes represented 34% of GDP in the OECD area in 2022, down 0.2 points compared to 2021, mainly due to reductions in energy taxes decided in the face of the surge lessons.

The decline observed in 2022 followed two years of increase during the Covid-19 pandemic (+0.2 points in 2020 and +0.6 points in 2021).

Finally, in the long term, the tax/GDP ratio is rising sharply in OECD countries, having increased from 24.9% on average in 1965 to 34% in 2022.

During this period, it increased by almost 13 points in France (from 33.4% to 46.1%) but by just over four points in the United States (from 23.5% to 27 .7%).   

But where does all this “crazy money” go which falls into the hands of the State while all public services are dying with their mouths open ?    

Boby Dean for DayNewsWorld




After the pension reform, the bill on asylum and immigration is currently giving rise to lively debates, the most controversial text of the start of the five-year term. Postponed twice, it resurfaced three weeks after the Arras attack, in a context of conflict in the Middle East. An Odoxa poll for Public Senate reveals that more than two thirds of French people support this bill, considering that it will allow better control of immigration, while 74% of French people believe that there is an overpopulation of immigrants , according to an Odoxa survey published in May 2023. Indeed, the proportion of immigrants in the population has continued to increase, with a major transformation in the origin of immigrants, mainly of non-European origin and of Muslim faith. These cultural and religious differences often make assimilation difficult.

This bill, which will be examined by senators from November 6 and by deputies in December, has been the subject of intensive negotiations for more than a year. The executive, having a relative majority in Parliament, must seek allies for its adoption.

Surprising figures among LFI voters

An Opinion Way poll for Le Parisien provided remarkable figures that reflect general sentiment. 77% of French people believe that society has difficulty integrating foreigners. 80% think that France does not manage expulsions effectively. 81% criticize the shortcomings in the fight against illegal immigration. 78% favor a referendum on immigration, although this is currently impossible due to constitutional rules, which President Emmanuel Macron may be considering changing. 91% want a strengthening of expulsion measures for foreigners representing a serious threat to public order. It should be noted that 85% (!) of La France Insoumise voters share this repressive desire. 78% demand a reduction in the number of possible appeals against expulsion decisions. 65% of Jean-Luc Mélenchon's supporters support this position.

The article that crystallizes passions

Article 3 of the bill crystallizes passions. It concerns the regularization of undocumented workers in sectors in tension. In recent weeks, pressure has increased around this article, which particularly divides Republicans and centrists. He proposes the creation of a temporary residence permit for foreign workers in sectors with a labor shortage.

The Republicans are firmly opposed to the idea of ​​issuing a “full right” residence permit to undocumented immigrants employed in sectors in tension, fearing that this would constitute a migratory “call for air”. The centrists, for their part, are in favor. They proposed a rewriting of the article, which provides for "exceptional regularization within the framework of the discretionary power of prefects", while removing the requirement for written authorization from the employer to request regularization, in order to avoid the “low-wage traps”.

Despite these disagreements, the President of the Senate, Gérard Larcher, called for caution during a group meeting, stressing that we must not "break all the dishes". A Senate which returned a blank copy would have the worst effect for Gérard Larcher, who defends the role of stabilizer of the Senate.

“In these times when the institutional balance has been profoundly modified due to the absence of a majority in the National Assembly where the majority fact is no longer, the Senate has an essential role in the functioning of our Institutions. It has managed to be the point of balance for a struggling democracy,” he claimed on October 2.

Marine Le Pen, who had not yet taken a position on the bill, indicated that she could ultimately vote in favor of this "small law with small measures which improve the situation a little bit" if the article 3 was deleted, thus seeking to thwart the Republican strategy. However, the left continues to present a disunited front on the issue of immigration, with La France Insoumise refusing to support the regularization of undocumented workers.

The possibility of a 49.3

It remains to be seen whether the government, in desperation, will resort to article 49.3 of the Constitution to have the text adopted by force. Gérald Darmanin defends his bill on immigration as "a text of general interest for the French", and he has a major advantage: a large majority of French people are calling for an indisputable toughening of immigration policies and of immigrants.

The bill presented by the Minister of the Interior is part of a long tradition of immigration policy which oscillates between firmness and permissiveness. But this initiative seems insufficient to many experts to fundamentally change the situation.

One more law that is very ineffective in terms of control

In 1985, France gave up control of its land borders by signing the Schengen agreements, favoring the free movement of flows , including humans. However, after the migration crisis of 2015 and the massive arrival of illegal migrants in Europe, the European Commission showed itself powerless. To counter this, it created the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, commonly known as Frontex, whose role is to protect borders. However, the initial budget allocated to Frontex was paltry, well below the annual budget of a small French town, reflecting the contradictions between respect for borders and the European Union's principles of openness and individual rights.
As a result, the Schengen Area's borders remain porous, allowing migrants to freely enter Europe through various routes.

The all-powerful Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU)

Despite France's attempts to reestablish lasting controls with Spain and Italy after the 2015 attacks, the Court of Justice of the European Union reiterated that such pushbacks are contrary to the Schengen agreements in a ruling last September. The overall trend is towards more openness and less firmness, as evidenced by previous decisions of the CJEU.

The solution lies in the Member States of the European Union. The Minister of the Interior campaigns alongside Italy for the creation of international zones near illegal entry points, in order to prevent migrants from entering European soil until their administrative situation is resolved , instead of letting them disperse throughout Europe, from where they generally do not leave. Some believe that revising the Schengen agreements is necessary to address these problems, without necessarily withdrawing from them.

France's attractiveness for migrants is largely explained by the generosity of its reception system. Certain measures, such as State Medical Aid (AME) or the unconditional right to housing, are not imposed by European obligations. They could have been included in the bill currently under discussion, but they were not. As a result, many associations working to welcome migrants influence public policy by acting against expulsions and increasing legal recourse.

Another major problem lies in expulsions, which come up against budgetary and diplomatic constraints. Administrative detention centers (CRA) lack places, the costs linked to expulsions are high, and diplomatic relations with countries of origin complicate forced returns.

Although measures have been taken to create more places in CRA, it is necessary to double or even triple their number. France could also exert diplomatic pressure to facilitate expulsions, in particular by reducing the issuance of visas or diplomatic passports....

Take courage again, ladies and gentlemen, leaders... for real efficiency in immigration matters !

Garett Skyport for DayNewsWorld


In the United States, a preliminary agreement ended a six-week strike involving auto giant General Motors and the UAW auto union. This historic agreement, announced on Monday October 30, comes a few days after its competitors Ford and Stellantis were also affected by a similar strike since mid-September.

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, immediately welcomed these social agreements described as “historic” between the UAW union and the three main players in the American automobile industry: General Motors, Stellantis and Ford.

These agreements are the result of several weeks of negotiations and sacrifices made by workers in the sector, who played a crucial role in keeping the automobile industry afloat, particularly during the great economic crisis of 2009, according to the American president.

The strike began on September 15 due to the lack of agreement during the revision of collective agreements. It mobilized more than 45,000 of the 146,000 UAW members employed by these three American automobile giants. It is the first time since the creation of the union in 1935 that the "Big Three" have been simultaneously affected by a strike of this magnitude, which intensified over the six weeks of conflict.

After initiating walkouts at secondary plants and parts distribution centers, the UAW struck hard by targeting the largest and most profitable plants of each auto company based in Detroit, Michigan. Ford's Kentucky Truck Plant, generating annual sales of $25 billion, was hit by the strike on October 11. The manufacturer finally reached a preliminary agreement on October 25, after 41 days of strike, followed by Stellantis (Chrysler, Jeep, etc.) three days later.

Shawn Fain, president of the UAW, was pleased with the results of the negotiations, saying: “Ford put on the table 50% more than when we walked out. Once again, we have achieved what we were told was impossible just a few weeks ago. » Salary increases over four years, cost-of-living adjustments, social benefits, improvements for retirees, and measures specific to each group are part of the preliminary agreements.

Stellantis has committed to creating 5,000 jobs, a major move given previous planned job cuts, including controversy over the closure of a factory in Belvidere, Illinois, which was ultimately averted . The agreement with Stellantis also calls for a 25% increase in base salaries by 2028.

Ford also agreed to a 25% increase in base salaries, a compromise below the 40% initially requested by Shawn Fain at the start. of the strike, but significantly higher than the 9% proposed by the group in August.

These preliminary agreements will still have to be validated by a national committee of the union before being put to a vote by members, a step which could take up to two weeks, according to a source close to the negotiations last week.

However, the union has already announced that Ford and Stellantis employees will return to work immediately, without waiting for these votes.

Abby Shelcore for DayNewsWorld


Inflation in the UK remains the highest among the G7 countries and is reaching "levels not seen since the 1970s", according to researchers. It stood at 6.7% year-on-year in August, down slightly compared to the previous month and the lowest since February 2022.

This galloping inflation endangers the living conditions of the British, particularly the most vulnerable.

According to a study published on Monday September 25, 2023 in the British medical journal BMJ: “the economy directly influences the health of the population.

“According to this study, the number of early deaths, that is to say before the age of 75, could increase by almost 6.5% due to an increasingly high cost of living.

“14% of the UK population will suffer from food poverty in 2023”.

This crisis “risks shortening lives and significantly widening wealth and health gaps” between the rich and the poor in the United Kingdom, according to projections from this study.

“The poorest households have paid the price, as they spend a larger share of their income on energy, the cost of which has skyrocketed,” the study reads.

Even more alarming, the University of Sussex study indicates that “14% of the UK population will suffer from food poverty in 2023. Access to food in the UK is very unequal”. Being hungry has become the 'new normal' for millions of British households.

Stagnating life expectancy in the United Kingdom

Researchers assessed the impact of inflation on death rates in Scotland in 2022-23 by assessing different scenarios, with and without government measures to alleviate this cost of living crisis, including helping households facing energy costs.

Without any mitigation measures, inflation could increase early deaths by 5% in the least deprived areas and by 23% in the most deprived, according to researchers' projections. With the government's measures, inflation leads to an increase in early deaths of 2% and 8% respectively.

The researchers worked on Scotland, but assure that "similar effects are likely" across the United Kingdom, because they "modeled the impact of measures taken by the British government".

“Our analysis helps demonstrate that the economy has an impact on population health,” the researchers conclude. “Since 2012, economic conditions in the UK have led to a decline in life expectancy and widened health inequalities.”

Far from being optimistic about the evolution of the situation, the Resolution Foundation study concludes by indicating that if the British do not manage to stem inflation, the living conditions of their population could fall to comparable levels to those of the 50s.

Jenny Chase for DayNewsWorld


This year, property taxes on built properties (TFPB) reached remarkably high levels.

The economic press even speaks of an "explosion" of this tax, with double-digit increases which far exceed the inflation rate (+51.9% in Paris, +31.5% in Grenoble, +21.2 % in Troyes, +20.5% in Metz, +19.6% in Issy-les-Moulineaux, etc.).

Although the General Directorate of Public Finances stressed last August that these spectacular and publicized increases do not necessarily define a trend, it is undeniable that something is afoot in terms of property taxes. Let’s examine the reasons behind this potentially trending increase.

First, it is important to note that we are only talking here about the property tax on built properties,

In reality, other levies are associated with the TFPB, such as the household waste collection tax, the Gemapi tax for the management of aquatic environments and flood prevention, as well as certain special equipment taxes. These ancillary taxes follow their own dynamics and contribute to the total increase in the bill.

The property tax on built properties is calculated quite simply: it results from the product of a base, in this case the estimate of the value of your real estate, multiplied by a tax rate. The annual evolution of these two components is shared between several actors:

- The cadastral rental value, which fluctuates each year according to a revision index, previously determined by parliamentarians within the framework of the finance law.

- The tax rate, for its part, is the responsibility of the local authorities receiving the tax, such as the municipalities and intercommunities, which vote on it each year at the same time as their initial budget.

In 2023, the property tax base on built properties saw a record increase of 7.1%.

This exceptional increase follows an already notable increase of 3.4% in 2022. To put these figures in perspective, remember that between 2005 and 2015, the average annual increase was 1.6%. This is the main driver of the property tax increase.

So why such an increase, when we could expect parliamentarians to ensure that the purchasing power of their fellow citizens is preserved?

Since the 1980s, parliamentarians have adjusted the annual indexation of the base by officially taking into account the variation in rents, but in reality depending on the economic and social context. However, within the framework of the finance law for 2017, parliamentarians decided to depoliticize this increase by automating it, now based on the consumer price index.

Unfortunately, no one could have predicted the return of inflation that we are experiencing today, and parliamentarians have renounced a historic prerogative that was theirs.
As long as there is inflation, in accordance with the current framework, the property tax base will therefore continue to increase.

One might think that if the base increases at the rate of inflation, the property tax rate could remain stable. However, this is not the case, for several reasons:

On the one hand, the other sources of income of municipalities and their intermunicipalities are increasing less quickly than inflation. State allocations, which were traditionally adjusted according to inflation and part of growth,

On the other hand, we are currently in the first half of the local electoral cycle, with the mayors elected in 2020, re-elected in 2026, who naturally increased local tax rates in 2022 or 2023 to finance the implementation of their programs, thus avoiding having to do so in the run-up to the next elections.

Finally, the housing tax having been abolished, just like the professional tax a decade ago, no new tax tool has been put in place to fill this void.

As a result, when local governments need to increase their budgetary resources, they have virtually no choice but to increase property taxes.

These explanations only cover the main reasons for this increase.

Local elected officials also cite the need to invest in public projects in line with citizens' expectations, to restore budgetary balance after years of massive public spending, to absorb budgetary increases imposed by the State, such as the increase in salaries of civil servants, among other more or less legitimate justifications.

What about the future ?

In 2023, will it be a record year or simply an additional step in the continued increase in property taxes?

Forecasts are uncertain, even for the best analysts.

But it is unlikely that the bill will continue to increase in the years to come.

This is largely explained by the investments necessary to adapt our cities to the challenges of climate change, which municipalities and their intermunicipalities are facing as a priority.

Abby Shelcore for DayNewsWorld



On September 8, 2013, Xi Jinping, newly appointed head of state, spoke for the first time of his “Silk Road economic belt” project. In ten years, China has invested around 1,000 billion dollars in more than 150 countries. Today, these 150 countries have signed up to what has become a label and, above all, a complex network of land and maritime corridors on a global scale. Ten years later, what assessment should we draw from the “project of the century”, in the words of Xi Jinping?

Historically, the Silk Roads were a network of trade linking the Chinese world to the Mediterranean basin, since Antiquity. Archaeological excavations have thus revealed the existence of monetary circulation over very long distances.

The New Silk Roads, a Chinese strategic project initiated in 2013, go far beyond their historical heritage. The aim is to economically connect China to Europe by integrating the regions of Central Asia through an extensive network of road and rail corridors. This program aims to establish a new generation of transnational trade platforms. In addition, in its maritime component, this network of trade routes includes the African coastal regions of the Indian Ocean.

In English, the expression Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) replaced from 2017, in official terminology, the expression “One Belt, One Road” (“one belt, one road”) or OBOR to erase the “predatory” image of the project.

tToday, these Silk Roads have become a much broader label than just "road" and "belt", extending as far as South America. They mainly bring together nations from the “Global South”, developing countries often dissatisfied with the world economic order dominated by the West and the United States. Not since the Marshall Plan has the world seen such a large-scale project, raising concerns in the West, where we see China building a powerful instrument of economic and political power on a global scale.

Chinese economic objectives

China's objectives in this initiative are multiple on the economic level. It seeks to increase its exports, sell off its industrial excess capacity, and find new markets for its construction and public works companies. Central Asia offers a growing market for these ambitions. In addition, these new trade routes allow China to diversify and secure its energy supplies, reducing its dependence on the Gulf countries and Russia. By establishing cooperation agreements with countries such as Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Burma, China is also strengthening the security of its new supply routes.

Political objectives

Politically, the objective is as much domestic as international. Internally, China must ensure the integrity of its territory. The province of Xinjiang, very rich in raw materials and at the crossroads of hydrocarbon routes, is regularly plagued by ethnic conflicts. Beijing wants development aid for neighboring countries (Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan) to reduce instability at the borders and inside the country. The internal objective is grafted onto a regional policy objective in Central Asia: to extend Chinese influence against the historic Russian actor, and to assert itself as a stabilizing actor in international relations.

The deployment of the Silk Roads

Initially, China's colossal projects impressed and attracted the desire of African governments. Many infrastructures have emerged on the African continent thanks to Chinese investments even if the tap has closed in recent years, faced with the weight of debts contracted and the slowdown of the Chinese economy.

In Mozambique, a suspension bridge, the longest in Africa, now spans Maputo Bay. Cost of this work: more than 750 million euros.

In Kenya, a railway line of some 500 kilometers has been linking the capital Nairobi and the port hub of Mombasa since 2017, costing $5 billion, one of the country's most expensive projects since its independence. Djibouti, which has a host of megaprojects and hosts Beijing's first external military base, has seen the development of the Doraleh terminal, for $590 million.

However, the Chinese offer is increasingly criticized, in particular for financing in exchange for contracts awarded to Chinese companies, to the detriment of other international or African players. The concept of “win-win partnership” touted by China is reaching its limits, generating debt, networks of influence, dependence and local environmental and social impacts. Its detractors today speak of debt trap diplomacy.

“Debt trap diplomacy”

Thus, the port of Hambantota in Sri Lanka is now under the control of a Chinese state enterprise for 99 years, in order to repay part of the debts. Many countries are realizing that these investments are really just loans at ever-increasing interest rates, creating financially unsustainable debt nationally. An Indian researcher crystallizes these criticisms in a catchy expression: “debt trap diplomacy”.

The same goes for Montenegro. A highway renamed the most expensive in the world, whose work was financed by Chinese loans, has literally plunged the public finances of this small country into the red, creating a dangerous allegiance to Beijing.

If Italy plans to leave the Belt and Road Initiative project, Berlin for its part is wondering. China is Germany's largest trading partner. It is through the port of Hamburg but also of Duisburg that the main goods pass. Duisburg, Europe's largest river port, in the Rhine Valley, has become one of the last stations for Chinese trains. Debates over dependence on China have put a stop to many projects.

Opening up access to strategic installations in Asia, Africa, the Persian Gulf, Europe and even the Americas, this seems to be Beijing's real objective.

Brussels therefore sought to regain control, in particular so as not to leave the field open to Beijing, particularly in Africa. The EU has launched its own infrastructure development project called “Global Gateway”.

A contrasting record in Africa

In Africa, however, the results are rather mixed. Indeed, China has managed to integrate the vast majority of African countries, with the exception of Mauritius and Eswatini - which recognizes Taiwan. China has increased its financing capacities, largely more than investment, also stamping all infrastructure projects as part of the new Silk Roads, and even for those launched before 2013. From this point of view, the project is relatively a success.

In addition, the Silk Roads are not only focused on the infrastructure sector, but also on other sectors linked to the development of cooperation in agriculture, health, education for example which correspond to local wishes. development of partner countries.

At a time of the war in Ukraine and the economic slowdown of Chinese power, it is difficult to assess the scale of the Belt and Road initiative, as it is called in English.

However, the project is far from representing a planned economic offensive by China.

The scattering of investments between very varied sectors (transport and energy, but also agriculture, real estate, finance, etc.) and on all continents makes the project lose its consistency and its readability, which internal critics denounce in China even within the CCP...

But the reality is there: Chinese companies display their logos on all continents, while the influence of Europeans is declining. They came to the aid of countries in dire need.

Jaimie Potts for DayNewsWorld



Today, France's debt is heavy: 111.6% of GDP at the end of 2022, which Bruno Le Maire wants to reduce to 108.3% in 2027.

To reduce France's indebtedness, 10 billion euros in savings by 2027 are therefore on the agenda, to be dipped at will in social protection or health, or even by betting on new reforms. , such as pensions or unemployment insurance

Plane strokes are a French specialty. Since 2007, the acronyms follow one another. The RGPP with Nicolas Sarkozy, the MAP of François Hollande, then, under the first five-year term of Emmanuel Macron, the CAP 2022 plan, are all failed throws – or semi-failed – to straighten out the degraded accounts of France.

That the 2024 budget makes it possible to achieve "at least 10 billion euros in savings" as affirmed by the Minister of Economy and Finance Bruno Le Maire, the Court of Auditors seems to doubt it. Overly optimistic economic assumptions, declining tax revenues, need to finance a green transition, financial magistrates consider the promised efforts insufficient. And economics professor Jean-Marc Daniel gives us a brilliant analysis on this subject in an article in TheConversation.

Insufficient effort

When we analyze France's public finances, we immediately see a spectacular increase in the weight of expenditure in relation to GDP. This rose from 34.7% in 1960 to 55.4% in 2019, just before the Covid-19 pandemic, and to 59% in 2021, after the confinement period.
This evolution seems to translate an implicit refusal of the population to accept the reality of public charges or at least an explicit will of the government not to confront the population with this reality. The most tangible consequence is a steady increase in public debt. In the first quarter of 2023, it exceeded the symbolic threshold of 3,000 billion euros, or 112% of GDP. At the time of the introduction of the euro in 2002, the debt amounted to 936 billion euros, which is more than three times its current amount.

However, it is very likely that the population has understood that an increase in public spending today will have to be financed later. This has generated a savings reflex to face this uncertain fiscal future: it is better to build up reserves when an effort will be required. This trend has led to an increase in asset prices. Real estate bubbles and the strong comeback of gold are the most obvious manifestations of this situation. The household savings rate, which was 14.5% in 2003, now stands at 18.3%.
This mechanism, known as "Ricardian equivalence", was highlighted in 1974 by the American economist Robert Barro in an article entitled "Are Government Bonds Net Wealth ?". Barro states the "Barro-Ricardo theorem", according to which "public debt reduction - that is to say the budget deficit - generates an equivalent increase in private savings".

Public debt with harmful consequences

Public debt has major drawbacks.
First, there is a question of balance between supply and demand. Any public expenditure not financed by a drain on private expenditure increases demand. If this increase is maintained over time, it leads either to increased dependence on imports, widening the current balance of payments deficit, or to an opportunity offered to the production system to increase its prices, thus causing inflation.
In practice, France has rather accumulated external deficits. Its net foreign assets, ie the difference between the value of French assets abroad and that of assets held by foreigners in France, is increasingly negative. It went from -40 billion euros at the end of 2001 (i.e. 2.7% of GDP) to -800 billion euros at the end of 2021 (i.e. 32% of GDP). This results in a loss of sovereignty which, although often overlooked, poses a threat to future generations.
The second drawback lies in the anti-redistributive nature of the public debt. This situation could be described as "Robin Hood in reverse", where the State plays an inverse role to that of Robin Hood by levying taxes on the entire population to pay interest to the holders of public securities. who are usually among the wealthiest. With the current rise in interest rates, this mechanism will only become more pronounced.
In addition, we can add to these elements the progressive suffocation of the room for maneuver of the State, forced to devote more and more resources to the payment of interest on the debt (42 billion in 2023 and risks rising to 70 billion in 2027.), the disruptions in the financing of the economy caused by the withdrawal of savings operated by the State, as well as the weakening of our relations with our European partners due to the non-respect of the treaties.

For a policy of austerity?

Should we then return to austerity policies? It was the socialist Prime Minister Pierre Mauroy who introduced this expression in March 1983. Criticized for having abandoned the promises of 1981 and for carrying out a policy similar to that of Raymond Barre, his more liberal predecessor, he claimed that it was not not the case. According to him, "rigor is austerity plus hope".
In the current context, similar measures, also called "austerity", seem to be necessary. The challenge lies more in their content than in their principle. In 2017, in its document titled “Better Policies for Better Lives”, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) wrote:

“Fiscal consolidation, which is about regaining control of public budgets, requires difficult political choices regarding public expenditure and revenue.

This means re-examining social protection systems to avoid waste and strengthen incentives to work, as well as cutting the salaries of civil servants."
The OECD studied the fiscal recovery plans of 24 countries between 1978 and 2002, i.e. 85 periods of consolidation, and found that, in general, these measures slow growth in the short term, but that it recovers relatively quickly while long-term growth improves.

Two cases are particularly highlighted in this study: Denmark between 1983 and 1986 and Ireland in 1987, where austerity was even accompanied by an acceleration of growth from the outset.
One of the reasons for their success is that austerity was combined with measures to encourage private investment, which took over from public spending. It works on three conditions. First of all, it is essential not to penalize companies by increasing their taxes.

This also applies today, when taxation must become a privileged tool for ecological transition: it is necessary to lighten their tax burden while making it more ecological. Then, we must count on the Ricardian effects in households, whose desire to dissave will manifest itself as soon as they become aware of the positive effects of the policy followed. Finally, it is crucial that the will to conduct a fiscal consolidation policy is clear, so that the dual dynamics of corporate investment and household dissaving can fully assert themselves.

It is essential to recognize the challenges posed by the continued increase in public spending and public debt in France.

Austerity policies can be legitimate if implemented thoughtfully and accompanied by measures that encourage private investment and stimulate the economy.

Garett Skyport for DayNewsWorld




At the call of the Association of Mayors of France, rallies in support of the mayor of L'Haÿ-les-Roses (Val-de-Marne) have been planned after the attack of which he and his family were victims, in front of town halls. The sirens of the town halls sounded in support of the elected victims of violence.

The mayors of France called on the population and elected officials to gather Monday at noon in front of all the town halls, invoking "a civic mobilization" after the violent attack on the home of the mayor of L'Haÿ-les-Roses (Val-de-Marne) which aroused a wave of indignation across the country. All town halls in France will sound their sirens at 12 p.m. during these gatherings.

A solidarity march of elected officials and a dense crowd of residents set off to applause on Monday from the town hall of L'Haÿ-les-Roses (Val-de-Marne), the day after the attack on the car-ram against the home of the mayor.

A thousand inhabitants of the town (about 30,000 inhabitants) took part in this circular march around the town hall led by the mayor Vincent Jeanbrun (LR).

Acclaimed by the crowd, the chosen one walking behind a banner "Together for the Republic!" was framed at the head of the procession of the tenors of his party, including the president of the Senate Gérard Larcher, the president of the Île-de-France region Valérie Pécresse and the boss of the Republicans Eric Ciotti.

Start of support rallies in front of town halls

The political class unanimously condemned yesterday the attack on the car-ram on the home of Vincent Jeanbrun, mayor of L'Haÿ-les-Roses (Val-de-Marne), on the sidelines of another night of riots after the death of young Nahel.

. "We will not let anything pass, we will be alongside the mayors", thundered Elisabeth Borne, who went to the city to support the city councilor. LR leader Eric Ciotti described Jean-Luc Mélenchon as "factious" for not having called for calm and considered that the Insoumis was a "danger for the Republic".

By demanding justice before calm, the rebellious leader thinks he can tame anger. "That his partners have called for calm, Jean-Luc Mélenchon pays little attention to it. It is clear that the political and intellectual paralysis of the left, which denounces injustices, which sometimes supports riots, but which does not seem to have a political solution except for necessary police reform...

As for Macron, his trip to Marseille in difficult cities will not have changed anything or appeased anything in the long term. He said he wanted to "transform anger into a project" but the words fell a little flat in the face of the extent of drug trafficking, and in the face of the decline of public services on the ground, in the face of a mother mourning her son. The anger turned into riots.

A heavy economic toll

Emmanuel Macron ruled yesterday that the "peak" of the riots following the death of Nahel had "passed", while remaining "very careful" about the return to calm. The president took the opportunity to announce an "emergency law" to speed up reconstruction in the towns affected by the destruction.

Numbers. The Medef estimated yesterday at one billion euros the damage caused to businesses, 300 bank branches and 200 businesses having been looted. On the public services side: 209 national police premises have been burned or damaged and 150 town halls attacked since last Tuesday.

The economic toll is already heavy, let's beware of yet another "suburban plan"

When it finances targeted actions, public money can be useful in the neighbourhoods. But believing that we buy peace and prosperity with billions of euros is an illusion from which it is time to return.

A France in perpetual crisis

It is France which, as a whole, has been terribly bruised for several days by riots which are said to be more violent than those of 2005. They will harm the tourist season and worry about its ability to organize the Olympic Games in 2024.

France is going through a somewhat perpetual crisis. According to the Algerian essayist Boualem Sansal, "it has entered the zone of storms: crises follow one another and look alike, in almost all areas" . After the terrorist crisis, that of the yellow vests, and the slippages during the demonstrations against the pension reform, all that was missing was this awakening of the suburbs to show how powerless the state is.

And to continue: "France is a weak state and from rioters to Algeria to Islamists, many have understood this and act accordingly"

Who will take over the situation in the coming days. The forces of order, deployed in large numbers, or the drug traffickers, whose riots disrupt business ?

Jaimie Potts for DayNewsWorld




It's time for reckoning. After the era of "whatever it costs" to get through the pandemic, here is that of paying Macron's slate and magic money!!

Because for Matignon, time is running out: suspended during the Covid, European budgetary rules will apply again next year. And the sharp rise in interest rates is significantly increasing the debt burden, which could become the main item of State expenditure, in a context of slowing growth. "This economic context (...) comes to constrain our equation of public finances and increases the requirement (...) of reduction of expenditure", we explain to the cabinet of Bruno Le Maire.

The end of "whatever it takes"

The government therefore acts the end of "whatever the cost". The Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire took advantage this Monday, June 19, 2023 of the foundations of public finances to detail his roadmap for the coming months. Objective: to redress accounts degraded by successive crises. According to the minister, "at least 10 billion in savings" have been identified to restore public finances by 2027.

The slate to pay

After the exceptional expenditure linked to the Yellow Vests crisis, then to "whatever the cost" during the pandemic, the executive is seeking to clean up public finances and has set itself the objective of reducing the deficit to 2, 7% of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2027, below the 3% limit set by the European Union. For the time being, according to INSEE, French public debt reached nearly 2,950 billion euros at the end of 2022, amounting to 111.6% of GDP. As for the deficit, last year it stood at 4.7% of GDP. Figures that place France on the side of the worst European students,

But what levers for "at least 10 billion euros in savings" to allow the recovery of France's public accounts by 2027?

To get back on track, the government thus intends to reduce public spending to 53.5% of GDP in 2027, against 57.5% in 2022. It is counting on the end of the energy shield, the gains from reforms such as pensions or unemployment insurance, full employment or even economic growth that he anticipates to be more dynamic, after a slowdown in 2023.

But also the opening of a project to limit sick leave by the fall, the reimbursement of "comfort or ease of health costs", the end of the Pinel device in housing and the recalibration of the loan device at zero rate - two measures already announced by the government which should allow overall savings of more than two billion euros in the long term, according to Bruno Le Maire.

Another measure adopted, the reduction in the cost of employment aid (learning, CPE, etc.) in the departments where unemployment is low and where there are tensions in certain trades.

In addition, the ministry has announced the end of tax benefits on fossil fuels (non-road agricultural and non-agricultural diesel, road transport), gradually spread over 4 years.

" It's time to get back to normal"

After the massive aid deployed in the face of the health and energy crises, "it is time to return to normal. But that does not mean austerity", justified Bruno Le Maire in Le Journal du Dimanche at the beginning of June.

This is not an austerity programme, the Prime Minister also hammered home during her closing speech at the general assembly of public finances this afternoon, while announcing… exactly the opposite. “Neither a tax increase, nor a planing stroke”, reminded Élisabeth Borne, who explained on several occasions that austerity was “counterproductive”.

But between refusal to increase taxes and social tension, with purchasing power at the center of concerns in the face of high inflation, the room for maneuver is narrow, say economists.

And government hypocrisy is at its peak !

Tom Morgan for DayNewsWorld




To put an end to tax crimes committed by high-tax states and leaders, it is time to consider the adoption of a new law by the International Criminal Court. This law would seek to punish those responsible for these crimes against the people and businesses, by imposing prison sentences so severe that states and leaders would have an incentive to comply with a maximum tax rate of 5% to avoid be condemned.

Recognize tax crimes :

The abusive practices and oppressive tax policies of high-tax states can be seen as crimes against the people and businesses.

These crimes deprive citizens of resources necessary for their well-being and hinder economic development.

It is therefore crucial to recognize them as such and to treat them with the severity they deserve.

Hold leaders accountable :

Introducing tough prison sentences for executives involved in tax crimes sends a clear message that they are personally responsible for their actions. This would encourage leaders to act responsibly and ensure that public resources are used ethically and efficiently.

Deterrence and behavior change :

The heavy prison sentences would be a deterrent to high-tax states and leaders, prompting them to rethink their tax policies and adopt a more reasonable tax rate. The prospect of significant criminal penalties would encourage them to prefer a fairer and more transparent approach to taxation.

Strengthening international credibility :

The adoption of such a law by the International Criminal Court would strengthen the credibility of the international community in its fight against tax crimes. It would show that tax abuse is not tolerated and that there is an international legal mechanism to hold those responsible for such criminal acts to account.

Protection of the rights of the people and companies :

The new law of the International Criminal Court would aim to protect the fundamental rights of the people and companies, by guaranteeing a fair tax environment conducive to prosperity. It would restore the confidence of citizens and economic players, ensuring a fairer distribution of tax burdens and putting an end to abusive practices.

Passing a new International Criminal Court law, with tough prison sentences for tax crimes committed by high-tax states and executives, would be a decisive step in ending these unjust practices.

This would hold leaders accountable, deter tax abuse, build international credibility, and protect the rights of people and businesses. This measure would be a strong signal that tax crimes will not be tolerated and that serious consequences await those who commit them.

Yes it's time to do with 5% maximum tax, it's possible !

Citizens think about going to vote it's the absolute weapon that will make all this possible !!

Tom Morgan for DayNewsWorld


Gabriel Attal draws out his anti-social fraud plan. The Minister in charge of Public Accounts unveiled, Monday, May 29 in Le Parisien, a vast plan to fight against social fraud which should make it possible to double the adjustments by 2027, with increased control of retirees living outside Europe. Fraud on family allowances, the Vitale card, pensioners abroad.

"This is a ten-year project for which I am setting a first stage: in 2027, we will have twice as many results as in 2022", he says, promising the creation of a thousand additional jobs during this five-year period. and an investment of 1 billion euros in information systems, "in particular to better cross-check data".
Adjustments have already increased by 35% over the past five years. These announcements come three weeks after a first plan, presented in an interview with Le Monde, centered on the fight against tax evasion.

"Our desire is to look at where the situations of fraud are and respond to them, without stigmatization, without instrumentalization", affirmed Mr. Attal to journalists, and "to be neither in denial of a large part of the left nor in the lies of much of the far right".

Fraud to social benefits alone is estimated at between 6 billion and 8 billion euros per year, according to the Court of Auditors. “Social fraud, like tax evasion, is a form of hidden tax on working French people,” the minister told Le Parisien.

Merge Vitale card and identity card

Gabriel Attal explains that he wants to "reinforce" the conditions of residence in France "to benefit from social allowances". It will now be necessary to spend nine months of the year in the country, against six currently planned, to benefit from family allowances or the minimum old age. Similarly, for personalized housing allowances (APL), which only require eight months of presence for the time being.

Another announcement, with potentially concrete repercussions for the French: the government is considering a merger between the Vitale card and the identity card in order to fight against fraud in health benefits. "We can imagine a model where, from a certain date, when you redo your identity card, it automatically becomes your Vitale card", specifies the minister. He adds that a prefiguration mission would be launched by the summer and could reach conclusions by the end of the year. By the way, the idea of ​​a biometric Vitale card seems to have been abandoned, especially given its cost.
Bercy also wants to target retirees living outside European borders in order to better identify those who have died but whose allowances are still being collected. This announcement follows an experiment carried out since September 2022 in Algeria, during which 300 files of "quasi-centenarian" retirees out of 1,000 cases studied were declared non-compliant, affirms the minister, recalling that more than a million pensions were paid abroad, half of them outside Europe.

If no one denies that social fraud exists in France, it is however necessary to put its importance into perspective. The maintenance of this fantasy , according to which France would be full of potential fraudsters, has several objectives, among which that of delaying structural reforms and that of always reinforcing the repressive arsenal of the administration...

To fight against fraud, shouldn't it be necessary, above all and above all, to carry out a radical simplification of the social aid system ?

Abby Shelcore for DayNewsWorld


Over the weekend, Poland and Hungary decided to ban until June 30 imports of cereals (and other agricultural products) from Ukraine which, according to Warsaw and Budapest, destabilize their markets national agricultural. These grains have benefited since 2022 from an exemption from customs duties to allow kyiv to export despite the closure of certain maritime routes by the Black Sea.

But they are not always re-exported to third countries as they should and pile up in the silos of neighboring countries or close neighbors of Ukraine. They drive down prices there and fuel the anger of local farmers.

On Saturday, Warsaw "has therefore decided to ban the entry, the import of cereals into Poland as well as dozens of other agri-food products", explained the leader of the ruling party, the conservative Jaroslaw Kaczynski.

Otherwise, in his eyes, "it would lead to a serious crisis in the agricultural sector in Poland".

Poland is an agricultural country, the actors of the sector vote, and the elections are approaching.

On April 5, 2023, the Polish Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Henryk Kowalczyk, had to resign from his post.

"We support Ukraine, but we must also defend the interests of our citizens."

On the Hungarian side, it is cereals, oilseeds and several other agricultural products, according to a press release from the Ministry of Agriculture. And this, too, in the name of defending the "interests of the Hungarian agricultural community".

Poland, but also other countries in the region – Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria – want the subject to be put on the table again in Brussels.

Agricultural crisis reserve

This Monday, moreover, Slovakia also took action, while continuing to authorize transit, unlike Poland. Bulgaria has indicated its intention to follow suit. Sofia believes that if a handful of countries pronounce an import ban, the flows will transfer to the other countries concerned.

The announcement from Budapest and Warsaw comes as the EU27 adopted, two weeks ago, an aid plan from the Commission of 56 million euros to support farmers affected by the drop in prices. The funds, drawn from the CAP reserve, are to be disbursed by September 2023, and Poland is to be the main beneficiary, with the rest going to Romania and Bulgaria.

A second aid plan is in preparation. Seen from Brussels, it is therefore a reversal on the part of Warsaw, which has so far pleaded for more solidarity with Ukraine. A reversal which risks weighing on the discussions around the renewal of the 2022 agreement, the one which had recorded the lifting of tariff barriers on Ukrainian products for one year.

Customs duty problem

Since last month, these five Member States have in fact expressed the wish that the Commission reconsider its decision on customs duties. New measures, they plead, could be envisaged in order to fulfill the initial objective, the re-export of Ukrainian grain to countries in Africa and the Middle East, while avoiding negative externalities and perverse effects.

"The ultimate goal is not to maintain the import ban indefinitely but to ensure that Ukrainian grain for export goes where it needs to go," the vice tried to play down Monday. - Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Pawel Jablonski.

According to official Ukrainian data, some three million tonnes of cereals leave Ukrainian soil each month via the Black Sea, under an agreement concluded under the aegis of the United Nations and Turkey, while 200,000 tonnes additional ones are routed through Poland to European ports.

Exclusive jurisdiction

The European Commission really did not appreciate the initiative of the countries of central Europe. "It is important to stress that trade policy is an exclusive competence of the EU and that unilateral actions are not acceptable," insisted a spokesperson. “In these difficult times, it is crucial to coordinate and align all decisions within the EU,” she added.

The current tensions, in hollow, underline the great challenges that Ukraine's accession to the EU would pose, in particular for the common agricultural policy and the cohesion policy.

The country of 604,000 km2 and 44 million inhabitants received EU candidate status last June.

Abby Shelcore for DayNewsWorld



Anger has been brewing since the use of 49.3 to pass the pension reform which rekindles the embers of discontent. More than 2,500 people are demonstrating this Friday, March 17, 2023 in this Parisian square located in front of the National Assembly. According to a police count, there are currently 2,500 government opponents who are demonstrating peacefully for the time being. Gatherings are underway in Toulouse and Bordeaux.

Place de Concorde tensions

Thursday, a similar gathering had degenerated during the evening. While nearly 6,500 people gathered this Thursday, March 16, 2023 Place de la Concorde to show their opposition to the appeal of 49.3 to pass the pension reform in the Assembly.

The gathering had degenerated in the early evening when the police decided to evacuate the Parisian square. Clashes then broke out and many fires (garbage cans or vehicles) were lit, before the situation stabilized overnight.

In the end, 258 people were arrested in the capital during these overflows. Similar scenes had been observed in other cities of the country, leading to dozens of additional arrests.

The strategy favored by the unions for several years, namely peaceful demonstrations, based on “numbers”, despite past successes, is not enough – for the moment – ​​to settle the social disagreement on the pension reform.

Harden the movement ?

The unions have hesitated for a long time in recent weeks between continuing to demonstrate or going on strike. Some said they were in favor of this "hardening" from the start, in particular federations of the CGT - railway workers, energy, chemists (including refiners)... - but also the Union Syndicale Solidaires (which brings together the SUD unions), known for its radicalism and an “old-fashioned” type of trade unionism, based on militancy and, often, open conflict.

But what does the word “hardening” mean? It is meant to illustrate a gradation in collective action.

This will no longer consist only of peaceful and intermittent parades.

These will be more determined, even more violent and continuous actions. The objective is to cause disorder in the economy or in social or daily life to make a deaf government give in to street demonstrations alone.

Towards new forms of action ?

Not all unions are in favor of such a development. But no one excludes them anymore. Even the CFDT, which has patiently sculpted its reformist identity for years, does not reject it, at least antiphrasally.

Thus, its leader, Laurent Berger, alluding to the "yellow vests", was surprised recently that the "very violent" (and minority) forms of action had won their case while the demands made by peaceful demonstrations, although more numerous, leave the public authorities indifferent.

How to switch to these new forms of action? Strike of one day, even renewable… In certain sectors, like the garbage collectors of Paris, it is what took shape this week. The threat of "blockades" concerning the supply of fuel is also being waved by some activists.

But will this type of action succeed in settling down over time and carrying weight? We saw last fall that the government was not without legal means, for example by relying on requisitions.

"General strike"

A "general strike" could also be looming even if it has not yet been announced as such. The inter-union prefers the euphemism of "shutdown of all sectors".

Such a strike also seems hypothetical. Those that succeeded – to allude to the Popular Front or May 1968 – were not decreed by the trade union confederations. And the private sector, in particular, does not seem ready for such an eventuality, especially since the direct responsibility of companies is not in question in the reform. As a recent survey by the Ministry of Labor has just pointed out, the rate of unionization in the private sector continues to decline. Consequently, for the trade union organisations, instigating and supervising such a movement seems difficult. The unions are implicitly paying for their estrangement from many grassroots workers, especially the youngest, even if their recent successes in the streets show that they are alive and well.

The “hardening” could also come from a stronger involvement of student organizations. Present in the inter-union, the latter are still little involved and the universities, with some exceptions, do not experience any disturbances.

'Revolt of the sub-prefectures'

The trade union confederations, like Laurent Berger, also insist a lot on what would be a “revolt of the sub-prefectures”. In short, the movement would be particularly active in small towns.

A quick look reveals that the situation is mixed. This increase in demonstrators in certain cities is explained, it seems, by the local importance of public employment. This gives these populations higher than average unionization rates.

Thus, this “revolt of the sub-prefectures” would first reveal the strengths and weaknesses of unionization. But the unions see it above all as examples to follow, the translation of a deep anger in the social fabric.

And yet the executive remains deaf to the rumbling social anger. And says he does not want to give up his pension reform. Today, although a very large part of the public has declared itself unfavorable to the reform, the executive does not intend to give in.

“We cannot play with the future of the country”, would have hammered the head of state Thursday, March 16 in the morning.

The executive chose to force through by resorting to 49.3.

The stakes are as numerous as they are considerable, both internally and internationally. The capacity of France to undertake, after the famous whatever the cost, a recovery of its public expenditure without digging more debt, can only reassure its European political partners. And this is an important issue in this period of rising interest rates.

Beyond the question of pensions, Emmanuel Macron is putting into play his ability to assert his legitimacy in the face of opposition in multiple forms. This is a major test.

Giving in to the streets now could cause Emmanuel Macron to lose all authority for the rest of the five-year term and that is what he fears... in a pre-insurgency atmosphere.

Alyson Braxton for DayNewsWorld



For the second time under the era of Emmanuel Macron, the pension file is put on the discussion table:

during the first five-year term, the reform had passed a parliamentary stage, then it had been buried under the sands of the Covid-19 epidemic. It was intended to be systemic, standardizing and universalizing a system of calculation by points instead of years of contribution, putting an end to special schemes.

Today, the new version of this same reform appears to be a major challenge for Emmanuel Macron's second five-year term. It led to a rare trade union in France and a strong mobilization in the streets. It also generated heated debates in the National Assembly, bringing to light the dissension between the right represented by Les Républicains and Macronie.

The sequence continues this Thursday, March 16, 2023 with the use of 49.3.

Elisabeth Borne and her ministers kept repeating that they did not want to use 49.3 and that an agreement was still possible. But after an extraordinary Council of Ministers convened this morning, the government announced that it was going to have recourse to article 49.3 of the Constitution to have the text adopted this Thursday, March 16 in the National Assembly.

“On the basis of article 49 paragraph 3 of the Constitution, I engage the responsibility of my government on the whole of the bill of amending financing law for Social Security for 2023”, announced Elisabeth Borne.

Emmanuel Macron and Élisabeth Borne have indeed chosen the passage in force. The deputies did not vote on this text, the flagship measure of which is the decline in the legal retirement age from 62 to 64 years.

The choice of 49.3 for the eleventh time

A Council of Ministers was convened urgently this morning, in order to establish the strategy chosen to adopt this text. According to a participant in a final meeting of the presidential camp around Emmanuel Macron, "it was considered that there was too much uncertainty about the vote" because of the risk of a lack of majority. "The president wanted to go to the vote, but the Prime Minister considered that because of the uncertainties, she had to ask the President of the Republic to engage the responsibility of the government via 49.3", added this participant.

For a few days, the macronists had indeed been busy to find out if they had a majority of deputies willing to vote in favor of the text, all the counts showing an extremely low margin of maneuver.

No sensitive reform can be undertaken without the prior guarantee of a consensus with a majority share of the representation. The Macronist majority was counting on the LR party and its moderate right torn between its centrist aspirations and its fear of being overwhelmed by the RN.

Deputies and senators reached an agreement on Wednesday on a common version of the disputed project, with the most decried measure, the postponement to 64 of the legal retirement age. This was essential for a final vote on Thursday in the National Assembly.

Thursday, March 16, this text was submitted to the vote of the Senate, where the right-wing and centrist majority unsurprisingly approved it, then in the National Assembly, where the presidential camp does not have an absolute majority. There, the vote was uncertain: if the right-wing party Les Républicains said it wanted to adopt the reform, with this idea that this reform, as Bruno Retailleau said, is the reform of the right and that therefore not voting for it would be incoherent , many slingers in its ranks maintained the suspense.

An admission of failure which shows that the majority, very unstructured, could not convince on this text, in particular on the right.

Today, although a very large part of the public has declared itself unfavorable to the reform, the executive does not intend to give in.

“We cannot play with the future of the country”, would have hammered the head of state this Thursday, March 16 in the morning.

The stakes in this affair are as numerous as they are considerable, both domestically and internationally. The capacity of France to undertake, after the famous whatever the cost, a recovery of its public expenditure without digging more debt, can only reassure its European political partners. And this is an important issue in this period of rising interest rates.

But it is in internal political life that the profit/loss game is potentially strongest.

It could even mark a turning point in this second five-year term ...... while we are still asking questions about the form that social discontent will take.

Alyson Braxton for DayNewsWorld

CAC 40


French CAC 40 companies generated 142 billion euros in cumulative profits in 2022 thanks to luxury and energy records, less than the peak of 2021, but nevertheless augurs well for a good year for shareholders.

Turnover reached 1,729 billion euros, up 19% over one year, thanks to sales inflated by inflation for many groups. Net profit fell by 9% compared to nearly 156 billion in 2021, a year marked by the extraordinary result of nearly 25 billion from Vivendi due to a sale. In 2022, the media giant even went into the red, posting the worst loss in the CAC 40 with 1 billion euros.

This calculation does not take into account two groups, Pernod Ricard and Alstom, which have staggered accounting years. The aggregate decline nevertheless masks all-round records, starting with energy and its flagship TotalEnergies, which posted the biggest profit in the index with 19.5 billion euros, ahead of the car manufacturer Stellantis with 16.8 billion. euros. The biggest profit of a French company in 2022, however, is that of CMA-CGM, the world's third largest shipowner, not listed on the stock exchange, with 24.9 billion dollars.

Luxury shines

In total, the energy sector made 23.2 billion euros in profit (+14%) despite significant charges related to the war in Ukraine. Excluding accounting effects, earnings jumped further, reflecting the exceptional year fueled by rising energy prices, in the wake of the post-Covid recovery and the war in Ukraine.

The war has also left its mark on industrialists like ArcelorMittal, with a billion dollars in provisions to cover its Ukrainian losses. Renault posted the second net loss of the CAC, of ​​338 million euros, after a charge of 2.3 billion caused by the sale of Avtovaz, Russian manufacturer of Lada.

Conversely, luxury (LVMH, Kering, Hermès, L'Oréal) saw its profits swell by 23%, or 4.5 billion euros more over one year and an increase of 80% compared to 2019 - taking advantage of being able to pass on the increase in production costs to selling prices. The biggest profit increases go to Orange (+820% compared to 2021, a year weighed down by a depreciation) and the semiconductor manufacturer STMicroelectronics (+118%), which took advantage of the global “strong demand” for the commodity rare microchips.

TotalEnergies will invest 16 billion dollars, including 4 in "low carbon energies", and pay nearly 9 billion euros in dividends.

But where do these profits mainly go?

Shareholders rewarded

Like profits, payments to shareholders are progressing, under a rain of criticism accusing companies of not paying as much to employees, nor of doing enough for the climate. No CAC 40 group has announced that it will lower its dividend even though these had already reached a record in 2022, in France (56.5 billion euros) and worldwide (1,560 billion dollars).

LVMH, which has paid 5 billion euros in corporate taxes worldwide, should pay a total of some 6 billion euros to its shareholders, of which nearly 3 billion go to the family of CEO Bernard Arnault, and distribute 400 million euros to its 39,000 French employees. Societe Generale wants to redistribute 90% of its profit to shareholders, with an increase in the dividend, despite the fall in its results under the effect of the sale of its Russian subsidiary Rosbank.

The subject of dividends has always been the subject of lively debate in France, insofar as a (very) small minority of French people own shares, unlike the population of many other countries (United States, United Kingdom, -Bas, etc.) for whom it is the main source of savings constituted with a view, in particular, to retirement. As for the companies, their reluctance to slow down the payment of dividends is due to the fact that these allow them to attract shareholders whose investments pull their stock market value upwards.

Redemption of shares

In addition to dividends, more and more companies are choosing to buy back their own shares - an operation intended to support the stock market price. TotalEnergies plans to spend two billion euros in the first quarter, or as much as the group paid under a tax on superprofits in the EU and the United Kingdom. But much less than Chevron or ExxonMobil, which will respectively spend up to 75 billion and 50 billion dollars to buy back securities. Stellantis will reward its shareholders with 4.2 billion euros in dividends, spend 1.5 billion on share buybacks… and pay out 2 billion in bonuses for its employees.

The question of investment

Part of the profits of large groups, especially oil groups, is also intended for investment in hydrocarbons, but also in renewable energies. On this last point, the companies – in particular American ones – have been strongly criticized because of the low amounts invested in solar, wind and other renewable energies compared to the sums they pay to shareholders. This is one of the reasons that led US President Joe Biden to want to quadruple the tax on share buybacks that came into effect in January 2023.

Should these superprofits be taxed ?

The question of introducing a tax on the profits of oil giants is still the subject of much debate. In Europe, some countries such as France have chosen to introduce a price shield while others, such as the United Kingdom, Italy or Hungary, have opted to introduce taxes.

If the introduction of exceptional taxes on the superprofits of oil companies can prove useful to offset the rise in energy prices, it could however have counterproductive effects by delaying the energy transition. If renewable energies are destined to become essential sources of energy within a few years, they cannot replace oil “at short notice”:

the transition is not immediate and indeed takes time. In order to promote the switch to renewable energies and ensure the energy transition, care should be taken not to abruptly interrupt investments in the oil sector, which could happen if very high taxes are introduced. This is even more important in the current context of the war in Ukraine, since it is necessary to replace Russian oil with oil from other countries.

Taxing companies heavily when they make investments that turn out to be winners can also be counterproductive since it would amount to taxing the most innovative companies...

Jaimie Potts for DayNewsWorld


On Tuesday, January 10, Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne presented the outlines of the future pension reform, which notably provides for the legal retirement age at 64 years. Immediately, eight unions, standing against the project, announced a first day of mobilization on Thursday, January 19. And others in the following months

For the unions, the challenge goes beyond contesting the reform: it is also a question of regaining influence. At the end of 2022, the strikes of train controllers or even general practitioners were initiated by movements born on the Internet which bypassed them. In addition, the unionization rate has stagnated around 10% in France, one of the lowest levels in Europe, for almost 30 years.

What about trade union action elsewhere in the world? Is this shortness of breath found? Do the economic difficulties, on the contrary, give a new impetus to the trade unions? At the start of the year, the American, British, Indonesian and even Spanish experts from The Conversation offer you a global overview.

Canada: Strong unions get results

The Canadian labor movement is one of the strongest in the OECD, the club of developed countries, a strength linked to laws that protect against the phenomenon of “free riding”: workers cannot benefit from collective agreements without being unionized.

The unionization rate in Canada has been around 30% of workers since the beginning of the century, even if it is half as low in the private sector and is slowly declining there. However, the indicator remains high in public services (more than 75%) and growing.

This relative stability has allowed Canadian workers to be better prepared to face the impact of inflation on their paychecks. Unions made higher wage demands than in past decades, and went on strike more frequently (continuing a trend that began in 2021).

From January to November 2022, 156 strike movements took place (a movement is counted as soon as it involves at least ten people over a day) in all sectors. A total of 1.9 million working days were lost, the highest figure for 15 years.

A spring wave of construction strikes in Ontario, Canada's most populous province, symbolized the rise of activism. At the height of the surge, more than 40,000 workers, including carpenters, Placoplâtre installers and engineers, laid down their tools for higher wages. Attempted agreements launched by the authorities have sometimes been rejected by the strikers, prolonging the movement.

Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario has drawn the wrath of the unions. Andrew Scheer/FlickR, CC BY-SA

Another historical fact occurred later in the year. Ontario's right-wing government wanted to use a seldom-used constitutional clause to revoke the right to strike of 55,000 education support workers. The threat of unions, both public and private, to call a general strike in the province, pushed the government to backtrack.

During this time, blockages operated by employers (or lockouts) have practically disappeared. This tactic, by which the latter suspend activity until the workers accept the proposed conditions, was used only eight times from January to November last, whereas we observed about sixty a year ago. ten years.

Annual wage growth increased slightly to average 5% by the end of the year. This rate remains lower than that of inflation (6.8%), but the gap created in 2021 is narrowing.

It remains to be seen whether this union pressure can be sustained and weather rapidly rising interest rates, a likely recession in 2023 and continued government suppression of union rights in some provinces.

United Kingdom: an olive branch for the health service?

Phil Tomlinson, Professor of Industrial Strategy, University of Bath

The winter of anger continues in the United Kingdom: the country suffers its biggest wave of strikes for more than 30 years. Most take place in the public sector, where wage developments remain well below inflation and lag considerably behind private companies.

The bitterness is pronounced after a wave of austerity and the decline in real wages of the 2010s. The strikes – estimated to have cost £1.7bn (€1.92bn) to the UK economy in 2022 – are coordinated by different unions, adding further public inconvenience.

Nevertheless, the British government categorically refuses to give in. He hides behind the independent recommendations of public sector pay review bodies, even if he has not always followed them. He also claimed that public sector pay rises in line with inflation would cost every UK household £1,000 (€1,130) more a year, although that figure has been denied.

Her Majesty's Treasury, the government department in charge of setting economic policies, also echoes the Bank of England's concerns about the onset of a wage-price spiral. However, it seems unlikely: current inflation is largely due to supply shocks following the health crisis and the outbreak of war in Ukraine, and average wage growth remains well below inflation.

There are economic arguments for a generous deal, especially in the National Health Service (NHS): with more than 133,000 unfilled vacancies, better pay could help improve retention and staff recruitment.

Healthcare workers in the UK have repeatedly stopped work to demand pay increases, such as paramedics on December 21.

Of course, financing these measures in a recession involves difficult choices. A tax increase would be politically costly, as the tax burden has never been so high for 70 years. The use of government borrowing could worsen inflation if the Bank of England increases the money supply through quantitative easing.

Public opinion appears to be broadly supportive of the strikers, particularly those in the NHS. However, if the government caves in one area, it sets a precedent for others, with potentially greater economic consequences.

Regarding the NHS, he could instead bring forward the negotiations of the public sector pay review body to 2023, in order to allow an improvement in the agreement, possibly accompanied by a hardship bonus. Elsewhere, he will likely hold his ground hoping that the unions will lose their resolve.

Australia and New Zealand: strikes remain rare despite inflation

Jim Stanford, Economist and Director of the Center for Future Work, Australia Institute

Strikes in Australia have become very rare in recent decades due to restrictive laws passed since the 1990s. Despite historically low unemployment and wages lagging far behind [inflation]. These laws still make it possible to short-circuit most union actions.

In 2022, the unionization rate has fallen to 12.5% ​​of employees, a historically low level. In 1990, it was still over 50% of workers. Union members can only legally strike after negotiations, ballots and specific action plans have been made public, thereby fully revealing the union's strategy to the employer. Even when there are strikes, they tend to be short.

A total of 182 labor disputes took place in the year ending in September. (Statistics do not distinguish between strikes and employer lockouts, which have become common in Australia). This figure is similar to the years before the pandemic and represents only a fraction of the industrial stocks of the 1970s and 1980s.

The only visible surge in strike action in 2022 remains a series of one-day protests organized by teachers and healthcare workers in New South Wales, the country's most populous state. After enduring a decade of austere wage caps by the conservative state government, it was too much when inflation hit.

Most other workers remained passive, even as Australia experienced some of the slowest wage growth of any major industrial country. Nominal wages have grown on average only 2% per year over the 10 years to 2021. This rate fell to 3.1% at the end of 2022, but this is still half the inflation rate of 7.3%.

The newly elected Labor government in Australia passed a series of significant labor law reforms at the end of 2022, aimed at strengthening collective bargaining and wage growth. This could herald a gradual improvement in the bargaining power of workers in the years to come.

The outlook for industrial relations in New Zealand is, on the other hand, somewhat more hospitable to workers and their unions. The unionization rate increased in 2021, reaching 17% of employees (compared to 14% in 2020). The ordinary average hourly wage has grown by an impressive 7.4% over the last 12 months, thanks to a 6% increase in the minimum wage decided by the Labor government.

Industrial actions remain rare – perhaps in part because workers are managing to raise wages in other ways. No official strike data is available for 2022, but in 2021 only 20 strikes took place, down sharply from an average of 140 per year in the previous three years.

Indonesia: anger over labor law reforms

Nabiyla Risfa Izzati, lecturer in labor law, Universitas Gadjah Mada

A few weeks ago, the government replaced its controversial "Omnibus Law" with new emergency regulations, in response to the Indonesian Constitutional Court's ruling that ruled it unconstitutional in 2021.

Adopted at the end of 2020, the omnibus law embodied President Joko Widodo's ambition to attract foreign investors by reducing red tape, but at the expense of employee rights. It made it easier to dismiss without notice.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo had to abandon his Omnibus law, at least officially. Picryl, CC BY-SA

Legal severance pay has also been lowered and the maximum duration of temporary contracts has been extended, while ignoring worker protection. In 2022, the new formula for calculating the minimum wage also resulted in the lowest annual increase on record. The law has drawn widespread criticism from workers, activists and civil society organizations.

The new emergency regulations are arguably even more problematic. The majority of its provisions merely copy the omnibus law. Several changes and additional provisions are actually confusing and duplicative of previous regulations, while leaving many loopholes that could be exploited in the future.

Yet despite complaints from workers and unions that the new rules were passed suddenly and without consultation, there is no talk of a strike. The mode of action remains unpopular because they can only be organized with the authorization of the company concerned. If workers organize unofficial strikes, employers have the right to get rid of them.

Public protests are an obvious alternative, although pandemic rules limiting mobility and mass gatherings have made them difficult. Even so, thousands if not millions of workers organized movements in their respective cities during the second half of 2022.

The workers demanded that the Omnibus law be revoked and that the government not use the formulas for calculating the minimum wage stipulated in the law. The protests intensified when the government raised fuel prices in September, which pushed up already high inflation due to rising food prices.

Political authorities have since issued a separate rule to determine the 2023 minimum wage. So the demands have been successful in some way, but workers and employers alike remain furious that minimum wage rules have changed again as part of emergency regulations.

It is clear that the demonstrators did not obtain the suppression of the other rules resulting from the omnibus law. Some workers protested on social media. It may not prompt the government to change the law, but a few viral tweets have prompted several companies to change their abusive practices.

The controversy is set to continue into 2023 and into the 2024 election year, especially amid possible mass layoffs amid the global recession.

US: Workers' protest shows signs of life

Marick Masters, Professor of Business and Adjunct Professor of Political Science, Wayne State University

More American workers have been organizing and joining the picket line in 2022 to demand better wages and improved working conditions. This has aroused a certain optimism among union leaders and defenders of workers' rights, believing that they are witnessing a turning point in the balance of power in the world of work.

Teachers, journalists and baristas are among the tens of thousands of workers who have gone on strike. It took a vote of Congress to stop 115,000 railroad workers from walking out as well. In total, there were at least 20 major work stoppages each involving more than 1,000 workers in 2022, compared to 16 in 2021, in addition to hundreds of smaller ones.

Workers at Starbucks, Amazon, Apple and dozens of other companies also filed more than 2,000 demands to form unions during the year – a record since 2015. Workers won 76% of the 1,363 elections that took place.

Historically, however, these numbers remain tepid. The number of major work stoppages has been plummeting for decades: it stood at almost 200 in 1980. In 2021, the unionization rate, 10.3%, was not far from the lowest on record . In the 1950s, more than one in three workers was a union member.

The environment is still very unfavorable to unions, with timid labor law and very few employers showing any real receptivity to the idea of ​​having a unionized workforce. Unions find themselves limited in their ability to change public policy. Labor law reform through legislation remains vague, and the results of the 2022 midterm elections are unlikely to help matters.

Nevertheless, public support for unions is at its highest level since 1965, with 71% of citizens saying they approve of union action, according to an August Gallup poll. And the workers themselves are showing more and more interest in joining them. In 2017, 48% of workers polled said they would vote in union elections, up from 32% in 1995, the last time the question was asked.

Future successes may hinge on the unions' ability to capitalize on their growing popularity and ride the wave of recent victories in establishing union representation at Starbucks and Amazon, as well as the success of the "Fight for $15,” which since 2012 has helped pass $15 minimum wage laws in a dozen states and Washington DC. The chances of achieving this are perhaps great: there are in any case opportunities to germinate.

Spain: uneven aid measures could cause problems

Rubén Garrido-Yserte, Director of the Instituto Universitario de Análisis Económico y Social, Universidad de Alcalá

Global inflation is causing the global economy to slow and interest rates to rise to levels not seen since before 2008. Interest rates will continue to rise in 2023, particularly affecting economies as indebted as India. Spain.

It will undermine both the disposable income of families and the profitability of businesses (especially small ones), while making it more expensive to pay down public debt. At the same time, we should see a sustained increase in the cost of the household basket in the medium term.

So far, government actions have partially mitigated this loss of purchasing power. Spain has capped electricity prices, subsidized fuel and made public transport free for city dwellers and commuters.

Agreements have been made with banks to refinance the mortgages of the most vulnerable families. In addition, public sector pensions and salaries have been increased and there are plans to raise the minimum wage.

However, many of these measures must necessarily be temporary. The danger is that they end up being seen as rights that should not be given up. They also distort the economy and create equity issues by excluding or insufficiently supporting certain groups. Private wages will not increase enough to cover inflation, for example.

The action has been such that there has been very little industrial action in response to the cost of living crisis. The danger is that they create a scenario where today's calm may be the harbinger of a social storm tomorrow.

Pamela Newton for DayNewsWorld




A hit fiction-like series keeps the world spellbound. For ten days, the American government says to have neutralized four flying machines. The last dates from Sunday with the destruction of a new "object" above Lake Huron.

Nearly a week after a US fighter jet shot down a Chinese spy balloon over the Atlantic, a new flying object was shot down on Sunday, February 12, 2023. The Pentagon said on Sunday that US and Canadians were planning an operation to try to recover the fourth object.

The first three craft were shot down by US F-22 fighters using AIM-9X missiles, authorities said. The first flying object was a Chinese balloon, about 60 meters high, and "carrying a kind of huge basket weighing more than a ton", according to the Pentagon.

Its size would be comparable to that of three buses. A senior US State Department official said the device had "numerous antennae, an array likely capable of collecting and geolocating communications" , and was "fitted with solar panels large enough to provide the energy required to operate multiple sensors collecting intelligence," the Pentagon said in a press release.

On Monday, February 13, 2023, it is China's turn to accuse the United States of flying balloons "illegally" in its airspace. "Since last year alone, American balloons have flown over China more than 10 times without any permission," Chinese diplomatic spokesman Wang Wenbin told reporters. Washington quickly dismissed Beijing's accusations. China also announced on Sunday February 12, 2023 that it had spotted, in turn, a suspicious balloon off its coast.

High-altitude spy episode ?

For Washington, there is no doubt that these are Chinese spy balloons, which entered American territory several days ago. Beijing replies that these are civil aircraft used for research purposes, mainly meteorological. Still, the debris of its various downed objects will be analyzed.

An official of the FBI, the agency responsible for examining them, has also recently indicated that only a “small part” of the surveillance equipment from the first balloon had been recovered. They are being examined at federal police labs in Quantico, Va., he added.

Possible link with tensions around Taiwan

According to specialists, American and Canadian intelligence continuously receive huge amounts of data and are particularly on the lookout for potential missiles, not slow objects like balloons.

US Deputy Defense Secretary Melissa Dalton said on Sunday that after the Chinese balloon was detected, the US air defense adjusted its radar systems to be able to detect smaller, slower-moving objects.

The United States believes the balloon was controlled by the Chinese military and was part of a fleet sent by Beijing over more than 40 countries on five continents for espionage purposes. For some analysts, this could be the start of a major Chinese spy operation to map out foreign military capabilities, ahead of a possible rise in tensions around Taiwan in the years to come.

A real high-flying spy mission, as assured in the press by American officials, or a simple scientific balloon tossed about by the winds ?

Beyond the exchange of arms between the two countries, the incident reminds us that these machines, used for more than fifty years to carry out atmospheric measurements (ozone, CO2, methane, etc.), can also respond to less innocent uses. .

Today's stratospheric balloons are very efficient: they evolve between 18 and 40 kilometers in altitude and the diameter of the largest can reach 130 meters, for a volume of 800,000 m3.

The largest balloons today are capable of carrying a ton of payload. As for autonomy, it can be pushed up to about three months. Ideal for carrying out scientific measurements, but also monitoring operations…

A fierce race for technological innovation

But the most important point according to the Wall Street Journal is that it is not just a question of unidentified flying objects but above all a new stage in the rivalry between the United States and China.

A growing rivalry: the Wall Street Journal recalls that last Friday, the United States Department of Commerce added new Chinese companies to the list of groups with which American companies are no longer allowed to trade.

Washington is thus trying to set up a glacis to hinder the technological development of China. In addition to the measures taken against Huawei and other major Chinese companies, the United States imposed in November 2022 drastic restrictions on the export of advanced semiconductors, in the name of “national security”.

Unprecedented measures which "aim to block the entire Chinese innovation system" and whose consequences - still hard to assess - could be heavy for Xi Jinping, who shows his desire to raise his country to the first place of world powers in all fields by 2049 - the year of the centenary of the seizure of power by the Communists - particularly in tech, a sector at the heart of American ambitions.

So what is trade warfare or espionage ?

"There is a gray area between the two, analyzes Marc Julienne in the article by our colleague Shirley Sitbon. For the Americans, preventing the Chinese from progressing technologically is a question of security".

A vagueness also maintained by the Chinese system, where the links between the government and private companies are sometimes difficult to determine as they can be intertwined in one way or another.

This balloon war only revives the strong tensions between these two rival powers that are the United States and China for a world first place...

Joanne Courbet for DayNewsWorld



A counter-attack against Washington. The European Commission presented on Wednesday 1 February its Green Deal Industrial Plan *(Industrial plan of the green pact), to support European industry, which it is proposing to the Twenty-Seven, while a global battle for leadership in these industries.

“Equal treatment” internationally

What we want is to ensure equal treatment internationally, said Ursula von der Leyen, as the United States has provided $500 billion in subsidies and tax breaks over a decade for its technologies " own".

The proposals made by its president, Ursula von der Leyen, aim in particular to respond to the Inflation Reduction Act, the 430 billion dollar investment and subsidy program adopted by the United States to help American companies.

The goal of the European executive is simple: avoid mass relocations and invest in energy transition.

"We have a unique opportunity to lead the way with speed, ambition and determination, to secure the lead of EU industry in the zero-carbon technology sector", explained Ursula von der Leyen to the press.

The avenues put forward by the Commission will be discussed by the European Parliament, as well as by the 27 Heads of State and Government of the EU during a special Council scheduled for Brussels on 9 and 10 February. The debates promise to be tense, with some countries already rejecting the idea of ​​relaxing the rules surrounding state subsidies.

Temporary relaxation of state aid rules for companies

The European Commission wants to introduce a "temporary crisis and transition framework" 2025, to relax the rules on state aid, i.e. subsidies granted by national governments to companies.

This mechanism will make it possible in particular to simplify the procedures, which are now rigid, for renewable technology projects, but also to grant higher subsidies to align with aid received "by competitors located outside the EU". , in this case in the United States.

The European executive also wants to allow member states to grant tax benefits to what it calls "strategic zero-emission sectors", a direct response to the American plan.

These proposals worry some Member States, which have fewer resources. They fear a questioning of the functioning of the single European market, with massive subsidies from France and Germany to their companies.

"The single market is the key to our competitiveness, and whatever we do, we must avoid a subsidy race," said Margrethe Vestager, Vice-President of the Commission.

The exchanges promise to be nourished in particular on the other main axis of the Green Pact, the easing of state aid.

The Commission is indeed making in-depth changes, while shielding its system so as not to disadvantage the less wealthy States.

Use of existing funds by directing them...

On the very sensitive issue of financing, rather than launching new instruments, already a subject of controversy between Member States, Brussels wants to mobilize existing funds from the RepowerEU, InvestEU programs or even the innovation fund. In total, 390 billion euros are available.

In the longer term, other funding will be needed. This is why Brussels has launched the idea of ​​a sovereignty fund to finance innovative sectors, also far from achieving unanimity among the Member States, and which should see the light of day by the summer. .

"The sovereignty fund must preserve cohesion and the single market against the risks caused by an unequal availability of state aid", justified Valdis Dombrowskis, the European Commissioner for Trade.

The Commission remains vague on the contours of this fund, but explains that it could be discussed during the debates on the EU budget, scheduled for summer 2023. Some hope that the mechanism will be built according to the model of the plan European Recovery Plan, which allowed the EU to borrow money on its behalf.

A prospect that does not please some countries, such as the Netherlands or Germany. “I am not sure that we need such an instrument,” reacted German Finance Minister Christian Lindner on Monday, reports the Politico site.

"There is little chance that the February summit will lead to an agreement on financing", say European sources, the spirits not being yet ripe, despite the urgency of the situation.

Kelly Donaldson for DayNewsWorld


The pension reform presents itself as the first large-scale social test of Emmanuel Macron's second five-year term. After several weeks of waiting, the official announcement of the content of the reform, on January 10, finally changes little: the fault lines between the government and the trade unions are greater than ever.

On the one hand, the various ministers, Elisabeth Borne in the lead, have multiplied public interventions in recent weeks to justify this reform as a budgetary imperative, while the seconds have repeated their opposition to any postponement of the age. retirement age, finally scheduled for 64 years by 2030.

Under these conditions, the calls for the “mobilization” of the employees became more and more insistent, with the first days of action being to be expected from the week of January 16th. What to expect from the coming social conflict?

A million protesters

Large processions took place Thursday throughout France to challenge the government's pension reform project while strongly followed strike calls disrupted public transport in particular. According to a police source, the million demonstrators in France will be exceeded

A police source said that the million demonstrators in France will be exceeded, while the official count of the authorities will be given at the end of the day this Thursday.

The CGT announces 400,000 demonstrators mobilized against the pension reform in Paris this Thursday. As a reminder, during the demonstration of December 5, 2019, the first day of mobilization against the previous reform, the union counted 250,000 people.

“Fair and responsible” reform

The President of the Republic was questioned from Spain this Thursday, January 19, 2023 on the January 19 strike against the pension reform. “It is a reform that was democratically presented during the presidential election and the legislative elections. It has been studied with the trade unions and has been validated by the government. It is a fair and responsible reform. France is a little out of step with other countries on the subject and if we want to be fair between the generations, we must carry out this reform”.

Emmanuel Macron had been questioned specifically on the question of a referendum after the announced success of the demonstrations on January 19. He did not answer this question, contenting himself with specifying that the “reform will be done”, in a “spirit of dialogue but with responsibility”.

The Head of State considered it "good and legitimate that all opinions can be expressed" but called for calm demonstrations. “I trust the organizers of these demonstrations so that this legitimate expression of disagreement can be done without creating too much inconvenience for all of our compatriots and obviously without overflow or violence or degradation”, he added.

A united trade union front

Over the years, recourse to strikes has thus tended to refocus on an increasingly small core of employees, in the public services or in certain industrial sectors, while it is reduced to the bare minimum in large fractions world of work, particularly in the service professions and in small and medium-sized enterprises. The last major interprofessional mobilization of the winter of 2019-2020, largely supported by public transport agents, highlighted this well. A resurgence of the wage dispute

Despite its weakening, trade unionism remains an essential player in social conflict. At least for the moment, the conflict that is opening up brings together – for the first time since 2010 – all the trade unions, already burned by the unemployment insurance reform and whose activists overwhelmingly reject any idea of extension of working time. For the first time in 12 years, therefore, the eight main unions called with one voice on the French to take to the streets.

Pensions and the issue of union repoliticization

Thus the pension reform places the trade unions on a crest line, enjoining them to take up a double challenge of magnitude. On the one hand, that of taking advantage of an exceptional unitary framework to build the broadest and most lasting mobilization possible, taking into account the fragmentation of the world of work and going beyond days of action without a future .

On the other, that of reinstating the refusal of reform, massive and inseparable among the opinion of a general opposition to government policy.

Andrew Preston for DayNewsWorld




Unseen for a century. The Republican Party has been unable, since Tuesday, January 3, to choose its "speaker" for the House of Representatives. The fault of some twenty Trumpists who are resisting by refusing to vote for Kevin McCarthy.

Republican Kevin McCarthy, favorite to replace Nancy Pelosi in this position, was still clinging to his candidacy at the start of a fourth day of negotiations. The debates must resume at 12:00 p.m. (5:00 p.m. GMT) in the hemicycle of the House of Representatives.

The first eleven rounds of voting have indeed ended in as many failures: while Kevin McCarthy needs 218 votes to be elected, he did not manage to exceed 203 in the best of cases. This blockade by Congress is leading the United States to a "historic impasse", according to the New York Times. A first since 1923, when it took nine ballots in the House to elect a president.

"Extreme Fringe"

The Congress is completely paralyzed by the revolt of about twenty elected Trumpists, who are blocking the election of a "speaker". "They are blocking because they are part of the Freedom Caucus (the most conservative and far-right electoral committee of the Republican Party, editor's note) and they consider Kevin McCarthy too moderate", explains Anne Deysine, university professor and author of The United States and Democracy (ed. L'Harmattan, 2019).

Kevin McCarthy has yet reached out to the free electrons blocking his election, offering them sizeable concessions in behind-the-scenes negotiations. In vain.

The justifications are not lacking to block Kevin McCarthy. “We should not take it personally, but the future of our country depends on it”, assured, during the debates, the representative of Texas, the trumpist Chip Roy.

Kevin McCarthy has been a member of the Republican staff for more than ten years, a status denounced by the most conservatives in his party, for whom Kevin McCarthy is not a 'real' conservative, but is part of the system.

Above all, these conservative representatives are in a position of strength because they benefit from the very thin Republican majority won in the mid-term elections – 222 seats in the House of Representatives, the majority being at 218. It is therefore enough that five of them continue in their refusal to choose Kevin McCarthy for the block to continue.

Third most important figure in American politics after the president and the vice-president, the "speaker" needs a majority of 218 votes to be elected. Mr McCarthy was currently capping at 201.

But how long will his candidacy remain viable ?

A member of the Republican staff for more than ten years, the elected official does not currently have a credible competitor. Only the name of group leader Steve Scalise is circulating as a possible alternative, without his chances seeming serious.

What is generally only a matter of a few hours could extend over several weeks: in 1856, the elected members of Congress only agreed after two months and 133 turns.

The annoyance was also palpable in the members of the "Grand Old Party", who largely support the candidacy of Kevin McCarthy, giving rise to very lively debates in the hemicycle. The Republican leadership also knows that it cannot afford to go overboard and alienate moderate Republicans.

Former President Donald Trump himself, on Wednesday morning, called on his social network to do everything to "avoid an embarrassing defeat": "Now is the time for our great elected Republicans in the House to vote for Kevin" McCarthy, who will do "a good job, and maybe even a great job".

Very concrete repercussions

This blocking has very concrete repercussions: without a "speaker", elected officials can neither take an oath nor therefore vote on a bill. But the 434 members of the House of Representatives, the scene of this singular spectacle, will continue to vote until a president is elected.

The occasion also, for the Democrats, to denounce the stranglehold of the faithful of Donald Trump - many of whom still refuse to recognize his defeat in 2020 - on the Republican Party, two years after the attack led by his supporters against the seat of Congress. .

“The chaos in the House of Representatives is just another illustration of how an extreme fringe (…) prevents them from governing,” assured the leader of the Democrats in the Senate, Chuck Schumer. Among the Democrats, the atmosphere is therefore one of unity… and exploitation of the current divisions of the opposing camp.

But Joe Biden's party may show unity around its leader Hakeem Jeffries, but neither does the camp have enough votes to end this paralysis.

Jenny Chase for DayNewsWorld


The Spanish government wants to curb inflation in the food sector, which rose over one year to 15.3% in November.

Also, the Spanish left-wing government announced on Tuesday, December 27 the abolition of VAT on basic necessities in order to compensate for the sharp rise in prices, as well as aid of 200 euros for the most modest families. . These announcements are part of a new series of measures worth 10 billion euros.

This brings to 45 billion euros the total of the measures taken this year by the government to help Spaniards cope with the explosion of inflation, said Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez during his last press conference in the year.

These new measures are centered on food products, whose rise over one year reached 15.3% in November.

Aid of 200 euros for certain families

During the next six months, “VAT will drop from 4% to 0% for all basic necessities”, such as bread, milk, cheese, fruit, vegetables or cereals, added Pedro Sanchez.

VAT on oil and pasta will drop from 10% to 5%.

The other shock measure adopted on Tuesday morning during the last Council of Ministers of the year relates to the establishment of a

“aid of 200 euros” for families whose income is less than or equal to 27,000 euros per year, in order to “compensate for the rise in food prices”.

On the other hand, the rebate of 20 centimes per liter of fuel which all motorists currently benefit from will be reserved, from 1 January, for the "sectors most affected" by inflation, namely transporters, farmers, maritime companies and fishermen, said Pedro Sanchez again.

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, the Spanish government has multiplied aid to try to contain inflation, which has exploded throughout Europe.

Andrew Preston for DayNewsWorld



New disappointment for the jewel of the French nuclear revival.

The Flamanville EPR (Manche) will be another six months late before its commissioning, now scheduled for mid-2024, EDF announced this Friday, December 16, 2022, when France is relaunching a program nuclear to ensure its energy transition.

What we know about EPR2 nuclear reactors

The start-up of this reactor, the first of this generation planned on French soil, will thus take place with a total delay of 12 years compared to the initial planning. Two other EPRs are already operating in China and a third in Finland.

These six additional months, which bring the delay to 12 years in relation to the start date initially planned, result in the total cost of the project, under construction since 2007, rising from 12.7 to 13.2 billion euros, i.e. four times the initial budget of 3.3 billion euros.

Necessary revision of “complex” welds

The new delay is due to the necessary revision of treatment procedures for some 150 “complex” welds, within the main secondary circuit of the reactor, explained to the press the director of the Flamanville 3 project, Alain Morvan.

The problem appeared this summer, when it was necessary to carry out the heat treatment of "stress relief" of these welds: the process used revealed a "non-conformity of behavior" of sensitive materials nearby, affected by too high temperatures.

How the nuclear lobby is trying to win the battle of ideas

“We had valve temperature behavior that did not conform to what was expected,” explained Alain Morvan, hence the resumption of “studies to define a method (…) making it possible to guarantee the correct level of achievement of these heat treatments”.

These modifications "have been presented to Bureau Veritas, which analyzes them, and by the end of the year we will have the authorization to resume the so-called complex heat treatments", assured the project director.

Another shutdown planned by the end of 2024

These operations should therefore be able to resume at the start of 2023, but the entire project schedule is upset, with fuel loading now announced for the 1st quarter of 2024. The reactor will send its first electrons when it has reached nearly 25% of its power. , "about three months later", so by mid-2024.

Flamanville EPR: "We can imagine the possibility of sabotage"

The additional 500 million euros announced this Friday are mainly related to the maintenance of personnel and subcontracting companies on site.

In addition to these technical hazards, a shutdown of the reactor is already planned to change, by the end of 2024, the lid of its tank which presents anomalies, recalled Alain Morvan.

However, "the Flamanville EPR has taken new strategic steps in recent months, in its pre-operation phase", welcomes EDF in a press release, citing the resumption of certain welds or the testing of electrical equipment.

Macron announced the order of six or even 14 new EPRs

Since 2007, the site of this reactor, designed to offer increased power and safety, has been accumulating disappointments, whether it be anomalies on the steel of the lid and bottom of the vessel or welding problems.

The latest come as Emmanuel Macron announced the order of six or even 14 new EPRs and that Parliament must decide on France's energy model.

In the absence of the Flamanville EPR next year, France should therefore once again face tensions over its electricity supply during the winter of 2023-24.

The current winter gives a taste of these tensions, with Friday, December 16, 2022, 41 reactors in operation only out of 56.

Alize Marion for DayNewsWorld


Twitter is trying to relaunch this Monday, December 12, 2022 its new paid subscription offer, including in particular an account authentication system. Postponed several times, the launch by Twitter of its new subscription offer must finally take place on Monday, December 12, the social network announced on Saturday. Twitter Blue will be accessible "for 8 dollars [7.60 euros] per month" or "11 dollars per month" for users of iOS, Apple's operating system, the group said in a tweet - the difference price justified by the commission that the apple brand takes and against which the new boss of the social network, Elon Musk, had rebelled.

Shortly after the takeover by Elon Musk, the social network had implemented a first version which made it possible to obtain the little blue tick formerly reserved for personalities such as journalists or politicians. Many fake accounts had then emerged and the company had to remove the option.

"Twitter Blue" at $8 per month.

The novelty is that with this redesign of Twitter Blue, anyone who subscribes to it can now obtain certification. The latter will however be granted “after verification”, specifies the group, and will adopt during the week a color code: gold for companies and gray for governmental organizations, in accordance with what Mr. Musk had announced at the end. of the month of November.

"Extended verification will democratize journalism and empower the people," he tweeted on Sunday.

In addition to the badge, subscribers to Twitter Blue will be able, with this new offer, to have access to the function allowing to correct tweets after their publication or to that allowing to download videos of better quality.

Extension of the Community Notes program

Besides the imminent launch of Twitter Blue, the platform also announced the extension of Community Notes to all of its users worldwide. Launched in 2021 and formerly known as Birdwatch, this program aims to improve content moderation by adopting a collaborative approach: moderators who are part of it have the possibility of adding context, in the form of publicly visible notes, to tweets which may lend themselves to confusing or spreading misinformation. Other network users can then rate these ratings based on their usefulness.

Until now, only users from the United States had the possibility to see these contextual elements in their feed and to request to become a moderator. This program is now intended to be extended everywhere but gradually, “country by country”, specified the company on the official account of the Community Notes program.

Tweets of 4,000 characters

Other changes to come have also been announced in recent days by the new boss of the social network. the businessman claimed that a limit of 4,000 signs was now being considered instead of the initial 280. The boss of the company also assured that his teams were currently working on a feature allowing Internet users to know if their account is subject to shadow banning from Twitter, that is to say a voluntary reduction. their visibility through the platform.

Avoid misinformation or calls for violence

Freedom of expression as the keystone of Twitter is therefore one of the fundamental pillars of democracy. However Elon Trust also knows not only that Twitter will remain subject to national laws but that it will have to introduce another limiting factor by admitting that speech should be free there "as much as reasonably possible"... A strong desire to avoid the danger of misinformation or calls for violence that can circulate with such speed and ease.

Opposed to the banning of accounts – Elon Musk has also recently authorized the return of tens of thousands of people who had been excluded from the platform – the libertarian entrepreneur wishes to further promote the “de-amplification” of people violating the rules of the social network while making the decision-making process transparent.

“Twitter must become by far the most trusted source of news in the world. This is our mission. “, assures Elon Musk in his revolutionary project and his will to break in the name of freedom of expression.

“And to do that, I will let anyone give me money to appear as a legitimate source of information, instead of ensuring that all legitimate sources of information are properly authenticated,” one user responded. .

"You illustrate the problem," retorted Elon Musk.

"Journalists who think they are the only legitimate source of information, that's the big lie." Or against good thinking.....

Garett Skyport  for DayNewsWorld



Since midnight, imports of Russian crude oil into the European Union have been prohibited. This Monday, December 5, 2022, also applies the imposition of a ceiling price of 60 dollars per barrel of Russian oil sold internationally.

This agreement prohibits companies from the signatory countries from providing services allowing the maritime transport (freight, insurance, etc.) of Russian oil, unless the price of the latter is less than or equal to 60 dollars per barrel. However, the G7 countries host the main shipping and insurance companies in the world (mainly in Greece and the United Kingdom), which therefore provides them with a credible deterrent power.

The stated desire is to deprive Russia, the world's second largest exporter of crude oil, of the means to finance its war in Ukraine. The country has indeed drawn 67 billion euros from its oil sales to the EU since the start of the conflict, for an annual military budget of around 60 billion euros, recalls Phuc-Vinh Nguyen, expert in energy issues at the Jacques-Delors Institute.

The caution displayed by OPEC+

These measures taken by the developed economies are bringing the world oil market into an unprecedented situation, the consequences of which are difficult to measure. Cautious, OPEC+ decided on Sunday to stick to the status quo while saying it was ready to act quickly if necessary.

Since Monday, Russia must therefore find an outlet at 1.1 million barrels per day, to compensate for the cessation of its crude exports to the European Union.

.Caution prevailed this Sunday after the OPEC+ meeting, a few hours before the application of the embargo by European Union countries on their imports of Russian crude (some countries such as Hungary in are exempt). This is doubled by the imposition of a ceiling price per barrel of Russian crude sold on the international market, decided by the G7 countries to which Australia has joined.

The partnership formed by OPEC and a dozen other black gold exporting countries, including Russia, prefers to wait to find out how the world oil market will react and evolve. Indeed, it is an unprecedented situation, with the possible imputation of the production of one of the major players on the planet. In 2021, Russia exported 8.23 ​​million barrels per day (mb/d), or 12.3% of the volume of oil sold internationally, according to the BP Statistical Review. In October, its exports had fallen to 7.7 mb/d.

China's sluggish demand

Eventually, rumors emanating from the cartel suggesting an increase in production to compensate for the loss of Russian volumes or a decrease to compensate for a drop in prices due to sluggish demand from China will not have materialized. The members of the organization stick to the decision taken in October to reduce from November their quota of 2 mb/d, but are ready "to meet at any time and if necessary take immediate measures to deal with to the evolution of the market and to ensure its stability", indicates the press release.

For their part, the developed economies, led by the United States, want to reduce Moscow's income but also avoid soaring oil prices, which have contributed to driving up inflation for months around the world to levels that we hadn't seen since the 1970s. In theory, it makes sense. Already, Russian crude exports have fallen from 2.4 mb/d in January to 1.5 mb/d in October. For the moment, Russia has compensated for these market share losses in Europe by selling its crude at a discount to China and India. The latter, which bought only 100,000 b/d in January, imported 10 times more in October, at 1.1 mb/d. For its part, China went from 1.6 mb/d to 1.9 mb/d in October. It is unlikely that these two countries will be able to absorb from this Monday the purchase of a volume of 1.1 mb/d, estimated by the IEA. Especially since the recovery of the economy in China, the world's largest oil importer, is not expected before the end of the first half of 2023, due to the Covid-19 pandemic and its strict "zero Covid” which limits activity. Chinese demand has already fallen by 4% in 2022 compared to 2021.

European refiners must find new suppliers

However, if the Russians have a problem of outlets, the European refiners must find an alternative. If they can do this with Gulf countries and African countries, they run the significant risk of buying Russian crude through intermediaries.

The European Commission is aware of this. It has also prepared measures aimed at sanctioning countries that circumvent the European embargo. A thinly veiled threat to Turkey, suspected of having set up a circuitous route to transport Russian crude to European countries. But private intermediaries might be tempted to do so. Freightwaves, a shipping news agency, cites a report by shipping trader BRS, which states that "there are today 1,027 tankers in a 'ghost fleet' operating to transport oil from Venezuela, Iran and Russia”. More than half (503) are high tonnage ships, some of which have been sold since the invasion of Ukraine to small shipping companies,

In the meantime, what will dictate the reaction of players in the oil market will again be the price. This is obvious for OPEC+. Oil prices have lost some 8% over the past month, but they are still more than 21% higher than their levels of a year ago. On Friday, the barrel of WTI fluctuated around 80 dollars and that of Brent around 85 dollars. Without saying it formally, the equilibrium price for the cartel is around 90 dollars.

But the choice of Europeans to accept a ceiling price of 60 dollars, and not 30 dollars, should only have a limited impact. The price of Russia's best-selling quality crude, the Urals, stood at $69.45 on Friday, just 1% below its price a year ago. But Russia is already trading this crude at a discounted price to its extra-European customers, between 48 and 50 dollars, according to Argus Media, a firm specializing in commodity prices. Europeans' acceptance of a ceiling of $60 has also angered Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, for whom such a price "is completely comfortable for the budget of the terrorist state", he said. he commented on Saturday, according to the services of the presidency.

Unnecessary penalty ?

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said on Sunday that the West's move constituted gross interference that contradicted free trade rules and would destabilize global energy markets by causing a supply shortage. "We will sell oil and petroleum products only to countries that will work with us on market terms, even if we have to cut production a bit," he added.

The Kremlin has warned that it will no longer deliver oil to countries that support the mechanism, a position reaffirmed on Sunday by Russian Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Energy, Alexander Novak.

This puts some nations “in a very uncomfortable position: choosing between losing access to cheap Russian crude or exposing themselves to sanctions”, explains Craig Erlam, analyst at Oanda, a site specializing in asset trading. What, also, for Greek shipowners and British insurance companies in particular, to lose markets to the benefit of new competitors who do not submit to restrictive measures. Insurers or carriers could emerge elsewhere.

We find the same risk, particularly in the insurance sector, the development of a maritime freight activity being, by nature, “longer”. The negative effect would then be twofold for the G7 countries: not only would their companies lose markets, but the effect of the sanctions would be mitigated.

Quoted by the Russian press agencies, Alexandre Novak. even claimed that Russia was working “on mechanisms to prohibit the use of the capping tool, whatever the level set”, which is likened by several members of OPEC + to a manipulation of the prices of the oil. barrel.

Moscow also has the option of refusing to sell refined products (gasoline, diesel, diesel, etc.) to European countries, whose embargo will not officially apply until February 5, which could cause a spike in prices of these products already energized.

Since the beginning of his offensive in Ukraine, Vladimir Putin has claimed that the United States and its allies have been waging an economic war against Russia by applying the toughest sanctions in modern history.

Russia may still have enough tankers to ship most of its oil without Western restrictions, industry players and a U.S. official told Reuters in October, pointing to the plan's limitations. Western countries, yet the most successful in limiting Moscow's war revenues.

Alize Marion for DayNewsWorld


The President of the French Republic flew to Washington accompanied by a large delegation aimed at defending France's assets.

Presented as a celebration of the "deep" relationship between two allies, the state visit, explains Chris Coons, an influential senator close to Joe Biden, of Emmanuel Macron in the United States will not produce a miracle for European industrialists, penalized by a US climate law. Focused mainly on climate and social spending, the plan, dubbed the “Inflation Reduction Act” (IRA), provides for more than $430 billion in investment, including $370 billion to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40%. by 2030, the largest effort ever made by the United States in this area.

On the first day of a state visit celebrating Franco-American friendship, the French president nevertheless called for "trying together to live up to what history has sealed between us, an alliance stronger than everything", considering that his second state visit to the United States in four years "also showed the strength, the link between the United States and France".

The IRA or "the United States looks first to the United States"

But he again warned his ally: "the risk is that, faced with the challenges of the time, the United States will first look at the United States, that's normal (...) and then look at the rivalry with China, and, in a way, that Europe and France become a sort of adjustment variable” between the two leading world powers.

In a speech to the French community at the French Embassy in Washington, French President Emmanuel Macron warned the United States on Wednesday that their $430 billion investment and subsidy program to help their businesses and fight against inflation risked "fragmenting the West".

He also warned against the "risk" that "Europe and France become a kind of adjustment variable" of the rivalry between the United States and China, the two leading world powers.

The French president told his compatriots at the embassy that he "said with great frankness, friendship (to the American elected officials) (...) that what has happened in recent months is a challenge for us because 'we are starting to shift our focus on energy issues and the cost of the war (in Ukraine) is not the same in Europe and the United States'. "But above all, the choices made, whose objectives I share, in particular the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA, a program of environmental and social reforms and investments for American companies) are choices that will fragment the West" , lamented the French president.

For Emmanuel Macron, the IRA “creates such differences between the United States of America and Europe that those who work in many companies will just say to themselves + we are no longer making investments on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. »

During this lunch with American parliamentarians, he denounced the “super aggressive” measures taken by Democratic President Joe Biden to boost American industry, pleading for better economic coordination on both sides of the Atlantic.

Yet the hope of French President Emmanuel Macron to obtain exemptions for European manufacturers, penalized by the "Inflation Reduction Act", Joe Biden's great climate law which gives preference to American car manufacturers, has been radically showered. by Joe Biden himself. This is THE current point of tension between the two countries, and the subject that came up the most during this conference: the American industrial program, the “Inflation Reduction Act”, deemed too protectionist by Paris.

“The United States will never apologize for the plan we are going to put in place”

There is no development in sight for the US aid package even though US and French Presidents Joe Biden and Emmanuel Macron sought on Thursday to play down trade tensions between the European Union and the United States by saying want to "synchronize" their approaches in terms of green industry and avoid competition for jobs.

However, there is little chance that Washington will alter the Inflation Reduction Act, this 430 billion dollar investment program launched to help its American companies.

“We have the same objective: to invest massively in clean energies. Our teams will continue to talk to each other, to coordinate us”, tried to reassure Joe Biden. While being very clear: “The United States will never apologize for the plan that we are going to put in place”, did he -he adds,

As part of the Inflation Reduction Act, the largest clean energy transition investment in U.S. history was passed and with full force by the Biden administration A great victory and achievement for Biden therefore on which he will be judged in the next presidential election. Wanting to revitalize his industry and reassure a middle class shaken by globalization, while standing up to Beijing, the American Democratic President has voted this gigantic investment program, the IRA which worries Europeans.

The text rightly panics the European Union, which fears a massive industrial exodus across the Atlantic. And for good reason, the economic fabric of the Old Continent, which is already suffering from the gas crisis, risks suffering a little more, in the absence of equivalent subsidies.

“For me, the right policy in this matter is to seek European consensus first and then talk to the Americans from a common front. It is obvious that France does not have sufficient weight to influence American decisions. The French economy represents 2% of global GDP while the United States is around 20%. It's as if we were asking the question of whether Belgium (0.5% of world GDP) could influence the decisions of France. Very generally, in the national debate, we are particularly interested in the position of Germany and possibly Italy.

I rarely see the Belgian positions debated in France. “You have to be aware that seen from Washington, our country is a secondary player on the European scene. The Germans dominate. And on the global aspect, the French state is not at the same level as China with the Americans. So the right level to fight American protectionism is to bring this subject to the European level. “, concludes Gilles Babinet co-president of the National Digital Council, questioned by a colleague from Atlantico.

"Once again, we are not in a partnership of equals. The French state must agree to pursue a policy of middle power.", he concedes.

Joanne Courbet for DayNewsWorld


The National Financial Prosecutor's Office (PNF) opened two investigations at the end of October for "favoritism" and "illegal financing of electoral campaigns" targeting the role of consulting firms during the presidential campaigns of 2017 and 2022. Government spokesperson Olivier Véran, assured yesterday that there had been neither "abuse" nor "drifts" in the way in which the State worked with the consulting firms. The day before, the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, had however said the opposite.

Last Friday, Emmanuel Macron, for his part, considered that he was not at the “heart of the investigation”, while declaring :

“I have no fear Macron could be summoned at the end of his second term.

The head of state, whose name does not appear in the press release from the prosecution, is protected by his criminal immunity, provided for in article 67 of the Constitution. According to this article of the supreme law, the Head of State "cannot, during his term of office and before any French jurisdiction or administrative authority, be required to testify or be the subject of an action, an act information, instruction or prosecution".

If the investigating magistrates were to consider that Emmanuel Macron must explain himself on these questions, they could summon him at the end of his second term at the Élysée, and only on the acts which were not committed in the exercise of his duties as President.


Emmanuel Macron is a child of the PNF. Without the intervention of the National Financial Prosecutor's Office in the 2017 electoral campaign and the questioning of François Fillon suddenly caught up in the alleged fictitious job of his wife, would the current president have found the keys to the Elysée ? .

During the 2022 presidential election, in the midst of controversy, Emmanuel Macron had estimated that the non-payment of corporate tax by McKinsey was explained by the tax rules in force. "If there is evidence of manipulation, let it go to the criminal court," he said.

The chairman of the Senate commission of inquiry, Arnaud Bazin, and the rapporteur Éliane Assassi indicated for their part that they had "full confidence in the justice system to conduct this investigation". “Full light must be shed on this affair, which is of major importance for our democratic life. »

They recalled that the Senate had unanimously adopted in mid-October a bill which aims to better regulate the services of consulting firms, but which must still be placed on the agenda of the Assembly.

Justice is however interested in the very close relations between the head of state and McKinsey.

"This is the first time that the PNF has opened an investigation against a President of the Republic in office... after having done so against his Secretary General, Alexis Kohler, and his Minister of Justice", recalls a journalist.

Andrew Preston for DayNewsWorld



The Parliament must definitively adopt on Thursday the bill paving the way for a modulation of unemployment insurance according to the economic situation, a prospect which bristles the left, the far right and the unions.

The senators must ratify at the end of the morning, by a final vote, a compromise found with the deputies on this text, which did not require the government to resort to the constitutional weapon of 49.3 thanks to an agreement reached with the right .

Labor Minister Olivier Dussopt's bill initially plans to extend the current unemployment insurance rules, resulting from a disputed reform of Macron's first five-year term. A decree to this effect was taken in advance at the end of October.

It also triggers the possibility, by decree, of modulating certain rules of unemployment insurance so that it is "stricter when too many jobs are unfilled, more generous when unemployment is high", according to the campaign promise of Emmanuel Macron.

Consultation is underway with the social partners, and the government will announce "the arbitrations adopted" on November 21, for an application of the modulation at the start of 2023. "We are working on a modulation of the maximum duration of compensation", currently 24 to 36 months depending on age, Mr. Dussopt told MPs on Tuesday.

Thus “we do not plan to modify the conditions of affiliation to the unemployment insurance system”. It takes six months of work over a reference period of 24 months to be eligible. The executive insists that there is urgency in the face of the recruitment difficulties of companies, and makes this reform a first stone of its strategy to achieve full employment in 2027, i.e. an unemployment rate of around 5% against 7, 4% currently.

"We did not fold"

Deputies and senators reached a compromise on this text of the law in a joint committee last week, but at the cost of a hardening imposed by the LR senators, to which the minister was initially opposed.

It was added that the refusal twice in one year of a CDI after a CDD or an interim contract on the same post, the same place and with the same remuneration, will lead to the loss of unemployment compensation. It will be up to the employer (or both employers) to inform Pôle emploi, which poses a “technical difficulty” so that it is not a “gas plant”, according to Mr. Dussopt.

"The government did not want it, but we did not bend," said the rapporteur for the text in the Senate Frédérique Puissat (LR). His counterpart in the Assembly Marc Ferracci (Renaissance) finds the measure "little operational and legally fragile", and sees in it "a somewhat ideological approach, even if there is a real subject on the refusal of CDI".

Another provision, added by amendments from the presidential majority and LR deputies, is still debated: “abandonment of post” will now be equated with a resignation, to limit access to unemployment insurance.

Right-wing elected officials “have been force of proposal, both in the Assembly and in the Senate”, welcomes the deputy LR Stéphane Viry, who however believes that the bill “does not exhaust” the reforms to be carried out. In unison with the unions, the left criticizes "a right-wing reform" whose objective would be to "lower unemployment benefits".

Before the final vote Tuesday in the Assembly, acquired by 210 votes against 140, the Insoumis defended in vain a last motion to reject this text bearing, according to them, "a disposable vision of employees". The Socialists have announced a referral to the Constitutional Council. RN deputies also voted against the bill, by which "punishment and guilt are the order of the day", according to them.

The bill also records the opening of a consultation on the governance of unemployment insurance. Another component programs a “drastic simplification” of the validation of acquired experience (VAE), according to Minister Delegate Carole Grandjean.

Simon Freeman for DayNewsWorld



The soap opera with twists and turns launched in October has finally come to an end.

On Friday October 28, Elon Musk formalized the news: he took the reins of the social network Twitter, bought for the sum of 44 billion US dollars.

Although Twitter has far fewer users than its competitors such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram or even TikTok, Twitter is considered a real tool of influence, in particular because of its use by many figures in the political, artistic and media world. . In addition, it is common for the so-called "traditional" media to take up and comment on their own medium what was initially published on the blue bird platform, which increases the perception and reality of its importance for public discourse.

Upon the official takeover, the boss of Tesla and SpaceX indicated that he was acquiring the social network with the aim of revolutionizing Twitter.

" Freedom of speech "

First of all Elon Musk, this “absolutist of freedom of expression”, indicated that freedom of expression becomes the keystone of Twitter. According to him, it exists if “people you don't like are allowed to express ideas you don't like”. On his favorite digital medium, he claims that "the policies of a social media platform are good if the most extreme 10% on the left and right are equally unhappy."

Hence his relatively clear position: he spoke out against permanent suspensions of accounts, saying he preferred those of a temporary nature. In this, it would indeed deviate from the old practice of Twitter, which applies one or the other of these sanctions depending on the seriousness of the facts. One of his very first decisions, therefore, could be to reinstate the account of former US President Donald Trump, suspended for "incitement to violence" after the assault launched on the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Alone at the helm, the boss of Tesla is already beginning his major overhaul Whoever is working to improve the situation, whether at the banking level (Paypal - when he was its director), at the energy level (Solar City), at the level of the transition to post-oil (Tesla), at the level of access to space (SpaceX), or at the level of Internet access for all (Starlink), explained Sunday wanting to make Twitter “the most trusted source of information on the world ”…

Its hunt for fake accounts and its desire to certify (blue check) users are a step in the right direction.

“More power to the people”

On the social network Twitter, the blue notch of certification can thus be obtained by everyone on the condition of paying a subscription of 8 dollars per month. “Extended Verification for All will democratize journalism and empower the people,” he tweeted on Sunday. “Twitter Blue” at $8 a month.

Until now, only eligible accounts (governments, media, political and cultural personalities, etc.) could indeed obtain the addition of a blue tick to their profile, as a guarantee of authenticity. However, as soon as he acquired Twitter ten days ago, the boss of Tesla launched an overhaul of this system, so that everyone could obtain the famous badge, and other practical tools, by subscribing to "Twitter Blue" to $8 per month.

On the iPhone, the social network's mobile application already mentions the arrival of the new formula, but its launch has been postponed to Wednesday, November 9, the day after the US parliamentary elections, according to the New York Times.

“Power to the people: Your account will receive a blue checkmark, just like the celebrities, businesses and politicians you already follow,” Twitter now promises.

"For the 'people', against the ruling 'elites'..."

According to Barthélémy Michalon, Professor at the Tec de Monterrey (Mexico), the communication of the boss of Twitter around his takeover follows the contours of what characterizes a populist discourse. And he analyzes as follows in the online media TheConversation.

'' Elon Musk has indeed made use of the tool he was about to acquire to directly address the community of users of the platform and collect their opinion on various subjects. While some questions were of a secondary nature (such as the famous "edit button" of a tweet already published), others touched on the very functioning of the platform and its impact on democracy. are reminiscent of the tendency, relatively marked among populist political formations, to call referendums or to promise the organization of them in their electoral programs. These online polls, real challenges launched in the public square to the status quo, also aimed to exert significant pressure on those who were then at the head of Twitter,

Musk went much further in this direction, affirming that the sidelining of the management team in place was an essential condition for the implementation of the major transformations promised on the platform. So he dismissed the main leaders of the platform, including CEO Parag Agrawal According to him, it was this intention that guided his decision to "transform Twitter into a private company" (it was then a "public" company in the Anglo-Saxon sense, because it is listed on the stock exchange), and therefore to take direct control of it. In his purchase offer, he promised bluntly: “I will unlock the potential of Twitter”.

… and in the name of a supposed “general will”

In order to satisfy this “general will”, Musk put on the table a series of proposals to evolve the platform, in particular during a public conversation, held on April 14 in the context of the annual conference of TED. Musk thus proposes to delete automated accounts (bots), (...). It also promises to eliminate fraudulent messages (scams), which aim to deceive their recipients, for economic purposes and/or piracy.''

Avoid misinformation or calls for violence

Freedom of expression as the keystone of Twitter is therefore one of the fundamental pillars of democracy. However Elon Trust also knows not only that Twitter will remain subject to national laws but that it will have to introduce another limiting factor by admitting that speech should be free there "as much as reasonably possible"... A strong desire to avoid the danger of misinformation or calls for violence that can circulate with such speed and ease.

“It is also the fears of companies to advertise on the platform, the possible increase in hate speech or misinformation in the name of the freedom of expression wanted by the new boss. Several groups, including Volkswagen​, General Mills​, Pfizer, have thus paused in their advertising purchases – still looking for an appropriate environment (“Brand Safety”) to promote their brands. General Motors has temporarily suspended its paid ads on Twitter.

Musk's revenge on advertisers

The billionaire, however, seems to have his revenge on the advertisers who have stopped their advertising on the social network. On Tuesday, November 9, 2022, the marketing teams received a document containing a question-and-answer session with employees. To be used in the sales pitch for advertising slots, it is indicated that Twitter welcomes 15 million additional monetizable daily users. In total, the internal memo indicates that the number of accounts that can generate revenue to “exceed a quarter of a billion”. Since the takeover of Elon Musk, the growth of daily active users has grown by more than 20%.

The latest official results from Twitter, in the second quarter, advanced a number of monetizable daily users of 237.8 million and 16.6% growth over the year.

This increase is true everywhere, but “even more in the United States”, specifies the document. An important detail since the American territory concentrates the majority of Twitter users, and therefore of its potential income. And no increase in hate speech would be observed. Despite a spike in hate and racist speech (due to targeted campaigns, assures Twitter), the internal document specifies that messages of this type remain within the historical standards of the platform. These tweets thus represent 0.25% to 0.45% of the hundreds of millions of publications per day.

The Elon Musk effect therefore seems to be verified.

“Twitter must become by far the most trusted source of news in the world. This is our mission. “, assures Elon Musk in his revolutionary project and his will to break in the name of freedom of expression.

“And to do that, I will let anyone give me money to appear as a legitimate source of information, instead of ensuring that all legitimate sources of information are properly authenticated,” one user responded. .

"You illustrate the problem", retorted Elon Musk. "Journalists who think they are the only legitimate source of information, that's the big lie". Or against good thinking...

Garett Skyport for DayNewsWorld


Inflation is at its highest level in the euro area and the EU for more than 20 years. It reached almost 10% within the EU in July.
A new record since the existence of the single European currency. The three Baltic countries are the Member States most burdened by inflation: Estonia exceeded 23%, Latvia and Lithuania being respectively just above and below 21%.

For the rest, it is mainly the countries of Eastern Europe that are suffering from the sharp rise in prices. The rest of Europe is not spared either. In the Netherlands, for example, the rise in prices exceeds 13% over one year. The Dutch government has taken fewer measures than other European executives to support household purchasing power and fight inflation. Still according to Eurostat data for the same period, it is 8.8% in Germany, 10.3% in Spain, 9% in Italy. In Great Britain this rate was 10.1% in July.

At the other end of the spectrum, France and Malta are doing the best. In particular, Malta has still not raised state-regulated energy prices, thus artificially keeping inflation at zero in this area... "Everyone should have around 9% inflation normally, but France is an exception”, observes Éric Heyer, economist and director of the analysis and forecasting department of the OFCE. With an annual inflation rate of 6.7% in August, can we say that France is doing well compared to its German, Spanish, Italian or British neighbors ?

If inflation is lower in France, "it's partly thanks to our energy mix", explains Éric Heyer. Continuing to bet on nuclear allows us in particular to be more independent than our German neighbor who imports a lot more fossil fuels. According to figures from the International Energy Agency, Russian oil accounted for only 17% of black gold imports from France in 2019, compared to 34% for Germany.

The second reason and “the most important”, according to Éric Heyer, are “measures to support households, either with checks or by freezing prices”. Germany, Great Britain and Spain have preferred, by political choice, financial assistance to citizens by distributing vouchers and discounts on fuel, without freezing prices. France preferred to bet big on the tariff shield by freezing gas prices until the end of 2022.. 

“If there was no such protection, the electricity bill would increase in January 2023 by 120 euros per month and the gas bill of 180 euros per month”. In line with remarks made by the Minister of Public Accounts Gabriel Attal, Bruno Le Maire confirmed that all French people would continue to benefit in 2023 from an attenuated form of "tariff shield" on gas and electricity prices. The surge in energy prices should therefore be contained and limited at least until the beginning of 2023 for the French. At the start of 2023, "there will be an increase for everyone in the price of gas and electricity, which will be as contained as possible, to the extent that our public finances allow us", guaranteed the Minister of Economy. 

Since the fall of 2021, the "tariff shield" and government rebates on the price of fuel have cost 24 billion euros, according to a recent figure from Bercy. The surge in energy prices should therefore be contained and limited at least until the beginning of 2023 for the French. At the start of 2023, "there will be an increase for everyone in the price of gas and electricity, which will be as contained as possible, to the extent that our public finances allow us", guaranteed the Minister of Economy. 

Since the fall of 2021, the "tariff shield" and government rebates on the price of fuel have cost 24 billion euros, according to a recent figure from Bercy. The surge in energy prices should therefore be contained and limited at least until the beginning of 2023 for the French. At the start of 2023, "there will be an increase for everyone in the price of gas and electricity, which will be as contained as possible, to the extent that our public finances allow us", guaranteed the Minister of Economy. Since the fall of 2021, the "tariff shield" and government rebates on the price of fuel have cost 24 billion euros, according to a recent figure from Bercy.

The tariff shield as a bandage ?

But for Jean-Marc Daniel, the tariff shield "is an artificial modification of prices, which, in the end, will just be a transfer for future generations". They make it possible to limit inflation “in a limited time” but “the creation of a budget deficit cannot last forever”. And it is obvious for all the specialists, “inflation will rise again when we lift these tariff shields”.

If the State is coping with the crisis with the means at hand and succeeds in limiting the effects of the drop in purchasing power, it is at the cost of a debt which is accumulating and which we will have to absorb one day or another.

Abby Shelcore for DayNewsWorld



This time, the cleaver will fall !.

The ax of 49.3 has been on everyone's mind since the start of the examination of the Finance Bill (PLF) for 2023 in the National Assembly. MPs knew the executive would use it, but were waiting to find out when. Tuesday, October 18, the government spokesman, Olivier Véran, put an end to the suspense:

the use of 49.3 will be "probably for tomorrow", Wednesday, the last day of examination of the expenditure part of the PLF, he assured.

Several Majority heavyweights have been pushing for the 49.3 to be instigated as soon as possible.

"We are the ones in the arena and we don't want to turn ourselves into punching bags. We had pushed for it to go faster, the government has chosen to go all the way", confides a Renaissance leader.

But Elisabeth Borne opted for negotiation before the forced passage. “To find a compromise, it takes two:

the [opposition] group presidents said from the start that they would not vote for the finance bill.

The blockage does not come from us, and you have shown it well”, declared the Prime Minister, Élisabeth Borne, during a meeting, Tuesday morning, with the deputies Renaissance

However, "we must give the debate a chance, especially since the French do not like 49.3 very much. These tools, such as the requisition [in the refineries on strike, editor's note], must be used with caution", has she added.

The 49.3 brandished by the government

Article 49 paragraph 3 of the French Constitution allows the government to have a text adopted without a vote of Parliament. This stipulates:

"The Prime Minister may, after deliberation by the Council of Ministers, engage the government's responsibility before the National Assembly on the vote on a Finance or Social Security Financing bill. In this case, this bill is considered as adopted, unless a motion of censure, tabled within the following twenty-four hours, is voted under the conditions provided for in the preceding paragraph. The Prime Minister may, in addition, have recourse to this procedure for another project or a bill per session."

The government of Elisabeth Borne, which does not have an absolute majority in the National Assembly to vote for its finance bill, can therefore adopt it despite everything by drawing 49.3. This article allows him to adopt his text without going through the vote of the deputies in the National Assembly. The 2023 budget is then examined in the Senate. In the National Assembly, there is nevertheless, for the opposition, a device to thwart the executive: the motion of censure. It allows not only to reject the adoption of the bill, but also to overthrow the government.

Lack of absolute majority

49.3 is a constitutional weapon available to the government which allows a "forced passage" when its majority in the National Assembly is narrow, even relative. Conversely, in the event of an absolute and comfortable majority, there is no need for the government, most of the time, to use 49-3. During Emmanuel Macron's first five-year term (2017-2022), only one use was identified, by Édouard Philippe, in 2020, on pension reform.

The Prime Minister had an absolute majority but the opposition, in particular La France insoumise, had tabled a very large number of amendments with the aim of obstructing the text.

Several amendments, voted against the opinion of the executive, could thus jump. The deputies, including some members of Renaissance, notably approved a tax on super-dividends proposed by the president of the MoDem group, Jean-Paul Mattei. A Republican amendment restoring the "exit tax" was also voted against the government's opinion.

Motion of censure ?

Elisabeth Borne, should be brought to use it regularly. The last legislative elections only gave it a relative majority. It therefore seems unlikely that the Prime Minister will manage to pass all of her bills without a hitch.

Oppositions divided on a motion of censure To be adopted, a motion of censure requires the votes of the majority of the members of the Assembly. With the current composition of the hemicycle, this would amount to an alliance between the party Les Républicains (LR), the National Rally (RN) and the New Popular Ecological and Social Union (Nupes). However, if the RN and the Nupes are going to table a motion of censure, the two groups should stay in their lane and not vote for the provision of the other. If the motion is passed, the text is rejected and the government overthrown, but this scenario seems unlikely.

But nothing indicates that these oppositions could not join forces in the future.

The threat of a motion of censure indeed hovers over the pension reform currently in consultation.

Britney Delsey for DayNewsWorld




Better Putin than Westerners !

The decision by OPEC+ to cut its oil production, while the United States and France demanded an increase, underlines the solidity of the ties forged between Saudi Arabia, leader of the cartel, and Russia.

At the end of September and following the G7, the European Union announced what it believed to be one of the most effective weapons to dry up Moscow's warlike finances while fighting its own energy crisis: a cap on the price of oil. .

A few weeks later it was all over for the West, which saw its plan seriously undermined.

The thirteen members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, led by Saudi Arabia, and their ten partners led by Russia decided this Wednesday, October 5, 2022 on a drop of “two million” barrels per day for the month of November. This drastic cut could cause crude prices to soar to the benefit of producing countries, including Russia, which needs hydrocarbon sales to finance its invasion of Ukraine.

A slap from the Saudi Prince MBS to his Western allies

It is a real slap in the face given by the strongman of Saudi Arabia, Crown Prince Mohammed Ben Salman, to his Western allies. In recent months, Joe Biden and Emmanuel Macron had reconnected with MBS – at the risk of being accused of rehabilitating the one whom the CIA considers responsible for the assassination of the Saudi dissident Jamal Khashoggi. The two leaders are today rejected in their demands.

A few weeks before the inevitably crucial midterm elections, the Biden administration is of course furious: fighting at home against galloping inflation – led in particular by energy prices – it has long pressured its allies within OPEC, starting with Saudi Arabia, so that they do not reduce their production in this way.

Alignment with Russia against “fist bump”

The decision of OPEC + falls to the worst for Joe Biden. In a press release, he said he was "disappointed with the short-sighted decision" of the cartel of black gold producing and exporting countries. “It is clear that with its decision today, OPEC + is aligned with Russia”, then declared, in hardening the tone, its spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre.

She thus accuses Mohammed bin Salman, Prime Minister in office, of aligning himself with Russia. It is the entire policy of the Biden administration in the Gulf that is called into question, after a summer visit with meager results that some had described as “humiliating” for the United States. The American president had traveled to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, in July for an official visit which notably saw him exchange a "fist bump", a familiar greeting fist to fist, with Crown Prince MBS, and participate in a summit. with many Arab leaders... But with this decision on Wednesday, the Saudis made it clear that they didn't care about their relationship with Biden.

Strategic reserves

The 79-year-old Democrat knows that a rise in gas prices a month before the midterm legislative elections would undermine the chances of his party, which so far hopes to retain control of at least one of the two chambers. of Congress, the Senate.

Faced with this economic and electoral risk, the White House is already sketching out its response. In particular, it will “put on the market next month ten million barrels taken from the strategic oil reserves”.

The US executive had already decided in March to use these black gold reserves for several months, now at their lowest since July 1984.

But "the United States cannot forever draw on strategic reserves (...) and OPEC knows it", observes analyst Andy Lipow (Lipow Oil Associates), for whom the solution would be "to produce more oil" on American soil.

This is why Joe Biden also wants to think about the best way to “reduce OPEC+ control over energy prices”, according to the long press release from the White House.

And what about the European Union ?

But the expert points out that "this would penalize the European and Asian allies"...

As usual, the European Union is taken by surprise and may well share its ire. By thus increasing the price of crude, the decision of the oil cartel puts an end to its plan to cap the price of oil. "We are determined to make the Kremlin pay the price of this new escalation", declared Wednesday September 28 the controversial president of the Ursula von der Leyen Commission with an eighth set of sanctions.

However, this cut in world production risks costing Europe and the United States dearly and helping to fill the Kremlin's coffers.

Joanne Courbet for DayNewsWorld



European countries, like the rest of the world, will "pay the price of war" in Ukraine in 2023, predicts the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in a report published on Monday 26 September. “Global growth prospects have darkened,” writes the organization, which expects global GDP to grow by 2.2% for the coming year – against 2.8% initially forecast last June.

And the euro zone occupies a prominent place in this very dark picture: its growth is undergoing the most significant revision of all the regions of the world, forecast at 0.3% – against 1.6% in June. The OECD also anticipates a recession scenario for Germany in 2023, that is to say a period of decline in its economic activity over at least two consecutive quarters. German GDP – the largest European economy – is expected to plunge next year, down 0.7%, while the previous forecast predicted an increase of 1.7%.

“This OECD forecast is realistic. It is consistent to consider that in the Euro Zone, it is probably Germany that will suffer the most this winter from the energy shock”, explains Gustavo Horenstein, economist and fund manager at Dorval Asset Management. “The recession that will affect Berlin is expected because of its dependence on Russian gas and the importance of the manufacturing industry in its GDP – a sector which is very sensitive to questions of energy supply. »

Unlike Berlin, its main European neighbors should escape this prospect: growth of 0.4% is expected in Italy, 1.5% in Spain and 0.6% in France – while Bercy still expects 1% for its 2023 budget. But these OECD forecasts could still be revised downwards depending on the evolution, this winter, of the current energy crisis.

"If it's very cold, stocks will run out faster"

“Significant uncertainties surround these projections”, notes the organization, which points to a risk “of worsening fuel shortages, in particular gas” in the event of a particularly harsh winter. Growth in the euro zone, forecast at 0.3%, could then be further reduced by an additional 1.25 percentage points in this worst-case scenario. This would then have the effect of inevitably plunging the vast majority of countries in the region into recession for the whole of 2023.

The recession in several European countries “will quite simply depend on the temperatures this winter”, according to Gustavo Horenstein. “If it's very cold, stocks will run out faster. The risk is that the demand for gas and electricity for heating is much higher than the production capacities (of these two energies). »

And in a context of already high gas and electricity prices, the risk of shortages exists this winter according to the OECD: “This could happen if additional non-Russian supplies from non-EU countries do not materialize to the extent expected, or if gas demand is exceptionally high due to a severe winter. »

The organization acknowledges that EU gas stocks have been “significantly boosted” this year – between 80% and 90% in most member states – but may prove to be “insufficient”. “A harsh winter could significantly accentuate shortage phenomena,” warns the OECD.

The OECD has established three scenarios relating to the levels of European gas stocks over the winter of 2022-2023.

The international organization for economic studies has also established different scenarios relating to the levels of European gas stocks over the period October 2022 - April 2023. The first assumes a 10% drop in gas consumption , the result of the implementation of energy sobriety plans by several European countries. In this case, stocks would be sufficient for this winter.

In the other two scenarios, the energy situation would become really tense in Europe: in the case of gas consumption similar to the period 2017-2021, there would be an "acute risk of disruption of energy supplies" in February 2023. And for the “harsh winter” scenario, the fall in the level of gas stocks below 30% – corresponding to a normal operating level – would take place in January.

In addition to the winter weather, the "ability of industry in particular, and of European economies in general, to manage their energy consumption will also be important", notes Gustavo Horenstein.

“Probably no improvement before 2024”

The vertiginous rise in energy prices is already threatening the activity of a growing number of energy-intensive industries – some are forced to reduce their activity, like Duralex and others in the steel industry.

“Most governments, when it comes to dealing with energy issues, prioritize households, utilities, hospitals… and productive industry comes last. In the event of a recession, this is probably where there will be the most damage this winter in Europe, ”said Gustavo Horenstein. In the event of an aggravation of the energy crisis, gas and electricity savings could in fact primarily affect industries which, by reducing their production, would have an impact on the economy of the Euro Zone – this sector represented 23% of European GDP in 2021, according to the World Bank.

Whatever measures are taken in the short term, “the reconstruction of the European energy sector will take years”, notes Gustavo Horenstein.

"We will probably go through a difficult time with a strong economic slowdown. The recession and the domestic inflation to fight are in front of us, we will probably not see an improvement before 2024."

Larry Ricky pour DayNewsWorld



Inflation is at its highest level in the euro zone and the EU for more than 20 years. It reached nearly 10% within the EU in July. A new record since the existence of the single European currency. The three Baltic countries are the Member States most burdened by inflation: Estonia exceeded 23%, Latvia and Lithuania being respectively just above and below 21%.

For the rest, it is mainly the countries of Eastern Europe that are suffering from the sharp rise in prices. The rest of Europe is not spared either. In the Netherlands, for example, the rise in prices exceeds 13% over one year. The Dutch government has taken fewer measures than other European executives to support household purchasing power and fight inflation. Still according to Eurostat data for the same period, it is 8.8% in Germany, 10.3% in Spain, 9% in Italy. In Great Britain this rate was 10.1% in July.

At the other end of the spectrum, France and Malta are doing the best. In particular, Malta has still not raised state-regulated energy prices, thus artificially keeping inflation at zero in this area... "Everyone should have around 9% inflation normally, but France is an exception”, observes Éric Heyer, economist and director of the analysis and forecasting department of the OFCE. With an annual inflation rate of 6.7% in August, can we say that France is doing well compared to its German, Spanish, Italian or British neighbors ?

The tariff shield

If inflation is lower in France, "it's partly thanks to our energy mix", explains Éric Heyer. Continuing to bet on nuclear allows us in particular to be more independent than our German neighbor who imports a lot more fossil fuels. According to figures from the International Energy Agency, Russian oil accounted for only 17% of black gold imports from France in 2019, compared to 34% for Germany.

The other reason and “the most important”, according to Éric Heyer, are “the measures to support households, either with checks or by freezing prices”. Germany, Great Britain and Spain have preferred, by political choice, financial assistance to citizens by distributing vouchers and discounts on fuel, without freezing prices. France preferred to bet big on the tariff shield by freezing gas prices until the end of 2022.. “If there was no such protection, the electricity bill would increase in January 2023 by 120 euros per month and the gas bill of 180 euros per month”.

In line with remarks made this weekend by the Minister of Public Accounts Gabriel Attal, Bruno Le Maire confirmed that all French people would continue to benefit in 2023 from an attenuated form of "tariff shield" on gas prices and electricity.

The surge in energy prices should therefore be contained and limited at least until the beginning of 2023 for the French.

At the start of 2023, "there will be an increase for everyone in the price of gas and electricity, which will be as contained as possible, to the extent that our public finances allow us", guaranteed the Minister of Economy. Since the fall of 2021, the "tariff shield" and government rebates on the price of fuel have cost 24 billion euros, according to a recent figure from Bercy, but the specter of yellow vests helping...

The limits of the tariff shield

And yet for Jean-Marc Daniel, the tariff shield "is an artificial modification of prices, which, in the end will be just a transfer for future generations". They make it possible to limit inflation “in a limited time” but “the creation of a budget deficit cannot last forever”. And it is obvious for all the specialists, “inflation will rise again when we lift these tariff shields”.

If the State is coping with the crisis with the means at hand and succeeds in limiting the effects of the drop in purchasing power, it is at the cost of a debt which is accumulating and which we will have to absorb one day or another.

Garett Skyport for DayNewsWorld




Since the Western countries imposed sanctions on Moscow after the launch of its offensive against Ukraine, Russia has several times reduced its gas deliveries to Europe, which is highly dependent on it. Russia accounted for some 40% of EU gas imports until last year.

Suspension of Gazprom deliveries to France for unpaid invoice

And the Russian giant Gazprom, notifying the French group of not having received “in full the financial sums due for deliveries”, announced Tuesday evening the total suspension of its deliveries to the French group Engie from Thursday September 1, 2022.

"Gazprom Export has notified Engie of a complete suspension of gas deliveries from September 1, 2022 until full receipt of the financial sums due for the deliveries", indicated the Russian group in a press release published Tuesday evening on its website. Telegram account.

Under a decree by Russian President Vladimir Putin signed at the end of March, Gazprom specifies that "it is prohibited to deliver more natural gas to a foreign buyer if the buyer has not made payment in full within the set period in the contract”.

Reserve stocks?

French Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne, wanting to “reassure Engie customers”, however said that the French group had “found other sources of supply”, without specifying which ones, in the Daily magazine on the TMC channel.

Deliveries of Russian gas to Engie had already dropped significantly since the start of the conflict in Ukraine, recently dropping to just 1.5 TWh (terawatt-hour) per month, according to Engie. This figure is to be related to “total annual supplies in Europe greater than 400 TWh” for Engie, adds the main gas supplier in France, of which the French State holds nearly 24%.

At the end of July, Engie had assured that it had significantly reduced its “financial and physical exposure to Russian gas”, which already represented only around 4% of its supplies. "It's completely within the margin of the flexibility of our portfolios, so we're not at all worried," said its managing director Catherine MacGregor at the time.

Last Thursday, France's gas stocks exceeded the 90% filling threshold for the winter (91.47% Tuesday morning), according to the European platform Aggregated Gas Storage Inventory (AGSI).

Still, the Europeans are rushing in dispersed order to find gas elsewhere, far from being ready for this challenge that they have imposed on themselves...

Europeans desperate for gas...

To counterbalance the drop in Russian deliveries, the different states of the European Union are indeed negotiating on their own with the gas supplier countries.

Emmanuel Macron's trip to Algeria last week, officially intended to strengthen relations between Paris and Algiers, led to meager negotiations to obtain more gas. .

France is not the first to try to obtain more gas from its Algerian partner. Mario Draghi came to sign a new contract in July for 4 billion m³ of additional gas for Italy. Spain had negotiated Algerian gas a few weeks before. Other European countries have chosen alliances with different partners, such as Norway and the United States. For his part, the German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, traveled to Canada to sign an agreement on Tuesday night for gas deliveries which will begin around 2025.

A good way for Justin Trudeau's government to count on a reliable partner who will finance its new infrastructures for liquefied natural gas and hydrogen. In addition, some countries find themselves unable to discuss with other gas suppliers for reasons of simple geography. Viktor Orban's Hungary has gone to ask for more gas directly from Moscow, while the new interim government in Bulgaria is tempted to do the same.

In this context of energy crisis, "The Jacques Delors Institute has been pleading for ten years for the creation of a common gas purchasing center at European level", a structure that already exists for uranium, recalls Thomas Pellerin-Carlin .

A difficult solution, however, to put in place insofar as the choice of the energy mix falls within the competence of the States, with very different situations...

Andrew Preston for DayNewsWorld



The President of the Republic is preparing for a turbulent return, with the French overtaken by the economic consequences of the war in Ukraine and a political opposition in ambush. Moreover, Friday August 19, in Bormes-les-Mimosas (Var), Emmanuel Macron asked the French "to agree to pay the price of our freedom and our values". “The executive is indeed facing considerable challenges: on the geopolitical level with the war in Ukraine, on the energy level with potential restrictions this winter, and climate issues very present throughout the summer, lists the political scientist Bruno Cautrès. And then, to complicate all this, economic issues with the question of inflation and purchasing power. ".

Inflation and purchasing power

In France as in Europe, the economic consequences are heavy, starting with the return of inflation. The vote on the bill on purchasing power in July enabled the government to provide a first round of responses. The more than 20 billion euros of measures voted – not without difficulty – this summer to support purchasing power (fuel discount, back-to-school bonus, revaluation of social minima, tariff shield on gas and electricity, increase in cap on tax exemption for overtime…) will they be enough to calm the concerns of the French? Soaring prices, in particular food and energy, will continue to put the executive under pressure. While prices at the pump are down, inflation exceeded 6% in July.

Energy sovereignty

Energy sovereignty will also be on the back-to-school menu. We must "work for our energy sovereignty, to support the French, our companies in the context of this war", declared Emmanuel Macron from the Var. Indeed, autonomy may be difficult to achieve and possible energy shortages following the war waged by Russia in Ukraine cannot be ruled out. In this context, Algeria, the leading African exporter of natural gas, and where the president is going at the end of the week, could be one of the alternative solutions while waiting for profound changes in energy policy.

The climate emergency, after a remarkable summer

The summer was marked by fires and climatic phenomena on an unprecedented scale, such as last week's thunderstorms in Corsica. They recalled the urgency of issues related to global warming. This is why the President of the Republic will organize a government seminar at the end of August devoted in particular to ecology, while the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, must also deliver a "strong speech on energy sobriety and transition" during the university. Medef summer school. The Head of State also asked him to “submit in the fall an ecological planning agenda broken down by month and year”, specifies the Elysée.


The summer period was also marked by the return of security to the public debate, after several miscellaneous events, including a gunshot after an urban rodeo and one death and one serious injury during a refusal to comply in Vénissieux (Rhône ) . Occupying all the media space during the summer - as Nicolas Sarkozy did in 2002 - after his reappointment, the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, will present a security bill in the fall. The government could convince Les Républicains with its orientation and programming bill from the Ministry of the Interior (Lopmi). The text should make it possible to grant an additional 15 billion euros in budget over five years and will be examined in October in Parliament. The minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, on the other hand, was summoned by the Elysée and Matignon to postpone his bill on immigration. It is scheduled for December, after the organization of a "big debate" in Parliament, as announced by the Minister in early August.

The 2023 Budget

The finance bill for 2023 promises to be perilous for the executive, who only has the word "compromise" in his mouth.

Despite its promises to change the method, the government is already anticipating a forced passage, with possible recourse to article 49.3, to have the 2023 finance bill adopted, for lack of an absolute majority for the macronists in the Assembly. Traditionally, the oppositions vote against to express their disagreement with government policy.

Explosive reforms

The autumn should also mark the real kick-off for the reforms supposed to make it possible to achieve the two main economic policy objectives promised by the Head of State for 2027: full employment and a public deficit reduced to less than 3% of gross domestic product (GDP)? “We can move towards full employment, but we must continue to carry out the essential reforms”, he recalled in his interview on July 14.

Among these, the reform of unemployment insurance, intended both to make budgetary savings and to encourage a return to work, plans to modulate the allowances of the persons concerned according to the health of the economy. . A principle that promises to crystallize tensions, both on the side of the opposition and the unions. Conditioning of the RSA to 15 or 20 hours of weekly activity, already tested in Dijon and Alsace, is also planned.

The other is pensions. The proposal made by Emmanuel Macron during the presidential campaign plans to postpone the legal retirement age to 65, with a system of long and arduous careers. The Minister of Labour, Olivier Dussopt, nevertheless promised to consult the unions just after the first meeting of the National Council for Refoundation.

A perilous return therefore for the government and for Emmanuel Macron who has every interest in taking care of his return to carry out his reforms. Especially since according to the latest Ifop survey published by the Journal du Dimanche, the popularity rating of the President of the Republic is currently only 37%, while that of Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne is now higher (41% ). In an attempt to breathe new life into politics and embody a change of method, Emmanuel Macron will therefore launch the National Council for Refoundation (CNR) on September 8, which will bring together "the political, economic, social, associative forces of elected representatives of the territories and citizens drawn by lot", according to the Head of State.

But the CGT is already planning an interprofessional strike day focused on purchasing power, wages and pension reform, on September 29.

Emily Jackson for DayNewsWorld



After four days of often stormy debates, the National Assembly completed, overnight from Tuesday to Wednesday, the first reading of the amending budget for 2022.

At the end of last week, the deputies had already adopted an “emergency” bill in support of purchasing power, representing a total of twenty billion euros in aid. This second text provides for 44 billion euros in additional expenditure. This draft amended budget was adopted by 293 votes to 146, with 17 abstentions.

The Republicans, to whom the executive has repeatedly given satisfaction, supported the text. The deputies of the National Rally, on the other hand, did not take part in the vote and left the hemicycle.

End of the audiovisual license fee

The abolition of the public audiovisual fee of €138, Emmanuel Macron's campaign promise, was voted with the votes of the presidential majority, LR and RN. The Nupes voted against unanimously. LFI provides for an appeal before the Constitutional Council. To compensate for the end of the royalty, the deputies allocated to the financing of public broadcasting a fraction of the VAT for an amount of approximately 3.7 billion euros.

Overtime and RTT

The increase in the overtime tax exemption ceiling has been voted. The deputies also adopted an amendment tabled by LR, allowing employees to transform their RTT into salary.

Revalorization of the index point of civil servants

MEPs endorsed the 3.5% increase in the value of the index point for civil servants, which serves as the basis for their remuneration.

Increased fuel discount

At the end of August, the rebate of 18 cents per liter ended. It will be replaced by a larger discount of thirty centimes per liter in September and October. Then will drop to €0.10 in November and December. With regard to the "transport bonus", paid by companies that wish to pay their employees to cover their fuel costs, the ceiling is increased from €200 to €400.

Maintenance of the tariff shield on energy

The text extends, until the end of the year, the tariff shield on energy prices, which makes it possible to cap the increase in electricity bills at 4% and to freeze gas prices at their level of October 2021. Surprise amendment: the deputies also voted exceptional aid of 230 million euros intended for French people who heat themselves with fuel oil. Three million households should benefit from it.

Compensation for the RSA increase for the departments

To fully compensate for the 4% increase in active solidarity income (RSA), the Assembly decided to allocate 120 million to the departments that pay it. The measure was voted by the left, the RN, LR but also the Horizons group, against the advice of the government. A first.

The majority found at fault on two measures

On several occasions during the examination of the text, the majority therefore found itself caught out by the vote of the deputies, in particular when they approved the release of 230 million euros in aid for homes heating with fuel oil. or concerning the financing of the RSA (active solidarity income), the departments distributing it should receive 120 million euros to compensate for the increase in its amount.

Total renationalization of EDF

The amended draft budget opens up 44 billion euros in credits for 2022, including 9.7 million to finance the renationalization of EDF. The goal is to finance the group and to invest in particular in a “relaunch of the nuclear program in France”, with six new EPR reactors, indicated the Minister of the Economy.

The bill on purchasing power arrives from today in the Senate, with a right-wing majority, and will have to decide on several measures. It will then be the turn of the amending budget for 2022.

Andrew Preston for DayNewsWorld


The Court of Auditors has published its annual report on “the accounts and management of the services of the Presidency of the Republic. “And mentions in particular the amount of expenses related to Brigitte Macron.

If the latter has no official status at the Elysée, she is however the First Lady to whom certain missions with the Head of State fall. The report also lists the "missions devolved" to the first lady. She must "represent France alongside the Head of State at international summits and meetings, respond to requests from French people who wish to meet her, supervise official receptions at the Élysée Palace and support charitable, cultural or social works. which contribute to the international influence of France. »

Then the Court of Auditors accounts for its expenses. According to the Court of Auditors, in 2021, Brigitte Macron cost “€292,454 (compared to €291,826 in 2020). »

"In 2021, Mrs Macron took part in nine official trips outside Île-de-France with the President of the Republic, including three abroad, i.e. twice as many as in 2020 but at a level still lower than that of 2019 (12 trips in 2019, four in 2020)” the report also explains.

Brigitte Macron "has no representation budget for her clothes and benefits, for her public and official activities, from the services of the Presidency hairdresser."

Emily Jackson for DayNewsWorld


The summit on the reconstruction of Ukraine has been held since Monday July 4, 2022 in Lugano, Switzerland with the participation of delegations from 38 States and 14 international organizations. A large Ukrainian delegation is also taking part.

Every year for the past five years, a high-level conference has been held on Ukraine and the reforms it needs to carry out, particularly in the fight against the corruption that is eating away at the country's economy. In its 2021 report, the NGO Transparency International indeed ranks this country 122nd out of 180, still very far behind its EU member neighbors (the worst placed, Bulgaria, is in 78th place).

The war led by Russia, however, has somewhat disrupted the program. And it is reconstruction that is in question until Tuesday in Lugano. Speaking in a video message, President Zelensky stressed that this should be "the common task of the whole democratic world" and "the most important contribution to world peace".

Cost estimated at 750 billion

Participants reflected on a recovery plan for the war-torn country by setting priorities and identifying funding needs. The cost of reconstruction was estimated on Monday at at least 750 billion dollars by the Ukrainian Prime Minister, wondering about “who should pay” before answering that a “key source” of financing should be the seizure of assets of Russia and Russian oligarchs frozen under international sanctions against Moscow. Estimates of the amount of frozen assets range from 287 billion to 479 billion euros ($300 billion to $500 billion), according to Chmygal.

For its part, the Kyiv School of Economics (KSE) had estimated the damage caused so far to buildings and infrastructure at nearly 104 billion dollars. In addition, the country's economy has already lost 600 billion dollars according to some estimates.

Strong UK involvement

Very involved, the United Kingdom, which is one of Ukraine's most active allies, will notably support the reconstruction of the city and the region of kyiv, at the request of President Zelensky, the Foreign Office indicated on Sunday . London also plans to work with Kyiv and its allies to host the Ukraine Recovery Conference in 2023 and establish an office in the UK capital to help coordinate those rebuilding efforts.

Towards a “Marshall Plan” for Ukraine

But it is above all the prospect of a “Marshall plan” which is at the center of the discussions. The participants must, in fact, draw the outline of a plan similar to the American economic program which had made it possible to raise Western Europe from the ruins of the Second World War, this time intended for Ukraine. With this in mind, the European Investment Bank (EIB) must also propose the creation of a new fund for Ukraine, which could reach 100 billion euros, according to sources familiar with the plan.

The expression “Marshall Plan” has been used on several occasions with regard to Ukraine by the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz or even the President of the European Council Charles Michel. The one adopted in the United States in April 1948 and entitled "European Recovery Program" (ERP) offered all the countries of Europe, including the USSR and the other communist countries, to benefit from the assistance to material reconstruction and financial recovery for a period of four years. it's necessary

The President of the Swiss Confederation Ignazio Cassis, however, recalled that reconstruction and reforms were "not in competition" to prepare a European, green and digital Ukraine.

"They are getting stronger," added Mr. Cassis, who called for continuing, despite the war, efforts against corruption and to guarantee the functioning of justice.

Alyson Braxton for DayNewsWorld



Meeting in Bavaria at Elmau Castle from 26 to 28 June 2022 the industrial powers of the G7 proposed a range of responses to global crises. From the war in Ukraine to the threats of food shortages and the peril of the climate, a look back at the commitments made by the leaders of Germany, Canada, the United States, France, Italy, Japan and from the United Kingdom.

The war and the reconstruction of Ukraine

Summit participants were keen to show a united face against Moscow. The G7, joined by five emerging countries, including India, condemned the "illegal" invasion of Ukraine by Russia. The allies notably promised to provide financial, humanitarian, military and diplomatic support and to remain at Ukraine's side "as long as necessary". The financial aid released for this country in 2022 now reaches 29.5 billion dollars. kyiv should also receive new armaments, in particular sophisticated American anti-aircraft missiles.

To further dry up Russia's revenue, G7 leaders will begin work to put in place a Russian oil cap mechanism to hit a major Moscow revenue stream, a senior White House official has said. . The G7 also plans to impose a ban on the import of Russian gold. To control the price of the black gold sold by Russia, the seven countries "are considering a series of approaches", including "a possible ban on all services that allow the maritime transport of Russian crude oil and petroleum products". , unless the oil is purchased below the ceiling that would be set.

The seven powers, at the end of their meeting, say they are "resolved to support the reconstruction of Ukraine through an international conference and reconstruction plan".


Leaders in Germany have denounced Beijing's "non-transparent and market-distorting" international trade practices. They therefore wish to free themselves from dependence on China, by “promoting diversification and resistance to economic coercion” and by “reducing strategic dependencies”. G7 members also raised concerns about human rights abuses in China, urging it to respect fundamental freedoms. They stressed that the situation in Tibet and Xinjiang, where "forced labor" is rampant, is of "great concern" to them.

The final statement also urges China to "fulfil its commitments" under the Sino-British Joint Declaration, guaranteeing Hong Kong certain freedoms and autonomy for 50 years under the "One country, two systems" model.

Alleviating the food crisis

The G7 pledged an additional $4.5 billion to alleviate the global food crisis, bringing total joint commitments to $14 billion for the year. The seven powers also called on countries and companies with large food stocks to assume their responsibilities to alleviate the food crisis triggered by the conflict in Ukraine. They also urge "all countries to avoid excessive storage of food, which can lead to further price increases". In addition, she also reiterated her "urgent call on Russia to end, unconditionally, the blockade of Ukrainian Black Sea ports, the destruction of essential port and transport infrastructure, silos and grain terminals , to the illegal appropriation by Russia of agricultural products and equipment in Ukraine and to all other activities that hinder the production and export of production and Ukrainian exports of foodstuffs”. Russia, for its part, denies having blocked the passage of cargo ships and accuses Western sanctions of contributing to the food crisis.

Climate commitments

The G7 countries have agreed to strengthen cooperation in the fight against global warming. But their ambitions, which come up against fears of energy shortages, have disappointed conservationists. The powers, which must in the short term do without Russian gas, are under pressure to meet their climate commitments.

In their final declaration, the Heads of State or Government certainly reaffirmed "their unwavering commitment" to the Paris Agreement, which aims to limit global warming to 1.5° above the pre-industrial era and their objective to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. They also underlined the "increased urgency to act" to reduce global greenhouse gas at 2019 levels. The G7 has also committed to a “highly decarbonized road sector by 2030”.

The summit also agreed to create a "Climate Club" made up of volunteer countries to coordinate and accelerate efforts to combat global warming. But critical voices pointed out after the summit that the idea remained vague and risked becoming "just another club", according to Martin Kaiser, the executive director of Greenpeace in Germany.


Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, US President Joe Biden, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, European Council President Charles Michel, Prime Italian Minister Mario Draghi and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, have pledged to end, by the end of 2022, all new direct public support for the untapped international fossil fuel energy sector. However, in the face of the rush for alternative energy sources to emancipate themselves from Russian fossil fuels, the G7 agreed that public investments could be made in the gas sector "as an interim response".

By announcing these commitments, although the G7 no longer represents the seven largest economic powers, Joe Biden is trying to give this group a more political turn, that of the fight of democracies against autocracies...

Alize Marion for DayNewsWorld


Does the shortage have to threaten for the major French energy companies EDF, TotalEnergies and Engie, in a joint forum published in theSunday Journal, Sunday June 26, 2022, to call for sobriety, in the name of social cohesion ?.

Should the time be serious for the Minister of the Economy to present the said sobriety as a necessary passage ”, without alternative?

Three days earlier, during a visit to a national gas control center in Ile-de-France, Elisabeth Borne, accompanied by Agnès Pannier-Runacher, had already set the scene. “We have to be energy efficient. I don't know if it's the right term, but in any case we must reduce by 40% by 2050” call for sobriety. A roadmap should apply from this summer to the State, administrations and large companies.

Now the energy companies are turning into “fathers of morality”. "We call for awareness and collective and individual action for each of us to change our behavior and immediately limit our consumption of energy, electricity, gas and petroleum products", wrote Jean-Bernard Lévy and Patrick Pouyanné , CEO of EDF and TotalEnergies, as well as Catherine MacGregor, Managing Director of Engie, in an article published in the Sunday Journal

In the forum of the JDD, the three leaders of French energy suppliers therefore call for "a collective and immediate effort" to avoid a winter under tension. The three call on the French to "immediately" reduce their consumption of fuel, electricity and gas. According to the three energy access providers in France, the risks of shortages and soaring prices are such that they will threaten “social cohesion” next winter.

Indeed "for months now, the European energy system has been under great tension and the French energy system has not been spared", explain Catherine MacGregor, Managing Director of Engie, Jean-Bernard Lévy, Chairman and CEO of EDF. , and Patrick Pouyanné, Chairman and CEO of TotalEnergies. “Acting this summer will allow us to be better prepared to tackle next winter, and in particular to preserve our gas reserves.

These tensions are explained by the war in Ukraine and the Western sanctions, first of all. Deliveries of Russian gas by pipeline have "decline sharply for some countries, including France". “Although increasing, imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) are today still too limited to compensate for these declines. The level of alert on gas stocks at European level is therefore high and rationing measures are put in place in certain countries”, they underline.

The world oil market could therefore experience tensions between the level of production and demand during the summer. In the United States, we are entering the 'driving season', the period of the year when car travel is the most important, because people go on vacation. And therefore the one where we need more automotive fuel. In China, the relaxation of the drastic confinements imposed on certain cities will lead to a return to normal travel, and therefore an increase in oil demand.

The weather also has something to do with it. "Climatic conditions and drought are amputating hydraulic production", write the three leaders in their forum. A large part of the French nuclear fleet actually requires water from rivers to be cooled. Consequently, too low a water level, as was the case at the beginning of June for example in the Rhône, can jeopardize these activities.

To these causes are added other handicaps as suggested by the manager of the electricity transmission network (RTE) two weeks ago with TF1. "We are in fact in a pivotal period, marked by a series of events to manage: the closure of oil and coal-fired power stations, that [nuclear] of Fessenheim, but also the delay in the development of other modes of generation”, notes RTE.

In addition to May 24, 27 of the 56 French nuclear reactors were shut down, according to EDF. That's almost half. An unprecedented situation, which is explained by planned closures but also by an unforeseen problem of corrosion. While half of the nuclear fleet is shut down, the Ministry of Energy Transition also reserves “the possibility of operating the Saint-Avold [coal] power plant for a few more hours if we need it l 'next winter'.

In fact, the risk of a shortage hovers so that in the short term, any savings in gas or electricity made today will make it possible to secure stocks for the winter. In the medium term, the government would display more ambitious intentions. "The objective is a roadmap that will allow us to reduce energy consumption by 10% compared to our usual benchmark within two years," said the Minister for Energy Transition. This corresponds to “the first step of the RTE scenario, which aims for a reduction of 40% by 2050”.

However, France is not the only country concerned. To compensate for the reductions in Russian gas deliveries, Germany will, for example, return to coal. A provisional appeal, promises the German Minister of Economy and Climate, who recognizes that this is a bitter decision. The extension of certain power plants will be a short-term measure, over a “limited” period, until March 2024, assures Berlin.

Other countries in Europe have recently announced similar measures. Austria, also dependent on Russian gas, has also announced the upcoming restart of a disused coal-fired power plant, in order to be able to compensate for a possible shortage.

Latest example: the Netherlands. Until now, Dutch coal-fired power plants could not operate at more than 35% of their capacity, according to a law in force since January 2022 to reduce the country's CO2 emissions. They can now "operate at full capacity", announced Monday, June 20 the Dutch Minister of the Environment and Energy, Rob Jetten.

While she advocates energy sobriety, Elisabeth Borne announced last Thursday the extension of the tariff shield until the end of the year. A good signal to encourage people to reduce their consumption ?

Alize Marion for DayNewsWorld



The text, which is intended to help the French cope with inflation, must be presented to the Council of Ministers on July 6 and then examined in Parliament in the process. This must be the first major text of Emmanuel Macron's second five-year term. The "purchasing power" bill, supposed to be presented to the Council of Ministers on Wednesday July 6 and examined in Parliament in the process, should make it possible to relieve the French, weighed down by inflation which should reach an average of 5.5% in 2022.

Its content is already the subject of a bitter political battle between the oppositions and the executive, the former counting on the absence of an absolute majority in the National Assembly of the presidential camp to impose some of their key measures. This is why the Minister of the Economy alerted on the level of indebtedness of France, this Monday. A way of calling on the opposition to restraint before the debates on the purchasing power bill in the National Assembly.

France has reached its “alert rating” on public finances, indeed estimated the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire, Monday June 27, at a time when the executive is seeking a compromise with the opposition for its project. purchasing power law.

"Everything is not possible, quite simply because we have reached the alert level on public finances", affirmed Mr. Le Maire, adding that "financing conditions have changed" and that today the France borrows “at more than 2%” to finance public spending, when it did so recently at negative or very low rates. According to the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (Insee), French public debt exceeded 2,900 billion euros at the end of the third quarter, or 114.5% of gross domestic product (GDP), due to also from sluggish economic growth.

The purchasing power bill, the subject of all negotiations

On the right, the new president of the Les Républicains group in the National Assembly, Olivier Marleix, strongly insisted on the risk of an increase in the French debt, Monday morning on Europe 1, a few minutes before Mr. The mayor. “On the question of purchasing power and such a problem for our compatriots, obviously we will do everything to converge with the government” and “move forward on these measures”, declared the deputy for Eure-et-Loire then that the Republicans, if they refuse to participate in the government, ensure that they will possibly vote on texts “on a case-by-case basis”.

Mr. Marleix however laid down two conditions: the need to take into account the fact that the question of purchasing power is "a major subject for working France", and "obviously the government will have to agree to to consider the question of the financing of these measures”.

“We will be demanding of the government so that it is funded. The French debt situation today is very serious (…) The government cannot say: “Come on, 30 billion additional debt!” It would be irresponsible,” he said, promising that LR deputies “will make proposals on the subject of financing.”

On the left, the deputy and national secretary of the French Communist Party, Fabien Roussel, wished on CNews "a sharp increase in purchasing power" with in particular "an immediate drop in VAT on gasoline". “We will not be satisfied with crumbs” and “we will all take to the streets if necessary to obtain these measures”, he warned.

A boost of eight billion euros for social benefits

Asked about the proposal made by several opposition parties, such as Les Républicains or the National Rally, for a reduction in fuel tax, Mr. Le Maire assured that the government was going to “discuss” with these formations but that “ the spirit of compromise must be accompanied by a spirit of decision”.

The extension of existing measures

Several measures already implemented in recent months to combat rising prices should be extended. This is the case of the tariff shield on energy (which has already been extended by decree until December 31, 2022), and which caps the sale prices of gas and electricity. The discount of 18 cents per liter on fuels also still holds, at least for the month of August. The government is thinking in parallel about a new device more targeted on large wheelers, but its articulation with the discount is not clear-cut, assured Friday June 24 the Minister of Energy Transition, Agnès Pannier-Runacher.

The inflation allowance, one-off, should also make a comeback under the name of food check. The government has abandoned the idea of ​​a monthly food check, which was to allow access to quality products. This new financial aid, the amount of which has not yet been fixed, will be paid “in one go” and “at the start of the school year”, directly into the bank account of the most modest, announced the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne. While ensuring that the reflection continued on a food check more targeted on "quality" and "organic" products.

Finally, the Macron bonus, which appeared during the "yellow vests" crisis, will be made permanent and its ceiling tripled. Companies will therefore be able to pay up to 3,000 euros to their employees, or even 6,000 euros for companies with fewer than 50 employees and those with a profit-sharing agreement.

Revaluations of social benefits

Several social benefits need to be upgraded. Retirement and disability pensions under the basic schemes, the activity bonus (the lump sum of which is 563.68 euros), but also family benefits and social minima, including the active solidarity income (550. 93 euros for a single person without resources), the allowance for disabled adults (919.86 euros maximum), the solidarity allowance for the elderly (916.78 euros for a single person) should increase by 4% , according to the bill consulted. This boost will be retroactive to July 1. The cost of these revaluations amounts to "a little less than 7 billion at the end of 2022", according to Les Echos

The amending finance bill, presented at the same time as the "purchasing power" bill, should also incorporate a 3.5% increase in personalized housing assistance (APL), which would represent a additional expenditure of 168 million euros.

New measures put in place

The government is also planning a series of new measures. Civil servants will thus see the end of the freezing of their index point, which serves as the basis for their remuneration. The public service unions are asking for between 3% for the CFDT and 20% for the CFTC. A 1% increase would cost the state 2 billion euros per year, according to the government, which should announce the value of the new point on June 28.

A reduction in the contributions of the self-employed is also provided for in the bill. It should allow them to earn “550 euros per year at the level of the minimum wage”, assured mid-May the spokesperson for the former government Gabriel Attal.

The bill also provides for an increase in the “transport bonus” paid by companies to their employees to cover part of the cost of their home-work travel. The upper limit of tax and social security exemption for the employer's assumption of the fuel costs of its employees will thus be doubled, from 200 to 400 euros for the years 2022 and 2023. Employees will also be able to combine this bonus with the paid by the employer for 50% of the price of public transport season tickets.

The abolition of the audiovisual license fee should also be effective next fall, with a gain for households of 138 euros, ie a shortfall for the State of more than 3 billion euros net.

The text also wants to open up the possibility of establishing a profit-sharing scheme by the employer even without a branch agreement or with staff representatives. The objective is to allow employees to benefit from the sharing of the value created in the company. On the other hand, the track of an “employee dividend”, which was to make participation in the company compulsory, “does not appear in the initial text at this stage”, confirms the Ministry of Labor.

In addition to these measures, the government plans to include in the amending finance bill a “rent shield”, aimed at capping rent increases for one year at 3.5%, confirmed Bruno.

“Politics is about choices (…) It is imperative to reduce public debt”, but “we must at the same time protect our compatriots who are the most fragile, but protect them responsibly. », concludes Bruno Lemaire.

Andrew Preston for DayNewsWorld




In its latest forecast on Wednesday, the international organization doubled its inflation forecast for its member countries in 2022 to 8.5%.

The consequences of the war in Ukraine could cause inflation to soar to 8.5% among OECD member countries in 2022, the international organization warns in its latest economic forecasts on Wednesday, a level twice as high as the one she anticipated in December.

The rise in prices should then slow in 2023, warns the OECD, which brings together 38 developed countries across the planet, while warning of a worsening of these prospects in the event of new economic shocks.

Global growth for 2022 lowered to 3%

Global growth will strongly feel the consequences of the war in Ukraine this year, the organization also warned, raising its growth expectation to 3% against 4.5% last December. Particularly affected, the euro zone should record a 2.6% increase in its GDP against 4.3% previously forecast, and France, for example, an increase of 2.4% against 4.2% imagined in December by the organization international based in Paris.

"The world will pay a heavy price for the Russian war against Ukraine", warned the number two and chief economist of the OECD, Laurence Boone, in an introductory text to these forecasts entitled "the price of war". “A humanitarian crisis is unfolding before our eyes, leaving thousands dead, forcing millions of refugees to flee their homes and threatening an economic recovery that was on the way after two years of the pandemic,” she continues.

An invoice that changes between geographies

The bill for the war varies significantly depending on the geographical area: the euro zone sees its growth forecast significantly reduced to 2.6% against 4.3% in December, with a plunge for Germany to 1.9% (-2 .2 points) and France at 2.4% (-1.8 points). The United Kingdom is doing quite well this year with 3.6% expected (-1.1%) but stalls completely at 0% for the 2023 forecast, against 2.1 expected previously.

The United States should experience growth of 2.5% in 2022, against 3.7% expected in December, and China of 4.4% (against 5.1%). Still deemed “temporary” in September 2021 by the OECD, inflation has picked up markedly with the persistence of problems in supply chains and soaring prices for energy, food and metals, aftermath of the war.

While the OECD sees these pressures easing next year, it nevertheless warns that, given the prevailing uncertainty, they could still worsen.

But soaring inflation could lead to sharp interest rate hikes by central banks, further threatening an already shaky economic recovery, the organization fears.

Carl Delsey for DayNewsWorld



After having denied the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus on its territory for nearly two years, Pyongyang reported an explosion of contamination.

While almost all countries have been affected to varying degrees by successive waves of Covid-19 for more than two years, North Korea has always claimed to be part of the three territories, with Turkmenistan and the Tuvalu islands, to have never been exposed to the virus, observes Vice.

If doubts still remain as to this absence of SARS-CoV-2 on North Korean territory since the start of the pandemic, the situation has in any case changed since Thursday, May 12. That day, state media reported – admittedly half-heartedly – ​​the very first case of Covid-19 in the country. Since then, there have been nearly 1.2 million people infected and fifty deaths from infection with the virus. An impressive development in such a short time which, according to Vice, could be greatly underestimated. A question is now on everyone's lips: how did the virus enter the country? Especially given the fact that “North Korea was one of the first to seal its foreign borders in January 2020 and to paralyze international trade – including with China”, recalls Vice.

According to Ethan Jewell, Seoul-based correspondent for NK News, one of the main avenues to explain the spread of the virus on North Korean territory would however be to be sought on the side of China, a country also hard hit by the Covid- 19 for several months. Also according to Vice, "there have been numerous reports of people making illegal trips [...] in an effort to provide essential resources to impoverished and starving North Korean communities".

A strained medical system

According to Vic e, North Korean soldiers could then have found themselves in contact with some of these Chinese smugglers. They would then have gone to a military parade organized in Pyongyang on April 25, transforming the event into a giant cluster. For Hong Min, a researcher at the Korea Institute for National Unification, there is no doubt: “The current Covid epidemic [in North Korea] is closely linked to the April 25 parade”.

On the other hand, faced with the number of cases which continues to increase, the North Korean health system is struggling. "In town, you have a very big general hospital... but if you go to the villages, they hardly have any clinics," Hong Lim explains. The medical system is under strain and the shortage of drugs is evident.”

Due to the few people vaccinated and the lack of available treatments, experts believe that North Korea could introduce draconian containment measures to limit the spread of the virus, like its Chinese neighbor.

Andrew Preston for DayNewsWorld



As every spring, with the publication of the reference documents of listed companies, the remuneration of the big bosses arouses indignant reactions. This year, a study by Fintech Scalens, a platform specializing in services for listed companies, showed in particular that the leaders of the CAC 40, the forty best valued companies on the Paris stock exchange, saw their remuneration double in one year. year, reaching an average of 8.7 million euros. Same upward trend in the United States: the 100 main American executives saw their remuneration increase by 31% in 2021 to around 20 million euros per person on average (including +569% for the boss of Apple, Tim Cook, or even +65% for that of Goldman Sachs).

One name in particular caught the attention of the French press: that of Carlos Tavares, the general manager of the automobile group Stellantis (born from the merger between Fiat Chrystler and PSA Peugeot Citroën), supposed to receive 66 million euros in total compensation. in 2021, including a fixed portion of €19 million. This figure, made public during the intervening rounds of the presidential campaign, was deemed "shocking" both by the candidate of the National Rally, Marine Le Pen, and by the candidate president Emmanuel Macron, who also called for a cap on executive compensation at European level.

The case of Carlos Tavares indeed appears all the more controversial since, under the mandate of François Hollande, a law was adopted so that the employer's remuneration is subject to the approval of the shareholders. On April 13, the latter also opposed the payment of 66 million euros at the general meeting of the group. But the vote took place at the new headquarters located in the Netherlands, where this vote only has an advisory function... The CFDT central union representative, thus bitterly regretted the move: was for geographical neutrality, not for financial advantages…”

A decorrelation of performance

During the general assembly of the Stellantis group, the president John Elkann had justified this level of remuneration by explaining that he wanted to "reward the performance" of the manager who carried out the merger between Fiat Chrystler and PSA Peugeot Citroën.

Yet the question of whether to reward success financially, although it has been widely debated in psychology since the seminal work of Edward Deci, is not what is primarily at stake here. What is shocking is the level of this reward. How can we explain it? Is this a relevant practice in terms of management?

66 million euros for Carlos Tavares: the salary of the leader of Stellantis disputed (France 24, April 14, 2022).

In the United States, managers earned on average 254 times more than their employees in 2021, compared to 238 times in 2020. A level close to that observed in France. However, if the absolute level of this difference can legitimately shock, it is especially its evolution during the last decades which constitutes the most surprising phenomenon.

Indeed, this gap was only 1 to 20 in the United States in 1965. This was also the maximum pay gap recommended at the beginning of the 20th century by the famous banker JP Morgan, not well known for his activism. egalitarian. What can explain such inflation? This is certainly not a proportional increase in the talent and responsibilities of the big bosses: whatever the indicator chosen, nothing indicates that the performance of the leaders (and of the companies they lead) has multiplied by 20 since the 1960s.

Consanguinity of boards of directors

In fact, the explosion in the compensation of managers of listed companies is explained by the conjunction of two perverse effects. The first of these effects is the consanguinity of boards of directors and supervisory boards, known in France by the sweet name of "barbichette" , in reference to the nursery rhyme "I hold you, you hold me by the goatee", which becomes: “you are a member of my board, you vote my compensation, I am a member of your board, I vote your compensation”.

To legitimize executive compensation, some argue that there is a "market" for talent, and that compensation, however exuberant it may be, would correspond to the "market price" of skills. However, if such a market exists for the leaders of large groups, it is certainly not a free market and the price there is certainly not an objective measure of value. Indeed, the boards of directors of listed groups are often made up of individuals who are themselves leaders, and who often sit on several other boards.

There is therefore a form of collusion more or less displayed between the managers and those who evaluate their action and decide on their remuneration. Moreover, this situation is not specific to French capitalism (even if collusion between alumni of the same Grandes Ecoles and the same Grandes Corps tends to reinforce it), since it is found, for example, in the United States.

The consanguinity of the boards of directors and supervisory boards, one of the factors which maintains the salaries of the leaders on the rise.

We can thus explain the level of remuneration of the big bosses by the fact that they attribute it to themselves, through their administrators, with whom they share the same interests and the same networks. However, if this phenomenon can make it possible to understand the amount of remuneration, it does not explain their multiplication since the 1960s. Indeed, the endogamy of the instances of power is as old as the world, and nothing indicates that it be worse today than it was yesterday.

“Lake Wobegon effect”

To explain the explosion in executive compensation, we must therefore invoke a second perverse effect, much more formidable because it is largely counter-intuitive. It was from the 1990s that regulations gradually imposed disclosure of the levels of remuneration of the managers of listed companies. In the United States, this took the form of a new rule enacted by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in 1992. In France, it is the NRE law of May 15, 2001, revised by the financial security law of August 1, 2003 which fixed this framework.

In both cases, the objective was the same: to better inform shareholders about executive compensation, with the underlying assumption that if this compensation became public, it would remain contained. However, paradoxically, it is exactly the opposite that has happened: it is the publication of salaries that has caused their inflation.

Indeed, as soon as the remuneration is public, it becomes a measure of the value of the leaders and therefore an issue. As long as it was secret, it did not make it possible to compare individuals and therefore remained a purely private matter. Having become public, it imposes itself as the standard of their talent. When a listed company appoints a new leader and decides to pay him less than his predecessor, everyone knows it, and we will deduce that he is not as capable as the one he replaces. Similarly, if the leader of a company is paid less than the average for his industry, everyone knows it, and we will deduce that he is not among the most talented.

It is because remuneration is public that all leaders seek to earn more than the average and that all boards of directors are constantly paying them better. Indeed, a director who would publicly doubt the competence of the manager would cause a collapse of the share price. Conversely, to positively influence shareholder value, a board of directors has an interest in giving all the most patent, measurable and most visible signs of the extreme confidence it has in the exceptional talent of the manager: this is what he does when he decides to increase it. Therefore, once public, executive compensation becomes instrumentalized as both a measurement tool and a mechanism of influence.

The phenomenon of instrumentalization of the average is known in the United States as the "Lake Wobegon effect", named after the fictional town of Lake Wobegon, where, as the legend goes, "all women are strong, all men are beautiful and all the children are above average”. If it is impossible for everyone to be better than the average, the fact that everyone seeks to be so causes their inflation.

A simple solution for a recent anomaly

What to remember from all that ? In the light of history, the explosion in the remuneration of the bosses of large companies remains an anomaly, and it is a recent anomaly (the French economist Thomas Piketty condemns “meritocratic extremism” in this regard). From a managerial point of view, the current levels of remuneration are not justified, because for a long time companies have been very well managed without their bosses being so handsomely paid.

Moreover, such pay gaps cause a deep feeling of inequity, at the risk of general demotivation, which is much more detrimental to company performance than a very hypothetical erosion of executive talent. As American billionaire Warren Buffett slyly puts it:

"When a leader with a reputation for excellence meets an industry with a reputation for difficulty, it's usually the industry that retains its reputation."

Consequently, if we want to put an end to this historical anomaly that is the explosion of the salaries of big bosses (or that of movie stars and sports champions), the conclusion that must be drawn is clear: we must make these salaries secret. As soon as they are secret, remuneration will cease to be a measure of the value of individuals, and therefore to be an issue. Of course, nothing says that by becoming confidential, remuneration will go down to more reasonable levels (for that, the law would have to impose it or the shareholders would have to demand it), but at the very least they will have fewer reasons to 'increase.

Remains a major obstacle: it is difficult to see how public opinion, scandalized by the current levels of these remunerations, could accept that we decide to hide them. I invite our most pedagogical readers to solve this thorny problem.

According to Frédéric Fréry

Professor of Strategy, ESCP Business School, CentraleSupélec – University of Paris-Saclay in TheConversation.

Boby Dean for DayNewsWorld



It is the first subject of concern of the French, the one which occupied a major part of the campaign and will remain at the heart of the attention of the president: purchasing power. In this regard, Emmanuel Macron is not beginning his second five-year term with great credit. At the end of March, 74% of French people believed that their purchasing power had deteriorated since his election in 2017… Inflation in France jumped 4.8% over one year in April after 4.5% a month earlier according to the provisional estimate published this Friday morning by INSEE.

Price growth in France continues to be driven by soaring hydrocarbon prices exacerbated by Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Over twelve months, energy prices rose another 26.6%. But the increase is also fueled by an “acceleration in the prices of services, food and manufactured products”, specifies INSEE.

An impact evaluated between 168 euros and 421 euros

France is therefore rediscovering a waltz of labels unprecedented since the beginning of the 1980s and which is likely to last. After the entry into force of trade agreements between producers and large retailers - which are also being renegotiated - food prices soared by 3.8%, against 2.9% in March. Fresh produce soared by 6.6%.

The rise in food prices alone "could reduce household purchasing power by 0.4% to 1.1% this year, i.e. between 168 euros and 421 euros with" an impact three times greater for the 10 % the most modest compared to the 10% most affluent”, calculated the economists of Asterès. But the prices of services also increased, by 2.9%.

“The price shocks are spreading throughout the economy, which does not bode well ,” summarizes Philippe Waechter, director of economic research at Ostrum Asset Management.

Decline in growth

Inflation risks leading to losses of purchasing power even if the executive has multiplied the devices in the form of a “resilience plan” to help French people get through this difficult period. Energy check, then tariff shield on gas and electricity prices.. .

As a result, household consumption is down, and GDP growth is zero in the first quarter of 2022 in France, again according to INSEE. In March, consumption fell by 1.3%, halting French growth in the first quarter, INSEE announced on Friday.

After peaking at 7% in 2021, economic growth is likely to stall in the coming months. Most forecasting institutes have recently downgraded their GDP growth figures for 2022.

“For the next government, the equation will be very complicated. He will have to manage the effects of this inflation on the purchasing power of households”, underlines the economist of Ostrum Asset Management Philippe Waechter. “As no government wants to enter into indexation procedures, there are necessarily losses of purchasing power and therefore inequalities which will increase”, he recalls.

On this point, the rise in fuel prices in recent weeks has accentuated territorial disparities in France. All households living in rural areas and dependent on the car find themselves penalized by the rise in fuel prices. Even if the government has implemented several measures such as the 18-cent discount on fuel prices or the inflation check, these non-targeted devices benefit a large number of households without distinction.

Several recent works by economists have shown that these measures could widen the gap between population categories, while those at the bottom of the scale are the most exposed.

An increased risk of social tensions

The next government will also have the heavy task of curbing strong social tensions if inflation continues in the coming months. Already during the presidential campaign, numerous snail operations and blockades of fuel depots took place throughout the territory. The discontent could grow as economic activity slows down. Macronia.

“Inflation generated political crises throughout the 20th century. Inflation has led to social crises in many countries,” recalls Anne-Sophie Alsif.

Abby Shelcore for DayNewsWorld
There are no translations available.



Moscou et Kiev annoncent des avancées dans les discussions. « Nous pouvons dire que les deux parties se sont rapprochées. Elles ont fait des progrès significatifs aujourd’hui. Maintenant, les ministres des Affaires étrangères des deux pays vont se réunir et après, il est prévu une rencontre entre chefs d’Etat », s’est félicité Mevlüt Çavuoglu, le chef de la diplomatie turque dont le pays jouait le rôle de facilitateur dans l’affaire .

La Russie promet en effet un retrait de ses troupes autour de la capitale ukrainienne, en signe de bonne volonté. La Russie a décidé de réduire de manière drastique ses activités militaires autour de Kyiv et Tchernihiv, a déclaré mardi le vice-ministre russe de la Défense à l’issue d’une nouvelle session de pourparlers de paix entre l’Ukraine et la Russie, à Istanbul. L’état-major de l’armée russe devait fournir plus de détails à ce sujet après le retour à Moscou de la délégation de négociateurs. Vendredi, le ministère russe de la Défense avait déjà indiqué que ses forces allaient désormais se concentrer sur une « libération » complète du Donbass, région de l’est de l’Ukraine, précisant qu’il s’agissait d’une des options de départ de leur « opération spéciale », l’autre qui serait donc abandonné étant la conquête de l’ensemble de l’Ukraine. Le Donbass est la région de l’est de l’Ukraine constituée des régions administratives de Louhansk et Donetsk, peuplées en partie de russophones, où Moscou a reconnu l’indépendance des deux républiques séparatistes autoproclamées du même nom juste avant le début de son intervention le 24 février. L’armée russe contrôlerait à l’heure actuelle 93 % du territoire de l’oblast de Louhansk et 54 % du territoire de l’oblast de Donetsk, selon le ministère russe de la Défense. « Les principaux objectifs de la première phase de l’opération ont été globalement atteints », a déclaré dans un discours le général Sergueï Roudskoï, chef d’état-major adjoint.

Alexandre Fomine a présenté cette initiative comme un moyen d’établir la confiance entre les deux camps et d’aller plus loin dans les négociations, alors que l’Ukraine a proposé mardi sa neutralité en échange de garanties de sécurité et de futures discussions sur le statut de la Crimée, annexée par Moscou en 2014.

Selon Vladimir Medinsky, le chef négociateur russe, son pays ne serait pas opposé à une entrée de son voisin dans l’Union européenne....

L’Ukraine demande à l’avenir que des pays – on parle des Etats-Unis, du Royaume-Uni, de la Chine, de la France, de la Turquie, de l’Allemagne, du Canada, de l’Italie, de la Pologne et d’Israël – se portent réellement garants de sa sécurité. En cas d’attaque et après consultation, les capitales concernées s’engageraient à envoyer, au bout de trois jours, des troupes, des armes et à assurer une zone d’exclusion aérienne. Kiev conditionne un tel accord à la tenue d’un référendum sur le sujet. Ce qui implique aussi le retrait total des troupes russes du territoire.

Pour ce qui est de la Crimée, Kiev proposerait un délai de quinze ans pour arriver à s’entendre sur un statut, Volodymyr Zelensky se proposant de négocier en direct avec Vladimir Poutine le sort des régions de Luhansk et Donetsk dans le Donbass.

Une fois ceci approuvé au niveau ministériel, un sommet pourrait être organisé entre Vladimir Poutine et Volodymyr Zelensky.

Alize Marion pour DayNewsWorld
There are no translations available.


Alors que l'Europe craint de grelotter l'hiver prochain une autre calamité est en train de naître dans les vastes plaines céréalières ukrainiennes. Une crise alimentaire mondiale comme la planète n'en a jamais connue. A New York, devant le Conseil de Sécurité de l'ONU, le secrétaire général de l'organisation, le portugais Antonio Guterres, a poussé récemment un gros « coup de gueule », prédisant « un ouragan de famines et un effondrement du système alimentaire mondial ». Notamment au Maghreb et dans une bonne partie de l'Afrique avec les effets en cascade de déstabilisations sociales et politiques de ces pays, déjà très fragilisés par deux ans de pandémie.

Ukraine le grenier à céréales

La guerre en Ukraine a mis à feu et à sang le grenier céréalier de la planète. « Face aux sanctions occidentales après l'annexion de la Crimée, en 2014, Poutine a décidé d'investir massivement pour tendre vers l'indépendance alimentaire, en particulier dans les cultures céréalières, raconte Sébastien Abis, chercheur à l'Iris et directeur du Club Demeter. Quant à l'Ukraine, le virage a été pris à la fin des années 90, avec des volumes d'exportations de produits agricoles qui ont été multipliés par six en vingt ans ». Résultat, un tiers du blé tendre (servant notamment à la fabrication du pain) exporté sur la planète provient de ces deux pays, qui sont également incontournables sur les marchés du maïs, de l'orge, du tournesol ou encore du colza.

Mais depuis l'entrée en guerre, la donne risque de changer : Le ministre de l'Agriculture ukrainien estime que la production agricole locale sera a minima divisée par deux cette année.Les semis de printemps (colza, maïs, et tournesol) et les récoltes risquent d'être entravés vu le nombre d'hommes partis au front pour défendre leur pays .

« La révolution de la famine »

L’invasion russe a provoqué une onde de choc dans le monde émergent : les prix ont flambé à des niveaux qu’ils n’avaient plus atteints de­puis des décennies et les impor­tations de matières premières sont à la peine, ce qui engendre des pénuries (en particulier dans les pays les plus défavo­risés qui avaient déjà du mal à se remettre de la pandémie). Dans certaines régions du Ken­ya, le prix du pain a augmenté de 40 %. En Indonésie, le gou­vernement a plafonné ceux de l’huile. Le Yémen dépend de l’Ukraine et de la Russie pour plus de 40 % de ses importations de blé.

En Turquie, l’explosion du prix de l’huile de tournesol a poussé les clients à se ruer dans les magasins pour en stocker autant que possible. En Irak, des manifestations ont réuni des citoyens mécontents de la hausse des prix de l’alimentation qui ont baptisé leur mouvement « la révolution de la famine ».

Une cinquantaine de pays, essentiellement défavorisés, achètent au moins 30 % de leur blé à la Russie et à l’Ukraine. Selon l’Organisation des Nations unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO), à elles deux, elles fournissent un tiers des exportations mondiales de céréales et 52 % du marché de l’huile de tournesol. « Si le conflit se poursuit, les répercussions seront vraisemblablement plus importantes que la crise du coronavirus, estime Indermit Gill, vice-président de la Banque mondiale en charge de la politique économique. »

Le Moyen-Orient et l’Afrique du Nord sont particulièrement dépendants des importations russes et ukrainiennes de blé. L’Egypte, premier importateur au monde, achète près de 70 % de sa consommation à ces deux pays. Idem pour le Liban. Pour la Turquie, c’est plus de 80 %. En 2011, l’envolée du prix du pain a joué un rôle dans le déclenchement du Printemps arabe. Le gouvernement égyptien a déclaré que la crise ukrainienne lui coûterait environ un milliard de dollars en subvention du pain et qu’il se mettait en quête de nouveaux fournisseurs. Il a également introduit un contrôle des prix du pain non subventionné pour enrayer la flambée des tarifs; Une envolée des prix qui accroît le risque d’un soulèvement populaire en Egypte, des années d’austérité ayant déjà fortement érodé le pouvoir d’achat de la population. Le Liban, lui, n’a plus qu’un mois de stock de blé, a indiqué Amin Salam, son ministre de l’Economie. En raison de la crise économique qui frappe le pays, un quart des ménages ne sont pas certains de pouvoir manger à leur faim. « Nous nous sommes rapprochés des pays amis pour voir comment trouver du blé à des conditions raisonnables », a-t-il déclaré. 

En 2008, l’explosion des prix de l’alimentation avait provoqué des émeutes dans 48 pays.

Explosion du prix du pétrole et du gaz

Goldman Sachs affirme que l’attaque russe contre l’Ukraine a provoqué la plus forte déflagration sur le marché mondial des céréales depuis la crise soviétique de 1973 et pourrait avoir, sur les marchés pétroliers, un impact comparable à l’invasion du Koweït par l’Irak en 1990. La banque estime que le baril de pétrole devrait osciller autour de 130 dollars en moyenne d’ici à la fin de l’année, soit près du double de son cours moyen de 2021, à 71 dollars. Deuxième exportateur mondial de brut après l’Arabie saoudite, la Russie représente 12 % de l’offre mondiale, selon l’Agence internationale de l’énergie (AIE). C’est aussi le premier exportateur mondial de gaz naturel et le plus gros producteur d’engrais. Si les prix des engrais augmentent, les agriculteurs en utiliseront moins, donc le rendement des récoltes va baisser et les prix vont augmenter, et ce sont les pays qui ont le moins de moyens qui seront les plus touchés. Certaines régions du monde, notamment en Afrique, étaient confrontées au problème de l’inflation avant même le déclenchement du conflit en Ukraine.

Les économies qui sont très dépendantes des importations d’énergie sont particulièrement menacées, estime S& P, qui évoque notamment l’Inde, la Thaïlande, la Turquie, le Chili et les Philippines. L’Inde importe par exemple près de 85 % du pétrole qu’elle consomme, tandis que la Thaïlande affiche la facture énergétique la plus élevée des grands pays émergents (6 % du PIB). Selon S& P, le choc sur les prix pourrait amputer les prévisions de croissance de nombreux pays en développement. Au Pakistan, où l’inflation est endémique, le gouvernement a annoncé fin février le déblocage de 1,5 milliard de dollars de subventions pour tenter d’empêcher le prix du carburant d’augmenter en raison de la crise ukrainienne. Or le Ramadan, période qui entraîne souvent un regain d’inflation, commencera d’ici peu. Devant les critiques qui accusent le gouvernement d’être incapable d’enrayer la hausse des prix, les partis d’opposition tentent de renverser le Premier ministre, Imran Khan.

Le programme alimentaire d'urgence en difficulté

L’augmentation des coûts pèse aussi sur la capacité du Programme alimentaire mondial (PAM) à aider les populations menacées par la famine, dont plus de trois millions de personnes en Ukraine. En effet la guerre a fait augmenter de 29 millions de dollars par mois une facture mensuelle de denrées et de carburant qui a déjà bondi de 44 % depuis 2019, portant le surcoût annuel à 852 millions de dollars. Dans ce contexte d’augmentation des prix et de budget limité, le PAM a dû réduire les rations qu’il distribue en Afrique de l’Est et au Moyen-Orient, notamment aux réfugiés. Confrontée à la sécheresse, aux violences et aux difficultés politiques, la Somalie frôlait la famine avant même que Moscou ne s’en prenne à Kiev. « Les pays comme la Somalie sont extrêmement vulnérables parce qu’ils sont touchés par des conflits armés prolongés et des chocs climatiques de plus en plus forts, donc la moindre fluctuation des prix alimentaires peut avoir un impact colossal, déplore Alyona Synenko, porte-parole pour l’Afrique du Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR). Les gens ne vont plus y arriver. »

Famine et instabilité vont souvent de pair...

Alyson Braxton pour DayNewsWorld
There are no translations available.




Les événements se sont précipités au Kazakhstan mercredi 5 janvier 2022. Internet et les téléphones portables étaient bloqués mercredi au Kazakhstan . Le pays a décrété l’état d’urgence sur tout son territoire, en proie à des manifestations violentes depuis plusieurs jours et où, malgré l'autoritarisme du régime de cette ex-république soviétique d’Asie centrale, la foule a pris d’assaut les bâtiments gouvernementaux.

Des « dizaines » de manifestants tués

Statues de Noursoultan Nazarbaïev, personnage central du pays, déboulonnées, bâtiments officiels mis à sac, sièges du parti au pouvoir dévastés, voitures de polices incendiées… La colère générée par l’augmentation brutale du prix des carburants, en particulier du gaz de pétrole liquéfié (GPL), a tourné à l’émeute et au chaos au Kazakhstan, faisant voler en éclats l’image de stabilité immuable de cette ex-République soviétique bâtie depuis son indépendance, il y a trente ans.

Des « dizaines » de manifestants ont été tués dans la nuit de mercredi 5 au jeudi 6 janvier dans la ville d’Almaty, la capitale économique du pays, située dans le Sud-Est et devenue en quelques heures l’épicentre des émeutes. « La nuit dernière, les forces extrémistes ont tenté de prendre d’assaut les bâtiments administratifs, le département de la police de la ville d’Almaty, ainsi que les départements locaux et les commissariats de police. Des dizaines d’assaillants ont été éliminés », a annoncé,ce matin, le porte-parole de la police, Saltanat Azirbek, cité par les agences russes Interfax-Kazakhstan, TASS et RIA Novosti.

Le ministère de l’intérieur kazakh a également avancé le nombre de douze morts dans les rangs des forces de sécurité et de trois cent cinquante-trois blessés. D’autres villes de ce pays d’Asie centrale d’à peine plus de 18 millions d’habitants, grand comme cinq fois la France, ont été également gagnées par la contestation dont les revendications se sont rapidement muées en faveur d’un changement de régime.

 A 230 kilomètres au nord d’Almaty, à Taldykorgan, l’Akimat, le siège de l’administration était ainsi en proie aux flammes. « Plus de mille personnes ont été blessées à la suite des émeutes dans différentes régions du Kazakhstan, près de quatre cents d’entre elles ont été hospitalisées et soixante-deux sont en soins intensifs », a précisé un peu plus tard le vice-ministre de la santé, Ajar Guiniat, à l’antenne de la chaîne Khabar-24.

Le président kazakh, Kassym-Jomart Tokaïev, avait auparavant dénoncé, dans une allocution télévisée, « des attaques massives contre les forces de l’ordre » affirmant que celles-ci avaient fait dans leurs rangs des morts et des blessés. « Des groupes d’éléments criminels battent nos soldats, les humilient, les traînant nus dans les rues, agressent les femmes, pillent les magasins », a-t-il décrit.

Dans un effort pour juguler la crise, le président Tokaïev avait déjà limogé le gouvernement et décrété l’état d’urgence dans plusieurs régions dont Almaty et la capitale, Nur-Sultan, récemment rebaptisée ainsi en l’honneur de l’ancien président Noursoultan Nazarbaïev. Un couvre-feu est en vigueur de 23h à 7h.

Dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi, Moscou et ses alliés de l'Organisation du traité de sécurité collective (OTSC) ont annoncé jeudi l'envoi d'une « force collective de maintien de la paix », comme l'a demandé cette ex-république soviétique.

Ce 5 janvier 2022 un jour historique : la page Nazarbaïev définitivement tournée.

Dans ce contexte, le président Tokaïev a annoncé qu'il dirigerait désormais le Conseil de sécurité, qui était depuis près de trois ans le vrai centre du pouvoir au Kazakhstan. Cela signifierait que l'ancien président Noursoultan Nazarbaïev, 81 ans, n'est plus au pouvoir.

En effet, lorsqu'en mars 2019, Noursoultan Nazarbaïev a décidé d'abandonner le fauteuil de chef de l'État, qu'il occupait depuis 1991, soit depuis 28 ans, il a gardé en réalité l'essentiel des attributs présidentiels en tant que chef du Conseil de sécurité. Ainsi en va-t-il dans les régimes autoritaires, où l'autocrate ne peut quasi jamais quitter le pouvoir jusqu'à sa mort. Noursoultan Nazarbaïev, pensait rester ainsi dans l’ombre du pouvoir depuis la fin de sa présidence en 2019 en gardant un statut sur-mesure de « Leader de la nation » et en installant un successeur à sa main.

Si ce 5 janvier 2022 pourrait bien entrer dans l'histoire du Kazakhstan, ce n'est donc pas seulement parce que le pays semble quasi hors de contrôle des autorités ce mercredi soir. C'est aussi peut-être qu’en cette folle journée, la page Nazarbaïev s’est définitivement tournée.

Désormais, c'est Kassym-Jomart Tokaïev qui annonce non seulement qu'il dirige seul le Conseil de sécurité, mais aussi qu'il va apporter des réponses « fermes » aux troubles en cours, mettant en avant le sacrifice des forces de l'ordre.

Mercredi après-midi, celui qui s'était fait officiellement nommer « Elbassy » (chef de la nation), a peut-être définitivement abandonné les rênes du pays, sous la pression de la rue qui depuis plusieurs jours criait « Shal, ket ! » (« Vieil homme, va-t-en ! »).

Le président Tokaïev demande l'aide de Moscou et de ses alliés

Le président Tokaïev a déclaré  mercredi soir qu'il faisait appel à une alliance de sécurité soutenue par Moscou, pour qu'elle aide à réprimer les manifestations, dirigées selon lui par des « gangs terroristes ». « Aujourd'hui, j'ai appelé les chefs d'États de l'Organisation du traité de sécurité collective (OTSC) à aider le Kazakhstan à surmonter cette menace terroriste », a-t-il déclaré à la télévision d'État, estimant que les protestataires avaient « reçu une formation approfondie à l'étranger ».

La réponse est venue plus tard dans la soirée. Le président de l'OTSC, le Premier ministre arménien Nikol Pachinian, a indiqué sur Facebook que l'alliance avait décidé d'envoyer une « force collective de maintien de la paix » dans le pays, pour « une durée de temps limitée afin de stabiliser et normaliser la situation », provoquée par « une ingérence extérieure » selon lui.

Dans une brève allocution en langue russe diffusée mercredi  par la télévision d’Etat, le président Kassym-Jomart Tokaïev, 68 ans, a dénoncé tout à la fois des « conspirateurs motivés par le gain » et « des hooligans très bien organisés » ayant « scrupuleusement planifié leurs actions ». Les faits suggèrent au contraire que c’est la libéralisation brutale par le gouvernement des prix du carburant, et en particulier du GPL, qui a déclenché, à la base, le mouvement de colère. Les foyers du mécontentement font partie des régions où le GPL, dont le prix vient de doubler, est le carburant le plus utilisé.

Le dialogue aura donc fait long feu puisque, d’une part, le régime du président a choisi l’épreuve de force en lançant ses forces armées à la reconquête des villes et quartiers en proie aux manifestations et aux émeutes. Et que, d’autre part, il a demandé l’assistance de la Russie voisine et de ses alliés de l’Organisation du traité de sécurité collective (OTSC).

L’intervention de l’OTSC, un développement critique.

« Une force collective de maintien de la paix de l’Organisation du traité de sécurité collective (OTSC) a été envoyée au Kazakhstan pour une période limitée afin de stabiliser et de normaliser la situation »​, a indiqué, ce jeudi matin, cette alliance militaire dans un communiqué diffusé sur Telegram par la porte-parole de la diplomatie russe, Maria Zakharova.

Comprenant des troupes russes, et probablement des contingents bélarusses, arméniens, tadjikes et kirghizes, leur mission sera de « protéger les installations étatiques et militaires » ​et « d’aider les forces de l’ordre kazakhes à stabiliser la situation et rétablir l’état de droit »

Une intervention militaire non sans risque

Effectivement, le suivi du trafic aérien montre des vols d’Antonov et d’Iliouchine russes en direction du Kazakhstan. Ces appareils appartiennent bien à l’armée de l’air russe. Ils auraient transporté des parachutistes qui ont été déployés à Almaty.

On ignore encore quel sera l’apport des autres pays de l’OTSC (Kazakhstan, Kirghizistan, Arménie, Russie, Tadjikistan, Biélorussie). Mais ces pays ne disposent pas des mêmes moyens d’intervention militaires que la Russie. Toutefois, l’Arménie, qui assure actuellement la présidence de l’OTSC, a confirmé ce matin sa participation à cette opération de stabilisation. « Pour les Russes, il s’agit de démontrer qu’ils n’agissent pas seuls »​, explique Marie Dumoulin, directrice de programme à l’European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR). « Cette intervention des Russes, et de leurs alliés, n’est pas sans risques car elle pourrait perturber les équilibres ethniques au Kazakhstan ».

Les Etats-Unis appellent à la « retenue »

Le gouvernement américain appelle les autorités du Kazakhstan à la « retenue » et souhaite que les manifestations s’y déroulent « de manière pacifique », a dit mercredi la porte-parole de la Maison Blanche Jen Psaki, alors que le pays d’Asie centrale vient de décréter l’état d’urgence.

Jen Psaki a aussi critiqué les « folles allégations de la Russie » sur une responsabilité supposée des Etats-Unis dans les émeutes qui secouent le Kazakhstan. « C’est absolument faux » et cela relève « de la stratégie de désinformation russe », a-t-elle asséné.

Un mouvement de colère après la hausse du prix du gaz

Le président du Kazakhstan promet donc désormais une réponse « ferme » aux manifestations qui secouent l'ex-république soviétique d'Asie centrale qu'il administre. Le mouvement de colère a débuté dimanche après une hausse des prix du gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL), dans la ville de Janaozen, dans l’ouest du pays, avant de s’étendre à la grande ville régionale d’Aktau, sur les bords de la mer Caspienne, puis à Almaty. Cette hausse est perçue par la population comme injuste au vu des richesses du pays.

Malgré ses énormes richesses en hydrocarbures et en minerais, l'économie du Kazakhstan souffre des conséquences de la pandémie. Le Khazakstan, première économie d’Asie centrale habituée par le passé à des taux de croissance à deux chiffres, souffre en effet de la baisse des prix du pétrole et de la crise économique en Russie, qui a mené à la dévaluation du tenge kazakh et à une forte inflation.

Le Kazakhstan, le plus grand des cinq pays ex-soviétiques d’Asie centrale, qui comprend une importante minorité considérée comme ethniquement russe, est d’une importance économique et géopolitique cruciale pour la Russie. Moscou avait appelé en vain  5 janvier 2022 à résoudre la crise par le dialogue « et non par des émeutes de rues et la violation des lois ».

Il était impossible ce jeudi 6 janvier 2022 d’avoir une vision complète de la situation dans le pays, journalistes et témoins ne pouvant plus être joints par Internet ou par téléphone. Mais en dépit de la coupure générale d’Internet et des communications mobiles, et de l’instauration de l’état d’urgence sur tout le territoire, de nombreuses images de chaos et de forces de l’ordre en déroute ont circulé sur les réseaux sociaux. Les unes montrent des policiers et des militaires fraternisant avec les manifestants. D’autres, des scènes de grande violence.

Le groupe spécialisé dans la surveillance du web NetBlocks a fait état sur Twitter d’une « coupure d’internet à l’échelle nationale, (…) susceptible de limiter sévèrement la couverture des manifestations antigouvernementales qui s’intensifient ».

Alize Marion pour DayNewsWorld


It is proving difficult to establish new economic forecasts at a time when Omicron, a new variant of Covid-19, risks calling everything into question. “The strong rebound we have seen is stalling and supply disruptions, rising inflation and the continuing impact of the pandemic are clouding the horizon. The risks and uncertainties are important - as shown by the appearance of the Omicron variant - aggravating the imbalances and threatening the recovery ”, thus testifies the chief economist of the OECD in a press release

A slowdown in the economic recovery

After a peak expected in the last quarter of 2021, the global economic recovery will slow down. According to forecasts by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) published on Wednesday, December 1, growth in global gross domestic product (GDP) is expected to drop from 5.6% in 2021 to 4.5% in 2022, then to 3.25% in 2023. "After a rebound of 5.6% in 2021, world growth should progress at a sustained rate of 4.5% in 2022, to moderate to 3.2% in 2023", according to Laurence Boone Chief Economist of the OECD. The global economy is not expected to catch up before 2023 to its pre-Covid-19 pandemic level, with a much faster recovery in advanced economies than in emerging and poor countries. Omicron, however, threatens to render this prognosis obsolete.

"We are concerned that the new variant, the Omicron strain, adds more uncertainty to that already in operation, which could pose a threat to the recovery," commented Laurence Boone at her press conference .

The uncertainty of variants

Even before the appearance of this new variant, the Organization's team of economists also pointed out the risk that the speed of vaccine deployment and the effectiveness of the latter were not sufficient to stop the transmission of worrying variants of the virus. Covid-19. Moreover, the CEO of Moderna fears a "significant drop" in the effectiveness of vaccines for the Omicron variant. This would require new vaccines, repeated campaigns to administer booster doses, not to mention possible stricter containment measures as is currently the case in a number of European countries.

Inflationary peak in 2022

In this case, further restrictions on mobility and port closures could hamper global trade. These closures, as in China for example, would reduce the availability of goods along supply chains and lengthen delivery times. "These new supply disruptions could also create additional upward pressure on certain prices," said economists.

The organization expects inflation to peak in most industrialized and emerging countries by the first quarter of next year.

Recovery conditional on global vaccination

Laurence Boone is also worried about the risk that low vaccination in some countries will end up promoting the reproduction of more deadly strains of the virus there: 147 doses were administered on average per 100 inhabitants in rich countries, against 8 in poor countries,

"The recovery will remain precarious" as long as the vaccines are not distributed all over the world. However, for Laurence Boone, vaccinating the world population would cost 50 billion dollars. This is a very small amount compared to the 10 trillion dollars of the support plans put in place by the G20 countries.

Kelly Donaldson for DayNewsWorld


The're journalists Gerard Davet and Fabrice Lhomme publish the traitor and nothingness (Editions Fayard), a critical assessment of the five-year Macron.

“After several years of investigation, this title, Le traître et le nant , was established. These are the two essential aspects of what Macron and Macronism are.

His conquest of power was made by betrayals, which then continued at the Élysée.

But also because there is nothingness of the Republic on the Move and the political situation with the candidacy of a far-right polemicist and traditional political parties totally erased, ”said Fabrice Lhomme questioned on RMC. The observation is made and without appeal.

Fabrice Lhomme is a journalist for the daily Le Monde and with his friend Gérard Davet, this is not his first master stroke. After their book Sarko Kill Me in 2011, A president shouldn't say that in 2016- which had contributed to the non-candidacy of François Hollande to his own succession in 2017- the journalists publish this Wednesday, October 13, 2021 a portrait of the current President Macron with the evocative title The traitor and nothingness .

This is a new survey that they are devoting, this time, to the accession to power of Emmanuel Macron and his five-year term and it is not sad.

Moreover, this book sparked a wave of panic at the Elysee Palace: Emmanuel Macron's close guard was looking for the manuscript, giving cold sweats to the President's advisers who wanted to prevent its publication. But in vain.

If Emmanuel Macron and his relatives did not answer the questions of journalists from Le Monde, the book leaves a lot of room for the disappointed with macronism.

The two investigators have indeed met more than 110 leading people for this investigation where we discover confidences, anecdotes, confessions. Witnesses who also entrust documents to investigators.

The betrayals of Emmanuel Macron

The first confidences are those of François Hollande who, in mid-2016, admits to being politically too weak to fire Emmanuel Macron. For the former socialist president Macron will also be betrayed, as he betrayed himself, certainly thinking of Edouard Philippe who had just created his own Horizons party ... Didn't Edouard Philippe say that he There may be dual membership of Horizons and another party. This is exactly what Macron told Hollande in 2016. For Alain Minc, one of Macron's very close advisers, “Edouard Philippe is much less intelligent than the president, but also much more moral, which explains why 'he did not betray him,' says Gérard Davet.

Manuel Valls, Stéphane Le Foll, Gaspard Gantzer (former press adviser to François Hollande), Olivier Faure (at the time deputy and spokesperson for the PS), come back in detail on the months preceding what the authors call the " treason ”of November 16, 2016: the official declaration of candidacy of Emmanuel Macron for the presidential election. The transformation of the Minister of the Economy into a candidate for the presidency of the Republic was achieved through the unsaid and deceit, write the two journalists unreservedly.

The former members of the government and socialist allies recount the conversations, numerous, with Emmanuel Macron, on his distancing from the line of François Hollande (his criticisms of the policies of the government), on the movement which he launched on his side, In Marche, and that he presents as a kind of laboratory of ideas which will support, whatever happens, a candidacy of François Hollande, on the persistent rumors that he is about to emancipate himself, even to run for president Trahi by his minister, but also by all those who admit to having been seduced by Emmanuel Macron, among the Socialists in particular. Christophe Castaner, one of the first macronists, put it bluntly, in 2016 “we have only one objective, it is the prevention of Hollande. "..

Emmanuel Macron is not close to betrayal, according to the investigation. That of the Modem in particular. The two journalists return to the relations between Richard Ferrand and François Bayrou. If the latter are now calling for the creation of a common house, their relations have started under bad auspices.

“A verbal agreement had been concluded between the République en Marche and the MoDem to reserve 144 constituencies for them. At the last moment, there was an arbitration between Ferrand and Macron and the Modem finally obtained 16. When Bayrou learned that, he almost came to blows with Ferrand, the day of Macron's inauguration. (...). To compensate him, the macronists then offered him 4 million euros. A deputy brings 40,000 euros per year to his party so they have multiplied this amount by 100 ”, explains Fabrice Lhomme.

"Corruption pact"

A book in which the authors also return to the financing of the 2017 campaign. Asked the deputy The Republicans Olivier Marleix accuses the former Minister of the Economy of having set up "a corruption pact". We also discover the host Stéphane Bern mad about the king who renames certain ministers to amuse the President, such as “Amélie de Mon thing” for Amélie de Montchalin. Philippe de Villiers, former president of the General Council of Vendée and one of the representatives of the identity right, also details to Davet and Lhomme his vision of his relationship with the one who is still only a seductive minister.

During a dinner at the Rotonde restaurant the viscount then explains attending a charming number: Brigitte and Emmanuel Macron would dream of visiting the Puy du Fou. De Villiers ensures not to be fooled and thus analyzes the intentions of the minister: It is all profit for Macron, because after having paid homage to Joan of Arc a few weeks before, with the Puy du Fou, he sends a message to the right conservative, sovereignist, inexpensively. The creator of Puy du Fou, Philippe de Villiers also reveals that Emmanuel Macron tried to buy the silence of his brother, the head of the Armies, Pierre de Villiers. Among the 110 people investigated, also appears, Bernard Tapie who had advised the President of the Republic in the middle of the crisis of the “yellow vests”, reported RMC.

The politics of nothingness

Jacques Attali, who had discovered the young Macron, takes a severe look at the five-year term. “He told us that someone who calls himself neither right nor left is actually right. (...) He has just said that Macron is the politics of emptiness. And that is the whole problem. From this policy made of sculls and zigzags, we find ourselves in nothingness. It was built with a doodle policy. (...) It allows him not to be a target: a blow to the left, a blow to the right, a blow to the center. It is the permanent gaudille ”, regrets Gérard Davet.

The hard record of the faithful Pierre Person

Pierre Person is however one of the faithful from the start. He founded with others (including Sacha Houlié, who became a member of Parliament) in 2015 the Jeunes avec Macron, even before the creation of En Marche. He then took part in the presidential and legislative campaigns as a political advisor, then a member of the party's executive committee. In short, he is a centerpiece of the macronie, until September 2020: the number 2 of LREM and deputy for Paris leaves the party leadership. He deplores that the movement no longer produces new ideas, and that the party abandons the marchers. Faced with Davet and Lhomme, he wants to be even harder; "We arrive at the Assembly, says Person, we were absolutely arrogant, we considered that the Assembly was a recording chamber", he admits in particular,thus giving reason to the criticisms of the various oppositions throughout the mandate.

* And add:

“Because I think there is a reflex of over-loyalty towards the president (...) To think, in certain respects, can be considered as being disloyal. ". Impossible to create an ideology with a formation made up of people coming from different currents of left and right. Even less when the instruction is to blindly support the president's line. A party, according to Pierre Person must "erect sensitivities which in fact make it possible to confront each other and to draw a common line", "but that was never a will" on the part of the majority party. A real problem within a year of a presidential election.

"We will arrive in 2022 and ideologically, I think we are naked," he concedes.

“There is a dull discontent that is there; but since there is no political outlet ... we are in nothingness. ", Slap, free speech, François Hollande." Betrayal gave birth to nothingness.

Abby Shelcore for DayNewsWorld
There are no translations available.



Fin d' une saga politico-judiciaire qui aura duré trois ans: la directrice financière du géant chinois des télécoms Huawei, Meng Wanzhou, a pu quitter le Canada pour la Chine à la faveur d'un accord avec les Etats-Unis, vendredi 24 septembre 2021.

La fille du patron de Huawei avait été arrêtée le 1er décembre 2018 à l'aéroport de Vancouver à la demande de Washington, qui voulait la juger pour fraude bancaire.

Peu après, deux Canadiens, l'ex-diplomate Michael Kovrig et l'homme d'affaires Michael Spavor, avaient été arrêtés en Chine pour espionnage. Cette interpellation avait provoqué une crise diplomatique sans précédent entre Ottawa et Pékin. Leur détention avait été perçue par le Canada comme une mesure de représailles.

Les deux hommes ont embarqué vendredi à bord d'un avion pour rentrer « à la maison », à annoncé le Premier ministre canadien, Justin Trudeau. Il n'a pas donné de détails sur les circonstances de leur libération, car « c'est une opération actuellement en cours ».

Les poursuites reportées jusqu'à fin 2022

Le départ de Meng Wanzhou pour la Chine est la concrétisation d'un accord entre le ministère de la Justice et le mastodonte chinois des télécoms, rendu public vendredi par un tribunal de New York. Lors d’une audience, le représentant du ministère de la Justice David Kessler avait proposé de « reporter » jusqu’au 1er décembre 2022 les « poursuites » engagées depuis fin 2018 contre Meng Wanzhou, notamment pour « complot » en vue de commettre une « fraude bancaire ».

L’accord, entériné et qualifié de « sérieux » par le tribunal fédéral de Brooklyn en début d’après-midi, prévoyait aussi que Washington recommande à Ottawa de faire « libérer » Mme Meng et abandonne de facto toute demande d’extradition. S'il n'est pas contesté ou rompu d'ici le 1er décembre 2022, les poursuites seront définitivement abandonnées, selon Washington.

Accusation de fraude bancaire...

La justice américaine accusait la numéro 2 de Huawei d'avoir menti à un cadre de la banque HSBC lors d'une rencontre à Hong Kong en 2013, à propos des liens entre le groupe chinois et une filiale nommée Skycom qui vendait des équipements à l'Iran, exposant l'établissement à des sanctions américaines. Selon les termes de l'accord, Meng Wanzhou a reconnu qu'elle avait fait à l'époque « de fausses déclarations » et « dissimulé la vérité » au cadre de HSBC sur les « activités de Huawei en Iran », pays soumis à des sanctions américaines et internationales.

Principale exigence, ne pas contester le récit des faits qui raconte sur quatre pages comment Huawei, dont Meng Wanzhou était directrice financière, contrôlait de fait une filiale télécom en Iran baptisée Skycom et s’est arrangé pour lui faire obtenir du matériel interdit, en dépit des embargos américains.

Comme toujours, c’est l’usage du dollar (dans les transactions réalisées par HSBC, maintenu dans l’ignorance des faits), qui permet à la justice américaine d’agir de manière supranationale chez des parties tierces.

Avec l’annonce des libérations, ce sont trois années de bataille judiciaire et de fortes tensions économiques et politiques entre Pékin, Washington et Ottawa qui devraient s’apaiser.

Le gouvernement chinois estime depuis 2018 que l'administration américaine - à l’époque du président d’alors Donald Trump - cherchait avant tout à affaiblir Huawei, entreprise chinoise de pointe et leader mondial des équipements et réseaux 5G, sans équivalent côté américain.Début 2020, Huawei était le premier fabricant mondial de téléphones intelligents avant d’être placé sur la liste noire de l’ancienne administration Trump. Il ne figure plus depuis parmi les cinq premiers mondiaux du secteur.

« Meng Wanzhou est le visage de cette nouvelle compétition féroce entre la Chine » et les États-Unis qui « menace de remettre en question la position hégémonique mondiale des Américains » et « l’ordre mondial libéral » qu’ils dirigent depuis la Guerre froide, observe Roromme Chantal, professeur à l’École des hautes études publiques (HEP) de Moncton et spécialiste de la Chine.

« La forme que prend cette compétition féroce est principalement une rivalité technologique », explique-t-il, évoquant une « Guerre froide 2.0 ».

Larry Ricky pour DayNewsWorld
There are no translations available.



La rentrée dans les établissements du secondaire s'est faite sans les écolières, samedi 18 septembre 2021.Une rentrée 100% masculine en Afghanistan : seuls les collégiens et lycéens ont été autorisés à reprendre le chemin de l'école dans le pays, samedi 18 septembre 2021.

Dix jours après la réouverture des universités privées du pays, le ministère de l'Education afghan a annoncé vendredi que « tous les professeurs hommes et les élèves » du secondaire allaient retrouver leur établissement, sans faire aucune mention des enseignantes ou des collégiennes et lycéennes.

Ce flou risque d'alimenter un peu plus encore l'inquiétude d'une partie de la population afghane et de la communauté internationale qui redoutent de voir se reproduire le même scénario que lors du premier passage au pouvoir des fondamentalistes, entre 1996 et 2001.

En l'espace de vingt ans, le nombre d'écoles a triplé et le nombre d'enfants scolarisés est passé de 1 million à 9,5 millions, selon l'agence onusienne.

L'Unicef déplore la décision des talibans

« L'Unicef se félicite de la réouverture des écoles secondaires en Afghanistan, mais souligne que les filles ne doivent pas être laissées de côté », a réagi vendredi la directrice exécutive de l'agence onusienne, Henrietta Fore. « Il est essentiel que toutes, y compris les plus âgées, puissent reprendre leur éducation sans plus de retard, et que les enseignantes puissent elles aussi continuer à enseigner », a insisté l'Unicef dans un communiqué, rappelant les « progrès considérables dans le pays au cours des deux dernières décennies ».

Les femmes conservent certes le droit d'étudier à l'université, mais elles devront pour cela porter une abaya ainsi qu'un hijab et les cours se feront dans la mesure du possible en non-mixité. Aucune femme ne figure par ailleurs au sein du nouvel exécutif provisoire, présenté début septembre.

Depuis leur retour au pouvoir, les talibans ont tenté de rassurer la communauté internationale en assurant entre autres que les droits des femmes seraient respectés. Mais ces affirmations ont été fragilisées ces dernières semaines par plusieurs décisions prises par le nouvel exécutif afghan.Aucune femme ne figure par ailleurs au sein du nouvel exécutif provisoire présenté début septembre.

Et pas plus tard hier, vendredi 17 septembre2021, le ministère des Affaires féminines s'est vu remplacé par celui de la Promotion de la vertu et de la Prévention du vice, craint pour son fondamentalisme durant le premier épisode taliban.

Jaimie Potts pour DayNewsWorld
There are no translations available.




Agnès Buzyn, l’ex-ministre de la santé de mai 2017 à février 2020, est convoquée, vendredi 10 septembre 2021, par les juges de la Cour de justice de la République. Elle risque une mise en examen pour « mise en danger de la vie d’autrui » dans le cadre de la gestion gouvernementale de la crise sanitaire.

Il s'agit d'un interrogatoire de première comparution à l'issue duquel Agnès Buzyn peut être mise en examen ou ressortir sous le statut plus favorable de témoin assisté, si elle parvient à convaincre les juges qu'il n'existe pas suffisamment d'indices graves ou concordants pouvant être retenus contre elle.

Agnès Buzyn avait démissionné de son poste de ministre de la Santé en février 2020 au tout début de l'épidémie de Covid-19, remplacée par Olivier Véran.

L’ex-ministre avait créé un tollé en qualifiant les élections municipales de « mascarade » et en déclarant qu’elle savait « que la vague du tsunami était devant nous » au moment de son départ du ministère, à la mi-février. Pourtant, en janvier, elle avait déclaré publiquement :

« Les risques de propagation du coronavirus dans la population sont très faibles », reconnaissant que cette analyse pouvait évoluer.

Devant la commission d’enquête de l’Assemblée nationale sur la gestion de la crise sanitaire, Agnès Buzyn avait indiqué fin juin 2020 avoir alerté l’Élysée et Matignon dès janvier de la même année sur le danger potentiel du coronavirus.

Cette convocation à la CJR intervient dans le cadre de l'enquête menée depuis juillet 2020 sur la manière dont le gouvernement a géré la pandémie.Outre Agnès Buzyn, l'instruction menée par la CJR vise également l'ancien Premier ministre Edouard Philippe ainsi qu'Olivier Véran. Des perquisitions avaient d'ailleurs été menées le 15 octobre dernier chez Edouard Philippe, Agnès Buzyn, Olivier Véran et chez le directeur général de la Santé Jérôme Salomon.

14 500 plaintes contre le gouvernement

L’enquête avait été ouverte en juillet 2020 après que la commission des requêtes de la CJR, composée de hauts magistrats, avait estimé que neuf plaintes visant l’exécutif étaient recevables. Depuis, d’autres plaintes ont été jugées recevables et jointes à l’enquête. Mercredi, le procureur général près la Cour de cassation François Molins, qui représente l’accusation à la CJR, a déclaré que « 14 500 plaintes » sur la gestion de la pandémie étaient arrivées à la CJR.

La CJR est la seule juridiction habilitée à poursuivre et juger les Premiers ministres, ministres et secrétaires d'Etat pour les crimes et délits commis « dans l'exercice de leurs fonctions ».

Andrew Preston pour DayNewsWorld



In doing so :

The members of the G7 notably agreed on the principle of a “world minimum tax on companies” for large companies, at the rate set at a minimum of 15%.

The latter is certainly less important than the 21% proposed by the White House a few weeks ago, but it should help to establish a more level playing field for British companies by fighting against tax havens.

"We have reached an agreement on the international taxation of the 21st century", greeted Bruno Le Maire at the end of the meeting.

Meeting in London since yesterday, the G7 finance ministers announced that they had reached an agreement on a tax reform targeting multinationals and the establishment of a global minimum tax on companies.

Objective: to continue the work initiated within the framework of the OECD on this file blocked by the previous American administration, and to fight against tax evasion by large companies, foremost among which are the Gafa.

Bruno Le Maire French Minister in a video posted on Twitter said:

"We have reached an agreement on the international taxation of the 21st century".

"France can be proud of this step, which should allow in particular a fair taxation of the digital giants and a minimum taxation of corporate tax, to avoid tax avoidance and optimization which rightly revolt our compatriots. ".

The minimum corporate tax rate is set "at a minimum of 15%," said Bruno Le Maire, who intends to "fight" to increase it as much as possible during the next meetings scheduled on this file.

Some would have liked the G7 to go further, by establishing a higher minimum corporate tax rate.

This is particularly the case of Oxfam, which described the agreement as a "discount compromise".

"The rate retained of 15% is simply too low", considers the organization, which denounced

the “lack of ambition” of Europeans in this fight.

Same observation for Attac France, which criticizes a "historical non-advance" and a "missed opportunity".

The association defended a much higher rate, established at 25%. Bruno Le Maire emphasizes that the 15% rate is only a "starting point" for future negotiations to revise it upwards.

G7 members, including France, Germany and the UK, also hailed constructive meetings and a promising multilateralism victory for the future.

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen noted "unprecedented commitment" from G7 ministers. The minimum corporate tax rate "would put an end to the race to the bottom of corporate taxation," she said.

“There is still important work to be done, but today's decision creates a large-scale dynamic for the discussions that will take place soon,” noted OECD Secretary-General Mathias Cormann.

The reactions :

As the first Gafa to react, Google said it supports "strongly the work in progress [...] We hope that the countries will continue to work together, to ensure that a balanced and lasting agreement will be finalized soon," the firm said.

Shortly after, Facebook also welcomed "the important progress made in the G7", through its head of public affairs, Nick Clegg.

“We want the international tax reform process to be successful, and we recognize that this could mean that Facebook will pay more taxes, in different places,” the representative wrote.

For its part, Amazon hailed "a welcome step forward in the effort" to stabilize the international tax system.

At the same time, the taxation weighing on the largest groups must also be reviewed.

"We are committed to reaching a fair solution on the distribution of taxing rights, with market countries being granted taxing rights on at least 20% of profits exceeding a 10% margin for the most multinational companies. large and most profitable, ”the press release read.

In short, part of the profits exceeding the 10% margin will therefore be "reallocated, then subject to tax, in the countries where they make sales," said Rishi Sunak.

The idea is, once again, to avoid tax evasion by large companies and "to meet the tax challenges arising from globalization and the digitization of the economy".

The analysis of all this :

It has to be said that the States of a large part of the world are in tow and no longer know how to "Rackete" companies to finance their civil servants, the state of life, their armies, their secret services, and so much. of things…., not to mention their policies which are too often questionable when they are not simply inadmissible or even intolerable…. !

But why not a global fixed rate tax, ie a rate which would be both the minimum but also the maximum, since the single rate !!

A reasonable single rate and reason of course, because it must be understood that denouncing tax evasion, or tax havens, is just a nasty scam !!!

Indeed if the taxation of certain countries were not so intolerable, tax havens will not exist, tax havens are a valve in the face of tax madness!

In the hypothesis of a rate so high that the companies, the humans who compose them (work), the humans who finance (with the risk of losing what they have invested) no longer earn anything, then we could say that the States will have succeeded in re-establishing a new form of slavery version 2.0 !!

Another important point, tax competition has long been a state sport to attract companies to settle in their country to the detriment of others !!!

In conclusion :

Before seeing an agreement on taxation on a global scale, it would still be necessary to be able to convince the 138 countries of the OECD of the validity of the G7 proposals.

The members of the G20 will meet next July in Venice to continue the work started at the G7, so no excessive enthusiasm, in a few words.

An announced fiscal Big Bang which is likely to turn into an Arlésienne comparable to that of the "end of tax havens" proclaimed for years without Jersey, Guernsey and other "paradisiac" islands really suffering from it!

To be continued ..... !!!

Jenny Chase for DayNewsWorld


Dizzying drop for the main cryptocurrency Wednesday, May 19, 2021: Bitcoin's price fell nearly 30% during the day, flirting with the $ 30,000 mark before climbing back to around $ 39,587 (-15% compared to the day before) in the evening. The main cryptocurrency is now far (-40%) from the record reached on April 14, at 64,865.22 dollars.

40% decrease in one month

In recent days, thousands of investors, individuals and especially institutional, have resold in panic the bitcoins they held on one of the dedicated platforms.

After Elon Musk, it is the turn of China to send the price of cryptocurrencies waltz.

Reason: Tuesday, May 18, 2021, the Chinese authorities banned the country's financial institutions from offering their clients cryptocurrency-related services.

Qualifying these as "fake currencies", three major banking federations of the country also called, Wednesday, not to accept them as a means of payment, warning against speculation. Cryptocurrencies "are not real currencies," they said on Wednesday.

China at war with bitcoin

China, long the eldorado of bitcoin, is now at war with it. Beijing has been using the hola for a few months. After telling some regions that they should end their bitcoin mining activities to meet environmental objectives, Beijing is once again tightening the screw on cryptocurrencies, a turning point in fact operated since 2019 when the government made illegal cryptocurrency payments, accused of being an instrument in the service of "criminal activities".

The country then indicated that it was worried about the speculative risks posed by cryptocurrencies on its financial system as well as on social stability. "Recently, the prices of virtual currencies have soared and then collapsed" abroad, while speculative activities "Jumped", they noted in a joint statement.

This " seriously undermines the security of people's property and disrupts the world economic order," criticized the National Internet Finance Federation, the China Banking Federation and the Payment and Compensation Federation.

The digital yuan

But this stall is also due to the digital yuan which is in the pipes. If China prohibits cryptocurrency transactions, it is on the other hand accelerating the development of its own, the digital yuan, which will be issued and supervised by the central bank. She could debut in 2022 at the Beijing Winter Olympics

One way to regain control of private initiatives in the area of ​​payment, but also the long-term ambition to compete one day with the dollar internationally. .

On Wednesday, the other cryptocurrencies (ether, ripple, litecoin…) also fell off the hook. Including dogecoin, this cryptocurrency initially born as a joke, in 2013, and regularly praised by Elon Musk on Twitter account. The total capitalization of cryptocurrencies fell to 1.390 billion dollars on May 19, against 2000 billion seven days before, according to CoinMarketCap.

This plunge in bitcoin, one more episode in the high volatility of cryptocurrency prices, testifies to the willingness of states, with China in the lead, to regain control.

Joanne Courbet for DayNewsWorld



For the Organization, inheritance or gift taxes suffer from too many exemptions - life insurance, principal residence, business transfers - and the consequent allowances applied to transfers of assets to children. It would therefore be necessary to tax inheritances to limit the concentration of wealth.

To fight against the widening gaps in wealth, the OECD recommends increasing the tax on inheritance or donations, whose revenues are very low due to exemptions and allowances, rather than reinstating the wealth tax. (ISF), wealth inequalities being more marked than income inequalities, especially in France.

The Organization starts from an observation: "Household wealth is highly concentrated at the top of the distribution" and "the share of wealth held by the richest has increased" since the end of the twentieth century, underlines the report published Tuesday. May 12.

Out of a panel of 27 OECD countries that provided their data, the richest 10% own half of total wealth, with 18% even being concentrated in the hands of the richest 1%. France is in the OECD average with 10% of the wealthiest households owning half of the total wealth. But the variations from one country to another can be considerable. In the United States, the richest 10% thus own 79% of the country's total wealth, and 1% of them even own 42% of this wealth. Conversely, in Slovakia, this distribution is much more equitable, with the richest 10% owning 34% of national wealth (including 1% holding 9%).

Faced with this, "the inheritance or gift tax represents only 0.5% on average of budgetary revenue because the tax bases are extremely small", underlined Pascal Saint-Amans, director of the Center for Fiscal Policy and Administration. of the OECD. While France is one of the countries where the share of tax revenue from inheritance or endowment taxes is the highest at 1.38%, in the United States it represents less than 0.25%.

Numerous exemptions

The narrowness of the tax bases is explained by the numerous exemptions - life insurance, principal residence, business transfers, etc. - but also by the consequent reductions applied to transfers of assets to children. However, these exemptions, which promote optimization and tax evasion, have "regressive effects: the more wealth increases, the more the effective tax rate is reduced", contributing to undermine equity and reinforce inequalities, according to Pascal - Amans. As a result, in France, only 35% of inheritances are taxable, according to PS MP Christine Pires-Beaune, who had tabled a bill to reform this tax system.

Recommendations for greater equity

The OECD therefore recommends taxing beneficiaries on donations and inheritances they receive throughout their lives rather than piecemeal. It also recommends reviewing a French particularity, that of "applying a single rate of 60% to non-parent heirs when the rate can be 5% for a direct line inheritance raises a question of society". This place given to the bond of kinship is one of the points regularly criticized. The deputy PS also recommended to “defamiliarize” taxation and to establish it on an individual basis.

The tax treatment of life insurance is also in the spotlight. Pascal Saint-Amans thus considers that the abolition of preferential tax treatment would be justified “economically and on the basis of its regressive effects”.

The OECD also recommends more widely the taxation of capital: "the introduction of well-designed taxes on capital income, in particular on capital gains, must also be a priority".

Andrew Preston for DayNewsWorld



Eight months into their fratricidal war, Veolia and Suez have reached an agreement.

The world leader in environmental services, Veolia, aims to buy number two, Suez. The two water and waste management giants announced on Monday April 12 that their respective boards of directors had reached an agreement in principle on the conditions for a merger, thanks to the discreet mediation of Gérard Mestrallet, former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Suez then of the energy group Engie.

The two companies finally agreed on a price of 20.50 euros per Suez share, while Veolia initially offered 18 euros, an amount deemed insufficient by its rival. Veolia finally went up to buy its competitor at the cost of a long battle.

This merger should allow the constitution of a "world champion of ecological transformation", with a turnover of around 37 billion euros, according to a statement from Veolia. The price finally adopted values ​​the whole of Suez at around 13 billion euros.

A "new Suez"

At the same time, a “new Suez” must be set up, owned by a group of mainly French shareholders comprising financial partners from both groups and employees. Its scope will be made up of Suez's activities in municipal water and solid waste in France, including CIRSEE, the main research center on water and the environment in France. Added to this are Suez activities, particularly in water and in the following geographic areas: Italy (including the stake in Acea), Czech Republic, Africa, Central Asia, India, China, Australia, and digital world activities and environmental (SES).

Mr. Frérot, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Veolia, says he is "very confident" about the integration of the two teams which, he says, have "a common culture". He reiterated his social commitments, vis-à-vis the very worried Suez employees, for a period of four years after the closing of the offer, which can only take place after the green light from the competition authorities, in particular. that of the European Commission. He also reaffirmed his desire to “integrate and mix the management teams at headquarters and in the countries”. Bertrand Camus, CEO of Suez, and fierce opponent of the takeover bid (OPA), will not be part of the management team of the future Veolia.

The two French flagships have been clashing since last year, especially since the acquisition by Veolia in October of 29.9% of Suez from Engie before launching a takeover bid on the rest of the shares. For seven months, they have multiplied legal proceedings, invective through the press, pressure blows and warning signs. At the same time, everyone regularly showed their willingness to reach out to their rival, but on their own terms, giving the impression of a dialogue of the deaf.

The affair had also taken a political turn, the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire intervening on several occasions, and again at the end of March, to estimate that an agreement remained “possible” between the two rivals.

"I am delighted that Veolia and Suez have reached an amicable agreement, in accordance with the wish expressed by the State since the start of this industrial operation", reacted the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire in a press release.

According to the boss of Bercy, who thanks all the players, this agreement “preserves competition for customer services between two large national industrial companies in the treatment of water and waste. It guarantees their good development on national and international markets . It preserves employment ".

Alyson Braxton for DayNewsWorld


The President of the US Central Bank is more worried about the risk of a large-scale cyberattack than of a global financial crisis similar to that of 2008. The risks of a crisis resembling the so-called “subprime” crisis, with the Governments' need for bank bailouts "are very, very weak," Jerome Powell said on CBS news 60 Minutes. "The world is changing.

The world evolves ! And the risks too !!

And I would say the risk we watch the most is cyber risk, ”he said, adding that this is a concern shared by many governments, large private companies especially financial ones. It is also against this risk that all these players invest the most.

Jerome Powell pointed out that the Federal Reserve (Fed) is looking at different types of scenarios. “There are scenarios in which (...) the payment system cannot work. Payments can't make and things like that, ”he detailed. The Fed is also considering the possibility that part or even a large part of the financial system could shut down. "We therefore spend a lot of time, energy and money to protect ourselves against that", underlined the boss of the powerful institution, recalling that there are cyberattacks of large institutions "every day".

Towards a digital dollar ?

Jerome Powell was also asked about the possibility of creating a digital dollar as China last month became the first major global economic power to unveil a cryptocurrency. He pointed out that the Fed is currently evaluating this possibility. “We believe it is our duty to understand. How would that work? What would be the characteristics? ”He explained.

He also indicated that the Fed is developing software and even designing the appearance of a digital US dollar, but the final decision to release it will not be made until its impact is fully understood. The dollar is “the reserve currency of the world. The dollar is so important ... We don't have to be the first to do it. We want to do it right. And that's what we're going to do, ”he insisted.

Last October, Jerome Powell had already indicated that the United States was considering issuing their cryptocurrency, but then warned that the full assessment of the benefits and risks would take time. Creating a digital dollar could benefit the US economy, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said more recently in an interview with the New York Times on February 22.

She then mentioned the need for central banks to properly assess the associated issues, in particular consumer protection.

Andrew Preston for DayNewsWorld
There are no translations available.



Après des heures de débats et un vote marathon, le Sénat américain a approuvé le 6 mars 2021 le plan de 1.900 milliards de dollars voulu par Joe Biden pour relancer la première économie mondiale frappée par la pandémie.

Le texte repart cette semaine à la Chambre des représentants, où les démocrates, majoritaires, devraient l'approuver rapidement pour que Joe Biden puisse le promulguer d'ici le 14 mars.

Ce plan de relance, qui inclut le financement des vaccins et des fournitures médicales, étend l'aide au chômage et fournit une nouvelle série d'aides financières d'urgence aux ménages, aux petites entreprises et aux autorités locales, bénéficie selon les sondages d'opinion d'un large soutien.

Le président américain a salué le vote au Sénat d'un plan dont les Etats-Unis ont « désespérément besoin », selon lui, pour sortir de la crise née de la pandémie de coronavirus.

« Nous avons fait un pas de géant » pour venir en aide aux Américains, a dit, depuis la Maison Blanche, le chef de l'Etat, qui avait fait de ce plan de soutien massif l'une de ses promesses de campagne.

Ce sera le troisième plan d'aides exceptionnelles approuvé par le Congrès pendant la pandémie. Les républicains ont largement soutenu les plans précédents pour lutter contre le coronavirus et relancer la plus grande économie du monde, qui a perdu 9,5 millions d'emplois depuis l'année dernière.

Financement des vaccins et extension de l'aide au chômage

Le plan de relance, qui inclut le financement des vaccins et des fournitures médicales, étend l'aide au chômage et fournit une nouvelle série d'aides financières d'urgence aux ménages, aux petites entreprises et aux autorités locales, bénéficie selon les sondages d'opinion d'un large soutien.

Le plan des démocrates prévoit notamment des chèques de 1.400 dollars pour des millions d'Américains, ainsi que 350 milliards de dollars d'aide aux Etats et aux collectivités locales. Le texte prévoit aussi des milliards de dollars pour lutter contre la pandémie, dont 49 milliards pour le dépistage et la recherche, en plus de 14 milliards pour la distribution du vaccin

Vers un mini-boom économique au printemps?

Publiés vendredi les chiffres de l'emploi sont encourageants. Le taux de chômage aux États-Unis, bien que toujours élevé à 6,2% le mois dernier, a baissé par rapport à 6,3% enregistrés en janvier. Un signe annonciateur pour certains d'un mini-boom économique au printemps.

En février, 379.000 emplois ont été créés, près de trois fois plus qu'en janvier. Mais il faudra encore du temps pour retrouver le niveau d'avant la pandémie: 18 millions d'Américains touchent toujours une allocation, après avoir perdu leur emploi ou vu leurs revenus plonger.

« A ce rythme, il faudra deux ans pour revenir dans les clous » et retrouver le niveau de février 2020, a averti Joe Biden.

Britney Delsey pour DayNewsWorld
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La Cour suprême britannique a estimé, vendredi 19 février, dans une décision très attendue, que les chauffeurs Uber pouvaient être considérés comme des « travailleurs » salariés, rejetant ainsi le recours du géant américain de réservation de voitures.

La justice aura donc donné à chaque fois raison à un groupe d’une vingtaine de chauffeurs qui estiment avoir droit au statut de travailleur, compte tenu du temps qu’ils passent en étant connectés à l’application et du contrôle exercé par le groupe.

La Cour suprême a estimé « qu’en se connectant à l’application Uber à Londres, un chauffeur dans le cadre de la plainte est considéré comme un travailleur en entrant dans un contrat.

La compagnie estimait que les chauffeurs sont des travailleurs indépendants, choisissant leurs horaires et lieux de travail, et collaborant parfois à plusieurs applications en même temps.

Cette décision signifie que les chauffeurs Uber, qui étaient jusque-là des travailleurs indépendants, devraient avoir droit par exemple à un salaire minimum et à des congés payés, ce qui pourrait chambouler le modèle économique d’Uber au Royaume-Uni mais augmenter de manière substantiel les coûts du géant américain de la réservation de voitures avec chauffeur (VTC), qui n'est toujours pas rentable.

Une décision qui pourrait aussi faire boule de neige pour l’ensemble des plates-formes numériques.

Jaimies Potts pour DayNewsWorld
There are no translations available.


Au terme de plusieurs semaines de polémiques sur les retards de livraisons de vaccins, la présidente de la Commission européenne Ursula von der Leyen était, mercredi matin, au Parlement européen pour s’expliquer. Elle a reconnu des erreurs et détaillé les pistes pour garantir l’approvisionnement futur des Vingt-Sept.

Ursula von der Leyen s'est tout d'abord employée à convaincre que l'Union européenne faisait « tout ce qui était possible » pour accélérer la production de masse de doses de vaccin et tenir l'objectif de vacciner 70 % des adultes d'ici à la fin de l'été.

Aujourd’hui, l’Europe a à sa disposition trois vaccins (Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna et AstraZeneca) mais elle est à la traîne par rapport aux Etats-Unis, au Royaume-Uni et à Israël : seules 26 millions de doses lui ont été livrées et 17 millions des 450 millions de citoyens européens ont pu être vaccinés.

« C'est un fait que nous ne sommes pas aujourd'hui là où nous voudrions être dans la lutte contre le coronavirus », a reconnu Ursula von der Leyen. « Nous avons été en retard pour l'approbation des vaccins. Nous avons été trop optimistes sur la production de masse. Et peut-être avons-nous eu aussi trop de certitudes sur le fait que les commandes seraient effectivement livrées dans les temps », a-t-elle ajouté.

Alors qu’AstraZeneca projette toujours de ne livrer que 40 millions de doses au premier trimestre, au lieu des 120 millions inscrites dans son contrat, von der Leyen est revenue sur la «task force» placée sous l’autorité du commissaire Thierry Breton, très récemment créée pour «détecter les problèmes de production et aider à les résoudre». Le Français n’a pas perdu de temps se rendant dès mercredi dans l’usine Thermo Fisher de Seneffe (Belgique), sous-traitant d’AstraZeneca en Europe.

Les Européens ont sous-estimé la complexité liée à la production de masse de ces doses. « On ne peut pas mettre en place un site de production du jour au lendemain. Sa production intègre jusqu'à 400 composants différents et implique jusqu'à 100 entreprises », a rappelé la présidente de l'exécutif européen. « L'industrie doit s'adapter au rythme inédit de la science […] Nous avons besoin d'une coordination accrue sur les ingrédients clés, nous devons améliorer la montée en puissance des capacités […] afin de s'assurer que nous serons en sécurité l'hiver prochain en dépit des variants », a-t-elle insisté.

Ursula von der Leyen . a également promis la création d'un « groupe de contact » entre la Commission et le Parlement. La question de la transparence sur les contrats signés avec les groupes pharmaceutiques est également revenue en boucle.

Trois contrats ont déjà été mis à la disposition des élus - quoiqu'en partie expurgés des clauses les plus sensibles - et un quatrième, celui signé avec Johnson & Johnson devrait rapidement être consultable.

De très nombreux eurodéputés ont encore demandé à la Commission de publier l’intégralité de ces documents, pour l’heure couverts par le secret des affaires. «Je suis convaincue que l’UE a fait son possible. Mais j’aimerais le prouver aux citoyens et, pour cela, il faut de la transparence», a déclaré l’eurodéputée écologiste luxembourgeoise, Tilly Metz.

«Le manque de transparence est l’humus des thèses conspirationnistes», a alerté le socialiste bulgare Petar Vitanov.

Abby Shelcore pour le DayNewsWorld


When on Friday, February 5, 2021, a hundred economists launched an appeal to cancel the debts of states held by the European Central Bankafter the Covid-19 pandemic, Christine Lagarde hastenedto warn them.

"A violation of the European treaty"

Christine Lagarde returned in their goals the 100 economists who launched this appeal: "Unthinkable", replied Sunday, February 7 the President of the European Central Bank (ECB), Christine Lagarde, in an interview in the Sunday Journal. For the former Minister of the Economy, this would be "a violation of the European treaty which strictly prohibits the monetary financing of States".

"This rule is one of the fundamental pillars of the euro", continues the former boss of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). “If the energy spent demanding the ECB's debt cancellation were devoted to a debate on the use of this debt, it would be much more useful! What will public spending be allocated to? In which sectors of the future to invest? This is the essential subject today, ”says Christine Lagarde at JDD.

"Debts are managed over the long term"

For Christine Lagarde, “there is no doubt” that the countries of the euro zone “will manage” to repay this debt. "All the countries of the euro zone will emerge from this crisis with high debt levels", said Christine Lagarde in the JDD. But “there is no doubt that they will manage to repay it. Debts are managed over the long term. Investments made in sectors that are decisive for the future will generate stronger growth, "she believes." The recovery will create jobs, and therefore unite. We are moving towards another economy, more digital, greener, more committed to climate change and to maintaining biodiversity. "

2021, the year of recovery

Predicting a rebound in European GDP of 6.5% in 2021, Christine Lagarde believes, however, that activity will not return to its pre- crisis level before mid-2022. After the crisis, she therefore advises not to tighten all the taps on budgetary and monetary policy at once, as was the case in the past. “Conversely, it will be necessary to provide the economies with a gradually diminished support, as the pandemic recedes and the recovery takes hold. The economy will then have to relearn how to operate without the exceptional aid made necessary by the crisis.

I'm not worried because the rebound ability is strong. Our economies are resilient ”.

Kelly Donaldson for DayNewsWorld
There are no translations available.



Alors que la plupart des pays du monde ont commencé à vacciner leur population contre le Covid-19, une idée fait son chemin: la création d'un « passeport vaccinal » pour un retour à la vie normale

De la France à Israël en passant par la Suisse, la création d'un « passeport vaccinal », « passeport sanitaire » ou « passeport vert » a été émise au sein des sphères politiques et économiques. Il s'agit d'un document qui atteste qu'une personne a bien été vaccinée contre le Covid-19. Il permettrait, à ceux qui le détiennent, de voyager librement à l'étranger, de se rendre au restaurant ou d'aller au cinéma. Une initiative qui n'est pas sans rappeler le certificat international de vaccination délivré aux personnes qui se sont fait vacciner contre la fièvre jaune et qui est obligatoire pour se rendre dans certains pays d'Afrique ou d'Amérique du Sud.

Plusieurs projets en développement.

Le gouvernement israélien a par exemple présenté, début janvier, une application qui sera l'équivalent d'un passeport numérique pour obtenir un droit d'entrée dans les lieux publics, après un test PCR négatif ou une vaccination. Une application pourrait être lancée dès janvier, rapporte le Jerusalem Post.Sans ce sésame, les restaurants, cinémas ou encore salles de concert resteront inaccessibles. L'Estonie, elle, travaille en partenariat avec l'OMS sur la création d'un « Certificat international de vaccination numérique ».

Plusieurs initiatives privées existent également afin de réunir sur mobile l'ensemble des données de santé nécessaires pour franchir les frontières. L'Association internationale du transport aérien, l'Iata, qui réunit près de 300 compagnies aériennes, devrait aussi lancer son propre système de passeport sanitaire.Une coalition américaine de sociétés informatiques, d'institutions de santé et d'ONG a annoncé jeudi qu'elle allait travailler sur une version numérique et papier d'un tel document. Baptisée VCI (Vaccination Credential Initiative), la coalition comprend notamment le géant de l'informatique Microsoft et les éditeurs de logiciels Salesforce et Oracle.

L'industrie du tourisme, durement touchée par la crise coronavirus, considère ce passeport «  vaccinal » comme un espoir pour que les voyages redeviennent possibles sans trop de contraintes (test PCR négatif, quarantaine à l'arrivée dans un pays...). La compagnie aérienne australienne Qantas envisage d'ailleurs déjà d'exiger un tel document pour les voyageurs internationaux arrivant en Australie.

Ce document fait débat

L'instauration d'un « passeport vaccinal » fait cependant débat. En France, où la vaccination contre le Covid-19 n'est pas obligatoire, de nombreuses personnes y restent encore réfractaires. Si 47% des Français souhaitent se faire vacciner, selon le dernier sondage Elabe 40% ne veulent pas s'y soumettre. Un tel document pourrait donc diviser la société en deux, entre ceux qui disposeraient de ce sésame et pourraient reprendre une vie normale, et les autres. Une atteinte aux libertés individuelles qui pose question.

Comme avec les applications de traçage, la question de la protection des données de santé se trouve également posée.

Des incertitudes entourent également les différents vaccins développés à travers le monde: quels vaccins pourront être présentés selon les pays? Pour l'heure, ils affichent des taux d'efficacité différents et un niveau de développement variable.De plus s'ils empêchent de développer les symptômes de la maladie, on ne sait pas encore exactement combien de temps dure leur protection. Il existe également une inconnue concernant le fait que les personnes vaccinées puissent être porteuses du virus de façon asymptomatique et le transmettre.

Dans l'état actuel des connaissances, ce passeport serait donc une fausse sécurité.

Andrew Preston pour DayNewsWorld
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L'année 2020 a été pour le moins chaotique. La pandémie de Covid-19 et ses conséquences sur l'économie ont certainement déjoué les pronostics les plus catastrophistes. Après deux vagues de contaminations, des confinements et couvre-feu imposés aux populations, la chute record de l'activité, la multiplication des plans sociaux et des licenciements... qu'est-ce que 2021 nous réserve? Comme il y a un an, Saxo Banque s'est livrée à plusieurs « prévisions choc » pour l'année à venir.

« La pandémie de la Covid-19 et l'élection présidentielle américaine, particulièrement chaotique, ont précipité l'avènement d'un futur jusqu'alors lointain, accélérant pratiquement toutes les super tendances sociales et technologiques sous-jacentes », estime Steen Jakobsen, le directeur des investissements de Saxo Banque. « Pour faire court, les traumatismes de 2020 signifient qu'en 2021, le futur sera déjà là », ajoute-t-il.

Alors que les Etats s'endettent à des niveaux records pour financer leur soutien à l'économie et leurs plans de relance, l'établissement financier souligne notamment les risques liés au remboursement de la dette.

La France ne parvient plus à rembourser ses dettes et demande l'aide de l'Allemagne

Pour faire face au plongeon de l'activité provoqué par les mesures de restrictions sanitaires, la France a engagé un plan de relance de 100 milliards d'euros et multiplié les aides et dispositifs comme le chômage partiel à destination des entreprises. Résultat, le pays est l'un des Etats européens qui affichera l'un des plus hauts niveaux d'endettement dans les prochaines années.

La dette publique devrait passer de près de 100% du PIB avant la pandémie à 120% en 2021. Sans parler de la dette privée qui était déjà « en train de s'envoler " avant la crise, « pour atteindre près de 140% du PIB, un chiffre nettement supérieur à celui observé en Italie (106%) et en Espagne (119%) », souligne Saxo Banque.

Dans ces circonstances, l'établissement financier anticipe qu'une vague de faillites pourrait survenir en France en 2021, affectant en premier lieu le secteur tertiaire, comme la restauration et les entreprises liées au tourisme. Les prêts garantis par l'Etat ne joueraient plus leur rôle de garde-fou, les banques ne parviendraient plus à subvenir aux besoins de l'économie. Leur produit net bancaire, équivalent du chiffre d'affaires dans le secteur,chuterait et les provisions pour pertes de crédit augmenteraient brutalement. Les investisseurs se désengageraient alors massivement des groupes bancaires qui s'effondreraient comme jamais en Bourse.

« Compte tenu du piètre état des finances publiques et du niveau extraordinairement élevé de la dette publique, la France n'a d’autre choix que de venir demander assistance à l'Allemagne, afin de permettre à la Banque centrale européenne (BCE) d'injecter suffisamment de liquidités pour renflouer massivement le système bancaire et éviter un effondrement systémique », prévoit alors Saxo Banque.

« L'idée qui sous-tend derrière est un quantitative easing [assouplissement quantitatif, ndlr] infini »", explique Christopher Dembik, directeur de la recherche macro-économique chez Saxo Banque. Autrement dit, l'Allemagne donnerait son accord pour que la BCE soutienne l'économie française en rachetant des titres de dette de l'Etat et des entreprises tricolores de manière illimitée, dans le temps comme au niveau des montants.

L'arrivée d'un vaccin entraîne une vague de faillites aux Etats-Unis

Les annonces de vaccin contre le Covid-19 constituent des nouvelles rassurantes et positives. Gare toutefois à l'excès d'optimisme. Les plans de soutien et d'urgence des gouvernements ont atteint des montants historiques en 2020, jusqu'à 2 200 milliards de dollars mis sur la table aux Etats-Unis au printemps. Et le nouveau président élu Joe Biden souhaite un nouveau plan d'aides équivalent. Les banques centrales, comme la BCE ou la Réserve fédérale (Fed) outre-Atlantique, ont aussi injecté massivement des liquidités dans l'économie ces derniers mois.

« Avec le recul, il s'avère que l'économie a été stimulée à l'excès pendant la pandémie, et la forte reprise post-vaccin met rapidement l'économie en surchauffe », anticipe Saxo Banque. « L'inflation accélère et le taux de chômage chute tellement vite que la Fed laisse les taux longs augmenter, entraînant dans la foulée une hausse des taux des titres de dette plus risqués », poursuit la banque d'investissement. Résultat, alors que l'économie repartait et les entreprises parvenaient à se financer facilement auprès des banques et des investisseurs, les conditions de financement se trouvent brusquement resserrées. « Les taux de défaut des entreprises atteignent leur plus haut niveau depuis des années. Les premières à disparaître sont les entreprises surendettées du secteur de la distribution physique, qui éprouvaient déjà des difficultés avant la pandémie », prévoit Saxo Banque. La Fed commettrait donc une erreur stratégique, en relevant ses taux pour limiter l'inflation des prix et des salaires, provoquant par ricochet une nette hausse des taux d'emprunt bancaires et une vague de faillites historique aux Etats-Unis.

Les difficultés rencontrées par la première économie mondiale ne manqueraient pas d'avoir des répercussions sur les autres pays.

Amazon fait de Chypre un paradis fiscal privatisé, l'UE réagit en conséquence

Les géants de la tech américains sont de plus en plus influents et leurs produits incontournables. « On a vu ces dernières années des multinationales devenir plus puissantes que des Etats », souligne Christopher Dembik. Ces entreprises ne lésinent pas sur le lobbying et adoptent parfois des approches « quasi gouvernementales », estime Saxo Banque. Microsoft a par exemple créé un bureau de représentation des Nations Unies à New York et recruté un diplomate pour traiter des affaires gouvernementales européennes.

Facebook a de son côté mis en place une « Cour suprême » pour examiner notamment les réclamations des utilisateurs. En 2021, Saxo Banque anticipe qu'Amazon pourrait aller jusqu'à dicter à Chypre sa politique fiscale. Dans un contexte de pression croissante sur le mastodonte du e-commerce, accusé de nombreux maux dont l'évitement fiscal, Amazon déménagerait son siège social européen du Luxembourg à Chypre.

« Le pays accueille à bras ouverts le géant de la vente en ligne et les recettes fiscales qui lui permettront de réduire son ratio dette/PIB de près de 100% », prévoit la banque danoise. Chypre saisirait cette opportunité après avoir subi les mesures d'austérité imposées par l'Union européenne (UE) durant la crise de la dette souveraine en 2010-2012. Les conseillers d'Amazon aideraient alors l'île à réécrire son code fiscal pour répliquer celui de l'Irlande, « mais avec un taux d'imposition sur les sociétés et des taxes encore plus faibles, pour le plus grand bonheur des dirigeants et de la population, soumis à la manne financière que cela représente ».

Face à cette situation, l'Union européenne réagirait sans tarder et forcerait l'entreprise de Jeff Bezos à changer ses pratiques. De plus, cet événement enclencherait un mouvement d'harmonisation fiscale, dicté par l'UE. Des règles communes seraient alors adoptées à Chypre et dans l'ensemble des autres Etats membres. « Dans ce scénario, on assisterait plutôt à une harmonisation à la baisse de la fiscalité », explique Christopher Dembik, sans aller jusqu'au niveau de taxation de l'Irlande, particulièrement bas en Europe.

Les Gafa pourraient globalement subir la volonté des Etats de limiter leurs monopoles en 2021, alors que la pandémie de coronavirus n'a pas entamé leur puissance et qu'ils continuent d'étendre leurs activités.

Carl Delsey pour DayNewsWorld



The discovery of several effective vaccines changes the situation and gives hope for an economic rebound in the medium term, but the “short-term prospects” remain very uncertain. This is the message from the OECD which reviewed and published its growth forecasts at the global level on Tuesday, December 1, 2020.

The OECD has released its outlook for the world economy. For 2020, the organization now expects a global recession of 4.2% this year, followed by a rebound of 4.2% in 2021 and 3.7% in 2022.

In 2021, the expected rebound stands at over 4.2%, this estimate was 5% before the fall re-adjustments.

“We project that by the end of 2022, global GDP will be some $ 7 trillion lower - which is about a third of the US economy - than what it would have been in our projections. 'before the pandemic. The impact is therefore rather massive ”, underlined the Secretary General of the OECD Angel Gurria. China, the first epicenter of the pandemic in early 2020, has managed to bring the virus under control more quickly. Thus, its economy is the only one among the large countries to escape the recession (+ 1.8% expected this year).

The International Organization underlines the very strong heterogeneity of countries, depending on the extent of the pandemic, the various measures put in place to deal with it, between containment and support plans. In the euro zone, the fall in activity was estimated at 7.5% this year.

In 2021, growth is expected to rebound by 3.6% and 3.3% in 2022. In developed economies, Great Britain and Spain, will experience the largest drops this year, followed by France and Italy. Germany is doing better, as are Japan and the United States. As for emerging countries, India, Mexico and South Africa recorded the worst performances.

The recovery can be counted on, given the sharp rise in the savings rate, particularly in the United States, on more dynamic consumption which could offset the deterioration in the labor markets with an expected surge in insolvencies and unemployment. SMEs are particularly vulnerable and corporate debt is reaching worrying levels, says the OECD.

The upsurge in the epidemic "and the containment measures put in place have slowed the pace of the global recovery" underlines the OECD. The institution warns that this trend "should persist for some time given the challenges to be overcome (...) before a vaccine can be distributed on a large scale in the world".

As for the macroeconomic response, the OECD is on the same line as the IMF: the current expansionary monetary and budgetary policies must be continued, the time has not come to tighten the screws.

"Ensuring that the debt is bearable will only be a priority when the recovery is on track," she warns.

Andrew Perston for DayNewsWorld
There are no translations available.



La Corée du Nord traverse une période d’instabilité économique depuis le début de la crise sanitaire, couplée par des sanctions internationales prononcées par l’ONU et les États-Unis à la suite de ses essais nucléaires.

Le dictateur nord-coréen Kim Jong-un aurait donc fait exécuter fin octobre un trader à cause d'une baisse spectaculaire de 20% du won face au dollar américain au cours des derniers mois. , rapporte le quotidien sud-coréen Hankyoreh. Le média, cité par BFM Bourse, se base sur un rapport fait ce vendredi devant le Parlement de Séoul par le service de renseignements de la Corée du Sud.

« Envoyer un avertissement public »

Or le dictateur voudrait resserrer son emprise sur l’économie et plus particulièrement sur le marché des devises. « Pendant longtemps, Kim-Jong-Un n’est pas intervenu sur le secteur privé... Il n’a pas seulement toléré mais encouragé la décentralisation et le passage à des relations de marché entre les entreprises industrielles et les particuliers. Aujourd’hui, il essaie de faire marche arrière », a déclaré Andrei Lankov, un expert nord-coréen de l’Université Kookmin à Séoul.

Selon lui, l’exécution du trader a pour but d’ ' « envoyer un avertissement public sur la nécessité d’aller dans le sens des directives du régime concernant l’utilisation des devises étrangères. »

L’un de membres de la commission des renseignements de l’Assemblée nationale sud-coréenne, Kim Byung-kee, a déclaré qu’il s’agissait là de la dernière exécution survenue dans le cadre de mesures « déraisonnables » prises par le dictateur.

Britney Delsey pour DayNewsWorld
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Mette Frederiksen s'est interrompue à plusieurs reprises pour essuyer ses larmes.

Après l'abattage au Danemark de plus des deux tiers des quelque 15 à 17 millions de visons, après la découverte de foyers de Covid-19 dans les élevages du pays, la cheffe du gouvernement danois s'est pour la première fois excusée personnellement pour la gestion de cette crise.

« Je considère qu'il y a lieu de s'excuser pour le déroulement des faits.

Je n'ai aucun problème pour dire pardon pour ça car des fautes ont été commises », a-t-elle dit à la télévision TV2 en sortant de sa visite chez un éleveur à Kolding, dans l'ouest du pays, dont les bêtes ont été euthanasiées.

La Première ministre avait décidé l'abattage massif en raison d'une mutation problématique du coronavirus via ces mustélidés qui pouvait, selon des études préliminaires, menacer l'efficacité du futur vaccin pour les humains.

Quelques jours plus tard, le gouvernement avait toutefois reconnu qu'il n'avait pas de base légale suffisante pour faire éliminer les bêtes saines.

La démission du ministre de l'Agriculture

Le ministre de l'Agriculture s'était aussi excusé, avant de finalement démissionner.

Le 19 novembre 2020 , le ministère de la Santé avait conclu que cette menace potentielle pour les vaccins humains était « très probablement éteinte », en l'absence de nouveau cas détecté.

« C'est important de se rappeler que ce n'est pas de la faute des éleveurs, c'est la faute du coronavirus, si l'industrie ne peut pas continuer », a ajouté la cheffe du gouvernement, parlant d'une visite « émouvante .

Depuis le début de cette crise, un projet de loi a été déposé au Parlement visant l'interdiction des élevages de visons jusqu'en 2022.

Andrew Preston pour DayNewsWorld



In its opinion of October 26, 2020 published Friday evening, the Scientific Council delivered its vision of the future and it is not pleasant. The Scientific Council published, Sunday, the note in which it advocated a tougher curfew or containment and anticipates other epidemic waves. “There are […] many months ahead of us with an extremely difficult situation,” predicts the Scientific Council.

Anticipate new waves

Even if the restriction measures are successful, the second wave may not be the last. Scientists therefore expect "successive waves of recrudescence until the arrival of the first vaccines and / or prophylactic treatments" expected for the second quarter of 2021. "We can have several successive waves during the end of winter / spring 2021, depending on different elements: climatic condition, level and operational efficiency of the 'test, trace, isolate' strategy ”, underlines the Scientific Council.

Consequently, the authorities must be prepared to manage “successive waves of recrudescence” until the arrival of a possible vaccine or treatment, expected for the second quarter of 2021. Regarding the current period, the Scientific Council issues the hypothesis of an exit from the second wave at the end of the year or the beginning of the year 2021. The second "deconfinement" will not be like the previous one, since it will take place in winter.

Rethink the test-trace-isolate strategy

Although self-criticism is not the government's great strength, the Scientific Council nevertheless recommends that it "learn from the relative failure of the" Test-Tracer-Isolate "strategy during the period from May to September 2020".

Indeed, detecting cases early and isolating them successfully is the only method for "control of viral circulation as has been shown in a small number of countries in South East Asia".

Scientists therefore call for an increase in dedicated "human numbers" and "the implementation of the" All Anticovid "application on a large fraction of the population". The council recommends that antigen testing can be carried out on a large scale outside of biological laboratories. This would make it possible to monitor high schools, colleges and schools to protect staff and prevent children from bringing the Covid home.

And after ? Faced with this, two strategies are envisaged.

1 ° One consists of alternating periods of restrictions with periods of carelessness.

2 ° The other tries to maintain control of the circulation of the virus at a low rate. This “strategy of suppressing viral circulation, as carried out by several Asian countries, Denmark, Finland and Germany […] implies strong and early measures each time an epidemic resumes”.

Go to a "removal" of the virus

“Go from 40,000 contaminations per day to 5,000” by December 1: this is the goal set by Emmanuel Macron when he announced the reconfinement on October 28. This threshold of 5,000 cases is also mentioned by the Scientific Council. It is at the heart of the policy of “suppressing viral circulation” that it advocates.

For the Council, this indicator is not only the objective to be reached thanks to confinement, but a threshold not to be exceeded at the end of the second wave. This policy, which therefore aims to constantly keep the virus below a rate of 5,000 contaminations per day, is followed by "several Asian countries, Denmark, Finland and Germany". This option "implies strong and early measures each time an epidemic resumes", underlines the body, which considers however that it is "the best guarantee of the maintenance of economic activity".

An "on / off" type strategy

This is the other strategy proposed by the Scientific Council for the management of future epidemic waves. Concretely, this would mean alternating periods of restrictions (curfew, confinement, etc.) and periods of lifting of restrictions.

"This period of confinement could be envisaged for a short period, of a few weeks (about four weeks), and be followed, depending on the effects obtained, by a period of health curfew", estimates the Scientific Council.

In addition to the health effects, the authority explains that this measure "would preserve more than a confinement of certain economic and social activities". The trail of a curfew until the beginning of January 2021 had also already been formulated by the president of the Scientific Council, Jean-François Delfraissy.

“Is this possible in the long term ?

Will the French accept such a strategy, is it economically viable ? », Asks the Council, however.

According to the authority, this is a sine qua non for the success of the future strategies chosen by the authorities.

"It is essential that we start to think of other ways of living with the Covid in the long term and that the choices can be based on a vision from civil society and not only on the orientations given by experts to inform the authorities' decisions."

Carl Delsey for DayNewsWorld



In addition to the Corona virus, the virus of Salafism which threatens France.

France has indeed gone this week from one shock to another, the horror of terrorism adding to the nagging health crisis after the assassination of Samuel Paty, professor in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine (Yvelines), killed Friday for teaching freedom of expression by showing his students caricatures of Mohammed from Charlie Hebdo.

Mobilization takes place in France Support for courage and support for expression, a barrier to obscurantism.

"National Education can no longer close its eyes for long in the face of the unhealthy and intolerable pressure to which teachers are subject in their educational mission when they tackle subjects which do not please a minority", deplores Valérie Pécresse.

“The Republic has been challenged for years and is looking elsewhere.

This abject tragedy must be a salutary shock, ”adds the president of the Ile-de-France region in an interview with a colleague.
A defense council at the Elysee Palace at 6 p.m. will not be enough !

After the words we need actions .... !!!

Garett Skyport for DayNewsWorld



The OECD has certainly finalized the architecture of a new taxation of multinationals in the era of the digital revolution, but has failed to find a political agreement.

The international community has never been so close to an agreement on how to tax multinationals in the age of globalization and digital technology, the famous super “GAFA tax” (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon), who needs to bring fairness to the tax system.

The OECD in fact offers States a worldwide tax of 12% to 13% on the profits of multinationals.

Objective of the GAFA tax

The aim is to bring international tax rules into line with the e-commerce revolution and thus prevent “tech giants” like Google, Facebook and Amazon from being able to report their profits in low-tax countries like Ireland regardless. or the place where their activities take place.

Clearly, companies that escape tax would be reintegrated into the system.

Failure of political agreement

But the 137 have failed to agree to tax the digital giants. The United States remains in the background, France in the front line. .

In the absence of an international framework, a growing number of governments stand ready to impose national rules, with the inherent risk of exposing themselves to trade reprisals that the Trump administration has threatened. In July 2019, France opened the way by adopting the so-called “Gafa tax” tax on the activities of digital giants, which has applied since January 1, 2019.

In retaliation, the Trump administration threatened to overtax "up to 100%" the equivalent of $ 2.4 billion of French products, including wine. In January, Paris and Washington had decreed a truce, France pledging to postpone the payment of installments for 2020 scheduled for April and November, in order to give time for negotiations at the OECD.

A shortfall of 100 billion dollars

“In the worst-case scenario, these conflicts could reduce global GDP by more than 1%,” notes the OECD, which is leading these international negotiations.

Conversely, new rules on the taxation of digital companies and a plan for a global minimum tax could increase the tax revenue from the taxation of the income of large companies by 1.9% to 3.2%, i.e. amount between 50 billion and 80 billion per year. This sum could even reach 100 billion dollars by adding to it the existing American tax on the profits made abroad, adds the OECD.

But the Gafa tax will wait.

OECD members have yet to come to an agreement on taxing the digital giants. "The package is almost ready, but a political agreement is missing," admitted Pascal Saint-Amans, the head of tax policy at the OECD, Monday, October 12, 2020.

Many obstacles against the backdrop of Covid-19 and the American election

As the project becomes more technically precise, at a time of real political choices, many obstacles still have to be removed: agreeing on the scope of the tax - only GAFAs, or all multinationals selling at a distance - and on the precise distribution keys for the new tax, between the countries, where companies are established, and their “market” countries, where their customers are located ...

All in a stressed political climate, between the US presidential election and the management of the Covid-19 pandemic, and against a backdrop of latent opposition from tax havens.......

Joanne Courbet for DayNewsWorld
There are no translations available.



La France espère « trouver un projet commun franco-allemand » sur l'hydrogène, a affirmé dimanche le ministre de l'Economie Bruno Le Maire. « Je serai le 11 septembre à Berlin et nous allons regarder comment conjuguer nos efforts », a-t-il déclaré dans l'émission Grand rendez-vous Europe 1/Les Echos/CNews. « Nous allons regarder avec l'Allemagne comment on peut conjuguer les 7 milliards que la France met sur ce grand projet d'hydrogène, avec les 9 milliards que l'Allemagne met de son côté » a expliqué le ministre de l'Economie.

« J'espère bien que nous arriverons à trouver un projet commun franco-allemand, puis européen, sur l'hydrogène », a-t-il précisé.

Les plans de relance post-Covid feront-ils naître les champions européens de l’énergie décarbonée de demain? Alors que la France entend investir, comme l’Allemagne, plusieurs milliards d’euros dans l’hydrogène d’ici 10 ans, le gouvernement n’exclut pas de trouver des synergies industrielles au sein de l’espace européen.

Contexte politique favorable

Le contexte politique et industriel se prête en effet à un rapprochement franco-allemand sur la question de l’hydrogène vert. Berlin a dévoilé début juin un plan de développement de l’hydrogène propre, produit par électrolyse de l’eau avec de l’électricité issue de sources renouvelables, auquel l’Etat consacrera 9 milliards d’euros.

De son côté, Paris consacrera 7 milliards d’euros à un plan Hydrogène sur dix ans, dont 2 milliards iront au développement de la production d’hydrogène « vert » c’est-à-dire non issu des hydrocarbures, en 2021-2022, pour des applications notamment industrielles. « Sur l’hydrogène, nous ne finançons pas l’achat d’hydrogène, nous finançons la réalisation de produits industriels, par exemple de piles à combustibles (...), de réseaux de distribution », a expliqué le ministre de l’Économie.

La Commission européenne,quant à elle, a fait du développement de cet hydrogène propre au sein de l'UE un investissement prioritaire après la crise sanitaire, afin de décarboner les secteurs les plus polluants comme la sidérurgie et les transports, dans la course vers la neutralité climatique en 2050.

Décarboner les secteurs les plus polluants

Pour l’heure, au niveau industriel, l’hydrogène qui est produit n’est pas vert. Bien au contraire, il est issu de la combustion d’énergies fossiles (à 94% en France, et dans des proportions similaires ailleurs dans le monde), en grande majorité du charbon et du gaz naturel.

Si son bilan carbone est très négatif, sur le plan industriel, l’hydrogène fait rêver sous forme de gaz ou de liquide: il peut servir de carburant à des véhicules qui ne rejettent alors que de l’eau, à fabriquer de l’acier sans utiliser d’énergie fossile (or la sidérurgie représente près de 10% des émissions mondiales de CO2), à stocker de l’électricité produite par des éoliennes ou des panneaux photovoltaïques (puisque le soleil ne brille pas 24 heures sur 24, cela permet de stocker l’énergie produite le jour sous forme d’hydrogène et de la restituer ensuite)..

Il fait  sans conteste un parfait outil vers la transition écologique tant souhaitée. « L’hydrogène peut devenir l’un des piliers d’un modèle énergétique neutre en carbone. Cette molécule, qui renferme énormément d’énergie, va devenir indispensable compte tenu de l’étendue de ses propriétés : elle permet de stocker l’électricité, d’alimenter des voitures, de recycler du CO2, de rendre les processus industriels plus propres, etc. » C’était le discours de Nicolas Hulot, en juin 2018. Il était alors ministre de la Transition écologique et solidaire et présentait son plan de déploiement de l’hydrogène pour la transition énergétique.

Le contre-exemple du photovoltaïque

Objectif affiché: doper la recherche et l’industrie européenne dans ce domaine face à la concurrence à bas coût étrangère. « Nous ne refaisons pas avec l’hydrogène l’erreur que nous avons faite avec les panneaux photovoltaïques (...) on a tué l’industrie du panneau solaire européenne et subventionné l’industrie du panneau solaire chinois: il est hors de question qu’on refasse la même chose », a mis en garde Bruno Le Maire.

Après une crise sanitaire sans précédent le plan de relance économique présenté par le Gouvernement ce jeudi 3 septembre 2020 renvoie l’hydrogène sur le devant de la scène.

« Le plan Hulot s’appuyait, a priori, sur 100 millions d’euros de financements. Celui-là promet 2 milliards d’euros d’ici fin 2022 et 7 milliards d’euros d’ici 2030 pour le développement d’un hydrogène vert. C’est sans commune mesure et un changement d’échelle décisif », commente Marc Florette, membre de l’Académie des technologies, pour Futura.

Un défi à relever trés vite  !

Joanne Courbet pour DayNewsWorld
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Le gouvernement a dévoilé ce jeudi 3 septembre 2020 son plan de relance pour tenter d'enrayer les effets de la crise sanitaire sur l'économie française. Il doit non seulement permettre de protéger l'activité et l'emploi à court terme, mais aussi préparer la France à faire face aux défis économiques en 2030.

Quatre fois plus d'argent qu'après la crise de 2008

Sur le papier, le plan baptisé « France Relance » promet 100 milliards d'euros sur 2020, 2021 et 2022, avec l'essentiel des sommes débloquées à partir de l'année prochaine. Cela représente 4 points de PIB, soit « quatre fois plus » que ce qui avait été fait après la crise financière de 2008, se félicite-t-on à Matignon.

À crise exceptionnelle, remède exceptionnel

Selon le gouvernement, c'est un plan inédit par son ampleur qui a pour but d'accélérer la transition écologique et de relocaliser ou développer les compétences françaises. Une somme importante qui nécessite plusieurs sources de financement. Cette somme importante va avoir plusieurs sources : 40 milliards d'euros de la part de l'Union européenne, dans le cadre du plan de relance accepté par Bruxelles, mais également des emprunts ainsi qu'une mise à contribution de la Caisse des dépôts et consignations.. Concernant le financement de ce plan de relance, Jean Castex a affirmé qu'il « n'y aura pas de hausse d'impôts ».

« Nous ne reproduirons pas l'erreur de procéder à des hausses de fiscalité qui affaibliraient notre croissance et enverrait des signaux négatifs aux ménages comme aux entreprises », a-t-il justifié jeudi en conférence de presse.

« Le plan de relance de 100 milliards tout rond relève d'une communication bien huilée », selon François Ecalle, magistrat de la Cour des comptes en disponibilité... « Il faudra regarder dans les documents budgétaires annexés à la loi de finances 2021 pour voir de quoi il retourne exactement. Dans le ferroviaire, par exemple, ils le disent eux-mêmes : des dépenses déjà prévues sont intégrées au plan de relance… Il y a un peu de prestidigitation. », poursuit-il.

Moderniser l'appareil productif

L'exécutif affirme vouloir faire le pari de moderniser enfin l'appareil productif français grâce à l'opportunité ouverte de dépenser sans trop compter, vu le contexte économique international et le soutien massif de la Banque centrale européenne (BCE).

La baisse de prélèvements pour les entreprises de 10 milliards d'euros par an sera toutefois la seule mesure budgétaire pérenne. Celles-ci vont bénéficier d'une diminution des impôts dits de « production », c'est-à-dire ceux qui pèsent sur leurs comptes, même si elles ne parviennent pas à dégager du profit. L'exécutif a choisi de diviser par deux la contribution à la valeur ajoutée des entreprises (CVAE) pour la partie qui revient au budget des régions, lesquelles auront droit à une compensation, normalement intégrale, soit 7,25 milliards d'euros. Les entreprises industrielles bénéficieront aussi d'une baisse de leur cotisation foncière (CFE) et sur le foncier bâti.

Bercy estime que ces baisses d'impôts iront en priorité aux entreprises de taille intermédiaire (pour 42 %), qui font tant défaut par rapport à leurs concurrentes allemandes, mais aussi aux PME (32 %). Le reste, pour 26 %, irait aux grandes entreprises.

35 milliards d'euros pour la compétitivité des entreprises et l'innovation

En tout, ce sont 35 milliards d'euros qui seront dédiés à la compétitivité des entreprises et à l'innovation, affirme Bercy. L'État veut impulser, via le programme d'investissement d'avenir lancé à la fin du mandat de Nicolas Sarkozy et poursuivi sous François Hollande, des investissements « dans des secteurs qui tireront notre croissance de demain ». Ainsi onze milliards d'euros sur deux ans sont prévus, notamment pour développer une filière de la voiture à hydrogène (2 milliards d'euros) et décarboner les grands sites industriels. Un milliard d'euros de plus seraient aussi dégagés pour soutenir l'investissement des entreprises dans les zones labellisées « territoires d'industrie » (400 millions d'euros) et sous forme d'aides à la relocalisation (600 millions d'euros) dans les secteurs stratégiques, comme le médicament.

Pour permettre aux entreprises fragilisées de traverser la crise, l'État va mettre 3 milliards d'euros de garanties sur la table pour permettre de lever, via l'intermédiation des banques, entre 15 et 20 milliards d'euros de « quasi-fonds propres » pour éviter leur étranglement par la dette accumulée pendant le confinement.

Si l'Etat a voulu miser gros sur la modernisation de l'appareil productif français à proprement parler, il veut aussi mettre le paquet sur la transition écologique.

Transition écologique

Une enveloppe de 30 milliards d'euros est annoncée pour y parvenir. Transports, bâtiment, énergie, industrie et agriculture sont concernés.

Onze milliards d'euros sont prévus pour les « mobilités », dont 4,7 pour le ferroviaire (petites lignes, trains de nuit, fret). La désignation des petites lignes concernées dépendra de la négociation avec les régions. Pour les transports en commun «du quotidien» et le soutien au vélo, 1,2 milliard d'euros est prévu.

En ce qui concerne le bâtiment, 4 milliards d'euros devraient permettre de rénover le bâti public, notamment les écoles, les collèges, les lycées et les hôpitaux, mais aussi celui de l'État. Les ménages, eux, vont bénéficier de 2 milliards d'euros au travers de Ma Prime Renov étendue même aux plus aisés d'entre eux. Enfin, 1,2 milliard d'euros sera consacré à «des aides pour une alimentation plus saine, plus locale, plus durable».

35 milliards d'euros pour « la cohésion sociale et territoriale »

Un dernier volet du plan est destiné à « la cohésion sociale et territoriale », pour 35 milliards d'euros. Sous cet intitulé un peu fourre-tout se cache l'enveloppe programmée pour protéger l'emploi via le dispositif de chômage partiel de longue durée (6,6 milliards d'euros), notamment dans les secteurs les plus impactés par la crise, tels que celui du secteur aérien. Un milliard d'euros de plus devra financer la formation des salariés concernés dans les secteurs d'avenir identifiés dans France Relance.

Ce volet met l'accent sur le renforcement des formations vers les secteurs de la transition écologique et numérique ainsi que sur les métiers du soin (« care ») notamment.

Entre 30 et 40 % de ce plan devraient être effectifs dès 2021, au travers du vote de la loi de finances d'ici à la fin de l'année

Un très rapide retour sur investissement espéré

À travers ce plan, le gouvernement espère créer un climat de confiance dans l'avenir qui suffise à débloquer au moins en partie les dizaines de milliards d'euros d'épargne accumulés jusqu'à présent. Et se fixe comme objectif, avec son plan de relance, conforme au montant recommandé par le Conseil d'analyse économique de 50 milliards d'euros sur une année, de revenir au niveau de PIB

Le ministre de l'Économie Bruno Le Maire a pour sa part affirmé que ce plan de relance va permettre que la France « ressorte plus forte de la crise », alors que Jean Castex prévoit que l'effet sur la dette sera « presque entièrement résorbé à partir de 2025 ». « On en attend un très rapide retour sur investissement », a déclaré le chef du gouvernement, alors que la crise provoquée par l'épidémie de coronavirus va faire bondir la dette publique à près de 121% du PIB cette année.Le but est de revenir en 2022 au niveau d'avant crise. Alors qu'une récession de 11% est prévue cette année, certains considèrent cependant que cela relèverait de l'exploit.

Ce que le gouvernement dit vouloir avec ce plan, c'est préparer la France du futur.

Jean Castex a rappelé trois priorités : « le verdissement de notre économie, la cohésion sociale et territoriale et rendre la France plus compétitive et plus souveraine ».

« La France sortira plus forte de la crise économique, avec une économie plus compétitive, plus solidaire, plus décarbonnée  », a promis Bruno Lemaire.

Et avec "un peu de prestidigitation aussi" ?

Joanne Courbet pour DayNewsWorld
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Le coronavirus, pour lequel aucun vaccin n’a encore été trouvé, continue de circuler activement, alimentant les craintes d’une seconde vague aux enjeux économiques et sociétaux potentiellement désastreux.

Plus de 16,5 millions de personnes ont été contaminées depuis la fin 2019 – dont près de 5 millions depuis le 1er juillet si bien, qu'après des mesures de déconfinement en Europe , de nombreuses restrictions se multiplient à nouveau pour tenter de freiner la pandémie de Covid-19.

Les autorités françaises ont ordonné la fermeture de lieux de rassemblement comme les plages, les parcs et les jardins publics la nuit dans la ville touristique de Quiberon, sur l’Atlantique. Selon le bilan établi lundi soir par la Direction générale de la santé, l’épidémie a fait dix-sept morts supplémentaires depuis vendredi en France et la circulation du virus reste « soutenue ».

L’Espagne, quant à elle, fait face à un important rebond du nombre d’infections, incitant certaines villes à se reconfiner comme Barcelone ainsi que la région de Madrid à prendre ce mardi de nouvelles mesures, comme le renforcement du caractère obligatoire du port du masque et la limitation des rassemblements à dix personnes. Le gouvernement allemand a d'ailleurs déconseillé, mardi, les voyages « non essentiels » vers les régions espagnoles d’Aragon, de Catalogne et de Navarre en raison du « nombre élevé d’infections ».Depuis dimanche, la Grande-Bretagne soumet, elle, les passagers en provenance d’Espagne à une période d’isolement, une mesure critiquée par Madrid qui a riposté en assurant être un « pays sûr ».

En Allemagne, l’Institut de veille sanitaire Robert-Koch (RKI) s’est alarmé, mardi, de l’augmentation des nouvelles infections dans le pays depuis plusieurs jours (+ 557 par jour en moyenne depuis une semaine), source de « grandes inquiétudes ». Le RKI a conseillé le port du masque à l’extérieur si la distanciation physique s’avérait impossible à respecter. Pour le RKI, les voyages à l’étranger sont également en partie responsables du retour relatif de la pandémie. la

Un nouveau durcissement des mesures a été pris en Belgique face à une recrudescence inquiétante des contaminations. A partir de mercredi, le nombre de personnes que les Belges sont autorisés à voir de façon rapprochée et régulière dans le cadre de leur « bulle de contact » sera notamment abaissé de quinze à cinq personnes, par foyer, pour les quatre prochaines semaines.

De son côté, la Grèce a annoncé mardi qu’elle rendait à nouveau le port du masque obligatoire dans les magasins, les banques, les services publics et la quasi-totalité des lieux clos, en réponse à une recrudescence des cas.

Jenny Chase pour DayNewsWorld
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Si le redémarrage de l’économie continue d’avoir des incidences positives sur le marché du travail, il est difficile, pour autant, de parler d’amélioration.

Recul du nombre de chômeurs de catégorie A en juin.

En juin, le nombre de demandeurs d’emploi sans aucune activité (catégorie A) a baissé, sur l’ensemble du territoire , de près de 205 000, selon les données diffusées, lundi 27 juillet, par Pôle emploi et par la direction du ministère du travail chargée des études (Dares). Il s’agit d’un nouveau recul, de 4,6 %, qui se révèle encore plus fort que celui relevé le mois précédent (– 3,3 %).

La baisse en catégorie A concerne toutes les tranches d'âge : les moins de 25 ans (-4,6%), les 25-49 ans (-5%) et les 50 ans ou plus (-3,7%) .Plus forte chez les hommes (-5,8%) que chez les femmes (-3,3%), elle a été plus marquée sur la façade ouest (-6,9% en Bretagne), ainsi qu'en PACA et en Corse (-7,5%).

Ce recul en juin « est plus particulièrement porté par la baisse du nombre de ceux qui recherchent un métier dans la construction et le BTP, ainsi que dans l'hôtellerie et le tourisme », conséquence de la reprise de l'activité autorisée dans ces deux derniers secteurs en juin, souligne la Dares, le service statistique du ministère du Travail.

Une hausse historique sur le dernier trimestre

Pour autant, les effectifs des personnes dans cette situation se maintiennent à un niveau très élevé, à 4,22 millions. Depuis la mise en place, en 1996, de cette série statistique, jamais la barre des 4 millions d’inscrits dans la catégorie A n’avait été franchie, ce qui montre l’ampleur des ravages causés par la crise due au nouveau coronavirus.

 Le nombre d’individus à la recherche d’un poste tout en ayant travaillé (catégories B et C) a, de son côté, continué d’augmenter fortement en juin (+ 13,9 %), soit une progression presque aussi soutenue qu’en mai (+ 14,2 %). Au total, les rangs des demandeurs d’emploi, en activité ou non (catégories A, B et C), s’étoffent encore pour atteindre désormais 6,157 millions, un record depuis 1996. La hausse des entrées s'explique notamment par les retours de formation et les premières entrées sur le marché du travail (+41%). Les inscriptions pour licenciement économique restent faibles à 9 900 et quasi-stables.

Sur le deuxième trimestre, d’avril à juin, la hausse du chômage reste donc sans précédent : elle augmente de 23,2 % en catégorie A  et de 6,5 % pour les catégories A, B et C.

Carl Delsey pour DayNewsWorld
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Une étude d'Euler Hermes dresse un scénario catastrophe qui devrait se produire entre la fin 2020 et le premier semestre 2021 avec en moyenne un bond de 35% des défaillances.

La vague tant redoutée de faillites en cascades devrait se produire entre la fin 2020 et le premier semestre 2021 selon une étude d'Euler Hermes avec une hausse record de +35% en moyenne des défaillances dans le monde. Les mesures de soutien étatiques aux entreprises tout comme le gel des procédures d'enregistrement des faillites décalent dans le temps les défaillances.

Parmi les pays les plus touchés figurent en tête les Etats-Unis avec une hausse de 57% des faillites devant le Brésil avec +45% et +20% en Chine.

En Europe, ce sont le Royaume-Uni et l’Espagne qui verront le plus d’entreprises mettre la clé sous la porte avec respectivement +45% et +41% surtout en 2021, selon Euler Hermes.

+25% en France. Certains pays comme la Suède, l'Irlande, l'Italie et le Portugal seront touchés de plein fouet dès 2020 par cette vague qui atteindra surtout l'année prochaine d'autres Etats comme la France, le Royaume-Uni ou l'Allemagne.

« En France, la vague de défaillances arrivera au quatrième trimestre 2020 et se prolongera sur le premier semestre 2021 », prédit l'assureur-crédit qui indique que les reports de charges et les prêts garantis par l'Etat d'une part, les fermetures de tribunaux de commerce et les gels des procédures collectives d'autre part ont retardé son arrivée.

Concrètement, l'étude estime que la France connaîtra 53.600 faillites en 2020 et 64.300 en 2021.  « En matière de volume, un triste record sera prochainement atteint », anticipe Euler Hermes.

Ce sont  les entreprises de taille intermédiaire  qui risquent d'être le plus touchées en France.

Le scénario catastrophe pourrait même devenir apocalyptique. Un arrêt prématuré des mesures de soutien pourrait aggraver la situation. Si l’économie mondiale devait mettre plus de temps que prévu à se remettre du choc, la hausse des défaillances pourrait même dépasser les 50%.

L'assureur-crédit Coface avait de son côté estimé début juin que les défaillances d'entreprises allaient augmenter d'un tiers entre 2019 et 2021 à travers le monde, et de 21% en France.

Andrew Preston pour DayNewsWorld
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"Les problèmes causés et révélés par le Covid-19 ne peuvent être résolus par la charité, aussi généreuse soit-elle", plaident des millionnaires dans une lettre.«Les problèmes causés et révélés par le Covid-19 ne peuvent être résolus par la charité, aussi généreuse soit-elle.

Les chefs de gouvernement doivent prendre la responsabilité de lever les fonds dont nous avons besoin et les dépenser équitablement» pour financer «adéquatement nos systèmes de santé, les écoles et la sécurité via une augmentation permanente des taxes sur la plus fortunés de la planète, des gens comme nous».

Un groupe de 83 millionnaires a ainsi appelé lundi à taxer davantage les plus riches de la planète «immédiatement» et «de manière permanente», afin de contribuer à la reprise après la crise générée par la pandémie de nouveau coronavirus.

Une récession historique

La pandémie de coronavirus a entraîné une récession historique à travers le monde, poussant les gouvernements à dépenser des milliards en aides aux ménages et entreprises frappés de plein fouet par la paralysie économique résultant du confinement.

Selon l'OCDE, le recul du produit intérieur brut mondial devrait atteindre au moins 6% cette année, et 7,6% en cas de deuxième vague épidémique, tandis que le rebond attendu pour 2021 serait de 5,2% sans retour du coronavirus, et de 2,8% avec.

« Un rôle essentiel à jouer pour guérir le monde »

«Alors que le Covid-19 frappe le monde, les millionnaire comme nous avons un rôle essentiel à jouer pour guérir le monde», demandent les signataires d'une lettre ouverte, parmi lesquels le cofondateur du géant américain des glaces Ben & Jerry's, Jerry Greenfield, ou le réalisateur britannique Richard Curtis.

Cette lettre, publiée avant la réunion des ministres des Finances du G20 et du sommet européen extraordinaire sur la relance de l'UE cette semaine, appelle les «gouvernements à augmenter les taxes de gens comme nous. Immédiatement, substantiellement et de manière permanente».

« Nous avons de l'argent, beaucoup»

«Nous ne sommes pas ceux qui soignent les malades dans les unités de soins intensifs. Nous ne conduisons pas les ambulances qui amènent les malades à l'hôpital. Nous ne sommes pas ceux qui regarnissent les rayons des épiceries ou qui délivrent de la nourriture de porte à porte», écrit ce groupe qui se baptise Millionaires for Humanity, sur un site internet éponyme.

«Mais nous avons de l'argent, beaucoup. On a absolument besoin d'argent maintenant et on continuera à en avoir besoin dans les années à venir» pour se remettre de la crise, dont l'impact «durera des dizaines d'années» et pourrait «pousser un demi-milliard de personnes dans la pauvreté».

Il y a un an, un petit groupe de milliardaires américains comprenant l'homme d'affaires George Soros, le co-fondateur de Facebook Chris Hughes et des héritiers des empires Hyatt et Disney entre autres, avaient également publié une lettre pour soutenir l'idée d'un impôt sur la fortune

Depuis des années, des milliardaires tels que Warren Buffett et Bill Gates demandent à être taxés davantage.

Carl Delsey pour DayNewsWorld
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Chaque année depuis un quart de siècle, le magazine Challenges recense les 500 plus grosses fortunes de France. Voici le classement des cinq premiers de cordée de cette année 2020 .

La première place revient comme en 2019 à Bernard Arnault, qui fut l'homme le plus riche du monde avant d'être coiffé au poteau par le patron d'Amazon Jeff Bezos, et Bill Gates. Avec une fortune estimée à 100 milliards d'euros, le PDG de LVMH conforte toutefois sa place de numéro un en France.

Sur la deuxième marche du podium arrive la famille Hermes, forte d'un patrimoine avoisinant les 55,5 milliards d'euros.

Enfin, la troisième marche du podium est occupée par Alain et Gérard Wertheimer, à la tête de l'empire Channel, et leur famille (53 milliards d'euros)

Françoise Bettencourt-Meyers, petite-fille du fondateur de L'Oréal, arrive en 4ème position grâce à une fortune estimée à 51 milliards d'euros. Elle a dû céder sa médaille de bronze, remportée en 2019.

La 5e place revient à l'homme d'affaires François Pinault (propriétaire du Point) et sa famille (32 milliards d'euros).

Alyson Braxton pour DayNewsWorld
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C'est une découverte pour le moins inquiétante, alors que la pandémie de coronavirus sévit dans le monde entier. Selon une étude parue ce lundi dans la revue scientifique américaine PNAS, des chercheurs ont découvert une souche de virus de grippe porcine en Chine présentant toutes les caractéristiques capables de provoquer une future pandémie.

Les virus s'appellent G4 et descendent génétiquement de la souche H1N1 à l'origine d'une pandémie en 2009 : ils « possèdent tous les traits essentiels montrant une haute adaptabilité pour infecter les humains », écrivent les auteurs, des scientifiques issus d'universités chinoises et du Centre chinois de prévention et de lutte contre les maladies.

Des ouvriers infectés

Le travail présenté est volumineux : de 2011 à 2018, 30 000 prélèvements nasaux ont été réalisés sur des porcs dans les abattoirs de 10 provinces chinoises et dans un hôpital vétérinaire, permettant d'isoler 179 virus de grippe porcine. La majorité était de la nouvelle variété, qui est devenue dominante chez les porcs depuis 2016. Les chercheurs ont ensuite réalisé diverses expériences en laboratoire et sur des furets, des animaux très utilisés dans la recherche sur la grippe car leurs symptômes sont comparables à ceux des humains : ils ont de la fièvre, toussent et éternuent.

Ils ont observé que les virus G4 étaient plus infectieux, se répliquaient dans des cellules humaines et provoquaient chez les furets des symptômes plus graves que d'autres souches. En outre, selon des tests in vitro, l'immunité obtenue après contact avec les virus humains de la grippe saisonnière ne protégerait pas contre le G4.

L'autre mauvaise nouvelle est que les ouvriers et personnes travaillant avec les porcs étaient relativement nombreux à avoir été infectés, 10,4 %, selon des tests sanguins qui ont cherché la présence d'anticorps au virus. 4,4 % de la population générale apparaissait également contaminée. Le virus serait donc déjà passé chez les humains, rapportent les scientifiques, mais il n'y a pas de preuve qu'il peut être transmis d'humain à humain. C'est aujourd'hui leur crainte.

Une surveillance de population exigée

« Les pandémies se produisent quand des virus de grippe A avec un nouvel antigène de surface HA devient capable de se transmettre d'humain à humain », concluent les chercheurs. « L'inquiétude est que les infections d'humains par les virus G4 ne mènent à une adaptation humaine et n'augmentent le risque d'une pandémie humaine ». Il faut urgemment, disent-ils, mettre en place une surveillance des populations travaillant au contact des porcs.

« Les travaux sont un rappel salutaire que nous courons constamment le risque de l'émergence de pathogènes zoonotiques, et que des animaux d'élevage, avec qui les humains sont plus en contact qu'avec des animaux sauvages, soient la source de virus pandémiques importants », a commenté James Wood, chef du département de médecine vétérinaire à l'université de Cambridge.

Emily Jackson pour DayNewsWorld


The coronavirus crisis will not have spared anyone. While it was the market leader, the Spanish group Inditex (Zara, Massimo Dutti, Pull & Bear, etc.) published quarterly results which fell sharply.

Figures far below expectations for the first time since its IPO in 2001. The parent company of the Zara brand is currently experiencing a record sales drop (44%).

Consumers have not been in a rush in shops since deconfinement.

The first figures already show a drop in attendance of 59.8% compared to the same period in 2019.

A new strategy: online sales

To cope with this heavy toll, the Spanish fast-fashion giant has announced that it will close 1,200 stores worldwide, or 16% of its sales outlets. Its Zara brands are therefore targeted, as well as Zara Home, Massimo Dutti, Oysho and even Stradivarius.

Now the Spanish label intends to bet more on its e-commerce by devoting an additional 2.7 billion euros, its sales having doubled in recent months. The group has already set its objectives.

By 2022, the owner of Zara is targeting 25% of its turnover through online sales compared to 14% so far.

In an article published on June 10, the benchmark media Business of Fashion analyzed how the exodus from the metropolises was going to reshape sales in stores.

In the article, Doug Stephens of Retail Prophet explains that the telecommuting revolution will accelerate the advent of a post-digital era for shopping.

“We don't build our lives around the retail business. Retail is built around our lives, "concludes BoF article".

Alyson Braxton for DayNewsWorld



The world economy will suffer its worst recession in peacetime this past 100 years before returning to growth next year, the OECD estimates on Wednesday.

Due to the “exceptional uncertainty” of the economy this year, the OECD presents its forecasts taking into account two scenarios. One with a second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic spreading across the planet in late 2020, the other without. In the first case, the most unfavorable, the contraction of the world economy would be 7.6% this year and the recovery in 2021 at 2.8%. In the second case, world GDP should contract by 6.0% this year before rebounding by 5.2% in 2021.

According to OECD projections, the United States, the world's largest economic power, must prepare for a contraction of 7.3% of its GDP this year before a rebound of 4.1% next year. In the event of a second wave, the recession would be 8.5% this year, and US GDP would only regain 1.9% in 2021.

China, still championing growth last year with 6.1%, will also see its economy contract, by 2.6%, or even 3.7% this year if the virus resurfaces massively.

The eurozone is moving towards a contraction of 9.1% this year, followed by a recovery of 6.5% next year. In the scenario of a second wave, the decline would also be more marked (-11.5%) and the recovery more modest in 2021 (+ 3.5%).

France a brutal recession in 2020

According to the OECD, France will experience one of the largest drops in GDP in the world. The economic horizon of France and the countries of the euro zone is darkening a little more. According to forecasts by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), published Wednesday June 10, the contraction of gross domestic product (GDP) will be between 11.4% and 14.1% in 2020 in France.

The largest contraction in the world, in the same proportions as in Spain, Italy and the United Kingdom. Even Argentina, which has just entered into default at the end of May, will fare better with an expected drop in GDP between 8.3% and 10.1%. It is in the euro zone that the dropout rate, between - 9.1% and - 11.5%, will be the most brutal on the planet.

The French economy has accumulated handicaps during this period. "Its comparative advantages lie in sectors among the most affected by the crisis such as air transport, tourism or even luxury," explains Daniel Cohen, director of the economics department of the École normale supérieure. And the Hexagon had no other solution than massive confinement, unlike Germany which had prepared for the pandemic earlier. "

States urged to go into debt to support workers

"By the end of 2021, the loss of income will exceed that recorded in all previous recessions of the past 100 years, with the exception of periods of war, with extreme and lasting consequences for populations, businesses and governments, ”said Laurence Boone, the chief economist of the OECD, in an introduction to these updated forecasts.

She therefore urges governments not to be afraid of resorting to debt to finance mechanisms to support the least paid workers and investments, explaining that the responses to the crisis will shape the economic and social outlook for the next ten years. .

"Ultra-accommodative monetary policies and higher public debt are necessary and will be accepted as long as economic activity and inflation remain depressed and unemployment remains high," she continues.

"Everywhere, confinement has reinforced the inequalities between workers", the most qualified able to telework while the young and the less qualified are "often on the front line" in the fight against the pandemic, notes the chief economist of the OECD. The Covid-19 also "accelerated the shift from a 'big integration' to a 'big fragmentation'" of the world economy with the appearance of "additional restrictions on trade and investment", according to Boone .

"Fairer and more sustainable" economy

To allow the economy to recover, the OECD notably recommends “strengthening health systems”, “facilitating changes in occupations while strengthening income protection”, and “making supply chains more resilient ”.

"Governments must seize this opportunity to design a fairer and more sustainable economy, make competition and regulations more intelligent, modernize taxation, spending and social protection," advocates Laurence Boone. It points to the essential role of confidence, without which neither consumption nor investment will restart.

And since the threat of a second wave of contagion keeps the uncertainty at a high level, Laurence Boone adds that the moment is certainly not to stir up the flames of trade tensions and that governments must cooperate in research and development of treatments and a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2.

"Until a vaccine or treatment becomes widely available, policymakers around the world will continue to walk a tightrope," she writes.

Joanne Courbet for DayNewsWorld



During the outbreak of coronavirus seems "controlled" in France, the economic consequences will announce unprecedented.

The government further exacerbated its forecast for recession this week, with a historic gross domestic product (GDP) drop of 11%.

In addition, according to a note from the French Observatory of Economic Conditions (OFCE), an independent research organization, published on Friday June 5, 2020, the French economy was undoubtedly one of the most affected by the health crisis.

According to this note, which studies the impact of Covid-19 on the month of April, when many countries confined their populations, the world economy experienced a recession of 19% that month, while trade global fell 25%.

“We can classify countries in the world in three categories. We have the countries of southern Europe, the other developed countries and the countries of the rest of the world and the Asian countries. In the first category, there are France, Italy and Spain. These are the countries that have been the most impacted ”, analyzes Eric Heyer, economist and deputy director of the OFCE, with a fall in their added value“ by more than 30 points ”.

Very bereaved, these three countries have in particular implemented strict confinement for more or less two months, with in particular the closure of non-essential businesses. In France, the deconfinement is done gradually since May 11.

Germany resists better

Conversely, the United States (-22 points) or Germany (-24 points) are doing a little less badly, while the emerging economies are more resilient at this stage (-15 points). As far as Asian and developing countries are concerned, "we see both a much smaller drop in consumption and investment, and then overall less integration in the production chains, thus an external impact which has much less of weight ”, according to the survey.

But this ranking is "extremely fragile" given the unprecedented nature of this crisis, warned Eric Heyer, director of the analysis and forecasting department at the OFCE during a press conference call.

These differences are explained both by the extent of the containment measures taken, which are slightly less across the Rhine and across the Atlantic, but also by the "sectoral structure" of the economies. Thus, Germany experienced an "extremely contained" internal shock but a much greater loss of external demand due to its industrial and open economy. France, for its part, is the victim of its exposure to tourism, with hotel and restaurant and trade sectors much larger than elsewhere. Jobs: France has limited the damage

Impact on employment

One of the great unknowns of this crisis will be its extent on employment, notes at this stage the OFCE, with "three issues", according to Xavier Timbeau, its director: the risks of business bankruptcies, the prolonged difficulties for certain sectors such as tourism and catering, and a too weak recovery in household consumption.

So far, however, the crisis has resulted in “relatively limited” job destruction due to massive public support for short-time working, with the exception of the United States, where job destruction could affect 22, 4 million jobs, and to a lesser extent from Germany where many “minijobs” have been cut.

France, where the state took charge of 100% of partial unemployment, or 84% of net wages or 100% of the minimum wage, for two months, and Italy would be the most spared with only 3% of salaried jobs hit by crisis.

Garett Skyport for DayNewsWorld


The management of the airline Ryanair has hit the headlines: it threatens to "fire 27 people" if the main union "does not quickly agree to accept lower wages".

The collapse of the Irish company's activity would require it. The majority union at Ryanair in France denounces "a blackmail at the dismissal" exercised by the Irish airline. Asked about this conflict, Bruno Le Maire said Tuesday that blackmail was "never a way" just like his colleague in charge of Labor, Muriel Pénicaud, said he was "shocked" and called Ryanair to "review his copy" , by bringing together its Social and Economic Committee (CSE) "urgently" to "really discuss, but not as blackmail".

The Minister of the Economy, however, recalled the existence of company agreements. "On the other hand, that there are long-term company agreements which make it possible to preserve employment, by inventing imaginative devices (..) that yes, it is even desirable", added the Minister.

Collective performance agreements

Faced with the threat of mass layoffs, the government is indeed encouraging more flexibility. “There are alternatives. I call on companies in difficulty to negotiate Collective Performance Agreements (APC) ”, hammered the Minister of Labor, Muriel Pénicaud, Sunday, May 31 on LCI.

Since 2017, a “performance agreement” system has enabled a company to open discussions on working time or remuneration, in return for a commitment not to lay off workers, or to raise wages again when the economic situation improves without jeopardizing the five weeks of paid leave or the minimum wages provided for in collective agreements.

But to be valid, a CPA must be approved by the majority union organizations. Employees are then forced to accept the principle, under penalty of dismissal. Since 2017, 350 agreements have been signed, concerning 67% of working time. But their number could explode in the current context with an emphasis this time on compensation.

Concretely therefore, the employee would accept a drop in his salary to keep his job. More and more companies weakened by the current context are considering this consideration. Like Derichebourg Aeronautics Services, a subcontractor for Airbus and Dassault. The company, which plans a social plan with 700 redundancies, has undertaken to reduce its scope if the employees agree to waive their transportation and / or meal allowance. FO, the majority union, accepted the principle.

Ryanair has offered its staff the choice between a salary cut for five years (-20% for pilots, -10% for hostesses and stewards from July 1) or a social plan that would affect a quarter of the workforce.

An option - widely used across the Rhine - that would save French jobs but decried by unionists who deplore that efforts are once again demanded of employees instead of shareholders.

Alize Marion pour DayNewsWorld


Never seen !

In 2019, France became the first destination for foreign investment in Europe, when the emergence of "yellow vests" had raised fears of a decline in its position on the Old Continent. The Hexagon has indeed recorded last year 1,197 projects of foreign establishments on its territory, a figure up by 17% compared to 2018. France is thus ahead of the United Kingdom and Germany, its historic competitors .

The head of state Macron did not skimp to attract foreign investors. The Choose France event, organized for the third time on a grand scale in Versailles, brought together in January 2020 no less than 200 business leaders from more than 40 different nationalities (from Netflix to YouTube, via Snapchat, Lime, BMW, Fedex or General Electric).

Economic reforms such as work orders, the transformation of the CICE into lower social charges for employers, visa facilities for tech entrepreneurs, etc. have shown that France is transforming into a “business friendly” country for investors. Foreign companies located in France now employ 2 million people, represent 21% of private R & D expenditure and 31% of our exports.

But the economic crisis caused by the Covid-19 risks reshuffling the cards.

The annual barometer produced by EY provides information on the state of mind of foreign investors today. According to EY's analysis, around 65% of the investments announced in 2019 (which number 1,200) would be maintained, 25% would be postponed or heavily revised and 10% canceled.

In addition, if investment projects should continue in certain “spared” sectors such as health, online leisure or e-commerce, they should however slow down considerably in the aeronautics, automotive, industrial equipment, chemicals and plastics, in particular for subcontractors.

The removal of containment and the recovery plan will obviously be two of the key challenges of the months to come to reassure investors, the firm believes.

But the case of Amazon, which closed its warehouses for several weeks following a court decision, that of the Renault factory in Sandouville, which the Havre court ordered provisional closure for procedural reasons, marked minds, and probably representatives of foreign companies based in France. “Be careful, France is now under surveillance.

Investors have only one fear, it is that France will forget the competitiveness package it had put in place and react to the crisis by imposing, for example, heavy and authoritarian counterparties on the inevitable safeguard plans of future employment, by increasing corporate taxation, slowing down the necessary adaptation of working time, etc. To do so would be a monumental mistake because investors need stability.

The competition for recovery is starting now and, if France moves towards less flexibility and returns to these old demons, our country will pay dearly for it. “, Emphasizes Marc Lhermitte, author of the study.

Alize Marion for DayNewsWorld



A near epidemic coronavirus that seems to ebb, the world caregivers will watch Monday on the launch of "Segur Health" broad consultation to improve their working conditions, their remuneration and the management of patients .

This major concertation, named after the avenue where the Ministry of Health is located, launched by Minister Olivier Véran, is to be completed "mid-July 2020".

It responds to the promise of Emmanuel Macron who had mentioned at the end of March "a massive investment and upgrading plan" for the hospital.

Career career enhancement

"The government must be up to what the hospital has given" to deal with the health crisis of Covid-19, said Frédéric Valletoux, president of the Hospital Federation of France (FHF).

“We must give recognition to nurses, caregivers, maintenance workers, by offering them a more decent remuneration, from the start of their career. This must be commensurate with their social utility. "

Arrested during a visit to the hospital, Emmanuel Macron promised to "put an end" to the "impoverishment" of caregivers, by initiating an increase in remuneration, in addition to the bonuses announced in the face of the Covid-19 crisis.

This gesture has been awaited for years by the unions, who point to the low hospital salaries, especially for nurses receiving 1,500 euros net at the start of their careers.

The executive also promised to put on the table of discussions the "question of skills upgrades", to better enhance all careers, all professions and develop new professional paths. The objective is to strengthen the attractiveness of hospitals, which struggle for many to recruit and retain their employees: nearly 30% of positions are not filled there and 30% of new graduate nurses leave the profession within five years. According to Frédéric Valletoux, it is also necessary "to reduce the pay gaps between public and private, which weaken hospitals"

Reorganization of working time

Olivier Véran said he wanted to "review the framework for organizing working time at the hospital, considering it necessary to question the" shackles that prevent those who wish to work more. "An announcement that made several unions jump, attached to 35 hours

The question is not to "deregulate working hours," said the Minister of Health, however, saying he wanted to simply allow "employees who wish" to organize "their working hours differently". This reform corresponds to a long-standing request from the Fédération hospitalière de France (FHF), which advocates new governance of the health system with less administration, more weight given to doctors and a “device of autonomy” for hospitals.

Better care management

The executive could also reform activity pricing (T2A) a little more, introduced in 2003. This system, which fixes hospital resources according to the acts performed, is often accused of pushing for a “rush to volume” . It could also put an end to the closings of beds, much criticized by hospitals: in the space of twenty years, nearly 100,000 beds have indeed been deleted in clinics and hospitals.

A massive investment plan

At the end of March, Emmanuel Macron had promised "a massive investment plan" at the end of the crisis. This plan is intended in particular to renew the equipment both in hospitals and in nursing homes. The French Hospital Federation claims for its part to increase investment in hospitals by "two billion per year".

The issue of hospital debt, now close to 30 billion euros, could also come back on the table. As part of the "hospital plan" decided in autumn 2019, the government had announced a "massive" debt recovery of 10 billion euros over three years.

"We will go fast, we will go strong. Promised Olivier Véran who seems to have understood the urgency of the situation.

Andrew Preston for DayNewsWorld



The economy suffered heavily from the health crisis caused by the Covid-19 epidemic which highlighted its shortcomings In the short term, unemployment and, as Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said, "impoverishment" which is looming for a part of the population question the organization of working time and the fiscal choices of the quinquennium.

The government must therefore find a balance between the need for a short-term recovery and the ambition to transform the French economy. Given the magnitude of the shock, some believe that the next economy will no longer be like the one before. And as of March 12, Emmanuel Macron had promised "breaking decisions".

Tax more

If Emmanuel Macron had abolished the wealth tax for the wealthiest at the start of his five-year term, hoping to see them finance the economy, the expenses incurred by the State to cushion the crisis revive the debate on a reinstatement of wealth tax (ISF), replaced in 2018 by the property wealth tax (IFI). He is demanded by the left and the National Rally. A sort of “war tax”, for the number one of the PCF Fabien Roussel. "Political power will find it difficult to escape it in one way or another", also judged the former social adviser of Nicolas Sarkozy, Raymond Soubie, referring more broadly to the taxation of capital. For Medef boss Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, this would however be "a very bad signal".Directing the consequent savings of French people towards companies could also be considered

Work more

How to revive production after two months of confinement and with companies in a fragile financial situation? The bad numbers of job seekers have arrived, growth forecasts plunge (–6 points of GDP for the two months of containment) and the jobs crisis is looming so that the eternal debate has rebounded in favor of the coronavirus crisis. How then can we give work to the hundreds of thousands of people who will be unemployed by the crisis?

On the right, the proposals are multiplying. Christian Jacob, the president of LR, pleads to “get out of the shackles of 35 hours”, and his party is working on a recovery plan, with in particular the contributions of the former Minister of Budget Eric Woerth. "We have to get out of the shackles of 35 hours (...) The question of working time will have to be asked in the context of social dialogue, but at the level of the company or in the branches, not of the State", he has Monday on France Inter.

And he preaches on a case-by-case basis. “We can very well do this within the framework of the annualization of working time and to do it by company, as close as possible to reality, and in social negotiation between employees and the company manager. (...) This would allow employees to have an increase in wages and therefore purchasing power, and to restore competitiveness to businesses. (...) "

"In some sectors, demand may be sustained, but health constraints cause productivity to drop: this is where the question of working more can arise," said Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux. He had previously mentioned a reduction in days off or holidays to "facilitate, by working a little more, the creation of additional growth".

But longer working hours are not on the agenda for Laurent Berger. "If we think that we are going to get out of it positively by promising sweat and tears, we are in the mad," he said in the weekly La Vie. Rather than wanting to lengthen the duration of the working time, "we must learn to work differently and to work better", he argues, particularly worried about the situation of young people. The CGT also remains committed to 32 hours.

For now, the government is focusing above all on a return to work. "The problem of the day is getting back to work and saving jobs," said Labor Minister Muriel Pénicaud. For her, companies already have room for maneuver negotiable with their employees, in particular the quota of 200 overtime hours without social security contributions, which is still very little used.

In companies, unions and management can conclude "collective performance" agreements to renegotiate working time and compensation of employees in the event of difficulties, said Labor Minister Muriel Pénicaud.

Green growth

For environmentalists, the recovery plans are an opportunity to launch the transition to a low-carbon economy that we have struggled to initiate so far.

Even the Minister of Economy Bruno Le Maire believes that France must become the “first low-carbon economy on the planet”, by investing in electric vehicles, the renovation of buildings… The Minister of Economy notably mentioned this Monday May 18, 2020, a new bonus for the purchase of a green vehicle.

The recovery plan that he will present at the start of the school year and specific support for the automobile and aeronautics sectors could materialize this ambition, with environmental compensation claimed from industrialists. Besides, the State loan of 7 billion to Air France has been conditioned on an ecological commitment. “Air France must become the most environmentally friendly company on the planet. This is the condition to which I am most attached. ”, Bruno Le Maire said on April 24, 2020.

But some economic circles are calling for a break in the application of new environmental rules, the time to overcome the crisis. Especially since the free fall in the price of fossil fuels - black gold has abandoned almost 70% and coal prices have been halved - could argue in this direction ...

Relocate production

Shortage of masks, of drugs: the epidemic has led the executive to want to defend greater economic independence in key sectors, such as health. "The next day will not be like the day before, we must rebuild our national and European sovereignty, "said President Emmanuel Macron.

Bruno Le Maire thus asked car manufacturers to "relocate certain productions" in return for public support. Pharmaceutical companies are reflecting more than ever on the need to relocate production, in particular that of so-called "essential" drugs so as to no longer depend solely on China and India. Philippe Aghion, professor of economics at the Collège de France, pleads for the creation of a "European Darpa", inspired by the research funding agency of the American Pentagon, for a "real European investment policy, with a long term vision ”. "Not necessarily at 27", but at least with Germany, which has lost far fewer industrial jobs than France.

But relocating factories to France could prove difficult, while competitiveness will remain essential for industries weakened by the crisis. "A relocation movement cannot start without thinking about our competitiveness and our production costs", warned the president of Medef on Twitter.

The fact remains that this cannot be done without new investments, when the public authorities have already poured hundreds of billions of euros to save the European economic fabric during the confinement.

Jenny Chase for DayNewsWorld


The wrong numbers of job seekers arrived, growth forecasts plunge (-6 percentage points of GDP for the two months of confinement) and the jobs crisis is looming so that theeternal debate brought honor to favor of the coronavirus crisis.

On working time, it was the Medef that first fired through the voice of its president, Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux "The important thing is to restart the economic machine and reproduce mass wealth , to try to erase, from 2021, the growth losses of 2020 ", he asserted on April 14, after a month of confinement by proposing to limit leave in particular and by extending the working time of employees to support recovery.

Drastic measures

Last week, several liberal think tanks put the idea back on the carpet, to get out, according to them, of this "collapse of the economy", according to a term used by the government. The Montaigne Institute, in a report, "Rebounding against the covid 19", thus places the whole question around "the issue of working time".

Behind the idea of ​​working more, that of "acting on supply, that is to say on the activity of companies, in order to facilitate their resumption of activity", productivity having decreased "due to the reduction of social interactions and the disorganization of production chains ”. It is therefore necessary, believes in his note the economist Bertrand Martinot, "to soften some persistent legal obstacles" by allowing companies to "derogate from the minimum daily rest time of 11 hours minimum per day as part of an agreement on the right upon disconnection ".

Other avenues: delete vacations and a public holiday, ensure that employee training is no longer carried out during their working time or encourage an increase in working time, without paying the corresponding additional remuneration at once.

For Ifrap, the Foundation for research on administrations and public policies, the dogma of "working more" is also obvious to save companies and avoid layoffs.

An old hand in social relations in France, and a former social advisor to Nicolas Sarkozy, Raymond Soubie was even surprised to see "no one anticipating" social plans and the situation of companies that will face "durably reduced markets".

He predicts the disappearance of "tens of thousands, and probably hundreds of thousands of jobs". So much so that he recommends reviewing "urgently". the rules of the social plans for the companies most in difficulty, and for the others to pass agreements providing for efforts by companies on employment in exchange for efforts of employees on working time.

A political debate

On the right, the proposals are multiplying. Christian Jacob, the president of LR, pleads to “get out of the shackles of 35 hours”, and his party is working on a recovery plan, with in particular the contributions of the former Minister of Budget Eric Woerth. "We have to get out of the shackles of 35 hours (...) The question of working time will have to be asked within the framework of social dialogue, but at the level of the company or in the branches, not of the State", he has Monday on France Inter.

And he preaches on a case-by-case basis. “We can very well do this within the framework of the annualization of working time and to do it by company, as close as possible to reality, and in social negotiation between employees and the company manager. (...) This would allow employees to have an increase in wages and therefore purchasing power, and to restore competitiveness to businesses. (...) "

But longer working hours are not on the agenda for Laurent Berger. For him too, we "take too long" to worry about employment while "the risk of bankruptcies in cascade and its share of social and territorial dramas is confirmed".

"If we think that we are going to get out of it positively by promising sweat and tears, we are in the mad," he said in the weekly La Vie.

Rather than wanting to lengthen working hours, "we must learn to work differently and to work better", he argues, particularly worried about the situation of young people. The CGT also remains committed to 32 hours.

For now, the government is focusing above all on a return to work. "The problem of the day is getting back to work and saving jobs," said Labor Minister Muriel Pénicaud.

For her, companies already have room for maneuver negotiable with their employees, in particular the quota of 200 overtime hours without social security contributions, which is still very little used.

Jenny Chase for DayNewsWorld


Finally good news for the French at this time of pandemic Covid-19 "The French will go to France in July and August," announced Edward Philip.

While adding however, "there is not much certainty on this subject", keeping the hypothesis of a second wave of the epidemic and of possible "very localized restrictions".

"The French can take their reservations," further encouraged Édouard Philippe.

He also promises, in agreement with professionals in the sector, "a full refund for the French in the event of cancellation of their reservation linked to the Covid."

The reopening date for restaurants, cafes and bars will be set the week of May 25, he said.

"If the epidemic does not worsen, the cafes and restaurants of the green departments will be able to open on June 2, 2020", further ambitions the government.

This confirms the information from Nicolas de Villiers, the president of Puy du Fou, who assured yesterday, Wednesday, that ministerial representatives assured him that "restaurants will be able to reopen on June 2, 2020 next in green areas».

Boby Dean for DayNewsWorld


The May 5, 2020, a German court made a decision that could jeopardize the eurozone. The German Constitutional Court has indeed called on Tuesday the European Central Bank to justify "within three months" its redemptions of public debt, thus weakening its vast support for the economy in the midst of a coronavirus pandemic.

The quantitative easing (QE) policy of the European Central Bank has in fact been judged partly unconstitutional in Germany according to the judges of the Court of Karlsruhe

This decision concerns the purchases of sovereign debt by the ECB. They are part of the famous QE, the quantitative easing launched in March 2015 to support the economy in the euro zone.

"For the first time in its history, the German Constitutional Court finds that the actions and decisions of the European institutions have clearly not been taken within the framework of European competences and therefore cannot have any effect in Germany" declared Andreas Vosskuhle, President of the German Constitutional Court

This resounding ruling sounds like a challenge to the European institutions by targeting the anti-crisis program carried out since 2015, at the same time as the Frankfurt Institute is strengthening it in the face of the consequences of the health crisis.

Formally, however, the judgment rendered on Tuesday "does not concern" the emergency pandemic program (PEPP), announced in mid-March by the ECB and endowed with 750 billion euros by the end of the year. , remind the magistrates.

Bundesbank could stop buying debt for the ECB

Concretely, the powerful German Central Bank will be prohibited from participating in these massive buyouts of sovereign bonds if "the Governing Council of the ECB" does not demonstrate their "proportionality", decided the German supreme court.

Clearly, the Frankfurt institution must establish by the month of August, in an "understandable and detailed", that the positive effects of this program outweigh its disadvantages. The ECB has for years been arguing for this “quantitative easing” or “QE”, criticized in particular in Germany, explaining that it wants to stimulate the supply of credit, and therefore ultimately growth and employment in the euro zone.

For the German judges, the ECB has not justified the principle - sacrosaint in Germany - of proportionality between the significant resources released and its mission to ensure price stability in the euro zone, ie an inflation rate close to but below 2%. It is suspected across the Rhine that this monetary policy would have been used more to subsidize the countries of the south of the euro zone, to the detriment of the German saver, while ignoring the treaties which impose to distribute the financing in the zone in due proportion the participation of each country in the capital of the ECB *.

Germany is therefore reluctant to pay for the countries it once called the "club med": Italy, Greece, Portugal and Spain, which it accuses of lax budget. We could add France.

Seized by several Eurosceptic applicants, the Constitutional Court admittedly admitted that it had "not been able to establish a violation" by the ECB of the prohibition imposed on it to finance European states directly.

But in a decision of a rare virulence, the magistrates of Karlsruhe judge "doubtful" the competence of the institute of Frankfurt to redeem massively of the public debt, that is the main part of the 2,600 billion euros injected on the markets March 2015 and December 2018 as part of the "QE", reactivated last November.

"Because of their responsibility for integration, the federal government and the German Bundestag are obliged to oppose the previous treatment of the PSPP (the ECB buy-back program)," said the decision.

It remains to be seen whether the federal government and the German Bundestag will follow the German Constitutional Court.

But more generally, this decision poses the fundamental question of Germany's accession to the euro zone when the monetary institution appears to be the only solid pillar of the euro zone to face the health and economic crisis caused by the Covid-19.

Jaimie Potts for DayNewsWorld


If France is currently preparing for a way out of the crisis, the hypothesis of a "reconfiguration" is not excluded by the government of Edouard Philippe. In other countries, the question of closing everything has already arisen. Japan

In Japan

Japan has never decreed a strict containment, so as not to infringe on civil liberties, the government justifies itself.

But different measures have been taken:

a state of emergency has been declared and in several areas the Japanese have been asked to stay at home.

This is the case on the island of Hokkaido, which was one of the first centers of the virus in the archipelago.

Faced with the numerous cases identified, the governor of the island had declared a state of emergency at the end of February. Schools had been closed and rallies prohibited.

As for the infected, they were listed and placed in solitary confinement. The rest of the population also had to avoid displacement.

Thanks to these measures, the curve had dropped rapidly to the point that the state of emergency was lifted on March 19, 2020.

But twenty-six days later, on April 12, 2020, the governor of Hokkaido Island had to back off and restrict travel again.

The number of cases had indeed increased significantly.

The whole of Japan is facing this problem: the number of patients is on the increase, while it was at its lowest rate in early March.

An aggravation certainly due to the health rules which are less and less respected.

In China

The Chinese authorities have never been very transparent on the figures of the Covid-19.

If the country has boasted of getting out of the crisis before everyone else, it is not now spreading the news of the new epidemic outbreaks it has to face.

In the utmost discretion, the approximately 600,000 inhabitants of the district of Jia, in central China, were therefore again confined from March 31, 2020, while the rest of the country was gradually emerging from a long sleep.

If this second confinement worries so much, it is because it is perhaps the first stage of the dreaded “second wave”. "

In Germany

Across the Rhine, the deconfinement process slowly started on Monday, April 20, 2020.

But the relief was short-lived. The contagion rate, which fell to 0.7 in April, fell back to 1 in just a few days.

The specialists are formal:

if it reached 1.3, a second containment would be necessary from June.

"A number of prominent epidemiologists believe that the question is not whether there will be a second wave but when it will happen," said the newspaper Der Spiegel.

Thus, if the second confinement does not take place in June, it could be inevitable during the summer or at the start of the school year.

Chancellor Angela Merkel therefore remains cautious before declaring victory.

Faced with a second wave, governments would have no other option than to reconfigure.

Britney Delsey for DayNewsWorld


The finance ministers of the 27 had until April 10 to propose a plan to manage the epidemic. The scenario of a deep crisis was taking a little more shape every day within the European Union (EU). Divided on the common economic response to bring to face the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, the finance ministers of the euro zone, met Thursday, April 9, 2020, by videoconference have finally found common ground, before another Council of Heads of State and Government. But already, the North-South divide, which nearly imploded the EU in 2010, during the eurozone debt crisis and the rescue of Greece, resurfaced forcefully during the arduous negotiations of the past few days. .

A recovery was hoped to see Europe come together in imagining collective solutions.

The European Union countries finally reached agreement on Thursday on a common economic response to the coronavirus. Common ground was notably found with the Netherlands, which has blocked talks since Tuesday.

This vast plan would bring all the measures adopted by the European Union to combat the effects of the pandemic to 3,200 billion euros, the largest in the world. "The meeting ended with the applause of the ministers", announced on Twitter the spokesman for the president of the Eurogroup, Mario Centeno. "Today, we have responded to our citizens' call for a Europe that protects" with "bold proposals that seemed impossible just a few days ago"

Bruno Le Maire said that Europe had concluded the most important economic plan in its history. "Everyone had in mind that it was either an agreement or the risk of a European dislocation," he said.

German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz greeted him "a great day for European solidarity". "It is important that we all provide a common response that allows our states to overcome the health challenges as well as the economic challenges" created by the Covid-19 pandemic, said the minister.

Three main axes

The recovery plan to respond to the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic revolves around three axes:

1 ° The European Stability Mechanism (MES) for 240 billion, the European Investment Bank (EIB) up to 200 billion

2 ° The "Sure" plan ("Support to mitigate unemployment risks in emergency") with 100 billion for the benefit of the partially unemployed proposed by the European Commission. "The only condition for accessing MES loans will be to support health spending," said Eurogroup president Mario Centeno on Thursday evening.

3 ° And the stimulus fund to be defined.

The heads of state and government, who themselves had failed to reach an agreement at a summit on March 26, will still have to validate these proposals.

The stimulus fund and the unresolved question of "corona bonds"

The burning issue of "corona bonds", intended to support the economy in the longer term after the crisis, considered less urgent, was not resolved on Thursday.

The countries most affected by the virus, in particular Italy, are calling for the creation of a stimulus "fund" which can be financed by common debt, in the form of eurobonds sometimes called "corona bonds" or "eurobonds". However, the pooling of debts constitutes a red line for Berlin and The Hague, which refuse to subscribe to a common approach with the highly indebted States of the South, considered lax in their management.

The tea towel was burning in the EU between countries of the South, like Italy and Spain, among the most affected by the pandemic and with fragile finances, and those of the North, led by the Netherlands - leader of the so-called "frugal" states - and by Germany and Austria, supporters of financial control. The first, supported by France and seven other European countries (Greece, Portugal, Slovenia, Belgium, Luxembourg and Ireland, joined since by Cyprus) plead for the creation of a coronabond.

While Bruno Le Maire said Thursday that the agreement paves the way for joint debt, his Dutch counterpart Wopke Hoekstra stressed the opposite. “We are and will remain opposed to 'corona bonds'. This concept will not help either Europe or the Netherlands in the long term, "said the Dutch Minister of Economy after the talks.

The Eurogroup has not taken any decision concerning these obligations, but the final text mentions a "recovery fund" of which "the legal and practical aspects", in particular the "financing", will still have to be defined by the Heads of State or of government.

Towards European solidarity ...

This consensus is a relief for Europeans who manage to display unity in the face of the disastrous economic consequences of the virus, after weeks of procrastination highlighting a divide between the countries of the North and those of the South.

A unitary response was all the more essential since the European economy is heading towards a deep recession in 2020, the International Monetary Fund even believing that the coronavirus could cause worldwide "the worst economic consequences since the Great Depression" of 1929.

Wednesday morning, after 16 hours of discussions, The Hague had been unanimously singled out for its inflexibility, hampering any prospect of agreement on an unconditional activation of this European relief fund MES, created in 2012 for States in difficulty. Member States criticized the Netherlands (supported, according to a European source, by Austria, Sweden and Denmark) for blocking the activation of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), by strictly conditioning the loans that could be granted by this euro zone relief fund for economic reforms . Blocking the use of the European Stability Mechanism (MES) "because we stubbornly, ideologically, religiously hold on to the implementation of severe conditionality is irresponsible", said Jean-Claude Juncker to the French daily Liberation

Such “conditionality”, which would go back to the time when Greece was forced to implement sometimes painful reforms in exchange for new money, would have been experienced as a humiliation by Italy and Spain, both European countries currently most affected by the epidemic. Germany finally proposed to ease the conditions for granting loans.

Created in 2012 during the debt crisis and financed by the Member States, the ESM could lend to the States up to 2% of their GDP, or up to 240 billion euros for the whole of the euro zone.

For Jean-Claude Juncker, the inflexibility of the Netherlands was all the more incomprehensible since "the MES would not be enough to revive" the European economies.

To achieve this, the former President of the Commission supported the creation of a European borrowing capacity, around the issue of "coronabonds". "In December 2010, as President of the Eurogroup, I had proposed the creation of eurobonds so that all members of the euro zone benefit from the same interest rate. But it is necessary to make the difference with the 'coronabonds': it is not a question of mutualizing the national debts of the past, an idea against which half of Europe was raised, but of mutualizing the debt which will arise from the establishment of the budgetary means necessary to respond to the coronavirus crisis, ”he explained. "It is a question of organizing jointly this financing of the current crisis by combining the various instruments: European Investment Bank, MES, European budget and finally 'coronabonds'", he added ...

To the question of whether the European Union will survive the crisis, two comments:

“The Covid-19 acts as a stress test, headlined the German daily Die Welt at the end of March: it reveals the selfishness of the member states. "

The former Finnish Prime Minister Alexander Stubb recalls the three classic phases of the European crises: "First awareness, then chaos and, finally, an imperfect solution."

Joanne Courbet for DayNewsWorld


The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OCDE), presented its assessment of the current health crisis and proposed avenues for the rebound of the world economies.

Ahead of the virtual G20 summit held on Friday March 27, OCDE Secretary General Angel Gurría released the latest estimates of the economic impact of the Covid-19.

For the OECD, containment will directly affect sectors representing up to a third of GDP in the largest economies. Each month of confinement results in a loss of 2% in annual GDP growth.

The tourism sector alone is exposed to a drop in activity which amounts to 70%.

The fight against the pandemic is combined with enormous budgetary efforts made to restore normal economic activity as soon as possible.

Many economies are therefore headed for a recession.

Andrew Preston for DayNewsWorld




The coronavirus will plunge France into recession in 2020, estimated Tuesday the Minister of Economy Bruno Le Maire, who announced 45 billion euros in direct aid and 300 billion state guarantees for bank loans enterprises

“We are in an economic and financial war. It will be long and violent, ”warned Bruno Le Maire during a telephone press conference on Tuesday. The Minister of Economy wanted to detail the measures unveiled by Emmanuel Macron the previous evening, specifying the consequences on growth.

France's public debt is expected to exceed its GDP in 2020, due to the efforts to be made to counter the fallout from the coronavirus. This was announced by the French Minister of Finance, Bruno Le Maire, "We will be beyond 100% of public debt", recognized the Minister, without giving details on the budget deficit expected for this year where it now forecasts negative growth of -1%.

An envelope of 45 billion euros

A support plan of 45 billion euros will support businesses and employees. to limit the damage, including bankruptcies in cascade of companies, too fragile to cash a total stop of their activity for weeks. It includes the measures of partial unemployment over two months, as well as the deferral of the tax and social charges of the companies . Cancellations of charges are also envisaged.

A billion euros solidarity fund - supposed to provide them with a "safety net" - targets small businesses that have been hit hard by the crisis, notably catering, tourism and food. They will receive a lump sum of 1,500 euros. To be eligible, they will have to post a loss of 70% between March 2019 and March 2020. "If we put so much money now on the table, it is to help (the economy) to restart quickly", once the epidemic defeated, justified Mr. Le Maire. "The goal is to allow the economy to restart as soon as possible," said the minister, adding that this amount is a "first assessment" that can be reviewed if the situation requires.

Until the nationalization of a company

"No business will be left at risk of bankruptcy," promised Emmanuel Macron.

Bruno Le Maire, actually declared himself ready to use "all means" including capitalization or an equity investment to "protect" French companies threatened by the coronavirus crisis.

And if the President of the Republic refused the day before to use the word "confinement", Bruno Le Maire does not hesitate today to use another emblematic term: "nationalization." "

"I will not hesitate to use all the means at my disposal (...) This can go through capitalization or an equity investment. I can even use the term nationalization if necessary. "

To these 45 billion euros are added to the state guarantees of 300 billion euros to ensure bank loans.

"The banks will have to lend, they will have no reason to refuse loans," assured Bruno Le Maire, adding that "the time is not for dividends but support for the economy".

For Bruno Le Maire, "the protection of companies and employees is necessary in order to prevent the economic breakdown from turning into social breakdown".

Because the Minister of Economy insists: "The health war, I hope it's a matter of weeks. The economic and financial war is a matter of months. It will therefore take time to restart the economy, to give it back its full power."

Andrew Preston for DayNewsWorld



You see that the great sick body of globalization is now undermined by the Coronavirus pandemic. To date, the only known parade involves the confinement of men and trade ... trade.

As in a science fiction scenario, reality slides into a universe with radically different logics.

Psychosis ?

In Italy, Bergamo is counting its deaths overwhelmed by a sharp rise in deaths linked to the Covid-19 epidemic, which is hitting the country very hard. From all over the world, impacted by the Covid619, stores are robbed, shelves of pulp and toilet paper first, the streets are empty, the stadiums are closed, cultural events are unprogrammed, we observe scenes of psychosis in front of containment measures. The stock markets are going down, brent is at its worst ...

The crisis caused by the Covid-19 coronavirus is the most serious of the past 20 years, it is more important than the 2008-2009 crisis both in its magnitude and especially in its unpredictability.

How to face this new pandemic ?

In Germany as in the United States, there has been talk of a "bazooka" to deal with the crisis.

Would the world have fallen into a state of war ?

A state of war ? 

Mario Centeno, president of the Eurogroup, delivered a grim diagnosis on the economic impact of the coronavirus on the economy of the European Union. "Forced containment puts our economies in a situation similar to that of a war," said Mario Centeno, president of the Eurogroup, on Monday just before a videoconference of the 27 EU finance ministers, devoted to the coronavirus.

“We know that the virus has not reached its peak. We must not hide our faces, ”warned Mr. Centeno, who chairs the group of 19 countries that have adopted the single currency.

According to the OECD "the world economy is in danger" and is preparing to face "the most serious danger since the financial crisis", while the disease "has already caused considerable human suffering.

It took indeed less than a month for world trade to derail. At the height of the crisis in China, 80% of the country's GDP was impacted. A shock wave for world trade. China accounts for a quarter of world production. It concentrates 27% of global computer production and 60% of paracetamol production ... but is also a major order giver in Asia as well as a large global market for sectors such as luxury (35% of sales ), the automobile (40% of Volkswagen sales) or electronics (20% of Apple sales), underlines a report by KYU associates. Today, 50 to 70% of the Chinese economy has rebounded, but now it is now European companies that are stopping. According to Euler Hermes, the drop in world exports would amount to $ 320 billion in goods and services in this quarter alone.

Gita Gopinath, Chief Economist of the International Monetary Fund, sums up the challenge: "to prevent a temporary crisis from causing irreparable harm to people and businesses due to job losses and bankruptcies", thanks to a response vigorous and coordinated by governments and central banks.

Faced with economic difficulties, public authorities and institutions are putting their hands in their pockets to ensure the emergency and try to maintain the economy.

Answers at the scale of each country.

China has released 43 billion dollars to help its companies, Japan four billion dollars, England 35 billion euros. And Italy with a total amount of 25 billion euros, still to fight the epidemic of Covid-19, which has already killed more than 600 people in the country. Canada with the creation of a billion Canadian dollar fund Mr. Trudeau, planning new announcements in the coming days. Germany further artillery heavy with measures with the blocking of an additional envelope of 12.8 billion euros over four years for infrastructure investments.

Donald Trump, for his part, proposed a vast stimulus plan of $ 700 billion and one of the flagship proposals of the tenant of the White House is to abolish payroll taxes until the end of the year, in order to inflate the household purchasing power. Each country has responded individually and for its part, freeing up funds to help overcome the economic consequences of the epidemic.

"But in 2008-2009, it was the G20 itself which had taken the reins of such a response, to the point of being qualified as" world economic government ".

Eleven years later, the trade war, Brexit, the rise of populism have passed through. There is no indication that the group of the world's top twenty economies will want to take on this role again. "

And does not the first of the solidarities consist for the States to anticipate and the citizens to be educated at the time when one lives a health war ?

Joanne Courbet for DayNewsWorld


The global markets suffered a sharp fall on Monday March 9, 2020.

The collapse in the price of oil and the epidemic of coronavirus have caused stock market anxiety. Many indices completely unscrewed on Monday. Oil prices fell 25% on Monday, with Saudi Arabia and Russia having started a price war.

The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), whose main actor is Saudi Arabia] and Russia (2nd world producer of black gold) met on Friday March 6, 2020, in Vienna, Austria, to evoke a drop in production.

Their aim was to maintain prices in response to the drop in demand caused by the coronavirus. But the Russian Minister of Energy, Alexander Novak, shattered the alliance between Moscow and Riyadh which had been presiding over the delicate balance of the market for three years. But they did not find an agreement.

OPEC weakening

With Russia refusing to cut production, Saudi Arabia responded by literally opening the floodgates: its daily oil production increased by a million barrels a day. It did not take more to cause a vertiginous fall in the price of black gold. Within hours, the oil world went from a tense situation to a major crisis. Prices fell sharply in Asia.

A barrel of brent North Sea plunged 25% to 33.90 dollars (30 euros). This dropout does not seem close to stopping. Market observers agree that, in the coming weeks, the price could reach its historically low level of 2016, below 30 dollars.

In Asia, the fall reached 30% on Monday, the largest drop since the Gulf War in 1991. On European markets, the drop was slightly less (- 20%).

A shock whose economic and social consequences are likely to be severe. The continuing coronavirus epidemic and concern, but also the collapse of the oil market have acted as a catalyst.

Stock market decline

The stock market unscrewed on March 9, 2020. Whether it is the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (- 4%), that of London (- 7%), the CAC 40 in Paris (- 8.3%, worst session since 2008) or still in Frankfurt (- 7.9%), no financial center was spared by a brutal plunge. So much so that on Wall Street (- 6% for the Nasdaq), trade was suspended for a quarter of an hour at the opening - a "circuit breaker" intended to avoid a general panic that had never has been used since its establishment in New York in 2013.

A global economic slowdown is increasingly likely.

Before Monday, the price of oil had already dropped due to the economic consequences of the coronavirus which slows down activity and therefore causes a drop in oil consumption.

Less oil consumed is a global production that slows down and creates less wealth, hence the general concern of the markets, accentuated by the decision of Saudi Arabia to "drown" the price of oil. "We are in a usual balance of power, Saudi Arabia has often had this kind of behavior

"A prolonged decline in consumption, in addition to prolonged closings of companies, would attack profits, lead to job losses and affect morale" economic players, wrote analysts Moody's on Monday.

Economic and political battle

But beyond this plunge in oil prices, a stake in geopolitical strategy is at stake. Indeed, it is above all an economic and geopolitical battle between the three biggest world producers which are the United States, Russia and Saudi Arabia. Historically, the OPEC cartel, led by Riyadh, led the game globally. However, since 2015, the black gold chessboard has been completely upset, with the rapid development of shale oil in the United States, and in particular in the Texan region of the Permian basin.

And Putin, exasperated by the US sanctions that have scuttled the Nord Stream 2, by not giving in to the Saudi kingdom's demands to stabilize black gold prices, at the OPEC meeting last Friday, in reality , a declaration of war against the Trump administration which does not hesitate to use oil as an economic and political weapon.

"We consider it the equivalent of a declaration of war on the oil market. A split between two of the largest producers of crude oil, Saudi Arabia and Russia, over how to respond to the collapse in demand caused by the rampant coronavirus epidemic, has caused oil prices to plummet, " writes the "Financial Times".

Simon Freeman for DayNewsWorld


In a world hanging from the coronavirus, the economy is faltering. The world stands still as the new coronavirus spreads. Long before the outbreak of the epidemic, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) had warned that the global recovery would be "slow", "fragile" and likely to falter at the slightest risk. Since the epidemic, the IMF has already lowered its global growth forecasts for 2020, taking into account the impact on China, the second largest economy in the world. But that was before the contagion to the rest of the world.

Covid-19 popular worldwide

The coronavirus has indeed spread like wildfire. More than forty countries are now affected by the epidemic that hit the shores of Brazil, no longer sparing the South American continent. At the last count, 81,000 people were contaminated by Covid-19 which killed 2,761 people worldwide, including only 40 outside of China.

The epidemic has entered a "decisive phase," said the World Health Organization (WHO). In the past two days, the daily number of new people infected worldwide has been higher than that recorded in China, where the virus first appeared in December.

With 528 cases identified and 14 dead, Italy has become the epicenter of the Old Continent. No one is spared. Greece, Spain, the United Kingdom, Croatia, Austria, Denmark and Germany have at least one infected person after a stay on the peninsula. Elsewhere in Europe, many countries such as Estonia, Switzerland, Norway, the Netherlands, Romania and North Macedonia are also affected.

For economists, the coronavirus could be too much “external shock”.

The global economy faces its worst risk of recession since the 2008 financial crisis.

"With the partial exception of black plague in 14th century Europe, every major pandemic has been followed by an economic recession," observes Professor Robert Dingwall, researcher at the University of Nottingham Trent in England. "I don't think there are any good reasons to think it would be different this time," he said.

Radical measures against the coronavirus

Especially since the list of radical measures to try to contain the new virus is growing every day a little more, the virus from mainland China spreading like wildfire on all continents.

As of January, production plants had been shut down in China and entire cities confined. On Friday, the iconic Basel watch fair was adjourned and the Geneva motor show was canceled. Saudi Arabia has stopped welcoming pilgrims to Mecca. Uncertainty also hangs over the holding of the Tokyo Olympic Games in July. Iran prohibits people who are sick or suspected of being sick from traveling inside the country. The United States and South Korea have announced the suspension of joint military exercises. In Italy, the clash between Juventus and Inter Milan and four other matches in the championship will take place this weekend behind closed doors, confirmed the Italian Football League on Thursday.

Heavy economic consequences

The economic consequences are already enormous in certain sectors such as transport, luxury, tourism. Chinese travelers, usually so numerous in major European capitals, are sorely lacking. Likewise, Asian destinations are shunned by tourists. Italy (whose tourism represents 13% of the GDP) is likely to see worsening its difficulties. "We carried out a preliminary calculation which estimates that this crisis will cost at least 22 billion dollars [approximately 20 billion euros] to the sector" tourism in the world, says Gloria Guevara, president of the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) in an interview with the daily newspaper "El Mundo". The shortfall could climb to 49 billion dollars (44.6 billion d 'euros) if the crisis lasted as long as that of SARS which had unfolded in six months between 2002 and 2003 and 73 billion dollars (66.5 billion euros) if it was prolonged more, according to Oxford Economics.

Dependence on China

The dependence on China, its huge market and its gigantic production capacities is even more visible in areas such as the automobile (certain equipment manufacturers are in great difficulty), the food industry (exports are trapped), the pharmaceutical sector. , etc. Some companies are already unemployed. "The contraction in production in China has had effects worldwide, reflecting the growing importance of China in global supply chains and in commodity markets," said the OECD.

A loss of half a percentage point for global growth is based on "the assumption that the epidemic peak will be reached in China in the first quarter of 2020 and that in the other countries, the epidemic will prove to be more moderate and circumscribed", specifies the international organization based in Paris. A more sustainable epidemic, which would spread widely in Asia-Pacific, Europe and North America, could even halve global growth this year, warns the organization.

Central bank concerns and contingency plans

Central banks are worried. In an interview with the "Financial Times", Christine Lagarde, the president of the ECB, explains that the crisis does not require an hour of monetary response, but that the shock could last long. Its impact on the world economy could be greater than that of SARS in 2002, estimated for its part Klaas Knot the governor of the bank of the Netherlands. The stock markets all sank again on Thursday.

Emergency plans are ready to be activated, notably by the International Monetary Fund, to provide financial assistance to countries that cannot cope with the epidemic.

"We have rapid financing instruments, credit facilities to support countries" in the event of an epidemic or natural disasters, detailed the spokesperson of the institution, recalling the case of Ebola.

But to Barry Glassner, American sociologist author of Culture of Fear, to conclude that "nations and individuals need to take their precautions, including that of countering fear, which is spreading at least as fast than the virus itself ".

Jenny Chase for DayNewsWorld




The reactor 1 of the Fessenheim power plant, the oldest French nuclear power plant in operation, must be shut down definitively on the night of Friday February 21 to Saturday February 22, 2020. And this after years of debate on the fate the Alsatian power plant, built in the 1970s, very close to the border with Germany

The operation should start at 8:30 p.m. on Friday and finish at 2 a.m. on Saturday. "A shift team, made up of ten to fifteen people", A harrowing night for the shift team which will launch the shutdown process of reactor n ° 1, carrying out the actions to decouple it definitively.

But some employees threaten to disobey and not apply the shutdown procedures for the 900 megawatt (MW) pressurized water reactor.

Reactor n ° 2 shut down on June 30

If the procedure follows its normal course, the power of the reactor must decrease progressively and it will be disconnected from the national electricity network when it has dropped to 8% of its usual power.

The procedure is identical to that of a conventional maintenance operation. But this time, no return to service will take place. Reactor 2 is due to be shut down on June 30.

A decree published in the Official Journal on Wednesday "repeals the authorization to operate the Fessenheim nuclear power plant owned by EDF", putting the final character of this judgment black and white.

The evacuation of fuel from the plant will, according to the planned schedule, be completed in 2023. Then must continue the phase of preparation for decommissioning, a process unprecedented in France on the scale of an entire plant which should begin on the horizon. 2025 and continue at least until 2040.

For Matignon, the closure of Fessenheim "constitutes a first step in France's energy strategy, which aims for a progressive rebalancing" between the different types of energy, with a gradual decrease in the share of nuclear power - currently by 70%, the largest in the world - and an increase in that of electricity from renewable sources.

But the controversy over the merits of this closure will not stop with the shutdown of reactor n ° 1. Indeed there is no economic justification for this closure, the unit being in perfect working order and certified by the independent nuclear safety authority. It brings in more than 200 million euros net per year and its dismantling will surely cost more than half a billion according to the Court of Auditors.

But the shareholder state bowed to the political state and shot itself in the foot. We must offer a symbol to environmentalists who promote nuclear risk and waste management. But environmentalists conceal the fact that nuclear energy does not produce greenhouse gases and that it is therefore one of the solutions in the fight against global warming, renewable energies currently unable to take over. sufficient quantity and inherently unstable.

On the other hand, the Fessenheim judgment will force Germany, for example, to produce more electricity from coal.

An irresponsible choice ?

The deputy LR of the Haut-Rhin Raphaël Schellenberger asked the employees "sorry for this irresponsible choice of which you are the first victims". If the minister of ecological transition Elisabeth Borne assured that there would be "no loss of employment", the local elected officials fear that the State abandons this watered territory for forty years by the taxes paid by EDF. They fear that hundreds of families with comfortable incomes will leave it.

Right now, shutting down this profitable and socially safe business is clearly a decision made to please environmentalists.

Paul Emison for DayNewsWorld



It is a very severe opinion !!.

This Friday, January 7, 2020, the State Council strongly criticized the method with which the government conducted its pension reform project, presented the same morning in the Council of Ministers. This suggests harsh and long future debates.

Seized on January 3, 2020, the institution had only three weeks to render its conclusions on the two bills (organic and ordinary).

A time deemed far too short, especially since the government has also modified the text six times during this period.

The Council of State underlines that “having regard to the date and the conditions of its referral, as well as to the numerous modifications made to the texts while it was examining them, the will of the government to have its opinion within a period of three weeks did not put him in a position to carry out his mission with the serenity and the time required for reflection to best guarantee the legal certainty of the examination he carried out ”, declared the court in its opinion.

"A situation all the more regrettable" since it is a reform "unprecedented since 1945 and intended to transform for decades to come [...] one of the major components of the social contract", adds the highest administrative jurisdiction of the country.

“Gap” financial projections

In addition to the two laws, a financial impact study of this reform was also sent to it. And this study has not, as it stands, satisfied lawyers. The first version was "insufficient", and even once the text was completed, "the financial projections remain incomplete", in particular on the increase in the retirement age, the employment rate of seniors, spending on unemployment insurance and those related to social minima, they argue.

In some cases, the impact study "remains below what it should be, so it is up to the government to improve it even before the bill is tabled in Parliament," notes the Conseil d 'State.

Using too many prescriptions

The institution also points out the choice to use 29 prescriptions, including "for the definition of structuring elements of the new pension system", which "makes lose the overall visibility which is necessary for the appreciation of the consequences of reform and, therefore, its constitutionality and its conventionality ”.

This criticism echoes the explosion in the number of prescriptions, which were once exceptional. "The novelty with the Philippe government is the use of ordinances for very political reforms such as labor law and railway reform, the legal site Dalloz-actualité already noted in March 2018.

The purpose of the ordinances is not so much to allow a faster implementation, as to avoid a stagnation of the parliamentary debates: the enabling laws can be adopted without waiting for the finalization of a precise text. " method of which the Council of State today points the limit.

As an example of the consequences of the reform: that relating to the “100% conservation of the rights created” at the time of the switch between the current system and the future “universal system” is considered “particularly crucial”, to such an extent “that in the absence of such an order "the reform" will not apply "to persons born from 1975.

Commitments to teachers "contrary to the Constitution"

The Council of State also considers that the commitment made by the government to increase the salaries of teachers and researchers via programming laws is doomed to disappear from the text. "These provisions constitute an injunction to the government to table a bill and its thus contrary to the Constitution", estimated the institution.

The false promise of a "universal pension plan"

The Council of State also notes that the reform project does not establish "a universal system which would be characterized, like any social security system, by a set consisting of a single eligible population, uniform rules and a fund unique ”. And for good reason, the text creates "five regimes", with "within each of these regimes" "rules derogating from those of the universal system".

This opinion comes at a time when the protest against the pension reform had a new day of mobilization throughout France, with a slight revival of mobilization. . “In form and content, the Council of State fully confirms what we have been saying from the start. There is a real problem with the legal consistency of the text, ”reacted François Hommeril, president of CFE-CGC, on Saturday.

The unions also called for continuing the movement next week.

An opinion which will be useful for those who say that the government improvises, or in any case that it has not gone far enough in the reflection and the development of a text, not consensual, but of a text coherent !!!!

Garett Skyport for DayNewsWorld



France and the United States have pushed back the specter of a trade war between the two countries. Paris has agreed to freeze its tax on digital giants, pending an international agreement.

The tenant of the White House managed to obtain the suspension of the famous GAFA tax until a date fixed beyond Tuesday, November 3, ie the day of the American elections.

The famous Gafa tax was implemented by France in early 2019. It consists of a taxation of 3% of the turnover of large web companies which generate at least 750 million euros in revenue worldwide, and more 25 million euros in France.

This cordial agreement arrived just hours before the Choose France event during which 200 French and foreign business leaders gathered in Versailles to talk about industrial investments and research & development.

The avowed aim of these negotiations was to avoid an economic war which could have cost France 2.4 billion dollars. Donald Trump had indeed planned to tax French exports as a response to this tax deemed "discriminating" and "unreasonable" by the US administration.

It was not in the interest of France to start a trade war with the United States, especially since the Minister of the Economy, currently in Davos, must meet his American counterpart to discuss (yet) negotiations to be carried out within the framework of the OECD, perceived as being the “right format” for laying down the rules of the game.

The matamore Bruno Le Maire, in Davos where he should meet Steven Mnuchin, his American counterpart, had to give up !

Garett Skyport for DayNewsWorld



This Tuesday, Muriel Pénicaud receives unions at the Ministry of Labor to discuss the arduousness and employment of seniors. In the pension reform bill, it is the vagueness which continues to dominate concerning the way in which certain aspects of the text will be managed, including two which are today on the agenda: arduousness and employment seniors. This Tuesday, January 14, the Minister of Labor Muriel Pénicaud receives the unions to work on these themes which, for different reasons, are just as sensitive as the pivotal age, finally suspended.

Painfulness criteria.

The best consideration of arduousness is an obligation for the government, which intends to end the special regimes while introducing specificities "which will not be linked to companies, but to trades". To do this, the CFDT and Unsa have a ready-made idea: the reintroduction of the four arduousness criteria, removed by the "Macron ordinances" at the start of the five-year term. These criteria, which had been defined in 2015, related to the manual handling of heavy loads, painful postures, mechanical vibrations and dangerous chemical agents. From now on, only night work, repetitive work, so-called “3x8” work, work in a “hyperbaric” environment (under high pressure), noises and extreme temperatures remain in the “personal prevention account”. "With the criteria recognized today, it is 180,000 people concerned, if we put the other four criteria, that makes 800,000 people, and there, it starts to make sense", justified Laurent Berger

But the government is, for the moment, completely opposed to this option. The secretary of state in charge of the file, Laurent Pietraszewski, clearly closed the door, on the grounds that these criteria "were not or hardly evaluated in the life of companies". A reluctance, moreover, shared by Medef.

For its part, the executive wants rather to encourage "retraining schemes" for people exercising a difficult job. Another avenue formulated by Édouard Philppe: make the current system “more generous”, by lowering, for example, the number of nights worked in order to benefit from taking the criterion into account.

The employment of seniors.

Another point that will be discussed between Muriel Pénicaud and the social partners: the employment of seniors. A sector in which France is far behind in comparison with its European partners, according to figures from the Dares (Department of Research Animation, Studies and Statistics). A report by the Court of Auditors published in October puts the employment rate of 55-64 year olds at 52.3%. However, and even if the pivotal age has been removed (temporarily) from the text, the government intends to encourage the French to work longer. A wish that contradicts the cruel reality of the job market for seniors. 40% of employees today, when they retire, are no longer at work.

It remains to be seen which tracks will be discussed on Tuesday. Medef proposes to introduce a “progressive retirement”, by proposing to the employees concerned to spend 80% then 60% of working time, by compensating for the rest of the missing salary by a pension paid by the pension fund. In other words, to relieve businesses of the cost of seniors.

The reformist unions prefer reclassification solutions and the launch of information campaigns to "promote the intergenerational", as the CFDT wants.

Jenny Chase for DayNewsWorld
There are no translations available.


Carlos Ghosn est de retour devant les caméras ce mercredi 8 janvier 2020 pour une contre-attaque médiatique. L’ancien PDG de Renault-Nissan a affirmé se présenter devant la presse, mercredi 8 janvier, pour « laver son honneur », lors de sa première apparition publique, à Beyrouth, depuis son arrivée le 30 décembre au Liban, son pays d’origine.


Carlos Ghosn avait été arrêté le 19 novembre 2018. L'homme d'affaires franco-libanais fait l'objet de quatre inculpations au Japon. Le clan Ghosn a dénoncé le système juridique au Japon et une « conspiration » ourdie par des cadres de Nissan, des hauts fonctionnaires du ministère de l'Économie et des hommes du parquet de Tokyo pour l'évincer.

« J'étais présumé coupable à cause d'une collusion entre certains cadres de Nissan avec la complicité du parquet de Tokyo et d'un cabinet d'avocats Latham Law Firm », assure-t-il.

La décision de la justice ne serait pas tombée « avant cinq ans », selon Carlos Ghosn. « Je n'ai pas fui la justice, j'ai échappé à l'injustice et à la persécution », a-t-il martelé en anglais. Il a estimé n’avoir « pas eu d’autre choix » que de fuir le Japon, où il est inculpé notamment pour malversations financières, une accusation d’après lui « sans fondement ».« J'ai préparé mon évasion car j'ai perdu tout espoir d'un procès équitable et quand la date du procès a été repoussée le 25 décembre jusqu'à 2021. » , a-t-il dit.

L'affaire de sa fuite au Liban, le 29 décembre, a pris une ampleur internationale et des enquêtes sont en cours au Japon et en Turquie, où Carlos Ghosn a fait escale. Il fait l'objet depuis la semaine passée d'une demande d'arrestation émanant d'Interpol. Beyrouth affirme qu'il est entré « légalement » au Liban, muni d'un passeport français.

Celui qui s'est « senti comme mort depuis le jour de mon arrestation. J'étais perdu dans un système que je ne comprenais pas, comme paralysé ou anesthésié » affirme que « Quand je suis sorti du Japon, c'était comme si je revenais à la vie », décrit le fugitif le plus célèbre du moment.

Et d'insister : « Il y a eu un sapage organisé de ma réputation », a attaqué l’ancien patron qui a nié toutes les accusations contre lui et parle d’une affaire « politique » pour se débarrasser avec lui et donc de l’influence de Renault dans l’alliance avec Nissan.


Il a dénoncé un « coup monté » contre lui et s'est dit décidé à « laver son honneur ».

« Ce sont des responsables de Nissan, du ministère public japonais qui sont à l’origine de mon calvaire », a-t-il déclaré, ajoutant que « la collusion entre Nissan et les procureurs est à tous les niveaux. (…) Quand j’ai demandé à mes avocats (…) ils ont dit qu’ils craignaient que cinq ans s’écoulent peut-être au Japon avant que je n’obtienne un verdict », a-t-il ajouté.

Selon lui « cette affaire coïncide avec le début du déclin des performances de Nissan début 2017 ». « Mon calvaire s’explique aussi par l’amertume au Japon face à l’interférence de l’Etat français dans l’alliance », a-t-il insisté. Il a porté une série d’accusations :

« Qui faisait partie de ce complot ? A l’évidence (Hiroto) Saikawa [le directeur général de Nissan, poussé à la démission après avoir reconnu avoir perçu une prime indue] en faisait partie, Hari Nada [ancien bras droit de Carlos Ghosn] en faisait partie et (Toshiaki) Onuma [le sponsable du Secrétariat chez Nissan]. Mais il y a bien d’autres personnes. (Masakazu) Toyoda, membre du conseil d’administration, faisait le lien entre le conseil de Nissan et les autorités ».


« Je peux toujours faire plein de choses et je peux laver mon honneur et j'ai toutes les preuves pour montrer mon innocence », affirme l'ancien patron

« Je suis prêt à vous remettre tous les documents qui montrent qu'il n'y a pas de manipulation. Mes avocats vont vous les donner », affirme-t-il.

« Je suis innocent de toutes les accusations et je peux le prouver, j'ai les documents. Si je ne peux avoir la justice au Japon, je l'aurais ailleurs », conclut-il. Et d'ajouter :

« J'ai plaidé mon innocence en menottes et en laisse il y a un an devant un juge japonais et devant les médias » rappelle-t-il.

« Ils ont voulu tourner la page Ghosn et ils ont réussi car il n'y a plus de croissance, d'augmentation des dividendes ou d'avancées technologiques », clame Carlos Ghosn.
« Il n'y a aucun pays démocratique dans le monde où les accusations, même si elles étaient vraies, sont sanctionnées au niveau criminel », avance l'ancien dirigeant de l'alliance franco-japonaise.
Garett Skyport pour DayNewsWorld
There are no translations available.



La bataille économique et géopolitique entre Washington, Bruxelles et la Russie fait rage. En cause, la construction d’un gazoduc qui va faciliter les livraisons de gaz naturel russe à l’Europe. Les USA ont en effet décidé de prendre des sanctions économiques en imposant des sanctions contre les entreprises associées à la construction du gazoduc russe, sur fond d’offensive commerciale.

L'Union européenne, Berlin en tête, et Moscou ont fermement dénoncé ce samedi 21 décembre les sanctions américaines contre le gazoduc Nord Stream 2. Les mesures « affectent des sociétés allemandes et européennes et constituent une ingérence dans nos affaires intérieures », a réagi avec fermeté une porte-parole d'Angela Merkel.

Contourner l'Ukraine

Nord Stream 2 est le nom d’un gazoduc, en cours de construction et presque achevé, qui passe sous la mer Baltique en contournant notamment l’Ukraine. D’une capacité de 55 milliards de m3 par an -autant que son frère aîné, Nord Stream 1- il doit permettre de doubler les livraisons directes de gaz naturel russe vers l’Europe occidentale via l’Allemagne, principale bénéficiaire du projet. Quelque 18% de la consommation annuelle de gaz naturel de l’UE provient de la Russie via l’Ukraine. Aux yeux de ses défenseurs, la mise en service du pipeline se justifie plus que jamais car il permet de contourner le territoire ukrainien. Les approvisionnements européens avaient été à plusieurs reprises perturbés dans les années 2000 par des conflits entre Moscou et Kiev.

Il représente en tout cas un investissement d’une dizaine de milliards d’euros financé pour moitié par le géant russe Gazprom et l’autre moitié par cinq sociétés européennes (OMV, Wintershall Dea, Engie, Uniper et Shell).

Mais depuis ses débuts, de nombreux obstacles se sont dressés sur le chemin de ce projet. Nord Stream 2 n’a ainsi obtenu que fin octobre le feu vert du Danemark pour traverser ses eaux, ce qui risque fort de retarder sa mise en service, initialement prévue fin 2019.

L' offensive commerciale des USA

Pour Washington, et certains pays européens (la Pologne, les pays baltes et l’Ukraine) ce tube va accroître la dépendance des Européens au gaz russe, que Moscou pourrait utiliser pour exercer des pressions politiques. Il sacrifie aussi les intérêts de l’allié ukrainien, qui tire des revenus importants du transit du gaz russe vers l’Europe.

Pour certains observateurs, au-delà du conflit géopolitique avec la Russie, l’opposition américaine au Nord Stream 2 fait partie d’une offensive commerciale des États-Unis : Washington, grand producteur de gaz, veut accroître ses exportations de gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL) vers l’Europe.

Les sanctions promulguées vendredi 19 décembre comprennent le gel des avoirs et la révocation des visas américains pour les entrepreneurs liés au gazoduc. Le département d’État américain doit communiquer dans les 60 jours suivant leur promulgation les noms des entreprises et des personnes qui ont participé à la pose de conduites pour Nord Stream 2.

L’une des principales cibles est Allseas, entreprise suisse propriétaire du plus grand navire de pose de pipelines du monde, le Pioneering Spirit, engagé par le russe Gazprom pour construire la section offshore.

Des sanctions inacceptables pour la Russie et l' Europe

Sans surprise, la décision de Donald Trump a suscité de vives réactions chez les parties prenantes du projet. « Un Etat avec une dette publique de 22 000 milliards de dollars interdit à des pays solvables de développer leur économie réelle », a déclaré la porte-parole de la diplomatie russe Maria Zakharova sur sa page Facebook, dénonçant « l’idéologie américaine (qui) ne supporte pas la concurrence mondiale ».

« Bientôt, ils demanderont qu’on arrête de respirer ». L’Union européenne de son côté dénonce avec force l’ingérence des États-Unis dans sa politique énergétique. « Par principe, l’Union européenne s’oppose à l’imposition de sanctions contre des entreprises européennes se livrant à des activités légales », a affirmé un porte-parole de l’UE. La Commission européenne est en train d’analyser les répercussions possibles des sanctions américaines, a indiqué le porte-parole. « L’objectif de la Commission a toujours été d’assurer que Nord Stream 2 opère de façon transparente, avec un niveau approprié de surveillance réglementaire ».

« Le gouvernement rejette ces sanctions extraterritoriales. Elles affectent des sociétés allemandes et européennes et constituent une ingérence dans nos affaires intérieures », a réagi Ulrike Demmer, une porte-parole d’Angela Merkel.

Alize Marion pour DayNewsWorld
There are no translations available.


Les discussions engagées par Edouard Philippe avec les partenaires sociaux sur le projet de réforme des retraites n'ont pas permis de lever les désaccords de fond, notamment sur « l'âge d'équilibre » malgré quelques signes d'ouverture.

Les syndicats ont cependant obtenu la tenue de discussions début janvier sur quatre chantiers : pénibilité, transitions vers le futur système unique de retraites par points, minimum contributif et fins de carrière.

1° Age d'équilibre

Sur l'instauration progressive à partir de 2022 d'un âge pivot à 64 ans à l'échéance 2027, le chef du gouvernement a dit avoir pris acte de l'hostilité des syndicats, la CFDT au premier chef, mais maintient le principe de cette option « juste » selon lui pour rééquilibrer financièrement le système.

« L'âge d'équilibre, ce n'est pas simplement demander à certains de partir un peu plus tard, c'est aussi pour beaucoup de permettre de partir beaucoup plus tôt », a-t-il notamment plaidé alors que la CFDT reste fermement opposée à un scénario paramétrique « inacceptable »

Edouard Philippe s’est redit «radicalement opposé» à deux solutions alternatives: une baisse des pensions, d’une part, et une augmentation des cotisations d’autre part, qui alourdirait le coût du travail.

Le premier ministre a avancé des arguments principalement budgétaires. «Personne ne croira dans notre nouveau système, personne ne croira dans nos nouveaux droits si nous ne disons pas comment nous les financerons», a-t-il plaidé. Le futur système devra donc être solide, financièrement, d’une manière ou d’une autre.

Néanmoins, Edouard Philippe a laissé la porte ouverte à un aménagement des «trajectoires» de l’âge d’équilibre, par exemple par la «reconnaissance de la pénibilité, du handicap ainsi que [par] la retraite progressive», a-t-il suggéré

2° Minimum de pension

Il a en outre identifié des pistes d'amélioration pour le minimum contributif prévu par la réforme, parmi lesquelles une hausse au-delà de 85% du smic pour les carrières complètes. Aucun chiffre précis n’a toutefois été évoqué jusqu’ici. De leur côté, plusieurs partenaires, dont la CFDT, souhaitent le porter à 100% du smic.

3° Les régimes spéciaux

Tout en maintenant l'objectif d'une suppression des régimes spéciaux, il a indiqué que les discussions au sein de la SNCF et de la RATP avaient ouvert des voies d'aménagement.

« En ce qui concerne les agents de SNCF au statut, le gouvernement confirme son accord pour la mise en place de mesures favorisant la progressivité de la mise en œuvre de la réforme et le respect des droits acquis », a-t-il dit. Pour les agents de la RATP, « les derniers échanges ont permis d'aboutir à des avancées importantes sur la question des transitions, ces avancées sont sur la table, chacun les jugera. »

4° Les enseignants...

Edouard Philippe a rappelé qu’il s’était «engagé à revaloriser les revenus des professeurs et des chercheurs», pour qu’ils puissent bénéficier d’un niveau de pension «égal à celui d’agents de corps équivalent». La hausse débutera en janvier 2021. Une «trajectoire très claire de revalorisation» des rémunérations sera définie dans une loi de programmation, sur la base de discussions qui auront lieu d’ici l’été 2020. Les enseignants-chercheurs bénéficieront du «même travail» et d’une loi de programmation dédiée.

Le futur système de retraite «reconnaîtra les spécificités» du métier des marins, a également déclaré l’occupant de Matignon, «en particulier dans le cadre des âges d’ouverture des droits».

Edouard Philippe a conclu que le système universel pouvait être «encore amélioré» même si des «désaccords» subsistaient sur «la méthode et la façon» de mettre en œuvre ce nouveau système. Il recevradonc à nouveau les partenaires sociaux «dans les premiers jours de janvier» afin de poursuivre le dialogue avec eux.

Si Edouard Philippe a appelé les syndicats à la «responsabilité» afin qu’une trêve ait lieu dans la grève  à la SNCF comme à la RATP, la CGT-Cheminots et plusieurs autres organisations opposées à la réforme restent, sur ce point, fermes: «pas de trêve» pour les fêtes de fin d’année.

Jaimie Potts pour DayNewsWorld


The executive presented a pension reform based on a point system which he called the "universal pension system". Thus the Prime Minister detailed the new pension system by point.

Many schemes work by points, and most French people are affected by this system. Examples:

supplementary retirement for employees in the private sector, for the self-employed, retirement for the liberal professions, etc.

The point therefore becomes the nerve of war. Finished the quarters of contribution, the active will accumulate points from now on during their career. When retiring, this total number of points is converted into a pension.

In certain inactive situations, for example if you are unemployed, on maternity leave or on sick leave, you will still get retirement points.

This is called solidarity within the same generation.

But how much will the point be worth?

Édouard Philippe announced that the social partners will fix the value of the item "under the control of Parliament".

"The law will provide a golden rule so that the value of the point acquired cannot fall", with indexation on wages and not on inflation.

But the value of the point which will determine the amount of pensions is currently unknown, and unions opposed to the reform, such as the CGT and FO, fear that it will serve as a variable for budgetary adjustment.

Carl Delsey for DayNewsWorld



Aung San Suu Kyi, head of the Burmese government, came to the International Criminal Tribunal in The Hague (Netherlands) on Tuesday (December 11th) to represent his country, accused of the Rohingya massacres.

Mandated by the 57 member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, The Gambia said Tuesday that Burma has violated the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, a treaty of international law approved in 1948.

The Burmese leader, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991, faced her accusers, particularly The Gambia, who represented Muslim countries.

"We call on Burma to stop its senseless killings, acts of barbarity and brutality that have shocked and continue to shock," said Gambian Minister of Justice, Abubacarr Tambadou.

Aung San Suu Kyi defended on Wednesday (December 11th) before the International Court of Justice, declaring that The Gambia had drawn up a "misleading and incomplete picture" of the situation of the Rohingya Muslim minority.

"Unfortunately, The Gambia has presented to the Court a misleading and incomplete picture of the situation in Rakhine State," Aung San Suu Kyi said Wednesday during a hearing she is attending to defend her country. She advocated for Burmese politics, recalling that the situation in the western part of the country is the result of centuries-old problems, with the Rohingya minority being a population originating from what is now Bangladesh. This is an "internal armed conflict", according to her.

While the 74-year-old Burmese leader admitted that the military may have used "disproportionate force" in abuses against the Muslim minority, she nevertheless felt that "genocidal intent" could not be "the only assumption" in the situation of the Rohingya Muslim minority.

She asked to refrain from any action that could aggravate the situation. and jeopardize peace and reconciliation. "Please bear in mind this complex situation and the challenge to sovereignty and security in our country when you evaluate the intent of those who have attempted to confront the conflict. rebellion, "she told the ICJ, the highest court in the UN.

Since August 2017, some 740,000 Rohingya have fled to neighboring Buda-dominated Burma to flee the Burmese army's alleged "genocide" by UN investigators.

Larry Ricky for DayNewsWorld



One day after a new day of protests, the Prime Minister spoke at length on Wednesday at the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (EESC).
From the very first words of his intervention, Édouard Philippe insisted on showing his determination by saying that "the time has come to build a universal system of pensions". "We are proposing a new pact between the generations," he said, promising to "preserve this unwavering bond" which constitutes "the social pact" of our country.

"The system will be the same for all French, without exception, instead of being organized by statute. The time of the universal regime has come, that of the special regimes ends, "he summarized.

He responded to his political opponents by assuring that "the ambition of universality carried by the government is an ambition of social justice. We do not stigmatize anyone (...) There will be no winner, no loser ".

Here are the broad outlines of his intervention :

1 ° French born before 1975 not concerned

Workers born before 1975 will not be affected by the new universal system, the prime minister explained. "Those who enter the job market in 2022 will integrate the new system. The 2004 generation will be the first to integrate the universal pension system from its first job, "he added.

For the others "the transition will be very gradual," he added, assuring that "all the part of career carried out until 2025 will give rise to a retirement calculated on the old rules" and that "only the years worked from of 2025 will be governed by the universal system ".

2 ° The implementation of a point system in a PAYG pension

The Prime Minister has confirmed the implementation of a pension system by points, not by quarters. The social partners to set the value of the point "under the control of Parliament", a value that should not decline since "the law will provide a golden rule that the value of the acquired point can not decline" with "a non indexation not on the prices but on the wages which in our country increase more quickly ", affirmed Edouard Philippe

3 ° The suppression of special diets

The phasing out of the 42 existing pension plans, including the special plans, will take place. "We will end special regimes", but "gradually, without brutality, with respect," said the prime minister.

4 ° A minimum pension at 1000 euros

A minimum pension of 1000 euros net per month for a full career at SMIC will be guaranteed. This minimum pension "will be guaranteed by the law to 85% of the minimum wage and will evolve like this one", added the Prime Minister

. "The universal system will better protect the most fragile French, who are too often forgotten in the system," he pleaded. Good news especially for farmers and women whose pension level is often lower than this amount.

5 ° A legal age at 62 and a pivotal age at 64

The prime minister said that the legal age of departure will be maintained at 62 years while a pivotal age will be introduced at 64 with a "bonus-malus" system. "To reach the age of equilibrium of 64 years in 2027, we will have to set up a system of bonus-malus that will encourage the French to work longer," said the Prime Minister.

Firefighters, gendarmes or the military will retain the benefits of age. They will continue to benefit from the bonuses. For carers, the thresholds will be adapted for the recognition of hardship and devices can be put in place to offer a part-time without loss of salary at the end of career.

6 ° The "rich" put to work by solidarity

"Beyond 120,000 euros annual income, the richest will pay a higher solidarity contribution than today," said Édouard Philippe. These remarks repeat the report of Jean-Paul Delevoye who suggests that these high-income continue to contribute beyond 120,000 euros up to 2.81%.

The draft law on pension reform will be submitted to the Council of Ministers on January 22, 2020 and discussed in Parliament at the end of February, said Edouard Philippe.

"The pension reform bill will be ready by the end of the year, we will submit it to the Council of Ministers on 22 January 2020 and it will be discussed in Parliament at the end of February," said the head of the government.

Jenny Chase for DayNewsWorld


The executive is working to prepare the ground for the expected statement by Edouard Philippe on pension reform. Each by distilling his little sentence. Asked about the protests that have been stirring France since Thursday on the sidelines of a summit on the peace process in Ukraine, the head of state reacted Monday evening for the first time since the start of the mobilization.

"I fully reassured Vladimir Putin by telling him that the demonstrations in Paris absolutely did not concern the pension reform carried out in Russia", replied the president ironically to the journalist of the news channel who asked him if the strike against the pension reform worried foreign visitors.

Then he added that "everyone around the table knows what a reform essential to his country is and what it implies to be carried out. It comes under the action of the government and the announcements that will be made tomorrow (Wednesday, note). I did not feel a great concern, I reassure you. ". Emmanuel Macron, despite the social movement, persists and signs.

The Prime Minister, for his part, also spoke, before members of the majority, before his speech on Wednesday. “It is not because I am giving a speech (Wednesday noon) that the demonstrations will stop. This speech will even raise new questions.

And it's normal. There will be questions and there will be debates in the hemicycle on legitimate subjects ”, launched the head of the government at this weekly meeting, which is held behind closed doors. The Prime Minister is also said to have made "no magic announcements" that could "stop the protests" and "questions" from the French on pension reform.

If 76% of French people say they are in favor of a pension reform, 64% do not trust Emmanuel Macron and the government to carry it out, according to an Ifop poll published by Le Journal du dimanche.

In this "battle of opinion", the executive is also criticized from all sides on the method with which he has been carrying out his project for almost two years, marked by a vagueness which has exacerbated the concerns of the French.

"We will have a very strong job of explaining to do," admits the Prime Minister. A job that should have been done upstream ...

A question of method at a time when public speaking is discredited.

Garett Skyport for DayNewsWorld


The strike against the pension reform continues in public transport.

Thursday, December 5, 2019 at least 800,000 people had demonstrated throughout France so that the unions, perked up, decided to strike again on Tuesday, December 10, 2019 to obtain possible concessions from the executive.

The executive, for its part, leaves the door open to new negotiations. "There is still room for negotiation," said government spokeswoman Sibeth Ndiaye.

Monday, Agnès Buzyn, the Minister of Solidarity and Health, will receive all the social partners, with the High Commissioner for Pensions Jean-Paul Delevoye. Then it will be the turn of the highly anticipated announcements of Edouard Philippe, Wednesday noon, before the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (Cese).

Its reform project supposed to be presented in its "entirety", will be scrutinized to the point.

But what concessions could the executive make?

1 ° A renouncement of savings measures

For Emmanuel Macron the future "universal system" supposed to replace the 42 existing regimes will have to be "financially balanced" from the start. However, according to the report published Thursday, November 21 by the Pensions Guidance Council (COR), the current pension system should reach a deficit between 7.9 and 17.2 billion euros in 2025. It is therefore up to the government balance the pension insurance accounts by 2025 by advocating measures to offset this announced deficit. Among the avenues mentioned: extending the duration of contributions or setting up a pivotal retirement age at 63 or 64, with the application of a discount before. So-called “parametric” reforms, which the CFDT leader, Laurent Berger, the only government supporter, categorically refuses.

"If the reform is to be successful, it may be advisable to refer the equilibrium measures to the social partners over a longer period. It is not an emergency, ”explains LREM MP Sacha Houlié at a colleague's house.

2 ° Entry into application of the postponed reform

The Delevoye report proposes an entry into force of the point system from 2025, for the generations born from 1963. But the government has been planning for several weeks to postpone this date of application. On November 27, Édouard Philippe had indicated that people at “10 or 15 years” of retirement could be concerned, therefore born in 1968 or 1973. This would exclude the fiftieth anniversary for whom the reform would not therefore apply

This compromise, between the Delevoye project and the now abandoned idea of ​​the "grandfather clause" (a reform that would only apply to new entrants to the labor market), would seem "the right cursor", according to Edouard Philippe's formula

3 ° The revaluation of teachers' salaries

Faced with the strong mobilization of teachers (51.15% in primary and 42.32% in secondary), the Prime Minister and the Minister of National Education tried to calm the spirits by promising wage increases. Simulators have indeed circulated in recent weeks, posting sharp pension cuts of up to 900 euros per month if the pension calculation took into account the entire career and no longer the last six months before retirement , like today. “The universal pension system is not about lowering teachers' pensions. On the contrary, it is the gradual revaluation of their salary, so that their purchasing power does not drop, "tried to reassure the Prime Minister on Friday. The measure, which should be included in the 2021 budget, would cost between 400 and 500 million euros per year.

For some observers, however, these few concessions would not be enough to ease tensions.

“Macron is at an impasse. If he yields, his electorate from the right will be dissatisfied and he will lose enormously in this part of the opinion that he seeks to conquer. And if it does not yield, the presidential election of 2022 will be a referendum for or against this reform ", according to analysis Jean-Christophe Cambadélis for a colleague.

Garett Skyport for DayNewsWorld


If we believe the Elysée "the architecture of the reform" should be finally unveiled next week and Emmanuel Macron would say "calm" and "determined" despite the social movement organized this Thursday, September 5 2019.

For now, while the strikes and demonstrations against the pension reform began on Thursday, December 5, well inspired would be one who knew the content of the reform.

So far the government has given the impression of sailing on sight at the whim of public opinion.

In a large majority the French, 63%, support a strike that would not even panic the head of state.

"The Head of State is calm and determined to carry out this reform, in listening and consultation",

"He is attentive to the respect of the public order and the inconveniences suffered by the French", according to the presidency.

And continue:

"High Commissioner Jean-Paul Delevoye will conclude consultations with social partners at the beginning of the week and will speak to synthesize these discussions, then the Prime Minister will speak in the middle of next week on the general architecture of the reform, "said the Elysee.

And yet, today and in the following days, the battle of opinion is being played out.

While it is indeed up to Emmanuel Macron and his prime minister to determine the latest arbitrations, they will however depend on the extent of social mobilization in the coming days.

Garett Skyport for DayNewsWorld



Thousands of caregivers marched on the streets of the capital on Thursday (14 November) to warn of the rapid deterioration of the situation in the public hospital.

"The situation is even more serious than the one we analyzed," then acknowledged, the same day, Emmanuel Macron during a trip to Epernay (Marne).

A week later, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe and Health Minister Agnès Buzyn presented a large-scale emergency plan for the public hospital, exhausted after years of budget cuts. The first two emergency plans, presented in June and September, failed to end the strike that began in March and now affects more than 260 services.

This time the plan presented is worthy to save the "national treasure" that is the public hospital, in the words of Ms. Buzyn and to try to extinguish the fire before the day of mobilization for pensions December 5th.

The Prime Minister has announced an increase of 300 million euros more by 2020, an additional 1.5 billion over the next three years and also a partial but significant recovery of the debt of hospitals (10 billion out of 30 billion, or a third). The National Health Expenditure Target (Ondam), specifically earmarked for the hospital, will therefore increase to 2.4% from 2.1% initially set.

As for the Minister of Health, she notably announced a premium of 800 euros net for 40,000 nurses and caregivers living in Paris and in the inner suburbs, and earning less than 1,900 euros per month. Agnès Buzyn also announced an annual merit bonus of 300 euros which "will benefit 600,000 health professionals". The commitment bonus in the hospital career will also be upgraded.

But the announcements, if they constitute a first step, do not remain less insufficient for the collective Inter-Emergency which demanded mainly an increase of wages and manpower as well as a stop of the closures of beds.

With less than three weeks of indefinite strike against his pension reform on December 5, which promises to be very followed, the President of the Republic said he had "heard the anger and indignation" of the hospital.

And yet the mobilization is for now still called to continue: the collective Inter-Hospitals had announced a new "national event" on Saturday, November 30; and medical interns are also called to an indefinite strike from December 10 to denounce the "degradation of care".

There is no doubt that the anger, not extinguished today, caregivers also converges with that of the protesters against the pension reform on December 5. An aggregation of dangerous discontent ... for the government.

Garett Skyport for DayNewsWorld


The French state is about to give up one of its family jewels: the French Games. The entry of the FDJ on the Paris stock exchange is indeed set to 21 November 2019. From 7 November, those who wish will be able to subscribe shares of the FDJ .

The FDJ was born in 2009, but it all began in 1933. The state is inspired by the lottery of the broken mouths of 14-18 and creates the National Lottery. Since then, the brand FDJ has entered the heritage and its various games arouse passion for many. It is a successful company with a colossal turnover of 1.8 billion euros in 2018.

This November 7, the state puts the fate of the French games (FDJ) in the hands of investors. He, who until now held 72% of the inheritance company of the National Lottery, created in 1933 to finance the reintegration of the "broken mouths", decided to sell 52% on Euronext.

This privatization was voted in the context of the Pact Act and validated on October 17th by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers.

It should allow the State to collect more than 1 billion euros (the operation could even bring up to 1.9 billion euros) to accelerate the endowments to the fund for innovation.

But at the price of selling off our family jewels however and to tax the gains ...

And do not we also deprive ourselves of "an annual return of 100 million euros for a one shot of a billion.

As denounced by Christian Eckert, former Secretary of State for Budget between 2014 and 2017 ?

Andrew Preston for DayNewsWorld



The British government announced on Saturday, November 2, 2019, suspending hydraulic fracturing to extract shale gas from the subsoil because of the risk of earthquakes, reversing this unpopular topic at the very beginning of the election campaign. .

A moratorium on hydraulic fracturing

This decision, which comes at the beginning of the election campaign launched by Boris Johnson for early elections on December 12, was taken after the report of an incident last August on a site controlled by the British energy group.

Cuadrilla near Blackpool, in the north of England, where a magnitude 2.9 earthquake shook homes "After reviewing the OGA report (...), it is clear that we do not can not rule out new unacceptable consequences for the local population, "said the Minister responsible for Enterprise and Energy, Andrea Leadsom, in a statement. "For this reason, I concluded that we should introduce a moratorium on hydraulic fracturing in England with immediate effect," she said.

Strong mobilization of environmentalists

The process of hydraulic fracturing, which consists of creating underground cracks and infiltrating a mixture of water, sand and chemicals to extract gas or oil captured in the rock, was denounced by environmentalists. They consider that this technique runs counter to the United Kingdom's commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Several hundred protesters have also been arrested in recent years. years of attempting to disrupt Cuadrilla operations as part of an "anti-fracking" movement.

For less energy dependence

The United Kingdom initially wanted to follow the example of the United States, where the shale industry has experienced a spectacular boom boosting the country's energy independence, thanks to the technique of hydraulic fracturing. Boris Johnson had in the past indicated his support for the industry, which was keen to significantly reduce the country's dependence on imports of natural gas - from Norway and Qatar - used to heat 80% of British homes.

The Conservative government had expected 2016 to open 20 wells by mid-2020. However, to date, only three have been drilled, with no shale gas exploitation having started and without the authorities knowing what quantities could be extracted in the long term. The Preston New Road site is the only hydraulic fracturing project underway in the UK.

The other nations of the United Kingdom - Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland - are opposed to the deployment of this technique .

At the start of an election campaign where the environment will be one of the star topics, Labor chief Jeremy Corbyn called the moratorium "an electoral maneuver to try to win some votes".

If he came to power, he promised on Twitter a "real change", with the definitive ban on this technique, as it has been in France and Germany.

Joanne Courbet for DayNewsWorld




The Nobel Prize in Economics was awarded on Monday to Franco-American Esther Duflo and Americans Abhijit Banerjee and Michael Kremer for their work on reducing poverty in the world.

The first two, husband and wife in the civilian sector, are working on poverty and have established their laboratory at MIT in Boston. The Duflo-Banerjee tandem conducts research as close as possible to the field, from India to China to Chile or Mexico. They observe how the poorest people on the planet make their economic decisions.

And this in order to define what would be the best policies to get them out of their condition. They introduced into the discipline the notion of real-world experimentation, thanks to random impact evaluations.

From this meticulous work, the two researchers questioned some ideas about the fight against poverty, such as the usefulness of subsidizing the prices of basic food products, the effectiveness of micro-credit, or the link of causality between the poverty of a country and the famine situation that can be established there. These counter-current analyzes, the duo Duflo-Banerjee developed them in a book, Rethinking Poverty, published in France by Editions du Seuil.

"I am delighted that social innovation is recognized on the same level as technological innovation," said the one who in 2012 was Obama's economic advisor on development.

Michael Kremer, a former MIT graduate at Harvard, published a seminal article in Econometrica in 2004, in which he used a commonplace method of medical research called "randomized controlled trials." RCT), to evaluate the impact of administering a drug to Kenyan children on their school attendance.

The principle of RCT is to evaluate the effectiveness of a treatment by comparing the situation of a sample of "treated" population, called "test population", to that of an untreated population, the so-called "control population". or "control group." Michael Kremer "has demonstrated how powerful this approach can be by using field experiments to test various interventions that can improve educational outcomes in western Kenya," says the Academy.

The winners' work "has introduced a new (experimental) approach to obtain reliable answers on the best way to reduce poverty in the world," Göran Hansson, secretary general of the Royal Academy of Sciences, said in Stockholm. . Their research, along with Michael Kremer's research, has transformed the development economy, says the Swedish institution.

"Despite recent and significant improvements, one of humanity's most pressing challenges is the reduction of poverty in the world, in all its forms," ​​said the academy.

Some 700 million people still live in extreme poverty, according to the World Bank.

Jaimie Potts for DayNewsWorld


It is an extraordinary trial for an unprecedented scandal that opens Monday, September 30, 2019 at the Regional Court of Braunschweig (Lower Saxony, northern Germany).

In September 2015, the German group Volkswagen admitted to have equipped 11 million vehicles with fraudulent software to handle their emissions of toxic gases.

Revelations that provoked an avalanche of lawsuits against the builder and its leaders.

The owners of some 450 000 vehicles in Germany, feeling cheated by the manufacturer, then came together in a joint request managed by the consumer association, VZBZ.

The association, the only applicant, accuses Volkswagen of knowingly misled its customers with spyware installed in each of the cars and to skew the numbers during pollution control.

What does Volkswagen risk?

Specifically, judges will have to decide about fifty points, but the main question will be whether Volkswagen has "caused harm" and acted "in an unethical manner."

Even if it proved unfavorable to Volkswagen, the judgment will not lead directly to a refund. Each complainant then assert his rights individually.

For Volkswagen, the diesel scandal "belongs to the history of the group" in the same way as "the ladybug and the Golf", recognizes Ralf Brandstätter, head of the VW brand.

But he assures that the group has "profoundly changed": the manufacturer put 30 billion euros on its new range to "regain the esteem of society."

Andrew Preston for DayNewsWorld


British tour operator Thomas Cook announced on Monday that it was going bankrupt after failing over the weekend to raise funds for its survival.

A major repatriation

The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and the government are on the warpath to organize a massive repatriation of some 600,000 tourists worldwide, including 150,000 for Great Britain, twice as many as in the bankruptcy of the United States. British airline Monarch two years ago.

They activated an emergency plan called Operation Matterhorn, named after a US bombing campaign during the Second World War. "Our emergency plan has resulted in the acquisition of aircraft from around the world - some from Malaysia - and we have sent hundreds of people to call centers and airports," said Transportation Minister Grant Shapps .

The oldest independent tour operator in the world

Born in 1841, the world's oldest independent tour operator has 22,000 employees, including 9,000 in the United Kingdom. Thomas Cook manages hotels and resorts, air routes and cruises. It operates in 16 countries and deals with 19 million customers a year.

In 2007, Thomas Cook merged with MyTravel to become one of Europe's largest tour operators, operating in Germany, Scandinavia, Russia and elsewhere.

The heavily indebted tour operator has seen its horizon darken in recent years because of fierce competition from cheap online sites and the geopolitical situation.

An abysmal debt

Thomas Cook had announced an abounding loss of 1.5 billion pounds for the first half, for a turnover of some 10 billion.

His fate was a matter of days: creditors asked him last week to find 200 million pounds (227 million euros) of additional funding for an already accepted rescue plan of 900 million pounds per year. Chinese Fosun, the largest shareholder, is validated. Marathon discussions were held all weekend, but to no avail.

Fosun Tourism Group said it was disappointed by the failure of an agreement between Thomas Cook, its banks and creditors, saying it had been favorable all along. The recapitalization plan was "no longer applicable given the judicial liquidation" of Thomas Cook, said a statement from the Chinese group.

For its part, the British Aviation Authority (CAA) has indicated that the Thomas Cook Group, "tour operator and aviation company at the same time, ceased operations with immediate effect. All Thomas Cook bookings, flights and stays, are now canceled.

London refused to bail out this flagship of the industry. Thomas Cook did not represent a strong strategic interest.

"It's a lot of taxpayers' money and it's a moral hazard," Premier Boris Johnson told reporters on his plane to New York. In one way or another, the state must stop intervening to save bankrupt tour operators....»

Jaimie Potts for DayNewsWorld
There are no translations available.



La pression fiscale qui pèse sur les ménage va baisser, en net, d’un peu plus de 9 milliards d’euros pour les ménages en 2020 après une réduction de 10,2 milliards d’euros cette année.

C’est en le chiffre qui ressort du projet de loi de finances (PLF) dont la présentation est prévue à la fin du mois.

Comment explique-t-on cet allégement de 9,3 milliards pour l'année prochaine ?

Cet allègement fiscal s’explique en partie par les 17 milliards d’euros de mesures annoncées par Emmanuel Macron en réponse à la crise des gilets jaunes.

Dans le détail, la baisse de l'impôt sur le revenu de 5 milliards d'euros pour les classes moyennes, décidée au terme du Grand Débat, pèse lourd dans ce décompte.

A cela s'ajoutent la suppression de la taxe d'habitation pour 80 % des Français, soit 3,7 milliards d'euros en 2020, et la défiscalisation des heures supplémentaires qui devrait réduire la facture fiscale de 800 millions d'euros l'an prochain.

À l’inverse, certaines taxes vont augmenter . Ainsi, la hausse de la fiscalité pesant sur le tabac devrait rapporter 500 millions d’euros à l’État.

Par ailleurs, les mesures de restriction du CITE (crédit d’impôt pour la transition énergétique) généreront quelque 100 millions d’euros de recettes.

Les baisses d’impôts promises confirment le virage emprunté par le gouvernement après la crise des gilets jaunes alors que la pression fiscale n’avait diminué que de 1,1 milliard d’euros en 2018.

Cette nouvelle réduction d’impôts porte à 20,6 milliards d’euros la baisse des prélèvements obligatoires depuis le début du quinquennat.

Sur le quinquennat, le gouvernement a promis une baisse de 27 milliards.

Garett Skyport pour DayNewsWorld
There are no translations available.



Au G7, la France s'est dépêchée d’apaiser la colère des Etats-Unis sur la taxation du numérique face aux menaces brandies par Donald Trump.

Et si victoire politique il y a, elle revient surtout à Donald Trump : les États-Unis ont en effet obtenu de la France une concession sur la taxe Gafa, sans renoncer officiellement à surtaxer le vin français à l'export, ce qui était pourtant l'objectif d'Emmanuel Macron.

Paris propose en effet de rembourser aux entreprises la différence entre sa taxation du numérique et la future imposition internationale de l’Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE).

L'OCDE travaille depuis 2011 sur une réforme de la fiscalité internationale pour stopper la réduction de l'assiette fiscale des États, incapables, en raison de la territorialité et de l'optimisation fiscale, de taxer efficacement les activités numériques des entreprises.Au G20 Finances de Fukuoka (Japon), début juin, l'OCDE a obtenu l'engagement des principales économies mondiales de se mettre d'accord sur une seule piste commune d'ici au prochain G20 Finances prévu à Washington, en octobre, avec l'objectif de parvenir à un accord mondial en 2020.

Or votée à Paris le 11 juillet 2019, la taxe de la France, faisant cavalier seul en attendant les résultats de l'OCDE , dite « taxe GAFA », est accusée par Washington de « discriminer » les géants américains du numérique que sont Google, Amazon, Apple et Facebook et l'Amérique a brandi la menace de mesure de rétorsion, notamment en taxant davantage encore le vin français à l'export.

Aussi dimanche 25 août a été élaborée une solution de compromis, lors d’une réunion à Biarritz entre le ministre français de l’économie, Bruno Le Maire, son homologue américain, Steven Mnuchin, et le conseiller économique de Donald Trump, Larry Kudlow.

« Tout ce qui aura été versé en excédent à la France par rapport à la solution internationale viendra en déduction pour les entreprises ».

M.Trump et M. Macron sont tombés d'accord sur cet arrangement commun.

Mais Paris s’était déjà engagé de longue date à démanteler sa taxe « imparfaite », qui porte notamment sur la publicité ciblée en ligne, la vente de données à des fins publicitaires et la mise en relation des internautes par les plates-formes, dès qu’une solution multilatérale sera trouvée.

En acceptant de rembourser éventuellement les Gafa en cas de trop-perçu, Emmanuel Macron espérait ainsi pousser Donald Trump à lever ses menaces de surtaxer le vin français à l'export en représailles de l'initiative française. Mais le président américain ne lui a pas fait ce cadeau.

Interrogé sur le sujet, Donald Trump s'est contenté de plaisanter sur le goût de son épouse pour le vin français !!

La proposition adoptée dimanche n'est donc qu'une concession de Paris afin d’éviter des représailles commerciales de la part des Etats-Unis.

Simon Freeman pour DayNewsWorld



The Trump administration is responding to the French GAFA tax.

America reacts with one voice. Republicans and Democrats are united against a measure of "racketeering" on the part of France, this is what we can hear from all sides in the ruling class and politics in the US! Taxation of GAFA by France: Trump do not go four ways. He threatens to replicate "the stupidity of Macron." US President Donald Trump has directly attacked his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron on Twitter, following his will to tax the GAFA, these American giants of tech (Google - Amazon - Facebook - Apple). He states that "if someone were to tax them, it would be their country of origin, that is to say the USA".

On the social network, Donald Trump also announces a "substantial reciprocal action against the stupidity of Macron", apparently by attacking French wines, in a thinly veiled threat: "I've always said that American wine is better than French, "he concludes in his tweet.

Donald J. Trump


France just put a digital tax on our great American technology companies. If anybody taxes them, it should be their home Country, the USA. We will announce a substantial reciprocal action on Macron's foolishness shortly. I've always said American wine is better than French wine!

The White House's chief economic advisor, Larry Kudlow, also spoke on the issue. He said Friday that the French tax on the digital giants (Gafa) was "a very, very big mistake." "We are not happy that France has gone ahead with this kind of tax on digital Said Mr. Kudlow.

He added that hearings would be held in August as part of the investigation launched by the Trade Representative (USTR) against this French initiative. President Donald Trump will then decide whether to "retaliate," Kudlow told CNBC.

The so-called Gafa tax, acronym for digital giants Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple, creates a taxation of large companies in the sector not on earnings, often consolidated in countries with very low taxation like Ireland, but on turnover, pending harmonization of rules at the OECD level.

Robert Lighthizer the US representative for trade, had already announced Wednesday, July 10, 2019, the opening of an investigation against France in retaliation for the so-called GAFA tax (for Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon), which must levy 3 % of revenues generated in France by some operators offering digital services

The United Kingdom had already measured how difficult it would be to negotiate any Donald Trump free trade agreement with the United States after Brexit.

Emmanuel Macron French President and his Minister of Economy and Finance, Bruno Le Maire, will experience the difficulty of attacking Washington alone.

Paris puts forward its sovereignty, but the GAFA tax in the French seems to be mainly a desperate maneuver to bring revenue into the coffers of a country that does not seem to understand that too much taxation kills taxation and that measures of economy must be part of the reflections that the French state must impose!

The French Minister of Economy, Bruno Le Maire, reacted Thursday, July 11, 2019 by saying that allied countries had to settle their "differences other than by threat" and added to the Senate that "France is a sovereign state, it decides sovereignty of its tax provisions, and will continue to make sovereign decisions on its tax decisions ".

The GAFA tax is structured as follows:

The companies concerned must achieve 750 million euros in sales, including 25 million euros in France.

The tax affects about thirty companies, including GAFA, but also European and Chinese companies and only one French, Criteo.

The law is retroactive and it can lead to double taxation is intolerable and contrary to any tax ethics in a democracy that respects !!

Unanimous senators as a whole (Republicans as Democrats) and members of the administration of our President Donald Trump urge France to go back with the introduction of this tax failing which the response of the United States and retaliation are going to be terrible and will hurt a lot !!!

Simon Freeman for DayNewsWorld


The draft law on the ratification of Ceta is voted today in France. Since its provisional application in 2017, this free trade agreement has focused criticism. It has just been ratified by parliament.

Due to the protests of the opposition, the vote on the draft law of ratification of Ceta has been rejected by the deputies of the National Assembly and was the subject of a public ballot, Tuesday, July 23.

The points of tension concern in particular the health, agricultural and environmental risks.

Free Trade Agreement Between Canada and the European Union

This is a free trade agreement between Canada and the European Union. Negotiated since 2009, the text was signed in 2016 by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and European Council President Donald Tusk. The Ceta (for Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement) is applied temporarily since 2017, only on its commercial aspect. Its full implementation requires the ratification of all States.

The so-called "new generation" CETA, which is a comprehensive economic and trade agreement (CETA), thus greatly reduces tariff and non-tariff barriers, but also addresses many aspects related to the export of goods. goods and services and the creation of a stable and favorable investment framework for European and Canadian companies.

Why Canada?

Canada is a major trading partner of the EU at the 12th rank of the EU's trade relations, while the EU is Canada's second largest trading partner after the United States. The volume of goods exchanges between the two partners amounts to nearly 60 billion euros per year. The EU mainly exports machinery, transport equipment and chemicals to Canada. Commercial services accounted for almost 26 billion euros (in 2012), mainly transport, travel and insurance services.

In addition, Canada and the EU have a close investment relationship, with Canada being the fourth largest foreign investor in the EU with more than 142 billion euros (in 2012) while the EU is the second largest investor in Canada with nearly 260 billion euros (in 2012).

Faced with a growing protectionism?

"In these times of uncertainty, with increasing protectionism around the world, Ceta underlines our strong commitment to sustainable trade," said EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström after the vote on the agreement to the European Parliament. "Nothing in this agreement" will affect "the safety of the food we eat or the products we buy, nor will it lead to the privatization of public services," she argued.

The main objective is to lower trade barriers. Specifically, tariffs will be removed on 98% of goods traded. The agreement also plans to expand certain services to competition and to strengthen regulatory cooperation between the two zones. Another important point is the recognition by Canada of 145 protected geographical indications (PDIs), 42 of which are French. Mostly cheeses.

CETA critics

Since its implementation, Ceta has focused criticism. Yesterday, Nicolas Hulot did not he asked the deputies not to ratify an agreement which would reinforce "one of the worst students of the G20" in environmental matter?

Doubts about a "lowering of sanitary standards" were also expressed. Unlike the European Union, Canada allows the breeding of beef fed with antibiotics or animal meal.

In early July, a few days before the vote, the debate crystallized on animal meal, banned in Europe after they caused the crisis of "mad cow" or bovine spongiform encephalopathy.

A hole in the legislation actually allows Canadian ranchers to feed their oxen with flours made from what remains of their fellow slaughtered animals - the blood, the hair, the fat - and at the slaughterhouses. send to the European soil without the consumer being informed. The Canadian authorities also acknowledged on July 19 to Agra Presse that, "despite a prohibition in principle of ruminant feed based on ruminant flours, Canadian legislation allows the use of certain proteins, such as blood meal and gelatin ".

Finally, the arbitration tribunals provided for in the agreement remain highly controversial. These allow a private company to attack a state, if it feels aggrieved by regulations too vigorous.

For the opponents of Ceta this agreement is anti-democratic, too favorable to the multinationals, dangerous for the European agriculture and light on the environment. For now, the government has tried to provide a guarantee by negotiating a "climate veto".

Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, Secretary of State to the Minister of Europe, welcomes a "6.5% increase in French exports" in Canada, between 2017 and 2018. Peaks of 10% have been achieved, especially for cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. In contrast, Canada's exports to the EU fell by 3% and as much as 9% to France.

In a study, the Center for Prospective Studies and International Information relativizes the economic impact of Ceta. It calculates the variations due to the treaty at 0.5% for most sectors in France. The other effects, especially on greenhouse gas emissions, are still unclear.

Britney Delsey for DayNewsWorld


It was on their arrival that Conforama's employees learned of the closure of 32 stores in France and the abolition of 1,900 jobs (1/5 of the French workforce).

To these job cuts, we must add the 100 provided in the Stores Deposits.

The employees of Conforma are stunned.

However, at the beginning of March 2019 Conforama's unions had expressed their concerns about the future of the brand.

In January 2018, the group sold 17% of its stake in Showroom to Carrefour. Private, n ° 2 of destocking online, thus collecting 78.5M euros.

Since the beginning of 2018, Conforama has had an ad hoc mandate from a judicial administrator, after posting historical losses in 2017.

But how did Conforama get there?

Small history:

Conforama was born in 1967 in the outbuildings of an old farm in the suburbs of Lyon, thanks to the meeting of a furniture retailer in the North with a Bordeaux furniture manufacturer and researchers of computer savvy discount formulas.

Since the sign passed into the hands of the Agache Willot Group, Bernard Arnault, François Pinault Printemps La Redoute which in 2011 sold it to Steinhoff International for the sum of 1.2 billion euros.

The Steinhoff Group is based in South Africa where it has been headquartered since 1997.

It is by Markus Jooste that the scandal has arrived in recent months, a scandal of which he is in fact held for the direct manager following accounting frauds and embezzlements estimated at 6.5 billion euros by the audit firm Pricewaterhouse -Cojers (PwC) after an audit.

Judicial proceedings have been initiated by the Steinhoff Group which is seeking to recover $ 59 million of undue remuneration paid to its former General Manager, Markus Jooste.

Steinhoff, portrait of a silent group or the discreet owner of Conforama!

Even though Markus Jooste, who resigned at the end of 2017, is the subject of open court proceedings, the impenetrable methods of the Steinhoff Group, a heavyweight in furniture (the second largest group after IKEA) have remained the same since the beginning. "It's a quiet group, not show off for two cents," says Yves Marin, a distribution specialist at Kurt Salmon.

"They are makers and not speakers," he adds, unlike an IKEA. The evidence, no one yet knows why, the group, initially established in Lower Saxony decided to install its headquarters in South Africa.

We only know that Bruno Steinhoff, its founder, non-executive director of the Group since 2008 arrived in South Africa in 1997 after taking a 35% stake in the GommaGomma Group. Gomagomma has retained the name of the German group (Steinhoff) and Markus Jooste will take over the executive functions that he will retain until 2017, well beyond (after 2008) the withdrawal of Bruno Steinhoff.

Although the furniture market has become detestable year after year, the Steinhoff Group is showing a binge of purchases in Europe and the United States, purchases not always successful from 2011 to 2017.

Between bulimia and embezzlement we understand better why the Group Steinhoff and the French brand Conforama Group, purchased in 2011 today faces serious financial difficulties.

What we understand less, that is why in December 2017, the ECB (European Central Bank which Christine Lagarde should take the direction at the end of October 2019) has benefited "in loosdé" the Group Steinhoff of a colossal aid, via the Central Bank of Finland (the country is part of the EU and is in the euro zone) representing around 900,000 shares listed on the stock exchange at 0 (or very close to zero). The stock today is worth between 0.60 and 0.80 euro!

The operation, which was not denounced by any MEP, scandalized several bodies of the Financial Press including our excellent colleague Pierre Jovanovic. (See his press review at the end of December 2017).

Asked on the subject, Mario Draghi, (President of the ECB and former Goldman Sachs) justified the operation by indicating that it launched it to boost inflation and growth. Given the evolution of the stock market value of Steinhoff, the desired goal (?) Was missed.

As a result, the ECB recorded serious financial losses on this transaction.

The Steinhoff case has been coughed internally by the ECB and by its detractors who have never accepted that risks related to private companies are transferred to the public (the ECB is financed with the money of the people). The second question, and not the least one that has been asked and which has remained asked, is why the ECB has invested in a private interest transaction ... of South African origin! Is South Africa in Europe ???

A few months later the ECB sold out the Steinhoff file; but the question that remains always and still asked is why such a financial commitment when in December 2017, Steinhoff had a operating deficit of $ 4 billion.

What are the links between this unfortunate decision and the fact that Rothschild Bank has been dealing for many months with Steinhoff's recovery?

Finally, to finish, one will recall this maxim of Honoré de Balzac: "There are two stories:" the official history and the secret history where are the real causes of the events ".

Clara Mitchell for DayNewsWorld



Kevin Costner does not stop confiding on the 1992 movie Bodyguard.

In 2012, Kevin Costner made a startling revelation during a stint in Anderson Cooper's talk show: just before his tragic death in 1997, Lady Diana had given her consent to play in the sequel to "Bodyguard" .

"I assured her that I would take care of her as I had taken care of Whitney Houston in the first movie. (...)

She wanted me to write a tailor-made role for her, "he said at the time.

It is again on this film that the 64-year-old actor gave People magazine another surprising information.

In an interview given on June 28th at People TV, Kevin Costner, the Oscar winner for Danse avec les loups (1990), reveals that it was thanks to one person that he was able to talk to the Princess of Wales:

Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York and sister-in-law of Lady Diana.

"Sarah was really important. I always respect Sarah, because she was really important. I always respect Sarah, because she's the one who organized the conversation between Diana and me, "says Kevin Costner.

"She was so supportive of this idea," he continues. The comedian reports that the mother of Prince William and Prince Harry had, however, expressed some concerns about the role.

"I just remember that she was incredibly sweet on the phone and she asked the following question, in a very respectful voice: 'Are we going to have a kisses scene?' She was nervous because her life was very regent. "

"She asked for it very respectfully. She was nervous because her life was very controlled.

And I said, "Yes, there will be a few love scenes, but we can make sure everything goes well," he concluded.

At that time, Lady Diana was already divorced from Prince Charles but her life was still very regent.

The project of the sequel to Bodyguard will never see the light of day. He was well advanced since Kevin Costner said he received the "Bodyguard 2" script the day before Diana's death in August 1997.

Only one day before the death of Princess Diana in Paris, in a terrible car accident.

Emily Jackson for DayNewsWorld
There are no translations available.


Un marché intégré de 780 millions de citoyens-consommateurs est né entre l’Europe et le Brésil, l’Argentine, l’Uruguay et le Paraguay. Il s'agit de l’accord de libre-échange conclu quelques instants plus tôt, entre l’Union européenne (UE) et le Mercosur (Brésil, Argentine, Uruguay, Paraguay), qualifié par Cecilia Malmström, la commissaire européenne au commerce, d' « historique ».

« Je mesure mes paroles avec soin car c'est un accord réellement historique », a réagi le président de la Commission européenne, Jean-Claude Juncker, depuis le Japon où il participait au sommet du G20.

La conclusion de ce pacte envoie « un réel message en soutien à un commerce ouvert, équitable, durable », a-t-il insisté. « Cela montre que dans ces temps turbulents (...), des compromis peuvent être trouvés. »

Des échanges commerciaux gagnants-gagnants

Le texte conclu vendredi 29 juin doit permettre d’accroître considérablement les échanges commerciaux avec l’Amérique du Sud, en supprimant plus de 90 % des taxes que s’imposaient les deux continents. Il contient aussi des garanties pour contrer ses potentiels effets négatifs

Le traité de libre-échange prévoit « des baisses de tarifs douaniers de 4 milliards d’euros annuels rien que pour les Européens, soit des baisses quatre fois plus importantes que celles permises par l’accord conclu entre l’UE et le Japon [en 2017] », a précisé Mme Malmström.

L’accord éliminera à terme 91 % des droits de douane imposés par le Mercosur aux produits européens, ce que la Commission évalue en valeur à 4 milliards d’euros. A l’inverse, l’UE supprimera de son côté 92 % des taxes actuellement appliquées aux biens sud-américains qui arrivent sur son sol.

Les taxes aux importations de voitures (35 %), pièces détachées (de 14 % à 18 %), produits chimiques (jusqu’à 18 %), de vins (27 %) ou de spiritueux (de 20 % à 35 %) devraient disparaître. Fromages et aux produits laitiers de l’UE : ils bénéficieront, selon le commissaire européen à l’agriculture, Phil Hogan, de « larges quotas » sans taxes...

Pas moins de 357 indications géographiques, un record, devraient par ailleurs être reconnues et protégées par les partenaires sud-américains, du speck tyrolien au comté français en passant par le prosciutto di Parma (contre143 seulement dans le cas du CETA, l’accord de libre-échange avec le Canada).

A l’inverse, l’UE ouvre son marché aux produits agricoles sud-américains – sa concession la plus lourde – par le biais de quotas : 99 000 tonnes de bœuf par an à taux préférentiel (7,5 %), un quota supplémentaire de 180 000 tonnes pour le sucre et un autre de 100 000 tonnes pour les volailles. Au premier semestre 2019, selon Eurostat, l’UE a produit 13,7 millions de tonnes de bœuf.

Les pays du Mercosur ouvriront pour la première fois leurs marchés publics aux entreprises européennes ; une avancée décisive pour l’UE.

Des inquiétudes de la part des agriculteurs et des ONG

Le PIB de l'UE et du Mercosur représente un quart de celui de la planète, soit 18 000 milliards d'euros. L'accord, un des plus vastes jamais conclus par les 28, suscite cependant la profonde inquiétude des agriculteurs européens, qui craignent une concurrence jugée déloyale, ainsi que des ONG, préoccupées par ses conséquences pour le climat.

Le compromis comporte « certains défis pour les agriculteurs européens et la Commission européenne sera à leur disposition pour les aider », a concédé le commissaire à l'Agriculture, Phil Hogan. Il leur promet « une aide financière » jusqu'à un milliard d'euros « en cas de perturbation du marché » .« Pour que cet accord soit gagnant-gagnant, nous ne nous ouvrirons aux produits agricoles du Mercosur qu' avec des quotas soigneusement gérés qui garantiront qu'aucun produit ne risque d'inonder le marché européen », a-t-il insisté

Les négociations ont aussi été attaquées dans une lettre ouverte par 340 ONG européennes et sud-américaines, dont Greenpeace et Friends of the Earth, sur deux autres fronts : l'environnement et les droits de l'Homme.

Ces organisations, déjà opposées pour certaines aux précédentes négociations commerciales de l'UE avec les États-Unis ou le Canada, condamnent « la détérioration des droits humains et de la situation écologique au Brésil » depuis l'investiture en janvier du président Jair Bolsonaro.

Bruxelles met en avant que l'accord inclut un chapitre sur le développement durable, qui couvre « la conservation des forêts, le respect des droits des travailleurs et la promotion d'un comportement responsable des affaires ».Il fait explicitement référence à l’accord de Paris sur le climat.

« Les normes de sécurité alimentaire de l'UE resteront inchangées et toutes les importations devront être conformes » à ces règles, comme c'est déjà le cas actuellement, ajoute aussi la Commission.

Toujours selon la Commission, ce chapitre « comportera des règles claires et rigoureuses, ainsi qu’un mécanisme d’évaluation indépendante et impartiale de ces questions par un groupe d’experts »., qui n’est pas détaillé.

Des difficultés pourraient encore émerger du processus de ratification par chacun des États de l'UE ainsi que par le Parlement européen.

Andrew Preston pour DayNewsWorld



The government seems to want to play the game in terms of pension reform.

Building on the potential for future savings on old-age insurance, in the context of the vote on the next Social Security budget bill, the government is no longer in such a hurry to pass this law on pension reform. A law that aims to align all pension systems on top of each other, in a point system in which "every euro contributed opens the way to the same rights".

Having concluded the consultation with the social partners, the High Commissioner for pension reform Jean-Paul Delevoye has to return his copy until July 12.

But the executive could change the calendar by shifting from September to December the presentation of the reform cabinet ministers, according to news reports. And the law would then be voted after the municipal elections in March 2020.

It is because the reform is an explosive subject the government would already prefer to deal with the issue of "working more" first. No doubt: the French no longer have the choice to work longer to finance including the pension system, the decline of 5 billion euros in income tax, and dependence. Hence the idea of ​​introducing a "pivotal age" at age 64 with a dissuasive haircut that currently amounts to 5% per year. A way to get cash back into cash quickly without waiting for 2025.

Emmanuel Macron during his speech after great debate and Édouard Philippe before the National Assembly had warned.

On the other hand, the single bill considered by the high commission a year ago could be abandoned in favor of a framework law, that is to say a text simply laying down the main principles, calling for other laws, ordinances, decrees, etc.

One way to delay the deadline ...

The universalization of pension plans may not be for tomorrow.......

Jaimie Potts for DayNewsWorld


Considered the favorite to succeed Theresa May, Boris Johnson warned Saturday that if he became Prime Minister, he would refuse the UK to pay the Brexit bill until the European Union agreed to better terms and conditions. withdrawal. Fervent defender of a hard Brexit he promises to ensure that the country leaves the Union no later than October 31, whether an agreement was found or not.

The survival of the conservative party depends on it, he says. In addition, Boris Johnson warns Brussels, saying it would refuse that the United Kingdom pays the Brexit bill until the European Union accepts better conditions of withdrawal.

"Our friends and partners need to understand that the money will be kept until we have more clarity on the way to go," said this "Brexit" supporter in a Sunday Times interview. In total, the amount of the bill has not yet been precisely established, but it should amount to "39 billion pounds," according to Johnson, between 40 and 45 billion euros.

"In a good deal, the money is an excellent solvent and a very good lubricant," said the one who was in charge of Foreign Affairs, on the occasion of his first speech since the resignation of Ms. May Friday of the head from the Conservative Party.

The agreement between London and Brussels, rejected by the British Parliament, provides for the settlement of commitments made by the United Kingdom under the current multiannual budget (2014-2020), which also covers the transitional period provided for by the agreement. The text does not give figures for the invoice, but a method of calculation.

Great Brexit craftsman

Theresa May remains head of government by the end of July, until the party appoints its new leader, who will immediately become prime minister. Johnson is seen as the favorite among the ten or so candidates.

"Bojo" (54) was one of the great architects of the Brexit victory in the June 2016 referendum. He wants the UK to leave the EU on October 31, renegotiated or not. Appreciated by the base of his party, the former mayor of London raises, however, more contrasted reactions among Tory deputies.

On June 7, the British court rejected the prosecution of Boris Johnson for lying during the Brexit referendum campaign. Boris Johnson was accused of knowingly lying when he was mayor of London, saying that the UK was paying 350 million pounds a week in Brussels.

Fervent defender of a hard line on the Brexit, the former mayor of London also promises to lead the country with an "elite team".

"I really feel like I'm the best equipped candidate, not only to organize the Brexit," but also to give color to the Conservative party, he adds.

Britney Delsey for DayNewsWorld



USA President Donald Trump threatened to apply a 5% tariff on all Mexican goods as early as Monday if his neighbor to the South did not commit to adequate measures against illegal immigration.

According to the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP), more than 144,200 migrants were arrested or turned back in May on the southern border of the United States. An increase of 32% compared to the previous month and 178% compared to May 2018, and a record over the last thirteen years. The majority of these migrants are from the Central American "North Triangle" (Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador)

After several days of negotiations and ten hours of intense discussions Friday on the issue of migration with its southern neighbor, the United States finally reached an agreement with Mexico

Mexico will step up control at its borders to limit illegal immigration, primarily to the southern border of the country, with Guatemala. What raise the threat of tariffs on Mexican products brandished by the US President.

The United States and Mexico snatched an immigration deal on Friday night in Washington, after several days of tough negotiations, lifting the threat of tariffs on Mexican products brandished by Donald Trump and potentially damaging to their savings.

"The United States has reached an agreement with Mexico. The tariffs scheduled to be applied Monday by the United States, against Mexico, are therefore suspended indefinitely, "wrote Trump on Twitter.

He added that Mexico will take "strong measures to stem the flow of migration" through his country to the southern border of the United States where police and customs are overwhelmed by the number of arrivals.

"This will greatly reduce, or eliminate, illegal immigration from Mexico to the United States," he said.

National Guard deployed on the southern border

The United States was of the view that Mexico was not doing enough to control its border with Guatemala, south of its territory, allowing networks to migrate to the United States on its soil. These are mainly from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador and are only passing through Mexican soil.

"The deployment of its National Guard across Mexico, primarily to its southern border," is among the measures of the agreement, said the statement.

The figure of 6000 men was announced Thursday by Mexico after extensive discussions at the US State Department between the delegations of both countries.

Waiting for asylum from Mexico

Mexico should also have access to another US request. All migrants coming to seek asylum in the United States will be returned to Mexico until they are processed by US courts.

While leaving the State Department in Washington on Friday night, Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard called the deal "fair balance," noting that the US "had more drastic demands at the outset" . "Thanks to the support of all Mexicans, the imposition of customs duties on Mexican products exported to the United States could be avoided," welcomed Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador on Twitter.

The use of the commercial weapon in this case had worried the business community, as the economic relations are close between the two countries.

According to the Chamber of Commerce, the 5% tax would have cost American consumers more than $ 17 billion a year; 87 billion if the customs bill climbed to 25%.

Joanne Courbet for DayNewsWorld


Donald Trump on Wednesday (May 15th) signed a decree banning US telecommunications companies from using foreign material, targeting, without naming them, China and Huawei, which the US president accuses of espionage.

"Economic and industrial espionage"

In full trade tensions with Beijing, the US president has declared a "national emergency" to take this decree. Although not explicitly named in the decree, the White House targets China and Huawei in particular, thus avoiding "foreign opponents increasingly exploiting vulnerabilities in information technology services and infrastructures". communication in the United States ".

The text thus makes it possible to take measures described as "national emergency" against "malicious acts favored by the Internet, including economic and industrial espionage".

Huawei denounces illegitimate measure

The Chinese group has strongly retorted immediately denouncing "unreasonable restrictions [that] will infringe on Huawei's rights". Adding that to prevent the trade of its devices on US territory "will not make the United States safer or stronger" thus reducing the country to "substandard and still more expensive alternatives, leaving the United States lagging behind for the deployment of the 5G ". Huawei qualifies as "the unrivaled leader of the 5G", whose deployment on the US territory was totally written off by this agreement.

This is one of the most severe measures taken by the Trump government against the rapidly expanding Chinese technology sector, particularly in emerging markets in Africa, Latin America and Asia.

An essentially symbolic decree

For the world leader in telecom equipment, the impact of this decree is however more symbolic than economic. Huawei, whose turnover reached 93.5 billion euros in 2018, makes most of its sales in Asia and Europe. The American continent accounts for only 6.6% of its annual result.

But the Chinese giant, who intends to race in the lead on the 5G, has faced since November 2018 a wave of global suspicion on the security of its telecom equipment.

Its president, Liang Hua, also defended again Tuesday, May 16 against the espionage charges during a trip to London and, said he was ready to sign "non-espionage" agreements with governments.

Emily Jackson for DayNewsWorld



At a press conference, an unprecedented exercise since his election in 2017, in front of some 320 journalists, the head of state on Thursday hailed the "just claims to the origin" of the "unprecedented movement" of the yellow vests that has deeply upset the five-year since November 17 last.

But from the preliminary stage he warned that he had not made a mistake, thinking "very deeply that the orientations taken during these first two years, in many respects, have been correct". "The ongoing transformations and transformations needed in our country must not be stopped, because they respond profoundly to the aspiration of our fellow citizens," he insisted. He will not change the course of his policy.

The head of state was eagerly awaited by the "yellow vests" on the fiscal, social, and legislative side.

By his announcements of Emmanuel Macron he answered Thursday night the main claims carried by the "yellow vests"?

A drop in taxes but no recovery of the ISF

Emmanuel Macron proposed to reduce "significantly" the income tax, to respond to fiscal injustice at the heart of the mobilization of "yellow vests". This tax cut of around 5 billion will be financed not only by the elimination of some tax loopholes for companies but also by the need to work more and reductions in public spending. This tax cut should affect the first two tranches. Government to "define the quantum".

On the other hand, he voted against the reinstatement of the wealth tax (ISF), one of the main demands of the "yellow vests", presenting his decision to suppress this tax as a "reform to produce, not a reform for the more fortunate ". However, he stressed that the impact of this deletion would be "evaluated in 2020", with a view to possible corrections.

No citizens' initiative referendum, but a softer RIP

Emmanuel Macron dismissed one of the main demands of the "yellow vests" which demanded more direct democracy with the RIC. He believes that the RIC, as proposed, seems to "challenge participatory democracy", adding not to believe "in the Republic of the permanent referendum". However, he is in favor of "more room for referendum in our democracy". Thus, the head of state said he wanted to "go further on the referendum of shared initiative" by proposing to reduce to 1 million the number of signatures necessary to seize the Parliament. This measure would figure in the constitutional reform that the head of state wants to see return to Parliament "in the summer". Currently, the referendum of shared initiative, in force since 2015, requires the support of 20% of parliamentarians and 10% of the electorate, that is to say nearly 4.5 million signatures.

The introduction of a proportional dose

To avoid a crisis of representation in the assemblies the head of state said Thursday "favorable" to the introduction of a dose of 20% proportional to the National Assembly (against 15% so far ).

The president also mentioned a decrease in the number of parliamentarians (577 deputies and 348 senators currently), which would be of the order of 25% to 30%, as well as a limitation of mandates in time.

No recognition of the white vote, no compulsory voting.

If in a televised speech on December 16, 2018, the head of state had said he was ready to open the debate on the taking into account of the white vote, he finally dismissed this possibility arguing that the vote was not to make any decision. "White, that does not decide. It is too easy, it is the aggregation of rejections, "he said. He also swept the possibility of a "compulsory vote", that one does not "respond to a democratic crisis by the constraint".

Retreats reindexed

The President of the Republic announced that pensions of less than 2,000 euros will be reindexed on inflation from 1 January 2020, expected measure, but also that no pension will increase less quickly than prices from 2021 .

Emmanuel Macron also wished that the "minimum retirement" for a full career be increased to 1 000 euros, an amount according to him "significantly higher" to the minimum old age that he promised to raise to 900 euros, an amount according to him " significantly higher than the minimum age he has promised to raise to 900 euros next year.

He also added that he did not intend to go back on the legal retirement age, preferring the track leading to the extension of the contribution period.

Emmanuel Macron wanted the family allowance funds (CAF) to have the "prerogative to collect family support" and thus help single-parent families.

"These famous single-parent families are often these mothers living alone," said the President of the Republic, saying that "we can not rely on mothers incivility of their former spouses."

A "new act of decentralization" within a year

The president announced "a new act of decentralization" in the territories, which will culminate in "the first quarter of 2020". This new decentralization must be "adapted to each territory" and bring "on the politics of everyday life" as "housing, transport, ecological transition to guarantee decisions taken closer to the field," he said. added.

At the same time, Edouard Philippe will present in May "a profound reform of the administration" intended to deploy "more officials on the ground". The head of state also announced the creation in each canton by the end of the five-year period of a "place where we can find a solution to the problems", called "France services".

To do this, the president will certainly abandon the goal of 120,000 cuts in public service posts that he has set if the government deems it necessary.

If Emmanuel Macron does not exclude the reorganization of the public services he wished "not to have by the end of the five-year period new closures, no hospitals, no schools without the mayor's approval".

An "ecological defense council"

Emmanuel Macron wanted to set up an "ecological defense council" that will bring together the dedicated ministers to make the "strategic choices" imposed by the climate emergency.

Mostly, the "yellow vests" were particularly disappointed by what they call the "measures" of the President of the Republic. Some believe that he has only "congratulate" others think that his speech was "only theater".

In response, the figures of the movement call to take the street.

Britney Delsey for DayNewsWorld
There are no translations available.


Alors que les géants du numérique sont en moyenne deux fois moins imposés que les entreprises traditionnelles en Europe, les Etats européens ont échoué à s'entendre sur la création d'une taxe commune sur leurs chiffres d'affaires. Par suite, plusieurs pays dont la France mettent en place leur propre « axe GAFA » en ordre dispersé.

La taxe a cette semaine été votée en France en première lecture à l'Assemblée Nationale. Elle concerne les activités numériques qui « créent de la valeur grâce aux internautes français ». Elle repose aussi sur « la notion de “travail gratuit” des utilisateurs ».

Et au ministre français de l'Économie et des Finances, Bruno Le Maire, de le confirmer: l 'Hexagone commencera à prélever la taxe sur les Gafa à compter du 1er janvier prochain.

«La taxe s'appliquera en tout état de cause au 1er janvier 2019 et elle portera donc sur l'ensemble de l'année 2019 pour un montant que nous évaluons à 500 millions d'euros», a affirmé Bruno Le Maire, lors d'une conférence de presse, à Paris.

Car les géants du numérique profitent largement de ces écarts entre pays de la zone pour minorer leurs impôts. Car même si les GAFA (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon), et plus largement les multinationales de l'économie digitale (Uber, Airbnb, etc.), se déploient dans des secteurs différents, ils ont une particularité commune : proposer leurs services sur le web leur permet de localiser leur siège social (et donc leurs bénéfices) dans un pays différent de celui où se trouvent leurs utilisateurs. Leur modèle repose sur des algorithmes et bases de données.

Or dans les pays européens, les règles actuelles d'imposition des bénéfices sont fondées sur le principe de l'établissement stable. Autrement dit, l'entreprise paye des impôts sur ses bénéfices dans le pays où elle est présente physiquement. Une présence qui se mesure par le nombre employés ou encore le montant des actifs corporels : usines, terrains, machines, etc.

Si bien qu'en l'absence d'harmonisation fiscale européenne, les GAFA peuvent implanter leurs filiales européennes – et donc leur présence physique – dans les pays qui proposent les taux d'imposition les plus faibles, tout en limitant leur présence physique dans les autres.

Par exemple, Google France n'a déclaré en 2017 qu'un chiffre d'affaires de 325 millions d'euros et a payé en France 14 millions d'euros d'impôts. Pourtant, les seules recettes publicitaires réalisées en France auraient rapporté à Google environ 2 milliards d'euros, estime le Syndicat des régies internet.

Résultat : en moyenne dans l'UE, les entreprises du numérique sont soumises à un taux d'imposition effectif deux fois moins élevé que celui applicable aux entreprises traditionnelles, selon la Commission européenne. Ce qui crée des conditions de concurrence défavorables et prive les États membres d'importantes recettes fiscales.

L'idée est donc de taxer à hauteur de 3%, dans tous les Etats membres de l'UE, le chiffre d'affaires (et non pas les seuls bénéfices comme dans le système classique) généré par certaines activités numériques : la vente de données personnelles, la vente d'espaces publicitaires en ligne ciblant les utilisateurs selon les données qu'ils ont fournies, et les services qui permettent les interactions entre utilisateurs et facilitent la vente de biens et de services entre eux.

Une taxe ne frappant que les très grandes entreprises de l'économie numérique (et donc les plus susceptibles de se livrer à une planification fiscale agressive), celles qui réalisent un chiffre d'affaires mondial annuel supérieur à 750 millions d'euros, dont 50 millions imposables dans l'Union européenne.

Soit 120 à 150 entreprises concernées seulement: des géants de la tech dont la moitié est américaine, un tiers asiatique et un tiers européen. Les recettes fiscaless comptées sont conséquentes : 5 milliards d'euros par an, dont 500 millions à peine pour la France.

La France est petite joueuse !

Seule une société française, Criteo, en fait partie. Elle est l'un des symboles de la French Tech, fondée en 2005, et est cotée au Nasdaq, à New-York, où elle est valorisée à hauteur de 1,34 milliard de dollars au 9 avril 2019. Plusieurs ex-entreprises françaises devenues des filiales de groupes étrangers devraient être concernées comme Le Bon Coin, Rakuten France et Meetic,notamment.

Selon Attac cependant, 64% du chiffre d'affaires des Gafam échappera à la taxe. "Le projet du gouvernement est loin de résoudre l'anomalie qu'il prétend combattre", souligne l'ONG. Dans son rapport, Attac estime en effet à 9,4 milliards d'euros le chiffre d'affaires réalisé grâce à des ventes en France qui ne sont pas déclarées dans l'Hexagone. En moyenne, ces entreprises dissimulent 74% de leur chiffre d'affaires, avec des écarts allant de 58% pour Amazon à 85% pour Google, selon le document.

On comprend mieux dès lors l'acharnement de Bercy ! Mais les pays concernés ne pourraient-ils pas prendre des mesures de rétorsion? Si le géant Google a dit qu'il paierait, il n'en est pas de même pour d'autres qui ont vu leur valeur en bourse baisser à l'annonce de la taxe...

D'ailleurs certains pays se sont opposés à un projet du même ordre au niveau européen, dont l’Irlande. Et ce sont les Etats Unis qui ne veulent surtout pas d'une telle réglementation. Washington a jugé la semaine dernière la loi française « extrêmement discriminatoire à l’égard des multinationales basées aux Etats-Unis ».

Larry Ricky pour DayNewsWorld


While the French government seems reluctant about the citizens' initiative referendum, the Socialist Group in the National Assembly, for its part, announced on Tuesday that it had gathered the 185 signatures of parliamentarians necessary to initiate the procedure of organizing its parliamentary counterpart. what is the referendum of shared initiative against the privatization of Paris Airport.

Socialist deputies and senators but also the Republicans, communists and members of the group Libertés and territories, in total 197, have already given their agreement, announced the socialist deputy Boris Vallaud.

For the first time, the threshold of 185 parliamentarians necessary to trigger the process leading to the organization of a referendum of shared initiative (RIP) has thus been reached.

The provision is provided for in the Pact Act, which must be voted on definitively this week.

Of course, the organization of such a referendum also requires more than 4.5 million signatures of voters (10% of the electorate) in nine months to support this referendum proposal.

But between these two stages there is that, still very uncertain, the validation of the approach by the Constitutional Council. The latter must decide on the compliance of the initiative with the rules of the RIP.

"We did not want to commit the error that turned into a scandal, the privatization of motorways, with the privatization of Paris airports," Boris Vallaud told a press conference.

This is the first time that the measure, which was voted in 2008 under Nicolas Sarkozy, and entered into force under François Hollande, is launched.

Andrew Preston for DayNewsWorld



Pursued by Japanese justice for several months, Carlos Ghosn has decided to give us in a video his version of the facts before just been arrested again. And at the same time to scratch the Japanese legal system that does not seem to have anything to do with a fair trial.

The rigidity of a legal system

It was first his wife Carole who gave us some details about the Japanese justice. "I was searched several times, I was in pajamas!

A woman followed me into my shower, my toilet.

I felt humiliated. She recounts in the Sunday Diary, April 7, 2019, when her husband was once again arrested.

She protests against the system and calls France to help, not so that her husband receives a preferential treatment but to have a fair trial.

"I just received a message just a few minutes ago from my fellow Japanese lawyers who have just made a very unusual decision [...]

They just wrote to Tokyo's chief prosecutor asking him - I quote - to stop torturing Carlos Ghosn, "said Zimeray, a lawyer for the family on April 8. "Technically, when you try to interrogate someone eight hours a day, including at night, including at night (...) it's called torture.

Since he was re-arrested he is under that regime, "said the lawyer, adding that the United Nations had an expression to describe the Japanese system:" the system of the hostage. An expression that is cold in the back.

Three bowl of rice a day and incessant questioning.

Carlos Gohosn's first interrogation took place on his private jet on the tarmac on 19 November 2019 on the tarmac at Haneda Airport in Tokyo.

It lasts three hours and sets the tone for the next few months.

Months of custody in renewable!

A new arrest warrant, a new police custody!

Imprisoned, the car magnate Carlos could see his wife only 15 minutes a day, in the presence of a guard and with the obligation to speak to him in Japanese.

Difficult to understand when neither of them can master the language! He was also forced to sign written documents in Japanese, which were only translated verbally.

No wonder the CEO's health deteriorates.

"The first week, he lost ten pounds. He had a fever. He was deprived of his heart medicine: only Japanese drugs are allowed, "said Carole Ghosn recently. He is fed only three bowls of rice a day.

For his part, Anthony Ghosn, son of the couple, denounces the interrogation conditions. The former boss would be subject to the question two to three times a day, sometimes very early in the morning or very late at night, and for one to two hours each time. In a video recorded before his arrest, the former CEO of Renault-Nissan reaffirms his innocence and denounces the egoism of some Nissan leaders.

"It's a story of conspiracy, conspiracy, treason," insists Carlos Ghosn.

"It's a story of conspiracy, conspiracy, treason." This is how Carlos Ghosn summarizes the case that has already earned him three indictments and a new detention in Kosuge prison in Tokyo. The former leader of the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi Alliance again denounces the maneuvers of senior executives at Nissan who allegedly orchestrated his fall.

"There was the fear that the next stage of the Alliance in terms of convergence would threaten some people or possibly the autonomy of Nissan, which in the process has never been threatened in the last 19 years," he says. "But this autonomy is based on performance," says Carlos Ghosn who says that some leaders in the current management felt threatened, because of the "poor results" of the manufacturer.

These leaders have played "a game very unhealthy," says the former boss.Carlos Ghosn sweeps in this respect all the charges against him, reaffirms his love for Japan, is said today "worried" for the future from the Japanese manufacturer.

Faced with numerous international critics, Shin Kukimoto, deputy prosecutor of Tokyo, protested:

"Every country has its own history, its own tradition, its own judicial systems.

I do not criticize the rules of other countries just because they are different, and I find it wrong to do so. ", did he declare.

Alize Marion for DayNewsWorld


Carole Ghosn had joined her husband in Japan.

She was in Tokyo, alongside her husband, Thursday, April 4, during his umpteenth arrest.

She could no longer leave Japan, her Lebanese passport having been confiscated by the Japanese police.

But it was not counting on the American passport that holds the wife of Carlos Ghosn.

Carole Ghosn, therefore decided to leave Japan to return to France after the new arrest of her husband in Tokyo, Thursday, April 4.

"The Japanese police had taken my Lebanese passport but I had my US passport left," she said in an interview in the Sunday Journal.

She would have felt in danger.

"I waited to see if Carlos was going to stay in jail or if he could go out quickly.

When I realized and the lawyers told me that I could not communicate with him for days, I made my decision, "she says.

"On Friday evening, the French ambassador accompanied me to the airport, he did not let me go on the plane." "Until the last second, I did not know if they would let me take off."

"I thought I was reliving the scene of the movie Argo, until the last second I did not know if they would let me take off.

It was unreal. !!! "

Finally France begins to realize that the situation of the Ghosn is most delicate and that Carlos Ghosn has the right to a fair trial ???

"Everyone dropped it, out of cowardice, including the bosses. It disgusts me. "Concludes Carole Ghosn.

Britney Delsey for DayNewsWorld


The investigators from the prosecutor's office went early in the morning to Carlos Ghosn's building on Thursday morning in Tokyo.

He was taken to the Kosuge detention center, where he has already spent more than 100 days before being released on bail barely a month ago.

Like what happened after his initial arrest on November 19, he can remain in police custody for up to 22 days.

In detail, before the end of the first 48 hours, the prosecutor's office must request a ten-day extension for a judge and then another ten days for the purposes of the investigation.

The court gives the green light in the overwhelming majority of cases.

At the end of this period, the suspect can be charged, released without prosecution (in 50% of the cases) or arrested again for another reason.

Once custody ends, if charged, the suspect can then remain imprisoned pending trial.

Alone against all ?

"A small team of intriguers" against a fighting man who calls himself "innocent", a French citizen who has doubts about Japanese justice. Mr Ghosn's lawyers want a fair trial.

A relentless ... A hellish gear suffered by the captain of industry that is above all Carlos Ghosn proud to have been at the head of the Alliance.

Carl Delsey for DayNewsWorld
There are no translations available.


Les députés donnent leur feu vert à la privatisation d’Aéroports de Paris.

En effet l’Assemblée nationale a adopté en nouvelle lecture l’article 49 du projet de loi Pacte, qui prévoit de supprimer l’obligation pour l’Etat de détenir la majorité du capital d’ADP.

« On ne pourra pas dire que le débat sur la privatisation d’Aéroports de Paris a été escamoté. » lancé a le ministre de l’économie, Bruno Le Maire.

Mais l’opposition comme la majorité se sont inquiétés du fait que l’exécutif cède une entreprise « stratégique » pour la France en termes d’aménagement du territoire, d’emploi local ou de sécurité des frontières.

« Un choix stupide », « un sacrilège », la privatisation d’Aéroports de Paris passe donc mal à l’Assemblée. Même M. de Courson tout en soutenant le projet, a toutefois jugé « non recevable » le principal argument du gouvernement et de la majorité qui, pour justifier la privatisation, mettent en avant le « fonds d’innovation de rupture », une enveloppe qui sera abondée par le fruit de la transaction et qui doit servir à financer des projets technologiques (intelligence artificielle, nanoélectronique, etc.).

« Tout ça ne tient pas debout ! », a lancé également le député Les Républicains Daniel Fasquelle.

Petit historique

L’Assemblée nationale avait autorisé, jeudi 4 octobre, la privatisation de Groupe ADP (ex-Aéroports de Paris) ainsi que celle de la Française des jeux (FDJ), mesures phares du projet de loi Pacte (plan d’action pour la croissance et la transformation des entreprises).

Et ce au grand dam des oppositions de droite comme de gauche :dans la bouche d'Eric Woerth comme dans celle de Boris Vallaud «Renoncez à ces privatisations!». «Si nous avons une coalition d'opposition entre la droite, la gauche, les insoumis et le PCF, c'est que nous avons tous le sentiment d'une grande braderie des biens de la nation», a résumé Philippe Gosselin chez les Républicains

L'Assemblée nationale a donné, par 39 voix contre 7, son feu vert à la privatisation d'Aéroports de Paris (ADP) dans le cadre de l'examen en première lecture de la loi Pacte. Le régime juridique et le cahier des charges d'ADP ont cependant été modifiés. Ainsi si l'Etat ne doit plus conserver 50% des parts, la future privatisation d'ADP prendra la forme d'une concession limitée à 70 ans «pour ne pas conférer un droit illimité à un acteur privé», a précisé le ministre de l'Économie, Bruno Le Maire.

«L'État disposera d'un pouvoir de décision, c'est également l'État qui fixera les orientations sur le développement des aérodromes, c'est encore lui qui, faute d'accord, imposera la réalisation d'investissements nécessaires au service public aéroportuaire», a détaillé le ministre.

Histoire de ne pas commettre les mêmes erreurs que lors de la privatisation des autoroutes. Cette concession sera donc encadrée par «un cahier des charges strict et contraignant» fixant les critères - prix et projet - de l'opération. L’Etat retrouvera la pleine propriété du foncier et des infrastructures et les modalités de fixation de l’indemnité que recevra ADP dans 70 ans.

Le groupe français Vinci, déjà actionnaire d'ADP, s'est montré intéressé pour cette opération. Le gouvernement serait disposé à ouvrir la possibilité d'une participation des collectivités franciliennes.

D'aucuns redoutent cependant «l'actionnaire non souhaitable» en clair chinois.Les députés ont dans la foulée voté, par 48 voix contre 12, l'article du projet de loi qui permet le transfert au privé de la majorité du capital de la Française des Jeux (FDJ) , actuellement détenu à 72% par l'État. Ce dernier doit conserver «au minimum» 20% des parts. Le dossier de la FDJ n'est pas encore terminé. Avant toute privatisation, le gouvernement entend créer une nouvelle autorité de régulation des jeux.

Afin de se conformer à la réglementation européenne qui prévoit un contrôle public étroit sur les entreprises en situation de monopole, l’Etat pourrait en outre conserver une participation importante dans l’exploitant du Loto, de l’ordre de 25 % ou 30 %. Le sujet est sensible compte tenu des risques d’addiction et de blanchiment d’argent.

Pourquoi ces privatisations ?

Les opérations envisagées chez ADP, la FDJ et bientôt chez Engie peuvent au total rapporter en théorie près d'une vingtaine de milliards d'euros à l'État. (ADP : 9,5 milliards , Engie 7,8 milliards,. FDJ pas cotée mais valorisée autour de 3 milliards d'euros).

Le produit de ces cessions contribuera ainsi à alimenter le fonds pour l’innovation doté de 10 milliards d’euros créé en début d’année mais aussi à participer pour moitié au désendettement de l’Etat.

Face à l'opposition qui l'accuse sans surprise de «brader les bijoux de famille», Bruno Le Maire revendique de «redéfinir les rôles respectifs de l'État et des entreprises»: «Le rôle de l'État n'est pas d'encaisser des dividendes». Bruno Le Maire se veut partisan d’un Etat « stratège plutôt que rentier » , « un État capable d’inventer et construire l’avenir des Français ». Encore faut-il avoir envie de confier l’invention et la construction de votre avenir à l’État ?

Le gouvernement espère que les investisseurs particuliers souscriront massivement à cette émission d’action pour « redynamiser l’actionnariat populaire ».Il faut dire que l’actionnariat populaire fond comme neige au soleil....

Encore faut-il être convaincus des bienfaits d’être actionnaire d’une entreprise « privatisée »

Jaimie Potts pour DayNewsWorld



If it had been through the "judicial recovery" box (and its forced negotiations that lasted in time), the printing house Arjowiggins Security, of Crève Cœur (it does not invent !) Of Jouy sur Morin was liquidated in less 15 days, while it had a full order book until 2020 and it held to its credit, many High Tech Patents.

Never seen ! And for some, many, the suspect !

The suspect because the other units of the Arjowiggins Group (the Sarthe sites of Saint Mars beer or Besse sur Braye, Château Thierry too) who do not manufacture them strategic paper, have just been saved thanks to the takeover offer by the Scandinavian Lassabo Group, which has until 15 March 2019 to complete its takeover bid before the Commercial Court of Nanterre. The Norwegian boss, Terge Haglund has also come to greet employees (reassured since) of the two sites in Sarthe, last Tuesday, March 12.

For a better understanding of the sit uation, let us specify that it is the lawyer Thomas Holland, the son of the former President of the Republic who is in charge of the interests of the employees in the file of recovery ?

The suspect because it is the company Arjowiggins Security alone, which closed permanently January 31, 2019, while it was she who manufactured our greeting cards and our bank notes.

Arjowiggins Security also manufactured, for example, banknotes of Saudi Arabia and Israel.

The passports of Alexandre Benalla are certainly also out of Crève Cœur ...

This paper that disappears was therefore a very sensitive paper, strategic.

The company of Jouy sur Morin which had a knowledge of 400 years was de facto classified "strategic enterprise" Its disappearance will force the French State to have its official papers manufactured abroad, in Spain or in Bulgaria ?? A funny situation!

It is a jewel of the French industry that Emmanuel Macron and Bruno Le Maire have sacrificed, cynically and in the greatest opacity.

Jouy sur Morin's printing and making of technical coated paper belonged to Groupe Sequana until 2018.

The history of Sequana goes back to the creation in 1848 of the House Worms which became Bank Worms, well introduced under the Government of Vichy.

In 1997, the Worms Banking Group was taken over by the Agnelli Family (at the head of Fiat Automobile de Turin) after passing through the "nationalization" box in 1981.

In 2007 Worms refocuses on its paper companies and becomes the Sequana Company, of which the State is the majority shareholder.

Everything had started well, under the best auspices of the Lebard Family, whose father Daniel came out "rinsed" in 2007 from the dark "Rhodia affair", "the history of the biggest French financial scandal" in which the former Nicolas Sarkozy's finance minister, Thierry Breton was delicately mixed and also a story at the end of which the Swiss banker Edouard Stern was curiously murdered.

Pascal Lebard, son of Daniel, who previously managed a portfolio for the Worms and Agnelli decided in 2007 to take the lead and 22% of Sequana Capital. But the company, which before that date was profitable, sting quickly after the reversal of the paper market.

Fearing an "industrial accident at Boussac" Sequana becomes for the executive in place in 2012, "a political issue that risks igniting the timber industry and the Syndicate CGT Book".

But who was President of the Republic on that date? Guess? François Hollande of course, a François Hollande whose Secretary General of the Elysée at the time was none other than a certain Emmanuel Macron ...

To avoid dismissal procedures, the CIRI (Interministerial Committee for Industrial Restructuring) and the FSI (Strategic Investment Fund) then provide through the BPI (Public Investment Bank) 135 million public funds that disappear gradually asset disposals and restructurings. By its participations, the state nevertheless becomes majority!

But Sequana continues to lose money so that the Group is in a position to interest an investment fund led by Jacques Veyrat and his company Impala. For the record, Jacques Veyrat began his professional career at the direction of CIRI in 1989 ...

Impala makes a nice financial transaction in a round-trip lightning after which it sells in early 2018 Arjowiggins Security to a Swiss vulture fund, Blue Motion Holding Technology, which does not waste time and immediately empties the funds of the company. End 2018 Arjowiggins Security is dying.

Financial scandals after financial scandals, it is clear that the state, which has always held key positions in the company did not assume its role as strategist, even though he gave a lot of money (at total nearly 250,000,000 euros), found in the pockets of taxpayers. And the answer to the question that comes back in this moment: "but what did you do with our cash ?" Immediately appears.

This is why the "liquidation blitz" of Arjowiggins has heated the spirits, especially those 240 workers (who have a unique expertise) who began to burn roll after roll, every twelve hours, in the midst of the Yellow Vest crisis, the strategic paper in stock and the other 500 surrounding indirect jobs.

The feat of the future of Arjowiggins scandalized and questioned.

Indeed, Emmanuel Macron, like Bruno Le Maire (and all their clique) have today, according to our excellent colleague Pierre Jovanovic "the blood of France on the hands".

For reading this industrial haemorrhagic odyssey, we seek to understand why the state, which had the means, financial and regulatory abandoned this printing, physically as a military installation or as a nuclear installation, surrounded by barbed wire. Strategic enterprise requires!

Why the state did not immediately create a public agency or an EPIC, Public Establishment of recovery of this industrial gem ?

For Pierre Jovanovic, by liquidating this company, "these politicians did not act by chance". Emmanuel Macron, who did not show himself to Jouy sur Morin, would have, he said, "removed from the state any possibility of going backwards in case France decided to leave the EU and the euro". A policy of the burned land preventive in case the populists come to win the European elections of May 26, 2019 ...

Waiting for this date, we understand better why it is increasingly difficult and time to obtain a registration card, a passport, an identity card or a vital card. ...

But also, by delving into the details of the adventure of Sequana and Arjowiggins Security, we better understand why the Yellow Vests denounce more and more "the disappearance of public services", a criticism that comes first in the notebooks grievances of the Great Debate.

This explains that because in this example, the state is strongly responsible for this situation.

Clara Mitchell pour DayNewsWorld



Bernard Arnault is still the richest of the French. The CEO of the world luxury giant LVMH, Bernard Arnault, remains the first French fortune and the fourth world, according to the list of Forbes published this Tuesday, March 5.

His fortune is $ 76 billion, or 66.9 billion euros. In the French ranking, he is ahead of L'Oreal's heiress, Françoise Bettencourt Meyers.

The only daughter of Liliane Bettencourt takes "the honorary title of the richest woman in the world" with a fortune of 43.4 billion euros (49.3 billion dollars, 15th in the world rank).

Four other women, all heirs, are billionaires in France: Marie Besnier-Beauvalot, Carrie Perrodo, Anne Beaufour and Marie-Hélène Dassault.

The fortune of the ultra-rich continues to grow

On the third step of the podium, François Pinault, at the head of Kering, rival of LVMH. His fortune grew by almost 12% in one year to reach 26.1 billion euros (29.7 billion dollars).

Also in the high-growth luxury sector, we find the owners of Chanel, the two brothers Wertheimer, with an estimated fortune for each of them to 12.8 billion euros ($ 14.6 billion).

The fortune of the Dassault family is estimated at $ 24 billion, divided into four equal parts representing the four children of Serge Dassault, who died in 2018.

"The 2019 vintage of the billionaires hexagonal sees emerging two new trends: the club of ultra-rich is expanding and their fortune has continued to grow," says the magazine. Xavier Niel loses ten places !

"The most noticeable fall is Xavier Niel, the founder of Iliad-Free, who lost ten places, after a dark year on the stock market," said Forbes. He is thus 18th in the ranking with a fortune estimated at 4.1 billion dollars (3.6 billion euros).

In general, the bosses of the technology companies applied to finance "have come down from their pedestal, after bad fortunes in the stock market".

Boby Dean for DayNewsWorld


3.7 billion euros, this is the fine imposed on the UBS bank for illegal banking and aggravated money laundering. The heaviest sentence ever pronounced by the French justice in a case of tax evasion!

Accused of having established a "structured and old organization" to facilitate tax evasion in France, UBS is condemned to pay € 3.7 billion fine and 800 million damages to the French State. This is exactly what the National Finance Prosecutor's Office (PNF) required.

The Swiss bank has announced that it will appeal. Even if this conviction is contested on appeal, it is the heaviest sentence imposed by the French justice in a case of tax evasion.

It was the first major tax evasion trial in France that ended in an exceptional judgment both in its severity and the amounts requested.

The Paris Criminal Court on Wednesday (February 20th) sentenced the UBS bank, the world's largest private bank, to a record fine of € 3.7 billion. An amount equal to the sum recovered by the State from UBS customers.

The Union of Swiss Banks is sent back to the French courts for illegal soliciting and the receipt of money laundering aggravated by tax evasion, which means that it is suspected of having sent agents from Switzerland to France, between 2004 and 2009, to to offer French customers financial packages allowing them to escape the tax system.

During sports events, shows or stays offered to customers, contacts were made and many accounts were opened...

Jaimie Potts for DayNewsWorld


At least 18 people died Sunday in a double attack on a church on the island of Jolo in the southern Philippines, which remains a bastion of the Islamist organization Abu Sayyaf.

The attack comes two days after the announcement of massive approval, in a referendum last Monday, of the creation in the south of the Philippines Bangsamoro autonomous region, as part of the peace process with the Muslim insurgency. .

Photos broadcast by the army show the doors and windows of the cathedrals pulverized, its benches returned.

A photographer on the scene also saw many bodies strewn on the ground.

Five soldiers and 12 civilians were killed in this double attack, which also left 57 injured, the officer said. "It's probably a terrorist act. There are people who do not want peace, "he added.

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte's spokesman condemned "a terrorist act".

"We will continue to the end of the world the cruel perpetrators of this despicable crime until each of the killers is brought to justice and put behind bars," said in a statement this spokesman.

The province of Sulu, to which belongs Jolo, a stronghold of Abu Sayyaf, has voted against the creation of the new Bangsamoro Autonomous Region.

The island of Jolo is indeed one of the main bastions of Abu Sayyaf, an extremist branch of the Muslim separatist insurgency. Specializing in villainous kidnappings, this organization was created in the 1990s thanks to the funding of a family member of al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden.

It is also accused of the worst attacks in the archipelago, especially that against a ferry that had more than 100 dead in 2004.

The establishment of this area in a predominantly Muslim territory - while the archipelago is predominantly Catholic - aims at the restoration of peace after decades of a conflict that has left tens of thousands dead.

Britney Delsey for DayNewsWorld



Renault turns the page Carlos Ghosn. Thursday, January 24, the board of directors of Renault meets this Thursday to establish a "sustainable" governance according to Bruno Le Maire.

Incarcerated for more than two months in Japan, the man who had been running Renault since 2005 agreed to resign just before the board of directors appointed to appoint his successors.

The French group has chosen current Michelin boss Jean-Dominique Senard as the new chairman of the board of directors.

At 65, Mr. Senard becomes the eleventh president in the history of Renault.

Thierry Bolloré, who had taken over the reins of the company after the arrest of Carlos Ghosn was, for its part, confirmed to the post of general manager of the company.

The two functions are henceforth separate, as the State, the main shareholder of Renault with 15% of the capital and 22% of the voting rights wished.

Thierry Bolloré returned the role of ensuring the day-to-day management while Jean-Dominique Senard will focus on the main orientations for the group while taking over the presidency of the Renault-Nissan alliance, a position also occupied by Carlos Ghosn.

The succession of Carlos Ghosn does not sweep the uncertainties for the French manufacturer.

It is also necessary to wait for the end of the internal investigation launched on the practices at the level of Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi, the joint venture under Dutch law which manages the synergies between the members of the Alliance that must save Mr. Senard.

A difficult task as relations between Renault and Nissan are deleterious since the arrest and indictment of Carlos Ghosn.

Britney Delsey for DayNewsWorld


Having decided not to participate in the forum of Davos which gathers the gotha ​​of the world economy, and this to solve the social emergency, Emmanuel Macron chose to gather this Monday with Versailles 150 bosses French and foreigners.

This summit comes as the national economy is running out of steam, job creation is capping and business failures should resume, according to Euler Hermès

Since his inauguration, Mr. Macron has repeatedly received large international groups to convince them to invest in France.

And it renews this year's successful experience of last year where 3 billion investments over 5 years had been announced in France, with commitments from companies like Google.

The stated goal: to praise the attractiveness of France and reassure in full movement of the "yellow vests". By bringing 150 bosses to Versailles, "our desire is to highlight the opportunities in the territories by making known the different regions and their know-how.

We will also have French companies of different sizes, representing the economic fabric in the region, " said the Elysee.

"When big groups come to France, they are jobs in the territories. That's why we are fighting to have investments in the region, "the source added.

Virtually the entire government needs to welcome and talk to business leaders from around the world starting at 3 pm

Last year, the slogan was "France is Back". This year, the operation "Choose France" takes place in the context of "yellow vests" movement abroad worried about the stability of the country.

The head of state to give assurances that the course will not change after the great debate, especially about taxation that will continue to encourage investment. The head of state to convince that the prosecution of its reforms will increase the attractiveness of France, and get new foreign investment.

Investments worth several hundred million euros should be announced during this second summit "Choose France", says the Presidency of the Republic..

Abby Shelcore for DayNewsWorld


The French State had hitherto supported Carlos Ghosn. He has just released him now asking for the appointment of a successor at the head of Renault. A board of directors should be convened in the coming days.

"I always said, recalling the presumption of innocence of Carlos Ghosn, that if it were to be permanently prevented, we should move to a new stage. We are there, "admitted Bruno Le Maire, Minister of the Economy.

Incarcerated in Japan since November 19 for breach of trust and financial malpractice, Carlos Ghosn will lose his last title, that of CEO of Renault, Nissan and Mitsubishi having removed him from the post of chairman of the board from the end of November .

"In this new phase, we now need a new sustainable governance for Renault," added the Minister of the Economy, while several emissaries of the French government dispatched to Tokyo on Wednesday discussed with protagonists of the Renault- Nissan.

The minister did not say whether the new CEO would also lead the alliance with the Japanese Nissan and Mitsubishi but was reassuring. "We want the alliance to last.

The question of participation in the alliance is not on the table, "he said.

The French state is Renault's largest shareholder, with 15.01% of the capital. Nissan holds 15%, but without voting rights in general meeting. Renault controls 43% of Nissan, which it saved from bankruptcy almost 20 years ago. Nissan also owns 34% of Mitsubishi Motors, the latest addition to the alliance born in 1999.

Asked about the possible candidacy of Jean-Dominique Sénard, the outgoing president of Michelin, Bruno Le Maire praised the qualities without pronouncing so far.

"He's a big industrialist, a man who has a social conception of the company and has demonstrated it many times," he said, noting that he was also "a specialist in the automotive sector." .

He assured, however, that "the State will decide on the basis of the candidates who will be submitted to it as a reference shareholder".

Under three indictments, the French Samurai is currently in pre-trial detention until at least March 10th. That's why his lawyers appealed and asked for his release on bail.

Britney Delsey for DayNewsWorld


The prosecutor's office requires the dismissal of François Fillon, a former presidential candidate, and his wife Penelope Fillon in a correctional court on Friday, 11 January. It is now up to the judge to decide whether there will be a trial or not.

In the case of allegedly fictitious jobs, according to information from the World, the National Public Prosecutor's Office (PNF) signed, Wednesday, January 9, an indictment in favor of the referral to the criminal court of François Fillon, his wife Penelope and his former deputy to the National Assembly, Marc Joulaud.

The prosecutor "wants to see judge [the couple] for various offenses: embezzlement of public funds, abuse of corporate property, aggravated fraud and complicity in these crimes."

Judge to decide

The investigating judge decides whether a correctional trial will take place for the former presidential candidate, his wife and former parliamentary deputy Marc Joulaud, also indicted.

In October, the investigating judges in charge of the investigation of the supposedly fictitious jobs of François Fillon's wife, had notified the end of their investigations following the investigation launched after revelations of the Chained Duck.

Indeed, the newspaper had revealed suspicions of fictitious use of Penelope Fillon, the wife of the candidate by titling in its edition of January 25, 2017 "The 600 000 € won by Penelope poisoning Fillon".

She was employed from 1986 to 2013 as a parliamentary assistant to her husband and his deputy, Marc Joulaud, and his activity raises questions.

Alyson Braxton for DayNewsWorld


Bad new for Carlos Ghosn. The businessman, who was first indicted on December 10 for reporting only half of his earnings from 2010 to 2015, is Friday accused of lowering his income by half as well from 2015 to 2018 up to 4 billion yen (31 million euros)

The prosecution accuses the CEO of Renault also of aggravated breach of trust, the boss having tried to cover by Nissan losses on personal investments at the time of the financial crisis of October 2008.

Greg Kelly's right hand man, suspected of involvement in the revenue concealment, was also indicted. Just like Nissan, as a moral entity.

In fact, according to the judges, the manufacturer is liable because he has sent false declarations to the stock market authorities as part of his annual financial reports.

The CEO of Renault claimed his innocence during a hearing on Tuesday, December 8, his first public appearance since his arrest, claiming to be "falsely accused and detained unfairly."

He assured "to have acted with honor, legally and with the knowledge and approval of the leaders" of the Japanese manufacturer.

His lawyer, Motonari Otsuru, announced on Friday that he had filed for bail, but he had little chance of success because, in order to be granted, the defendant must not reject the charges against him.

Motonari Otsuru has therefore deemed it likely that Carlos Ghosn, arrested since 19 November, will remain in detention until the start of his eventual trial, which could be held in about six months.

Alyson Braxton for DayNewsWorld



Thin, handcuffed, a rope around his waist, sandals green plastic foot before the start of the session that lasted almost two hours, the CEO of Renault Carlos Ghosn appeared publicly for the first time in a Japanese court, at the request of his advice this morning.

An exceptional moment before the trial itself, which allowed Carlos Ghosn to appear in front of the restricted audience in the courtroom and to claim his innocence.

The lawyers of the boss of the Renault-Nissan alliance had indeed requested, pursuant to Article 34 of the Constitution, to hear from the mouth of a judge the reasons for the continued detention of their client. Such a rare appearance procedure, only 0.6% of those who made such a request last year.

In this first session before Judge Yuichi Tada, nearly two months after his surprise arrest in Tokyo, Carlos Ghosn managed to lay the groundwork for his defense by claiming his attachment to Nissan and his pride in having it straightened. "I was unfairly accused and detained on baseless charges," he said.

Speaking in English, Carlos Ghosn recalled having dedicated "two decades of his life to take up Nissan and build the alliance", a company he says he loves.

The Franco-Lebanese-Brazilian states "to have acted with honor, legally and with the knowledge and approval of the leaders of the company," according to a written statement he read. So, according to him, everything he did was endorsed by the company. For Carlos Ghosn, this is a way to take on a greater responsibility by Nissan.

He also assured that he did not cover personal losses with Nissan detailing the transactions for which he is accused of breach of trust. The sums paid by a Nissan subsidiary to the Saudi businessman Khaled Juffali were paid, according to the defendant, for services rendered to help the group in the Gulf region.

For Carlos Ghosn's lawyer, Motonari Hatsuru, the purpose of the hearing was "to know the precise reason for the detention and the suspicions that still weigh on Carlos Ghosn" and to release his client.

But the judge justified the continued detention of the former president of Nissan by a risk of flight abroad "where he has bases" and alteration of evidence. "There is enough evidence to suggest that the suspect could encourage people to conceal offenses," said Judge Yuichi Tada.

Although this appearance has almost no chance to change the course of events, the symbolic significance remains strong for Mr. Ghosn who was finally able to break the media silence and give his version of the fact.

Alyson Braxton for DayNewsWorld




The Franco-Lebanese-Brazilian boss, who has been detained in Japan since 19 November, will finally be able to explain himself on Tuesday 8 January in the Tokyo court.

By activating Article 34 of the Japanese Constitution, Carlos Ghosn's lawyers cause the appearance of their client and thus obliges the prosecutor to clarify publicly the reason for his prolonged detention.

The son of Renault CEO Anthony Ghosn, in an interview with JDD on Sunday, says his father is "ready to defend himself vigorously" in a Tokyo court next Tuesday.

"For the first time, he will be able to express himself on the facts he is accused of, to give his vision.

I think everyone will be quite surprised to hear his version of the story. Until now, we have only heard the accusation. He will have ten minutes to express himself "and" he will not let go of anything ", continues Anthony Ghosn.

For two of Renault's CEO daughters who spoke in the New York Times columns, Hiroto Saikawa, Nissan's general manager, reportedly provoked the affair with the sole aim of rebalancing the balance of power in favor of Nissan within the New York Times. of the alliance between Renault and the Japanese car manufacturer.

The conditions of detention of the French boss in the Japanese prison are not very comfortable. According to his son,

"He resists, even if he lost about ten kilos by eating three bowls of rice a day . The conditions are not very healthy . "" The prosecutor has the right to question him at any time, two or three times a day.

He can come early in the morning and late at night. The interrogations last one or two hours, "says Anthony Ghosn, " but he takes all of this as a challenge "(a challenge) and" he reads books that are passed to him almost every day "according to his son.

So far, Carlos Ghosn has been held in prolonged detention in Japan for illegally denouncing his income in Nissan's annual reports to the stock market authorities and for a possible breach of trust, accusations that he categorically denies.

Would the Japanese power want to regain control of an automobile empire straightened by a French boss of engineering by grinding the latter in his jails for "tax fraud"?

France in the first place and the international community as a whole, who have had little or no evidence of the guilt of the boss Carlos Ghosn, remained very passive in this case.

Alyson Braxton for DayNewsWorld


The Japanese court has decided Sunday to extend his custody until 1 January. "Today, the decision was made to keep Mr. Ghosn in detention. Custody will expire on January 1, "the Tokyo District Court said in a statement.

This judicial decision is the latest rebound in the saga that has fascinated Japan and the business world since the arrest of the captain of industry on November 19 in Tokyo on the arrival of his private jet.

The former president of Nissan (and still CEO of Renault), was the subject Friday, December 21 of a new arrest warrant, the third, on additional charges, this time the breach of trust aggravated.

This new arrest is linked to the losses suffered during the subprime crisis of 2007-2008 by the company managing the assets of Mr. Ghosn.

These losses, amounting to 1.85 billion yen (14.5 million euros), were reported in October 2008 to Nissan's accounts.

Carlos Ghosn reportedly made personal losses on the accounts of Nissan in 2008. Between 2009 and 2014, a subsidiary of Nissan would have paid $ 14.7 million (12.8 million euros) to wealth manager.

The prosecution suspects Carlos Ghosn of having "failed in his role as CEO and caused harm to Nissan"

This type of crime is normally prescribed after seven years, according to Japanese law. But prosecutors say it does not apply to Ghosn because of the time he has spent abroad in the last decade.

The Franco-Lebanese-Brazilian has already been indicted on December 10 for failing to declare to the stock market authorities nearly 5 billion yen (38 million euros) of income over five years, from 2010 to 2015. His right arm the Greg Kelly, arrested at the same time as him, was also indicted.

To the Minister of Justice, Takashi Yamashita, in response to criticisms of the functioning of the Japanese justice system, to declare that the proceedings "are in accordance with the law" and that, as a result, "there is no to criticize. "

Jenny Chase for DayNewsWorld


As usual, it was with a weet, his favorite communication weapon, that the US President had last Monday called on the FED not to raise its interest rate, whereas it planned to increase it from 2 , 25% to 2.50%, or in a range between these two rates.

The Fed did not follow the President's urgent recommendation. It increased its key rate on Wednesday 19 December 2019. It was set at 2.50%

For Donald Trump this increase was simply a mistake, "inspired by meaningless numbers".

The Fed is currently chaired by Jerome Powell, a close friend of Donald Trump, who, however, at the end of November had publicly felt that "until then, he was not, if only a little satisfied with his appointment of Jay Powell". According to Donald Trump and his legendary instinct, this new increase will increase all consumer loans and mortgages, measures that will necessarily be unpopular.

And we know that Donald Trump is already thinking about his re-election!

But above all, these increases will strengthen the dollar, which will counteract its objectives of reducing the US trade deficit, making imports cheaper and US products more expensive to export.

But also, this increase is totally inappropriate given the uncertainties weighing on the US and global economy. This increase has already had an immediate impact on the stock markets which have immediately unscrewed. It was the Nikkei who opened the ball; a few hours after the European stock markets showed a sharp drop. Wall Street was no exception.

On this last decision of the FED, the US President attacked frontally, saying: "It's incredible, with a very strong and virtually expensive dollar, no inflation, the world that explodes around us, Paris that burns and China on a downward slope, the Fed is still proceeding to a new increase in its interests.

This open criticism has not been of the taste, of course, of the leaders of the FED which since its creation claims its independence vis-à-vis the political power.

Note that everything is in the word "independence!

Indeed, according to the economic and monetary doxa that has dominated for many decades, a Central Bank must be independent. An independence considered as a postulate, an indispensable condition.

Yes, but ! Central banks are independent only vis-à-vis the political authorities. For the rest, in fact they have no real power, or more precisely, little power of power.

Everything happens on the top floor, at the top of the pyramid (which is on the dollar bill)

It is on this last floor that an international organization, very little known to the general public, created in 1930 (after the crisis of 1929) in the form of a public limited company, is held. This public limited company is the Bank of Regulations i International Bank (BIS), Bank for International Settlement. It is the oldest of the international financial organizations.

It is based in Basel (Switzerland). It owns all the central banks, and therefore holds the FED, which has always operated with public capital, (very little) and private capital dominated, private capital mainly from the Rothschild dynasty, but also Rockefellers, Lehmann brothers, Goldman Sax etc .. (It has always been very difficult to know exactly the respective weight of these families, it is the best kept secret in the world).

Nevertheless, it is known that the Rothschild dynasty holds the largest share of its capital. This dynasty is the most powerful of the Earth, its wealth being estimated at 500 000 billion $ (to give a scale the budget of France for 2018 amounted to 2200 billion €). It should be remembered that the role of a Central Bank is to create the currency, put it into circulation and ensure the functioning of their distribution system.

The FED therefore has the power to print money, on behalf of the US government "which pays him interest for the extreme favor it is given", which interests that constitute the burden of debt in budgets public go directly into the pocket of this little caste. Even if in the US as in France, the public depnese is fed by many wasteful and useless duplicates, we understand better after these explanation or our money goes ...

The power of these families, which represent 1% of the world's population, is therefore considerable. It is an elite that very cleverly forces the American state (like many other Western states) to levy ever more taxes.

In the light of these explanations, you will have understood why Donald Trump, victorious in the last American presidential election, defeated America and America (American First), and set himself up as an anti-system candidate. just took serious risks, political and personal.

The current President of the FED, Jerome Powell, who is nevertheless a close friend of Donald Trump, could not resist the pressure of the financiers of the FED (Rothschild and C °) ....

However, we must salute the short victory he has achieved, namely that the Fed will only increase twice, instead of the three initially forecasting its interest rates in 2019.

Courageous Donald, who has exposed himself personally, in a general context "scary" for Americans.

Recall before we finish, that at least 7 American presidents who opposed the financial oligarchy and the cartel of the banks were murdered: Abraham Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, John Kennedy and maybe even Franklin D. Roosevelt..........

Clara Mitchell for DayNewsWorld



Numerous were the files on the cabinet table this Wednesday, December 19th. Smic increase, expansion and increase of the activity premium, cancellation of the rise of the CSG for the modest pensioners ...

The draft law on emergency measures was tabled Wednesday "before noon" in the Assembly, announced after the Council of Ministers Benjamin Griveaux.

At the end of the cabinet meeting, government spokesman Benjamin Griveaux returned to the implementation of the various reforms related to purchasing power, announced by Emmanuel Macron on December 10, in response to the movement of yellow vests.

1 ° Smic and activity bonus:

The decree upgrading the Smic by 1.5% on 1 January next was adopted on Wednesday in the Council of Ministers, announced Benjamin Griveaux in his report. This mechanical revaluation will bring, in gross, the hourly Smic of 9,88 to 10,03 euros and the Smic monthly of 1,498,47 to 1,521,22 euros for a full time, an increase of 22,75 euros, a-t -He specifies.

This automatic increase is calculated according to two criteria: the inflation observed for the 20% of households with the lowest incomes and half of the gain in purchasing power of the hourly wage base worker and employee (SHBOE).

To achieve the presidential goal of a net income increase of 100 euros net for employees earning around the Smic, the executive has chosen to go through the activity bonus. The government spokesman confirmed the expansion of the activity premium to 5 million homes in France. The persons eligible for this premium will be able to benefit from it as from February 5th from the moment they have made the request to the Family Allowances Fund. But 45% of Smic people will not have 100 euros because they are in homes that touch two more than 3,000 euros net per month.

2 ° The exceptional bonus

An exceptional bonus paid by companies to employees paid up to 3,600 euros will be paid before March 31, it will concern "4 to 5 million employees," said Wednesday Benjamin Griveaux. This exceptional bonus, which may reach 1,000 euros, will be exempt from all social charges and income tax. It must be paid before March 31, 2019. Employers are not required to pay this premium. Some large groups have already announced that they would do it.

3 ° The CSG

The abolition of the increase in the CSG, for pensioners receiving less than 2,000 euros per month, will apply no later than July 1, 2019. The 3.5 million retirement homes affected by this announcement will be fine is well support the rise of the CSG from January 2019 before being "fully reimbursed no later than July 1 [...] through a big check or transfer," said Muriel Penicaud, Monday, December 17.

4 ° Overtime

The text provides unsurprisingly the tax exemption for overtime from 1 January.

A set of measures with an estimated cost of 10 billion euros.

Jaimie Potts for DayNewsWorld


When France begins to live in some regions to slow down economically following the movement of "yellow vests", the federations CGT and FO of the road transport call to strike from Sunday evening. Supporting "yellow vests" they intend to defend the purchasing power.

They call for a strike from Sunday evening, from 22H and for an indefinite period qualifying as "crumbs" the measures announced Tuesday by the Prime Minister. FO, the third organization in the sector, calls on the government immediately to open negotiations with employers, in particular on the transport bonus. ". The sector, consisting of truck drivers, ambulance drivers, fund transporters or movers, has some 700,000 employees.

In the visor of both unions also: a recent decision of the State Council planing the overtime of truck drivers. The two organizations are challenging a decision of the State Council, which annulled the provisions of a 2016 decree setting increases of 25% and 50% for the overtime of drivers, reducing them to 10%. The CGT believes that this decision "may have negative repercussions on (the) purchasing power" of truckers.

Decision that would make them "lose between 300 and 1200 euros per month", according to Patrice Clos, secretary general of FO Transport and Logistics. "We are convinced that since the decision of the Council of State the overtime lock has skipped for the road transport of goods. Can be read in a joint statement of the two unions.

For the Ministry of Transport it is "a strike that has no reason to be" arguing that this decision, dated November 28 and canceling a decree of November 17, 2016, "will have no consequence and change nothing in practice, "says the ministry. "It was expected for legal reasons and was perfectly anticipated by the government. He adds.

"An article of the bill of orientation of mobilities (Article number 42), which has just been presented in the Council of Ministers, provides for securing the primacy of the branch agreement to determine the rates of increase of overtime. This will always remain the branch agreement that will apply in this area, today as well as tomorrow, "says the ministry.

France is likely to be economically paralyzed within three weeks of the end of year festivities.

Jaimie Potts for DayNewsWorld


The UK government has made it clear that "no deal" would mean a 9.3% drop in GDP in 15 years. Only the agreement advocated by May could limit the breakage

"From a purely economic point of view, leaving the EU will have a cost. [...] What the Prime Minister is trying to do is minimize that cost, "Finance Minister Philip Hammond said in the early morning.

Whatever the exit scenario of the European Union (EU), the Brexit will bring the British economy into a zone of strong turbulence. This is the warning issued Wednesday, November 28 by the English government in a report that stresses that the agreement negotiated by Theresa May limit, him, the damage.

A decisive report that could make members recalcitrant to join the agreement sealed by the Prime Minister on Sunday with the other 27 EU countries while for the moment the vote of the British deputies on December 11 on the agreement is announced far from being won for Ms. May.

The report points out that an exit without agreement would cut the UK's gross domestic product by 9.3% in 15 years while the deal found by May, decried, including by the Conservative Party of the Prime Minister , will cost him, 3.9% to the GDP of the country. the 83-page report. The document stresses, however, that all these figures must be taken with the tweezers "because of the uncertainties inherent in this type of economic analysis"

"From a purely economic point of view, leaving the EU will have a cost. [...] What the Prime Minister is trying to do is minimize that cost, "said Finance Minister Philip Hammond earlier this morning on BBC Radio 4. Although the government does not give concrete numbers According to economists quoted by the PA agency, a lower GDP of 3.9% represents around 100 billion pounds by 2030.

A figure much higher than the current contribution of the British government to the EU budget.

Andrew Preston for DayNewsWorld




When custody of Carlos Ghosn in Japan was extended for ten days, Thierry Bolloré was temporarily appointed to the French manufacturer. "There is a solid governance that ensures the smooth running of Renault," reassured Bruno Le Maire Wednesday, November 21.

The Renault Board of Directors has kept the boss in his titles and functions while recognizing his temporary inability to run the company. "Mr. Ghosn, temporarily prevented, remains Chairman and Chief Executive Officer," said the statement issued at the end of the meeting.

In Paris, the French manufacturer and the State shareholder have no evidence on the investigation itself and the facts alleged against Mr. Ghosn. "I support the request of Renault's board to obtain all the information from Nissan about Mr. Ghosn," said Wednesday Mayor.

The group's CEO, at the head of the alliance between French Renault and Japanese Nissan since 1999, is suspected of having concealed the Japanese tax for half of his income for several years. A scandal that could make Nissan's business.

But, according to several industry experts, these revelations are timely when they see it as a "coup" orchestrated by Nissan.

Indeed Carlos Ghosn was preparing to do a kind of merger-acquisition between the two groups. Now Nissan weighs heavier than its French partner and doubtless feared a reinforced integration that would have lost its independence.

The alliance between French and Japanese groups goes back to 1999 while Nissan is on the brink of bankruptcy. With a severe restructuring plan (21,000 employees at the door, the closure of an industrial site, and the rupture of relations with historical suppliers by the competition) the automaker Nissan is saved

This alliance is based on a particular arrangement, with a cross participation of the two companies. Renault owns 43.4% of Nissan's capital, and the Japanese holds 15% of French. A Dutch company, equally owned by both groups, was founded in 2003: Renault-Nissan. Two independent entities.

The Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi alliance has become the world's largest car manufacturer: 10.5 million vehicles sold worldwide last year. It has 470,000 employees and 122 industrial sites in every continent.

In 1999, at the time of the merger, Renault has better health than its Japanese counterpart. But nearly twenty years later the balance of power has reversed, Nissan nearly nearly 100 billion turnover is twice as much as Renault with 58 billion.

However, the flagship of Japanese industry feared a reinforced integration that would have lost its independence and pleaded in vain for "rebalancing" its alliance with Renault, from 15 to 25% share in the French manufacturer.

"The French state now has a bigger weight. From Renault's point of view, this is a major problem, and for us, Nissan, it is a cause for concern ", denounced the director of competitiveness of Nissan at the conference presentation of half-year results in 2015.

If Carlos Ghosn has saved Nissan, he is still a stranger whose stranglehold on the alliance annoys. The small Micra sedan is manufactured only in France for example and part of the profits recovered by Renault. In addition, the excessive remuneration of Carlos Ghosn has attracted more and more criticism. In 2016, he received a total remuneration of 15.6 million euros, making him the third highest paid boss of the CAC 40 leaders.

A lapse so sudden that it could actually hide a "coup" of the Japanese group, according to some experts, for a rebalancing of powers within the Alliance in favor of the Japanese flagship.

Renault, the most affected by the case that affects its CEO, has so far remained cautious on this case.

Andrew Preston for DayNewsWorld




Carlos Ghosn , chairman of the Renault Nissan group was arrested in Tokyo on Monday (November 19th) after an internal investigation by Nissan, according to the Japanese newspaper Asahi. He is suspected of having undervalued his remuneration and especially of having used group money for personal purposes.

Ghosn was arrested on the orders of the Tokyo Prosecutor's Office. Nissan management has indicated that the board of directors will rule on his departure from the group presidency.

"The investigation has shown that over the years, Ghosn and Kelly have reported pay amounts lower than the actual amounts in reports on the Tokyo Stock Exchange to reduce the reported amount of remuneration of Carlos Ghosn," says the Japanese car manufacturer. According to the Japanese press agency Jiji, Carlos Ghosn has undervalued his compensation by almost half.

This case has had the effect of a bomb on the financial markets. The action of the French manufacturer lost nearly 10% in the early afternoon, after having dropped nearly 15% late in the morning. At the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, the title Nissan has declined in the same proportions. In Japan, the Nissan action collapsed.

This case touches one of the largest car manufacturers in the world. With 10.6 million cars and light trucks sold in 2017, the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi alliance has even reached for the first time the world's largest in the sector ahead of Volkswagen, Toyota and General Motors.

This case comes at the worst time for the Renault-Nissan group. The legitimacy and talent of the 64-year-old Franco-Brazilian leader is not questioned, the business world recognizes that Carlos Ghosn is undoubtedly one of the most emblematic corporate bosses who managed to save Nissan from bankruptcy and lead a winning strategy at Renault by developing low cost and weaving win-win links with Nissan.

The Renault-Nissan alliance (to which must be added Mitsubishi) forms an industrial system that manages to generate synergies in manufacturing, sales and research.

However, Carlos Ghosn is the main architect of this alliance that brought the group to the top. Carlos Ghosn has 120,000 employees and 38 factories around the world. His mission was to prepare the alliance to address the future of mobility, electricity and the maturity of Chinese markets.

In France, the State, the main shareholder of Renault (up to 15%), is for the moment remained discreet refusing any comment.

At a press conference at the group's headquarters in Yokohama, Hiroto Saikawa assured that "the alliance between the three entities" (Renault, Nissan and Mitsubishi Motors) would be "not affected by this event" acknowledging that the impact Renault would be "significant".

The diamond firm announced that its board "would meet as soon as possible" to think of a reaction .

Jaimie Potts for DayNewsWorld


On Tuesday, Emmanuel Macron and the King of Morocco inaugurated the first high-speed line (LGV) in Africa, 350 km long between Tangier and Casablanca, via Rabat. This LGV, built with the support of the SNCF and TGV trains, provided by Alstom, will put Casablanca at 2:10 of Tangier against 4h45 currently, and Rabat the political capital of the country, at 1:20, instead of 3:40 currently.

This line is considered as a showcase for the economic development of the kingdom and for the know-how of French companies.

LGV Morocco is first of all the fruit of a Franco-Moroccan strategic partnership, wanted in 2007 by Nicolas Sarkosy and the King of Morocco. France financed 51% of the project cost via various loans, ie € 1.1 billion.

SNCF brings its expertise in high speed design, construction of the LGV. It also ensures the operation and maintenance. All with the objective of a transfer of know-how.

Emmanuel Macron is accompanied to Morocco bosses of French companies involved in the project: Alstom (supply of trains), the consortium Ansaldo-Ineo (signaling and telecom), Cegelec (electrical substations) and consortium Colas Rail-Egis Rail ( track and catenary). SNCF provides project management assistance to the Moroccan National Railways Office (ONCF). Paris is trying to position itself to obtain other contracts in Africa even if the French TGV has had little success abroad so far (Spain, Korea, Italy).

Morocco is working to position itself as an "African hub" for foreign investors. This high-speed road will help develop a country by linking two major poles of the kingdom. An eight-year project for a train that will link the economic capital, Casablanca, Tangier, the second economic pole of the kingdom. With Tanger Med, Africa's leading port and the automotive ecosystem created around the Renault plant, Tangier has indeed become the country's second largest economic center after Casablanca.

The actual date of commercial commissioning for ordinary passengers is not yet known, but the ONCF expects six million passengers after three years of operation, which is double today.

The TGV line should then join two other major cities of Morocco: Marrakech and Agadir, further south.

And this despite the criticism of detractors of the TGV represented by the collective Stop TGV for which the State should instead invest in regional trains to open up the rural world in this country of 35 million inhabitants of the rail network undeveloped.

Carl Delsey for DayNewsWorld



The CumEx Files: it's a new tax evasion scandal. Several European Union states, including France, Germany and Denmark, lost about 55 billion euros because of a large financial package involving traders, banks and lawyers, reveal Thursday 18 October Le Monde and seventeen other European media who investigated jointly.

The huge tax fraud called "CumEx Files", revealed in Germany, has cost 55 billion euros to a dozen European countries, much more than the initial assessments, say 19 media Thursday in a joint investigation.

Unlike previous tax evasion cases, such as the Panama Papers case, this scandal does not involve the use of tax havens.

The fraud mechanism.

It is in fact to deceive the European states that have introduced a tax on dividends of shareholders.

This contentious arrangement attributed to a renowned German lawyer, Hanno Berger, consists of buying and selling shares around the day of payment of the dividend, so quickly that the tax administration no longer identifies the real owner.

The manipulation requiring the agreement of several investors makes it possible to claim several times the refund of the same tax on the dividend, thus hurting the taxman.

This is the mechanism of fraud revealed by 19 European media this Thursday.

Example of France.

France, for example, levies a tax of 15 to 30% each time a company pays a portion of its profits to its shareholders. But some foreign shareholders can benefit from a refund of this tax under conventions established between several countries.

What do we learn? In France, for fifteen years, a sophisticated stock traffic involving French banks such as BNP Paribas and Societe Generale has been realized.

The goal: to quickly transfer the shares between different foreign owners so that the European states struggle to find the real holders, and thus refunds several times the tax on dividends.

11 states concerned for a cost of 55.2 billion euros

Investigations by 19 European media conclude that "cum ex" cost € 55.2 billion to 11 states, namely Germany, France, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Austria, Finland, Norway and Switzerland.

The case broke out in 2012 in Germany, leading to the opening of six criminal investigations and the forthcoming trial in Wiesbaden, in the west, targeting Hanno Berger and several traders on the stock market.

On the basis of "information from tax authorities and market data analyzes" , the joint survey of the 19 media now details the alleged harm by country.

For Germany, the survey comes to 31.8 billion euros extorted from the German tax authorities. The scam would have also cost "at least 17 billion euros" to France, 4.5 billion to Italy, 1.7 billion in Denmark and 201 million euros to Belgium.

Garett Skyport for DayNewsWorld




Taxes have exceeded the 1,000 billion mark in France since taxes and social security contributions reached 1,038 billion euros in 2017, according to the report of the deputy En Marche Joel Giraud on the Finance bill.

Six levies are essential for public finances.

While the government claims to have granted 6 billion euros of tax cuts in the draft budget for 2019 the figure of 1000 billion gives material to be relativized.

Businesses and households now pay more than 1,000 billion compulsory levies each year.

More specifically, the sum of taxes and social security contributions reached 1.038 billion in 2017, according to the report of MP Joel Giraud (LREM) on the draft budget, published this Friday evening.

Certainly tax cuts have been announced as for the housing tax, the taxation of capital, and the reduction of contributions.

But the compulsory deductions will continue to increase in 2018 in absolute value, to be around 1.057 billion euros.

With Denmark, France is one of the OECD countries where economic actors are the most heavily taxed.

Of course this data also depends on the way social protection is financed (retirement or public or private health insurance).

But the tax rate will peak in 2017.

And what are the levies that earn the most to reach the sum of 1,000 billion?

1 ° Social contributions, weigh 385 billion

2 ° VAT, with 160 billion revenues distributed between the State, the regions and the Social Security administrations.

3 ° The CSG-CRDS, at 107 billion euros with a vertiginous rise in recent years (rate increased and its scope extended from year to year). In 2018 it will bring back 125 billion due to the rise of the CSG decided by Emmanuel Macron.

5 ° The income tax (73 billion)

6 ° The corporation tax (36 billion)

Not to mention the corporate tax, the TICPE (tax on petroleum products) and property tax and many others.

Britney Delsey for DayNewsWorld


There are no translations available.


Le prix Nobel d'économie a été attribué, lundi 8 octobre, aux chercheurs américains William Nordhaus et Paul Romer.

Il récompense leurs travaux sur la compatibilité entre les impératifs d’innovation, de lutte contre le changement climatique et la croissance économique.

Le premier, professeur à l'université de Yale, est récompensé pour ses travaux « intégrant le changement climatique dans les analyses macroéconomiques de long terme ».

Ses travaux font aujourd’hui autorité et servent à prédire ou quantifier les conséquences des politiques climatiques, comme par exemple la taxe carbone.

Le second, ancien économiste en chef de la Banque mondiale et enseignant à l'université de New York, est salué pour ses recherches « intégrant les innovations technologiques dans les analyses macroéconomiques de long terme ».

Il a montré comment « l’accumulation d’idées soutient la croissance économique sur le long terme » et a mis l'accent sur le rôle des forces économiques et des régulations dans « l’inclination » des entreprises à innover.

Les deux lauréats « ont mis au point des méthodes qui répondent à des défis parmi les plus fondamentaux et pressants de notre temps :

conjuguer croissance durable à long terme de l'économie mondiale et bien-être de la population de la planète », a indiqué l'Académie royale des sciences.

Ils se partageront le prix de 9 millions de couronnes.

Boby Dean pour DayNewsWorld


There are no translations available.


L’Assemblée nationale a autorisé, jeudi 4 octobre, la privatisation de Groupe ADP (ex-Aéroports de Paris) ainsi que celle de la Française des jeux (FDJ), mesures phares du projet de loi Pacte (plan d’action pour la croissance et la transformation des entreprises).

Et ce au grand dam des oppositions  de droite comme de gauche :

dans la bouche d'Eric Woerth comme dans celle de Boris Vallaud «Renoncez à ces privatisations!». «Si nous avons une coalition d'opposition entre la droite, la gauche, les insoumis et le PCF, c'est que nous avons tous le sentiment d'une grande braderie des biens de la nation», a résumé Philippe Gosselin chez les Républicains

L'Assemblée nationale a donné, par 39 voix contre 7, son feu vert à la privatisation d'Aéroports de Paris (ADP) dans le cadre de l'examen en première lecture de la loi Pacte. Le régime juridique et le cahier des charges d'ADP ont cependant été modifiés. Ainsi si l'Etat ne doit plus conserver 50% des parts, la future privatisation d'ADP prendra la forme d'une concession limitée à 70 ans «pour ne pas conférer un droit illimité à un acteur privé», a précisé le ministre de l'Économie, Bruno Le Maire.

«L'État disposera d'un pouvoir de décision, c'est également l'État qui fixera les orientations sur le développement des aérodromes, c'est encore lui qui, faute d'accord, imposera la réalisation d'investissements nécessaires au service public aéroportuaire», a détaillé le ministre.

Histoire de ne pas commettre les mêmes erreurs que lors de la privatisation des autoroutes. Cette concession sera donc encadrée par «un cahier des charges strict et contraignant» fixant les critères - prix et projet - de l'opération. L’Etat retrouvera la pleine propriété du foncier et des infrastructures et les modalités de fixation de l’indemnité que recevra ADP dans 70 ans.

Le groupe français Vinci, déjà actionnaire d'ADP, s'est montré intéressé pour cette opération. Le gouvernement serait disposé à ouvrir la possibilité d'une participation des collectivités franciliennes. D'aucuns redoutent cependant «l'actionnaire non souhaitable» en clair chinois.

Les députés ont dans la foulée voté, par 48 voix contre 12, l'article du projet de loi qui permet le transfert au privé de la majorité du capital de la Française des Jeux (FDJ) , actuellement détenu à 72% par l'État. Ce dernier doit conserver «au minimum» 20% des parts. Le dossier de la FDJ n'est pas encore terminé. Avant toute privatisation, le gouvernement entend créer une nouvelle autorité de régulation des jeux.

Afin de se conformer à la réglementation européenne qui prévoit un contrôle public étroit sur les entreprises en situation de monopole, l’Etat pourrait en outre conserver une participation importante dans l’exploitant du Loto, de l’ordre de 25 % ou 30 %. Le sujet est sensible compte tenu des risques d’addiction et de blanchiment d’argent.

Pourquoi ces privatisations ?

Les opérations envisagées chez ADP, la FDJ et bientôt chez Engie peuvent au total rapporter en théorie près d'une vingtaine de milliards d'euros à l'État. (ADP : 9,5 milliards , Engie 7,8 milliards,. FDJ pas cotée mais valorisée autour de 3 milliards d'euros).

Le produit de ces cessions contribuera ainsi à alimenter le fonds pour l’innovation doté de 10 milliards d’euros créé en début d’année mais aussi à participer pour moitié au désendettement de l’Etat.

Face à l'opposition qui l'accuse sans surprise de «brader les bijoux de famille», Bruno Le Maire revendique de «redéfinir les rôles respectifs de l'État et des entreprises»: «Le rôle de l'État n'est pas d'encaisser des dividendes». Bruno Le Maire se veut partisan d’un Etat « stratège plutôt que rentier » , « un État capable d’inventer et construire l’avenir des Français ». Encore faut-il avoir envie de confier l’invention et la construction de votre avenir à l’État ?

Le gouvernement espère que les investisseurs particuliers souscriront massivement à cette émission d’action pour « redynamiser l’actionnariat populaire ».Il faut dire que l’actionnariat populaire fond comme neige au soleil....

Encore faut-il être convaincus des bienfaits d’être actionnaire d’une entreprise « privatisée ».

Jaimie Potts pour DayNewsWorld



After announcing a new free trade agreement on Sunday, now called "Economic Agreement United States, Mexico, Canada" , the AEUMC, the Canadian Prime Minister announced "a good day" for his country.

The Trump method was rewarded Sunday at night. Donald Trump had called the Alena a "disaster" for US workers and industry throughout his 2016 campaign. He was already threatening to leave this agreement unilaterally.

The United States, Canada, and Mexico have finally reached an agreement on the reform of the Alena trade treaty that binds these three countries since 1994, just hours before the deadline set by Washington.

On Sunday, September 30, Canada joined the North American Free Trade Agreement (Alena) Modernization Agreement signed under George Bush Sr. in 1992 and came into force under Bill Clinton in 1994.

Alena, a trilateral agreement binding the three countries since 1994, is renamed the "Economic Agreement United States, Mexico, Canada", the AEUMC, according to a joint statement.

"The AEUMC will provide our workers, farmers, ranchers and businesses with a high quality trade agreement that will result in freer markets, fairer trade and strong economic growth in our region," said a joint statement. .

"We celebrate the trilateral agreement. It closes the door to the commercial fragmentation of the region. Alena 2 will bring security and stability to Mexico's trade with its North American partners, " tweeted Jesus Seade, who represented Mexican President-elect Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador during the negotiations.

In late August, the United States and Mexico announced a trade deal after weeks of negotiations, hoping that Canada would join them in giving birth to the free trade modernization agreement.

What are the arrangements contained in the new Alena?

1 ° The easing of the dairy market: the agreement offers the United States access to about 3.5% of the Canadian dairy market, valued at $ 16 billion, while protecting Canada from possible automobile tariffs. Washington would therefore lift the tariffs imposed on steel and aluminum, and agree not to impose on the important Canadian automotive industry, a threat brandished by the US President. Mr. Trudeau's government would also have obtained in exchange the "intact" maintenance of the commercial arbitration system in the new Alena, the AEUMC. (USMCA in English). Quebec, which produces three quarters of the milk, will see its milk producers compensated by the federal government for all related losses.

2 ° The setting up of a chapter on the environment. Washington and Ottawa have also agreed that the new trade treaty will create a chapter on the environment, a first since the creation of the Alena in 1994.

3 ° The confirmation of the Canadian cultural exception, very dear to Quebecers.

This agreement is similar to an armistice in the trade war between the two countries, comparable to that sealed this summer with the Europeans.

Remains the main conflict ahead: the trade clash between the United States and China or "a new cold war between dominant power and ascending power."

Jaimie Potts for DayNewsWorld



After the decriminalization of homosexuality in early September, it is the turn of adultery to finally be decriminalized in India.

The Supreme Court of India on Thursday decriminalized adultery in South Asia, where it was punishable by imprisonment, ruling the law discriminatory against women. A British colonial law article allowed up to five years in prison for anyone who had sex with a married woman without the consent of her husband.

"Considering adultery from a crime point of view is a retrograde step," said a panel of five Supreme Court justices in a unanimous decision.

Under this provision, women could not themselves complain of adultery, nor could they be held responsible for adultery, by doing only men's business.

The high court ruled that the law deprived women of their dignity and individual choice and treated them as the property of their husbands.

However, the judges said that adultery was a legitimate ground for divorce.

In 1954, the same Supreme Court had maintained the criminalization of adultery by considering at the time "that it is commonly accepted that it is the man the seducer, not the woman" .

In India social norms are very regressive and community laws are still of major importance in the country.

Thus the caste system still strongly impregnates social relations the "panchayats" (council of elders) remain very influential in the countryside. They approve of "honor killings" or rapes of women who have not followed customs.

Thus, three years ago, two sisters aged 15 and 23 were raped and naked in their village.

The village council decided on this public humiliation as a punishment for their brother who fled with a married woman belonging to the upper caste of Jats.

The weight of community traditions may weigh a little longer, however.

Britney Delsey for DayNewsWorld




Remains zero charge,financing of health plans and poverty but also quasi-freezing of pensions and family allowances, less well-reimbursed drugs for generics ...

Here are the main measures of the Draft Social Security Budget for 2019.

The measure will come into force on January 1, 2020 and will cover patients who refuse generics without medical justification.

Generic medicines

Patients refusing without medical justification generic drugs offered by their pharmacist will be reimbursed less from 2020, according to a provision of the draft social security budget unveiled on Tuesday. "The generic / princeps substitution rate to date exceeds 80% in France" but the "mechanisms for substitution now show some breathlessness," justifies the government. With these measures he hopes in the short term "less than 100 million euros" savings.

Health plan

The health sector, which will need € 3.8 billion in savings, will benefit from an additional budget of € 400 million to finance the main provisions of the health plan, including the creation of new health posts. medical assistants and the financing of territorial health professional communities.

To stop the race for volumes in hospitals, new funding methods will be set up with the creation of packages for chronic diseases, including diabetes and chronic renal failure by 2019. Zero charge ridge

Macron candidate's flagship promise, "the remainder at zero charge", that is to say, the full reimbursement by the Sécu and the complementary of certain glasses, dental prostheses and hearing, will be gradually implemented until 2021, thanks to in particular the fixing of ceiling tariffs.

Merger of CMU-C and ACS

The complementary universal health cover (CMU-C) and the payment assistance of complementary health (ACS) will be merged as of November 1, 2019 to improve the reimbursement of care of 1.4 million French.

Revalorization of "priority benefits"

The activity bonus, the minimum old-age pension and the adult disability allowance (AAH) will benefit from exceptional revalorizations of more than 4% per year, in accordance with the presidential commitments.

The same maternity leave for independent self-employed women, women and women farmers will be able to benefit in 2019 from maternity leave as long as that of employees.

The approximately 20,000 women concerned each year will have to take at least eight weeks of maternity leave in the future, compared to a little over six at the present time) and will be able to take a maximum of 16 (instead of almost 11).

Helping parents with disabled children

30% increase in the amount of the complementary childcare allowance (CMG) for families with a child receiving the education allowance for disabled children (AEEH), a maximum potential gain of 140 euros per month for a family employing a maternal assistant or home care.

Retirement homes

To speed up the recruitment of staff, nursing homes for dependent elderly people (Ehpad) will receive an additional 125 million euros. Credits are also planned to increase the number of night nurses in these structures or to develop prevention plans.

Quasi-freeze on pensions and benefits Retirement pensions paid by the Old Age Insurance and family allowances will only be increased by 0.3% in 2019 and 2020, well below inflation.

Reductions in contributions

Transformation of the tax credit for competitiveness and employment (CICE) down employer contributions, which will deprive the Secu of at least 20 billion euros in revenue.

For employees, exemption from overtime contributions from 1 September 2019.

CSG retirees

A gesture towards modest pensioners: 350,000 households will be exempted from the increase in the CSG rate of 1.7 points, for a cost of 350 million euros.


The influenza vaccination by pharmacists, experienced in two regions, will be extended to two additional regions this winter before a generalization for winter 2019-2020.

The scope of the tobacco control fund for addictions related to psychoactive substances will be expanded with new resources "corresponding to the proceeds of lump sum fines for cannabis use", to the tune of 10 million euros in 2019.

Britney Delsey for DayNewsWorld



The government is presenting its budget for 2019 on Monday 24 September, which must reconcile the promises of Emmanuel Macron and the control of the public accounts. With constraints and without room to maneuver:

the public deficit must be kept in check while it is not certain that the economy measures are sufficient to contain the increase in public spending.

Also the government is on a crest between the need to start the process of debt reduction and that of not stopping too much growth.

However, Emmanuel Macron has unscrewed in surveys-29% of popularity rating which leads him to make a gesture in favor of the purchasing power of certain categories of French.

Especially since the entry into force of the increase in the CSG in early 2018 has helped to install the image of a generous government with the rich, even to draw from the middle class.

According to Bercy, six billion euros should be returned to households next year in the form of tax cuts.

A deceptive figure since it incorporates 4 billion euros for the abolition of employee contributions, a measure already entered into force, in two stages, in 2018 according to the French Observatory of Economic Conditions. OFCE estimates the tax decrease in 2011 at 3.5 billion euros.

What are the tax cuts announced by Bercy?

To calm the discontent caused by the 1.7 point increase in CSG on 1 January 2018 that hit the retirees hard, the Prime Minister promised to exempt all those just above the tax income of reference, namely 14.404 euros for a single person and 22.051 euros for a couple. This tax boost should affect up to 300,000 people and cost the state nearly 350 million euros.

Passed under the 2018 finance bill, the reduction in the housing tax will continue in 2019 with a new step of 3 billion euros, applied to 80% of households subject to this tax. A third drop, of an equivalent amount, is already planned in 2020, which will allow the 17 million homes concerned to no longer pay housing taxes at all.

The 20% of the wealthiest households, for the moment excluded from the device, will then also be concerned, the objective being a pure and simple disappearance of this tax in 2021.

The continuity of the single fixed levy estimated at 300 million euros. The reform of the taxation of capital ("flat tax") put in place early 2018 will continue to produce its effects. The government estimates that it will contribute up to 300 million euros to lower taxes in 2019.

Overtime will pay more to employees. "As of September 1, 2019, employee contributions on overtime will be removed for all employees," announced late August Edouard Philippe. This measure should yield "on average more than 200 euros extra per year" for employees paid Smic, and cost two billion to the state, he said. Unlike the device set up under Nicolas Sarkozy, the "sup" hours will not be defiscalised.

Savings will be made easier for farmers by relaxing the "endowment system for hazards" which allows farmers to build up in good years a precautionary saving. The abatement on profits for young farmers will, it, revised to refocus on the lowest incomes.

With the coming into force of the withholding tax on January 1, 2019, the government decided to pay a check starting January 15, representing 60% of the tax credit collected by taxpayers for home services, reductions in tax for rental investment (Pinel, Duflot, social investment ...) and tax reductions and credits for donations to works, people in difficulty and union dues. "These different provisions will lead to an advance of more than five billion euros to several million taxpayers from January 15 ", said Bercy.

But to get these tax cuts for households Bercy simply operate transfers that result in increases or freezes elsewhere.

Thus the freezing of the index point of the civil servants continues for 2019, which excludes a general revalorization of the salaries of the employees of the State. At the same time, ministries were instructed to slash their workforce with the removal of 4,500 positions in the state civil service.

The government will also save 3 billion in 2019 thanks to the lower than expected revaluation of two social benefits - personalized housing assistance and family allowances - and retirement pensions. The people concerned will therefore see their purchasing power erode with regard to inflation, to 1.3% next year.

The increase in energy taxation will continue in 2019, particularly with regard to fuels. According to the Ministry for the Green Transition, diesel taxes will rise by 6.5 cents per liter next year, while those on gasoline will rise by 2.9 cents.

The reduced rate of the domestic consumption tax on energy products (TICPE) on non-road diesel will also be abolished for companies in the industrial and construction sectors. The general tax on polluting activities (TGAP) is expected to increase significantly, in order to offset a reduction in VAT on recycling.

In conclusion, the decrease is notable

But it does not concern all categories of the population in the same way given the large transfers (especially between active and retired) for which the government has opted. "I think people will get lost, it's totally illegible. Emmanuel Macron is the world champion of transfers, in my opinion, useless, " denounced Eric Woerth, chairman (LR) of the Finance Committee in the Assembly. Especially since the decline of 6 billion will be trimmed by the virtual freeze of certain social benefits (pensions, APL, family allowances). The OFCE - which has opted for a more complete count - confirms an increase in purchasing power in 2019, but not of the same magnitude (3.5 billion).

In this big game of tax reforms, the government hopes to contain the deficit at 2.8% of GDP next year, despite growth revised down to 1.7%.

But the reform of the state, which ultimately would allow a permanent decline in public spending, has not been fully committed and the government is therefore obliged to practice what may appear as a policy of plan.

Andrew Preston for DayNewsWorld




Prime Minister Édouard Philippe announced Tuesday night that the tax would be collected at the source as of January 1, 2019.

And from that date, you will no longer pay your income tax with a year's lag, it will be directly deducted from your salary or your retirement pension.

The tax deduction at source will come into effect at the beginning of 2019. The major interest for the government is to have cash by collecting the household tax in real time, that is to say at the time of the payment of taxable income.

Currently, as the tax is levied a year late, taxpayers who see their income drop (retirement, unemployment), must wait one year before their tax will drop, which puts them in a difficult situation.

Who will be concerned?

The reform applies to employees, retirees and the self-employed. Wages, replacement income (retirement, unemployment, maternity, etc.) and income from land are also affected. Movable capital income and real estate gains are not included in this field because they are already deducted at source.

Who will collect the tax?

The withholding tax brings into the circuit of recovery of the tax a new actor: the third-party payer ie the employer. The tax paid will appear on the pay slip as is the case today for social contributions. For pensioners and the unemployed, it will be the pension and unemployment insurance funds that will play this role.

The liberal professions and the self-employed will pay a monthly or quarterly installment, calculated according to their incomes of the previous months, and adjusted then according to their effective incomes. If they anticipate a strong fall of their incomes, they will be able to signal their situation to the FISC administration. This possibility, for example, meets the needs of craftsmen who lose a large customer, or farmers subject to weather conditions. The property income will be applied the same system of deposit.

What about tax credits?

It is impossible to suspend the tax credits in the year of transition, otherwise certain sectors (employment at home, building, charitable organizations) will be closed down. The tax credits that will be maintained will continue to be collected by the taxpayer the following year.

The home-based employment tax credit could, however, be monthly. The question is currently under study. On the other hand, the "all-in-one" device planned for private employers will not be ready in January 2019.

Now what options to choose for the tax rate?

If you reported your income online this year, you will have noticed a new option allowing you to choose (or not) the rate at which you will be taxed next year. How does it work, and in which case can this option be useful? Once you have completed your return, you will discover the personalized tax rate that will be applied to you from next year.

There are several possible options:

Indeed, with the coming into effect of the withholding tax of the income tax at January 1, 2019, each month a share of your net salary will be deducted for this tax. Ditto for income from land, alimony, income of self-employed, etc.

By default, it is therefore a "personalized" rate that appears, calculated as the current income tax on the basis of the annual income of the tax household. But there are two alternatives, for particular cases where taxpayers want to change this rate: the "individualized" rate or the "neutral" rate. What are they for, in which case do they use them?

1 ° Individualized rate for couples with unbalanced wages

This is to modulate the rate that will be levied to each member of the couple, according to the income of each, so that the overall rate of levy is the right.

2 ° A "neutral" rate to remain discreet

You have an inheritance, you own a large house or you are receiving annuities, but you do not want your employer to realize that your tax rate is high compared to what he pays you every month. In this case, you can opt for the "neutral rate", calculated solely on the basis of the income paid by the employer.

3 ° The taxpayer will not be deducted from the totality of his income tax via the withholding tax: the rate that will affect his salary will be equivalent to that of a single person without children. On the other hand, it will have to pay the difference by paying it directly, via a payment "classic" as at present, to the attention of the Treasury.

4 ° Note that withholding tax is a challenge in France!

In France, the tax is calculated at the family level, unlike other countries where the tax is individualized. On the other hand, there are generally fewer credits and tax cuts for our European neighbors. Withholding tax is conceivable only when the tax system is simple. But with a tax as complex as ours, such a levy is a challenge

Can we change my mind?

Yes, but not indefinitely. Even if the declaration is due from this Tuesday you can always change your method of levy on your particular space site until next September 15th only.

In case of a change of situation (marriage, birth, decrease or increase of income ...) the taxpayer will have to ask for an update.

The taxpayer does not give any information to his employer or pension fund since. it is the administration that remains the taxpayer's interlocutor for its taxes, confidentiality is preserved.

France enters the club of the developed countries at withholding tax almost always for budgetary purposes. The government increases its cash flow ... without lowering taxes!

Jaimie Potts and Joanne Courbet for DayNewsWorld




Will the government abandon the withholding tax?

In less than a week, the emblematic reform of the levy at the source is suddenly found on the verge of being buried.

The Minister of Action and Public Accounts, Gerald Darmanin, spoke for the first time, Saturday, September 1, a possible "stop" reform of the harvest of income tax. It had been months since the executive boasted to carry out this symbolic reform already abandoned under Holland. And it is Macron himself who sets fire to the powders : "I need a series of very precise answers , " said the president at a press conference in Helsinki (Finland).

Minister Darmanin sheepish retropedal.

"It's a big reform, it's normal for the president and the prime minister to watch that things go well," he says.

Then Gerald Darmanin admits that a meeting with the President is scheduled next Tuesday to decide the fate of the withholding tax. "We will choose together politically Tuesday in a meeting with the President the advance or stop the reform, since the President of the Republic mentioned it," he concedes.

We no longer speak of postponement, but of "stopping" pure and simple.

Because the reform worries the executive, already badly in point.

Of course there are the technical risks of implementation. . This "big bang" will it happen properly? The efficiency of the tax administration is certainly well known. But the maneuver is delicate. "With 3 million businesses and 38 million tax households, it is not possible that there are no incidents," says Bruno Parent, the head of the General Directorate of Public Finance (DGFIP), lucid. ), before nuance: "We organize ourselves so that there is the least possible and, when that happens, to correct them as soon as possible. ".

But according to "Le Parisien", the taxpayer runs the risk of being taken several times, or instead of a namesake. Bugs "since resolved" , ensures Gerald Darmanin. "Calamiteux" , Judge Le Parisien Saturday, September 1, citing a note from the tax taking stock of the trial phase of the withholding tax of income tax. According to this confidential document consulted by the daily, the test with some companies for its entry into force, theoretically planned early 2019, has resulted in hundreds of thousands of errors ...

According to the newspaper's website, the Directorate General of Public Finances (DGFiP) sent a note to the Ministry of the Economy in July, citing an extremely irregular number of errors from one month to the next: they would have been nonexistent in January, before peaking at more than 350,000 the following month ... (Citing a document "ultra-confidential" of the DGFiP)

Hence concerns at the top of the state:

1. Possible technical bugs will quickly put the government under fire from critics. The dual challenge of the reform is that it must apply to all taxpayers, and that it will also be the companies that will manage the collection of tax. An additional responsibility welcomed freshly by the employers. And for good reason.

In addition, previous large-scale projects such as the military payroll software (Louvois) or the attempt to create a national payroll operator common to all state agents aborted and these experiences are sobering.

2. Another great fear of the government is of an economic nature. It would be to see the withholding at source blurring taxpayers' income benchmarks, especially the 40% of households that are not monthly. Receipt of a slipsheet of the amount of tax could encourage them to spend less, as a precaution which would have negative consequences on economic activity already sluggish.

3 ° And especially the political stake worries at the top of the State. In addition, the promised sweets of the decline in the housing tax would go unnoticed. Indeed a possible fiasco in the implementation of the reform could destabilize the executive-already weakened-at a date too close to the European elections of 2019, scheduled for May 26. A setback in these first elections since the arrival of Emmanuel Macron at the Elysee Palace would be fatal to the majority.

In this context, Emmanuel Macron would not do what he said. But for precaution or political calculation, he would say the promised reform that he would not do.

Joanne Courbet for DayNewsWorld


There are no translations available.




« S'ils ne font pas de progrès, je me retirerai de l'OMC », a averti Trump en qualifiant l'accord portant création de l'organisation de « pire accord commercial jamais conclu ».

Décidément Donald Trump a le goût pour les sorties et ne s'en prive pas. La dernière pourrait avoir de lourdes conséquences : le voilà qui se dit prêt à retirer les États-Unis de l'Organisation mondiale du commerce.

Pas de réformes suffisantes à son goût.

« S'ils ne font pas de progrès, je me retirerai de l'OMC », a averti Trump en qualifiant l'accord portant création de l'organisation de « pire accord commercial jamais conclu ». Des propos tenus jeudi dans une interview à l'agence Bloomberg News.

Cette menace n'est pas la première.

Trump s'en était déjà pris dans le passé aux organes de règlement des différends de l'OMC, les accusant d'être défavorables aux États-Uni .

« Nous avons de profonds désaccords avec les Etats-Unis sur la politique commerciale » , a précisé la commissaire européenne devant les eurodéputés.

La Chine, elle aussi, est engagée dans une guerre commerciale avec les États-Unis. Elle a rejoint l'OMC en 2001, une adhésion qualifiée d'« erreur » par le représentant américain au Commerce Robert Lighthizer avec qui les Européen vont devoir composer.

En effet Cecilia Malmström a évoqué la création d'un groupe de travail qu'elle va diriger avec le représentant américain au Commerce, Robert Lighthizer. Ce groupe de travail doit plancher sur la suppression des barrières douanières concernant les produits industriels.

Or les menaces de Donald Trump interviennent alors que son administration fait face à des pressions au sein de l'OMC de la part de ses partenaires commerciaux qui ont saisi l'organisation pour contester les nouveaux droits de douane imposés par Washington sur leurs importations.

Certes l'Union européenne est prête à supprimer tous les droits de douane sur les importations d'automobiles en provenance des Etats-Unis. Mais qu'importe l'Europe ? Il s'agit des grosses Jeep (Cherokee, Wrangler, Grand Cherokee),des sportives Ford Mustang, de gros " SUV " Ford Edge aux ventes très faibles, quelques anecdotiques voitures de GM (Cadillac, Chevrolet Corvette). Pas plus de 40.000 unités au total !

Une telle levée des droits de douane sur les modèles " made in USA " ne coûterait pas grand-chose à l'Union...

Fin de la trêve conclue en juillet entre les Etats-Unis et l'Union européenne : Le président américain exige avec sa façon musclée de négocier un abaissement de leurs barrières commerciales.

Les Etats-Unis "délivrés" des règles de l’OMC ?

Mais quelles conséquences du retrait des Etats-Unis de l'OMC ?

L’OMC a deux attributions principales. Celle de libéralisation des échanges commerciaux entre ses 164 pays membres - notamment en négociant la plus grande baisse possible droits de douane - et celle de proposition d' un cadre juridique qui veille au respect des accords. L’OMC constitue de fait un obstacle aux guerres commerciales mais Donald Trump voudrait en fait en provoquer depuis son entrée à la Maison-Blanche. Pas étonnant alors qu'il jette méchamment son dévolu sur cet organisme international.

Ainsi en quittant l’OMC les Etats-Unis se délivreraient de règlements que Donald Trump considère comme des obstacles. Par exemple, les droits de douane aux Etats-Unis ne seraient plus régulés et le pays pourrait librement pratiquer des « prix de dumping ». Cette pratique permettrait donc de favoriser la production nationale. Les producteurs américains qui utiliseraient des intrants importés perdraient alors en compétitivité .

L'administration Trump n’a eu de cesse dénigrer l’efficacité des accords multilatéraux et a favorisait les accords plus confidentielles à deux Etats. « Nous n'aimons pas les palabres infinies, nous préférons les actions bilatérales pour négocier. Les réunions multilatérales prennent beaucoup de temps et nous sommes animés d'un sentiment d'urgence », lançaitt le secrétaire américain au Commerce, Wilbur Ross, en juin dernier. Une façon de ne conclure que des accords bilatéraux avec les pays les plus offrants...

Mais il n'est pas sûr pour autant que ce retour au protectionnisme des années 1930 bénéficieraient réellement aux Etas-Unis dans la mesure où par mesure de rétorsion, de nombreux pays modifieraient à leur tour leur régime de taxation.

Il s'agit maintenant d'entrer dans le vif du sujet et d'agir intelligemment  sous menace d'un retrait de l'OMC des Etats-Unis.
N'oublions pas qu' en 1995, l’OMC succède à l’Accord général sur les tarifs douaniers et le commerce (GATT), créé en 1947 sous l’impulsion des Etats-Unis pour instaurer un « code de bonne conduite libérale et multilatérale » qui évite justement les guerres économiques dévastatrices.

Joanne Courbet  pour DayNewsWorld




The tax burden is only increasing surreptitiously on individuals and in particular the middle classes since Emmanuel Macron is at the head of the State. We are far from the false campaign promises of a cynical and immature President.

He became the President of the rich who did not reinvest in the economy the sums they recovered thanks to the tax giveaways granted under Macron.

The return of September is likely to be stormy ...

The tax pressure does indeed cease to increase as if the individuals had now vocation to finance most of the new public policies according to the newspaper Atlantico which gives the last figures of the monthly situation of the budget of the State.

"In one year, net tax revenues dropped by 3.5 billion, or 2.4%. But the proceeds of the income tax increased by 1.5 billion. The fuel tax proceeds increased by $ 500 million (about 10%). The VAT revenue increased by 2 billion (4% increase).

In other words, in one year, individuals have seen their tax burden rise by € 4 billion! "

Emmanuel Macron no longer has a lot of room to achieve a fair tax. It remains to him as option certainly the fall of the public expenditure since the French companies must, with a lower taxation close to the European average, to gain in competitiveness for a better growth which drags.

But does he still have enough of the French, jaded by business and the presumption of the government, enough legitimacy to act?

Garett Skyport for DayNewsWorld





The meeting between Donald Trump and Jean-Claude Juncker which took place Wednesday at the White House Rose Garden, led to a truce in the trade war. The conference was called at the last minute in the rose garden of the White House. According to US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Washington and Brussels want a solution on steel and aluminum taxes. Donald Trump and Jean-Claude Juncker have announced that they have managed to defuse months of trade conflict between Washington and Brussels resulting in reciprocal punitive tariffs.

Taxes on European cars well suspended:

No new customs tariff will be imposed on European car imports in the United States at the moment, a particularly sensitive issue for Germany, where this key sector employs some 800,000 people.

Moreover, we learn that Washington and Brussels wanted to find an immediate solution in the case of customs duties on steel and aluminum and "reprisals" European. "The first step is to immediately resolve these issues so there will be no tariffs on both sides of this," said US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. "The basics (of an agreement) are being laid and I hope we will resolve (this file) quickly," he also said.

The President of the United States and the boss of the European Commission have also committed themselves to more free trade.

The President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, has certainly acted as if the case was played in advance: "I intended to reach an agreement today. And we have an agreement today, " he said on Wednesday. In reality, no one really counted on a compromise, which made Donald Trump say that "today is a very great day for free and fair trade". "Great to be back on track with the EU," said the White House tenant on Twitter.

The Americans and the Europeans have agreed to set up a working group for more transatlantic free trade. "We agreed to work towards the goal of zero tariffs, zero non-tariff barriers and zero subsidies on non-automotive industrial goods," Trump said as he read the EU-US joint statement. . The two sides will work to end the steel and aluminum war, even if the rights imposed by Washington and the reprisals decided by Brussels are not suspended. The Europeans, however, have obtained the essential: the immediate threat of customs duties on the automobile is postponed. As a pledge, Europeans must buy more natural gas and American soybeans. The purchase of soybeans, the price of which drops and is not subject to import duties in Europe, will allow farmers hit by the Chinese counter-sanctions to find an outlet while acquiring natural gas liquefied market allows for a geostrategic overlap between the EU - in particular Germany via the Northstream Baltic pipeline - and Russia.

In the run-up to the mid-term elections, especially in Midwestern farmland, hit by Chinese and Mexican retaliation for soybean and pork, Republicans were beginning to show their displeasure even though Donald Trump had announced, Tuesday, 12 billion dollars (10.2 billion euros) of aid to farmers. Added to the growl of American car manufacturers but also the most protectionist industrialists such as the manufacturer of motorcycles Harley Davidson or that of Whirlpool washing machine who announced this week of poor results due to the trade war.

Juncker believes that this is not a revival of the transatlantic free trade treaty, contested by public opinion.

. But, Europe still has a hard time speaking with one voice, Germany judging the meeting "constructive" while France is more cautious. "The Commission can continue to count on our support," insisted Angela Merkel. German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas welcomed "Europe proves that it can not be divided". "And we have seen it: when Europe is united, our word has weight." "I said: the answer to America First can only be Europe United," said the head of diplomacy . "A good business discussion can only be done on a clear basis and can not be conducted under pressure," said the tenant of Bercy

The working group, chaired by EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström, and US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, after the end of its work - 'in a few months', hopes Mr Juncker will deliver its conclusions.

The two economic groups will also work for a reform of the World Trade Organization (WTO) to the detriment of China, it seems. .

Joanne Courbet for DayNewsWorld




Pressure between Iran and the United States rose several notches this Sunday. On Twitter, the US president has taken it by name to Iranian President Hassan Rohani, while the head of the American diplomacy has strongly criticized the regime in Tehran. The reaction of Donald Trump was not long in the face of the warnings of Iranian President Hassan Rohani who asked him to stop his hostile policy against Tehran at the risk of triggering "the mother of all wars" .

The time of a tweet, and the US President gave a straightforward answer to his Iranian counterpart, Hassan Rohani "Never again threaten the United States," wrote Donald Trump on Sunday in a message written almost entirely in capital letters. under conditions of exposing oneself to "consequences such as little in the course of history have known".

This bellicose warning continues in the same tone: "We are no longer a country that supports your demented words of violence and death. Pay attention!"

Tehran reacted without hesitation: "Trump's statements against Iran are part of a psychological war. He is not in a position to act against Iran, " said General Gholam Hossein Gheypour, leader of Iran's militia, on Monday.

For his part, Mike Pompeo strongly criticized the Tehran regime and promised Washington's support to the Iranian diaspora.

The stakes of this psychological war:

Hassan Rohani has clearly asked his American counterpart to give up his policy of isolating Tehran by threatening that a war with his country would be "the mother of all wars," according to reports reported by the agency Isna. The Supreme Leader of the Iranian Revolution, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei supported Hassan Rohani.

On Sunday, in a speech in California before a majority of US citizens of Iranian origin, the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, reaffirmed the will of his administration to economically isolate Tehran. He further urged Europe to "stop flirting with a revolutionary regime" accused of "corruption" , "terrorism" , human rights violations and religious persecution. It should be noted that unlike Washington, which tore apart the nuclear deal with the Iranians in May, the European allies are trying to save the nuclear deal. The Iranian president also ruled out any renegotiation of the nuclear deal with Washington.

The US Secretary of State therefore called on all countries to bring "closer to zero" their imports of Iranian oil by November 4. Otherwise, they will expose themselves to US sanctions, the first wave of which will fall on August 6 on the automotive sector and civil aviation.

Hassan Rohani warned the tenant of the White House: "Do not play with the tail of the lion [...] you will regret it," assured the Iranian head of state. Indeed, in response to the boycott of its oil, Tehran says it is ready to close the Strait of Hormuz by which approximately 30% of the maritime exports of oil transit. This narrow lane, located at the end of the Gulf waters, between Iran to the north, Oman and the United Arab Emirates to the south is an important trading hub for the world. "We are the guarantor of the safety of this strait since always, do not play with the tail of the lion, you will regret it," warned Sunday Hassan Rohani.

It is not the first time that the Iranian president has brandished the threat of blocking the Strait of Hormuz. But the US military is ready to act for the protection of the freedom of navigation.

A government that "looks like" a mafia:

Mike Pompeo did not hesitate to disqualify the Iranian regime by ensuring that the regime is run "by something more like a mafia than a government . " He accuses Iran's leaders of receiving embezzlement, advantageous contracts and other ill-gotten gains. In this context, the United States is "not afraid" to sanction "at the highest level" the Tehran regime, he said. "The leaders of the regime, especially those at the head of the Guardians of the Revolution (the elite army of Iran, ed) and the Force Qods (in charge of external operations, ed) have to pay dearly for their bad decisions," he said. he estimated. Before attacking the violence of the Tehran regime, he also attacked the economic failure of Tehran. " The rial is in free fall. One third of young Iranians are unemployed. One-third of Iranians live below the poverty line. But if you are a politically connected member of the regime's elite, the Iranian economy is doing very well, " he said. These tweets only relay what he said in California before a majority of US citizens of Iranian origin.

Washington launches TV channel in Farsi:

To increase the pressure on the regime, Washington is preparing, in addition to economic sanctions, to launch a multimedia channel (television, radio, digital and social networks) 24 hours in Farsi language, "so that ordinary Iranians in Iran and all around the world know that America is at their side "

"It is up to the people of Iran to define the direction of the country," added the head of the US diplomacy, adding that Washington "will support the long-ignored voice of the Iranian people."

This clash with messages is reminiscent of the episode of verbal escalation between Donald Trump, customary aggressive, and the President of North Korea, Kim Jong-un which ended in a successful summit. June 2018.

Alyson Braxton for DayNewsWorld



The European Commission condemns the giant for abusing its dominant position in research with its Android mobile operating system.

The largest fine ever pronounced

A new record fine for Google in Europe. The European Commission condemns the giant to pay 4.3 billion euros, this time in the antitrust file of its operating system for mobile, Android.

"Google uses Android as a vehicle to consolidate the dominance of its search engine. These practices have deprived competitors of the opportunity to innovate and compete with them. They have deprived European consumers of the benefits of effective competition in the important market for mobile devices. This practice is illegal under EU rules on anti-competitive practices. Said EU Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager.

This is the highest amount ever imposed by Brussels. The amount of the fine is explained by the fact that "the infringements have lasted since 2011, they are very serious and Google's revenues have increased in the meantime," said the Danish commissioner. The previous record was already held by Google, which was fined 2.4 billion euros in June 2017 this time for having favored its commercial comparator, Google Shopping, at the expense of others on its search engine.

The European Commission also adds the American company "to put an end to its illegal practices within 90 days" on pain of being penalized by up to 5% of the global average daily turnover of its parent company. , Alphabet.

The King of Silicon Valley will obviously appeal this decision. Its line of defense is based on the number of opportunities created for all by its mobile operating system, but also on the ease with which it is possible to change applications. "Android is more choice for everyone. Not less. The characteristics of effective competition are a dynamic ecosystem, speed of innovation and lower prices, which is the case today, " said a spokesman for Google.

The accusations of the European Commission

The US company is accused of taking advantage of the dominant position on Android to establish the supremacy of its own applications. The Commission is primarily Google search, the online search engine of Google.

The European Commission first accused the US of requiring smartphone manufacturers to pre-install "Google Search" and set it as the default or exclusive search service on the vast majority of Android devices sold in Europe.

Secondly, the Commission accused Google of preventing manufacturers from selling smartphones running under competing operating systems, and thirdly of providing financial incentives to manufacturers and mobile network operators on the condition that they pre-install exclusively Google Search on their devices.

The Silicon Valley giant is appealing

Google retorts that Android is an open and free system, which is true. But to finance the maintenance (and the updates) of the latter, the firm has set up an agreement called MADA (Mobile Application Distribution Agreement), which allows him to earn a lot of money. Every manufacturer who wants to use it and offer by default one of the applications of Google (mostly Chrome) must necessarily accept the other ten applications of the virtual pack of the firm: Search, Chrome, Play Store, Play Music, Play Movies, Drive, Photos , Maps, Gmail, Hangouts, YouTube ... "apps designed to work together." When we know the popularity of YouTube or PlayStore, we understand that this agreement is almost inevitable.

Be that as it may, the Android system dominates the world of smartphones, with a market share of about 85.9% in 2017 against about 14% for iOS, the operating system of Apple. More than 1.3 billion smartphones were sold in 2017 on Android, against 215 million for iOS, and 1.5 million for other operating systems.

This decision of the European Commission could further aggravate tensions between Brussels and Washington, a week of a meeting between the President of the Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, and Donald Trump, placed under the sign of trade. The US administration has already on several occasions, including under the mandate of Barack Obama, accused Brussels to specifically attack the California tech giants for protectionist reasons.

The EU and the US are already fighting over a number of trade and NATO-related issues as President Donald Trump is currently threatening to tax imports of European cars into the US.

Britney Delsey for DayNewsWorld




This former rugby player, who served in the Marine Commandos, was elected on 3 July to head the employers' organization with the intention of transforming Medef into a force of "proposals" .

President Medef at 56, he won hands down with 10 points ahead of his rival Alexander Saubot, the former boss of the UIMM, with 55.8% of the votes cast. He is well acquainted with the MEDEF, having spent five years there as vice-president in charge of the economy, digital and taxation alongside Pierre Gattaz.

Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, whose title of nobility was acquired by an ancestor, alderman of Lyon in 1769, was born in Paris on May 31, 1962. After studying in Neuilly and Essec, he began his career at L'Oréal before making a fortune in mobile telephony. Today boss of the investment fund Notus, he has invested in Oliviers & Co, which sells premium quality olive oil to China, but also in food with the Fondant Baulois.

During his campaign for the presidency of Medef, Geoffroy Roux de Béziers highlighted the "technological revolution", including artificial intelligence, and received the support of several bosses of the French Tech: Frédéric Mazzela (Blablacar), Marc Simoncini (Meetic), Pierre Kosciusko-Morizet (PriceMinister). He intends to bring the challenges of Gafa taxation (Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon) in Europe.

The campaign was not easy as the big federations split up, the industry and the bank supporting Alexandre Saubot, while insurance and building supported GRDB. To reconcile these two tendencies the new president proposed to his to be "permanent guest" on the executive board to bring his social skills.

The man does not hide his liberal beliefs in the economy and believes that France is "managed like a household over-indebted". And he puts the right and the left back to back on fiscal policy: "For thirty years, left and right together, we increased taxes every time we had a problem.On households but especially on business" , he said.

It has the broad ambition to "transform the Medef to help transform the country," stain the most difficult as the employers' union is in crisis, legitimacy and representativeness. To be the Medef will have to reform from the inside any proposing new services of legal advice, tax or export. He is counting on the help of Patrick Martin, a candidate from the Medef Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, to complete this project.

Two major projects will fulfill its mandate. The first is that of apprenticeship and vocational training, while Muriel Penicaud, the Minister of Labor, has given a push for reforms that will have to be implemented. And Europe, which is "in great danger" and the world of business will be called to defend against the rise of populism and protectionism.

"European employers will have a major role to play," he said during his election.

Paul Emison pour DayNewsWorld




It should be known that the "lock of Bercy" is a monopoly of the Ministry of the budget in the matter of criminal prosecution for tax evasion. Until now only Bercy had the right to file a complaint against an individual suspected of tax malfeasance, a prosecutor or a civil party can not. According to the decision of the Minister of Finance, fraudsters could avoid legal proceedings

But in the face of pressure from public opinion and since the Cahusac affair, the government has accepted the senators' proposal to change this mechanism, which gives the administration the monopoly of tax evasion prosecutions.

The Senate began consideration of the text in first reading before the Assembly. He must complete it Wednesday. Gerald Darmanin announced to senators that the government would support the evolution proposed by the general rapporteur of the Finance Committee, Albéric Montgolfier (LR).

The proposed change does not include a provision on the "Bercy lock", but for the rapporteur of the Finance Committee, Alberic Montgolfier, it gives the opportunity to delete it. The Minister of Action and Public Accounts invited senators to "discuss the 'lock' criteria". "This is the first time the government has asked you to judge what is a" lock ", he said in the preamble of the review of the law on fraud.

The Senate therefore began Tuesday, July 3 review of the bill on the fight against tax fraud on which have been tabled several amendments to remove the "lock Bercy" and replace it with another mechanism. In his report, the rapporteur of the Finance Committee Albéric de Montgolfier estimates that the most serious cases would represent between 1,200 and 1,400 cases each year, a volume a little larger than in the current system (about 1,000 complaints).

The commission thus decided "to remove the lock of Bercy and to replace it by a mechanism which reserves the cumulation of the administrative and penal sanctions with the cases of the most serious frauds", he specified, which must respect three cumulative criteria: the application of penalties of at least 80%, an amount higher than a threshold set by decree in the Council of State, or a reiteration of the facts, or aggravating behavior. the Tax Crimes Commission (CIF), responsible for filtering the complaints of the administration "It must undoubtedly improve" this amendment, nuanced the minister.

This is only a first step. The debate could rebound during the examination of the law on fraud in the National Assembly, after the summer.

These must meet three cumulative criteria: the application of penalties of at least 80%; an amount greater than a threshold set by decree of the Conseil d'État; finally, either a reiteration of the facts, or aggravating behaviors. For the first time, I will not give a favorable opinion, but an agreement in principle "to this deletion, added Minister of Public Accounts Gérald Darmanin. "The National Assembly may wish to improve the writing of this article," he added, saying that "the keys to the lock are probably in Parliament and it will be up to you to establish criteria".

But for the opposition the proposals remain insufficient.

"The provisions that organize the lock Bercy are not removed," said the Socialist Sophie Taillé-Polian, for whom "the proposed development is largely insufficient." "This is not to clog the courts, but the proposed criteria are too narrow and, in addition, cumulative," she said.

The opposition would have liked to approach the proposal accepted at the end of May by the deputies of all sides, at the end of an information mission led by Emilie Cariou (The Republic in progress, Meuse): replace the current device by an examination joint files by the tax authorities and the prosecution.

The debate around the "lock Bercy" has not finished bouncing.

Andrew Preston for DayNewsWorld



Gas prices soar on July 1st. Once again the government has decided: from 1 July, gas tariffs increase by 7.45% at Engie so for nearly 5 million customers while the Commission for Energy Regulation (CRE) had proposed in mid-June the government an increase of 6.5%. That is an increase of more than 8 euros per month on average on the invoice. The increase in gas prices announced on Friday adds to several others in recent months: + 2.1% in June and + 0.4% in May.

Three reasons are behind this increase in household bills. Firstly, the increase in gas supply costs in the context of the surge in those of petroleum products then the cost of infrastructure, particularly in transport, storage and distribution, the French network having significant investments amounting to 600 million euros per year over ten years for infrastructure modernization. And finally, the installation of the Gazpar communicating gas meter, implemented by the GRDF distribution network, is also included in these costs. Just like the setting up at the beginning of the year of new rules for the storage of gas, essential to be able to ensure a passage of the winter without hindrance.

Towards the end of regulated tariffs?

Nearly 5 million households are still Engie customers at state regulated sales tariffs (TRVs), while more than 6 million have switched to cheaper offers from competitors such as ENI, Total Spring or EDF.

Nearly 60% of the 11.5 million residential and professional gas-fired sites have therefore already left regulated tariffs for market offers, a figure that is constantly rising, according to CRE. At the end of March, in the natural gas market, the cheapest available market offer in Paris is 4% lower than the regulated price for gas users for cooking and 8% for gas-fired customers.

These regulated tariffs are also likely to disappear in France in the near future.

In July 2017, the Council of State ruled that regulated tariffs were contrary to European law, thus requiring the state to abolish them. Alternative gas suppliers hoped that these tariffs would disappear quickly. But the executive is considering a gradual end, with extinction by 2023 for all individuals.

Some competitors Engie took the opportunity to denounce once again the tariffs set by the State. "This new increase also shows that regulated sales tariffs do not protect the consumer," said Daniel Fava, president of ENI France, the second largest gas supplier after Engie.

At the end of May, the national energy ombudsman called on the government to clarify "quickly" how it intended to implement the abolition of regulated gas tariffs, including a "very clear" timetable for consumers to take their tolls. provisions.

"We were promised" no increase or privatization of gas ". We will have both! " , Immediately reacted on Twitter the former presidential candidate in the presidential election, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan.

The rise of July 1 could therefore quickly take a political turn.

Carl Delsey for DayNewsWorld



The subsidiary of French-Swiss cementist Lafarge-Holcim has been accused of financing jihadist groups in Syria - including the Islamic State organization - to maintain its activity in the middle of the war. She was indicted as a legal person Thursday, June 28 for "complicity in crimes against humanity." To this count are added those of "violation of an embargo" , "endangering life" of the former employees of the Jalabiya factory in northern Syria and "financing a company terrorist " . For the company, this indictment means his placement under judicial supervision with a bond set at 30 million euros.

The group has announced in a press release that it will appeal the alleged offenses, "which do not fairly reflect the responsibilities of Lafarge SA". " We deeply regret what happened in our Syrian subsidiary and, as soon as we were informed, we immediately took firm action . None of the indicted persons are in the company today. Beat Hess, chairman of LafargeHolcim's board, defended himself.

In this investigation opened in 2017 by the Paris prosecutor's office, eight former executives and executives of Lafarge have already been indicted, for financing a terrorist company and / or endangering the lives of others. It is now Lafarge SA's turn to give explanations to the two financial judges Charlotte Bilger and Renaud Van Rymbeke, seized of the case with anti-terrorist judge David de Pas.

The Lafarge group, which merged with the Swiss cement company Holcim in 2015, is in fact suspected of having paid close to 13 million euros between 2011 and 2015 to maintain its Jalabiya plant in 2013-2014 in a region north of Syria, under the control of the IS. He is accused not only of having paid a tax to the Islamist State to facilitate the movement of his employees, but also of buying raw materials including oil controlled by the group and selling cement to distributors in connection with jihadists.

The NGO Sherpa and the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR), whose complaint had triggered the opening of this judicial inquiry, demanded that the French cement maker also be indicted for complicity in crimes against humanity. Syria. Today, Sherpa welcomes in a statement a "landmark decision" that "must decide Lafarge to take responsibility and open an independent compensation fund so that victims see their damage quickly repaired . " In a statement, the two associations called this indictment "historic" . "This is the first time that a company has been indicted for complicity in crimes against humanity around the world, which marks a decisive step in the fight against the impunity of multinationals operating in areas of armed conflict" , say the two associations asking Lafarge Group to "take responsibility" by opening a compensation fund for former employees of its Syrian subsidiary, "so that victims see their damages quickly repaired."

With this indictment, the vise is tightened on the cement.

Larry Ricky for DayNewsWorld



Trump threatens to tax $ 200 billion of Chinese imports. The President of the United States has asked for the preparation of a new list of imported Chinese products worth $ 200 billion. Beijing has already reacted strongly promising "retaliation" .

This disturbing decision was made in response to Beijing's proportionate and immediate response to the $ 50 billion threat of sanctions detailed last week. The President of the United States to now ask his trade negotiator, Robert Lighthizer, to prepare a new $ 200 billion list of imported Chinese products. What will not be easy!

The first $ 50 billion of products affected are subject to a tariff of 25%. This new list of items would be expected to be subject to a 10% surcharge upon entry into the United States.

Soon after, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce countered that China would take "qualitative and quantitative" measures to defend itself in case the new American sanctions were implemented.

The United States imported $ 505 billion worth of Chinese products last year, while China imported only $ 130 billion worth of "Made in the USA" products.

These duties of 10% additional $ 200 billion of imports would be justified, according to the tenant of the White House, for several reasons. Not only would they offset the theft of US technology and intellectual property, but they would also force Beijing to reduce the US $ 200 billion trade deficit and further open its market to Americans. "Additional initiatives must be taken to encourage China to change its unfair practices, open up its market to US goods and accept a more balanced trade relationship," Donald Trump said in a statement.

Beijing does not hear this ear denouncing blackmail practices. "These practices of extreme pressure and blackmail deviate from the consensus that both parties have reached many times during their consultations" in recent weeks, promptly denounced the Chinese Ministry of Commerce on Tuesday in a statement.

" If the US loses common sense and publishes a list (of covered products), China will be forced to adopt a combination of quantitative and qualitative measures in the form of aggressive retaliation ," he said. warned.

A dangerous escalation

"This dangerous escalation is the ultimate reminder that the Congress must intervene and exercise its authority over trade policy," said in a statement the National Retail Federation, a retail lobby against these protectionist measures.

In retaliatory measures to date, Beijing is targeting US agricultural products, such as soybeans, wheat, corn, beef and pork, and farmers and ranchers in the United States are beginning to worry about the fallout.

About 455,000 US jobs are threatened by the latest punitive measures against China, the NRF calculated. The prospect of escalation increases even more quickly the risk of damage to US companies since the amounts of products imported by China are much lower. Moreover the rise of commodities will be another significant consequence.

This is one of the reasons why many Republican congressional MPs are opposed to the White House's protectionist measures: they drive up the prices paid by Americans and disrupt US corporate supplies.

With an increase in customs taxes, China could tax in return the automotive and aeronautics sectors ...

US trade policy and the retaliatory measures announced by its trading partners are increasingly fears of a global trade war that could jeopardize the growth of the global economy.

Andrew Preston for DayNewsWorld



In 2015, 119,819 Swiss, scalded by the crisis of 2008 and convinced that we should not joke with money, had led the Federal Chancellery to decide, on December 24 of the same year, the organization of a referendum on the monetary issue.

The real goal: to invite the Swiss to pronounce on the end of the power of monetary creation by the private banks.

The initiative was commendable, money being a public good

The initiative provided for the obligation of private banks to fully cover (100%) and to reserve the power to create the currency ex-nihilo, only at the SNB (Swiss National Bank) which is now done by a simple set of accounting entries in commercial banks.

In this proposal, the influence of the Chicago Plan (which ended the 1929 crisis) and Irving Fischer (1867-1947) was immediately recognized. In the 1930s, Irving Fischer proposed a return to the public monopoly of money creation. But we must also associate with this reflection, Milton Friedman then Maurice Allais, a visionary French economist, recipient in 1983 of the Nobel Prize for the Economy and died in 2010.

The initiative was, moreover, commendable in that it also intended to rehabilitate the social utility of the currency which is fundamentally "to finance the real economy for the sake of common prosperity".

In the wake of the decision of December 2015 to launch a referendum, all Swiss were in turn called to vote for or against the "full money initiative" ("For a currency safe from crises").

The full currency referendum took place on June 10, 2018.

Participation was low (34% of registrants). The "no" won with about 70% of the votes cast except the Canton of Geneva (more massively close to banking circles, so better informed) or the "No" won with less 60%.

The result of this election merits from our point of view further analysis, because with these results, the banking revolution expected by many did not take place to the disappointment of the Monetary Modernization Association (MoMo). For their part, the "for", which called on the Swiss "not to play the sorcerer's apprentice ", welcomed the result that ruled out any risk of inflation, inflation that with a rare money would have lost in real time the value to their savings (see Time, Sibylle Dus, economist at UBS).

The question, however, which was certainly iconoclastic, nevertheless allows, despite the results, to welcome the spirit of democratic initiative of the Swiss who has opened the debate, because it is predicted that we will return to the subject.

This 2018 vote came at a time when, even though the SNB can not go bankrupt, it must be taken into account that a large part of its precious metal reserves (in gold in particular) was sold, the balance of the reserve (60% of these) being in euros, currency today overexposed as everyone knows.

The revolution will not take place among the Helvetii in a short time; but the Full Money Committee did not let down the guard. Here's what he said at the evening of the results:

"Despite the massive campaign of confusion and fears, the misinformation of the Federal Council (sic) and the National Bank (re-sic), the citizens who voted (yes) in favor of the question posed by the referendum initiative and who have understood the risks of money creation by private banks, have clearly opened the discussion on a serious problem.

These citizens are those who remained shocked by the evil mechanics of the financial crash of 2008 after which it was necessary to bail out the banks with taxpayers money who still shout today : "you said deficit? ".

But this taxpayer money becoming rare by over-imposition, what will happen if a new financial bubble comes to reproduce?

But this next crisis is certain for a growing number of economists who for some months have included in their reflection the anarchic and uncontrolled progression of cryptographic currencies (Bit Coin or others) through the development of advanced technologies. The citizens of the world will then have to remember, according to Henri Temple, this problem , "the countdown is started" . According to him, in a month or a year, the financial bubble (whose fictitious mass would approach one million billion dollars) will burst, after enriching the way speculators of any hair and any place.

These citizens will once again have to remember the immutable definition (of Aristotle to Stiglitz) of the currency "which must only raise the political authority which must be given the means to make it respected."

Some supporters of the "no" in Switzerland will then have to honestly rule on the educational insufficiency of the 2018 campaign by admitting at the same time that they did not understand the question put to them, which led them either to refrain or not to go to the polling stations.

Case to follow ...

Clara Mitchell for DayNewsWorld



The Canadian leader had tried to qualify this summit as a "success" . "We were able to reassure those who doubted our ability to work together," he told reporters. In particular, he spoke of progress made towards gender equality, clean energy, global security and economic growth. But he had been forced to admit that they had failed with his partners to change the position of Donald Trump on trade issues.

However, the part of the text dedicated to trade was signed by the seven G7 countries, including the United States of Donald Trump, the release still meeting certain requirements of the US President. He reiterated the word "reciprocal" for free trade, which must also be "free, fair and mutually advantageous" . And he said, "We are committed to modernizing the WTO (World Trade Organization) to make it fairer as soon as possible. We will do everything we can to reduce tariff barriers, non-tariff barriers and subsidies. "

Negotiated by hard struggle, the text referred the customs question to future negotiations.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the host of the summit, confirmed that his country would apply effective July 1 tariffs in retaliation to those imposed by Washington on steel and aluminum. "These illegitimate tariffs must receive an equivalent response , " he said during his final press conference.

Emmanuel Macron, meanwhile, had also confirmed that the tariffs decided by the European Union against the United States would apply from July

Donald Trump himself, leaving the summit on Saturday morning, had not eased his steel and aluminum import tax requirements on the European Union and Canada, but welcomed the progress made. during the summit. And here he tweeted later: "The United States will not let other countries impose massive tariffs and tariffs on their farmers, their workers and their businesses."

On the other hand, no consensus had been reached on the climate, the United States acting alone on this subject. In addition, G7 leaders called on Russia to stop "undermining democratic systems" and pledged to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.

While all participants anticipated the opposite, the seven richest countries on the planet seemed to have managed to pull off a compromise compromise statement including Donald Trump's United States.

But it was without counting on the unpredictability of Donald Trump who, starting from the summit for Singapore, disassociated to the general surprise Saturday evening of the final release of the G7.

One tweet, it shatters the G7's attempt to save face by issuing a joint statement on trade .Angry tweeting, Donald Trump broke loose to the surprise Saturday night negotiated final release Fighting hard at the G7 summit in Canada, calling host Justin Trudeau "very dishonest and weak" for judging US fares "insulting" .

In one of his dramatic turnarounds, the US President tweeted from Air Force One, which takes him to Singapore: "Because of Justin's false statements at his press conference, and the fact that Canada imposes massive taxes about our American farmers, workers and businesses, I asked our US representatives to withdraw support for the release, while we are considering tariffs on cars that are flooding the US market! "

Donald Trump had left the summit several hours before Justin Trudeau's declaration, to reach Singapore where he will meet Kim Jong-un on Tuesday.

Abby Shelcore for DayNewsWorld



The atmosphere is more than tense in the small Canadian town of Charlevoix, Quebec, where the G7 summit is taking place on Friday and Saturday. US President Donald Trump will face the wrath of his European, Canadian and Japanese trading partners.

Invoking national security to justify American customs taxes imposed on Washington's allies is "laughable" and will have consequences in the United States, said Thursday Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and French President Emmanuel Macron standing together against Donald Trump.

Emmanuel Macron has warned since Ottawa that Europeans and Japanese are "not ready to give up everything to have this signature" Donald Trump. It would be "a mistake" to "give up everything to have this signature" and this would endanger "the relevance of this G7," he said.

The tenant of the White House, obviously irritated, attacked by name the two leaders. " Thank you for telling Prime Minister Trudeau and President Macron that they are massively taxing the United States and creating non-monetary barriers. The surplus of trade between the European Union and the United States is $ 151 billion and Canadians are rejecting our farmers and others. I can not wait to see them tomorrow, " he said in a first un-diplomatic tweet.

In the process, he posted a second tweet specifically about the Canadian leader: " Prime Minister Trudeau is indignant ... evoking the relationship that the United States and Canada have for years. But he forgets to say that he taxes us 300% on dairy products, mishandling our farmers, killing our agriculture! "

In addition to tariffs, the differences relate to the Iranian issue and the sanctions that the United States wants to reintroduce after their decision to get out of the nuclear deal. In a joint letter, France, Germany and the United Kingdom reaffirmed that they would remain committed to this agreement asking the United States to exempt European companies from future sanctions.

It is not impossible that the summit will end with a six-point statement on the most sensitive points and a seven-point press release on the others, the minimum option being a simple statement by the Canadian G7 presidency. Any joint communiqué will have to include the Paris agreement on the climate and the Iran nuclear agreement in the state.

Suffice to say that the G7 summit looks stormy ... if Donald Trump makes the trip. Because according to the Washington Post, the situation is so much that he would have thought to send Vice President Mike Pence in his place.

Alyson Braxton for DayNewsWorld



V ll certainly come to fill your tax card via the Internet. But you have until September 15 to make changes in case you have not made the judicious choice between several solutions.

First of all, a brief explanation of the withholding tax

The tax deduction at source will come into effect at the beginning of 2019. The major interest of the withholding tax is to collect the real-time household tax, ie at the time of the payment of taxable income. . Currently, as the tax is levied a year late, taxpayers who see their income drop (retirement, unemployment), must wait one year before their tax will drop, which puts them in a difficult situation.

The Terra Nova think tank considered that such a reform is "useful for the economy" (which is not spared is consumed) but also allows to "strengthen" the effect of social stabilizers (a person falling in unemployment will no longer have to pay the same tax) and "improve the efficiency of tax policy" (by removing the important time lag between the vote of a measure and its financial impact on households).

Who will be concerned?

The reform applies to employees, retirees and the self-employed. Wages, replacement income (retirement, unemployment, maternity, etc.) and income from land are also affected. Movable capital income and real estate gains are not included in this field because they are already deducted at source.

Who will collect the tax?

The withholding tax brings into the circuit of recovery of the tax a new actor: the third-party payer ie the employer. The tax paid will appear on the pay slip as is the case today for social contributions. For pensioners and the unemployed, it will be the pension and unemployment insurance funds that will play this role.

The liberal professions and the self-employed will pay a monthly or quarterly installment, calculated according to their incomes of the previous months, and adjusted then according to their effective incomes. If they anticipate a strong fall of their incomes, they will be able to signal their situation to the FISC administration. This possibility, for example, meets the needs of craftsmen who lose a large customer, or farmers subject to weather conditions. The property income will be applied the same system of deposit.

What about tax credits?

It is impossible to suspend the tax credits in the year of transition, otherwise certain sectors (employment at home, building, charitable organizations) will be closed down. The tax credits that will be maintained will continue to be collected by the taxpayer the following year.

The home-based employment tax credit could, however, be monthly. The question is currently under study. On the other hand, the "all-in-one" device planned for private employers will not be ready in January 2019.

Now what options to choose for the tax rate?

If you reported your income online this year, you will have noticed a new option allowing you to choose (or not) the rate at which you will be taxed next year. How does it work, and in which case can this option be useful? Once you have completed your return, you will discover the personalized tax rate that will be applied to you from next year.

There are three possible options:

Indeed, with the coming into effect of the withholding tax of the income tax at January 1, 2019, each month a share of your net salary will be deducted for this tax. Ditto for income from land, alimony, income of self-employed, etc.

By default, it is therefore a "personalized" rate that appears, calculated as the current income tax on the basis of the annual income of the tax household. But there are two alternatives, for particular cases where taxpayers want to change this rate: the "individualized" rate or the "neutral" rate. What are they for, in which case do they use them?

The individualized rate for couples with unbalanced wages

This is to modulate the rate that will be levied to each member of the couple, according to the income of each, so that the overall rate of levy is the right.

A "neutral" rate to remain discreet

You have an inheritance, you own a large house or you are receiving annuities, but you do not want your employer to realize that your tax rate is high compared to what he pays you every month. In this case, you can opt for the "neutral rate", calculated solely on the basis of the income paid by the employer.

The taxpayer will not be deducted from the totality of his income tax via the withholding tax: the rate that will affect his salary will be equivalent to that of a single without children. On the other hand, it will have to pay the difference by paying it directly, via a payment "classic" as at present, to the attention of the Treasury

Can we change my mind?

Yes, but not indefinitely. Even if the declaration is due from this Tuesday you can always change your method of levy on your particular space site until next September 15th only.

In case of a change of situation (marriage, birth, decrease or increase of income ...) the taxpayer will have to ask for an update.

The taxpayer does not give any information to his employer or pension fund since. it is the administration that remains the taxpayer's interlocutor for its taxes, confidentiality is preserved.

Finally France enters the club of the developed countries with the withholding at source almost always for budgetary purposes.

Jaimie Potts for DayNewsWorld



PSA "is in contact with the US authorities to consider a derogation" , "with the support of the French government" , but it has not obtained any guarantee from the State.

It is therefore the second largest French group, after Total, to comply with US injunctions to respect the embargo against Tehran imposed by the United States after their withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal.

The French car manufacturer PSA announced Monday, June 4, 2018 that he was preparing his departure from Iran, his first foreign market in volume.

The group, whose Peugeot and Citroën brands had formed joint ventures in Iran, said it had

"Begin the process of suspending the activities of its joint ventures, in order to comply with US law by August 6, 2018".

Last year, PSA sold 444,600 vehicles in Iran, a country where it is traditionally well established, and which constitutes its first foreign market ahead of China (382,800 units), the United Kingdom (279,100), Italy (265,000 200) and Germany (257,800).

Even if the importance of the Iranian market remains minimal in financial terms with "less than 1% of its turnover" for the second European manufacturer, it is a serious setback for the latter.

China, which already holds the largest market share in Iran, will be able to gain ground with no economic interest with the US policeman ...

Alyson Braxton for DayNewsWorld



The United States put its threat into effect, imposing a tax on steel and aluminum imported from the European Union of 25% and 10% respectively. The decision that Emmanuel Macron lambasted "illegal" caused an outcry and reactions were not delayed.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, for her part, was alarmed by "an escalation that will hurt everyone" while Emmanuel Macron provided a " firm and proportionate" response from the European Union. "Our response to 'America first' will be 'united Europe'," Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said in a statement, saying "there are no winners in trade wars".

The EU will therefore respond to the important tariffs that the United States will impose on steel and aluminum from the Union, promised Thursday the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker.

"The United States has been exploited for many decades in the field of trade. Those days are over, " said the US president, in a statement. Wilbur Ross, for his part, minimized the risk of retaliation by the target countries, who felt that imports from the European Union represented "little" compared to the US trade deficit (less than $ 3 billion).

"It's a bad day for business. The European Union can not remain without reacting. What they (the United States) can do, we are able to do exactly the same thing, " warned Mr. Juncker at a conference in Brussels.

"The US leaves us no choice but to bring this dispute to the WTO and impose additional tariffs on a number of products from the US," Juncker said. a statement.

The World Trade Organization (WTO) procedure, which may last for years, should be launched on Friday, June 1, the Commission's statement said.

By the end of April, when the trade conflict had escalated, the EU had prepared a list of US goods, including tobacco, bourbon, jeans or motorbikes, which could be heavily taxed if struck by the rights of customs. These taxes or countermeasures, however, do not cover all the damage inflicted on European industry.

They can come into effect as early as June 20 because everything is settled on the side of the World Trade Organization. But a debate between Member States must be held for a final validation.

Canada and Mexico are also affected by these sanctions.

For Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, these sanctions are "an affront to the longstanding security partnership between Canada and the United States, and an affront to the thousands of Canadians who fought and died alongside their brothers in arms. Americans. " Ottawa has announced C $ 16.6 billion worth of US products. Mexico has announced "equivalent measures" to US taxes. The taxes will cover "various products such as flat steels (...), lamps, hams and pork knuckles, cold cuts and food preparations, apples, grapes, cranberries, various cheeses, among others" according to a communiqué, the secretariat for external relations.

The German government has warned that the answer to "America first" will be "united Europe" after the US decision to introduce tariffs on steel and aluminum imported from Europe. the EU, Mexico and Canada.

Faced with the economic nationalism of the United States we can only deplore the inefficiency of the WTO completely paralyzed in its action.

Andrew Preston for DayNewsWorld



The government is inviting the French to speak by launching a citizen consultation on a public consultation site on Thursday to gather citizens' opinions on pension reform.

This bill should lead to a point-based retirement system for everyone, a flagship project of Emmanuel Macron's program.

A website - - is open for the occasion. It will remain so until October 25.

A promise of citizen participation in a most explosive project !!

"The income will give you a right to points, you will have a portability of rights regardless of the type of employer and the sector.

The goal is that with identical career, identical income, the retirement is identical, " says Jean-Paul Delevoye in Paris.

"This is to create a universal system where 1 euro contributed gives the same rights," said in a statement the High Commissioner for pension reform, Jean-Paul Delevoye, who says he "persuaded that a subject of such a scale requires a broad citizen consultation ".

For which system?

It would be a question of putting an end to the current system, which is considered very complex, not very legible and a source of inequalities. This will involve the elimination of the 37 existing pension schemes and the creation of a universal point system. In this scheme, the employee who contributes accumulates points throughout his career and, when he applies for retirement, his points are converted into an annuity based on the value of the point at the time of calculation. "The goal is that with identical career, identical income, the retirement is the same" , explains Jean-Paul Delevoye

Thus with the notion of duration that would disappear, the pension reform would allow the respect of "the freedom of choice" by giving the choice to everyone to decide when to retire, whether he judges his cumulative points sufficient or not. A significant advantage according to the high commissioner for pension reform.

"The current age of 62 should be kept," he says so that early departures do not lead people to have small pensions ... and do not "weigh on national solidarity."

Regarding the unemployed, people in precarious situation or disabled who would be harmed by the point system based on employment income, Jean-Paul Delevoye does not yet deliver concrete measures. "This is one of the debates we will have to have," he adds.

Another issue will be addressed in the second half, that of a possible capitalization. "The question arises for the highest salaries that exceed a certain ceiling (above € 120,000 income, € 160,000 or more)," says Jean-Paul Delevoye.

If the participation is open until 25 October, High Commissioner Jean-Paul Delevoye will only propose at the end of the year or at the beginning of 2019 the "main orientations" of the reform. The implementation of the reform, as for she should not intervene until 2025.

Alyson Braxton for DayNewsWorld




The industrialist and press boss Serge Dassault died Monday, May 28 at his office at the Champs-Elysées Marcel-Dassault roundabout in Paris of a "heart failure" at the age of 93 years. "The family and the Dassault group will later communicate the terms of the tribute to be paid to Mr. Serge Dassault," according to this text broadcast by the group's communication department.

For a long time, he lived in the shadow of a father, a genius of the deported aeronautics, a brilliant engineer of the Hurricanes, Mystery IV and Mirage, patron of the magazine Jours de France and Gaullist deputy.

Born Serge Bloch April 4, 1925 in Paris, the industrialist of Jewish origin and all his family take the name of Dassault in 1946, at the end of the Second World War.

Serge "fell into the pot" of aviation, "wanted to undertake, he wanted more important positions. But there was no room for two, " says the historian Claude Carlier, author of books on Marcel and Serge Dassault.

This polytechnician, aeronautical engineer who for a long time had to stay away from the company waiting until 1967 to become CEO of the subsidiary Dassault Électronique succeeds his father in 1986 of a huge industrial empire, and after six months of battle with the State, a 46% shareholder in Dassault Aviation and majority in voting rights.

To no longer depend essentially on the public order Serge Dassault restructured the military aerospace group by the development and diversification of his group.

The Dassault group now has several subsidiaries: Dassault Aviation, the Rafale and Falcon manufacturer, which has 11,800 employees in France and is a 25% shareholder in the Thales electronics and defense group; Dassault Falcon Jet, which markets business jets in America, Asia and the Pacific (2,400 employees); Dassault Falcon Service, for the rental of business aircraft (600 employees); a 41% stake in the software giant Dassault Systems; the Le Figaro group; or, among others, the Artcurial auction house in Paris.

In 2000, he decided to cede the presidency of Dassault Aviation, but retained that of the family holding company Groupe Industriel Marcel Dassault (GIMD).

He also had a tumultuous political career

Appointed to the RPR and then to the UMP, he served as counselor general (1988-2004) senator (2004-2017) and mayor of Corbeil-Essonnes (from 1995 to 2009).

But in 2009, the Council of State had canceled his re-election at the town of Corbeil-Essonnes (Essonne) the previous year because of "gifts of money" while declaring Serge Dassault ineligible for a year.

His name has been associated with scandals related to the business of vote buying, hidden account laundering and tax evasion related to tax evasion.

His fortune, estimated at 21.6 billion in 2017, ranks France's 5th fortune in the ranking of the 500 fortunes of France de Challenges.

In 2014, he set the terms for his succession.

It is his man of trust and general manager of GIM, Charles Edelstenne, who succeeds him "automatically" while his four children sit on the Supervisory Board of the family holding.

Alize Marion for DayNewsWorld



This is undoubtedly the legislative change that the French entrepreneurs expect the most.

The contravention of the new law will apply to any company that handles information about European residents, even if it is based outside the EU.

Previously, associations, administrations and companies had to warn the CNIL whenever they created a file containing information on their members, customers, employees or administrated.

"According to the level of sensitivity of the information collected, companies had to make either a simple statement or ask permission," explains Guillaume Desgens-Pasanau, senior lecturer at the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts, who runs an online course. on the GDPR.

In return, these organizations must provide accurate documentation of their use of personal data. It should include the name and purpose of the files collected, the registry of those who have access to them, and the measures taken to protect the data from possible malicious attacks.

Administrations as well as companies whose "basic activities (...) consist of a large-scale processing" of the data will even necessarily have to appoint a delegate for the protection of these files, who will have to present all the documentation to the Cnil in control case.

Paul Emison for DayNewsWorld



Europe is at the forefront in defending the rights and freedoms of citizens on the Internet.

The new regulation on the protection of personal data aims to strengthen the protection of the privacy of European citizens.

Intended to replace the computer law and freedoms, the general regulation on the protection of personal data - or GDPR - will frame the way the digital giants manage the information they have on their users. forty years of good and loyal services, the law and freedoms will retire. From Friday, May 25, this text adopted in January 1978 to protect the French from the potential drifts of the file, which developed at the same time as the computer, will disappear. Its replacement is a European text that unifies the rules in force in the 28 member countries of the EU.

His name: the general regulation on the protection of personal data, or GDPR.

It comes in, comes into effect this Friday, May 25th.

This law, voted in 2016, intends above all to empower the digital economy players by introducing obligations for companies and local authorities. From now on, those who wish to use the personal data of Europeans will have to obtain their consent and be clear about their use.

This regulation will come into force in a context that has become electric, with the undue use of personal data of millions of Facebook users by Cambridge Analytica, a company linked to Donald Trump's campaign. And it was built around a major principle: its content will apply to any company that handles information about European residents, even if it is based outside the EU.

The new European regulation strengthens the concept of consent, already present in the "Law for confidence in the digital economy" of June 21, 2004. When a user makes available some of his personal data, he must now know what they will be used, how long they will be kept and whether they will leave the European Union. Businesses, therefore, to ask permission from everyone by explaining the legitimacy of their use. This information must be communicated to the user in a way that is "understandable and easily accessible, and formulated in clear and simple terms , " says the text of the law.

I can get a copy of my personal data

I can transfer my data to another service

This new law also introduces a new right for internet users, that of being able to retrieve and transfer part of its data free of charge from a service (social network, messaging service, internet access provider, streaming site, etc.) to the Internet. 'other ' in an open and machine-readable format , 'says the text.

This is called the right to portability of data. A user wishing to change email service provider, can download his emails to continue to use them in another, much like a bank account. The new text provides that the transfer can be done automatically between service providers.

I can take legal action in case of abuse

If a user believes that his personal data have been used or collected in an abusive manner, in contradiction with the law, he will be able to appeal to the data protection authorities, the National Commission for Informatics and Liberties ( CNIL) in France.

This is already the case, the GDPR goes further, since it allows to launch a collective action by an association or an organization for the purpose of protecting personal data, and to obtain a "compensation for damage suffered" . The French association La Quadrature du Net has just announced the launch of the first collective actions of its kind, targeting the digital giants of the US. Companies whose head office is located outside the European Union will no longer be able to argue the non-applicability of European law. In case of violation of my rights, the responsible company incurs a penalty of up to 4% of its worldwide turnover.

I can know when my data has been hacked

The RGPD also provides for more stringent security requirements for companies that collect and process personal data. In case of piracy, they must warn "in clear and simple terms" their customers or users. Users will be notified only when this intrusion is "likely to create a high risk for rights and freedoms," says the text of the law.

Facebook will apply the European Data Protection Regulation to the world.

The social network Facebook announced Thursday, May 24, that it would apply to its two billion users worldwide the European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which comes into effect Friday, May 25. For several weeks, European Facebook users have been asked if they agree to be subject to advertising targeting, but also whether they allow Facebook to use its facial recognition technologies on photos and videos shared on the network. .

These questions will be asked to all users of the social network and will be accompanied by a reminder of the sensitive information they were able to share. Facebook, however, brings a major difference in this application of the GDPR : users from the rest of the world will be able to postpone this review of their privacy settings, while a European user who does not revalidate these terms of use of Facebook does not will no longer be able to access the social network.

Facebook is one of the first multinationals to announce that it is submitting to these new European rules, two days after its boss Mark Zuckerberg apologized to the European Parliament for the deficiencies of its social network in protecting the data of its users .

According to the GDPR, major web platforms must ensure among their users that they have obtained their consent "free, specific, informed and unambiguous" to use and store their personal data.

Paul Emison for DayNewsWorld



Wherever the French companies are between the anvil and the hammer!

They are under pressure from banks to leave Iran.

With the return of sanctions, any company trading with Iran may see its loans denounced in France at the end of the moratorium set by Donald Trump.

How to react so that the French markets passed in Iran are not sanctioned?

For the time being, the sixty companies gathered by Bruno Lemaire do not intend to withdraw massively from Iran, despite the return of sanctions.

But where the rub is the role of banks in these companies. Indeed, banks impose restrictive clauses as part of their traditional lending activity.

"As part of their traditional lending activity, banks have imposed on business compliance clauses embargo measures and economic sanctions as a condition for the granting of credit that are generally broad enough, to cover a possible hardening of American policy in this area, explains Louis de Longeaux, associate lawyer at Herbert Smith.

Thus, if, due to the evolution of the sanctions policy, companies come to find themselves in a situation where they would violate the applicable sanctions due to the continuation of their activities in Iran, the banks could be entitled to denounce these credits ".

Companies are in a logic of vulnerability since it is the banks that lend them that could see their credits, or their accounts, denounced in France by their banking institution!

Similarly, in the account opening agreements it is often stipulated that "the bank may reserve the right to close the accounts of its client, if it considers that it conducts activities that may be subject to sanctions" .

The problem is legally difficult because the banking sector is also subject to US sanctions.

How to escape?

Banks have asked SMEs, for example, not to exceed a certain turnover threshold in Iran in order to avoid being threatened with account closures.

The banks themselves are really threatened by tougher sanctions. The reinstatement of the so-called " secondary" sanctions has the consequence of threatening "any actor intervening in Iran, to be registered on the black list of the American authorities, and consequently, any party who contracts with him," recalls we're in the executive.

They become instruments of politics

Through the banks, "the United States has managed to somehow privatize the watch and the threat of sanctions," said Louis de Longeaux. And these are not the only ones. Insurers are forced to do so too.

"The United States can not be the economic policeman of the world" according to Bruno Le Maire

Andrew Preston for DayNewsWorld


Bank scams are always making more victims

In 2016, 1.2 million French households declared themselves victims of fraud, double that of six years ago according to a study by the National Observatory of delinquency and penal responses.

The vast majority of them suffered a loss of less than or equal to EUR 300

"Scams above 1,000 euros represent a much smaller share (13% of households)," says the study.

In most cases, victims are totally unaware of the method of the perpetrator.

Households who have been scammed have noticed fraud by looking at their bank statement, the banks themselves not necessarily realizing it.

"The fraudulent flow was used to make purchases for nearly 68% of the victimized households in 2016," says the ONDRP.

For more than one household out of two, for an online purchase, for 10% of victims in a traditional business.

Carl Delsey for DayNewsWorld




Total and Shell have announced this Sunday, May 13, 2018, in two separate communiqués, to have signed a memorandum of understanding with the Government of Oman to exploit natural gas on the soil of the Sultanate. "Total and Shell, operator, will develop in a respective proportion of 25% / 75% according to an agreement between the two companies before possible entry of the government, several gas discoveries located on land on block 6 in the area of ​​+ Greater Barik +" says the French oil and gas group in a statement.

Both partners have an initial gas production target of about 500 million cubic feet (about 152 million cubic meters) per day and production could reach up to one billion cubic feet per day thereafter.

The goal is to achieve "an initial gas production of approximately 500 million cubic feet per day", with the site having the "potential to reach up to 1 billion cubic feet per day thereafter" Total

"We are pleased to sign this Memorandum of Understanding with the Sultanate of Oman which will give us access to new gas resources and the opportunity to develop an integrated gas project , " said Arnaud Breuillac, General Manager of Exploration -production of Total, quoted in a company statement.

Total intends to use its share of gas to develop a regional hub in Oman to provide liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel services to ships.

"Developing this LNG service as a bunker fuel will create value in the country, providing jobs, and support the diversification of the industry by encouraging shipping activities in Oman," said Arnaud Breuillac, General Manager of Total's exploration-production, quoted in the press release.

The Anglo-Dutch oil giant has welcomed the agreement signed "helps Oman to meet its energy needs and aspirations for growth," saying it should serve as a "platform for further negotiations on planned developments »

The two companies are already shareholders, alongside the sultanate and others The two companies are already shareholders, alongside the sultanate and other oil groups, the company specializes in liquefied gas Oman LNG.

Britney Delsey for DayNewsWorld



The offices of the Yemeni presidency, where the Houthi rebels are located in the center of the capital, were targeted on Monday by an air raid.

Not less than two powerful explosions have shaken the buildings of these offices near a large hotel, a commercial bank and not far from the headquarters of the Central Bank. The balance sheet would be at least six dead and thirty wounded.

For the Al-Massirah rebel TV channel and the Saba news agency, the raids are attributed to the Saudi-led coalition that has been operating in Yemen since 2015 against the Houthis. These control the capital and territories of the north and the west.

The air strike came hours after the Saudi air defense intercepted two new ballistic missiles fired by Yemeni rebels into the south of the kingdom on Sunday night, according to the coalition.

The missiles have been fired from the Yemeni province of Amrane, north of the capital Sanaa, said coalition spokesman, Saudi Colonel Turki al-Maliki.

Yemen is the scene of a "proxy war" between Shiites and Sunnis.

The war in Yemen with some 10,000 dead and more than 54,000 injured has caused "the worst humanitarian crisis in the world" according to the UN.

Britney Delsey for DayNewsWorld




Jean-Marc Janaillac had put his position in the balance in the face of the result of the vote on the draft wage agreement. But the latter was rejected by 55.44% of Air France staff with a participation rate of 80.33% announced that he resigned from his post.

"I assume the consequences of this vote and I will resign in the coming days my resignation to the boards of directors of Air France and Air France-KLM," he said. white voice.

"Thirteen days of strike and more than two months of conflict have weakened Air France, compromising its performance and future.

It's a huge mess that can only delight our competitors, weaken our alliances and disorient our teams. "

Jean-Marc Janaillac reiterated the impossibility for Air France to meet the demands of the unions.

"It's economically impossible and it would be mostly suicide," he said.

The ten organizations that make up the Air France inter-union, including the main SNPL AF pilot union, find themselves in a strong position to demand a resumption of negotiations.

The draft wage agreement providing for a general wage increase of 7% by 2021, with 2% this year, no longer holds.

The economic impact of the strike was estimated at the end of April at least 300 million euros.

The strike will continue ...

Boby Dean for DayNewsWorld



The government wants to "massively develop retirement savings" , says Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire.

The Minister of Economy and promises to ease the operation of existing devices, shunned by the French. The goal is to raise an extra 100 billion euros by the end of the five-year period.

What is the purpose of the pension insurance?

Retirement savings enable workers to build capital during their working lives. At retirement, the money is redistributed generally in the form of an annuity until the death of the saver.

Retirement savings therefore enable workers to build up capital during their working lives to provide for old age pensioners

Is this a first step towards a funded pension system that does not say its name?

However, in France, where the mandatory pay-as-you-go system remains the norm, private savings are estimated at less than 10% of pensioners' incomes, compared to 17% in Germany and more than 46% in the Netherlands. Retirement savings represent "derisory sums" confirmed the minister yesterday to the foundations of Savings and Taxation, organized by the French Savings and Retirement Association (Afer).

The promise of an "attractive tax system"?

In the main lines of its reform provided for by the Pact Act (Action Plan for the Growth and Transformation of the Economy) Bercy promises an "attractive" tax (within the limits of the existing ceilings) by voluntary payments.

"Simplicity, freedom: here are the two slogans of this reform," says the tenant of Bercy.

But as everyone knows, the stock of retirement savings, which is not usual in France, is only 200 billion euros, far from the 1700 billion life insurance, one of the preferred investments of With the livret A. As basic pensions exist in France, the assets do not jostle to put their woolen stockings in this type of investment. As a result, in France, "funded pension supplements" represent only 3% of total pensions, compared with 10% to 15% for our neighbors, the Savings Circle notes in a statement.

"Their low yields can expose investors to erosion of their capital because of inflation and management fees. And the prospect of having to combine several non-transferable products represents a major obstacle for employee-savers while professional careers are now less linear, " notes a note from the Ministry.

But retirement savings is today broken up around a maze of products whose main ones are the Perp, the Perco, the article 83 or the Madelin. Addressing different audiences (employees, self-employed, ...), each investment also has different entry and exit conditions. However, "by the middle of the century, the retired population will grow from 15 to 20 million" in France. Between the problems of the sustainability of the pay-as-you-go system (with fewer and fewer retirees) and the burden of end-of-life dependency, which is increasing every year a little more, the government wants to logically reinforce savings. retirement of households.

To overcome this lack of attractiveness, the executive will relax contracts, often criticized for their complexity, without reducing the number. "We want the measure to be operational as soon as possible" , justifies Bruno Le Maire.

Concretely that proposes Bruno Le Maire?

It has just improved existing contracts the famous Perco, Perp and Article 83. Three changes planned: the employee can keep the same retirement savings contract throughout his working life; the reversion option will become systematic for the spouse in the event of the death of the beneficiary; the saver will be free to recover his capital savings (that is to say at one time). It's not the big night!

By the end of the five-year period, the government hopes to reach a total of 300 billion to officially "allow the French to better prepare for retirement but also to better finance the economy . "

By the middle of the century, the retired population will increase from 15 to 20 million in France. Between the problems of sustainability of the pay-as-you-go system (with fewer and fewer retirees) and the burden of end-of-life dependency, which is increasing every year a little more, what can be done?

The government simply wants to siphon life insurance and achieve its goals: a mandatory pension ...

Joanne Courbet for DayNewsWorld



The industrialist was placed in custody Tuesday as part of a corruption investigation into obtaining management of two ports in Africa.

What is happening to the Bolloré group? Vincent Bolloré the Breton industrialist was placed in police custody Tuesday morning in the premises of the Central Office of fight against corruption and financial and tax offenses (OCLCIFF) in Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine).

As well as the general director of the group, Gilles Alix, as well as the head of the international division of the Havas communication agency (owned by the Bolloré group), Jean-Philippe Dorent. Francis Perez, leader of Pefaco, too. The latter runs a company developing hotels and casinos in Africa.

Astonishing? Like the Da Vinci group, the Bolloré group wins a lot of big contracts, sometimes public ones.

These hearings are part of an open investigation especially for bribery of foreign public officials, conducted by two investigating judges under the auspices of the National Finance Prosecutor (PNF).

Management of ports, transport and logistics networks, plantations ... Africa accounts for one quarter of the turnover of the industrial group led by the Breton industrialist. In this continent he managed to build an economic empire of 2.5 billion in 46 countries with a strong network of political friendships and the media it controls!

What do you say to him?

The suspicions relate to the way in which the industrialist got the management of the ports of Conakry in Guinea and Lomé in Togo. The conditions of attribution of these two concessions are at the heart of a survey for corruption insofar as precisely At this time, the election of new President Alpha Condé in 2011 and the re-election of President Faure Gnassingbé in 2009 took place.

The African subsidiary of Bolloré won the Conakry port market in 2011 shortly after the election of all while it was given two years earlier to the subsidiary of another French group for a period of twenty- five years.

Similarly, in Togo, where Bolloré won the contract in 2009, a few months before the incumbent president was elected.

But, more troubling: in both countries, Havas, the communications consulting agency, was the communication expertise for these two presidents inducted.

Had Havas not undercharged its services in exchange for the future granting of the operation of the two port terminals to the parent company? Would the Bolloré group have facilitated the arrival of African heads of state in exchange for port concessions in Guinea and Togo?

Formal denial of the industrial group

In a statement issued a few hours after the announcement of the custody, the Bolloré group has formally denied any irregularity: "The link that tries to be made by some between obtaining these concessions and communication operations is devoid of any economic foundation and reveals a heavy misunderstanding of this industrial sector , " adds the group, which argues that Havas " brings its expertise in communication to political campaigns around the world and in conditions of transparency irreproachable " for twenty-five years Bolloré won these two big African markets through "expertise," he says. A group employing 80,000 people worldwide.

In twenty-five years, Vincent Bolloré obtained the concession of a dozen African ports. As well as the management of several container terminals in concession: Douala (Cameroon), Abidjan (Ivory Coast), Cotonou (Benin), Tema (Ghana), Tincan (Lagos, Nigeria), Pointe-Noire (Republic of Congo), Lome (Togo) and Conackry (Guinea).

Since 2004, the group has been managing and operating the first terminal of the port of Abidjan, the leader in West Africa and the coastline of the countries of the sub-region (Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso).

The group also holds the majority rail concessions in three countries in Africa: Sitarail (Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso), Camrail (Cameroon) and Benirail (Benin). With railways, thousands of trucks and millions of square meters of storage space, the management of strategic ports-political and economic-assures the Bolloré Africa Logistics group an undeniable grip on the African continent, under the brand name

The group is also involved in oil, mining and industrial logistics ...

An industrial empire in Africa built in 25 years!

But the Havas agency organizes electoral campaigns on the continent with formidable weapons: advertising (Euro RSCG) television (Direct 8), e polls (CSA) and the free press (Morning Plus, Direct evening), here it is make sure to make campaigns of opinions and images.

And the "Messieurs Afrique" are not lacking ...

But in the face of the Chinese company and its progress in Africa, let's not hide the face !!!

Joanne Courbet for DayNewsWorld


In June 2017, Donald Trump announced the withdrawal of the United States from the Paris agreement. Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg released the checkbook to offset the US share.

The billionaire announced Sunday on CBS, he would sign a check for $ 4.5 million, to cover part of the US share of the Paris agreement for 2018.

"We have a responsibility. "America has made a commitment and as Americans, if the government does not hold it, we have a responsibility," Bloomberg said. " I can do it, so I will send a check for the amount of money promised. "

In fact, this is not the first time that the former independent mayor has mobilized to finance the fight against global warming. In June 2017, he had already pledged $ 15 million to support the UN's efforts through his Bloomberg Philanthropies Foundation. Tenth world fortune, Michael Bloomberg had then explained that his foundation, Bloomberg Philanthropies, would provide the UN the equivalent of the contribution that had to pay the United States.

The Paris Agreement stipulated that the United States was the main contributor to the UN-managed Green Climate Fund. A few days after the announcement of the withdrawal of the United States, Michael Bloomberg had submitted to the United Nations a letter signed by more than 1,000 organizations, companies and local authorities in the United States, ready to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

The philanthropist does not despair that Donald Trump changes his mind "He should say: Look, there is really a problem, America is part of the problem, America is a big part of the solution and we should go. And help the world to stop a potential disaster. But for the tenant of the White House is the text itself that represents a disaster.

But Donald Trump judges the current agreement "awful" and "unfair" and requires for this a text "totally different".

Emmanuel Macron who goes this Monday in the United States will offer an oak to the American president. Does this tree sound like a message about the need to preserve the environment?

Alyson Braxton for DayNewsWorld



The tax website gives Google data from millions of French people by having to watch an informative video hosted on YouTube!

Indeed Bercy allows the American giant to suck up a lot of personal information. Most popular information to track down a little more users and enrich their advertising profile. And let it happen with the blessing of a government site!

What a nice present for the giant Google !!!

The Directorate General of Public Finance (DGFIP) in deciding to use YouTube to host an information video on the withholding tax, which is mandatory to view to access the site and report its income allows YouTube (Google) to collect personal data about internet users.

Knowing that in a few days the video has been viewed more than 4.3 million times that data sucked because like all YouTube videos, it is broadcast by Google with advertising sneaks that aspire some data from the browser (including cookies) .

At a time as crucial as the tax return, good pick for Google!

Bercy who constantly thinks of charging taxes to Google and its affiliate YouTube should think!

Indeed the use of the platform for institutional has never been indicated as free !!

If YouTube claims  $ 10 (ten dollars) to Bercy for each view, Bercy will have a nice bill to pay to YouTube!

Invoice that would be completely legitimate !!!

Let's not forget that its videos are stored in servers based in the United States that have an operating cost (purchases of servers, power supplies, air conditioning, fire fighting networks, fiber optic lines, maintenance staff etc. ... )

The theft IT resources is it not punished by the laws French, American, and International ???

Let's bet that YouTube, Google, and the US are not going to stop there !!!

From knowledgeable source Donald Trump would already be on the record !!!

Garett Skyport for DayNewsWorld





A month and a half after the abandonment of the airport project, the expulsion of zadistes remained on the site began Monday and Tuesday before continuing on Wednesday.

Prime Minister Edouard Philippe Wednesday greeted the "very great professionalism" of the gendarmes and swept the idea of ​​a break, despite the demands of several members of the majority.

"Since Monday morning, the gendarmes act with control, with measure, with discernment, in the face of often violent oppositions, facing projectile jets, rockets, facing catapults sometimes set up" so that "force remains at the law, " Philippe told MPs.

On the third day of the evictions in the ZAD of Notre-Dame-des-Landes, the confrontation continues therefore between mobile gendarmes and zadistes entrenched behind barricades.

Wednesday, clashes began shortly before 07 am not far from the D281 road called "chicanes" . The gendarmes responded by firing tear gas and blast grenades at the various projectiles (stones, clumps of earth, bottles) launched by sixty zadistes protecting themselves behind makeshift barricades on the route of the "Black Fosses" .

The intervention could "last until the end of the week," according to Interior Minister Gerard Collomb, who mobilized some 2,500 gendarmes. According to the prefecture, 16 sites were evacuated on Monday and Tuesday. Of these, 15 were demolished. The region's prefect, Nicole Klein, announced Tuesday that the goal was to dismantle "30 to 40" sites.

It should be remembered, however, that these violent clashes have left 30 or so wounded on the last official count, and around 20, including two hospitalized Zadists, according to the medical team's assessment.

Andrew Preston for DayNewsWorld



With the reform of the Labor Code and unemployment insurance, apprenticeship reform was to be the third component of the Macron five-year social project.

The start of the reform of apprenticeship was given on November 10, 2017 by Muriel Pénicaud (Minister of Labor) after the President of the Republic, traveling to a vocational high school in Egletons, October 4, 2017, has announced his first intentions on the subject.

As soon as the file was put on the rails, 4 working groups were set up to treat and study the following subjects:

- Course of the apprentice
- Business Learning
- Financing learning
- Training and certification offers

The experts participating in these groups made their findings and reports on 29 January 2018.

At the same time, Sylvie Brunet, President of the Economic and Social Council, presented the EESC proposals to the government on the same day.

On the basis of their respective work, it was decided that the apprenticeship reform project, formally finalized by the government, would be presented to the Council of Ministers in April 2018. We are there!

Moreover, Muriel Penicaud anticipates, presented its preliminary project on April 6th.

MEDEF immediately praised the project, particularly with regard to the fact that the reform provides that companies and their branches would henceforth have a new responsibility in steering apprenticeship training systems.

A challenge and a responsibility which historically were assumed so far by the Regions which immediately reacted ..

As a result, the Regions of France, chaired by Hervé Morin very quickly broadcast a statement drawing red balls on the project.

Their arguments are quite clear: according to their estimates, half of the CFA (Adult Training Center) would be likely to close or restructure if the reform as presented was implemented under the conditions set by the government.

The Regions also point to the attitude of the government that did not respect some of the promises, made in the framework of the consultation, and the commitments made by the Prime Minister on February 9, 2018, such as the creation of a Regional Plan alternating training courses, with the aim of ensuring complementarity between CFA and Professional High Schools (high schools fall under the Regions' competence in application of the decentralization laws) or the control of the payment by the Regions of the Single Aid to employers of apprentices.

Hence the scathing and furious declaration of Bruno Muselier, President of the PACA Region, who immediately decided to stop the funding of the Training Centers of his Region ... .to avoid being the cash drawer of the State ....

According to Bruno Muselier, while the Paca Region he presides would have gone from 27,000 to 32,000 apprentices in two and a half years, and that the goal that she set for herself was to reach 50,000 apprentices per year in 2021, with an investment scope of 143 million euros (for 120 million euros of assigned revenue), according to its projections, the reform could lead to the closure of 33 CFA out of 59 currently existing. A very strong amputation therefore!

And the elected to continue, "that he stopped the current projects while waiting to know who will finance them and with what means" ?

On the subject of learning, the war has restarted between the Government and the Regions.

Yet the dialogue was resumed in mid-January 2018, after the Regions had previously slammed the door of the consultation on the reform.

In mid-January, Hervé Morin had indeed taken for granted, given the promises made to him, the principle that it would be the regions that would lead the new reform?

But that nay! This has not been the case and the Presidents of Regions have begun to worry about the real or underground objectives of the State concerning the Reformation, which they do not take into account the problems of regional planning (a competence held also by the Regions) and CFA allocations to rural areas.

We therefore understand better the rage of Bruno Muselier who like his colleagues will certainly resume the tug of war they had started in November 2017 with the executive, and Emmanuel Macron in particular.

In the midst of deep social unrest ?

Could the government's gamble and plans for reforming apprenticeship remain on the ground ?

(No pun, there are no paving stones in Paris and the major French cities).

Clara Mitchell for DayNewsWorld




The first woman elected president of South Korea was sentenced to 24 years in prison in the corruption scandal that led to her fall last year. The first woman elected President of South Korea, Park Guen-Hye, was dismissed and arrested in March 2017.

The former president was sentenced on Friday, April 6, by a Seoul court to 24 years in prison in the corruption scandal that led to her fall

Sentenced to twenty-four years in prison, the former president of South Korea was under the influence of a guru.

The affair begins in the summer of 2016. Thousands of students from the prestigious Ewha University in Seoul, the capital, take to the streets. The reason ? A girl, Chung Yoo-ra, would have benefited from a "piston" to enter the college. In this country where competition to enter the university is ruthless, and parents spend money on their children's schooling, this favor does not pass. Especially since this Chung Yoo-ra is not anyone. She is the daughter of Choi Soon-sil, a close friend of Park Geun-hye, who had a real grip on the president.

Park Geun-Hye was found guilty of corruption, abuse of power or coercion by the Seoul Central District Court, which also fined him 18 billion won (13 million euros). Judge Kim Se-yoon said she had forced South Korean companies to pay tens of billions of won to two foundations controlled by her shadow confidante and "friend of 40 years" , Choi Soon-sil . "The accused illegally used her presidential authority at the request of Ms. Choi to force companies to give money to the foundations," said the magistrate. "The companies were forced to give large sums of money and the accused let Ms. Choi control the foundations when she was not allowed to do so."

The friend who hijacked 17 million euros!

Judged in a separate trial, Ms. Choi was sentenced in February to 20 years of imprisonment. "Mrs. Choi" was in possession of confidential files. The verdict falls: "Madam Choi" is at the heart of state affairs while she has no official office, and she uses her privileged status to enrich herself. Investigators will discover later that it has bribed senior chaebol leaders, the big industrial conglomerates, to divert more than 17 million euros.

The eldest daughter of the military dictator Park Chung-Hee, who in 2013 had acceded to the supreme office by draping himself in the habit of the incorruptible "Daughter of the Nation" , was swept away in a scandal that once again illustrated the links between local political power and large conglomerates.

Called "Choigate", this scandal will enthrall the country for more than a year. Over the revelations, the Koreans will discover the troubled relationship that has maintained, for over forty years, "their" president with this woman guru ...

The epilogue of one of the greatest political scandals that the country, eleventh world economy, has ever known.

Alyson Braxton for DayNewsWorld


Donald Trump embarked on a merciless struggle against the US trade deficit, which in his view is a sign of the weakness of his predecessors who have let the rest of the world benefit from the United States.

Then as usual he brandished the war threat against the Middle Kingdom: impose $ 100 billion of new customs taxes on Chinese imports in response to the retaliatory measures announced by Beijing!

In fact, when the Trump administration published a provisional list of products imported from China that could be subject to new customs duties on Tuesday, Beijing reacted strongly with a list of strategic US products such as soybeans, cars and cars. aeronautics for an amount equivalent to the first measures announced Tuesday by Washington: 50 billion dollars. And China also to file a complaint to the World Trade Organization (WTO) concerning "tariff measures for Chinese products" that the United States intends to put in place.

Verbal escalation did not wait for the American side.

"I asked the Ministry of Commerce to consider whether an additional $ 100 billion of tariffs would be adjusted under Article 301 (on intellectual property) and, in this case, to identify the products on which they could be taxed, "said the US president in a statement.

"Economies around the world - including the Chinese economy - would benefit from the application in China of policies that truly reward hard work and innovation rather than pursuing policies that distort the vital sector of the high economy. -technology, "added the USTR in its release.

Once again, the USTR is criticizing the Chinese practices that the Americans regard as plundering the intellectual property of American companies that want or do business in China.

But the US Trade Representative (USTR) Robert Lighthizer has taken care to qualify the President's warlike remarks by explaining that these retaliatory measures could only take effect after a public consultation process ... Would tariffs on steel and aluminum seem like ...

Andrew Preston for DayNewsWorld



WAshington released Tuesday a list of Chinese imports, worth $ 50 billion, which could be subject to new taxes. In response, China condemned " unilateralist and protectionist" behavior .

The United States issued Tuesday, April 3, a provisional list of no less than 1,300 imported products that may be subject to new customs duties.

This long list targeting products from different sectors - information and communication technologies or robotics and machinery - targets imports representing "approximately $ 50 billion", said the US Trade Representative (USTR) Robert Lighthizer in a statement. Why such a retaliatory measure? Washington intends to obtain from Beijing a change in Chinese intellectual property practices that it describes as "forced transfer of US technology and intellectual property . "

The Chinese trade ministry, brocading in a statement " a totally unfounded, typically unilateralist and protectionist behavior, which China opposes by strongly condemning it" promised in turn retaliatory measures. The Chinese Embassy in Washington has pledged a proportional response, while stressing its intention to settle the dispute through the World Trade Organization (WTO).

The list published by Washington will be subject to a period of public consultation of about two months, before the US Trade Representative's Office (USTR) plans to announce its final decision. The list was established via an algorithm to choose the products that will most affect the Chinese exporters, while limiting the damage to US consumers. A public hearing on customs duties is scheduled for May 15.

But what worries especially the United States is above all the program "Made in China 2025" ie for the USTR "the declared intention of China to take the economic leadership in advanced technologies" . Beijing aspires to replace its imports of advanced technologies with domestic products to acquire a dominant position in the industries of the future. What the United States sees with a bad eye.

"Made in China 2025" targets ten sectors declared strategic by Beijing: IT, robotics, aircraft, new energy vehicles, pharmaceuticals, electrical equipment, advanced materials, agricultural equipment, shipbuilding and railway equipment.

What worry the American giant!

Joanne Courbet for DayNewsWorld



When we think that this time it is all the categories of personnel - drivers, controllers, train assistants, traffic controllers, station employees - who go on strike, it is the entire rail network that is paralyzed.

Who to give the starting signal to the driver?

Who to route the train in the desired direction?

Not only is the operation of the network very disturbed, the chain of tasks of each agent is not assured in the continuity, but the rhythm of the schedule of the trains at the beginning will suffer.

Indeed by choosing a beaded strike- two days of strike followed by three days of " normal circulation " , then two days of strike, etc.and this eighteen times this spring will inevitably lead to a destabilization of the plannings well beyond 48 hours of work stoppages.

All the complex clockwork mechanism of the smooth running of the traffic will be deregulated.It will take a whole day to reconstitute a schedule roughly oiled !!! And two days of traffic roughly regulated, patatrac two days of strike and thus during all this spring What a headache for the passenger who will not be able to catch his correspondence for his final destination. In practice, two days of strike equivalent to three days of disruption to consider, time to restart the machine.

In addition, each driver must be authorized on specific locomotives, suburban trains or TGVs in limited numbers with the most precise experience of his journey. As a result, a driver assigned to the South East may be allowed to fly on Paris-Lyon-Marseille, but does not have the line on Paris-Clermont-Ferrand. As long as the train has to serve by Clermond, the train will be at the dock without an authorized driver!

A whole team participates in the proper functioning of the train, the accompanying staff to the driving staff.TGV, for the most TER and Intercités for example require to circulate an agent of accompaniment ...

Bis repetita Wednesday on the platform of the station with a second day of strike and a traffic that will be still very disturbed, the government predicting "difficult days" to users.

SNCF management plans a TGV on seven and an average of five regional trains, which is essentially the same as Tuesday. Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said he heard "both strikers" and "those who want to go to work".

But not sure that the "customers and users of the SNCF" that they have "difficult days before them" do not hear the same ear!

Britney Delsey for DayNewsWorld


Increase the minimum old age, the premium at birth, lower regulated gas prices, upgrading the premium to change the boiler oil ... Here are the main changes from Sunday, April 1.

Several social benefits are reevaluated.

As of April 1, family benefits for families with at least two children will benefit from a 1% increase, a slight increase over last year due to a resumption of inflation. Back to School Allowances (ARS) ) earn 1%, as do early childhood benefits (PAJE), and child disability benefits (AEEH).

Are also upgraded the active solidarity income (RSA) rising to 550.93 euros per month for a single person, the birth and adoption bonuses to 99 € or 11 additional euros for the year 2018 and the allocation of solidarity to the elderly (Aspa), the old minimum old age, who earns 30 euros per month, or 833 € monthly for a single person.

The energy check, which replaces the social gas and electricity tariffs, will be distributed in April for the 4 million beneficiary households, ranging from 48 to 227 euros for the most modest households. Its average amount is 150 euros.

After falling by an average of 3% last March, regulated natural gas prices will drop by 1.1% as of April 1st. This decrease will be 0.4% for gas users for cooking, 0.7% for those who have dual use cooking and hot water and 1.2% for homes that heat gas.

Oil boilers. Good news for energy-poor households who change their oil-fired boiler for a model using renewable energies. They will be able, under conditions of resources, to profit from a premium revalued this month of April: between 2 000 and 3 000 euros against 800 to 1300 euros previously.

Canet health

A new health book comes into force at the beginning of April to take into account scientific advances and especially the eleven new compulsory vaccines for children under 2 years old. Parents will have 3 months to update it.

Winter break

The winter break usually ends on March 31st. The evictions of the tenants not paying their rent can resume from April.

Unless Emmanuel Macron keeps his campaign promises ...

Boby Dean for DayNewsWorld



T rump has been launching all-out trade war since coming to power. He simply puts his campaign promises into action. "Our Constitution historically did not talk about income taxes, but it mentioned tariffs, which were supposed to tax foreign production rather than US production , " he said.

But if the Trump administration has gone from words to action in 2018, it continues to be messy, without any precise allies or war goals, if not the reduction of trade deficits.

Sometimes it may seem like throwing provocative test balls for testing. This is the case with the trade war for aluminum and the steel launched with fanfare on March 1, whose imports were to be taxed "for a long time," according to Trump.

Supposed to be worth $ 9 billion, it was one of those " easy-to-win trade wars," said the president ... The decision of the United States, the world's largest importer of steel, has raised fears of a trade war. But Donald Trump first signed an armistice with Canada and Mexico, and eventually exempted until May 1 friendly countries like those of the European Union (EU), Brazil, South Korea.

Only two enemies remain, Russia and China!

Thursday scenario between China and America: hostilities are launched. Donald Trump has just signed a "memorandum targeting the economic aggression of China" . The US president has spoken of punitive measures against Chinese imports of up to $ 60 billion. But the Chinese reply was not long in coming "China is in no way afraid of a trade war," warned the Chinese Ministry of Commerce. "If a trade war were to be launched by the United States, China would fight to the end to defend its own legitimate interests by all necessary means , " also threatened Thursday evening the Chinese Embassy in Washington. Beijing unveiled tonight a list of 128 products, or tariff lines, on which it says it is ready to apply tariffs of 15% or 25%.

Today, China is responding by targeting fresh fruit, wine, ethanol, ginseng, seamless steel tubes (taxed at 15%) but also pork and recycled aluminum (minted at 25%). Admittedly, at about $ 3 billion, the amount involved is small and the list does not include soybeans, produced in the states that supported Donald Trump during the presidential campaign, and that Americans exported to China in the amount of $ 14 billion. dollars last year. But the US Trade Representative, Robert Lighthizer, insisted that the announced sanctions were only "the prelude to a series of negotiations".

So this finding leads, if not to temper, at least to contextualize the martial announcements of the White House against "the economic aggression of Beijing."

Joanne Courbet for DayNewsWorld



Recent studies point to an alarming fact: bird populations living in agriculture have lost a third of their numbers in 17 years. The population of rural birds is declining "at breakneck speed" and in the last two years the rate of disappearances has accelerated.

All species are concerned. Most affected are the skylark, the grisette, and the ortolan sparrow, which have lost an average of one in three in fifteen years.

This is all the more reliable since it comes from two separate surveillance networks established according to different protocols. The STOC program (Time tracking of common birds), carried by the National Museum of Natural History, brings together the observations of professional and amateur ornithologists while that of the CNRS has worked on a "workshop area" studied since 1994.

Both studies point to the effects of intensive agriculture and the massive use of pesticides on biodiversity

The intensification of agricultural practices has given rise to "the end of the use of fallow periods (...), the resumption of the superamendarement with nitrate allowing to have wheat overprotein and the generalization of the neonicotinoids", according to the release . "The areas dedicated to monoculture have steadily increased in France, leading to the destruction of environments favorable to birds and insects. And in 2009, the Common Agricultural Policy has halted fallows, which is also harmful to biodiversity, says Benoît Fontaine.

Another harmful factor: pesticides despite the Ecophyto plan, which aims to halve their use in France by 2020. "

If, in the 1960s, DDT is the talk, today are the neonicotinoids, insecticides that contaminate the entire ecosystem, but also glyphosate (Roundup), the herbicide the more used in the world, which worry. Both contribute to the disappearance of plants and insects that are the food resources of birds, especially in the spring.

Still, the situation is not unique to France. In the autumn of 2017, German and British researchers led by Caspar Hallmann (Radboud University, the Netherlands), for the first time, put a figure on the decline massive invertebrates since the early 1990s: according to their work, published in October in the journal PloS One, the number of flying insects has declined from 75% to 80% in Germany. Europe as a whole is said to have lost 80% of flying insects and 421 million birds in 30 years.

In their communiqué, the CNRS and the MNHN therefore call for "working with all the players in the agricultural world to accelerate changes in practices and first with farmers who now have the keys to change the trend".

"The silent spring announced by Rachel Carson could become a reality if we do not react very quickly, concludes Vincent Bretagnolle. The situation is worrying, especially since today it is not only a question of banning a pesticide, but of changing the paradigm. "

Jaimie Potts for DayNewsWorld



Two days after the recovery of La Grande Récré, it is a new thunderbolt that resounded on Thursday in the toy market with the announced liquidation of 735 US stores Toys'R'Us. Famous for its toy supermarkets opened in the 1980s and 1990s on the outskirts of cities, Toys'R'Us, born after the war in Washington, declared bankruptcy in September 2017.

The French subsidiary of Toys'R'Us is negotiating with "several interested parties". "We are currently studying the measures to be put in place in order to preserve the continuity of the business (of the 53 French stores, ed) as well as the interests of all our (1,300) employees," he said. said the general manager Jean Charretteur.

"The company's international operations in Australia, France, Poland, Portugal and Spain are exploring their possibilities, including a potential sales process in their respective markets , " the company says. a communiqué received at midday.

"Toys'R'Us has also announced a process of reorganizing and selling its operations in Canada", as well as in Asia and Central Europe, including Germany, Austria and Switzerland, " the statement said.

Industrialists can only deplore the disappearance of their biggest distributors who allow customers to discover new products.

Mattel's share price dropped 2% on the stock market after the US Toys R Us closed.

The bankruptcy of the parent company in the United States is to be put on the back of a debt too large that has suffocated a company otherwise forced to adapt and invest to modernize in the face of e-commerce.

The decision to liquidate its 735 US stores threatens some thirty thousand jobs, half of the global workforce of the group. This is not a surprise for toy specialists, where fierce competition exists between specialty stores, superstores and e-commerce. In fact, the market share of e-commerce in toys increases a little more each year until reaching 26% at the end of September in France, comparable to that of the United States%. Specialty retailers are also competing with the second-hand market through sites like LeBonCoin or eBay.

This bad news affects not only the staff, but also the small toy industry and consumers. Few choices in department stores and on the contrary on the internet a number of referenced products such that the customer is forced to focus on major brands.

King Jouet's boss, Philippe Gueydon, said it was time for suppliers and retailers to "work hand-in-hand" to "rethink how the industry operates" with "different rules of the game". ". It's about their survival.

Joanne Courbet for DayNewsWorld



All indicators of activity seem to have to stay in the green. "Domestic demand will slow only slightly from 2018 to 2020". And this, thanks to the sustained growth in household consumption, linked both to "the increase in business income and measures to reduce tax deductions , " according to experts at the Banque de France.

Moreover, "French growth will no longer be hampered by foreign trade," the black spot of the French economy , "thanks to a strong expected rebound in exports in 2018" which would indeed increase by 6% this year, but then slow down by 2019-2020 "due to a less favorable external environment".

The government is officially counting on growth of 1.7% per year over the 2018-2020 period.

" Everything happens as if growth had stumbled on this border of 2% before decelerating" , commented on BFM Business the governor of the Bank of France, François Villeroy de Galhau, judging that this referred to the "need for reforms" .

"Our luck now, it goes through our patience and perseverance," he said, calling to maintain the effort "in the long run"

The government of the BdF, however, calls for caution

While a debate on the "fiscal jackpot" is currently underway, the governor recalled that France had one of the highest debt and public deficit in Europe. "If we start distributing money we did not win, it ends badly," he said.

Unemployment rate below 8%

On the employment front, "the unemployment rate would fall continuously to 7.9% in the last quarter of 2020, its lowest level since the end of 2008," according to the Banque de France (BDF) .

Job creation, after a sustained 2017, "would remain dynamic (...) while maintaining a pace of the order of +180,000 to +200,000 per year." The BDF does not exclude a correction of the sharp drop in the unemployment rate recorded in the last quarter of 2017, but sees a much sharper fall in the one of 2018-2020 than in its previous forecasts.

The return of inflation

Inflation would recover sharply in 2018, according to the Banque de France. As for inflation under HICP standards, the Banque de France sees it accelerating to 1.6% this year, 0.2 percentage points higher than previously forecast due to energy and tobacco prices.

Emily Jackson for DayNewsWorld



Macron began a three-day state visit on Friday night in Delhi to try to strengthen France's position in India.

It must be acknowledged that until today trade relations between France and India have remained limited.

"We can do much more in terms of good investments, trade and the opening of our markets" , according to the President of the French Republic in an interview granted Thursday, March 8, to the weekly India Today.

The stated ambition of the President is to "make India the first strategic partner of France in the [Asian] region and make France the first strategic partner of India in Europe," he added Saturday in place of the United Kingdom, he says saying ... in English.

So far India is only the 18th customer of France and its 20th largest supplier on an international scale. France-India trade valued at € 10 billion in 2017 is mainly due to France's increased exports due to the sale of Airbus aircraft and especially to the signing of defense contracts. India, the world's largest importer of arms, has indeed bought from France six Scorpene submarines in 2005 (the first of which was delivered in December 2017) and 36 Rafale fighter planes in 2016. For the time being it is therefore mainly sales of military equipment that boost trade with India. A trend that should continue, in the perspective of securing the Indo-Pacific zone where the two giants of Asia look at dog faience.

France and India should also sign an agreement to allow Indian Navy ships access to French bases in the Indian Ocean to manage logistics issues.

But France is aiming for a "diversification" of its exports in a country of 1.3 billion inhabitants with a growth that is at the top of the G20. Hence the desire, alongside armaments, to expand the commercial component in civil as in solar, infrastructure, infrastructure, civil nuclear or aerospace.

And for his first visit to India, President Emmanuel Macron will not leave empty-handed, quite the opposite. Several billion euros of contracts will be concluded during this trip of three days, announced the Elysee which claims the signing of not less than 20 contracts with a total value of 13 billion euros. The most symbolic and important will be signed this Saturday by the French aviation group Safran. The latter should indeed conclude a contract of 12 billion euros Saturday afternoon with the Indian airline SpiceJet for the sale and maintenance of aircraft engines. In addition, France is hoping for a definitive agreement for the sale of six EPR reactors for western India by the end of the year. EDF and the Nuclear Power Corporation of India (NPCIL) have already signed this Saturday in New Delhi an agreement on the industrial scheme of the Jaitapur power plant project (Southwest). "We hope for a final agreement before the end of the year," said the Elysee. The transport sector is also in contention with the SNCF which, having lost the construction of the line between Ahmedabad and Bombay, hopes to obtain the one connecting Delhi to Chandigarh.

Suez is entrusted with the distribution of drinking water and the modernization of the network of a small town in southern India while Alstom has won contracts worth € 75 million for several railway projects. Several French companies, including Paprec and 3Wayste, will also sign waste recycling contracts. The French company Ciel & Terre is preparing to sign a contract for the supply and installation of a floating solar power plant in Tamil Nadu, in the south of the country. In addition, the French Development Agency is to announce Saturday the release of a credit line of 100 million euros to support the Indian smart cities program.

"From the ground to the sky, there are no areas in which we do not work together," Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said Saturday in a joint address in New Delhi with Emmanuel Macron.

Joanne Courbet for DayNewsWorld



The executive seems to have chosen the path of conciliation. Pushed in this by social partners who conditioned the signing of the agreement to its resumption in extenso by the Ministry of Labor.

"We are in tune with the text of the agreement," said Friday, Murielle Pénicaud, the Minister of Labor in an interview with the Parisian. However, she warns:

"We discuss, but to move forward. For more than ten years, the country has remained in a state of immobility while the world has changed a lot.

E Mr. Macron was elected because the French are waiting for change. (...) We are all at the service of the general interest. State, Parliament, employers and unions. And each actor must be in his role. "

In fact, the Ministry of Labor has thus decided to keep a good part of the provisions provided by the social partners, as regards the compensation of resigning, self-employed and finally the reduction of short contracts.

For the resigning ones first of all: these last ones will have to present a project to their adviser in professional evolution to be entitled to the unemployment insurance. After validation - the conditions, the criteria are still to be specified - they will receive their compensation for six months, after which there will be a check.

If it is judged that the efforts made for their project are sufficient, they will be able to continue to receive money under the same conditions of time and rates as the rest of the jobseekers.

"For the first time, we will create a right for those who want to lead a new professional project: start a business or change jobs. It is a good social choice to accompany those who have a project, " said the minister in her interview in Paris.

For the independents then. They will not have a cent to contribute and should be awarded 800 euros for only six months. The measure will concern artisans, micro-entrepreneurs, traders, but also farmers. "This measure is aimed particularly at farmers whose farm failures continued to increase in 2017, artisans, micro-entrepreneurs, independent traders , " says the minister. It is not unemployment insurance that will be used, but the CSG.

Finally, the limitation of short contracts will, as the employers and unions wish, be left to the responsibility of the branches, which will have to negotiate an agreement before the end of the year. If they fail, they will be imposed a bonus system

But we are far from a generalization of unemployment insurance to self-employed and resigned candidates that the candidate Macron had promised.

It was one of Macron's campaign promises. After the orders work reinforcing the flexibility, he planned a security component in order to rebalance the balance. For this, he committed to extending unemployment insurance "to employees who resign and the self-employed".

The reform that is emerging seems far below this objective.

But as it is conceived, the scheme should barely concern more than 29,000 independents and 35,000 resigners.

An extension of unemployment insurance to the three million independents would have been very expensive. The conditions for obtaining the allowance are therefore very restrictive.

Andrew Preston for DayNewsWorld


The Prime Minister unveiled this Monday, in twenty minutes, during his press conference the main lines of the reform of the SNCF after having noted in preamble " the alarming situation, not to say untenable" of the state of the SNCF. "The French, whether they take the train or not, are paying more and more for a public service that works less and less well. He said.

Here are the broad outlines for some of the Spinetta report.

Scheduled end of railway status

While a rail opening to competition is being prepared, the status of railway, which has existed since 1920 and provides certain advantages, will no longer be granted to new entrants who will be hired through a "classic" work contract. "To new generations, to apprentices, to all those who want to join the SNCF, we say that they will benefit from the working conditions of all French people, those of the Labor Code. In the future, on a date that will be submitted to the consultation, there will be no recruitment status, " he said. On the other hand, those already working at SNCF will retain their status. On this point, the beginning of the consultations is planned at the beginning of April.

No deletions of the small lines

The Spinetta report called for the closure of many less frequented lines, but allowing to serve sometimes landlocked territories. Contrary to the recommendations of this report and answering the concerns of certain communities and users Édouard Philippe affirmed that he refused to engage "a reform small lines " .

"We do not decide to close 9000 km of lines from Paris on administrative and accounting criteria. In many areas, rail is at the heart of the accounting regions strategy. In many territories, rail is at the heart of the regions' strategy for developing mobility, " said Matignon's tenant.

No "privatization of the SNCF"

On the status of the company, Edouard Philippe does not retain the idea of ​​Spinetta report to transform the SNCF into a public limited company. On the other hand, Matignon intends to transform the status of the company, "into a national company with public capital." "SNCF is a public group that carries public service missions. It is in the heritage of the French and it will stay, " assured the Prime Minister

State support for debt

SNCF Réseau's debt now stands at almost 50 billion euros. A chasm that could threaten, in the long term, the existence of the company. In return for the implementation of the new railway pact, the state will "take its share of responsibility" on the debt, said the Prime Minister, "before the end of the five-year period" without giving more details on the amount.

The return of prescriptions

To complete the rail reform, the government intends to use the ordinances, which allow to avoid long debates in Parliament as suggested by Christophe Castaner with the aim of making vote the "key principles" of the reform "before the summer. " The consultation or the parliamentary debate will take place, according to the tenant of Matignon who wishes to reserve the passage by "ordinances only technical aspects".

Some trade union organizations have already threatened to file a notice of strike renewable.Sept unions of civil servants called on strike on March 22, the day when the CGT-railway will also mobilize against the SNCF reform plans. They

The CGT, UNSA, Sud-Rail and CFDT federations warned that they would "react strongly and decisively if they intended to use the order in whole or in part as part of the new railway reform". Such a choice would be regarded as a passage in force, and therefore as a "declaration of war".

To the Prime Minister to conclude that "the time has come to dare the reform that the French know necessary".

Britney Delsey for DayNewsWorld



The NGO Transparency International publishes its annual report on corruption in the world for the twenty-fifth consecutive year, country by country.

Admittedly, the criteria of the NGO are extremely demanding since to assess countries, a perception index of corruption in public administration is calculated based on a scale ranging from 0 (very corrupt) to 100 (very virtuous).

But the finding is alarming: no country escapes corruption and overall the perception of corruption tends to worsen.

Figures: 124 countries score below 50, so two-thirds of the 180 countries do not have the average. The world average is only 43, while it is 66 for the European Union and Western Europe.

According to the NGO press release, Côte d'Ivoire, Senegal and the United Kingdom are the countries that have made the most progress in the fight against corruption in recent years.

The first of the class remains Denmark and New Zealand with 9 out of 10.

In Europe (the European Union and its neighborhood) four countries stand out again this year: Denmark, Finland, Switzerland and Norway are at the top of the European and international rankings of the countries fighting most effectively against corruption.

Among the EU countries, the United Kingdom takes the 4th position on a European scale, Germany 5th (12th internationally). France occupies only the 9th place in the countries of the European Union (23rd at the international level). In a statement published with the 2017 index, the NGO calls on the " French [French] government to continue the efforts undertaken and to put the expected measures, without waiting for a new scandal " noting that France is content to take action when a new scandal erupts. This method does not help to give " a satisfactory answer to the negative perceptions and the crisis of confidence that our democracy is going through" . Italy is relegated to 18th place (54th in the world ranking).

While most European Union countries are in the top 50 least corrupt countries in the world, the situation is still very worrying in Greece, Romania, Hungary and Bulgaria (the country is 23rd and the last in the world). EU table and 71st place in the international ranking!). The situation is much worse for several countries, immediate neighbors of the European Union: this is the case of Serbia (77th place), Albania and Bosnia (these two countries rank at the 91st rank in the world).

The United States, for its part, is ranked in 16th position.

Emerging countries suffer more from corruption. So are the five countries that form the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) where growth and prosperity create more inequalities. Brazil's score went from 4.3 to 4. Russia has been at 2.9 out of 10 for four years, a very poor score.

Another finding is that there is a strong correlation between perceived level of corruption and the degree of freedom of journalists. "The countries that least protect the press or non-governmental organizations also tend to have the worst rates of corruption," the Berlin-based organization also worries.

The NGO Transparency International points to the lack of efforts to fight this scourge that spares no country. The ranking is led by New Zealand with a score of 89 and in the last place is Somalia.

Britney Delsey for DayNewsWorld
There are no translations available.



Dans le cadre de l'ouverture du transport ferroviaire à la concurrence le gouvernement a demandé un rapport. L'ouverture à la concurrence fait suite à des directives européennes que la France est tenue de transposer dans sa loi au plus tard à la fin de 2018. Les concurrents de la SNCF devraient ensuite faire rouler leurs trains dans l’Hexagone à partir de 2021.

Le rapporteur Jean-Cyril Spinetta, l'ancien patron d'Air France, estime que « la situation du transport ferroviaire est préoccupante » et que ses « performances ne sont pas satisfaisantes ». C'est pourquoi le rapport, qui comporte 43 propositions, présenté jeudi 15 février au Premier ministre, par Jean-Cyril Spinetta, préconise une réforme en profondeur du système .

Voici quelques propositions chocs :

1°Une transformation de l'entreprise publique en société anonyme . Actuellement composé de trois établissements publics à caractère industriel et commercial (Epic) : SNCF, SNCF Réseau et SNCF Mobilités, les deux Epic que sont SNCF Mobilités (qui exploite les trains) et SNCF Réseau (qui gère les rails),deviendraient des sociétés anonymes à capitaux publics ,statut qui n'assurerait plus une garantie illimitée de l'Etat. Un garde-fou contre la « tentation » de l’endettement permanent,selon le rapport, les prémices d'une privatisation selon les syndicats.

La fin du statut de cheminot pour les nouvelles embauches en prônant de le remplacer par un «régime conventionnel» sur le modèle de ce qui a déjà été fait pour La Poste et Orange. Il s'agit de remettre en question ce statut très particulier «afin de placer l'opérateur historique dans une situation concurrentielle équitable vis-à-vis des nouveaux entrants, et d'adapter la protection des salariés aux risques et aux opportunités du nouveau contexte concurrentiel». Le recours pendant deux ans à des départs volontaires permettrait également de supprimer les "excédents d'effectifs" estimés à 5000 personnes.

3°La réduction du réseau TGV : il s'agirait de ne plus construire de nouvelles lignes TGV puisque selon le rapport « le réseau à grande vitesse peut être considéré comme abouti ». Par contre serait souhaitable la régénération des lignes les plus anciennes comme Paris-Lyon, Paris-Tours et Paris-Lille.

4° Des fermetures de "petites lignes", peu rentables mobilisant actuellement 16% des moyens consacrés au ferroviaire pour moins de 10% des trains et transportant seulement 2% des voyageurs. Ainsi l'on peut interroger la pertinence d'une ligne Rennes-Nantes via Châteaubriand, doublon de la Rennes-Nantes via Redon, mais bien moins fréquentée. Ou encore celles partant de Guingamp avec pour terminus Carhaix et Paimpol, distantes de 50 et 30 km. « L'économie liée à la fermeture des petites lignes pour le système s'élèverait a minima à 1,2 milliard d'euros annuels (500 millions d'euros sur l'infrastructure et 700 millions sur l'exploitation des 500 millions d'euros sur l'infrastructure et 700 millions sur l'exploitation des trains. »

5° La nécessité en contrepartie de modernisation du réseau urbain et périurbain entrepris depuis 2013, qui « doit être et rester la priorité pour les vingt ans à venir ».

Syndicats et cheminots sont déjà sur le pied de guerre dénonçant « politique antiferroviaire » et ont lancé un appel à la grève pour le 22 mars.

Britney Delsey pour DayNewsWorld
There are no translations available.




C'est un véritable paysage de la désindustrialisation française que vient de dessiner l'Insee.

'' L'industrie a perdu un demi-million d'emplois en 10 ans" - Selon l'Insee, 27.300 entreprises industrielles ont disparu entre 2006 et 2015. Alors que 2017 marque un rebond, Emmanuel Macron défend la «destruction créatrice» selon la théorie de l'économiste Schumpeter. La « destruction créatrice » désigne le processus continuellement à l'œuvre dans les économies et qui voit se produire de façon simultanée la disparition de secteurs d'activité économique conjointement à la création de nouvelles activités économiques.

L'industrie française est en déclin comme le montrent les chiffres publiés par l'Insee mercredi 14 février. Entre 2006 et 2015, l'industrie manufacturière a perdu Ce ne sont pas moins de 27.300 établissements (- 18 %) et 530.000 salariés (- 16 %) qui ont été perdus. «La crise de 2008-2009 a durement touché ce secteur, déjà en repli auparavant ; cette tendance s'est poursuivie ensuite», relève l'Insee si bien que fin 2015, ne restait plus que 123.300 entreprises et 2,7 millions de salariés dans l'industrie manufacturière.

«Plusieurs causes structurelles sont généralement évoquées, notamment les gains de productivité, l'externalisation vers les services, une concurrence étrangère accrue, parfois accompagnée de délocalisations, ou encore la déformation de la demande au profit des services», indique l'Institut de la statistique.Entre 2008 et fin 2015, la production industrielle a reculé de 15 %.

Presque tous les secteurs d'activité ont été frappés, surtout le textile (- 37 %) avec la concurrence asiatique , le bois-papier-imprimerie(-26%), la sidérurgie ainsi que l'automobile , notamment dans ses établissements de plus de 250 salariés.

Seuls l'agroalimentaire ont résisté au repli général alors que certaines activités très spécifiques,connaissent un essor, notamment la construction aéronautique et spatiale (+28%).

Par zones géographiques, le recul a été général sur le territoire national mais l'étude montre que l'industrie est en repli « plus particulièrement dans le bassin parisien, le nord, l'est et le centre de la France».

La situation française est-elle préoccupante? Emmanuel Macron, devant la presse présidentielle mardi soir,s'est voulu rassurant «Le fait qu'il ait des destructions d'emplois ne doit pas conduire à une préoccupation politique. Dans la vie économique, il y a des emplois qui meurent et d'autres qui naissent. Si on se met à vouloir bloquer cette transformation, on enraye tout dans la vie économique.»

«Il peut y avoir du volontarisme politique - je crois dans la défense des intérêts stratégiques -, mais quand il y a des changements technologiques, il est normal que des emplois disparaissent.» a-t-il souligné.

Reprenant la théorie du célèbre économiste Schumpeter décédé en 1950, Emmanuel Macron défend la «destruction créatrice» à l'œuvre. La destruction de certains emplois » pourrait recréer de l'emploi industriel » adapté aux nouveaux défis de la « troisième révolution industrielle »..La « destruction créatrice » désigne selon Schumpeter le processus continuellement à l'œuvre dans les économies et qui voit se produire de façon simultanée la disparition de secteurs d'activité économique conjointement à la création de nouvelles activités économiques.

Sur l'année 2016, 136 sites auraient été ouverts et autant arrêtés... En 2017, la production manufacturière a connu une embellie de 4,9 % tandis que l'industrie commence à cesser la destruction d'emplois. Pour la première fois depuis 2009, les ouvertures de sites industriels ont donc été nettement plus nombreuses que les fermetures en France sur les huit premiers mois de 2017, même si le nombre d'emplois moyen des nouveaux établissements est en baisse, selon une étude publiée en septembre dernier.

Un vent d'optimisme ?

Il s'avère indispensable que l'investissement et l'innovation permettent non seulement le renouvellement de l'outil productif vieillissant des entreprises industrielles françaises, mais aussi assure la transition vers des produits dans lesquels le numérique va devenir omniprésent.

Ambition qui ne pourra exister qu'avec une stabilité de la fiscalité française.

Joanne Courbet pour DayNewsWorld
There are no translations available.



Les plaintes pour négligence voire pour escroquerie abondent. Au total, l'Institut Pasteur dénombre plus de 200 bébés contaminés à la Salmonella Agona depuis 2005, dont trente-sept nourrissons en France, ainsi que deux en Espagne et un autre probable en Grèce au cours de l'année 2017.

Une première épidémie en 2005 liée à l' usine Craon en Mayenne avait déjà touché 146 nourrissons ce qui avait occasionné une première plainte pour escroquerie...

La direction générale de l'alimentation a accusé mardi Lactalis de ne pas avoir signalé un cas de contamination à la salmonelle en 2011.

L'association Foodwatch dépose plainte ce mercredi pour douze infractions mettant en cause le fabricant de laits infantiles, la grande distribution, un laboratoire et les autorités.

Sept familles se sont associées à cette plainte déposée contre X qui s'ajoute à une douzaine de plaintes déjà enregistrées au pôle santé publique du parquet de Paris, chargées de les centraliser dans le cadre d'une enquête pour «blessures involontaires» et «mise en danger de la vie d'autrui» ouverte le 22 décembre.

D'autres familles s'apprêtent à porter plainte..Ces infractions  vont de la mise sur le marché d'un produit préjudiciable à la santé à l'inexécution d'une procédure de retrait ou de rappel d'un produit à la tromperie aggravée et la mise en danger d'autrui en passant par l'exportation vers un pays tiers à l'Union européenne d'une denrée alimentaire préjudiciable à la santé.

Pour Foodwatch , association de consommateurs spécialisée dans les questions d'alimentation, il tombe sous le sens que la transparence de l'entreprise de production laitière a été mise a mal. En effet, auditionné par les commissions des affaires économiques et sociales du Sénat, son directeur a déclaré que l'entreprise productrice de lait n'avait pas transmis les résultats d'autocontrôles positifs à la salmonelle de son usine de Craon lors des inspections des dernières années par les services sanitaires.. « Ce que l'on constate, c'est qu'il y a un décalage entre les éléments donnés au niveau de l'inspection et ce qu'on a pu récupérer comme autocontrôles à la suite de la crise », a déclaré Patrick Dehaumont, auditionné par les commissions des Affaires économiques et sociales du Sénat. Tombe également sous le sens que «  Producteurs, distributeurs, laboratoire et bien sûr autorités publiques ne pouvaient les ignorer. Et pourtant, ils ont fait preuve de négligence», dénonce Karine Jacquemart, a directrice de l'association.

L'ensemble de ces interlocuteurs désignés ne pouvaient donc ignorer le risque comme on l'a démontré dans un article précédent.

Pour Foodwatch il s'avère évident que «ces différents intervenants ont méconnu leurs obligations en matière de prévention des risques sanitaires» mais aussi «dans la gestion particulièrement défaillante» de la crise provoquée par la découverte de salmonelle dans des laits infantiles produits par Lactalis.

Britney Delsey pour DayNewsWorld
There are no translations available.



Alors qu'une femme de 52 ans est morte la nuit dernière, rue Lafayette dans le 9e arrondissement de Paris, la polémique sur les sans-abris bat son plein après les propos scandaleux de deux LREM l'un députéde Paris Sylvain Maillard, l'autre Julien Denormandie, secrétaire d'Etat auprès du ministre de la Cohésion des territoires

Il faut savoir que seule une enquête de l'Insee, datant de 2012, établit à 143.000 le nombre de personnes sans de domicile en France, dont 28.800 adultes francophones dans l'agglomération parisienne . Réactualisé en 2018, on compterait plus de 158000 SDF en France selon les autorités. Un chiffre très certainement minoré.

Selon les associations, le gouvernement cherche à minimiser le nombre des sans-abris pour mieux coller à la promesse d'Emmanuel Macron faite en juillet selon laquelle il n'y aurait plus "personne dans les rues, dans les bois, d'ici la fin de l'année".

Mais cette promesse, comme tant d'autres, n'a pas été tenue !

De plus une polémique a pointé du doigt la déconnexion des hommes politique de la réalité. Pourtant des LREM censés venir de la société civile et censés être plus proche du terrain.

Commentant sur France Inter le rapport de la fondation Abbé Pierre sur le mal-logement, Julien Denormandie, secrétaire d'Etat auprès du ministre de la Cohésion des territoires, avait défendu l'"effort sans précédent" du gouvernement en matière d'hébergement d'urgence, avec l'ouverture de plus de 13.000 places depuis le début de la trêve hivernale. Il avait cependant soulevé un tollé en affirmant que seuls "une cinquantaine d'hommes isolés en Île-de-France" avaient dormi dans la rue la nuit précédente !! A-t-il déambulé ne serait-ce que dans les grandes avenues menant aux hôpitaux Cochin, Port-Royal pour se dessiller les yeux. Un alignement de tentes dressées sur le long de ces boulevards ? Impressionnant mais déroutant dans ce beau quartier  de la Capitale !

La polémique a ensuite continué à enfler lorsque le député LREM de Paris Sylvain Maillard avait enfoncé le clou quelques jours tard assurant que ce chiffre était "exact", ajoutant que "même dans les cas de grand froid, certains SDF ne souhaitent pas être mis à l'abri".

Des mensonges éhontés face à l'impuissance de l'Etat à héberger les sans-abris.

"Aucun Parisien ne peut donner foi à de telles déclarations", a répliqué dimanche dans le JDD Louis Gallois, président de la Fédération des acteurs de la solidarité, évoquant des "propos insupportables".

"Si on commence à dire que le problème, c'est que les personnes ne veulent pas aller dans le centres d'hébergement, ça veut dire qu'on ne souhaite plus regarder l'insuffisance de la force publique", estime Christophe Robert.

Alors même que l'exécutif se défend de minorer le nombre de personnes à la rue dans Paris, plus de 2.000 bénévoles et associatifs vont quadriller les rues de la capitale jeudi lors d'une "Nuit de la solidarité" avec un objectif bien précis: savoir combien de personnes dorment dans la rue, une fois que toutes les places d'hébergement ont été attribuées par le 115 (numéro d'urgence du Samu social de Paris). Le 115 recevrait 6.000 appels par jour et ne peut en prendre que 1.500 !!! Pour le Samu social entre 2.500 et 3.000 personnes dormirait dans la rue ou dans des lieux non prévus pour l'habitation, chaque nuit, à Paris.

C'est une méthode qui a déjà fait ses preuves à New-York, à Bruxelles et à Athènes mais qui n'a jamais été expérimentée en France !! Peut-être ce moyen permettra-t-il peut-être de sortir de l’hypocrisie dans laquelle se drape le gouvernement pour avoir bonne conscience..

"On a des déclarations ministérielles complètement déconnectées des réalités de terrain", selon Florent Gueguen, qui déplore "une instrumentalisation politique de la situation des sans-abris".

Joanne Courbet pour DayNewsWorld
There are no translations available.



«L'ambition c'est (...) de transformer le dispositif actuel d'organisation et de fonctionnement de l'apprentissage pour en faire un élément clé, la meilleure des solutions peut-être pour lutter contre le chômage des plus jeunes», a résumé le premier ministre Edouard Philippe ce vendredi


Le gouvernement a levé vendredi 9 février le voile sur les principales mesures de la réforme de l'apprentissage qui a mauvaise presse en France alors qu'en Allemagne, en Suisse ou dans les pays nordiques l'apprentissage est valorisé. Comment donc redorer le blason de la filière et attirer la jeunesse ?

Alors que le chômage des jeunes reste très élevé, des métiers n'arrivent pas à recruter. Il s'avère donc nécessaire de recruter. Face à ce double défi le gouvernement s'est engagé sur trois voies.

Tout d’abord ce qui change pour les jeunes :

Jusqu’ici l’âge limite pour entrer en apprentissage était fixé à 26 ans, il se voit repoussé à 30 ans. Par ailleurs, «tout contrat en alternance sera financé», assure le ministère.Un jeune qui trouve une entreprise l' acceptant en apprentissage aura un droit garanti au financement de son contrat. En ce qui concerne le salaire, il augmentera de 30 euros net par mois pour les 16-20 ans et ceux de 18 ans se verront attribuer une aide de 500 euros pour passer le permis de conduire .Un système de certification des CFA sera également instauré afin de valider la qualité des formations dispensées.

Ceux qui ne «disposent pas des connaissances et des compétences requises», bénéficieront d’une prépa apprentissage pour acquérir les «prérequis nécessaires, s’agissant notamment des savoirs de base et du savoir-être». De plus en cas de rupture de contrat de travail en cours d'année, l’apprenti pourra prolonger de six mois sa en centre de formation des apprentis (CFA). Erasmus apprentissage offrira le double de places soit15 000 par an et pour des échanges pouvant durer plusieurs mois.

Les changements pour les entreprises:

Le différentes aides à l’embauche connaîtront une unification en une seule et cette aide aura pour cible les TPE-PME et les niveaux bac et pré-bac . Cette aide qui s'élèvera à un peu plus de 6 000 euros pour deux ans, permettra pour les boîtes de moins de 250 salariés, que «le reste à charge mensuel d’un jeune soit de 65 euros par mois la première année et de 424 euros la seconde».

En plus l'embauche des apprentis sera réalisable tous les mois de l 'année  et non plus calqué sur le calendrier scolaire. Enfin sur le plan du droit certains secteurs tel le BTP pourront employer les mineurs quarante heures, avec paiement d’heures supplémentaires entre trente-cinq et quarante heures.

Les changements pour le financement et la gestion du système:

Une seule cotisation «alternance» à la charge des entreprises est instaurée : le taux reste à être fixé par les partenaires sociaux

Le financement des CFA se fera en fonction du nombre de contrats ce qui les incitera à accroître leurs capacités d'accueil . Aux branches professionnelles dorénavant de récupérer l’essentiel du financement , de déterminer le coût de chaque contrat. Dans le but de renforcer les liens avec les entreprises, les partenaires sociaux des branches professionnelles seront coauteurs des diplômes professionnels avec l'État.

Ce projet de réforme a engendré les foudres des régions:

.Les régions ont immédiatement réagi aux annonces du gouvernement. «Cette réforme n'est pas celle que proposaient les régions et ne répond pas aux véritables enjeux du développement de l'apprentissage», écrit l'association Régions de France, qui réunit les présidents de région, dans un communiqué.

«Une compétence décentralisée et pilotée avec efficacité par les régions sera très largement centralisée» ajoute-t-elle. Pour une fois que le transfert de compétence se fait dans le sens régions Etats ...

Mais de reconnaitre «que l'apprentissage est un levier majeur pour l'accès à l'emploi de notre jeunesse et continueront, comme elles l'ont toujours fait, à promouvoir cette filière d'excellence dans laquelle elles croient».

Andrew Preston  pour DayNewsWorld


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En Europe, les revenus des jeunes de 18 à 24 ans stagnent depuis 2007,tandis que ceux des plus de 65 ans ont augmenté de 10%, selon le Fonds monétaire international (FMI).

Christine Lagarde, directrice générale du FMI , souligne qu'aujourd'hui, «près d'un jeune sur cinq recherche toujours du travail en Europe». Pour elle « réduire les inégalités à travers les générations va de pair avec une croissance durable et une confiance retrouvée au sein de la société ».

Les jeunes n'obtiennent pas suffisamment de mesures incitatives ou de crédits d’impôts pour les revenus les plus faibles.

Pourtant les solutions existent.

Pour diminuer l'écart de revenus entre les générations, Christine Lagarde se tourne vers des exemples de réussite européens. : l'Allemagne notamment avec ses programmes d'apprentissage mais également le Portugal qui exempte le premier emploi de taxes sociales pendant trois ans. «Même si le chômage reste élevé, cette mesure va dans le bon sens», plaide l'ex-ministre de l'économie de Nicolas Sarkozy.

Pour elle il y aurgence à s'emparer du problème à bras-le-corps. «Si l'on n'agit pas, une génération pourrait ne jamais s'en remettre» ,alerte Christine Lagarde

Un appel  déjà lancé par le F.M.I au début de la décennie actuelle.

Andrew Preston pour DayNewsWorld
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La sécurité sociale affiche sa volonté d'endiguer l'absentéisme des salariés dont les chiffres ont bondi : +7,5% en six ans, entreprises publiques et privées confondues.

Pas plus facile pour elle : il lui suffit de donner les motifs des arrêts maladie de ses salariés. Seules seront concernées les entreprises de plus de 200 salariés.

Ce serait une façon d'alerter ces dernières sur les conditions de travail partant du principe qu'il y a une corrélation entre ces dernières et les arrêts maladie selon la Secu. L'Assurance maladie veut inciter les entreprises à prévenir les risques professionnels.

De plus seraient concernées les entreprises au très fort taux d’absentéisme  par rapport aux  entreprises d’un même secteur.

.Et le respect du secret médical et de la protection des données personnelles des salariés?

Les médecins ont exprimé leur inquiétude.

« Le plus grave est qu’il y ait un décret qui permette à l’Assurance-maladie de se passer de l’autorisation de la CNIL [Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés] », déclare le président de la Fédération des médecins de France, Jean-Paul Hamon.

Seuls les Troubles musculo-squelettiques (TMS), les lombalgies ou les risques psychosociaux (RPS)-entendons dépressions crises d'angoisse, burn-out- seraient concernés. Et pour rassurer le salariés, la Sécu se servirait d' un algorithme plongeant dans ses fichiers pour l'identification des pathologies, fichiers constitués à partir des consultations et des médicaments remboursés .

Elle assure également que l'identité des malades ne peut être retrouvée dans la mesure où les sociétés visitées comptent au moins 200 salariés afin que le lien entre les causes d'absence et les salariés soit impossible. A moins d'être un bon DRH...

De plus les partenaires sociaux auraient donné leur feu vert...

On ne peut que s'attendre à ce que l'expérimentation devienne généralisée, éventuellement dans des entreprises de plus petite taille ... Un traçage de plus du citoyen ?

Britney Delsey pour DayNewsWorld
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Deux jours à peine avant le forum économique mondial de Davos en Suisse, quelque 140 dirigeants de multinationales se sont réunis lundi pour un mini-sommet à l'invitation d'Emmanuel Macron au château de Versailles et une dizaine de leurs homologues français, le tout en présence d'Emmanuel Macron et de l'essentiel du gouvernement. Le sommet Choose France un Avant-Davos ?

Pour casser cette image, l'Élysée a voulu que ces rencontres débouchent des annonces concrètes, porteuses d'emplois. «Certains projets n'auraient pas vu le jour sans les réformes que nous avons menées», a même insisté Benjamin Griveaux, le porte-parole du gouvernement.

Au programme : convaincre chefs d'entreprises et investisseurs de miser sur la France sur dans un contexte post-Brexit.

Emmanuel Macron est venu visiter l’usine Toyota dans les Hauts-de-France lundi, la direction de l’entreprise japonaise annonçant la création de 700 CDI. La France est attractive pour ce géant de l'automobile japonais pourquoi ne le serait-elle par pour d'autres ?

En effet installé dans le Nord de la France, en 1999, le groupe nippon n’a cessé d’investir, chiffrant à 1,4 milliard d’euros son investissement sur l’usine. Dimanche, le président Luciano Biondo, a annoncé plus de 300 millions d’euros en faveur de la modernisation de cette usine, l’un des principaux sites de production de Toyota en Europe, avec pour ambition de produire d’ici 2020 plus de 300 000 véhicules par an, contre 230 000 actuellement. « Ce qui est important, c’est d’avoir un site compétitif en accélérant la modernisation de notre outil », a-t-il insisté.

Macron a montré l’illustration du savoir-faire français tout en se mettant au diapason avec la« Culture Toyota »

« Dans notre usine Toyota, il y a de la rigueur, du respect et une vision industrielle, confirme Thomas Mercier, délégué CFDT, syndicat majoritaire (40 %). La culture japonaise fait la différence. On a la chance d’avoir une direction franche et directe.

La France qui a convaincu  Toyota en a convaincu bien d'autres.

Ce sommet de l'attractivité économique baptisé "Choose France" ("Choisissez la France") réunit les dirigeants de Goldman Sachs Lloyd Blankfein, de JP Morgan Jamie Dimon et de Facebook Sheryl Sandberg. Les groupes Rolls Royce, SAP, UPS, Bosch, GlaxoSmithKline, Novo Nordisk, Novartis, Cisco, Google, Alibaba ou sont également présents. Emmanuel Macron en aurait convaincu quatre ou cinq de choisir ce jour-là pour annoncer des investissements significatifs en France ...

Toyota constructeur japonais annonce un investissement de 300 millions d'euros sur son site d'Onnaing, près de Valenciennes (Nord), qui compte actuellement 3.800 personnes permettant un recrutement de 700 CDI et 100 intérimaires d'ici à 2020et l'augmentation de la capacité du site. Cet investissement doit également permettre de produire la quatrième génération de la Yaris en 2020 et un nouveau modèle en 2021.

La plus importante annonce concerne l'éditeur allemand de logiciels de gestion SAP, qui va investir 2 milliards d'euros en France sur cinq ans, dont 750 millions en R&D. Il accompagnera également des start-up en amorçage, créera un incubateur dans l'Hexagone et achètera une pépite française du deep learningL'allemand SAP va dégager une enveloppe de 2 milliards en cinq ans, dont 750 millions en R&D.

Le groupe pharmaceutique Novartis ambitionne de se développer dans le domaine des biotechnologies en France, via la finalisation de l'acquisition d'un peu plus de trois milliards d'euros d'Advanced Accelerator Applications (AAA), une biotech française dans la médecine nucléaire. Novartis a également donné son feu vert pour le plan d'investissement sur trois ans de 900 millions d'euros, en essais et recherche clinique, dans le nouveau siège social à Rueil-Malmaison et dans l'extension de l'usine de Huningue (Haut-Rhin).

Le groupe de Mark Zuckerberg va investir 10 millions d'euros supplémentaires en France via son centre de recherche dans le domaine de l'intelligence artificielle. Le site parisien de FAIR, le laboratoire de recherche du groupe en intelligence artificielle du groupe, accueillera à l'horizon 2022 60 chercheurs et ingénieurs et 40 doctorants.

Le groupe s’intéresse également à la formation de 65.000 personnes aux compétences digitales en France d'ici fin 2019. Il concernera 50.000 personnes éloignées de l'emploi d'ici fin 2019 en partenariat avec Pôle Emploi et 15.000 femmes.

"On est dans le registre de l'emblématique, ça envoie le signal de la compétitivité de la France sur l'intelligence artificielle et c'est fondamental dans le monde, vis-à-vis des Etats-Unis et de l'Asie", insiste-t-on à l'Elysée.

En ouverture, Édouard Philippe a aussi annoncé des mesures générales. Au 1er mars seront créées des chambres commerciales internationales au sein du tribunal de commerce et de la cour d'appel de Paris, permettant notamment de juger des contrats conclus en droit anglais. Le gouvernement a annoncé également de nouvelles mesures pour renforcer l'attractivité de la France pour les entreprises internationales comme l 'exonération temporaire des cadres impatriés d'affiliation aux régimes de retraite.

Des mesures qui complètent celles prises début juillet, centrées sur les banques, dont la suppression de la tranche à 20% de la taxe sur les salaires, l'exclusion des primes et bonus des "preneurs de risques" du calcul des indemnités de licenciement et l'annulation de l'extension de la taxe sur les transactions financières aux opérations intraday.

Paris Europlace a salué dans un communiqué ces annonces parmi lesquelles l'exonération temporaire d'affiliation aux régimes de retraite pour les cadres impatriés, la mise en place de nouvelles Chambres internationales spécialisées auprès du Tribunal de Commerce de Paris et de la Cour d'appel de Paris pour juger des affaires de droit international, ainsi que le développement de l'offre scolaire internationale en France.

Des mesures qui renforceront l'attractivité de la France et de Paris "dans le contexte notamment du Brexit", souligne l'organisation qui représente les intérêts de la Place financière de Paris.

Joanne Courbet pour DayNewsWorld
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Le président Emmanuel Macron devrait se rendre, lundi 22 janvier, à Toyota-Onnaing pour annoncer que le géant japonais investira 400 millions d’euros

Après dix-sept ans de fonctionnement, l'usine d'Onnaing, près de Valenciennes avait besoin d'être remise à niveau.Un montant de l’investissement massif prévu par l’entreprise japonaise :

400 millions d’euros et pas moins de 700 nouveaux salariés vont être accueillis sur le site sur 3900 CDI et intérimaires.

Toyota souhaite en effet ,en plus de celle de la Yaris. lancer, dès 2020, la fabrication de 300 000 citadines compactes (dites « du segment B », comme la Renault Clio)contre 230 000 actuellement.

Avec cette décision, Toyota consolide sa position d’industriel majeur de l’automobile en France.

La Yaris était déjà en 2017 la voiture la plus produite sur le territoire national avec 233 650 véhicules assemblés sur les lignes de l’usine d’Onnaing, talonnée par la Peugeot 3008 (218 000 voitures produites en 2017).

La Yaris est aussi l’une des voitures « françaises » les plus exportées, puisque ses ventes dans l’Hexagone ont culminé l’an dernier à 31 400 véhicules, soit 13 % de la production, les 87 % restants étant écoulés dans le reste de l’Europe.

Présent sur tous les gros dossiers industriels de la région, M. Bertrand souhaite que les Hauts-de-France demeurent l’une des premières régions d’Europe en production automobile

. D’où l’investissement important de la région, mais aussi de la communauté d’agglomération Valenciennes Métropole, qui va annoncer une enveloppe de 5 millions d’euros. « C’est un pari sur l’avenir, ajoute l’élu. Et je le ferai aussi pour PSA et MCA (Renault) à Maubeuge » .Le président des Hauts-de-France annonce donc que la région mettra 11 millions dans ce projet. « Le véritable enjeu, c’est la question de la compétitivité économique, confie M. Bertrand. Il fallait que l’on montre que, malgré des inconvénients fiscaux par rapport à d’autres lieux où Toyota aurait pu investir, nous nous engageons. » La participation de l'État, initialement prévue à 2 millions d'euros, pourrait finalement atteindre 4 millions.

Par contre le sidérurgiste Ascometal dans le Valenciennois attend un repreneur.

Parmi les offres de reprise du sidérurgiste Ascometal, déposées vendredi 19 janvier, seul l’anglo-indien Liberty House, soutenu financièrement – à hauteur de 80 millions d’euros – par les régions Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Grand-Est et Hauts-de-France et par Vallourec, a proposé de reprendre l’ensemble des sites et des employés.Bertrand a entamé un nouveau bras de fer avec le gouvernement pour qu’il s’engage sur ce dossier. « Sinon, c’en est fini pour les salariés »craint-, il.

L’implication depuis vingt ans du géant japonais dans le Nord (trois millions de véhicules ont été produits à Toyota Onnaing depuis 1999) est un parfait symbole pour M. Macron, qui recevra à Versailles, lundi 22 janvier, 140 PDG étrangers pour un sommet sur l’attractivité de la France.

Le premier effet du Brexit ?

L'usine d'Onnaing a été inaugurée en 1999. Elle a produit 230.000 voitures en 2017. Toyota a coutume de dire que la Yaris est la voiture made in France la plus vendue dans le monde. Sur le plan industriel, Toyota mène une stratégie de localisation de sa production. Ainsi, 61% des voitures vendues en Europe par le premier groupe automobile mondial (quasi-ex aequo avec Volkswagen) sont produites sur le continent.

Cette décision pourrait également interroger sur la pérennité des investissements dans les deux usines britanniques, en sursis tant que les négociations sur le Brexit n'ont pas abouti...

Andrew Preston pour DayNewsWorld
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L'accord de rupture conventionnelle collective a été signée ce vendredi par les organisations FO, CFE-CGC, CFDT, CFTC et GSEA, totalisant près de 78% des voix, a annoncé la direction dans un communiqué. L'accord prévoit notamment 1300 départs volontaires et 1400 embauches en CD

Les syndicats du groupe automobile français PSA - qui exploite les marques automobiles Peugeot, Citroën, DS, ainsi que Vauxhall et Opel - ont tranché .Créée par les ordonnances réformant le Code du travail et entrée en vigueur le 1er janvier, cette mesure permet aux entreprises d'organiser des plans de départs volontaires même si elles ne rencontrent pas de difficultés économiques.

Un peu plus tôt, le 9 janvier dernier, la direction de PSA avait convoqué les partenaires sociaux afin de négocier ce projet de rupture conventionnelle collective et les syndicats avaient ensuite eu jusqu'au 17 janvier pour donner leur avis.

Christian Lafaye - délégué syndical pour FO chez PSA détaille les dispositions contenues dans cette rupture collective. «Il y a la possibilité du congé senior, c'est-à-dire, à 3 ans de la retraite, la possibilité de rester inscrit aux effectifs mais de rester chez soi», explique celui qui travaille chez PSA depuis 41 ans. Cette mesure permet à ceux qui en bénéficient de toucher 70% de leur salaire et, dans le même temps, l'employeur paie 100% des cotisations retraite. 900 départs en préretraite (congés seniors) sont proposés dans l'accord. En 2017, ces congés seniors ont concerné 1170 postes.

Le volet consacré aux RCC s'adresse en grande majorité aux effectifs dits de «structure», c'est-à-dire les postes rattachés à la communication, aux ressources humaines, au département juridique, la direction financière, etc. Ce périmètre rassemble près de 27.000 personnes, d'après les chiffres communiqués par PSA. Les départs volontaires seront ouverts aux métiers «sensibles» (ceux amenés à disparaître) ou à l'équilibre. Mais en contrepartie la direction devra «atteindre 1400 embauches en CDI dans la division automobile» et plus de 2000 emplois jeunes devraient également être accueillis

C'est dans un contexte de réduction des effectifs depuis plusieurs années que s'inscrit ce projet de rupture conventionnelle collective chez PSA. 20.000 personnes de PSA sont parties en départs volontaires depuis 2012 (pour créer leur entreprise, en congé de reclassement ou vers d'autres «parcours externes sécurisés», selon la formule du constructeur) et les retours étaient positifs. «En 2013, on a frôlé le dépôt de bilan. On perdait 7 millions par jour», rappelle Christian Lafaye. Entre 2014 et 2016, les effectifs (en CDI et CDD) de la branche automobile en France sont passés de 70.000 à 62.000 personnes.

Dans le même temps, le nombre des intérimaires a progressé de 2900 à 5200 ce qui a permis à l'entreprise de dégager 1,73 milliard de profits en 2016. Ses ventes unitaires avaient progressé de 15,4% au niveau mondial en 2017. Un «millésime exceptionnel avec des résultats records», se félicitait Jean-Philippe Imparato, le directeur de Peugeot, dans un communiqué quand bien même le groupe Renault les devance.

Si la RCC reste un nouveau dispositif controversé introduit par la réforme du Code du travail d'Emmanuel Macron, il peut permettre à une entreprise d'engager gager un plan de départs volontaires de manière simplifiée et sans à avoir à justifier de difficultés économiques. Chez PSA, le projet discuté le 9 janvier s'inscrit "dans la continuité des mesures déjà existantes", où "le volontariat reste la règle", s'est justifiée la CFDT dans un communiqué. Elle a estimé avoir "sécurisé cet accord afin qu'il ne soit pas un danger pour les salariés" mais "une opportunité pour ceux qui le désirent". Les mesures d'incitation au départ sont les mêmes que celles négociées lors d'un premier accord signé en 2013. Elles prévoient notamment une prime allant de 4 à 8 mois de salaire.

Le groupe PSA est ainsi parti pour être la première grande entreprise à adopter la RCC alors que l'enseigne de prêt-à-porter Pimkie, première à s'être penchée sur la question, dès le 8 janvier, a essuyé un refus de la part de la majorité de ses syndicats.

Alyson Braxton pour DayNewsWorld
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L’exécutif a pris en main le dossier sur la mise en place de péages urbains. Les associations de conducteurs seront évidemment les premières a réagir. L'outil péage est un traumatisme français, comme en témoigne le scandale de l'écotaxe et des portiques qui ne furent jamais utilisés.La fin de l'écotaxe poids lourds a coûté la bagatelle de plus de 1 milliard d'euros aux contribuables.

Une mesure qui risque de mettre le feu aux poudres chez les associations d’automobilistes

L'association 40 millions d'automobilistes dénonce cette mesure qui s'intègre dans la future loi sur les mobilités préparée par Élisabeth Borne, la ministre des Transports.

Le gouvernement souhaite faciliter la mise en place de péages urbains.

Le texte de la future loi sur les mobilités facilitera la mise en place des péages urbains par les collectivités locales un moyen déguisé de prélever des taxes supplémentaires ! La loi pourrait donner la possibilité aux villes de demander des contributions financières aux automobilistes. D'autres solutions figurent dans le projet, comme une vignette pour les poids lourds.

« Aujourd’hui, la loi donne déjà cette possibilité aux collectivités locales, mais seulement à titre expérimental et pour trois ans, ce qui est trop court au vu des investissements à consentir. Il faut y remédier », a confirmé la ministre des transports, Elisabeth Borne, au quotidien.

Mais soyons réalistes.

Certes le péage urbain existe depuis des années dans plusieurs villes européennes, comme Londres ou Milan. Mais pas en France, où l’opposition des automobilistes rejoint celle des élus, inquiets d’un potentiel effet de ségrégation sociale.

De plus analysons les études sur la récente piétonnisation des berges rive droite à Paris : cette dernière a eu des répercussions au-delà du périphérique parisien, notamment sur l'A4, l'A 86 et l‘A 13. Sur ces grands axes routiers, les niveaux de dioxyde d'azote ont connu une augentation de 1% à +5% !

Les vignettes Crit'Air ou encore les zones de circulation restreinte n'ont connu qu'un seul résultat : une hausse de 1% à 5% sur les carrefours quais hauts et un bond pouvant atteindre 15% sur périphérique Est.

«Aucun impact significatif sur l'exposition des populations n'a été mis en évidence à la hausse ou à la baisse» note le rapport d'Airparif.

De plus les réseaux de transports digne de ce nom font défaut. Un voyageurs parisien du métro ressemble plus à une sardine en boite qu' à un voyageurs !!

L' offre de transports en commun insuffisante, pas étonnant que le Francilien ne lâche pas donc pas son volant.

Et pour les autres villes françaises ?

Dans les villes qui voudraient le mette en place, le péage urbain sert à enrayer les embouteillages, diminuer la pollution et inciter les automobilistes à recourir aux transports en commun.

Et pour berner un peu plus l'automobiliste la ministre assure que cette mesure ne passera pas forcément par la création d’un nouveau prélèvement, Lille envisageant la création d’un « péage inversé » fait partie d'un vœux pieux une telle mise en place de ce processus . Le principe du pollueur-payeur , développé par l'économiste Arthur Cecil Pigou il y a un siècle, remis au goût du jour.

Une véritable usine à gaz ! Un système incitatif baptisé «écobonus mobilité»: les conducteurs les plus assidus sur certaines voies encombrées seraient d'abord repérés par lecture des plaques, puis se verraient proposer une subvention pour chaque trajet évité, du moins pendant les heures de pointe.On continue à nous tracer...

Mais le « principal chantier à mener » pour le gouvernement concerne les « déserts de mobilités », c’est-à-dire les zones où les alternatives à la voiture individuelles sont quasiment inexistantes.« Aujourd’hui, 80 % des territoires ne sont pas couverts par une autorité organisatrice. Cela représente 30 % des Français dont personne n’est chargé d’organiser la mobilité », a déclaré la ministre des transports au quotidien. Il s'agira donc de renforcer autres, le rôle des régions dans la promotion d'offres de transport pour effacer ces « zones blanches » .

Quoi qu'il en soit payer l'entrée dans une ville pour lutter contre la pollution et les embouteillages, c'est un serpent de mer.

Le péage urbain s'est installé à Londres ,à Milan, à Berlin,à Stockholm, Oslo ou encore Dublin. Avec des résultats pas toujours à la hauteur où à Londres, le nombre de décès liés à la pollution reste chiffré à 10.000 par an

Alyse Marion pour DayNewsWorld
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Le très secret PDG du groupe Lactalis, empêtré dans le scandale de lait infantile contaminé, est convoqué ce vendredi après-midi pour s'expliquer devant le ministre de l'Économie Bruno Le Maire. Emmanuel Besnier, 46 ans, est le patron très secret du groupe Lactalis, géant français des produits laitiers, sous le feu des projecteurs depuis décembre pour des rappels de ses produits infantiles contaminés aux salmonelles.

Le ministre de l'Économie et des Finances Bruno le Maire a annoncé vendredi que Lactalis reprendrait toutes les boîtes de lait infantile produites dans son usine de Craon, au centre d'une contamination à la salmonelle. "Le fait nouveau est que Lactalis reprendra toute boîte de lait infantile produite sur le site de Craon sans considération de date", a-t-il dit après la rencontre avec Emmanuel Besnier. "L'urgence, c'est la sécurité sanitaire et la meilleure des garanties pour la sécurité sanitaire c'est de dire que plus une seule boîte fabriquée sur le site de Craon ne doit être en circulation sur les circuits de consommation", a-t-il ajouté.

Lactalis, dont la première société a été créée en 1933 par André Besnier reste un groupe familial, détenu à 100% par les trois petits-enfants de son fondateur .

Actuellement c'est le très discret Jean-Michel Besnier qui tient les rênes de l'empire laitier. Le président de Lactalis est selon le classement des milliardaires de Forbes de 2017 la 8e fortune de France avec un patrimoine de 11,3 milliards d'euros.Son frère Jean-Michel Besnier et sa sœur Marie Besnier Beauvalot, co-propriétaires de Lactalis, sont 14e ex-aquo du classement avec une fortune estimée à 4 milliards de dollars.

L'entreprise refuse de publier ses comptes et ses marges, à part son chiffre d'affaire annuel de 17 milliards d'euros préférant payer les amendes plutôt que de dévoiler ses marges.… Tout au plus connaît-on son chiffre d'affaires annuel de 17,3 milliards d'euros réalisé à 58% en Europe, 21% en Amérique, 14% en Océanie, et 7% en Afrique.

C'est la culture du secret à tous les niveaux.

On suit tout de même dans les médias l'affaire Lactalis depuis début décembre avec nombre de rebondissements. Mais le puissant et numéro un mondial du lait est en fait un groupe international parti très vite à la conquête des États-Unis et de l'Europe, vers les pays de l'Est, en Ukraine, en Pologne mais aussi en Égypte. E ce n'est qu'en1999 que l'entreprise familiale Besnier prend le nom de Groupe Lactalis pour son internationalisation.

Et à chaque nouvelle affaire le leader mondial rebondit grâce non seulement à ses marques emblématiques ( le camembert Président, Cœur de Lion, le roquefort Société , la feta Salakis, le fromage Chaussée aux Moines, la crème fraîche Bridelice, le beurre Bridelight, le lait Lactel, le lait Matin léger de Lactel les yaourts La Laitière Yoco, Flanby, Sveltesse, Viennois, Yaourt à la grecque...) mais également à son rayonnement à l'étranger dans 47 pays et son implantation sur 246 sites de production à travers le monde.

Le lait de consommation représente quant à lui 25% du chiffre d'affaires soit 4,3 milliards d'euros, essentiellement avec Lactel. Et les laits en poudre et ingrédients laitiers ne pèsent que 7% des ventes, soit 1,2 milliard d'euros. Le lait infantile s'avère donc minoritaire pour Lactalis mais la crise du lait contaminée pourrait être d'autant mieux gérée par le groupe qu'il n'en est pas à son premier raté...

Malgré l'affaire et la reprise de tous les laits infantiles produits à Craon sans considération de date , le vaste empire de produits lactés va continue de tourner.

Pas sûr que la réputation du groupe auprès de l'opinion publique ne pâtisse beaucoup de l'affaire du lait contaminé même si la ministre de la Santé, Agnès Buzyn, interrogée par Europe 1 vendredi a déploré une "forme de résistance" de Lactalis pour le retrait de lots qui s'est fait en trois vagues successives.


Joanne Courbet pour DayNewsWorld
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C'est en fanfare que commence l'année pour la vedette de télé-réalité. En fait, pendant plus de trois minutes, Nabilla fait la promotion d’une société de trading andorrane apporteur d’affaires de la plateforme de CFD eToro.

« Les chéris, je sais pas si vous avez déjà entendu parler du bitcoin, cette sorte de nouvelle monnaie virtuelle », lance la starlette de la télé-réalité, en peignoir dans un hôtel, dans une vidéo diffusée sur Internet.

Auréolée d’une couronne de petits coeurs roses, Nabilla explique qu'elle connaît « une des filles qui travaillent avec un trader, qui sont à fond dans le bitcoin » et que la cryptomonnaie est « grave en train de se développer ».

« C'est vraiment sûr, c'est vraiment cool, si ça vous intéresse, vraiment vous pouvez y aller les yeux fermés ! » poursuit-elle.

Elle s'est fait reprendre dès mardi soir par l'Autorité des marchés financiers (l'AMF) sur Twitter

L'AMF a en effet lancé sur Twitter un avertissement sur les risques du bitcoin pour répondre à la pub de la starlette Nabilla vantant dans une vidéo les mérites de la cryptomonnaie. « #Nabilla Le #Bitcoin c'est très risqué ! On peut perdre toute sa mise. Pas de placement miracle. Restez à l'écart », a tweeté mardi soir l'AMF.

Pas de quoi nous rassurer, elle n'est malheureusement pas la seule vedette à vanter le bitcoin et autres cryptomonnaies sur les réseaux sociaux.

Ainsi Paris Hilton a, par exemple, conseillé à ses admirateurs à participer à des levées de fonds réalisées en monnaies virtuelles. Pour n’importe quel autre produit d’investissement une telle publicité est interdite par la réglementation, mais pas pour le bitcoin, les cryptomonnaies échappant à toute réglementation jusqu'à présent.

Et au Japon tenez-vous bien, le bitcoin etant des plus prisé, huit jeunes chanteuses viennent de lancer un groupe entièrement dédié aux monnaies virtuelles !!!

Bon à savoir : TraderLebitcoin est le partenaire privilégié de L’, un site de trading sur indices et futures employant les mêmes traders. Celui-ci appartient à la société Stratton Oakmont SL, il s’agit là du nom du courtier américain qui a fait faillite dans les années 90 et a inspiré le film « Le Loup de Wall Street »…

Des économistes de renom ont déjà dénoncé les risques du bitcoin, et le Prix Nobel d'économie 2001 Joseph Stiglitz a estimé qu'il devrait être « interdit »

Carl Delsey pour DayNewsWorld
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Taxman va continuer à matraquer, contrairement à ce qu’il avait promis !

Les hausses listées ci-dessus, vous les avez lues ou entendues.

Mais en entrant dans les détails ou dans les lignes budgétaires qui ne figurent pas dans le tableau, on suffoque ! Voici quelques  informations supplémentaires :

1.  Le coup de la Flat Taxe ... c’est une bonne idée à la base, mais son application par Emmanuel Macron, Edouard Philippe et Gérard Darmanin conduit à un système bizarre car sans avoir fiscal, son montant sera in fine doublé...

2.  L’ISF : il n’a pas été supprimé complètement. Il va subsister un impôt sur la Fortune Immobilière. Les épargnants qui ont investis dans le passé, dans l’immobilier, créateur de richesse et d’emplois via les entreprises du BTP, pour se constituer, par exemple une retraite, vont rester taxés.

3.  Impôts sur les bénéfices des sociétés : alors que Donald Trump a réussi à faire passer sa réforme fiscale au terme de laquelle les bénéfices des sociétés vont désormais être taxés à 21%, en France l’IS  passera de 33,1/3 % à 28% pour descendre à 25% en 2022 seulement. Emmanuel Macron s’était pourtant engagé à baisser cet impôt rapidement, pour créer, « un effet de souffle fiscal », comme l’avait assuré Edouard Philippe dans « son discours du trône » (débat sur le vote de confiance de juillet 2017).

4.  Le coup de la pompe à essence : la fiscalité sur les carburants représente en moyenne 60% du prix à la pompe payé par les automobilistes. Le prix du litre de diesel va augmenter de 7,60 cts d’euros le litre et celui de l’essence e » 3,90 euros le litre. Ces augmentations sont données hors TVA. Il faut donc ajouter 20% de TVA sur ceux-ci. Selon la consommation de son véhicule et son usage, l’augmentation totale en un an devrait évoluer entre 250 et 500 €.

5.  Fiscalité des ménages : les impôts des ménages vont augmenter contrairement aux déclarations faites par Emmanuel Macron et ses soutiens. L’augmentation va se faire via les taxes écologiques déjà crées ou en cours de création.

6.  CICE : Mis en place par François Hollande, ce crédit d’impôt très sophistiqué, soufflé par Emmanuel Macron à l’ancien  président, devrait être durablement réduit grâce à sa transformation en baisse de charges. Dans les faits néanmoins la réduction de charges se fera sur la base de 6% de la masse salariale et non pas 7% comme espéré par le patronat.

7.  CSG : elle va concerner tous les retraités dont le revenu mensuel est égal ou supérieur à 1400 € par mois (on n'est pas riche avec 1400 € de  revenu mensuel !) Elle concernera aussi ceux qui auront opté pour la flat taxe, leur prélèvement devant passer de 15,5% à 17,2% sur les revenus distribués ou les plus values encaissées. Certains contribuables auront donc  intérêt à conserver, selon le cas, leur régime antérieur

8.  Pourquoi faire simple quand on peut faire compliquer ? L’imagination des fonctionnaires est sans limite. On ne va plus parler de taxe carbone, mais de « contribution pour le climat énergie » ; sauf que l’aide au remplacement des voitures diesel ou essence, très polluantes, va diminuer fortement .Les mesures d’aides au logement sont restées tout aussi imbéciles malgré un rapport accablant de la Cour des Comptes sur le sujet. Le gouvernement n’a pas osé tailler dans le PTZ (prêt à taux zéro) même s’il en a baissé le montant Il n’a pas non plus taillé dans le dispositif Pinel... Les lobbies ont veillé !!

Bon an mal an, les mesures semblent un peu s’annuler les unes aux autres, le « Sapeur Camembert » continuant comme à l’habitude à boucher les trous qu’il a creusés...

La charge fiscale ne baissera pas une fois de plus... si vous l’aviez cru...réveillez- vous et ouvrez grand vos yeux et vos oreilles !

Clara Mitchell pour DayNewsWorld
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Selon les calculs de l'Insee, les prélèvements vont encore augmenter l'année prochaine!!!

Cherchez l'erreur !

Hausse de la CSG, augmentation du prix du tabac et des taxes sur l'énergie… Où sont les grandes annonces du gouvernement sur la suppression de certains impôts ? Pour 2018 l'addition risque salée pour les Français. Selon la dernière note de conjoncture de l'Insee, les prélèvements obligatoires devraient augmenter en 2018 « d'environ 4,5 milliards d'euros, ce qui ôterait 0,3 point à l'évolution du pouvoir d'achat ». Avec une augmentation qui se concentrerait sur les trois premiers mois de l'année, avant une stabilisation puis une (très) légère amélioration en fin d'année.

Mi-septembre, le ministre de l'Economie Bruno Le Maire promettait, à la fin de l'année 2018, des baisses d'impôts « d'environ 10 milliards d'euros ». On est loin du compte.

Le gouvernement annonce près de 7 milliards d'impôts en moins l'an prochain pour les entreprises et les ménages. Ces derniers vont notamment bénéficier de la réforme de la taxe d'habitation.

Depuis des mois, l'étiquette de « gouvernement des riches » colle à la peau de l'exécutif. en France.A juste titre, semble-t-il.

Convaincre de la réalité des baisses d'impôts sera d'autant plus compliqué que les polémiques sur la portée réelle des mesures gouvernementales ne sont pas éteintes

C'était la promesse phare de la campagne présidentielle d'Emmanuel Macron : dès 2018 la facture de la taxe d'habitation va baisser . Pour les contribuables dont le revenu fiscal de référence est inférieur à 27.000 euros (43.000 euros pour un couple), cet impôt baissera d'un tiers en 2018, puis de nouveau d'un tiers en 2019, et enfin sera supprimé en 2020. Mais ils n'en verront la couleur qu'en fin d'année. Seuls les 20 % des contribuables les plus aisés y resteront assujettis, mais Emmanuel Macron pourrait à terme la supprimer pour eux aussi.

Suppression de cotisations et hausse de la CSG

Le gouvernement veut que « le travail paye » Tous les revenus seront donc mis à contribution au financement de la protection sociale via la hausse de 1,7 point de CSG, tandis que les actifs bénéficieraient en retour d'un coup de pouce supérieur via la suppression des cotisations maladie et chômagel .

Le plein effet de cette mesure (une hausse de leur salaire net de 1,4 %) est à attendre en fin d'année, puisque la baisse des cotisations se fera en deux temps, en janvier et en octobre.

Quant aux fonctionnaires, la perte liée à la hausse de CSG sera uniquement compensée.

Les ménages percevant des revenus locatifs et les retraités (dont la pension est supérieure à 1.350 euros) seront, eux, pénalisés.

Réforme de la fiscalité du capital

Le gouvernement revoit la fiscalité du capital, avec notamment la réforme de l'impôt sur la fortune. Plus de déclaration d'ISF pour les contribuables fortunés en 2018 , sauf pour ceux devant payer un impôt sur la fortune immobilière (IFI) pesant uniquement sur les actifs immobiliers. Par ailleurs, certains « signes extérieurs de richesse » (yachts, voitures de luxe etc.) verront leur taxation relevée.

Le prélèvement forfaitaire unique (PFU) appliqué dès 2018

.Alors que les dividendes, intérêts et plus-values de cessions étaient imposés depuis 2013 au barème de l'impôt sur le revenu, ils vont être fiscalisés au taux unique de 30 % .

L'assurance-vie gardera une fiscalité privilégiée, sauf pour les contrats de plus de 150.000 euros d'en cours.

Le crédit d'impôt étendu pour l'emploi à domicile

La généralisation du crédit d'impôt pour les services à la personne aux retraités a finalement été maintenue par Emmanuel Macron. Jusqu'ici les retraités n'avaient droit qu'à une réduction d'impôts

Par contre le crédit d'impôt transition énergétique (CITE) va être recentré et progressivement élimé.

Une prolongation pour les avantages perçus par les primo-accédants (prêts à taux zéro, PTZ) et les particuliers achetant un logement pour le louer (dispositif « Pinel ») de quatre ans , mais uniquement dans les zones dites tendues (une partie de la région parisienne et la Côte d'Azur surtout).

A vos calculettes!!!
Joanne Courbet pour DayNewsWorld
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Emmanuel Macron a répondu ce mercredi à la polémique suite à une fuite de la presse.

Un possible renforcement du contrôle des chômeurs.

Le Canard enchaîné a dévoilé dans son édition de ce mercredi les pistes étudiées par le gouvernement, d’après une note interne du ministère du Travail.

Ce mercredi depuis la station haut-pyrénéenne de Bagnères-de-Bigorre il a dit « assumer ».

Le gouvernement envisagerait de durcir certaines sanctions dans le cadre de la future réforme de l’assurance chômage, d’après une note interne du ministère du Travail.

Interrogé par LCI Emmanuel Macron est revenu sur les critiques qui le visent depuis que le détail de son projet de durcissement du contrôle des chômeurs a fuité. «C'est là aussi un engagement de campagne tenu. Je l'ai dit plusieurs fois. (...) Ces règles-là ont été annoncées pendant la campagne. Et comme toujours, on fait ce qu'on a dit. Je l'ai dit et on le fera», a-t-il martelé.

Emmanuel Macron a estimé qu’il n’y avait « rien de choquant » au projet. « C’est ce que font tous les pays qui nous entourent », a-t-il affirmé.

Selon le document, une recherche insuffisante, un refus de formation ou un refus de deux offres d'emploi jugées raisonnables, entraîneraient une réduction des allocations de 50% pendant deux mois. Puis, en cas de récidive, une suppression pure et simple pour une durée de deux mois.

« Il faut s’assurer que chacune et chacun recherche bien l’emploi qui peut être offert, et que lorsqu’un emploi correspond à ses compétences, il le prend », a ajouté Emmanuel Macron.

Des investissements pour la formation

« On va former les gens. On va investir 15 milliards d’euros pour former les Françaises et les Français qui sont au chômage. »

Il ne fait que respecter les mesures « annoncées dans la campagne ». « Je crois qu’il y a un fort consensus autour de ça donc c’est beaucoup d’investissement dans les personnes, beaucoup de formation, mais aussi de la rigueur car sans rigueur on ne peut pas faire avancer le pays », a-t-il martelé.

« C’est un plan d’ensemble qu’il faut voir » selon le président.

« Chacune et chacun a sa part à mettre dans cet édifice. C’est un appel à la responsabilité collective, mais il ne faut tomber dans aucun raccourci. S’il n’y a pas de règles, les choses ne peuvent pas avancer, mais mettre des règles, ça ne veut pas dire qu’on va poursuivre chacun ou qu’il y a une suspicion derrière chacun. Les gens qui sont au chômage sont les premières victimes […] mais les quelques-uns qui abusent des règles c’est normal qu’ils soient contrôlés ».

« Il faut des règles », a ajouté Macron.

Dans une interview au quotidien espagnol El Mundo mercredi, Emmanuel Macron a estimé que l'assouplissement du code du travail permettrait d'enregistrer des « résultats significatifs » sur la baisse du chômage « au bout de 18 à 24 mois ».

Paul Emison pour DayNewsWorld
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Après une année marquée par une reprise dans tous les secteurs d’activité, la croissance devrait se maintenir dans les premiers mois de 2018.

L'Insee se montre optimiste pour la croissance en France en  relevant de 0,5% à 0,6% sa prévision de croissance pour la France au quatrième trimestre , et donc de 1,8% à 1,9% son estimation de croissance pour l'ensemble de 2017 ."L'économie française poursuivrait sur sa lancée au cours des prochains trimestres. (...) L'acquis pour 2018 serait déjà de +1,7% à mi-année", selon le rapport.

La production manufacturière serait plus dynamique que prévu (+1,5 % contre +0,6 % en octobre) et la contribution du commerce extérieur plus importante que prévue (+0,5% au lieu de +0,4% en octobre) avec les livraisons aéronautiques concentrées sur la fin d'année. Après cinq années de déficit consécutif, le commerce extérieur ne devrait plus peser sur la croissance hexagonale à la mi-2018 grâce aux exportations agricoles, aux secteurs du tourisme et de l’énergie.

Le climat des affaires serait meilleur à en croire le moral des patrons. Et ce malgré des difficultés de recrutement et un appareil de production à la limite de la surchauffe... Mais les efforts d’investissement déjà en hausse de 4,4 % en 2017, pourraient progresser de 3,7 % au premier semestre 2018.

Cette reprise de la croissance n'atteint pas que l'Europe ( 2,2 % attendus dans la zone euro par la Commission européenne), les pays émergents sont également de la partie. L’an prochain les importations brésiliennes, russes et indiennes vont aller progressant. Les Etats-Unis connaissent également une forte consommation des ménages qui sera de plus boostée par la vaste réforme fiscale, votée mercredi 20 décembre par le Sénat américain.

Le commerce international en augmentation de 5 % cette année pourrait encore gagner 3,5% . La France, dont les parts de marché n’ont cessé de se réduire à l’échelle mondiale, saura-t-elle en profiter ?

Le taux de chômage ne baisserait pas dans les mêmes proportions : l'indicateur passerait de 9,7% à 9,4% de la population active...

Alors que le pouvoir d’achat des Français risque de souffrir de l’augmentation de la contribution sociale généralisée (CSG) et du renforcement de la fiscalité sur le tabac et les produits pétroliers et que la réforme du code du travail ne produira pas de résultats avant cinq ans, selon les dires d'Emmanuel Macron,

l'institut français de statistiques conclut qu "à court terme, ce scénario est susceptible d'être affecté par les incertitudes politiques de part et d'autre de l'Atlantique, ainsi que par le comportement de consommation des ménages français face à la flexion temporaire de leur pouvoir d'achat."

Andrew Preston pour DayNewsWorld
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Nous allons faire le débriefe de cet événement insolite que la France a vécu hier au soir, 17 décembre 2017 face au petit écran !

Un événement diffusé sur la chaine publique France TV2 sous la forme d’un entretien vagabond au sens propre comme au sens figuré !

Cet entretien, soutenu par le journaliste de France TV2 Laurent Delahousse, ne s’est pas, comme pour Giscard , déroulé au coin du feu, mais « en marchant » le long des couloirs et en traversant quelques pièces historiques de l’Elysée, donnant à celui-ci des allures de journée du Patrimoine.

Le tout habillé d’une arrogance tranquille mais certaine !

C’est le correspondant de Reuters qui a formulé les critiques les plus virulentes sur cette interview ouatée, décalée et complaisante dont l’objectif était de donner à Emmanuel Macron le plaisir de faire un exercice d’autosatisfaction.

Mais à l’exemple de Michel Rose (Agence Reuters), les critiques ont commencé à pleuvoir, dès l’émission terminée.

C’est Alexis Corbière qui, dimanche soir, dès 21h23 a ouvert le bal. Dans un tweet enflammé, ce dernier a, tout de suite,  écrit que

« quand on compare le ton furieux de l’Emission Politique contre Jean Luc Mélenchon interviewé quelques jours plus tôt et le ton mielleux de l’interview de Macron, on s’interroge ?

Est ce bien raisonnable ?

Est-ce digne du service public ? ».

L’interview a eu, en effet, un air de visite guidée... pour faire admirer, non pas les lieux, mais plutôt l’occupant des lieux....

Mécontent de sa dernière interview du 15 octobre 2017, Emmanuel Macron avait manifesté le souhait de se rattraper, pour dire autrement aux Français « qu’il voulait retrouver leur destin ».

Or, le temps presse ! Emmanuel Macron l’a bien compris en assumant sa déambulation avec Laurent Delahousse devant les horloges - qui sont nombreuses - de l’Elysée et  il  nous l’a bien dit :

« il veut corriger rapidement les erreurs de tirs" de ses 7 premiers mois de fonction, et « ceci avec pragmatisme, en tenant compte du principe de réalité ».

Tout au long de l’entretien, le Président de la République a cherché à mettre en adéquation, le temps long et le cap politique qu’il s’est fixé, car c’est sur le plan de la temporalité qu’il risque de se retrouver le plus en difficulté.

Mais maître des horloges, il veut que « les résultats  économiques qui prennent du temps à se manifester arrivent les plus rapidement possible, la croissance de 1,7 à 1,8% et les taux d’intérêts bas favorisant ce schéma ». Et « c’est donc pourquoi il a voulu  aborder un maximum de sujets ».

Sur l’écologie, dont il a pris le thème à la France insoumise et  dont il avait oublié de parler lors de sa précédente interview : il lui fallait absolument revenir sur le sujet. Tout y est passé ; les centrales à charbon, dont il va ordonner l’extinction ; les centrales nucléaires qu’il ne faut pas fermer trop rapidement car elles ne sont pas polluantes, le nucléaire étant une énergie décarbonnée ;

Nicolas Hulot, son ministre, « un inquiet, mais il prend les gens comme ils sont, l’essentiel étant qu’ils soient engagés à ses cotés, debout, pour qu’ils agissent ». Emmanuel Macron a confié à cette occasion qu’il n’aimait pas les ministres assis ! Pour lui, Nicolas Hulot « qui est en apprentissage de la politique est un ministre utile au gouvernement ». Il se confirme à ce propos qu’Emmanuel Macron doit bien être un monstre froid...

Sur le glyphosate, il a changé d’idée...

Sur la finance : ll veut qu’elle se mette au service de l’économie pour développer « le green business ».

Sur ses relations avec Donald Trump après la décision du Président des USA de se retirer de l’accord de Paris :

Emmanuel Macron a expliqué qu’il avait beaucoup discuté avec Donald Trump et qu’il ne peut que le respecter, car il fait de la politique américaine, laquelle heurte néanmoins le principe de la continuité de l’Etat. Au demeurant, et plus généralement, Emmanuel Macron estime « qu’on ne peut pas sortir du droit dès que cela ne nous arrange plus ».

Sur la Syrie et la situation au Moyen Orient : Emmanuel Macron l’assure, « vers la mi-février ont aura gagné la lutte contre Daech ». Il estime au demeurant qu’il faudra parler avec Bachar Al Assad (contrairement à ce qui avait été fait avant.. sous entendu par François Hollande) et ceci même si ce dernier devra tôt ou tard répondre de ses actes et de ses crimes. Il a martelé que si Bachar est l’ennemi des syriens, lui (EM) est l’ennemi de Daech.

Sur Laurent Wauquiez : c’est avec dédain (seulement apparent ?) qu’Emmanuel Macron a récusé l’accusation faite contre lui par le nouveau Président « des Républicains/LR » à savoir « qu’il n’aimait pas la province », ajoutant que « la haine n’apporte rien au pays et que cela ne fait pas manger ». Il n’en dira pas plus ! Mais, comprenez le, il s’est érigé en père nourricier de la nation, rien que cela !

Sur l’audiovisuel public : Emmanuel Macron souhaite un grand travail sur le sujet pendant l’année 2018, car « actuellement l’audiovisuel public ne répond pas totalement ( ?) à ses missions de service public.

Sur le dialogue social : il souhaite que les entreprises « prennent à bras le corps le sujet. Pour cela, il faudra aller convaincre les acteurs, car ce sont les entreprises qui embauchent » (un truisme)

A une heure de grande écoute, les Français ont eu droit à un aimable bavardage pendant lequel on n’a rien appris de concret, par l’intermédiaire d’un journaliste dont l’unique question a porté sur le sapin de l’Elysé tout çà, parce que le nouveau Président de la République fait ce qu’il a dit et quil « assume totalement ses méthodes de management » ?.

Sur le fond, cette interview a été vide. Sur la forme, les politiques sont restés scotchés, incrédules par autant de culot. « Mais la France a fait le choix d’un président jeune, sorti de nul part, à la grande stupéfaction du Monde entier », et il faudra faire avec pendant 5 ans.

A l’issue de cet événement télévisé, qui a laissé sans voix beaucoup de Français, tout occupés par ailleurs à la préparation des Fêtes de fin d’année, on rappellera fort à propos, l’excellent adage de Pierre Lazareff qui disait ; « le premier devoir d’un journaliste c’est d’être lu ». En foi de quoi, l’entretien entre Laurent Delahousse et Emmanuel Macron risque fort de disparaitre très vite des mémoires et des écrans.

Malgré les bons sondages, cet exercice de communication inédit a quand même fait naitre un problème de démocratie.

Néanmoins dans le passé, ces exercices de communication complaisants se sont généralement retournés contre leurs auteurs. Il faudra donc suivre ...

Emmanuel Macron a eu pour l’instant de la chance, car il arrive à un moment où le travail des ses prédécesseurs  va commencer à payer, induisant une transformation radicale du pays.... A suivre à nouveau !

Clara Mitchell pour DayNewsWorld
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La France est le troisième marché mondial du bio (5,9 milliards d’euros en 2015, soit 7% du marché total et Coface estime qu’il atteindra environ 8 milliards en 2017), derrière les Etats-Unis (40 milliards en 2015, soit plus de 40% du total) et l’Allemagne (11%).

Le marché des produits bio poursuit son envolée en France avec une croissance en 2017 de près de 14%, soit un chiffre d'affaires de plus de 8 milliards d'euros, selon les estimations publiées mardi par Coface. Les faits parlent d'eux-mêmes. D'autant que les entreprises bio sont solides

Mais la consommation de produits bio augmente plus vite que la production en France si bien la filière bio française sera certainement contrainte de changer d’échelle et se trouve confrontée à de nouveaux défis

1°Tout d'abord les agriculteurs bio français vont donc devoir augmenter leurs surfaces, sinon ce sont les importations de produits biologiques en France qui vont fortement progresser.

"L’offre française semble peiner à répondre à une demande dynamique", constate le rapport. Ce marché du bio est porté par une demande toujours plus forte: 69% des Français en ont consommé au moins une fois par an en 2016 selon les chiffres de l'Agence Bio et la part de ceux en consommant quotidiennement ou chaque semaine n'a pas cessé d'augmenter depuis 2012. Or malgré la hausse des surfaces en agriculture biologique, avec un pic de conversion après la mise en place d'aides par les pouvoirs publics, la part des surfaces bio reste faible en comparaison des autres pays européens.

L’étude de la Coface juge "inévitable" l’agrandissement des exploitations, "malgré la réticence d’une partie des acteurs craignant que la notion d’agriculture biologique ne soit dénaturée par une industrialisation excessive de la production"

2° Grâce à la capacité d'innovation en utilisant de nouvelles technologies comme des capteurs (utilisé pour connaître par exemple le taux d'hydratation des plantes) qui permettrait de "compenser certaines vulnérabilités" du bio, les agriculteurs vont pouvoir également produire davantage.

Dans ce contexte donc, "l’augmentation des rendements, via l’innovation et/ou l’extension des surfaces cultivées en bio est une question clé"pour la France.

3°Le financement de la filière fait aussi partie des enjeux de mutation du bio et l'on ne pourra pas supprimer les aides tant que la filière ne sera pas mature. Si Les deux hypothèses pour compenser les financements publics étaient coupés, pas sûr les consommateurs seraient-ils prêts à payer encore plus...

4°La filière bio doit avoir une bonne maîtrise de la distribution. Pour le moment la grande distribution détient 45% des parts de marché du bio contre 30% pour la distribution spécialisée. . "Le risque, ce serait une dépendance vis-à-vis de la grande distribution mais la grande distribution permet aussi de démocratiser le bio" auprès des consommateurs décrit l'économiste de la Coface. Le mieux serait sans doute une distribution 50/50 dans un souci d’équilibre des prix ...

Autant de défis pas forcément aisé de concilier avec les principes liés au bio. La Coface estime d'ailleurs qu'une "mutation de la filière (…) sera tantôt interprétée comme une adaptation tantôt comme un renoncement à ses principes originels".

Britney Delsey pour DayNewsWorld
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Un projet hors norme au bout du monde: la Russie inaugure vendredi son gigantesque site gazier Yamal, en Sibérie arctique .

Ce projet à 27 milliards de dollars, un des ambitieux du monde dans le secteur, vise à construire en trois étapes une usine de liquéfaction de gaz : elle produira à terme 16,5 millions de tonnes par an à partir de 2019 !

Avec la participation du groupe français Total et de la Chine.

La Russie ambitionne stratégiquement de démontrer sa capacité à exploiter les ressources considérables de l'Arctique et sa capacité à renforcer sa présence sur le marché disputé du GNL. Pourquoi cette région ? C'est que le gaz est abondant et facile à extraire. Mais encore faut-il pouvoir l’exporter. C’est précisément ce que permet de faire le GNL : le gaz est refroidi jusqu’à – 165 degrés et devient liquide. Il peut donc être transporté par bateau.

Contrairement à un gazoduc, cela permet de livrer du gaz dans des zones très éloignées des réserves. Ainsi la Russie alimentera davantage les pays asiatiques, alors qu'elle exporte actuellement surtout vers l'Europe par gazoducs.

L'usine pourra-t-elle fonctionner sans accroc dans l'environnement hostile de l'Arctique en dépit de la glace omniprésente une grande partie de l'année ?

Un nouveau challenge pour Poutine et le groupe privé russe Novatek.

Vladimir Poutine a inauguré vendredi en Sibérie arctique le mégaprojet gazier Yamal, érigé dans des conditions climatiques et géologiques extrêmes. « C'est un grand jour pour nous », a déclaré M. Poutine lors d'une cérémonie officielle dans le port de Sabetta, évoquant « un projet géant pour la Russie ». « Je vous félicite tous pour la première expédition d'un méthanier, nommé d'après notre ami Christophe de Margerie », a poursuivi le président russe en évoquant l'ancien PDG de Total, décédé en 2014 dans un accident d'avion en Russie et qui était « l'un des pionniers » de ce projet, selon Vladimir Poutine.

Le groupe privé russe Novatek, à la tête du consortium international qui mène le projet, a prévu le départ de la première cargaison de gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL) du port de Sabetta vendredi : Le premier des quinze super méthaniers brise-glace "Christophe de Margerie" a emporté la première cargaison de Yamal vendredi vers l'Asie. « Nous sommes confrontés à d'énormes défis pour la mise en valeur de l'Arctique et de la route maritime du Nord-Est », a poursuivi le président russe, qui s'exprimait depuis une salle de conférence alors que les températures atteignent les -28°C. Mais les voilà relevés !

Une production de GNL sur la première ligne de production d'une capacité de 5,5 millions de tonnes par an.

Depuis le début du chantier fin 2013, il a fallu construire un aéroport et un port en plus des réservoirs et de l'usine elle-même ! La construction du site a mobilisé plus de 60 000 personnes pendant quatre ans. Le temps de bâtir dans cette zone totalement vierge une usine de liquéfaction de gaz, un port, un aéroport et une zone d’habitation entièrement tournée vers l’exploitation gazière.

Malgré les sanctions américaines contre Novatek, qui rendaient impossible le financement du projet par les banques occidentales, la Chine est venue à la rescousse...

Un enjeu stratégique de taille

En effet la Russie opte pour le développement du trafic par cette route qui constitue un raccourci maritime : Cette route longeant les côtes septentrionales de la Sibérie, permet aux navires de gagner 15 jours par rapport à la voie classique qui passe par le canal de Suez !!!

Ce trajet accessible par le réchauffement climatique est bordé de ports et de bases militaires pouvant porter secours aux navires en détresse.

À Yamal, où le site ne disposait d'aucune voie d'accès terrestre ou maritime au début du projet, quinze méthaniers brise-glace vont progressivement être mis en service d’ici à 2019 pour livrer le GNL vers l'Europe (46%) et l'Asie (54%).

Après Yamal, Novatek prévoit le développement d'un nouveau projet dans le Grand Nord, Arctique-2.

Ce projet géant sur la péninsule de Gydan, dans la mer de Kara doit à terme produire autant si ce n'est plus que Yamal. Encore en phase d'études préliminaires, Arctique-2, sera plus grand (avec une production de 18 millions de tonnes par an) mais moins cher à construire (10 milliards de dollars) . La fin de la première phase de construction est prévue en 2022-2023.

Total tout comme Vinci sont sur le starting-block .Novatek pour Yamal leur assurerait une participation à la deuxième étape du projet du groupe.

Shell serait aussi sur les rangs...

Joanne Courbet pour DayNewsWorld
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Le président de la République Emmanuel Macron jeudi au Qatar a donné de bonnes nouvelles pour nombre des groupes français du transport et de la défense.Comme tous les présidents avant lui, Emmanuel Macron revêt parfois à l’étranger son costume de VRP du Made in FrancATe. Lors de son déplacement au Qatar jeudi 7 décembre, le président de la République a donnéde bonnes nouvelles pour un certain nombre de groupes français du transport et de la défense : RATP, SNCF et Dassault Aviation.

Au total plus de 11 milliards d’euros de contrats confirmés ou annoncés – 11,1 milliards pour l’industrie française. Le Qatar a levé l’option sur les douze Rafale, d’un montant estimé à 1,1 milliard d’euros, accompagnant les vingt-quatre commandés en avril 2015. Il vient de prendre une autre option pourles vingt-quatre commandés en avril 2015. Il vient de prendre une autre option pour 36 avions de combat.

Les premiers des 36 Rafale qataris sortiront des chaînes d’assemblage de Mérignac en Gironde à la fin de l’année 2018 ou au début 2019.

Des modifications seront apportées par rapport aux Rafale français : ni module nucléaire, ni liaisons de communication à l'Otanmais par contre en plus le pod Sniper de l’américain Lockheed Martin, un capteur optique et laser qui permet de mettre en œuvre les bombes à guidage laser.

La formation de trente-six pilotes et d’une centaine de mécaniciens. 96 Rafale auront été donc vendus en deux ans se fera en France.

Un engagement d'achat pour 490 blindés de type VBCI, conçus par le français Nexter, un chiffre bien supérieur aux 300 engins attendus pour un montant d’au moins 1,5 milliard d’euros permettrait pour la première à ce blindé à huit roues de 30 , capable d'embarquer neuf soldats, d'être exporté.

Avec ces méga-contrats, le Qatar devance désormais largement l’Arabie Saoudite en achats d’armement français.

Côté aviation civile,la commande déjà annoncée en 2011 pour 50 Airbus est confirmée mais elle portera sur les modèles de dernière génération, les A321 Neo pour 5,5 milliards d’euros.

De plus l’expertise de la France dans le transport public est mise à contribution avec l'exploitation du métro de Doha.

Le contrat porte également sur l’exploitation et la maintenance du nout du tramway de Lusail, ville nouvelle actuellement en construction pour le futur grand stade de la coupe du Monde au QatarEN 2022 .

Allié de Paris dans la région, le Qatar est devenu ces dernières années la bête noire des monarchies voisines, qui l'accusent de financer des mouvements terroristes et de se rapprocher de l'Iran chiite et

lui font subir un blocus économique depuis le 5 juin.

Dans sa quête de soutiens diplomatiques dans le cadre de sa guerre froide avec l'Arabie Saoudite et les Emirats Arabes Unis, le Qatar a aussi annoncé des commandes de 36 F-15 américains et de 24 Eurofighter Typhoon européens. Mais seule la commande de Rafale est un contrat ferme .

La rencontre impromptue à Riyad avec Mohammed Ben Salman, le prince héritier et nouvel homme fort d’Arabie Saoudite et Emmanuel Macron avait été très mal vue par l’Iran, l’autre puissance régionale.

En se rendant dans le riche émirat gazier, Emmanuel Macron entend apaiser ce début de tension avec Téhéran et « montrer que la France ne choisit pas un camp contre un autre », explique-t-on à l’Elysée.

De plus un nouvel équilibre des pays du Golfe dans les ventes d'armement françaises se confirme. L'Arabie Saoudite privilégie les Américains et l'arrivée de la nouvelle concurrence chinoise, turque Et Paris a su saisir la main tendue du Qatar avec ses demandes d'achats et son carnet de chèques, alors qu'il est mis au ban par voisins sunnites du Golfe.

Une politique française de dialogue avec toutes les parties.

Joanne Courbet pour DayNewsWorld
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Rapport explosif !

Un groupe d’experts recommande « de modifier la formule de revalorisation du smic ».

Proposition choc contenue dans le rapport qu’un groupe d’experts indépendants transmis comme tous les ans, aux partenaires sociaux membres de la commission nationale de la négociation collective (CNNC) censé éclairer le gouvernement sur le salaire minimum.

Pas de coup de pouce. Au contraire : mettre à bas la formule de revalorisation automatique.

Il s'agit de rendre le salaire minimum « plus cohérent » vis-à-vis des deux objectifs :

1° Réduction du chômage

2°Lutte la pauvreté.

Depuis sa création fin 1969, le SMIC n'a connu que des

« ajustements relativement mineurs alors que le monde s'est totalement transformé »,

peut-on lire dans le rapport Avant d'estimer que « ces transformations et l'existence, en France, d'un chômage massif qui perdure [...] nécessitent [...] d'adapter le SMIC aux réalités économiques et sociales actuelles. »

Chaque année, le smic est augmenté, automatiquement, en tenant compte de deux données :

1° La progression sur l'année de l’indice des prix (hors tabac) pour les 20 % de ménages les plus modestes.

2° La moitié de l’évolution annuelle du pouvoir d’achat du salaire horaire de base ouvrier et employé (SHBOE).

Or le caractère automatique tend à pénaliser l’emploi des personnes les plus fragiles.

Une telle procédure engendre des effets pervers, selon le comité d’experts :

1°En effet la croissance du PIB étant inférieure à celle de la zone euro le taux de chômage reste élevé. De plus les entreprises n'ont pas encore retrouvé leurs niveaux de marge d'avant crise.

Ne parlons pas du secteur productif qui souffre d'un déficit de compétitivité comme le montrent les baisses de parts de marché à l'exportation

2°Elle nourrit une « forte circularité entre les hausses du smic et celles des salaires ». Dans les accords de branche sur les rémunérations, « le taux de revalorisation moyen des salaires minima est étroitement lié au taux de revalorisation du smic », selon le rapport. Au détriment de la compétitivité de la France et de l'emploi des moins qualifiés. Ainsi les salaires des non-cadres ont en moyenne augmenté de 0,9 % en 2017, suivant exactement la progression du salaire minimum mais ceux des professions intermédiaires ont stagné, selon un baromètre du groupe Randstad publié mardi.

Cette fois-ci, le rapport a ouvert la « réflexion à des pistes de réformes possibles ».

Partant du constat que la revalorisation du smic a des retombées limitées sur le sort des plus modestes (Une étude montre qu’un accroissement de 1 % du salaire minimum produit « un effet faible, voire nul, sur le revenu disponible des ménages » – l’augmentation de la rémunération étant contrebalancée par une diminution des prestations et une légère hausse de la taxe d’habitation!!), le rapport conclut à des réformes nécessaires .

Les deux premières - régionalisation du SMIC ou modularisation en fonction de l'âge - ont été abandonnées, fautes d'être concluantes.

Deux options se dégagent alors :

1° Suppression dans la règle d'indexation du SMIC le paramètre lié à la progression de pouvoir d'achat (SHBOE) ce qui redonnerait des marges de décision à l'exécutif mais aussi garantirait le pouvoir d'achat du SMIC.

2° Suppression de toute règle d'indexation automatique. Avec la maîtrise des hausses du SMIC dans les périodes de creux économiques pour la préservation des emplois, l’exécutif prenant l’engagement de préserver celui-ci, sur trois à cinq ans

L'une et l'autre des deux options,selon les experts, favoriserait le rôle de la négociation collective.

Pour combattre la pauvreté, insiste le rapport, il est plus efficace de majorer la prime d’activité – issue de la fusion de la prime pour emploi (accordée aux salariés chichement rétribués) et du RSA-activité (un complément de ressources pour les travailleurs pauvres).

Reste la marge de décision politique.

Au premier janvier dernier, le Smic (salaire minimum) a été augmenté de 0,93 % par le gouvernement pour s'aligner notamment sur l'inflation.

Si le gouvernement veut afficher un geste politique, il doit aller au-delà de la revalorisation automatique qui peut être importante. « Dans les faits, depuis sa création, le SMIC a augmenté plus vite que le salaire moyen », rappelle le rapport.

Le gouvernement devant très probablement suivre cet avis, le SMIC n'augmentera en conséquence au 1er janvier prochain « que » sous l'effet de ses deux composantes de revalorisation automatique...

la France suivrait un régime « à peu près semblable à celui en vigueur dans la très grande majorité des pays où existe un salaire minimum national et où le gouvernement porte la totale responsabilité de sa revalorisation », toujours selon les préconisations du rapport.

A suivre...

Joanne Courbet pour DayNewsWorld
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Le partenariat Europe Afrique n’a pas démontré son efficacité. La conjoncture actuelle le prouve, avec une vague d’émigration de jeunes désespérés vers une Europe encore convalescente en termes de croissance.

« Les deux continents, pourtant liés par l’histoire et par la géographie, ont raté la marche de l’Histoire. La coopération n’a pas réussi à éviter à l’Afrique des contre-performances qui se résument en quelques chiffres : 2 % du commerce international, 1,1 % de la production manufacturière mondiale et 13 % des échanges commerciaux intra-africains. C’est paradoxal pour un continent qui recèle 10 % des réserves mondiales de pétrole, 40 % des réserves mondiales d’or, 80 % du chrome, 90 % du groupe des métaux du platine et 30 % des ressources minérales du monde. » ? constate amer un spécialiste africain.

Une des occasions manquées semble liée à l’incapacité du vieux Continent au développement intelligent d'une prospective consistant à prendre l’Afrique comme un partenaire stratégique avec qui développer des complémentarités.

L’Europe n' aurait-elle pas commis une erreur historique en refusant toute idée de plan Marshall après les indépendances, à l’inverse des Américains qui ont été plus inspirés ?

Les stratégies de coopération ont oublié des domaines importants comme de solides alliances industrielles de complémentarité assorties de transferts massifs de technologie. Résultat : de faibles capacités de transformation des matières premières locales, peu de valeur ajoutée dans l’exportation des produits tropicaux, chômage endémique, émigration.

L’aide, ciblée suivant les priorités européennes, n’a pas été une solution au développement de l’Afrique.

Une bonne partie étant dévoyée et recyclée à l’extérieur (plus de 50 milliards de dollars annuellement selon l’Union Africaine)....

Pourtant une synergie réfléchie gagnant-gagnant était possible ; l’Afrique recelant des matières premières abondantes, un dividende démographique et une main-d’œuvre bon marché et de véritables relais de croissance. L’Europe de son côté prenant avantage sur la technologie ...

L’Afrique : un continent courtisé

Les difficultés lors de la finalisation d’Accords de Partenariat Économiques (APE) déséquilibrés, malgré les pressions européennes, reflètent l’avènement d’un nouvel état d’esprit du côté Africain : « une Afrique décomplexée  ». La résurgence d’une société civile aux aguets, les récentes prises de position engagées des intellectuels africains sur le Franc CFA, sur la situation esclavagiste en Libye et sur les récentes déclarations du Président Macron suffisent pour s’en convaincre. L’Europe doit se rendre compte qu’elle a un partenaire africain de plus en plus « courtisée », instruite et consciente de ses responsabilités.

Le cinquième sommet Afrique-Europe se tient ces mercredi et jeudi à Abidjan, capitale de la Côte d’Ivoire. Quelque 5000 participants, y compris 83 chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement de 55 pays d’Afrique et de 28 pays de l’Union européenne y sont attendus. Le flux de migrants africains se rendant en Europe est l’un des grands sujets à l’agenda.

Selon Vijay Makhan, ancien diplomate mauricien et sous-secrétaire général de 1995 à 2003 de l’OUA, désormais l’Union africaine, les intérêts entre l'Europe et l'Afrique sont mal défendus. Et là, évidemment, mis à part les conflits armés et la situation de paix et de sécurité, les obstacles liés au développement et aux questions sociales et économiques, y compris le financement,auraient dû  être abordés.

C'est pourquoi les dirigeants africains multiplient les sommets tantôt avec les Etats-Unis, tantôt avec la Chine, l’Inde, le Brésil et la Russie.

L'Afrique regorge de richesses naturelles. De ce fait, à l’instar de l’UE, tous les grands pays, y compris les émergents, se bousculent pour avoir leur part.

L’Europe a-t-elle les moyens d’avoir une politique africaine dans un environnement compétitif, notamment dû à la Chine? la Chine, qui finance à grande échelle des projets d’infrastructures, incontournables au développement du continent.

La France la première a abandonné l’Afrique à la médiocrité de ses intérêts à court terme. Le ministère de la coopération de la rue Monsieur vendu aux Chinois, les agences bancaires des vieux comptoirs aux Marocains, l’aide bilatérale s’est évaporée. Et cela pile, au moment où l’Afrique se réveillait. La France n'a pas montré sa présence au cours des 25 ans où la population a doublé, ou une classe moyenne a émergé, où les besoins en équipements ont explosé, où un marché réel enfin s’est constitué...

Tout faire pour que le sommet entre l’Union africaine (UA) et l’Union européenne (UE) ne se CRISTALLISE pas seulement sur la question des migrations : telle était la consigne répétée, à Bruxelles comme à Abidjan, la capitale économique ivoirienne où se tenait mercredi 29 et jeudi 30 novembre, cette réunion entre les principaux dirigeants de deux continents. « Nous ne souhaitons pas que ce soit le seul thème évoqué, mais il serait surprenant qu’il en soit autrement », regrette un diplomate bruxellois.

Le continent le plus riche et le plus jeune, un dialogue de géants. 10 000 participants pour conseiller, protéger, raconter les chefs d’État et chefs de gouvernement … 55 Africains, 28 Européens Sans compter les personnages considérables qui incarnent les organisations internationales.

Cette année, thème obligé des discours : l’immigration et la sécurité.

Un énième rendez-vous manqué !

Joanne Courbet pour DayNewsWorld
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Si l'annonce du prochain plan stratégique de la Société générale a secoué l’ensemble du monde bancaire et tous les personnels, c'est parce qu’une grande banque annonce  la nécessité de s’adapter aux numériques: une grande mutation pour éviter le syndrome de la sidérurgie.

La Société générale, la première institution financière à annoncer clairement, fin 2015, des mesures d’économies dans son activité de banque de détail, a enclenché la même stratégie dans d’autres, notamment LCL, BNP Paribas et BPCE.

Pour toute la baisse de la fréquentation des agences le développement des opérations sur smartphones ont joué sur ce choix.Les conséquences du numérique pèse donc très lourd sur la disparition de certains métiers. En France, un quart des emplois bancaires serait menacé par le développement du numérique.

Google, Amazon, Facebook ou Apple pourraient bientôt proposer des comptes bancaires en ligne.

La Société générale a décidé de durcir encore le traitement appliqué à son activité de banque de détail en France dans le cadre de son plan stratégique pour 2020 « Transform to grow » présenté, mardi 28 novembre, aux investisseurs, lors de l’Investor Day. Est prévu la suppression de plus d’une centaine d’agences supplémentaires.

Ainsi, au terme du plan, l’enseigne ne comptera plus que 1 700 agences dans l’Hexagone, soit un réseau équivalent à celui de LCL (1 640).« Ce plan pourrait conduire à environ 900 suppressions de postes en complément des 2 550 déjà annoncées début 2016, portant leur nombre total à environ 3 450 à l’horizon 2020 », a précisé le groupe dans un communiqué.La Société générale supprime ainsi progressivement des postes dans ce métier de banque de proximité, en fermant des guichets, en réduisant de 20 à 14 ses plates-formes de centres de traitement (back-office) et en automatisant 80 % des processus internes entre l’agence et le back-office d’ici à 2020

Dans le même temps, elle a choisi un investissement de 150 millions d’euros pour différents projets innovants capables d'une accélération de la transformation numérique de son modèle , d' amélioration de l’expérience client, et d'offres de nouveaux services aux consommateurs.

L’affaire Kerviel a remis en question une stratégie mise en place avant la crise.

Les Etats ont obligé les banques à être un peu plus réservées dans leur façon de spéculer

Les banques ont trois défis majeurs :

1° Les banques ont à relever celui de la sécurité financière.

En effet la sécurisation des activités est au cœur de la stabilité bancaire. Alors, l’Etat et les organismes régulateurs fixent des obligations (c’est l’objet de Bâle 3, puis bientôt de Bâle 4), mais cette régulation oblige les banques à détourner une partie de leurs ressources pour renforcer leurs fonds propres et leur solvabilité. Et le renforcement de leurs fonds propres, c’est autant de capitaux qu‘elles auront en moins pour financer l’économie et prendre des risques avec les entreprises.

2° La confiance des investisseurs échaudés par le risque d’amendes aux Etats-Unis demande à être restaurer.

La banque a a fait le pari de parvenir à une croissance annuelle de 3 % de son chiffre d’affaires d’ici à 2020. Pour se faire elle compte justement sur l’international en compensation du contexte atone en France. La banque a particulièrement jeté son dévolu sur la Russie. Si elle occupe des positions de premier plan en Roumanie et en République tchèque, l’institution pourrait fermer ou céder d’autres activités jugées trop peu rentables en Europe de l’Est. L’Afrique fait également partie des « challenges » à relever pour la banque .

La banque s’engage également sur une hausse de sa rentabilité, avec un objectif de rentabilité des fonds propres (ROE) de 10 % en 2020 (contre 7,3 % en 2016).« Les dividendes vont pleuvoir pour les actionnaires, le régime sec et les suppressions de postes sont amplifiés pour les salariés ! », s'insurge la CGT face à la suppression de postes de la Société générale, en qualifiant l’Investor Day d’« “exercice obligé”, exclusivement tourné vers les analystes et les actionnaires, pour rassurer les marchés. »

3° Le développement de Boursorama , la banque en ligne, va être poussé à fond.

Alors que le secteur bancaire a été absorbé par le lancement d’Orange Bank, Société Générale a fait remarquer au nouvel entrant que « la banque n’était pas gratuite », tout en confirmant sa volonté de « booster » son fleuron Boursorama.

SG se fixe un objectif de 2 millions de clients pour la banque en ligne à l’horizon 2020. « Nous avons une stratégie consistant à développer à fond Boursorama, qui a un modèle extrêmement efficace opérationnellement et offre la totalité des services bancaires : du crédit à la consommation, du crédit immobilier, de l’épargne, des services de paiement. Nous avons avec Boursorama incontestablement un leader en France dans la banque en ligne » avait déclaré Frédéric Oudéa .

Joanne Courbet pour DayNewsWorld
There are no translations available.


Le chômage est encore en hausse pour le mois d'octobre malgré quelques les bons signes de l'économie française.

Le nombre de chômeurs inscrits à Pôle emploi est reparti en légère hausse en octobre avec 8 000 chômeurs supplémentaires soit une hausse de 0,2 %. Pôle emploi dénombre désormais 3,48 millions demandeurs d'emploi en métropole.

Le nombre de chômeurs (catégorie A, sans activité) est en baisse de 1 % sur trois mois, en hausse de 0,5 % depuis début 2017 et quasi stable sur un an (+0,2 %).

Difficile d'avoir une tendance à interpréter la hausse du chômage d'octobre puisqu'elle coïncide avec une baisse en miroir (-7900, -0,4 %) du nombre de demandeurs d'emploi ayant exercé une activité au cours du mois.

Le nombre d'inscrits à Pôle emploi et tenus de rechercher un emploi s'est stabilisé en octobre à 5,62 millions.. Que ce soit en catégorie A (chômeurs) ou en incluant les catégories B et C (activité réduite comprise), les tendances sont identiques en comptant l'outre-mer.

Pour ne pas tomber dans le piège de l'ancien gouvernement, le nouveau a décidé de changer sa périodicité.

La Dares, service des statistiques du ministère du Travail, publiera, désormais tous les trois mois, le nombre moyen de demandeurs d'emploi sur le trimestre.

La nouvelle mouture vise à «mettre davantage l'accent sur l'évolution tendancielle plutôt qu'au mois le mois», explique le ministère du Travail, qui considérant « que les évolutions mensuelles ne sont pas significatives, n'ont pas beaucoup de sens».

Depuis sa nomination en mai, la ministre du Travail, Muriel Pénicaud, avait préfiguré cette évolution ne commentant pas les chiffres mensuels.

Un des anciens titulaires du poste, François Rebsamen en parlait comme "d'un grand moment de solitude".

L’actuelle ministre, Muriel Pénicaud, s'est affranchie de cette contrainte en refusant dès son arrivée de commenter ces statistiques.

C'est donc une des dernières fois que ces statistiques sont publiées mensuellement, car à partir de 2018 seront publiés de façon trimestrielle.Avec par ailleurs, des précisions supplémentaires sur les motifs d'entrée et de sortie à Pôle Emploi.

Tous les économistes s'accordent à le dire depuis longtemps, ces données ne rendent pas compte des évolutions du marché du travail. D'où la réforme susceptible de rendre mieux compte des évolutions sur une durée plus longue donc plus significative.

Carl Delsey pour DayNewsWorld
There are no translations available.


Repoussé à plusieurs reprises, le projet Orange Bank, vient d’être lancé comme un défi, avec son service phare, Orange Bank Mobile.

Le projet remonte à 2013. Il a réellement été enclenché en 2016, avec l’acquisition des activités bancaires de Groupama (en grande difficulté financière alors). Annoncé pour une mise en service en juillet 2017, puis repoussé au 2 novembre, le groupe a pris son temps pour le lancer.

A l’origine conçu comme un service de banque en ligne 100% mobile, le rachat de Groupama va lui permettre de s’appuyer sur un réseau d’agences. A ce réseau, va s’ajouter celui du GAN, lui aussi engagé dans l’aventure bancaire. A eux deux, les groupes totalisent 200 guichets. En fait Orange Bank va ouvrir à terme quelques 850 boutiques, pour un investissement de 500 millions d‘euros.

Le nouveau groupe compte s’appuyer sur le potentiel des quelques 28 millions de clients Orange/téléphonie en France (207 millions d’abonnements au mobile dans le monde).

Les clients d’Orange téléphonie sont en effet autant de cibles potentielles pour développer rapidement le nombre de clients du service bancaire. Il se dit aujourd’hui, 10 jours après le lancement de l’opération, qu’Orange Bank aurait déjà engrangé 9000 clients ?

L’idée de la création d’une banque trottait déjà depuis longtemps dans la tête de Stéphane Richard, patron d’Orange téléphonie et dans celle de Marc Rennard, le directeur général adjoint expérimenté et grand connaisseur du « banking » en ligne. Aussi, l’un et l’autre refusent toute idée de retard dans la préparation et le lancement du projet, disant qu’ils ont préféré prendre leur temps pour réfléchir !

L’opérateur téléphonique ne se jette pas en effet dans l’inconnu. Dès 2008, il avait lancé sur le marché africain, un service Orange Money, conçu comme un outil de transaction sûr et rapide et d’attribution de microcrédits. En quelques temps Orange Money a conquis 13 millions d’utilisateurs au travers du continent africain.

Mais Orange Bank va aussi bénéficier des expériences acquises dans son activité Orange Finanses, en partenariat avec mBank, pour un service bancaire proposé en Pologne.

Les objectifs de l’opérateur à court terme sont déjà fixés. Orange souhaite pour ses seules activités bancaires dégager un chiffre d’affaire de 400 millions d’euros en 2018.

L’entreprise voit donc les choses en grand, au risque de commencer à inquiéter les réseaux bancaires traditionnels ou les néo-banques qui se sont créées depuis quelques années comme Boursorama rattaché à la Société Générale, Fortunéo rattaché au Crédit Mutuel comme Arkéa, compte Nickel et Hello Bank rattachés à la BNP, BforBank rattaché au Crédit Agricole sans oublier le petit dernier Czam exploité par le Groupe Carrefour.

Malgré sa façade Finetechs, Orange Bank se revendique comme une banque de plein exercice, qui progressivement va développer un service de prêts immobiliers et de prêts à la consommation.

Orange Bank ne démarre donc pas de rien, contrairement à certains groupes qui se sont lancés dans la banque en ligne sans socle solide. Orange Bank sait pouvoir s’appuyer sur un instrument essentiel, clef du succès ....le Smartphone.

Des pleurs et des grincements de dents sont donc à prévoir chez certaines banques au réseau pléthorique.

Face à la menace, un grand nombre d’entre elles ont déjà commencé leur révolution par des licenciements massifs de leur personnel.

A laquelle peu de nos concitoyens s’attendent !

S’agissant des licenciements de personnel, la « petite liste » (des licenciements effectués sur quelques mois seulement, les tous derniers) ci-dessous donnera un aperçu de ce qui se passe (sur 3 mois environ) en France, en Europe ou dans le Monde :

Banco Carige (la plus vieille banque du monde) : 1000 banquiers jetés à la rue

La banque Monte Paschi a déjà disparu ; elle pourrait être rachetée pour 1 € par la Banque Postale (France)..

Banco Intenso Saopaolo Italie : 3000 banquiers jetés à la rue.

ING Bank : 796 salariés de plus de 55 ans ont quittés récemment la banque après négociation.

Paypal : un centaine de salariés vient d’être licenciés

PHH : 700 financiers ont été remerciés et les dossiers d’emprunteurs avec...

Postfinance Suisse, la Banque Postale Suisse : la banque envoyait 50 salariés chez Suisse emplois.(l’équivalent de Pôle Emploi en France)

RBS-UK : la banque va jeter à la rue 900 banquiers

UBS Suisse vient d’annoncer le licenciement de 30 000 banquiers sur le 5 prochaines années.

Banque Postale : de grosses rumeurs de licenciement circulent en ce moment.. Ce qui crée un doute quant au rachat de Monte Paschi, même pour 1 €.

HSBC a jeté 200 banquiers à la rue, qui travaillaient dans son agence régionale de Floride et c’est très peu par rapport aux centaines de milliers de licenciements qui ont eu lieu de part le monde depuis 2014.

Par ailleurs, en 10 ans, 25% des Banques Européennes ont disparues (Source Agefi et BCE).

Soit elles ont déposé le bilan, soit elles ont été rachetées, soient elles ont fusionné. Depuis la crise de 2008, le déclin des banques de détail s’est accompagné par une croissance exponentielle des Fonds d’Investissements, un secteur qui a carrément augmenté de 160 %.

D’une façon générale, les banques sont aujourd’hui de plus en plus en difficulté, ce qui les amène à tout faire pour retenir l’argent liquide de leurs clients, lesquels devraient curieusement disparaître. C’est déjà le cas en Suède et à Bruxelles prépare un train de mesures en ce sens. Dans ce nouveau schéma, les commerçants risquent d’être appelés à servir de DAB à leurs clients ? Une révolution !

Pour éviter le pire, les banquiers n’ont d’autre choix que d’augmenter vertigineusement leurs tarifs vis- à- vis de leur clientèle privée, voire d’inventer des tarifs nouveaux.

En cela, ils ne font que suivre les conseils de Mario Draghi patron de la BCE (information donnée par agence Reuters) lequel a déclaré récemment : " le rendement total du capital des banques pourrait chuter de 40% si les taux d’intérêt devaient rester à leur taux actuel (parfois négatifs) entre aujourd’hui et 2021. Aussi les autorités de régulations (dont lui même avec la BCE) saluent le fait que les banques aient trouvé des revenus alternatifs" (que c’est joliment dit !)

Même les services économiques de grands journaux, sérieux, comme le Figaro semblent commencer à mesurer cette réalité bancaire, ayant conscience que même certains de leurs clients, riches ou pas riches, risquent de se faire dépouiller par le système.... après les clients pauvres.

Il a fallu l’enquête de 65 millions de consommateurs et de l’UNAF, publiée ces dernières semaines pour que cette situation grave soit enfin reconnue.

A l’examen de ce tableau, on s’aperçoit que ce sont les banques dites populaires qui facturent les tarifs les plus chers. Salauds de pauvres !

Ces dérapages et cette situation commencent à inquiéter la Commission Européenne, qui vient de faire paraitre début novembre 2017 un communiqué rédigé en ces termes : « Il faut maintenir une présence territoriale bancaire dans des zones ou de nombreuses banques ont déjà déserté, pour favoriser l’accès des personnes économiquement défavorisées à un accès normal aux services bancaires ». Il est vrai que des élections se profilent au niveau européen. La date des élections européennes a été fixée pour mai 2019.

Orange Bank pourrait- t- il pallier ces difficultés avec ses services de banque en ligne ?

Toutes les informations qui précédent donnent le tournis et on comprend qu’UFC que Choisir, qui promet à sa création la gratuité complète des moyens de paiement, l’ouverture gratuite d’un compte en banque, des retraits gratuits dans les voit plutôt d’un bon œil les nouveaux services d’Orange Bank distributeurs en France et en Europe, pas de frais sur le virements et les prélèvements et la suppression des délais entre réalisation d’une opération et son affichage , dernière condition très favorable lorsque on sait que certaines banques traditionnelles continuent d’appliquer des délais difficiles à justifier, si ce n’est par le fait que celles-ci ont besoin journellement de liquidités importantes.

Nous avons relevé un bémol toutefois. On ne sait pas encore aujourd’hui, quel sera le niveau des frais (notamment les commissions d’intervention en cas de découvert) ou encore les frais de commission pour des paiements à l’étranger que pratiquera Orange Bank. Affaire à suivre donc !

Clara Mitchell pour DayNewsWorld


The fight against tax evasion is an old story of our G20 leaders in the G20. Since then, legislation has been strengthened, but to no avail.

The IMF figures at 5,500 billion euros the annual transit by tax havens.

According to the work of the young economist Gabriel Zucman, assistant professor at the University of Berkeley in the United States,

70 billion euros would escape the tax system of Europe including 11 billion euros for France.

Why do we talk about "Paradies Papers"?

A leak of documents initially transmitted in 2016 to the German daily Süddeutsche Zeitung by an anonymous source allowed the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) to look into it.

The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) is made up of 380 journalists from 67 countries.

Nearly seven million documents were scrutinized by the 380 journalists who worked on the Paradise Papers .

These are from Appleby . Unlike the Panama-based firm Mossack Fonseka, which originated the Panama Papers, Appleby is a well-respected tax optimization firm . Tax optimization is not illegal in itself.

This cabinet, created in the nineteenth century by the British Reginald Woodfield Appleby. is now settled in a dozen states including Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands or the Cayman Islands.

What exactly is he doing?

His tax lawyers study the law of each location where his corporate clients plan to open a branch based on the tax benefits of each jurisdiction.

Tax optimization means using all the legal systems offered that lead to complex financial arrangements.

In the case of "Paradise Papers" the issues are therefore legal.

Joanne Courbet for DayNewsWorld
There are no translations available.


Le gouvernement a fini par trancher : il va imposer aux 300 plus grandes entreprises françaises une surtaxe exceptionnelle pour rembourser une partie de la taxe sur les dividendes instaurée sous le quinquennat Hollande, mais invalidée par le Conseil constitutionnel.

Ce sont donc trois cents entreprises réalisant plus de 1 milliard d'euros de chiffre d'affaires qui devront s'acquitter de cette surtaxe exceptionnelle en 2017 , a annoncé le ministre Bruno Le Maire. Cette dernière va permettre de compenser en partie seulement la facture de 8 à 10 milliards d'euros ! Le reste de la facture sera prise en charge par la puissance publique en 2018, c'est-à-dire par le contribuable.

Le Conseil des ministres entérinera jeudi ce dispositif dans un projet de loi rectificative d’urgence. « J'ai conscience que je leur (aux entreprises  NDLR) demande un effort considérable », a reconnu le ministre de l'Economie et des Finances sur France 2 mais « Je fais appel à leur sens civique. Ce sont des entreprises qui se portent bien, qui ont de bons résultats » a-t-il ajouté.

Concrètement, les taux appliqués seront les suivants: au delà de 1 milliard d'euros de revenus, le taux normal d'IS passera de 33,3 % à 38 %, pour grimper à 45 % au delà de 3 milliards d'euros de chiffre d'affaires. Le gouvernement aurait prévu un plafonnement à 300 millions.

Bruno Le Maire insiste sur la nécessité de respecter ses engagements sur la réduction du déficit public à moins de 3 %, raison pour laquelle il n' a pas voulu compter sur l'embellie de la conjoncture économique.« Je préfère tenir bien les comptes publics de la Nation. (…) Je préfère que notre voix française retrouve sa crédibilité » en Europe, s'est justifié le locataire de Bercy.

Le choix ne lui était d'ailleurs pas donné dans la mesure où la Commission européenne a réclamé à la France des précisions sur ses efforts budgétaires à la suite de l’invalidation de la taxe.

Le Medef, par la voix de son vice-président Thibault Lanxade, a dénoncé une « injustice totale » et a demandé des contreparties au gouvernement, en particulier sur le crédit d’impôt compétitivité emploi. « Pas de compensation » a rétorqué Bercy.

Britney Delsey pour DayNewsWorld
There are no translations available.




Pour les agriculteurs éleveurs, la pénurie de beurre « n’existe pas » matériellement en France. Il y a en effet toujours autant de vaches laitières sur le sol français (voire peut être plus) qui produisent toujours autant de lait et par suite de la crème laquelle est transformée en beurre.

On ne peut que les croire car les briques de crème ou autres pots de crème ne manquent pas sur les rayons des grandes surfaces et autres circuits de distribution.

Par ailleurs, s’il y avait eu une réelle pénurie de lait par manque de production, le prix du litre de lait payé aux agriculteurs serait inévitablement monté, selon les bons principes du capitalisme mondialisé et libéral.

Or n’est pas le cas !  ( voir sources cours du lait ) Les éleveurs manifestent d’ailleurs régulièrement leur mécontentement à propos de l’insuffisance des prix qui leur sont octroyés, lesquels n’assurent pas l’équilibre financier des exploitations...

Jeudi 26 octobre, les éleveurs ont voulu rétablir la vérité. Ils l’ont fait en distribuant des affichettes ou en les apposant dans les rayons de produits laitiers des grandes surfaces. Ils l’ont fait par exemple en Iles et Vilaine, dans la Sarthe, à Rennes dans le super marché Cora etc...

Dans ces affichettes, ils dénoncent l’information mensongère affichée depuis plusieurs  jours dans ces magasins qui prétendent que si le beurre manque, c’est que la production est insuffisante...

On va essayer d’éclaircir cette problématique pour vous...

Le problème des rayons vides de plaquettes de beurre de toutes origines, depuis 2 semaines est d’abord un problème de demande très importante de beurre français (réputé pour sa qualité et son gout) par les Etats Unis, le Japon et la Chine. La  demande intérieure a explosé dans ces pays. Il est ensuite dû, aux rudes négociations engagées depuis quelques mois entre la grande distribution et les industriels de l’agro-alimentaire.

Dans un article d’Ouest France du 27 octobre 2015, Liang Zhang, PDG de Synutra International, fabricant chinois de lait en poudre, se confiait sans gêne : « Les Européens disent que les Chinois viennent en Europe pour la qualité et la sécurité. Ce ne sont que des paroles ! Je viens en Europe pour gagner de l’argent ». C’est clair ! Exit au passage le scandale du lait chinois frelaté à la mélamine qui a été à l’origine de la mort, très médiatisée de plusieurs bébés, ce qui a provoqué, au pays de l’enfant unique, un énorme scandale ! Vive le business donc et le lait en poudre européen, mais surtout français! A ce niveau, il n’y a pas d’état d’âme !

Il faut ajouter que derrière Synutra, il y a une holding américaine auparavant domiciliée aux Bahamas portant le  nom de Vorsatech Ventures.

Synutra , qui n’a pas voulu traiter directement avec les éleveurs a ficelé son système d’approvisionnement en ne négociant qu’avec les coopératives, constituées en plaques tournantes. Celles-ci  collectent le lait dans les fermes. C’est avec Sodiaal, la première coopérative laitière française (et cinquième mondiale) que l’industriel chinois a décidé de traiter principalement . Sodiaal s’est imposé dans le territoire breton en rachetant Entremont et la Coopérative Unicopa en 2010. Sodiaal collecte aujourd’hui 800 millions de litres de lait auprès de 1851 producteurs bretons.

La seconde étape de Synutra a été  d’implanter carrément, une énorme unité de fabrication de lait en poudre en France. L’usine monumentale a été implantée en plein centre de la Bretagne (le Kreiz Breizh en breton) à Carhaix, à un moment ou plusieurs entreprises alimentaires venaient de fermer : Marine Harvest la base Intermarché, Tilly, Sebco, Gad, Doux, Entremont et d’autres encore. Il y avait donc de la main d’œuvre immédiatement disponible, parce que au chômage ! L’usine à lait en poudre, gigantesque  de Synutra a été construite en bordure de la rocade de Carhaix. Elle exporte une grande partie de sa fabrication vers la Chine, à l’intention des femmes chinoises qui ne nourrissent plus leurs enfants au sein, parce qu’elles travaillent. Le lait en poudre est devenu à la suite de cela, l’Or Blanc breton.

Toutes ces transformations économiques n’ont pu se faire qu’à la suite de l’abandon des quotas laitiers en Europe depuis avril 2015 et de la disparition des outils de régulation qui existaient.

Ce nouveau modèle de production conduit tout naturellement vers des fermes de 200 à 300 vaches, voire 1000 vaches qui suscitent un rejet unanime des habitants riverains ou proches géographiquement. Cette logique vers un nouveau modèle industrialisé dans le domaine agricole s’est progressivement imposé, faisant peser une pression insoutenable sur les petites exploitations de 40 à 50 ha, qui ferment peu à peu, après que l’agriculteur, placé à leur  tête se soit très souvent suicidé, la corde au cou, au sens propre comme au sens figuré. Selon les statistiques de la MSA, un agriculteur se suicide tous les 2 jours et le nombre de suicides dans la profession a été multiplié par 3 ces dernières années.

Comment en effet dans un tel contexte les exploitants peuvent- ils négocier leur contrats (prix, volume, mesures de qualité) avec des industriels dont le cœur du pouvoir se cache à des milliers de kilomètres ?

L’usine de Carhaix, un investissement à 700 millions d’euros, a été inaugurée le 28 septembre 2016 (retenez la date). Le ruban a été coupé en présence de nombreuses personnalités à 10h08, le chiffre 8 étant le chiffre favori des chinois, synonyme de fortune. Un feu d’artifice a clos les cérémonies « pour chasser les mauvais esprits » ??

Il est facile de comprendre, en corrélant les différentes dates de décisions et de démarrage d’exploitation, que les exportations massives vers la Chine, à partir du port de Brest, qui a vu son activité exploser, a eu lieu au détriment du marché intérieur français, situation dont il est aisé de faire le constat aujourd’hui en voyant les rayons vides dans les grandes surfaces. Chaque français peut ainsi toucher directement du doigt (et de l’estomac) l’effet pervers d’une mondialisation incontrôlée de l’économie ou règne la loi du plus fort  et du plus avide.

Les premières à ressentir les effets directs de la mise en service de l’usine de Carhaix ont été les biscuiteries bretonnes, qui depuis le mois de janvier 2017 ne parviennent pas à s’approvisionner en quantité suffisante en beurre breton. Yves Guillateau, patron de la biscuiterie Joubard à Pontivy décrivait dès janvier 2017 cette situation désastreuse pour les fabricants de produits à base de beurre (biscuits, mais aussi croissants, viennoiseries, gâteaux, plats pré-préparés etc...) en indiquant que le prix du beurre avait augmenté de 60%  entre janvier et aout 2016, impactant ainsi profondément leur conditions de production et les prix de vente de ces produits.

La situation de la Bretagne s’est peu à peu étendue à l’ensemble de la France, par effet domino. On ne trouve plus par exemple en ce moment de beurre AOC de Bresse, si fameux pour son gout.

Il est évident que dans un tel contexte, la spéculation s’est inévitablement installée, le beurre industriel pouvant être stocké et congelé en attendant que les cours remontent ou montent tout simplement.

Horreur supplémentaire ! La France, grande consommatrice de beurre (réhabilité ces dernières années par les nutritionnistes) est obligée d’importer du beurre en provenance de ... Nouvelle Zélande. Un paradoxe inadmissible pour beaucoup !

Pour ajouter à la confusion et à la crise provoquée par la mondialisation, les transformateurs de produits laitiers comme Candia ou l’Association des producteurs de lait Indépendants, évoquent d’autres facteurs contribuant à la pénurie en beurre : les chaleurs du mois de septembre 2016 (mais le phénomène s’est reproduit en 2017) ont fait que les vaches ont produit moins de lait chargé en matières grasses, ceci à cause « de la diminution des ressources fourragères de qualité »

La seconde raison de la pénurie de beurre constatée en ce moment, trouve, selon les éleveurs leur origine dans le conflit qui oppose la Grande Distribution et les Industriel qui refusent de livrer les grandes surfaces tant que les négociations annuelles sur les prix n’auront pas eu lieu dans des conditions qui prennent en compte l’envolée des prix de la matière première depuis 2016.

En effet Edouard Leclerc et ses copains refusent encore toute hausse des prix du beurre...pour protéger les intérêts des consommateurs ? Un bras de fer a été engagé, les deux parties ne parvenant pas à s’accorder. Les industriels veulent bénéficier de l’envolée des prix alors que la Grande Distribution refuse, en cours de saison, toutes augmentations de ceux- ci.

Il faut rappeler que la grande distribution a négocié ses prix en février 2017, pour un an et que les contrats vont commencer à être rediscuter seulement à partir de novembre (ils auraient  pu l’être au bout de 6 mois, mais le blocage est resté entier sur ce problème sensible). On peut donc supposer, par anticipation, que le prix du beurre devrait prendre en compte la hausse des prix mondiaux et augmenter de 60% environ à partir du mois de janvier 2018.

En conclusion, même si le gouvernement s’inquiète des conséquences de la pénurie de beurre à la veille des Fêtes de Noel, il faut souligner que celui- ci n’a pris aucune initiative et aucune décision pour qu’une partie suffisante de la production  soit réservée à la consommation intérieure.

Les rayons vides réveillent chez certains de mauvais souvenirs, ceux des restrictions imposées par le pouvoir nazi dans les années 39-40, lequel dirigeait la plus grande partie de la production agricole française vers l’Allemagne pour satisfaire la demande des citoyens allemands. Alors ,serait- il possible au XXI siècle, que le consommateur français soit obligé de faire à nouveau la queue pour pouvoir acheter une mini plaquette de beurre ?? Un vrai cauchemar.

Pour d’autres, cette mauvaise histoire de beurre, démontre tout simplement qu’Emmanuel Macron est tout entier soumis à la très haute finance internationale spéculative (rappelez-vous, que c’est un fond américain qui coiffe l’industriel chinois qui s’est installé en Bretagne).

L’Europe n’a pas élevé la voix non plus et les consommateurs allemands, qui ne sont pas soumis à la même règlementation  ont déjà pris de plein fouet une hausse de 50% du prix du beurre.

Ces constats sont choquants, surtout lorsque l’on pense à ces agriculteurs désespérés ; mais aussi aux paysages défigurés par ces futurs projets de fermes de 1000 vaches qui fleurissent ici ou là, aux dangers (Monsanto et la polémique sur le glyphosate) auxquels sont exposés les agriculteurs qui pour s’en sortir doivent  coûte que coûte augmenter les rendements, dangers qui par voie de conséquence exposent également les consommateurs.

Dans un tel contexte, il faut espérer que les circuits courts de distribution de produits agricoles vont continuer leur progression et que les élus, locaux le plus souvent, aideront concrètement à leur développement.

Au demeurant, et sachant que la volonté d’Emmanuel Macron est des limiter la charge des salaires et le revenu des Français en général ,pour améliorer la compétitivité de l’économie française ( ?), ont ne peut qu’être inquiet face à de telles augmentation de prix qui interdiront à certains d’entre nous, totalement ou partiellement l’accès à un produit considéré auparavant comme un produit courant ; La tartine de beurre du matin ou le croissant du petit déjeuner risquent d’atteindre un prix inabordable pour beaucoup .... Ainsi va la mondialisation !!

Choquant aussi sont les derniers propos de Jean Pierre Raffarin, qui vient de déclarer au JDD que la Chine est un partenaire économique qu’il faut accepter, surtout lorsque l’on sait que par ses origines géographiques et familiales, il est un héritier des coopératives de beurre Charente Poitou.... ainsi va la France et ses représentants !!

Clara Mitchell pour DayNewsWorld
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Amateurisme juridique !

Berezina fiscale et budgétaire !

Responsables et ...coupables ?

A nos yeux, c’est tout en même temps ! Tous ces qualificatifs sont parfaitement adaptés pour designer ou nommer les protagonistes de cette affaire qui vient d’éclater il y a quelques jours sous nos yeux, même si celle-ci mijotait depuis longtemps. Mais chut ! Il ne fallait pas trop en parler avant !

Ce scandale d’Etat recouvre ce qui, au prix de 10 milliards d’euros, pourrait contrarier la politique budgétaire serrée d’Emmanuel Macron, soucieux, en priorité, de respecter les recommandations de l’Union Européenne (U.E.) sur l’objectif de ramener à -3% le déficit budgétaire.

Pour l’homme (ou la femme) de la rue, l’affaire semble très technique et difficile à comprendre. Pour les experts financiers et fiscaux, mais aussi les citoyens éclairés, le feuilleton est assez clair, en dépit du fait qu’il reste encore difficile d’évaluer la part de responsabilité de chacun des comparses.

La bombe a éclaté le 6 octobre 2017, lorsque le Conseil Constitutionnel a publié la décision  par laquelle il a décidé de supprimer dans son intégralité, la contribution très controversée de 3% sur les dividendes distribués à leurs actionnaires depuis 2012 par les grandes entreprises.

Alors qui sont les responsables politiques de ce fiasco fiscal ?

En premier lieu, le très maladroit et désormais « has been » François Hollande, qui tout juste devenu Président de la République en mai   2012, et en croisade à cette époque contre la Finance, fit voté le 17 juillet 2012 par le parlement, le principe de la création immédiate de cette taxe de 3%. A l’origine, l’idée de celle ci fut soufflée à Christian Eckert, simple député, rapporteur de la loi de finance, mais également  avide d’élargir l’efficacité de ladite taxe, en imposant tous les profits des grandes entreprises, y compris ceux fait à l’étranger et déjà imposés dans les pays d’origine.

Aussitôt, d’éminents spécialistes dont l’avocat fiscaliste réputé et reconnu comme l’un des meilleurs de Paris, Philippe Derouin, avaient prédit que cette taxe tomberait sous les coups de la Justice Européenne....on va voir qu’il avait raison ... trop tôt...

Le gouvernement de gauche de Jean Marc Ayrault n’a eu cure de ces avertissements et pour cause, il fallait, en période de disette budgétaire absolument faire rentrer des recettes nouvelles, et cette taxe de 3%, qui a rapporté plus que prévu (1,8 milliards d’euros par an) était une aubaine (le droit d’aubaine existe depuis le Moyen Age).

Pourtant, Philippe Derouin avait très bien argumenté son point de vue, notamment dans un avis publié dans la très renommée (pour son sérieux), Revue de Droit Fiscal.

A contrario, les entreprises concernées n’ont pas eu la même approche des choses et on peut les comprendre ! Un certain nombre d’entre elles ont commencé assez rapidement à engager des procédures au risque de provoquer des remous qui attireraient l’attention de Bruxelles.

Et comme redouté, cela n’a pas manqué !

Pourtant, à cette époque (jusqu’en 2015 environ) il était encore possible d’éviter la catastrophe...politique. Mais le gouvernement est resté de marbre, face aux alertes.

Au printemps 2015, Bruxelles engage donc une procédure à l’encontre de la France. « Confortées par les interrogations de la Commission » qui commençaient à émerger, les entreprises concernées multiplient les recours,  tous sous la houlette de la très discrète AFEP (Association Française des Entreprises Privées) qui fédère 110 des plus grandes entreprises françaises. Les décisions de justice se succèdent, décisions qui au fur et à mesure confortent les analyses fiscales des premiers opposants.

Quelques voix, de gauche, commencent néanmoins à s’élever, comme celle de Christian Eckert ( ?) en  premier lieu. Simple député (mais aussi rapporteur du budget)  au moment où il avait déposé l’amendement fatal en 2012, mais devenu depuis le 9 avril 2014, Secrétaire d’Etat chargé du Budget, sous le gouvernement Valls, Christian Eckert se fit assez vite, après avoir obtenu son marocain, l’écho des divergences existant entre l’Europe et la France sur la légalité de la loi. Ambiance gênée ! Rappelons que Christian Eckert est en jusqu’en 2013, soutenu par Jérôme Cahuzac, (ministre des finances déchu pour fraude fiscale) et par Pierre Moscovici, Commissaire Européen à l’économie depuis le 1er Novembre 2014 après avoir été Ministre de l’Economie et des Finances sous le gouvernement de Jean Marc Ayrault  à partir de 2012.

Devenu Secrétaire d’Etat, Christian Eckert reconnait en effet benoitement, pour la première fois, en septembre 2015, devant les sénateurs, « qu’un  conflit d’analyse commence à se faire jour entre le Droit Européen et la loi fiscale française ». Comme c’est joliment dit ! Le Secrétaire d’Etat commençait à avoir vent des positions, qui n’allaient pas tarder à être publiées, de la Cour Européenne de Justice, laquelle rendra en mai 2017 une décision taclant une taxe similaire instaurée par la Belgique.

Rappelons également qu’officiait déjà en 2012, un certain Emmanuel Macron, lequel déclare aujourd’hui, toute honte bue « qu’il ne n’avait pas relevé les risques du recouvrement mouvementé de cette taxe », lequel à ses yeux « était inenvisageable ». Pour enfoncer le clou et être plus cash, dans cette affaire délicate ... et scandaleuse, le Canard Enchaîné titrait néanmoins récemment que « Macron savait que Hollande avait un fisc caché ».

Une semaine et demie après l’élection d’Emmanuel Macron, la Cour Européenne de Justice révélait qu’elle avait censuré une grande partie de cette taxe. Il ne restait donc plus qu’à recueillir l’avis du Conseil Constitutionnel, avis délivré donc le 6 octobre 2017.

Malgré toute cette agitation, Bercy et le nouveau gouvernement Philippe, ont cherché encore récemment à gagner du temps... ?

Mais inévitablement,  au lendemain du 6 octobre, il a fallu chiffrer le montant de la facture des réclamations déjà déposées. La somme avait déjà atteint le montant  de 7,5 milliards d’euros. En ajoutant les intérêts moratoires la facture est très vite montée à 10 milliards d’euros, mettant de fait, en péril, les équilibres budgétaires si chèrement (au plan politique) acquis par Emmanuel Macron et son équipe gouvernementale.

C’est alors que Bruno Le Maire, nouveau Ministre de l’Economie et des Finances entre en scène, allant jusqu’à annoncer qu’il avait demandé à l’Inspection Générale des Finances de rechercher les coupables « d’amateurisme » !

Il est vrai que le ministre, encarté depuis peu chez LREM, ceci alors même qu’il avait été candidat aux primaires de la Droite pour les élections présidentielles, doit aujourd’hui démontrer qu’Emmanuel Macron n’est pas le président des riches, comme le dénoncent depuis plusieurs semaines certaines campagnes politiques et qu’il a choisi le bon camp...

Mais il n’en est pas moins vrai qu’il va être difficile de boucher un trou à 10 milliards d’euros !! D’où la recherche de ... boucs émissaires ?

Néanmoins, dès la mi-octobre, des solutions techniques ont été mises à l’étude, pour lisser, sans trop de dommage, les remboursements à faire aux entreprises (ce qui malgré tout  fait mécaniquement augmenter les intérêts moratoires). Autre solution, rembourser en une seule fois les entreprises, en comptant sur une hypothétique croissance économique ? Autre solution encore, faire admettre à Bruxelles l’idée d’un nouveau trou financier ... à combler... mais plus tard ?

Le Ministre Bruno Le Maire, envisage de déposer le mercredi 1er novembre (jour de tous les saints, à invoquer puissamment, en croisant les doigts/La Toussaint) un texte instaurant une surtaxe sur le 5ème acompte de l’impôt sur les sociétés des grosses entreprises.

Comme indiqué brièvement plus haut, cette affaire de la taxe de 3% sur les dividendes tombe très mal. L’Etat va devoir, en fait, très vite rembourser cette taxe illégale aux entreprises, l’étalement s’étant avéré depuis peu impossible... on est en état de droit n’est ce pas ! Mais quand et comment faire ? Tout le monde sait qu’il existe une inconnue de taille : quand l’INSEE (Institut National de la Statistique) et son homologue européen vont décider à quelle date il faudra imputer budgétairement le coût de ce contentieux. Budget 2017% ou Budget 2018 ?

Mais tout défaut de paiement en la matière, pourrait, selon Bruno Le Maire, lui même, « empêcher la France de sortir du déficit excessif » et donc enfreindre la parole et les promesses d’Emmanuel Macron qui en avait fait un thème de campagne primordial.

Pour « aider la France », la Commission Européenne pourrait considérer que cette facture de 10 milliard d’euros, est une dépense « one Off », c’est à dire exceptionnelle, « que l’on pourrait accompagner  d’attitudes d’accommodement avec mesures compensatoires » l’ensemble restant à décider avec Paris ?

C’est Pierre Moscovici, souvenez vous Ministre de l’Economie et des Finances en 2012, qui vient de faire cette déclaration, en langue de bois pur jus ! , ceci alors même qu’il est coresponsable lui même de cette situation.

Toutes ces successions d’événements nous donne la migraine, mais suscite également la colère.

Comment de ne pas comprendre, même si c’est très technique, alors que l’on voit se dérouler sous nos yeux, un énième épisode de gabegie des dépenses publiques et de duplicités entre les institutions européennes et le gouvernement français, que nos élus nous trompent et esquivent les réalités !

Malgré, nous le répétons,  la technicité réelle sur le fond de cette affaire, celle-ci  démontre une fois de plus  l’incompétence évidente de certains de nos élus (énarques le plus souvent)  qui nous gouvernent et qui in fine ne sont jamais responsables (ou coupables) de leurs actes.

Une fois de plus, et plus que de nécessaire, le pacte de confiance contracté entre lesdits élus avec le peuple est une  nouvelle fois rompu. On va probablement  assister, à nouveau, à du bricolage budgétaire et juridique, entre initiés complices et solidaires !

De quoi, une fois de plus, faire grincer des dents, face au monstre du Léviathan ! Avant... que le chien (qui représente ceux que le fisc " pompe indéfiniment" et qui sont fragiles et  mal informés)  ne finisse par mordre!

Clara Mitchell pour DayNewsWorld
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L'Assemblée nationale vote la hausse de la CSG après d'intenses débats qui met à contribution les retraités les plus aisés.

L'article entérinant la bascule entre cotisations sociales et CSG a été validé dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi.

Cette nuit, les députés ont adopté l'article 7 du projet de loi de financement de la Sécurité sociale (PLFSS) pour 2018, qui instaure une hausse de la contribution sociale généralisée (CSG) pour compenser la suppression de certaines cotisations salariales  ,à l'assurance-maladie et l'assurance-chômage.

L'augmentation de 1,7 point du taux de la CSG, s'appliquera à l'ensemble des revenus d'activité, de remplacement et du capital à l'exception des allocations chômage et des indemnités journalières. Cette mesure est censée redonner du pouvoir d'achat aux actifs en faisant contribuer l'ensemble des revenus (dont les pensions et l'épargne) au financement de la protection sociale. La hausse ne sera pas compensée pour les 60% de retraités ayant les revenus les plus élevés, c'est-à-dire ceux dont la pension est au moins égale à 1400 euros par mois pour une personne seule de plus de 65 ans.

En ce qui concerne les salariés du privé, la suppression se fera en deux temps et portera sur les cotisations maladie et chômage, qui représentent 3,15% de la rémunération brute. Pour les indépendants, le changement concernera les cotisations d'allocations familiales, maladie . À l'inverse des salariés du privé, les fonctionnaires ne bénéficieront que d'une neutralisation de la hausse de la CSG sans gain de pouvoir d'achat

Alyson Braxton pour DayNewsWorld
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Pour ses funérailles, la junte aux manettes du gouvernement et la monarchie, une des plus riches au monde, n'ont pas regardé à la dépense: la cérémonie et la construction du site de la crémation est estimée à 90 millions de dollars (plus de 76 millions d'euros).

Les funérailles grandioses du roi de Thaïlande marque ce jeudi la fin d'un deuil d'un an décrété depuis la mort de celui qui avait un statut de demi-dieu.

Plus de 200.000 personnes sont à Bangkok pour saluer la mémoire du roi Bhumibol Adulyadej, dit Rama IX, décédé le 13 octobre 2016 à 88 ans honorée lors de grandioses funérailles royales.

Son corps était conservé depuis un an au palais royal entouré d'un constant cérémonial bouddhiste, régulièrement diffusé en direct à la télévision.

Au petit matin jeudi, la cérémonie a officiellement débuté avec l'arrivée de son fils, le roi Maha Vajiralongkorn, descendu de sa Rolls Royce en costume militaire d'apparat rouge. Les moines bouddhistes ont alors entonné une prière, le nouveau roi présidant aux rituels .

L'urne de bois précieux dans lequel les corps des rois sont traditionnellement conservés est ensuite transportée, sur un palanquin doré, du palais vers le crématorium construit pour l'occasion..

Près de 1000 soldats en costumes multicolores, contraste avec une foule tout en noir, et ont pris place dans le cortège funéraire.

De nombreux fidèles et certains brandissant des portraits du roi défunt, sont présents le long du cortège.

Le jour a été déclaré férié. Le roi Bhumibol est considéré comme le Père de la Nation, son anniversaire était aussi la fête des pères.

Après une longue procession toute la journée, le bûcher va être symboliquement allumé par le nouveau roi, Rama X, à 22 heures locales (15h00 GMT).

Ce cérémonial fournit l' occasion de réaffirmer la place centrale de la monarchie, le roi étant présenté comme le garant de la stabilité d'un pays marqué par de profondes divisions politiques, entre ultra-royalistes et réformateurs.

Britney Delsey pour DayNewsWorld
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Mardi, la ministre des Solidarités et de la Santé Agnès Buzyn va se charger de défendre devant l’Assemblée le projet du budget de la sécurité sociale (PLFSS). Dans son interview au JDD, la ministre de la Santé dit assumer des choix impopulaires, comme celui d'augmenter le forfait hospitalier de deux euros, ou encore l'introduction de la CSG pour 7 millions de retraités. Mais elle défend aussi d'autres mesures plus sociales ;

Objectif visé : la réduction de milliards d’euros du déficit global «sans toucher à l’égalité des chances». .

Le PLFSS s’oriente sur des mesures structurelles :

Pour ce faire c'est avant tout en passant par des réformes structurelles que cet objectif sera atteint. «Jusqu’à présent, dénonce-t-elle, nous n’avons pas fait assez de réformes structurelles pour le limiter. Le vote du premier PLFSS du quinquennat nous permet de lancer une révolution en douceur », souligne-t-elle Selon Agnès Buzyn, «il y a une marge de manœuvre énorme sans toucher à l’égalité des chance : 30% des dépenses de l’assurance-maladie ne sont pas pertinentes ».

Elle table sur davantage d'ambulatoire en fixant comme objectif pour 2022 en chirurgie que «sept patients sur dix entrant à l’hôpital le matin en sortent le soir » ce qui permettra la fermeture de lits. Elle va également s'atteler à réformer les hôpitaux par la mutualisation de certaines dépenses, comme l'achat des médicament . Enfin, la ministre explique sa méthode pour réformer le financement des hôpitaux en créant des "modes de tarification centrés sur la pertinence des soins" En guise de récompense pour les bons élèves."un bonus, un intéressement dès lors qu'ils répondront aux objectifs de qualité, de pertinence et d'efficience".

Agnès Buzyn plaide aussi pour le renforcement de la lutte de la fraude à l'Assurance maladie qui grève également le budget de la Sécu. « Il faut cesser d'être laxiste avec ceux qui abusent d'un système généreux », affirme-t-elle pensant notamment à la hausse des arrêts de travail. « Jusqu'à quand l'assurance-maladie palliera-t-elle les défaillances du management au travail ? », interpelle Agnès Buzyn aussi à ceux qui fraudes au niveau des cotisations et des prestations.

La Sécurité sociale « multiplie les contrôles en croisant les fichiers informatiques » : rien qu'au cours de l'année 2016, la fraude détectée sur les cotisations et les prestations « s'est élevée à 1,2 milliards d'euros et le chiffre ne cesse de croître », précise-t-elle.

En 2017, le déficit cumulé du régime général et du Fonds de solidarité vieillesse doit atteindre 5,2 milliards d'euros. La branche maladie resterait déficitaire de 800 millions d'euros.


Et qu'en est-il de la généralisation du tiers payant

Si la Ministre a tenu à en réaffirmer le principe elle a cependant expliquer que le gouvernement le généraliserait lentement. Pour les personnes couvertes à 100% par la Sécu, pour lesquelles le tiers payant est déjà obligatoire (bénéficiaires de la CMUC, femmes enceintes et patients atteints d'affection de longue durée", "le tiers payant fonctionne aujourd'hui", affirme-t-elle en faisant référence à un rapport de l'Igas (l'Inspection générale des affaires sociales) devant être publié dans les prochains jours. Mais "nous devons poursuivre nos efforts pour en assurer une application effective partout. Nous ne sommes pas prêt techniquement à l'étendre", dit la ministre.

«Nous devons poursuivre nos efforts pour en assurer une application effective partout », explique la ministre en précisant que les promesse du Président seraient respectées sans donner pour autant de calendrier.

A propos du remboursement à 100% des lunettes, des prothèses auditives et dentaires, la ministre de la Santé maintient le cap et fixe un objectif ambitieux : "Je souhaite y arriver bien avant la fin du quinquennat. Mon but est d’aboutir d’ici à un an."

Alyson Braxton pour DayNewsWorld
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L'Assemblée nationale vient de donner son feu vert pour le prélèvement forfaitaire unique de 30% sur les revenus du capital jeudi 19 octobre dans la soirée. Ce type d'impôt est connu sous le terme de "flat tax", un impôt proportionnel unique, non progressif.

Les débats ont été houleux  sur cette mesure présentée  tantôt présentée comme une "révolution fiscale" par le gouvernement et son ministre de l'Economie Bruno Le Maire tantôt vilipendée comme un "cadeau aux riches" par la gauche.

De quoi s'agit-il ?

Le prélèvement forfaitaire unique (PFU) de 30% (12,8% d'impôt sur le revenu et 17,2% de prélèvements sociaux) concernera les revenus mobiliers, à l'exception du Livret A, du PEA (épargne en actions) et certains contrats d'assurance-vie.

Si cette"flat tax a un coût d'environ 1,3 milliard d'euros aux finances publiques en 2018 et 1,9 milliard en 2019 elle a pour objectif la simplification de la fiscalité du capital.

Le groupe « Les Pigeons »,en 2012, un mouvement de jeunes entrepreneurs s'était acharné contre

des dispositions de la loi de Finances de 2013 proposant de taxer les plus-values de cession du capital au barème progressif de l'impôt sur le revenu. Additionnés aux prélèvements sociaux et à la contribution exceptionnelle sur les hauts revenus, l'imposition pouvait atteindre des seuils proches de 60%. Le système avait été allégé tout en devenant complexe.D'où la volonté de simplification et de mise en place d'une imposition unique : la "flat tax" de 30%

Ce prélèvement concerne uniquement les revenus du capital mobilier, les revenus fonciers ne sont donc pas concernés. Le choix entre l'imposition précédente -l'imposition au barème- et la nouvelle tax-flat à 30% reste cependant maintenu..

L'objectif affiché : la réorientation de l'épargne vers les entreprises.

Le ministre de l'Economie Bruno Le Maire a défendu cette disposition, l'une des plus controversées du budget 2018, comme étant "sans aucun doute la vraie révolution fiscale de ce projet de loi de finances et probablement ce qui améliorera le plus le financement, la croissance et l'emploi dans notre pays".

Mais les épargnants voudront-ils orienter leur épargne dans des investissements risqués ? Pas sûr du tout comme l'ont fait remarquer certains députés de droite.

Cette tax-flax s'adresse plutôt aux investisseurs étrangers en envoyant un signal fort comme quoi les impôts sur le revenu du capital ont baissé. Le prélèvement forfaitaire unique permet de faire un retour à la moyenne de l'OCDE .

Boby Dean pour DayNewsWorld
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L' année 2017 s'annonce des plus difficiles pour le miel français. Cette année moins de 9.000 tonnes du précieux nectar a été recueillis dans l'Hexagone. En à peine vingt ans la production de miel a chuté par trois.

Pourquoi ?

Multiples sont les facteurs.

Les ouvrières du miel sont victimes des «pesticides, du manque de biodiversité, du frelon asiatique et aujourd'hui du changement climatique», souligne l'Union nationale de l'apiculture française

Particulièrement pointés du doigt par la profession , les pesticides, pour grande partie responsables de ce déclin d'insectes.

Cinq pesticides néonicotinoïdes vont certes être prohibés en France à partir de 2020 grâce à loi sur la biodiversité de 2016 , mais voilà qu'une sixième famille de produits toxiques s'invite sur le marché .

Il s'agit de deux produits phytosanitaires à base de sulfoxaflor, une famille de pesticides dits «tueurs d'abeilles» qui ont obtenu l'autorisation de mise sur le marché par l'Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire (Anses) . L'Anses a autorisé le 27 septembre le Closer et le Transform, deux insecticides fabriqués par Dow AgroSciences dont le principe actif est le sulfoxaflor.

Selon l’Union nationale de l’apiculture française (Unaf), le sulfoxaflor est un « nouveau néonicotinoïde ». Un tribunal américain a d'ailleurs«classé » le sulfoxaflor comme néonicotinoïde. Et en 2014, c'est au tour de l’Autorité européenne de sécurité des aliments de juger que ce pesticide était «hautement toxique pour les abeilles ».

Substance toxique, le sulfoxaflor s'attaque au système nerveux des insectes et participe de la raréfaction des abeilles notamment en Europe et en Amérique du Nord.

A l'annonce de cette autorisation, la filière a contacté immédiatement le cabinet de Hulot pour demander l'interdiction de ces deux produits contenant cette substance toxique. L’ancienne ministre de l’Ecologie Delphine Batho a fait un communiqué pour demander au gouvernement «de retirer immédiatement l’autorisation » du «sulfoxaflor ». Mais «que fait Nicolas Hulot ? » va jusqu'à s'interroger l’eurodéputé Guillaume Balas. Alors président de sa fondation, l’écologiste n' était-il pas le premier à s'élever contre les néonicotinoïdes ?.

Sachons qu'en plus de tuer les abeilles ces produits altèrent la santé humaine... au même titre que le glyphosate.

Joanne Courbet pour DayNewsWorld


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Malgré l'ouverture à la concurrence du marché de l'énergie il y a près de 10 ans, 84% des ménages sont toujours chez EDF. On pense aux nouveaux acteurs que sont déjà Direct Energie à Engie (ex-GDF Suez qui s’est mis à l’électricité verte) en passant par Eni et Total arrivés avec son offre de gaz pour les particuliers.

Au tour de la filiale d'e-commerce du groupe Casino de proposer de l'électricité aux particuliers dès jeudi avec une offre 15 % moins cher que les prix réglementés.Le nouvel acteur se positionne en-deçà des tarifs déjà compétitifs proposés par Engie ou Total. "Les Français semblent mûrs aujourd'hui pour opérer un changement si les prix proposés sont plus compétitifs", selon le pionnier du e-commerce en France qui propose avec Cdiscount Energie une "offre sans engagement et sans limite de durée".

Après avoir lancé son offre de téléphonie mobile l’an dernier , cette proposition Cdiscountespère donc mettre le marché en ébullition. "En élargissant son offre au secteur de l'énergie, Cdiscount prend le parti de proposer une offre alternative véritablement moins chère", indique l’entreprise dans un communiqué.

Cdiscount Energie entend ainsi "changer durablement la donne sur le marché de l'énergie".

Plus besoin en effet aujourd'hui de produire de l'énergie pour la vendre. Avec l'ouverture, le marché s'est segmenté.

Il y a ceux qui la fabriquent, ceux qui la transportent et la distribuent Cdiscount est le distributeur d’électricité que l’entreprise achète sur le marché de gros.

Pour cette offre, l'entreprise s’est alliée à Greenyellow, qui fournit de l'énergie verte du groupe Casino agréé par l’Etat , et sur Enedis (ex-ERDF) pour le suivi technique des lignes ainsi que l’acheminement de l’électricité du producteur à votre compteur.

"Votre approvisionnement en électricité en tant que client Cdiscount Energie a donc exactement la même fiabilité que chez les autres fournisseurs", promet le nouveau service. La différence se fera donc sur les tarifs,et sur des prestations annexes, comme le service client.

Britney Delsey pour DayNewsWorld
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Les députés ont voté en commission la « flat tax » sur les revenus du capital projet phare mais controversé du budget 2018 contenant notamment le principe d'un prélèvement forfaitaire unique ou encore une procédure de transmission d'entreprise simplifiée.

On parle de flat tax pour désigner un impôt à taux unique qui s'abat indifféremment sur tous les contribuables, en opposition à un impôt progressif, système retenu en France pour l’impôt sur le revenu.

Dans son programme, le candidat Emmanuel Macron avait proposé d'instaurer un prélèvement forfaitaire unique (PFU) de l'ordre de 30% en remplacement de l'imposition existante, dont 17,2% au titre des prélèvements sociaux et 12,8% au titre de l'impôt sur le revenu. Plusieurs pays dans le monde utilisent déjà ce système, parmi lesquels figurent Hong-Kong, la Russie ou encore la Lituanie et la République tchèque en Europe.

Si le PFU de 30 % a suscité de vifs débat à l’Assemblée, la gauche dénonçant notamment un « cadeau fiscal aux plus aisés » , il a cependant été voté en commission par les députés pour les revenus mobiliers, à l’exception du Livret A, du PEA (épargne en actions) et de la majeure partie des contrats d’assurance-vie. La fiscalité actuelle en effet demeurera inchangée pour les détenteurs de contrats d’assurance-vie dont les encours placés sont inférieurs à 150 000 euros s’ils les gardent plus de huit ans (imposition actuelle à 23 %) mais le PFU s’appliquera pour les contrats de moins de huit ans, quel que soit l’encours du contrat. Ainsi le taux du PFU sera globalement substitué aux taux actuels de 50,5 % (moins de quatre ans) et de 30,5 % (entre quatre et huit)

Cette réforme a été défendue par la majorité LREM comme « le gage d’une meilleure lisibilité et d’une meilleure attractivité pour les investissements domestiques et internationaux » en la rapprochant du niveau en vigueur dans les autres pays européens.

Le pari est de taille s'appuyant sur un changement comportemental des épargnants. : avec cette taxe flat les LREM sont persuadés que les Français affectionnant jusqu'ici l’épargne sécurisée vont être ainsi poussés à investir davantage dans les entreprises manquant de fonds propres pour financer l’innovation.

Mais il est loin d'être certain que le comportement des épargnants français qui ont une aversion pour le risque change. « Ces investissements productifs ne verront pas le jour ! », a martelé Eric Coquerel (LFI).

Une mesure qui coûtera environ 1,3 milliard d’euros aux finances publiques en 2018 et 1,9 milliard en 2019, selon Bercy.

Jeudi 12 octobre, ils ont également voté la transformation de l’ISF en impôt sur la fortune immobilière, excluant ainsi les signes extérieurs de richesse comme les yachts, les grosses cylindrées... ce qui n'a pas manqué de faire ruer dans les brancards l'opposition de gauche.

Autre amendement votée par la majorité : l'imposition des plus-values professionnelles des artisans, commerçants et agriculteurs ne dépassera pas 30% .Et dernier amendement :  les députés ont adopté un amendement LREM pour faciliter la transmission d'entreprises en modifiant l'abattement fixe de 500.000 euros dont bénéficient les dirigeants de PME cédant leurs droits dans leur société. L'amendement supprime la condition de départ à la retraite du dirigeant en prévoyant simplement que cet abattement ne pourra être utilisé qu'une seule fois.

Gageons que ces mesures servent bien à l'investissement dans le productif et ne soient pas qu'un cadeau aux plus aisés!

Alyson Braxton pour DayNewsWorld
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Après les ordonnances modifiant le Code du travail, voilà le lancement depuis jeudi 12 octobre par le Président du deuxième grand chantier social de son quinquennat :

la réforme de la formation professionnelle, de l'apprentissage et de l'assurance-chômage. Après la réforme du marché du travail celle de "la contre-partie sociale" censées "protéger les salariés".

Le but est d’apporter de nouvelles protections aux différentes catégories d’actifs (salariés, indépendants, demandeurs d’emploi…) et de faciliter les parcours professionnels.

Si davantage de souplesse a été octroyé aux chefs d’entreprise dans les relations avec leurs salariés, l'exécutif entend maintenant renforcer les droits en faveur des travailleurs, afin de bâtir la flexisécurité à la française.

Mais ce projet pour « rénover le modèle social » s'inscrit dans un climat social tendu. Publiées fin septembre, les ordonnances de septembre sont déjà entrées en vigueur et un nouvel appel à la grève a été lancé par l'ensemble des syndicats pour le 19 octobre.

La méthode reste celle testée cet été.

Tout d'abord le Président reçoit un à un les partenaires sociaux, pour passer ensuite le relais à Matignon et à la ministre du Travail, Muriel Pénicaud, qui recevront les partenaires sociaux à Matignon du 17 au 19 octobre. Le projet de loi est prévu pour le mois d'avril. Le ministre de l'Éducation Jean-Michel Blanquer sera présent pour le volet apprentissage.

Le bal de la concertation à l'Elysée a donc commencé jeudi par Jean-Claude Mailly (FO), à 9 heures, suivi de Philippe Martinez (CGT) à 10 heures, de François Hommeril (CFE-CGC) à 11 heures et d'Alain Griset (U2P) à midi.Est le venu le tour de Pierre Gattaz (Medef) à 15 heures, Philippe Louis (CFTC) à 16 heures et enfin François Asselin (CPME) à 17 heures. Laurent Berger (CFDT) a été attendu vendredi à 9 heures.

Ils ont été reçus chacun environ une heure à l'Élysée, mais les discussions n'ont pas débouché sur de nouvelles annonces sur les projets de l'exécutif. «L'architecture n'est pas encore définie, cela va faire l'objet des discussions dans les semaines à venir», a résumé Jean-Claude Mailly. Le projet de loi s' inspire cependant des promesses de campagnes d'Emmanuel Macron

Des trois dossiers à l’ordre du jour – l’apprentissage, la formation professionnelle et l’assurance-chômage, donc –, c’est sans doute le dernier qui s’avère le plus sensible.

D'ici le printemps, le gouvernement prévoit en effet une réforme d'ampleur de l'assurance chômage. L'ouverture de l'assurance chômage aux indépendants et démissionnaires est sans aucun doute la réforme risquant de cristalliser le plus l'attention.

Les partenaires sociaux se disent très préoccupés par le sujet. Tandis que le président de la CFE-CGC, François Hommeril craint des «effets d'aubaine» et une facture salée, Pierre Gattaz note que l'extension induirait une «rerépartition» des droits alors que le coût du travail ne doit pas augmenter. Les syndicats, eux, craignent que ces nouveaux droits n'entraînent une baisse des allocations. Il n'est «pas question de réduire les droits des privés d'emploi», a averti Philippe Martinez, tandis que Jean-Claude Mailly s'est exprimé contre «un système a minima» pour les indemnisations chômage.

En clair il y a un problème de financement: «Les calculs sont particulièrement inquiétants. L'indemnisation des démissionnaires, sur les chiffres actuels de démission, qui sont supérieurs à un million, va générer un surcoût assurantiel estimé à minimum 8 milliards d'euros, certains disent jusqu'à 14 milliards», a assuré François Hommeril.

Pour mémoire, le trou de l’Unédic a atteint 4,2 milliards d’euros en 2016, la dette, elle, s’élevant à près de 30 milliards. On ne peut que redouter que les mesures préconisées par l’exécutif n’aggravent le déficit et fassent exploser le système.

Pour Muriel Pénicaud, ministre du Travail cette réforme de l'assurance travail aurait une contre-partie: un contrôle accru de la recherche d'emploi.

Cette réforme inciterait également les entreprises à ne pas abuser des contrats courts «ce qui coûte le plus cher à l'assurance chômage». Est prévu un "bonus-malus" pour les entreprises qui abusent des contrats courts.

« L'objectif, c'est d'ouvrir l'assurance chômage à tous et c'est aussi qu'elle puisse se réformer pour lutter contre la précarité », explique Muriel Pénicaud.

A ce sujet sensible s'ajoute celui du financement et la gouvernance de l'Unédic, le gestionnaire de l'assurance chômage .

Le régime ne serait plus uniquement financé par les cotisations, mais également par l'impôt (CSG),et de plus il passerait d'une gestion paritaire par les partenaires sociaux à une gestion tripartite avec un pilotage de l'Etat. Cette remise en cause du paritarisme déplaît fortement aux trois organisations patronales et aux cinq syndicats représentatifs.

Le gouvernement veut également rendre l’apprentissage plus attractif et simplifier la formation professionnelle.

En ce qui concerne la formation professionnelle, il promet une enveloppe de15 milliards sur cinq ans avec pour but de former un million de chômeurs de longue durée et un million de «décrocheurs».

Les mesures pour l'apprentissage s'étaleront sur les deux prochaines années et seront l'objet de discussions.

Le gouvernement veut également simplifier un secteur difficilement lisible en réformant le compte personnel de formation. «Ce que je souhaite faire c'est que chaque Français, chaque salarié, puisse avoir sur une «appli», facile d'accès à tous, ses droits à la formation, combien d'heures, ça coûte combien (...), quel est le taux d'insertion dans l'emploi après», promet la ministre. Nouvelle usine à gaz ou vraie modernisation ?

La réforme de l'apprentissage se fera, comme celle de la formation, en concertation avec les régions et devra rendre ce dispositif plus attractif.

Joanne Courbet pour DayNewsWorld


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Le projet de loi de financement de la sécurité sociale 2018 prévoit une réduction du déficit de la sécurité sociale à 2,2 milliards d'euros en 2018, grâce à d'importantes économies de l'Assurance maladie.

Le déficit de la Sécurité sociale devrait se résorber à 5,6 milliards d'euros en 2017 pour atteindre 2,2 milliards d’euros en 2018  et l’équilibre des comptes en 2020.

Le gouvernement prévoit donc une réduction du déficit de 3 milliards d’euros sur la branche l'Assurance maladie en 2018 de la Sécurité sociale. Cette volonté politique passe par une réduction drastique des dépense de santé.

Les économies porteront principalement sur le médicament avec une baisse des prix et un développement des génériques. Le déremboursent des molécules et dispositifs médicaux est prévu si leur efficacité est jugée trop faible par la Haute autorité de santé."C'est un choix scientifique de la Haute autorité de santé". Des remboursements de molécules comme celles contre Alzheimer (l'Aricept, l'Exelon, le Reminyl et l'Ebixa) semblent être à nouveau sur la sellette.

L’hôpital étant mis à contribution à travers la restructuration de l’offre de soins, il bénéficiera donc d'une hausse du forfait hospitalier de deux euros par jour, passant de 18 à 20 euros. Un gain de 200 millions par an pour les hôpitaux .L’augmentation du forfait est un rattrapage de l'inflation constatée depuis 2010, date de sa dernière revalorisation,selon le gouvernement

La hausse des prix du tabac sera un gain pour la Sécurité sociale. Pour Le paquet de cigarettes subira une hausse en mars 2018, de 50 centimes en avril et en novembre 2019, de 50 centimes en avril 2020 et de 40 centimes en novembre 2020.

Les pensions de retraite augmenteront de 0,8 %, le 1er octobre prochain compensant la hausse de l'inflation.. La prochaine revalorisation est en revanche reportée d’octobre 2018 à avril 2019.

Le PLFSS entérine le passage de 7 à 11 vaccins obligatoires pour les nouveaux nés à compter de 2018. Coût budgétaire de la mesure : 12 millions d’euros.

Par contre le texte ne prévoit aucune mesure pour la mise en place du congé maternité unique, promesse du gouvernement, aucune mesure de prise en charge à 100 % des lunettes, des prothèses dentaires et des prothèses auditives promise par Emmanuel Macron.

Les plus modestes bénéficieront d'augmentations.

L’Allocation de solidarité aux personnes âgées, son nouveau nom, passera de 803 € à 833 € par mois pour une personne seule, en avril 2018 Deux hausses de 35 € auront lieu en janvier 2019 et janvier 2020.

Le Complément libre choix du mode de garde, aide à la garde d’enfants, sera revalorisé de 30 % au 1er octobre 2018 pour les familles monoparentales.

L’Allocation de soutien familial complétant le revenu des parents isolés sans pension alimentaire, connaîtra une revalorisation de 6 euros le 1er avril 2018.

Le Complément familial majoré, versé aux familles nombreuses modestes, augmentera de 16,80 euros par mois au 1er avril 2018.

Les primes de naissance et d’adoption vont suivre l’inflation.

L’Allocation adulte handicapé est revue à la hausse passant de 811 euros par mois pour une personne seule à 860 euros au 1er novembre 2018, et 900 euros au 1er novembre 2019.

La lutte contre la fraude à l'Assurance maladie (estimée à 245 millions d'euros en 2016) sera intensifiée .

La contribution des médecins est également demandée : 320 millions d'euros d'économies sont attendues par la maîtrise des volumes de prescription en médicaments et l'utilisation raisonné des actes de biologie et d'imagerie notamment.

Alyson Braxton pour DayNewsWorld


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Le projet de loi de finances présenté mercredi fait montre de prudence selon pour le Haut Conseil des finances publiques.

Cet organisme indépendant créé en 2012 et placé auprès de la Cour des comptes se déclare par contre plus sceptique sur le volet réduction des dépenses.

"La prévision de croissance du gouvernement pour 2018 est proche de celles des organisations internationales" et son hypothèse d'inflation, fixée à 1,1%, est "raisonnable", seon le HCFP.

Le montant total net des baisses d'impôts liées aux réformes fiscales prévues par le PLF sera de sept milliards d'euros l'an prochain, au lieu des dix milliards annoncés par le gouvernement.

La suppression des cotisations chômage  maladie pour les salariés du secteur privée qui se fera en deux étapes, le 1er janvier et le 1er octobre au lieu d'avoir lieu dès le 1er janvier, en est la raison.

Le Haut conseil des finances publiques (HCFP) a toutefois mis en garde contre des "risques significatifs" sur la "réalisation des économies" promises par Bercy.

Il estime cependant que le gouvernement affiche un peu trop d'optimisme en considérant que l’appareil productif français se montrera à la hauteur pour la progression soutenue du commerce mondial.

Concernant la réduction du déficit public, le ton du Haut Conseil déplore une trop grande lenteur Si le gouvernement prévoit-2,9 points de PIB en 2017 et- 2,6 points de PIB en 2018, l’ajustement dit « structurel » n’est lui que de 0,2 point pour 2017 et 0,1 point en 2018 contre la norme européenne de 0,5 point minimum.

Le rythme de réduction du déficit public sur cinq ans (0,3 point par an en moyenne) est par conséquent trop « lent » même si le gouvernement compte sur l'accélération des rentrées fiscales pour tenir ses objectifs de réduction du déficit public

Pour mémoire la France est, derrière l’Espagne, le pays le plus endetté de la zone euro. .« Les efforts annoncés dans la loi de programmation doivent être mis en œuvre de manière rigoureuse », prévient l'organisme.

Boby Dean pour DayNewsWorld


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Les faits se sont déroulés à l’Agence UBS de Genève.

La salle des coffres de l’Agence s’est retrouvée vers la mi-mai 2017, avec tous les inconvénients liés à des toilettes WC bouchées : débordements, inondations, mauvaises odeurs ...

Il a bien entendu fallu faire intervenir un plombier pour les déboucher.

A la surprise de ce dernier et des responsables de l’Agence présents, il s’est avéré que l’obstruction provenait de billets de 500 €, l’ensemble totalisant environ 150 000 €.

Mais au delà des perturbations subies par l’Agence du fait de la présence de ces billets de 500 € dans l’évacuation des WC, il est apparu que 3 restaurants situés dans les environs de celle-ci avaient connu les mêmes problèmes, de même origine !! Effet collatéral garanti, même si les billets avaient été découpés aux ciseaux pour « mieux les faire passer ». Visiblement , l’astuce n’a pas marché !

Une partie de l’argent a été récupérée et mise sous la garde des autorités publiques locales. Une enquête a, au demeurant été immédiatement ouverte.

D’après la Tribune de Genève, cet argent appartiendrait à des femmes espagnoles qui avaient déposé ce pactole dans leur coffre , il y a quelques années...

Un avocat s’est présenté à la suite des faits , chez les restaurateurs incommodés, pour leur proposer de les indemniser au titre des frais de plomberie qu’ils ont dû engager.

Surprenant ! Les restaurateurs qui avaient déjà déposé une plainte, ont immédiatement retiré celle-ci ! Etrange !

Mais le mystère reste encore très épais , lorsque l'ont apprend que l’UBS est restée depuis le début de cette affaire , parfaitement silencieuse...

Même s’il n’est pas interdit en Suisse de détruire des billets de banque, il faut bien avouer qu’il est bien inhabituel que quelqu’un jette de l’argent dans les toilettes WC , alors que bien plus fréquemment c’est par les fenêtres qu’on a l’habitude de le jeter !

Clara Mitchell pour DayNewsWorld
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Il faut "mener une réforme juste et efficace : le prix des loyers diminuera en même temps que le montant des APL. Notre engagement est très clair : aucun allocataire ne perdra un euro."assure le secrétaire d’État à la Cohésion des territoires Julien de Normandie

Le Président a pour ambition d'augmenter l'offre de logements tout en baissant drastiquement les aides, jugées inefficaces.

Dossier ambitieux certes mais qui n' pas été pris par le bon bout avec une annonce lapidaire de la baisse de 5 euros des APL sans explication aucune et qui n'apportera que 100 millions d 'économie.

Il a soulevé l'ire des concernés pour peu de gain .

Pour 2018, il chercherait encore au moins 1 à 2 milliards d'euros d'économies.

Certes les aides aux logements réparties en trois catégories peu lisibles (APL, ALS, ALF),versées avec deux ans de décalage, sont source d' erreurs de versement, de fraudes et de frais de gestion démesurés, la Cour des comptes estimant à 600 millions d’euros.

Force est de constater que les APL sont décriées unanimement par des experts. Leur coût n'a fait qu'augmenter : 18,1 milliards d’euros en 2016, quasi la moitié des fonds publics dédiés au logement.

Or les aides massives au logement n'ont fait que contribuer à la hausse des loyers. C'est l'effet inflationniste sur les loyers , en particulier pour les petites surfaces: 50 à 80% du montant des aides est capté par les bailleurs .

" Il faut changer profondément de philosophie ", a martelé Emmanuel Macron le 11 septembre, à Toulouse affirmant sa volonté de débloquer l'offre en réduisant les normes pesant sur la construction.

Il est vrai qu'avec une offre de logements supplémentaires sur le marché pour faire baisser les loyers, seraient mis sur le marché et que le niveau de l'allocation serait calculé sur le revenu de l'année en cours et non plus sur celui d'il y a deux ans.

«Si je travaille, alors que j’étais au chômage il y a deux ans, je touche un montant d’APL qui n’est pas en relation avec ce dont j’ai besoin aujourd’hui, explique le secrétaire d’État à la Cohésion des territoires Julien de Normandie dans une interview au Journal du Dimanche .

Cette mesure est juste. Elle permettra d’économiser plus d’un milliard d’euros» a-t-il assuré.

D'autres mesures sont à l'étude notamment la baisse des APL pour ceux qui habitent déjà des HLM . Et surtout la fusion des différentes aides existantes.

Boby Dean pour DayNewsWorld


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Le ministre de l'Action et des comptes publics Gérald Darmanin a annoncé vendredi 15 septembre la fermeture prochaine des guichets permettant aux détenteurs de comptes cachés à l'étranger de régulariser leur situation auprès du fisc français.

Le Service de traitement des déclarations rectificatives (STDR) fermera officiellement le 31 décembre.

Plus de 50.000 demandes ont été déposées en quatre années de lutte, pour plus de 32 milliards d'euros d'avoirs.

Sur cette somme, l'État a prélevé 7,8 milliards d'euros en pénalités et recouvrements d'impôts.

Pour la plupart les comptes bancaires étaient domiciliés en Suisse. Une coquette somme.

Cette "cellule de dégrisement fiscal" avait été mise en place en juin 2013 dans le contexte de l'affaire Cahuzac.

Bercy a estimé qu'il y a désormais plus d'intérêt à renforcer la traque que d'appâter et laisser revenir les tricheurs.

En effet «avec l'entrée en vigueur de l'échange automatique d'informations bancaires, le cadre international permettra à la France d'avoir des moyens puissants pour détecter les fraudeurs».a déclaré le ministre.

En tout, 101 États se sont engagés à mettre en œuvre l'échange automatique d'informations financières, conformément à la norme approuvée en 2014 par le Forum de l'Organisation de coopération et de développement économique (OCDE) sur la transparence et l'échange de renseignements.

Bercy mise en effet ouvertement sur le renseignement dans sa lutte contre la fraude fiscale, à l'étranger ou en France.

«Tout cela permet à l'État de récupérer des sommes dues, afin de mener les politiques publiques pour tous les Français. Mais attention, ne croyons pas que cette seule lutte permettra de combler nos déficits. Ce discours-là est trop simpliste»,», conclut le ministre des Comptes public .

Emily Jackson pour DayNewsWorld
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Maintenu en deçà de l’inflation moyenne sur six mois début août, le taux du placement réglementé pourrait être figé à son niveau actuel de 0,75 % pour deux ans encore !Une annonce qui intéresse les 55,8 millions de Français détenteurs d'un livret A.

Mercredi sur Europe 1, Jacques Mézard - le ministre de la Cohésion des territoires - a évoqué «un gel du taux du livret A pendant deux ans». Avant d'ajouter: «Geler, ça veut dire que ça ne peut pas baisser».

Sur CNews, le porte-parole du gouvernement Christophe Castaner s'était fendu d'une déclaration selon laquelle le gouvernement envisageait de «garantir le maintien» du taux du livret A à son taux actuel de 0,75% pendant un ou deux ans, car «logiquement il devrait être plus bas».

Une prouesse à en croire le gouvernement voire un cadeau généreux de sa part !

Après le PEL (plan épargne logement), le gouvernement lance son offensive contre le Livret A. Ce mercredi, l'exécutif a confirmé que le taux du Livret A devrait être « stabilisé » à son plancher actuel de 0,75 % en 2018, voire aussi en 2019 tout comme ceux du Livret de développement durable et solidaire (LDDS) et des livrets Bleus, dont les rendements sont alignés sur le premier.

La raison invoquée: l'allègement de la charge des bailleurs sociaux se finançant grâce aux fonds collectés par le Livret A et touchés par la baisse des APL (aides personnelles au logement) puisque les fonds du livret A servent à financer la construction de logements HLM.

Cette entorse aux pratiques (la révision deux fois par an grâce à une formule de calcul automatique) n'est pas une première. A l'été 2016, le gouverneur de la Banque de France avait déjà figé le taux du Livret A à 0,75 % pour un an, afin de « réduire la volatilité du taux du placement ». Les mêmes arguments sont repris par le gouvernement :

« ce que nous voulons, c'est faire en sorte que le taux du Livret A soit stable, qu'il ne bouge pas, qu'il ne descende pas pendant une période de temps », a fait valoir le Premier ministre Edouard Philippe, assurant que « les épargnants n'y perdront pas ». Ce qui est un mensonge de plus assumé par le gouvernement.

Pourtant les économistes anticipaient même une hausse du taux du Livret A à 1 %, en 2018, en cohérence avec les prévisions de la Banque de France qui tablait sur une progression de l'inflation de 1,2 % en 2018 et 1,4 % en 2019.

« S'il y avait des risques de variation du taux, ceux-ci étaient plutôt à la hausse qu'à la baisse », confirme Cyril Blesson, associé chez Pair Conseil. «On demande aux titulaires du livret A de de financer une baisse des APL» constate l'économiste Philippe Crevel

Une conséquence néanmoins : Le Livret A devrait perdre quelque peu en attractivité pour les plus gros épargnants qui préféreront se tourner vers d'autres supports bénéficiant de la « flat tax ».

Mais pour le nouvel exécutif, la priorité consiste bel et bien à rebattre les cartes de l'épargne réglementée : « la modification de la fiscalité des nouveaux PEL, le maintien du taux du livret A à 0,75 % à l'été et les nouvelles annonces sur le taux du placement montrent que le gouvernement veut véritablement s'attaquer à la citadelle de l'épargne réglementée qui jusqu'à présent était sacralisée », analyse Philippe Crevel, directeur du Cercle de l'épargne.

Le gel du taux du livret A s'inscrit pleinement dans la politique du logement. Interrogé ce mercredi matin sur France 2 sur cette mesure, le premier ministre Édouard Philippe déclarait: «Notre objectif est de transformer la politique du logement.

Construire plus là où il y en a besoin pour faire baisser les loyers. Enfin baisser les loyers notamment dans le logement social. Il faut faire en sorte que ceux qui sont dans le logement social, il y ait une baisse de loyer. Il n'y aura donc aucun effet. Pour les autres, aucune espèce d'impact car ils ne sont pas concernés par cette mesure». Le gouvernement doit présenter son plan pour le logement la semaine prochaine en Conseil des ministres.

Joanne Courbet pour DayNewsWorld
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Après avoir dévoilé des ordonnances réformant le Code du travail en faveur des petites entreprises, le gouvernement va s'adresser aux indépendants ( artisans, commerçants, professions libérales) et autoentrepreneurs.

Lors du déplacement à Dijon mardi, le premier ministre Edouard Philippe devrait confirmer une proposition du candidat Macron c-à-d la fin du régime de protection particulier pour les travailleurs indépendants, le RSI.

Accompagné de Gérald Darmanin, ministre de l’action et des comptes publics, d’Agnès Buzyn, la ministre des solidarités et de la santé, et du secrétaire d’Etat, Benjamin Griveaux, le chef de l’exécutif a prévu d’aller à la rencontre de commerçants et d’artisans de Dijon (Côte-d’Or), avant de détailler la réforme du régime social des indépendants (RSI), prévue pour le 1er janvier 2018.

Il s'agit de rattacher les indépendants ( artisans, commerçants et professions libérales) au système général de la Sécurité Sociale .

On compte près de trois millions d'indépendants en France .Le chantier confié à un haut fonctionnaire, Dominique Giorgi. s'avère complexe: Fondre le RSI dans le régime général prendra plusieurs mois. Et la question de l’alignement des taux de cotisation et des droits correspondants reste posée. Les indépendants paient aujourd’hui en moyenne 47 % de cotisations, pour une protection souvent moindre que celle du régime général. « La question du taux est code CSG mplexe, il pourrait y avoir changement d’assiette fiscale », confirme-t-on à Matignon.

La gestion des risques sera donc assurée par le régime général, celui qui protège les salariés du privé. L'Urssaf sera donc seule chargée du recouvrement.

« C'est ce que nous demandions, explique Marc Sanchez, secrétaire général du Syndicat des indépendants. «Un, cela permettra de sécuriser les calculs de charges pour assurer la protection sociale des indépendants, et deux, nous aurons, au sein d’un même régime, le même taux de cotisation, explique-t-il. Les cursus des chefs d’entreprise aujourd’hui sont différents : on ne l’est plus toute sa vie, on peut être micro-entrepreneur, à la tête d’une structure plus importante, puis salarié… Avoir une seule entité, un seul interlocuteur, ce sera beaucoup plus simple.

Aujourd’hui, avoir un seul et unique régime de Sécurité sociale, ça nous semble très moderne.» Marc Sanchez,voudrait également cotiser plus : « Nous voulons une protection à la carte, en payant plus pour la retraite, le chômage, la prévoyance, la santé », explique-t-il. Pas sûr que ce vœux soit exaucé.

Ensuite sur les charges, comme les salariés du privé, les indépendants vont bénéficier d'allègements de cotisations. Tous ceux qui gagnent moins de 4.000 euros y trouveront leur compte avec un gain de pouvoir d'achat.

Et enfin, Édouard Philippe veut mettre fin à la concurrence déloyale des autoentrepreneurs dont les charges sont actuellement plus basses :23 % contre plus de 40 % pour les autres .

Le statut d'indépendant est en train de se développer avec Internet. Aujourd'hui, on n'est plus forcément embauché par un grand groupe. On peut se mettre à son compte et travailler pour différentes sociétés. Cette tendance suppose la simplification au maximum des procédures administratives.

Les mesures promises pour compenser la hausse de la CSG de 1,7 point devraient concerner tout le monde. Les travailleurs indépendants devraient voir baisser leurs cotisations maladie et famille. Mais alors que les salariés du privé obtiendront tous, dès 2019, un «gain de pouvoir d’achat conséquent», selon Bercy (260 euros par an pour un smic, 350 euros pour un salaire de 2 000 euros), seuls les indépendants avec moins de 4000 euros de revenus par mois bénéficieront, selon Les Échos, d’un «coup de pouce» supplémentaire.

Alyson Braxton pour DayNewsWorld


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Le ministre de l'Economie a confirmé ses intentions ce samedi 2 septembre, de privatiser certaines entreprises au profit de l’innovation lors d'un forum italien baptisé "The European House-Ambrosetti", une sorte de mini-Davos à l'italienne qui se tient ce week-end sur le lac de Côme à Cernobbio.

"Je vais annoncer dans quelques semaines que nous allons privatiser certaines entreprises pour avoir de l'argent afin de financer l'innovation", a-t-il annoncé.

"L'innovation est la clé du futur pour l'économie, la clé pour rendre la France plus forte", a martelé Bruno Le Maire.

Ce n'est pas une surprise puisque durant la campagne électorale, le président, Emmanuel Macron, avait déjà promis qu'il alimenterait le fonds d'innovation par les dividendes tirés du portefeuille de l'Etat, mais aussi par quelques privatisations éventuelles.

De plus alors Ministre de l'Economie sous le quinquennat Hollande, il avait préconisé d'user des privatisations en songeant à ADP, mais s'était heurté à une opposition de Manuel Valls et de son secrétaire d’État aux Transports Alain Vidalies.

Il avait tout de même réussi à céder les parts de l’Etat dans des aéroports régionaux : Toulouse en 2014 puis Nice et Lyon en 2016. La FDJ avait échappé à la privatisation envisagée en 2014 du fait du désaccord de Christian Eckert, alors secrétaire d’État au Budget.

L'objectif de Bruno Lemaire est de dégager 10 milliards d'euros pour financer l'innovation et placer l'argent du contribuable "pour le futur et non pas pour le passé".

Aucune entreprise pour l'instant de citées mais les entreprises "stratégique à ses yeux"ne devraient pas être concernées et l'on pense bien évidemment au domaine de l'énergie et du militaire.

La Française des Jeux, qui détient le monopole des jeux de loterie et de paris sportifs sur le territoire français, fait partie depuis plusieurs années des pistes prioritaires de l'APE (Agence des participations de l'Etat) ainsi que les Aéroports de Paris exploitant Roissy-CDG, Orly et Le Bourget qui rapporterait la petite somme de 7 milliards d'euros.

Des baisses de participation dans Renault, Air France et Orange peuvent également figurer sur la liste. A cela vient s'ajouter le dossier sur les chantiers navals de STX France qui devrait déboucher sur un accord avec l'Italien Fincantieri prochainement.

Carl Delsey pour DayNewsWorld


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C'est le chantier social majeur du quinquennat. Dans un entretien au Point publié ce jeudi 31 août, Emmanuel Macron réaffirme son projet et confirme que cette réforme doit être "assez ambitieuse et efficace pour continuer à faire baisser le chômage de masse et permettre de ne pas revenir sur ce sujet durant le quinquennat". Le premier ministre Édouard Philippe et la ministre du Travail Muriel Pénicaud ont dévoilé les cinq ordonnances négociées avec les partenaires sociaux qui permettront de réformer le code du travail.

La réforme du Code du travail prend la forme d'un document de 159 pages comportant 5 ordonnances, 4 axes et 36 mesures.

Muriel Pénicaud, a insisté sur le fait que cette réforme donnait "pour la première fois" la priorité aux PME et très petites entreprises, qui lui ont réservé un accueil très positif. Il faut savoir que les PME et les TPE forment l'essentiel du tissu industriel français.

D’ailleurs le président de la Confédération des PME ne s'y est pas trompé en saluant une réforme "particulièrement pragmatique" et l'U2P, qui représente artisans, commerçants et professions libérales, s'est dite "pleinement satisfaite". « Ce changement d'état d'esprit est capital. Jusqu'à présent, on faisait des réformes sociales taillées pour les grandes entreprises. La loi de sécurisation de 2013 en est le parfait archétype. On en est sorti cette fois-ci », se félicite un responsable patronal.

Plafonnement des indemnités prud'homales, réduction des délais de recours, possibilité de négocier sans syndicat : les ordonnances font la part belle aux PME, avec l'ambition de leur donner "un droit du travail adapté". Le gouvernement vante une réforme "ambitieuse, équilibrée et juste". Pierre Gattaz, patron du Medef : "Cette réforme est une première étape importante qui peut aider à conforter la confiance des entreprises. Le Medef est prêt à jouer le jeu mais nous restons vigilants sur les décrets d'application"

Le renforcement de la négociation collective constitue pour les TPE-PME une avancée notable.

Les instances représentatives du personnel vont opérer une fusion. Ainsi au lieu d'avoir quatre instances représentatives du personnel il n'en restera que deux. Cette nouvelle entité, appelée conseil d’entreprise, pourra négocier des accords en cas d’absence de délégués syndicaux et aura un droit de veto sur les sujets concernant la formation professionnelle et l’égalité hommes-femmes .

De plus les entreprises de moins de 50 salariés auront la possibilité de négocier sans passer par les syndicats ce qui assure un certain assouplissement du dialogue social dans ces entreprises puisqu'un délégué du personnel suffira. Au-delà, en revanche, la présence syndicale resterait incontournable

Pour les entreprises de moins de 20 salariés, "nous allons élargir les possibilités de procéder par référendum ou plus exactement par consultation, quelque chose de plus adapté a la taille de l'entreprise", a précisé Muriel Pénicaud.

Les relations au travail seront plus sécurisée pour les TPE et les PME. Pour une erreur de forme, les entreprises ne seront sanctionnées que par un mois de dommages et intérêt et= un employeur ne pourra plus être condamné sur la forme si les prud'hommes lui donnent raison sur le fond. .Les indemnités prud'homales seront plafonnées à 3 mois de salaire jusqu'à deux ans d'ancienneté puis augmenteront progressivement jusqu'à 20 mois de salaire à partir de 30 ans d'ancienneté.

Sur la procédure de licenciement, par exemple, un formulaire simplifié et standardisé de type Cerfa va bien être mis en œuvre pour éviter que les vices de forme se multiplient comme aujourd'hui.

Par ailleurs, le délai de recours aux prud’hommes passera de vingt-quatre mois aujourd’hui à douze mois. deux ans pour les autres licenciements. En compensation, les indemnités légales de licenciement seront augmentées de 25 %, comme annoncé par certains syndicats fin août.

Une mesure a été prise pour les grands groupes :Le périmètre d'appréciation des difficultés économiques d'une entreprise devient national. L'objectif affiché par Muriel Pénicaud est d'éviter que de grands groupes internationaux en pleine santé "organisent le déficit de leur filiale française" mais elle oublie de dire que le plan social sera possible !

Ces ordonnances entreront en vigueur dès fin septembre, même si elles doivent ultérieurement faire l'objet d'une loi de ratification votée par le Parlement, a précisé le Premier ministre.

Mais ce n'est que la première étapes d'un ensemble de réformes destinées à lutter contre le chômage.

Sont attendues les réformes de l'assurance sociale, de la formation initiale et professionnelle, et enfin celles des retraites qui risquent de moins bien passer..

Joannes Courbet pour DayNewsWorld


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Après de longues semaines de concertations avec les organisations syndicales, le gouvernement dévoile, jeudi 31 août, le contenu des cinq ordonnances réformant le Code du travail qui ne sera en fait que la suite de la réforme engagée par la loi El Khomri.

L'idée est d'"aller plus loin" que la loi El Khomri avait déjà annoncé le Président de la Republique. Dans sa volonté d'agir rapidement le gouvernement fera passer ces lois par ordonnance.

"Je souhaite introduire dès l'été un projet de loi d'habilitation pour simplifier le droit du travail et décentraliser la négociation. Il s'agit de donner plus de place à l'accord majoritaire d'entreprise ou de branche, d'une part, et d'encadrer les décisions des prud'hommes, d'autre part.

Le tout par ordonnances, pour procéder de manière rapide et efficace" avait précisé Emmanuel Macron alors candidat à la Présidentielle.


Les ordonnances permettent à un gouvernement d'éviter les débats parlementaires habituels avec les séries d'amendements qui peuvent être déposés pour l'adoption de la loi.

Le Parlement se voit donc en quelque sorte court-circuité ne pouvant ni discuter, ni modifier le texte.

Pour procéder par ordonnance le Parlement a adopté le 2 août la loi autorisant le gouvernement à légiférer par ordonnances pour réformer le Code du travail appelée loi d'habilitation .

Ces dernières , qui vont être annoncées par une conférence de presse à midi seront ensuite ensuite adoptées en Conseil des ministres le mercredi 20 septembre, après avis du Conseil d'Etat.



Signées par le président de la République et publiées au Journal officiel, les mesures comprises dans des ordonnances entrent en vigueur immédiatement. Toutefois, pour être pérennisées, elles devront faire l'objet d'une loi de ratification.

Lorsque le Parlement l'aura adoptée, les ordonnances ratifiées auront force de loi.

"L'élection présidentielle a montré l'énorme attente des Français d'un changement profond et rapide", avait déclaré la ministre du Travail, Muriel Pénicaud, dans le JDD tout en certifiant "les mesures adoptées feront l'objet d'une application immédiate".

Les sujets abordés concernent l'ensemble du monde du travail :licenciements, instances représentatives des salariés, indemnités prud'homales, règles du dialogue social au sein des entreprises, possibilité pour les branches d'entreprises de négocier leurs propres normes...

La CGT et SUD ont déjà annoncé une journée d'action contre cette réforme, le 12 septembre.

Et La France insoumise prévoit de défiler à Paris le 23 septembre. ..

Alyson Braxton pour DayNewsWorld
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Le déséquilibre commence à se creuser entre les promesses du candidat Macron en faveur des classes modestes et moyennes et leur mise en œuvre ! Après l’exonération de la taxe d’habitation, c’est une deuxième promesse emblématique du candidat Macron qui est trahie. En effet la suppression des cotisations sociales salariales ne se fera qu'en en deux temps.« Le principe est acté, il reste à déterminer les modalités exactes », explique une source gouvernementale.

Au lieu d’être intégralement mise en œuvre dès le 1 janvier 2018 cette mesure va s'étaler dans le temps au vu des contraintes budgétaires: contenir le déficit sous la barre des 3 % du PIB l'an prochain. Alors que la hausse de la cotisation sociale généralisée (CSG) sera effective dès le 1er janvier 2018, l'exécutif a décidé d'étaler dans le temps pendant l'année 2018, en deux fois, la baisse des cotisations salariales.

Cette réforme avait été présentée durant la campagne présidentielle comme un outil essentiel pour redonner du pouvoir d'achat aux salariés grâce à allégement des charges pesant sur le travail, en basculant une partie du financement de la protection sociale vers la CSG. Il s'agit du transfert des cotisations salariales chômage (2,4 %) et maladie (0,75 %) vers la CSG passant de de 7,5 % à 9,2.

Nul doute que ce deuxième décalage aura des vertus budgétaires certaines, dégageant de substantielles économies pour l'Etat avec la part des cotisations salariales qui n'auront pas été supprimées immédiatement. Pendant quelques mois, jusqu’à l’automne, les caisses de l’Etat enregistreront à la fois les recettes de la CSG augmentée de 1,7 point et celles de cotisations sociales pas encore totalement supprimées.

Effet positif sur la fiche de paye ? « Dès le 1 er janvier, il y aura un gain de pouvoir d'achat pour les salariés », indique-t-on au ministère des Comptes publics mais les gains de pouvoir d’achat espérés dès le début de l’année 2018 pour des millions de salariés attendront.

Des discussions auront lieu dès cet automne pour « définir les modalités de compensation de la hausse de la CSG pour les fonctionnaires ».

Le programme présidentiel chiffrait les gains de pouvoir d’achat à 10 milliards d’euros pour l’exonération de la taxe d’habitation et à 7 milliards pour la bascule des cotisations sociales vers la CSG...Mais avec ces modifications annoncées, les promesses ne seront pas tenues !!!

L'exécutif va donc devoir faire montre de force pédagogie pour sa réforme, déjà contestée par les retraités...

Joanne Courbet pour DayNewsWorld
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La question des travailleurs détachés embrase depuis des années la classe politique. Selon un rapport du Sénat de mai 2016, le nombre de travailleurs détachés au sein de l'UE a augmenté de près de 45% entre 2010 et 2014, passant de 1,3 million de personnes concernées à 1,9 million (1,7 million de personnes un an plus tôt.Le travail détaché s'est donc banalisé.

En France, ils sont près de 290 000. Les travailleurs des pays de l'Est constituent le plus gros bataillons des travailleurs détachés. C'est un des sujets sur lesquels l'Est et l'Ouest de l'Europe sont en désaccord.

La directive européenne du 16 décembre 1996 encadre le travail détaché : ce dernier concerne les salariés qui réalisent des missions ponctuelles dans un autre pays de l'Union européenne que celui dans lequel ils travaillent en temps normal.

Leurs cotisations sont payées dans leur pays d'origine mais ils sont déclarés et bénéficient des mêmes droits que les travailleurs locaux comme le salaire minimum, les 35 heures par semaine et les congés payés.Or les charges sociales appliquées dans le pays d'origine étant bien moindres, les entrepreneurs français ont tout intérêt à employer des salariés venant de tels pays. La Commission européenne reconnaît qu'«il existe souvent d'énormes écarts entre le salaire des travailleurs détachés et celui des travailleurs locaux», notamment dans les États où les salariés sont souvent payés davantage que le Smic comme en France.

Ce système favorise donc bel et bien en l’état le dumping social.

Mais autre problème de taille : outre le dumping social, ce système favorise également des fraudes en tout genre.

Selon un rapport parlementaire, près de 300 000 salariés seraient détachés en toute illégalité en France : rémunérés bien en-dessous du smic, ils ne sont pas déclarés par les entreprises ou bien employés via des montages complexes d'agence d'intérim. La liste des fraudes est longue et les détournements massifs. Cela engendre de fait, du dumping social et de la concurrence déloyale.

"Ce n'est pas sérieux"

Le Haut Conseil pour le financement de la protection sociale a mis en évidence trois type de fraudes fréquentes :

1° L' implantation d'une entreprise «boîte aux lettres», c'est-à-dire sans activité réelle, dans un pays à faible niveau de charges sociales qui permet de recourir à des travailleurs détachés envoyés dans d'autres États membres.

2° Le non-paiement des charges sociales dues dans le pays d'origine du travailleur ou la minoration du salaire de base sur lequel les cotisations sont calculées, le contrôle étant difficile à l'étranger

3°Le non-respect de la réglementation du pays d'accueil (nombre d'heures déclarées supérieures au nombre d'heures payées, logement à bas coût, frais de détachement déduits indûment du salaire, etc.).

C'est pourquoi le président Macron part mercredi en croisade européenne pour revoir la directive sur les travailleurs détachés. Déjà en juillet 2016, le Premier ministre Manuel Valls menaçait de ne plus appliquer la directive européenne si les pays de l'Est ne consentaient pas à des efforts.

Cette tournée commence ce mercredi par une rencontre entre les dirigeants autrichiens, tchèques et slovaques pour être suivie par une visite en Roumanie et en Bulgarie. Le chef de l'État français cherche à rallier à sa cause certains pays de l'est de l'Europe afin de parvenir à un changement de la réglementation européenne lors du prochain conseil social d'octobre.

En effet la France est le pays européen accueillant le plus de travailleurs détachés derrière l'Allemagne, avec un total de 286.000 en 2015, selon la Direction générale du travail. Mais en raison de nombreuses fraudes possibles on estime à plus de 400 000 le nombre de ces travailleurs qui se retrouvent surtout dans le BTP, l’industrie et l'agriculture. Environ 220 000 travailleurs détachés seraient en situation irrégulière : malgré 1500 contrôles par mois, le montant des amendes cumulées n'atteint que 5 millions d'euros. Le manque à gagner de ce type de fraude s'élève à 400 millions d'euros.

La France défend six modifications substantielles :

1° La prise en compte de la durée du détachement dès le premier jour. « Aujourd'hui, le compteur ne tourne qu'au bout de six mois », rappelle-t-on à l'Élysée.Il est facile de contourner les règles du détachement en multipliant les séjours de 3 mois...

2°La limitation des détachements «à 12 mois sur une période de deux ans». Le texte de la Commission actuellement étudié propose une limite de 24 mois, au lieu de 36 mois aujourd'hui.

3°L' intégration directe et explicite des indemnités de «transport, d'hébergement et de repas» dans le revenu du travailleur.

4°la lutte contre les entreprises «boîtes aux lettres», qui n'ont aucune activité dans leur pays d'origine, en imposant que le formulaire A1 devienne une condition préalable du détachement.

5° La rémunération équitable des travailleurs détachés, facteur de dumping social sauvage. Les règles du salaire minimum et les accords collectifs du pays d'accueil devraient s'appliquer aux travailleurs détachés sans dérogation possible ... Cette mesure rendrait évidemment assez inutile l'importation d'une main-d'œuvre à bas coût.

6°La mise en place d'une plate-forme européenne pour un meilleur échange d'informations entre les systèmes ce qui permettrait de démasquer la fraude sociale au travail détaché.

La révision de la directive des travailleurs détachés divise bien entendu l’Europe !

Depuis que la Commission européenne a proposé de moderniser la directive de 1996 régissant le travail détaché, un climat de défiance s'est installé dans l'Union européenne (UE) autour de ce sujet. Elle repose sur un principe simple : à travail égal sur un même lieu doit correspondre une rémunération équivalente. « Nous devons tous soutenir Emmanuel Macron pour renégocier les règles du travail détaché. Faire payer les cotisations et impôts égaux dans un même pays ! », a tweeté le président de l’UDI, le député Jean-Christophe Lagarde.

En Europe de l'Est, la révision de cette directive est en effet vécue comme un coup de poignard dans le dos. « Vos entreprises ont fait de confortables acquisitions dans nos pays quand nous avons rejoint l'UE, et maintenant il ne faut plus que nos travailleurs aillent proposer leurs services dans les vôtres ? », s'insurge un diplomate. Un coup dur pour les pays grands fournisseurs de main-d'oeuvre, situés à l'Est de l'Union.

Onze États membres (Bulgarie, Croatie, Danemark, Estonie, Hongrie, Lettonie, Lituanie, Pologne, République tchèque, Roumanie et Slovaquie) défendent le statut actuel des travailleurs détachés, selon le principe de la libre prestation de service au sein du marché commun.

L'Autriche membre depuis 1995, est alignée sur la France sur ce dossier, d’autant que des législatives y sont organisées le 15 octobre et que l’extrême droite europhobe y bénéficie toujours d’intentions de vote élevées. La presse autrichienne parle d’ailleurs de « sommet social » au sujet de la rencontre à quatre à Salzbourg.

Or, afin d'adopter des actes législatifs, la majorité qualifiée est nécessaire..

Emmanuel Macron avait notamment promis de « porter le projet d’une Europe qui protège » face à ceux qui prennent l’Europe « pour un supermarché » en « ne respectant pas les règles ».

La France veut notamment limiter à un an la durée maximale du détachement et renforcer la lutte contre la fraude. « L’idée n’est pas d’arriver avec un texte, prévient toutefois l’Elysée, mais d’expliquer pourquoi on pense que c’est un sujet important, qui peut fragiliser la liberté de circulation dans son ensemble si on ne trouve pas un bon équilibre. »

Joanne Courbet pour DayNewsWorld
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Abonnée à une modeste croissance, le Japon confirme une embellie économique inédite depuis 11 ans . La troisième puissance économique du Monde connaît en effet depuis six trimestres consécutifs une hausse de sa croissance avec une augmentation de 1% du PIB au deuxième trimestre par rapport au trois premiers mois de l'année.

En rythme annuel, le Japon affiche une croissance confortable de 4%.

Voilà une bonne nouvelle pour le chef de l'exécutif Shinzo Abe pour qui a fait de la relance économique une priorité.

Les données diffusées lundi montrent un redressement de la demande intérieure, avec une consommation des ménages (quelque 60% du PIB) en hausse et de solides investissements des entreprises affichant une hausse de 2,4%.

L'activité bénéficie aussi de la bonne tenue des dépenses publiques qui se renforce à l'approche des Jeux Olympiques 2020 de Tokyo.

Les exportations cependant continuent à marquer le pas.

Pour l'heure, le Premier ministre ne peut que faire montre de contentement même si les « Abenomics », le programme de relance qui porte le nom du Premier ministre, n'ont pas tenu l'ensemble des promesses.

Le Fonds monétaire international (FMI) préconise au gouvernement nippon de s'emparer de l'embellie actuelle « pour faire avancer un ensemble de réformes complet et coordonné ». "A cette fin, le travail à temps plein, la participation des femmes et des seniors au marché du travail et l'utilisation de la main-d’œuvre étrangère devraient être facilités", conseille-t-il.

L'archipel japonais doit encore faire face au vieillissement de sa démographie . "Pour réellement doper le taux de croissance potentiel du Japon, il faut s'attaquer au déclin démographique du pays" selon Junko Nishioka, de Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, . Or pour augmenter la natalité dans un pays où la conciliation entre maternité et emploi s'avère difficile , des mesures d'ordre structurel doivent être mises en place comme la création massive de crèches. De plus la volonté protectionniste affichée par Donald Trump et le ralentissement économique de Chine, pourraient se solder par des retombées négatives pour les industriels japonais.

Conscient de ces difficultés pour une croissance durable le démocrate, Shinzō Abe a d'ailleurs annoncé que les Abenomics entraient dans une nouvelle phase et a rendu public « trois nouvelles flèches », à savoir : une économie forte qui crée de l’espoir, un soutien à l'éducation des enfants, et un système de sécurité sociale capable de rassurer

Chacune de ces « flèches » se traduisent par un objectif concret :

1°Porter le PIB nominal à 600 000 milliards de yens à l’horizon 2020

2°Porter le taux de naissance 1,8 d’ici au début des années 2020,

3°Réduire le turnover lié aux soins de dépendance à zéro d’ici au milieu des années 2020.

Joanne Courbet pour DayNewsWorld



1 ° Increase in electricity tariffs

The calculation of tariffs reviewed each year takes into account the costs of energy, that of the transmission of electricity and its marketing.

Regulated electricity tariffs therefore increase on average by 1.7% on 1 August 2017, in line with the recommendations of the French Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE), which according to the latter "catches up the amounts linked to the insufficiency of Rates for the year 2012 ", thus recovering a balance of 190 million euros.

Blue, residential and business rates are affected by this increase. The increase is limited for yellow tariffs applied in Corsica only 0.6% while only green tariffs are down 0.4%.

2 ° Increase of the Navigo pass

In spite of the promise of Valérie Pécresse, the subscription ticket with a single fare for the transport of the inhabitants of Paris, increases by 2.20 euros on 1 August: it will therefore increase to 75,20 euros monthly. Last year the increase had been 3% already .. The price of the metro ticket to the unit remains at 1.90 euro, while the notebook of 10 tickets increases by 40 cents. These increases will enable "sustainable and innovative funding for public transport in the Ile-de-France region"

3. Increase in Parisian reference rents.

The properties leased in Paris, whose leases are signed between August 1 and July 31, 2018, will increase slightly, from 1 to 2%, ie 1 euro per square meter per month.

The price must not exceed the median rent by more than 20% or be less than 30% lower by reference to the Alur law. This ceiling is set annually.

4 ° Stagnation of the Livret A rate

The Ministry of Economy and Finance has decided to follow the recommendation of the Banque de France by keeping the Livret A rate at 0.75% blocked for 2 years.This is its lowest historical level since its creation In 1868.

The formula for calculating the theoretical rate should have led to a 1% increase in the rate.

5 ° A slight decrease in the price of gas:

The gendarme of the sector has decided to apply a 0,8% reduction on average to gas tariffs: 0, 8% for heating for 3 million households, 0,3% for cooking, and 0 , 5% for those who use it for cooking and hot water. Regulated gas tariffs are revised monthly using a formula that takes into account gas prices on the wholesale market and the price of oil.

Boby Dean for DayNewsWorld


The State has decided to assert its right of preemption on the capital of the shipbuilder STX Thursday, while the Italian manufacturer Fincantieri requires to hold more than 51% of the capital. Paris decision to "nationalize temporarily" STX France was taken by Emmanuel Macron, Paris refusing a majority takeover of the shipbuilder STX France by the Italian Fincantieri.


This is the first major industrial measure of the quinquennium.
The particularly sensitive subject, which regularly stirred up the political, business and media circles on both sides of the Alps, displeased the Italian rival group of Chantiers de l'Atlantique and "exclusive purchaser of the French subsidiary of the Korean group STX, in receivership.

The President of the Republic "chose to nationalize this company rather than entrusting the keys to an Italian shareholder considered problematic. The offer of Fincantieri as" exclusive buyer "for the 66.66% of STX France detained had certainly been Retained by the Korean group.

However, the negotiations by François Hollande's government in October 2016 meant that Fincantieri, an Italian manufacturer, remained a minority for seven years, with only 48% of the capital, alongside the Fondazione CR Trieste, with 7%.

A French State to retain one third of the capital and a right of veto and French DCNS to hold 12 to 13% 0 in Saint-Brevin-les-Pins (Loire-Atlantique), very close to Saint-Nazaire. The agreement to resume participation is signed on 19 May.

But on May 31, when the Meraviglia was inaugurated in Saint-Nazaire, Emmanuel Macron announced his intention to review the agreement which did not sufficiently protect French industry and wanted to maintain control of the worksites at "50/50".
"The possibility for French shareholders to keep their hands on the job" according to the tenant of the Elysée was no longer guaranteed. The latter considers that Fincantieri has close links with the other Italian shareholder, and that he would therefore be a de facto majority. In the event of a downturn in the backlog, PS Saint-Nazaire Mayor David Samzun fears that Fincantieri will work the Italians rather than the French. Furthermore, this agreement does not protect our French know-how, our patents or our jobs according to the latter. In addition, the ambition of the Italians is to develop the skills of the Chinese to make steamers! What is worrying the elected CFDT.

The situation remained blocked, France finally sent an ultimatum. "If ever our Italian friends refuse the honest proposal made to them, the State will exercise its right of preemption," threatened Bruno Le Maire, Minister of Economy. The French State would therefore buy the "shares" that Fincantieri was to acquire .

It is not surprising that these remarks, these remarks were badly received in Rome, where it is estimated that "the French government has changed the maps"
It is not surprising that these remarks were not welcomed in Rome, where it is estimated that "the French government has changed the cards"

Joanne Courbet for DayNewsWorld


The Israeli authorities installed the metal detectors at the esplanade entrance on 16 July, the day after the deaths of two Israeli police officers in an attack. This device had been justified by the Israeli authorities by the fact that the attackers had hidden weapons on this site to carry out their attack. There was also a murderous incident at the Israeli embassy in Jordan.

As a sign of protest against the installation of these metal detectors, the Muslim faithful did not go to the esplanade praying in the surrounding streets. Deadly violence between Israeli police and Palestinians broke out. The esplanade is indeed the third holy place of Islam, designated as the Noble sanctuary, after Mecca and Medina and this installation of detectors was experienced by the Muslims as an affront.

Israeli security forces were posted at the entrance to the site, also the most sacred place of Judaism under the name Temple Mount.

Faced with the risk of tensions spreading beyond the Palestinian Territories, the international community has pressed for the withdrawal of its detectors. The Israeli security cabinet agreed "the recommendation of all security agencies to replace the inspection by means of metal detectors by a security inspection based on advanced technologies and other means," said in the night The office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Despite the withdrawal of metal detectors the Muslims continue the boycoot of this holy Islamic place located in occupied East Jerusalem.

Boby Dean for DayNewsWorld


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La conférence des territoires s’est déroulée lundi dans un contexte tendu, après l’annonce d’une baisse des dépenses plus importantes d’ici à 2022 dans les collectivités locales.

Le gouvernement veut trouver 20 milliards d’économie l’an prochain.

Le chef de mission du Fonds monétaire international a multiplié lundi les éloges à l'égard du programme d'Emmanuel Macron. Des éloges plutôt rares de la part de l'institution , pour l'Hexagone, qui était régulièrement appelé à la réduction la dépense publique et au lancement de profondes réformes structurelles.

L'arrivée d'Emmanuel Macron au pouvoir, et les réformes promises par ce dernier ont visiblement adoucit le FMI . "L’ambitieux programme de réformes du gouvernement pourrait fortement contribuer à résoudre les défis économiques auxquels la France se heurte de longue date", estime le FMI, lors de la publication de sa revue annuelle de la politique économique du pays, lundi 17 juillet.

Conséquence : l’institution internationale compte désormais sur une croissance de 1,5% pour 2017, très légèrement revue à la hausse (0,1 point de plus de croissance pour l'année prochaine).

"Nous sommes plutôt impressionnés par la nouvelle énergie et l'optimisme que nous avons perçus au sein du gouvernement et auprès de nos interlocuteurs", a salué Christian Mumssen, le chef de mission du Fonds monétaire international à Paris lors d'une conférence de presse au terme de l'évaluation annuelle de l'économie française.

Pour le gouvernement, il s'agit de faire des économies de 4,5 milliards d'euros dès cette année, ce qui est jugé "réalistes" par le FMI. Ainsi la France devrait passer sous la barre des 3% de déficit et pourraient "fortement contribuer à résoudre les défis économiques auxquels la France se heurte de longue date", a répété selon Christian Mumssen.

En fait les mesures annoncées par le gouvernement français émanent largement d'un document publié l'année passée par le FMI sur l'efficacité de la dépense publique en France. "Toutes les idées y sont", s'est félicité le responsable du Fonds  .

"Pour que la stratégie soit crédible, de profondes réformes s'imposent à tous les niveaux des administrations publiques",dit-t-il, soutenant que cet effort était "nécessaire dès maintenant". "Nous ne pensons pas que la stratégie puisse fonctionner sans s'attaquer au problème de la dépense publique", continue-t-il encore. Il admet que les coupes budgétaires toucheront immanquablement les dépenses sociales.

Le FMI estime que la réforme du marché du travail est "vaste et ambitieuse". "Elle cherche à améliorer la flexibilité au niveau des entreprises, à réformer l'assurance-chômage et à renforcer les dispositifs d'apprentissage et de formation professionnelle",selon le Fonds, pour qui cette réforme "devrait aller de pair avec le maintien de la modération salariale". Mais le FMI plaide aussi pour une "limitation de la progression des salaires minimums à l’inflation". Et donc de se garder de tout coup de pouce au SMIC.

La réforme du code du travail, qui renforce la place des négociations d'entreprises peut être une première réponse.Le FMI valide la méthode choisie pour le premier chantier social du quinquennat, la réforme du droit du travail, qui passera en procédant par ordonnances.

Le projet de refondation de l’apprentissage et de la formation professionnelle  :Des mesures « essentielles » dans un pays où « le chômage touche de manière disproportionnée les jeunes et les travailleurs peu qualifiés ».

Les réformes qui ciblent la fiscalité des entreprises, les revenus du capital et du travail, « devraient (également) stimuler les investissements et la croissance de l’emploi ».

Les experts de Washington estiment aussi nécessaire de mettre à contribution les collectivités locales dans les économies à réaliser.

« Ce programme est ambitieux, complet mais également équilibré », selon Christian Mumssen, qui a dirigé la mission d’évaluation en France. Il « pourrait fortement contribuer à résoudre les défis économiques auxquels la France se heurte de longue date », affirme même le FMI dans son résumé de fin de mission, citant les « déséquilibres budgétaires persistants », le « chômage élevé » et la « faible compétitivité externe ».

Ce soutien "au programme ambitieux" du gouvernement tombe à pic pour le Président et son Premier ministre Edouard Philippe en train de réformer le droit du travail par ordonnance et d’imposer la réduction drastique de la dépense publique, dans le secteur de la défense notamment, en période de terrorisme.

Kelly Donaldson pour DayNewsWorld
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L'agence de notation estime que l'élection d'Emmanuel Macron pourrait donner à la France l'occasion de s'attaquer aux défis qui l'attendent.

C'est ainsi que l'agence de notation financière Moody's pense que «l'élection d'Emmanuel Macron fournit à la France l'occasion de s'attaquer aux défis qui pèsent sur sa note de crédit».

Moody's, n'ayant pas la réputation de tendresse à l'égard des pays endettés, considère que la notation de la France pourrait être revue à la hausse dans la mesure où le pays connaîtrait une croissance économique et une réduction du ratio de la dette sur PIB.

En effet Moody's considère qu'un train de réformes va être mis en application par la France de Macron.


Selon Moody's les dernières élections auraient ouvert «une fenêtre d'opportunité pour mieux répondre aux principaux défis susceptibles d'avoir une incidence négative sur le profil de crédit de la France»...

Sa vigilance est cependant toujours de rigueur dans l'attente de savoir si «cette volonté va se traduire dans les prochaines années par la mise en œuvre effective d'un vaste programme de réformes économiques».

Il n'en demeure pas moins que la France reste très surveillée par les agences de notation et qu'elle est toujours sous la menace d'une dégradation si «réformes courageuses» ne sont pas entreprises !

La France doit donc se tenir à ses objectifs de réduction de son déficit public pour les années 2017 et 2018.

Le pays fait partie d'une liste de 25 États que l'agence de notation américaine Standard and Poor's pourrait dégrader cette année. ..

Rappelons pour mémoire que Moody's avait retiré à la France la note suprême en novembre 2012, quelques mois seulement après l'agence Standard&Poor's qui retirait le «tripleA» à notre pays dès le mois de janvier 2012 !!!

Car n'oublions pas que la dette souveraine française dispose depuis 2015 d'une note à long terme «AA», avec «une perspective stable». Notre note elle se situe deux crans sous le fameux «triple A».

Les encouragements, la France en a bien besoin. Alors que l'État français emprunte à 0,838 % pour l'échéance à 10 ans l'Allemagne emprunte pour la même durée à 0,57 % !!!

Kelly Donaldson pour DayNewsWorld


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Édouard Philippe a annoncé samedi aux partenaires sociaux une réforme du compte pénibilité, prévue pour entrer en vigueur pour 2018 :un compromis entre la CFDT, très attachée à cette mesure emblématique du quinquennat Hollande, et le patronat contre une "usine à gaz".

Dans une lettre le Premier ministre propose une nouvelle mouture: un "compte de prévention" dont le nouveau nom officiel est amputé du terme de pénibilité,

ce terme qui «induit que le travail est une douleur»selon M.MACRON.

Entré en vigueur par étapes depuis 2015, le compte pénibilité permet aux salariés du privé occupant un poste pénible de cumuler des points afin de partir plus tôt à la retraite, se former ou travailler à temps partiel sans perte de salaire.

Certains critères et le financement de cette mesure aussi vont être modifiés dans le cadre d'une réforme esquissée par Edouard Philippe ce samedi.

Maintenu tel quel pour six critères (travail de nuit, répétitif, en horaires alternants ou en milieu hyperbare, ainsi que le bruit et les températures extrêmes),pour quatre autres critères, les plus décriés par le patronat, les règles sont modifiées: la manutention de charges lourdes, les postures pénibles, les vibrations mécaniques et les risques chimiques, sortiront du compte à points.

Les employés cependant qui y sont exposés pourront encore bénéficier d'un départ anticipé à la retraite, mais seulement quand «une maladie professionnelle a été reconnue» et quand «le taux d'incapacité permanente excède 10%», selon la lettre du Premier ministre.

«Une visite médicale de fin de carrière permettra à ces personnes de faire valoir leurs droits», selon le courrier d'Edouard Philippe.

Dernière modification majeure de cette nouvelle mouture: le financement, cette fois pour tous les critères. Les deux cotisations actuelles «seront supprimées» et «le financement des droits en matière de pénibilité sera organisé dans le cadre de la branche accidents du travail/maladies professionnelles» (AT/MP). Cette branche, dans le vert depuis 2013, est la seule excédentaire de la Sécurité sociale !

Britney Delsey pour DayNewsWorld


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Ce compromis aura permis à ce sommet, qui était objectivement celui de toutes les tensions, de se conclure sur un compromis diplomatique honorable.

Pour la chancelière Angela Merkel, qui attendait beaucoup de ce rendez-vous diplomatique à moins de trois mois des élections législatives allemandes, ce résultat peut être qualifié de succès, dans la mesure où il correspond, grosso modo, au scénario qu’elle avait anticipé en amont du sommet. « J’avais dit qu’il fallait que nous trouvions des compromis mais en même temps que nous ne cachions pas nos désaccords. C’est ce que nous avons fait », s’est-elle félicitée, samedi, lors de sa conférence de presse finale.

« Avancée sur le terrorisme »

« Je considère que le texte a permis (…) de maintenir les équilibres indispensables et d’éviter toute marche en arrière »,selon Emmanuel Macron, qui a reconnu que « ce fut difficile comme nous le savions avant même le sommet ».

Le bilan du sommet de Hambourg, pour mitigé qu’il soit, n’en est pas déshonorant pour autant sur le plan diplomatique. Ce que M. Macron a résumé d’une formule assez juste en expliquant qu’« il y a une avancée sur le terrorisme et [que] le recul a été évité sur beaucoup de sujets »Sur ce sujet, les membres du G20 se sont mis d’accord sur une déclaration commune en 21 points insistant sur le rôle du Groupe d’action financière (Gafi), un organisme intergouvernemental créé en 1989 qui publie des recommandations régulières pour ses trente-sept membres sur les manières de lutter contre la criminalité financière et le financement du terrorisme.

Sur le climat, la chancelière espérait mieux sans toutefois ce faire d'illusion « convaincre » son homologue américain

de revenir sur sa décision, et annonçant la tenue d’un « sommet d’étape », le 12 décembre, deux ans jour pour jour après la signature de l’accord de Paris, « afin de prendre de nouvelles actions pour le climat, notamment sur le plan financier ".

Discussions difficiles sur le commerce autres chapitre.Un compromis trouvé sur le protectionnisme

les résultats de ce sommet du G20 sont en revanche assez modestes :sauver la face, au risque de s’en tenir à des déclarations de bonnes intentions sans portée réelle… Il en va ainsi du commerce, sujet sur lequel les discussions ont été « particulièrement difficiles », a reconnu Mme Merkel

En matière commerciale, le président américain inquiète depuis des mois ses principaux partenaires par ses velléités protectionnistes, illustrées par son slogan permanent sur "l'Amérique d'abord". Si les Etats-Unis ont finalement accepté de se rallier dans la déclaration finale à une condamnation du "protectionnisme", le G20 a reconnu pour la première fois pour la première fois le droit des pays victimes de dumping de recourir à "des instruments légitimes de défense commerciale".

Comme au G7 de Taormine, l’engagement de tous à lutter contre le protectionnisme est réaffirmé dans la déclaration finale..Y figurent la nécessité de garder les marchés ouverts et la reconnaissance du rôle de l’Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC). Des formules agréées de bon aloi au terme d’un bras de fer avec les Etats-Unis!

En échange de ses concessions, Washington a obtenu que soit mentionné le droit de recourir, si nécessaire, à « des instruments légitimes de défense commerciale ». L’équilibre trouvé satisfait le M. Macron chantre d’une Europe qui protège. « Cela reflète assez bien la position que l’on défend, lutte contre le protectionnisme et lutte contre le dumping », souligne-t-on à l’Elysée.

Cet accord de façade est pourtant loin d’avoir résolu tous les points de contentieux. Largement rhétorique, il ne permet pas d’éteindre le feu qui couve avec les Etats-Unis sur le dossier de l’acier. Le G20 a confirmé son engagement à travailler en mode collectif au sein d’un forum mondial dédié aux surcapacités dans ce secteur., la Chine est poliment priée d’y collaborer plus franchement.

Mais que se passera-t-il si la Maison Blanche ordonne des restrictions unilatérales sur les importations d’acier ? Une menace  agitée par Washington pour des raisons de sécurité nationale. Si elle se concrétisait, les Européens ont d’ores et déjà promis une réaction instantanée.


De l'utilité du G20

L’exemple du commerce, presque caricatural, soulève au fond une question que beaucoup se posaient déjà, mais que le sommet de Hambourg a remis sur la table, celle de l’utilité même d’une instance comme le G20.

Joanne Courbet pour DayNewsWorld
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Les réformes de l’ISF et de la taxe d’habitation

en vigueur dès 2018

Après s'être fait flouer par Hollande, le tiers des Français qui ont voté Macron n'entende pas se  faire flouer à nouveau par l'homme pressé qu 'est le nouveau locataire de l'Elysée !

La « cagnotte » de Lionel Jospin et "le ras-le-bol fiscal " de François Hollande atteint clairement le gouvernement Macron !

Les critiques les plus acerbes ont fusé depuis les médias jusqu'aux économistes du Davos annuel d'Aix-en -Provence !

Le calendrier des réformes fiscales suscitent de la part des oppositions des critiques acerbes. « La seule certitude, c’est la hausse de la CSG [contribution sociale généralisée], pour le reste, ça change toutes les deux heures », ironise Guillaume Larrivé, député (Les Républicains) de l’Yonne, interrogé lundi 10 juillet sur LCI dénonçant "un zigzag fiscal permanent" du gouvernement. Alexis Corbière, député (La France insoumise) de Seine-Saint-Denis qualifié de « honteux » que le gouvernement « fasse les poches » des retraités. « Quand on a bossé toute sa vie, qu’on gagne 1 300 euros par mois, vous augmentez la CSG, c’est dégueulasse, surtout que les mêmes qui font ça expliquent qu’il faut baisser l’ISF [impôt de solidarité sur la fortune ] », s’est-il indigné sur LCI.

L’économiste Philippe Aghion, inspirateur du programme présidentiel de M. Macron, a rappelé que les baisses d’impôts permettent de stimuler la croissance. Benoît Cœuré, membre du directoire de la Banque centrale européenne (BCE), a estimé qu’« une stratégie qui consisterait à tout étaler sur le quinquennat, malheureusement, ne maximiserait pas l’impact économique des réformes ».

« Il est nécessaire de mettre en œuvre immédiatement une fiscalité favorable à l’investissement : prélèvement forfaitaire à 30 % sur les revenus du capital, recentrage de l’ISF sur l’immobilier », a martelé Jean-Hervé Lorenzi, président du Cercle des économistes et organisateur des Rencontres.

Un message que M. Le Maire a repris aussitôt à  son compte. « Le rôle de l’Etat, c’est de créer un environnement le plus favorable possible au développement des entreprises. Nous allons le faire tout de suite : en baissant l’impôt sur les sociétés [de 33,3 % à 25 % sur le quinquennat] et en supprimant la dernière tranche de taxe sur les salaires », a-t-il répondu

Pour l’heure, le seul dispositif fiscal qui s’appliquera au 1er janvier 2018 est en effet la suppression des cotisations salariales assurance chômage et assurance maladie, remplacées par une hausse de 1,7 point de la contribution sociale généralisée (CSG).

L’audit de la Cour des comptes semblait être une aubaine pour le nouveau gouvernement :

lle gouvernement a joué le coup, durant la semaine écoulée en insistant lourdement sur le dérapage de la dépense publique.Depuis la publication de l’audit de la Cour des comptes, le gouvernement a mis l’accent sur le sérieux et la crédibilité budgétaires. Objectif : trouver 4 à 5 milliards d’économies pour revenir sous les 3 % de déficit public en 2017 pour donner un signal de bonne volonté aux partenaires européens de la France.

La déclaration de politique générale d’Edouard Philippe, mardi 4 juillet, a paru marquer un infléchissement dans la mise en œuvre des réformes fiscales annoncées par Emmanuel Macron . La semaine dernière a été marquée par les annonces de report à 2019 de plusieurs baisses d'impôt promises par le candidat Emmanuel Macron. Le chef du gouvernement n'avait-il pas repoussé à 2019 la réforme de l’impôt de solidarité sur la fortune (ISF), le prélèvement unique de 30 % sur les revenus de l’épargne et la transformation du crédit d’impôt pour la compétitivité et l’emploi (CICE) en baisse de charges. N'avait-il pas également repousser juste un an les élections présidentielles l’exonération de la taxe d’habitation pour 80 % des Français prendrait plus de temps que prévu ?

Mal joué !

Inenvisageable pour les Français qui ont déjà ,pour certains, été saignés à blanc !

D'où la méthode Macron : brusque changement de cap ! Revirement à 180° !

Dimanche, Emmanuel Macron lui-même a tranché. « Le président de la République a dit qu’il souhaitait qu’une première tranche d’exonération de la taxe d’habitation et la réforme de l’ISF interviennent dès 2018 », indique au Monde une source gouvernementale

Le premier ministre a voulu rapidement couper court à la polémique.Les reports passent mal;

Bruno Le Maire a bien l’intention de faire entendre sa voix. Invité aux Rencontres économiques d’Aix-en-Provence (Bouches-du-Rhône), dimanche 9 juillet, le ministre de l’économie a affirmé que « Pour l’instant, aucune décision définitive n’a été arrêtée en matière de calendrier. Attendez de voir les arbitrages qui seront faits par le président de la République. (…) Je suis convaincu qu’on peut en même temps baisser les dépenses publiques et [réduire] les impôts pour les ménages et les entreprises. On peut les baisser tout de suite », a déclaré M. Le Maire.

« C’est en conjuguant ces deux ambitions [réduction d’impôts et baisse des dépenses] qu’on retrouvera au bout du compte de la croissance, des emplois, de la prospérité », a-t-il affirmé, en écho au thème choisi cette année, « A la recherche de nouvelles formes de prospérité ».

Le Maire a également réitéré la promesse d’« engager dans les mois qui viennent la cession de 10 milliards d’euros d’actifs de l’Etat »,en passant par la privatisation de certaines entreprises.

Bal des chiffres : le revirement voulu par l’Elysée devrait coûter près de 6 milliards d’euros. Cela s’ajoute aux 7 milliards de baisses d’impôts annoncés plus tôt dans le week-end parEdouard Philippe « environ 7 milliards d'euros » de baisses d'impôts dès 2018. En réalité, il s'agit de mesures décidées par François Hollande en 2016 entrant en vigueur seulement l'an prochain au plan budgétaire.

L'exécutif aurait ainsi sous la pression décidé de mettre en œuvre dès 2018 les réformes de l'ISF et de la taxe d'habitation. Pour cette dernière, il s'agirait d'une première tranche d'exonération sur les ménages.

Une réunion à l'Elysée doit officialiser la décision ce lundi. « Le président souhaite que ce qu'il a appuyé durant la campagne soit mis en oeuvre rapidement », indique une source gouvernementale. ..

A suivre.

Joanne Courbet pour DayNewsWorld
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« Tous les ministères seront mis à contribution pour ramener le déficit sous les 3% du PIB en fin d'année.ministère sans réforme», a martelé Gérald Darmanin.

Gérald Darmanin, a sonné «la mobilisation générale», dans le cadre des États généraux des comptes de la nation.

La Cour des comptes a décrit la semaine dernière le désastre des comptes publics

Instauré par le gouvernement Fillon en 2011 mais supprimé en 2013 par le gouvernement Ayrault, le jour de carence dans la fonction publique sera rétabli dès 2018, a annoncé jeudi 6 juillet le ministre de l’action et des comptes publics, Gérald Darmanin, lors des états généraux des comptes de la nation à Bercy.

Cette décision a été prise « conformément à l’engagement du président de la République » durant la campagne présidentielle, a déclaré Gerald Darmanin.

« Même si le jour de carence ne doit pas être le seul instrument pour lutter contre l’absentéisme des agents, qui est aussi la conséquence de souffrances d’une partie d’entre eux (…), il permet de lutter contre le micro-absentéisme qui désorganise les services, alourdit la charge de travail des collègues en poste et coûte environ 170 millions d’euros par an », a-t-il ajouté

. A vos poste Messieurs les comptables!

Tous les ministres sont sommés de dévoiler les économies qu'ils devront réaliser dans leur ministère. Bercy montrant l'exemple coupera 120 millions d'euros de crédits. Le ministère du Travail devra diminuer le volume des contrats aidés au second semestre.Pas de coupe sombre dans tel ou tel ministère. Une série de petites mesures pour arriver aux 5 milliards d'économies nécessaires par un décret d'annulation très rapide puisque les parlementaires ne peuvent amender les économies proposées comme l'a si bien fait remarqué le président LR de la commission des finances de l'Assemblée, Éric Woerth.

Edouard Philippe a fixé le cap à l'occasion de son discours de politique générale: «On ne dépensera pas plus en 2018 qu'en 2017». Tenons nous le pour dit !

A quand les promesses de baisses d'impôts faites durant la campagne!!! .Dans 4 ans peut-être juste avant les élections!!

Joanne Courbet pour DayNewsWorld


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Deux nouveaux tronçons étaient inaugurés ce week-end, Paris-Bordeaux et Paris-Rennes. C'est la première fois que deux LGV sont inaugurées en même temps et ces liaisons étaient très attendues par les capitales bretonne et girondine. Les gares se sont refait une beauté pour accueillir les 4 millions de voyageurs supplémentaires que la SNCF espère attirer sur ces lignes d'ici 2019.

Mais les investissements TGV vont s'arrêter. En effet en inaugurant, samedi, la ligne à grande vitesse qui met Paris à 1 h 20 de Rennes, Emmanuel Macron a mis fin aux espoirs d'autres lignes de train à plus de 300 km/h.

«Le rêve des cinq prochaines années ne doit pas être un nouveau grand projet comme celui-là», a déclaré le chef de l’Etat sitôt descendu de la locomotive et de préciser : «Le combat dans lequel je souhaite m’engager, pour les années à venir, c’est celui des transports du quotidien.»

A l’avenir, les deniers de la SNCF iront en priorité à l’amélioration du RER en région parisienne plutôt qu’à d’hypothétiques lignes à grande vitesse. «N’oubliez pas que l’ensemble du réseau TGV transporte 330 000 voyageurs par jour, quand la seule ligne C du RER en accueille un million», rappelle un dirigeant de la SNCF. Mais opérer sur ces nouvelles lignes risque de coûter de l’argent à la SNCF plus que cela ne rapportera.

"Il faudra hiérarchiser les priorités, il faudra aussi réfléchir à des modes de financement", a-elle indiqué Élisabeth Borne .

«Rentabilité Décroissante»

Le tronçon qui mettrait Toulouse la Ville rose à 3 heures de Paris, contre 4 h 20 depuis dimanche, coûte, au minimum, 7 milliards d’euros. Or l'endettement de la SNCF atteignant déjà 40 milliards et devant atteindre 60 milliards d’ici à 2025, cette dernière n'a pas les moyens de prolonger la ligne

La rénovation des lignes secondaires laissées à l’abandon depuis les années 80 est par contre urgente. D'ailleurs pour financer Paris-Rennes et Paris-Bordeaux c'est le secteur privé qui a pris le financement , puisque ni l’Etat ni l’entreprise publique : BTP Vinci, associé à des investisseurs financiers, a donc construit la ligne reliant Paris et Bordeaux et c'est lui qui l’exploitera durant cinquante ans en recevant une redevance, versée par la SNCF. Pour ce faire la société privée a calculé le loyer de cette ligne de manière à se rémunérer pour les 3,8 milliards déboursés dans la construction. : pour chaque billet vendu, 50 % du prix correspond au péage payé au propriétaire de la voie ferrée !!! D'où en partie, l'explication en partie de l'augmentation du tarif moyen du Paris-Bordeaux de 15 %. Ce ne sera même pas suffisant pour équilibrer les comptes.

Pour la première année d’exploitation, la SNCF a prévu une perte de 200 millions d’euros sur cet axe. Avec 2 500 km de ligne à grande vitesse, l’Hexagone a, de toute manière, fait le plein des liaisons de ce type. Exception faite de Paris-Lille et Paris-Lyon, les autres destinations TGV comme Strasbourg ou Marseille ont du mal à équilibrer leurs comptes. «Les lignes nouvelles ont une rentabilité décroissante», indique Antoine de Rocquigny, le directeur financier de Voyages SNCF. D’autant que les prix de construction ne cessent de grimper, notamment pour des questions de respect de l’environnement. «Quand la première ligne, Paris-Lyon, a été lancée en 1982, il fallait compter 10 millions d’euros du km, nous en sommes aujourd’hui à 30 millions, détaille un ex-dirigeant de la SNCF. A ce niveau-là, il est impossible de dégager des recettes suffisantes pour payer le coût de l’infrastructure. Les ventes de billets ne peuvent couvrir que 25 % du prix d’une ligne nouvelle. Il faut donc une subvention massive de l’Etat ou des collectivités locales.»

« Participation des collectivités locales »

Jusqu’à présent la SNCF demandait la participation des collectivités locales dans le financement des lignes TGV. Le deal proposé : vous voulez renforcer votre attractivité en raccourcissant le temps alors ça se paie . Mais dans le contexte actuel ce démarcharge ne convient plus. Ainsi, sur Paris-Bordeaux, 58 collectivités locales se sont engagées à participer financièrement et finalement 32 ont refusé de payer...

Le président du conseil départemental de Gironde, Jean-Luc Gleyze, qui a, lui, payé 130 millions d’euros dans cette affaire, est cependant loin de nager dans le bonheur : «Cette somme, c’est autant qui ne sera pas consacré aux politiques publiques du département. Alors que l’on ne vienne pas me chercher sur la prolongation de la ligne vers Toulouse, il est hors de question que j’y participe.» Si les voyageurs gagnent du temps, la SNCF, elle, perd de l'argent.La SNCF perdra cette année sur Paris-Bordeaux 90 millions d’euros. Un boulet financier pour une entreprise très fortement endettée.

La ligne entre Le Mans et Rennes, construite en partenariat avec Eiffage, a coûté 2,8 milliards d'euros, plus 600 millions pour les aménagements complémentaires (travaux en gare, signalisation, etc...).

Une autre LGV doit être inaugurée cette année, le contournement Nîmes-Montpellier, à l'automne. La France comptera alors 2.700 kilomètres de LGV. Mais selon un économiste « on est arrivés au bout de cette logique »

« L'ouverture à la concurrence »

Durant le trajet, M. Macron a tenu à rassurer les agents SNCF présents,et a affirmé qu'il ne fallait "pas avoir peur de l'ouverture à la concurrence" du rail en France, prévue par Bruxelles à partir de 2019, et que la "richesse" de l'entreprise publique était son "réseau national".

Joanne Courbet pour DayNewsWorld
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Augmentation de l’allocation-chômage, de la consultation chez un médecin spécialiste, baisse du prix du gaz, diagnostics électricité et gaz obligatoires pour les locations ,SNCF, Crit'Air, allocation de train, nouvelles amendes, revalorisation de l'allocation chômage, simplification (relative) du système de retraite... Quels sont les changements qui interviennent ce samedi 1er juillet?Quelques nouveautés entrent en vigueur ce samedi.

Augmentation de l’allocation chômage

L'allocation chômage augmente légèrement de 0,65% ce samedi. Après un an de gel, le coup de pouce est léger mais généralisé. «Cette revalorisation concerne près de 94% des demandeurs d'emploi indemnisés par l'Assurance chômage au 1er juillet 2017, soit environ 2,5 millions de personnes», précisait le conseil d'administration de l'Unedic, composé des partenaires sociaux en juin.

Les 2,5 millions de demandeurs d’emploi qui perçoivent l’Allocation d’aide au retour à l’emploi (ARE) vont voir la partie fixe de celle-ci revalorisée de 0,65%. Le montant minimal passe de 28,67 euros par jour à 28,86 euros. L’allocation minimale perçue par les personnes effectuant une formation est elle aussi revalorisée, et passe de 20,54 euros à 20,67 euros minimum par jour. En 2016, les allocations chômage n’avaient pas été revalorisées.

Retraite : un versement unique pour les "poly-pensionnés"

Si vous êtes né après 1er janvier 1953, et que vous avez cotisé à plusieurs régimes «alignés» (régime général, salariés agricoles, RSI), vous pourrez bénéficier de la liquidation unique de votre retraite.Les assurés avec une carrière très diversifiée dont les retraites relèvent de plusieurs régimes bénéficieront désormais d’un versement unique de leurs pensions. Jusqu’ici, ils devaient se tourner vers chaque régime pour faire valoir leurs droits, calculés et versés de manière séparée. Près de 30% des départs en retraite prévus en 2017 par les régimes alignés concernent des poly-pensionnés. Ces personnes auront un interlocuteur unique.  Le système de retraite est simplifié (en partie)

Hausse du prix de la consultation chez un spécialiste

Après les généralistes, c’est au tour de celle chez les spécialistes d’augmenter. Elle passe de 28 à 30 euros. Les consultations des psychiatres et neurologues passeront elles de 37 à 39 euros. La Sécurité sociale continuera de rembourser à 70% ces consultations dans le cadre du parcours de soins, c’est-à-dire quand un médecin traitant est déclaré.

Diagnostics gaz et électricité obligatoires en location

Pour tout nouveau bail signé à partir de ce samedi, un propriétaire a l'obligation de fournir les diagnostics des équipements de gaz et d'électricité installés depuis plus de 15 ans aux locataires de résidences principales, vides ou meublées. Ces diagnostics sont établis par des professionnels et ressemblent à ceux qui doivent être effectués lors de la vente d'un logement. Ils devront être ajoutés au Dossier de Diagnostic Technique (DDT) qui inclue déjà le diagnostic de la performance énergétique (DPE), le constat des risques d'exposition au plomb (CREP) ou l'état des risques naturels, miniers et technologiques (ERNMT).

Ces documents sont valables 6 ans. Pour le moment, seuls les logements dont le permis de construire a été délivré avant le 1er janvier 1975 sont concernés mais l'obligation sera généralisée au 1er janvier 2018.

Rénovation : l’isolation acoustique obligatoire

Dans les zones exposées au bruit d’un aéroport, d’une route ou d’une ligne ferroviaire, les travaux de ravalement, de toiture, ou de rénovation énergétique devront désormais avoir des travaux d'isolation acoustique.  Cette obligation concerne les travaux importants sur les habitations, les hôtels, les bâtiments d’enseignement ou encore d’hébergement.

Nouvelle plaque pour les deux-roues

Les propriétaires de motos, scooters et quads vont devoir doter leur véhicule d’une nouvelle plaque d’immatriculation au format réglementaire. Le nouveau format requis est de 210 par 130 millimètres.. Si la plaque est non conforme, illisible ou amovible, son conducteur sera sanctionné. L'amende de quatrième classe coûte 135 euros.

SNCF: nouveaux TGV et nouveaux horaires

C'est le jour J samedi pour l'inauguration des nouvelles lignes à grande vitesse vers Rennes et Bordeaux. Les tarifs pour circuler sur ces TGV connaissent une hausse moyenne de 6 euros en moyenne vers la Bretagne et 10 euros vers le sud-ouest à partir de dimanche matin. Dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche, ce sont 40% des horaires qui vont être modifiés sur le réseau ferroviaire français. «Tout ne sera pas nickel immédiatement, les premières semaines ne vont pas être faciles», a déclaré Guillaume Pépy, patron de la SNCF .Ce changement intervient au début de l'été qui devrait connaître son lot d'incidents saisonniers «Les trains n'aiment pas les événements climatiques» comme la canicule ou les orages», a-t-il rappelé, appelant à la «bienveillance» des usagers.

Vignettes Crit'Air: attention aux amendes...

L'absence de vignette Crit'air sera désormais synonyme d'amende, dans les zones de circulation restreintes (ZCR). Pour les automobilistes et les deux roues, cette contravention s'établit à 68 euros, elle peut être minorée à 45 euros en cas de paiement immédiat, majorée à 180 euros en cas de retard. Pour les cars et camions, il en coûtera 135 euros. Pour l'heure, la ville de Paris, plus grande ZCR de France, ainsi que Lille, Lyon et Grenoble sont concernées. Mais d'autres villes étudient la possibilité d'instaurer des zones pérennes de ce type. Les véhicules qui ne portent pas ce certificat qualité de l'air ne peuvent pas circuler en cas de restrictions de circulation pour lutter contre les pics de pollution. Cette vignette coûte toujours 4,18 euros, sur le site

Les juges de proximité, c'est fini

Particuliers et professionnels pouvaient les saisir en cas de litiges civils ou pour des créances inférieures à 4000 euros. Mais les juges de proximité vont disparaître ce samedi, dans le cadre de la loi de modernisation de la justice.. Pour les procédures encore en cours au 1er juillet, les dossiers seront transférés aux tribunaux d'instance. C'est à eux désormais qu'il faudra s'adresser pour les litiges civils portant sur des sommes inférieures à 10 000 euros.

Limite de la fraude chez les VTC

Une fois passé l'examen, les conducteurs de véhicules de tourisme avec chauffeur (VTC) auront une carte professionnelle et un macaron sur la voiture sécurisés. «Avec l'entrée en vigueur de ces deux nouveaux dispositifs, l'Etat entend ainsi sécuriser les conditions de l'exercice de la profession, et garantir des conditions de concurrence loyale entre les acteurs du transport public particulier de personnes», expliquent les ministres de l'Intérieur Gérard Collomb et des Transports

Britney Delsey pour DayNewsWorld


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« En décembre 2016, nous sommes revenus d’une mission très compliquée en Méditerranée, j’ai ramené l’équipage au complet ainsi que les avions. Le sentiment de satisfaction que j’ai alors éprouvé a écrasé tous les autres. »

Sur la base navale de Toulon, le commandant du Charles-de-Gaulle, Eric Malbrunot ,décrit les trois mois et demi passés au large;

Les Rafale ont décollé sans relâche du porte-avions pour bombarder les positions de l’organisation Etat Islamique à Mossoul, aux côtés des Américains, dans le cadre de la mission

« Arromanches 3 ». « Ce n’était pas évident, nous étions partis pour deux mois, la mission s’est prolongée de quinze jours, puis d’un mois, il a fallu gérer cela avec l’équipage. »

Le navire de guerre est maintenant en cale sèche depuis février pour une rénovation complète qui durera dix-huit mois. Un chantier colossal volontiers qualifié de « titanesque » par les intervenants : sont en effet concernés 2 000 personnes mobilisées quotidiennement, 600 fournisseurs. Pour un coût d' 1,3 milliard d’euros.

A mi-vie va être rénovation entière du porte-avions doit prolonger sa vie pour vingt-cinq nouvelles années, et naviguer au-delà de 2040.

Alize Marion pour DayNewsWorld


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Au moins neuf personnes sont décédées et 31 sont portées disparues après le naufrage dimanche en Colombie d’un bateau promenant environ 170 passagers sur le lac de Guatapé, un site touristique dans le nord-ouest du pays, a indiqué le président Juan Manuel Santos.

Coulé en 4 minutes l'embarcation de quatre étages aurait sombré en après-midi dans le lac du barrage de Guatapé, à environ 68 kilomètres de Medell

"Six personnes sont mortes et 31 sont portées disparues", a déclaré à la presse le président Juan Manuel Santos, qui s’est rapidement rendu sur place.

"Les personnes décédées sont toutes de nationalité colombienne et il n’y aucun mineur parmi elles", a confirmé le directeur de l’Unité nationale pour la gestion des risques (UNGRD), Carlos Iván Márquez, qui s’est également rendu sur place. "Ce que je sais pour le moment, c’est que le bateau avait une capacité d’accueil supérieure au nombre de personnes qui se trouvaient à bord au moment du naufrage", a affirmé Juan Manuel Santos, excluant ainsi que cet accident soit lié à un problème de surcharge.

Selon le président, le bateau a coulé, pour une raison encore inconnue, de manière "très rapide et très soudaine".

Il a indiqué que des experts sont attendus sur place lundi afin de déterminer les causes de ce naufrage.

L’opération de sauvetage, à laquelle participent des plongeurs de la police et des pompiers, doit se poursuivre a ajouté le président, avant de souligner que 122 survivants "vont bien".

Une opération de secours à laquelle participaient des pompiers et des plongeurs était en cours dans le réservoir Guatape. Une flottille de bateaux récréatifs s'est précipitée vers le lieu du naufrage pour aller porter secours aux victimes.

. L'Armée de l'air colombienne a indiqué dans un communiqué qu'un hélicoptère avait été envoyé sur les lieux de l'accident et que des « aéronefs et leurs équipages étaient prêts à évacuer les personnes se trouvant dans un état grave et qui ont besoin d'une attention immédiate ».

Une enquête a été ouverte  pour déterminer les causes de l'accident

Le directeur de la police nationale, le général Jorge Nieto, a déclaré que les autorités tentaient l'identificationd es victimes;

Les circonstances de l'accident demeurent pour l'heure inconnues.

Dans une vidéo  circulant sur Facebook, on peut voir un navire qui aurait sombré en "4 minutes", alors que plusieurs bateaux récréatifs s'en approchent pour porter secours aux passagers

Carl Delsey  pour DayNewsWorld .


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Pôle emploi publie ce lundi le nombre d'inscrits sur ses listes à fin mai. Les premiers chiffres du quinquennat Macron.

En avril, le nombre de chômeurs avait reculé de 36 300 personnes (- 1 %) atteignant en métropole à 3,47 millions de personnes.

Le rendez-vous mensuel qui a marqué le quinquennat de François Hollande attend cette fois le nouveau le président de la République mais ne seront pas commentés.. Réussira-t-il à relever le défi qu'il s'est fixé lui-même ? Non pas seulement inverser la courbe du chômage, mais aussi viser les 7% !

En avril déjà, le nombre de chômeurs semblait avoir reculé de 36 300 personnes soit- 1 % pour s'établir en métropole à 3,47 millions de personnes, selon le ministère du Travail. Avec l'outre-mer, la France comptait fin avril 3,73 millions de personnes sans aucune activité inscrites à Pôle emploi. Cette baisse avait profité à toutes les classes d'âge.

Mais parallèlement on avait observé une hausse du nombre de demandeurs d'emploi ayant exercé une activité au cours du mois.Toutes catégories confondues , la France comptait 5,53 millions de demandeurs d'emploi en métropole .

A l'inverse de F. Hollande, Muriel Pénicaud, la ministre du Travail, refuse de commenter les chiffres puisqu'elle, estime que cet indicateur "ne reflète pas bien l'évolution du marché du travail" . Ces derniers "peuvent être affectés, chaque mois, par différents événements de nature administrative". Selon la ministre sa volatilité "brouille plus qu'elle n'éclaire les tendances de fond sur le niveau de chômage".

La ministre n'avait déjà pas commenté mardi les prévisions optimistes de l'Institut national de la statistique (Insee), chiffres pris comme référence reprenant les normes du Bureau international du travail (BIT)

Selon l'Insee, le taux de chômage continuera à baisser en 2015 pour s'établir à 9,4 % fin 2017, contre 10 % un an plus tôt. Emmanuel Macron, lui, veut mieux : un taux de 7 % de chômage à la fin de son quinquennat, en 2022.

Avec quels moyens? La réforme du Code du travail en cours doit être adoptée d'ici le 21 septembre. Puis une autre réforme, celle de l'Assurance chômage devrait y contribuer.

Des mesures clivantes du Code du travail ont déjà donné lieu à de âpres propos : la fusion des instances représentatives du personnel comme la modification des modalités de licenciement économique ou la mise en place de planchers et plafonds "obligatoires" pour les indemnités prud'homales en cas de licenciement abusif déplaisent fortement à certains.

La nouvelle loi du travail va-t-elle à nouveau être perçue par une majorité de syndicats comme insuffisamment protectrice pour les salariés ?

Mercredi, la loi d'habilitation adoptée par ordonnances sera examinée en Conseil des ministres. Puis une concertation entre le ministère du Travail et les partenaires sociaux aura lieu cet été et promet quelques remous !.

Joannes Courbet pour DayNewsWorld


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Le gouvernement a rendu public ce mardi la lettre de cadrage présentant les grandes orientations choisies par le gouvernement pour réformer le code du travail

Cette lettre est transmise quinze jours après le début des discussions avec les syndicats, entamées le 23 mai dernier.

Mais cette lettre de cadrage est insipide de vacuité après les révélations d'hier !

En effet Lundi, Le Parisien-Aujourd'hui en France a publié un document présenté comme l'avant-projet de loi sur la réforme du travail.

Ce document daté du 12 mai dernier, soit avant le début des entretiens avec les partenaires sociaux et l'exécutif, serait constitué d'un texte de 10 pages détaillant les principales ordonnances portant sur l'application de la réforme du code du travail souhaitée par Emmanuel Macron.

Au menu des sujets prioritaires: la «place centrale» accordée à la négociation collective, mais aussi à la «négociation collective d'entreprise» dans le domaine «du contrat de travail».

Et ce qui met le feu à la poudre c'est un aménagement possible du «recours respectif aux contrats à durée indéterminée et aux contrats à durée déterminée», et des «conditions» de rupture du CDI (motif de licenciement, durée du préavis, indemnités). Du jamais vu!!!

Ces éléments qui ne figuraient pas dans le programme de campagne de Macron sont pour le moins source de perplexité voire d'inquiétude... Le même document évoque également la possibilité de négocier, au sein de l'entreprise, la sécurité au travail et la fixation des salaires !! Enfin, il prévoit de recourir aussi aux ordonnances pour réformer l'assurance-chômage. Et toujours selon les informations du très sérieux Figaro, une concertation spécifique est censée débuter à la rentrée, sur ce dernier sujet

La lettre de cadrage tombée à pic pour déminer le terrain paraît d'une grande fadeur !

Cette lettre de cadrage établit que les ordonnances qui vont réformer le Code du Travail seront présentées dès le 28 juin en Conseil des ministres et que dans l'intervalle, le gouvernement continuera de consulter les partenaires sociaux en deux phases, du 9 juin au 21 juillet puis d'août à début septembre.Un «programme de travail» est transmis mardi aux partenaires sociaux. Après la réforme du code du travail viendra celle de l'assurance chômage, dont l'ouverture aux indépendants et démissionnaires sera «progressivement mise en œuvre à compter de l'été 2018», puis celle des retraites, dont la «rénovation» sera menée «en 2018». Un simple calendrier.

Un plan d'investissement pour les chômeurs et certains salariés sera opérationnel début 2018 . Premières mesures dès la rentrée 2017. Une réforme de l'apprentissage entrera progressivement en vigueur pendant les deux prochaines années.On abordera le sujet de la pénibilité pour simplifier le dispositif sur la pénibilité «en garantissant les droits des salariés». Puis suivra la réforme des retraites. Tout semble réglé sur le papier comme du papier à musique.Mais il ne s'agit qu'une lettre de cadrage comme son nom l'indique : elle vise à borner le cadre de la réforme et non à donner les pistes de réformes. Une simple feuille de route . Et vole la galère ...

C'est que l'exécutif a très vite choisi de prendre ses distances avec le document à quelques jours des législatives. Le texte n' émanerait pas de lui, mais de qui alors ?

Le document contient des points encore jamais évoqués par le passé, et qui pourraient s'annoncer explosifs. ..

Jouer la Carte de l'apaisement, quoi de mieux. Mais sait-on où l’exécutif bicéphale veut mener les Français ?

Selon Les Échos, le directeur de cabinet de Muriel Pénicaud aurait appelé tous les leaders syndicaux dès dimanche soir pour les assurer qu'il ne s'agissait en rien d'un texte de l'exécutif. Les syndicats ont donc préféré faire le dos rond.. «On s'en tient au démenti du ministre. On verra la lettre officielle», a affirmé au Figaro Laurent Berger, le patron de la CFDT.

Mais à quelques jours du premier tour des législatives, les principaux leaders de l'opposition ne se laissent pas berner : ils exigent une transparence totale du gouvernement sur le contenu des futures ordonnances.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon ne mâche pas ses mots : le texte dévoilé lundi par Le Parisien - Aujourd'hui en France constitue ainsi une «déclaration de guerre sociale» que le gouvernement voulait «dissimuler jusqu'aux élections législatives». Le leader de La France Insoumise a exigé lundi du gouvernement de «publier les véritables textes» de la réforme du Code du travail avant le second tour des législatives, par «loyauté» envers les électeurs.

Benoît Hamon y est allé de son tweet : un «plan» pour «affaiblir le contrat et la durée de travail sans vote».

Florian Philippot au micro de LCI. Macron «obéit très, très vite à Bruxelles… ce programme de précarisation… C'est une loi El Khomri aggravée», a observé l'eurodéputé.

Le document dévoilé par Edouard Philippe est lui d'une banalité affligeante, certes moins explosif que le projet qui a fuité dans le Parisien.

Joanne Courbet pour DayNewsWorld
There are no translations available.



La hausse de la contribution sociale généralisée (CSG) "de l'ordre de 1,7 point" est inscrite dans le volet fiscalité du programme d'Emmanuel Macron.

Cet impôt prélevé à la source et créé en 1990 par le gouvernement Rocard est destiné à financer la protection sociale. Il concerne l'ensemble des revenus des personnes résidant en France, des salaires aux revenus du patrimoine en passant par les pensions de retraite et les allocations chômage. Seules en sont exonérées les prestations sociales comme les allocations familiales ou le RSA.

Cette hausse de la CSG devrait servir à financer la suppression d'une partie des cotisations salariales (maladie et chômage) pour les salariés du secteur privé. La réforme fiscale prévoit donc d'augmenter les prélèvements de CSG de l'ensemble des Français afin de faire gagner du pouvoir d'achat aux salariés

"La protection sociale ne reposera plus autant sur les salaires et sera financée plus équitablement", estime ainsi Emmanuel Macron dans son programme.

CSG rapporte plus de 90 milliards d'euros par an au budget de l'Etat, soit plus que l'impôt sur le revenu (plus de 70 milliards). Le programme d'Emmanuel Macron estime que l'augmentation de la CSG permettrait de rapporter 21,5 milliards d'euros supplémentaires. Ce montant calculé pour combler au centime près la baisse des cotisations salariales, chiffrée elle aussi à 21,5 milliards d'euros.

Que veut faire le gouvernement ?

L'exécutif veut augmenter de 1,7 point le taux normal de la CSG (contribution sociale généralisée), utilisée pour financer la protection sociale - sécurité sociale, prestations familiales notamment.

Cette hausse qui devrait être intégrée au projet de loi de finances voté à l'automne 2017, pourrait être appliquée dès le 1er janvier 2018. Elle devrait rapporter près de 20 milliards d'euros aux administrations publiques.

Il s'agirait de compenser la suppression des cotisations chômage et maladie pour les salariés du secteur privé promise par le gouvernement qui représentent 3,15% du salaire (2,40% pour l'assurance-chômage, 0,75% pour l'assurance-maladie). Au détriment de certains.

L'exécutif voudrait en parallèle rendre plus "universel" le financement de la protection sociale, et notamment celui de l'Unedic, en mettant à contribution les retraités et les fonctionnaires, même s'ils ne bénéficient pas par définition de l'assurance chômage.

D'où le tollé d'une partie du PS, pour qui cette réforme "va frapper les retraités très durement" et des Républicains : François Baroin a dénoncé un "choc fiscal sans précédent qui s'annonce si En marche a la majorité à l'Assemblée". Jean-Luc Mélenchon a lui fustigé une mesure qui aura pour effet "une ponction de 20 milliards sur l'économie et la consommation des ménages".

La hausse de la CSG prévue par Emmanuel Macron s'est invitée dans la campagne des élections législatives

"Matraquage fiscal" pour la droite, réforme marquée du sceau de l'"équité" pour le gouvernement. La hausse de la CSG prévue par Emmanuel Macron s'est invitée dans la campagne des élections législatives et suscite des prises de position tranchées dans chaque camp. Que prévoit la réforme voulue par le Président et qui en profitera ?

La hausse de la CSG : certainement qu'une entrée en matière.

Emmanuel Macron avait bel et bien un programme pour la fiscalité puisqu'il ne fait que reprendre en partie les conclusions de travaux antérieurement menés par l'inspecteur des finances Emmanuel Macron.

En 2007 en effet, une mission était confiée au Conseil des prélèvements obligatoires (CPO) pour l''étude de la répartition des prélèvements obligatoires entre générations. Emmanuel Macron en fut nommé rapporteur général. Jean Pisani-Ferry, commissaire général de France Stratégie avait publié un ouvrage en février 2017 juste avant son départ pour rejoindre l'équipe du candidat d'« En Marche » qui donnait une belle grille de lecture de cette nouvelle stratégie fiscale. Les questions posées dix années plus tôt au Conseil des prélèvements obligatoires étaient entre autre: quel sort réserver aux générations jeunes ? Quelle forme d'équité entre génération ?

En 2008, la principale conclusion du rapport Macron était que la prise en compte de l'ensemble des prélèvements obligatoires dans notre pays faisait apparaître « un transfert instantané au profit des plus de 60 ans » car les impôts sur le capital, pourtant plus lourds pour les retraités, ne suffisaient pas à assurer le rééquilibre de ces transferts.

Ces déséquilibres « potentiels » au profit des plus de 60 ans ont été la clef pour l'introduction de certains des ajustements fiscaux Cela est évident et parfaitement explicite pour l'augmentation de 1,7 % de la CSG qui devrait compenser la suppression des cotisations salariales (chômage et maladie) destinée à créer du pouvoir d'achat chez les actifs.

Les grands perdants : les retraités.

Dans les faits, seule une partie des retraités seront concernés. A savoir les 60% d'entre eux soumis au taux plein de CSG (6,6%), appliqué à partir de 14.375 euros de revenus annuels pour les célibataires, et de 22.051 euros annuels pour les couples. Cela représente entre 8 et 9 millions de personnes sur les quelque 14 millions de retraités français.

"Les perdants de la réforme seront les retraités", qui devront supporter la hausse de la CSG "sans bénéficier des contreparties" prévues pour les salariés du privé , souligne Didier Laforge, directeur du droit fiscal au cabinet Fidal.

La situation la plus défavorable :celle des retraités, qui supporteront l'augmentation de la CSG sans bien sûr profiter de la baisse des cotisations sociales et qui pourraient continuer de payer la taxe d'habitation.

Cette augmentation, que supporteront notamment quelque 60 % des retraités, est présenté comme « un effort de solidarité qui leur est demandé ».

Les premiers bénéficiaires : Les salariés du privé.

Les salariés du privé seront les premiers bénéficiaires de la réforme. En effet deux lignes de cotisation disparaîtront de leur fiche de paie (suppression des cotisations salariales :chômage et maladie).

Un salarié payé au Smic aura ainsi 260 euros supplémentaires par an sur sa fiche de paie, tandis qu'un salarié payé 2.200 euros nets gagnera 500 euros en plus. Cela constitue aussi l'un des aspects de la suppression de la taxe d'habitation, qui, avec la référence à 20.000 euros de revenu fiscal , concernera les jeunes foyers.

Pour les autres salariés rien n'est encore prévu. Le gouvernement tente de trouver des mesures compensatoires pour deux catégories d'actifs : les fonctionnaires et les indépendants artisans, non soumis aux cotisations salariales.

Ces compensations, d'après Les Echos,pourraient prendre la forme de baisse de cotisations annexes en ce qui concerne les travailleurs indépendants, et d'une prime ad hoc ou d'une hausse du point d'indice salarial en ce qui concerne les fonctionnaires. Des pistes que Bercy ne confirme pas...

Pourquoi un telle vision de la fiscalité ?

En déplaçant ces 20 milliards d'euros de contributions vers la CSG, caractérisée notamment par des taux faibles mais une assiette large, le gouvernement espère redonner du pouvoir d'achat aux actifs, soumis selon lui à une pression fiscale excessive.

L'objectif, c'est "d'augmenter le salaire de ceux qui travaillent et sont parfois touchés par un certain désespoir à ne pas voir cela récompensé", a expliqué mardi 30 mai le ministre de l'Action et des Comptes publics, Gérald Darmanin.

« Ce qu'on attend du nouveau gouvernement, c'est, pour permettre le redémarrage de notre économie, qu'il dessine le reflux de l'ensemble des prélèvements obligatoires au cours des cinq prochaines années. Ce reflux ne sera évidemment possible, compte tenu de nos engagements européens, que s'il est accompagné d'une baisse des dépenses publiques de même ampleur. », explique André Babeau, professeur honoraire à l'université de Paris-Dauphine.

Reste la possibilité d'une censure partielle du Conseil constitutionnel sur la base du principe d'égalité devant l'impôt entre salariés du privé, fonctionnaires et indépendants. Mais, selon Les Echos, la réforme ne devrait pas rencontrer de gros problème juridique, car au sujet des cotisations sociales, le principe d'égalité est respecté au sein des différents régimes.

Mais dans tous les cas la substitution de la CSG aux cotisations sociales ne change en effet rien à leur niveau et la suppression de la taxe d'habitation est, de ce point de vue, un trompe-l’œil. Pourquoi : il faudra bien la financer auprès des collectivités !!!

Joanne Courbet pour DayNewsWorld
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Emmanuel Macron, qui avait annoncé durant sa campagne que réforme du Code du travail aurait lieu durant l'été, compte utiliser la voie parlementaire des ordonnances .

Le président a reçu les principales organisations syndicales et patronales hier. C'est au tour du premier ministre Édouard Philippe et de la ministre du Travail Muriel Pénicaud. de recevoir ce mercredi les représentants syndicats pour acter un calendrier et préciser le contenu des ordonnances sur le Code du travail.

L'entourage du président a précisé que «la mise en œuvre opérationnelle» de la réforme, notamment son calendrier, serait de la responsabilité d'Édouard Philippe et de Muriel Pénicaud», tout comme «la concertation sur le contenu des réformes».


Décidé à avancer rapidement sur la réforme du code du travail, l’exécutif entend procéder par ordonnances durant l’été.

Son intention est de modifier dès l’été, et par ordonnances, trois points clés de la législation sociale : le champ de la négociation d’entreprise, le plafonnement des indemnités prud’homales et la fusion des instances représentatives.

Le Medef se félicite de cette procédure accélérée voulue par l’exécutif tandis que les syndicats affichent leur inquiétude voire leur opposition tout court.

« Si les ordonnances visent seulement à reprendre les exigences du patronat, cela peut se faire vite mais ce n’est évidemment pas acceptable. Un travail sérieux nécessite du temps, on ne réécrit pas le code du travail en deux mois », s’alarme le président de la CFTC.

Il redoute que la procédure des ordonnances ne vire au passage en force.

Fort de la légitimité de son élection, le chef de l’État entend mettre en œuvre son projet sans tarder.« Emmanuel Macron impose ses priorités et son tempo ».

Emmanuel Macron s'inspire-t-il du modèle danois de flexisécurité?

Au-delà du débat sur la procédure, la nature des projets de l’exécutif nourrit l'inquiétude des syndicats concernant les trois ordonnances.

La première permettrait d’étendre les sujets sur lesquels un accord d’entreprise peut être négocié. La deuxième prévoit de fixer un plancher et surtout un plafond pour les indemnités prud’homales. La troisième entend fusionner les différentes instances représentatives, comité d’entreprise, CHSCT ou délégués du personnel.

Sur le fond, tous les syndicats ne sont pas hostiles à des changement à condition bien-entendu qu’ils s’accompagnent de garde-fous précis. « Négocier dans les entreprises, ça peut être utile. Mais il n’est pas question d’accepter qu’on puisse par exemple déroger au salaire minimum », prévient Philippe Louis, le patron de la CFTC.

Emmanuel Macron adepte de la « flexisécurité » des pays du Nord a des munitions dans sa cartouche pour imposer le barème des indemnités prud'homales et la primauté de l'accord d'entreprise sur l'accord de branche dans de nouveaux domaines.

Il a beaucoup insisté sur l’idée de conjuguer les facilités accordées aux entreprises et les protections octroyées aux salariés, sur le modèle de la « flexisécurité » des pays nordiques. Le renforcement des crédits alloués à la formation ou la création d’un « chèque syndical » financé par l’employeur,  la taxation des contrats courts pourraient figurer parmi les contreparties accordées aux syndicats.

« En s’engageant pour la nationalisation de l’assurance-chômage, Emmanuel Macron se donne les moyens d’y imposer ses vues, souligne le politologue Guy Groux. L’Unedic pourrait alors devenir son outil pour faire émerger des droits nouveaux au bénéfice des salariés. »

Certes, les entreprises seront gagnantes, parce que c’est nécessaire pour créer de l’emploi. Mais les salariés bénéficieront eux aussi de droits nouveaux », analyse le politologue Guy Groux.

Les Français cependant se montrent très frileux sur l'opportunité d'«aller plus loin que la loi El Khomri» pour réformer le code du travail. Ils sont 48% à y être favorables, 51% à y être opposés.

Mais la France doit avancer avec des changements !

Joanne Courbet pour DayNewsWorld
There are no translations available.


Présidentielle 2017 SORTIR OU PAS DE L'EURO ?:


Marine Le Pen est devenue plus circonspecte sur la sortie de l'euro semblant de plus en plus reculer sur ce point de son programme économique .

Dans un premier temps la candidate du Front national désirait sortir de l'euro. Dans un second temps, elle souhaitait soumettre par référendum la question aux Français.

Maintenant désormais, dans le "contrat de gouvernement" qu'elle a signé avec Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, ce n 'est plus du tout une priorité.

Sur l'euro, "je pense avoir convaincu Marine Le Pen qu'il fallait prendre le temps de la négociation", assure-t-il.Marine."Marine Le Pen a accepté mon partenariat.

Je n'adhère pas au FN, ce n'est pas une fusion!, explique Nicolas Dupont-Aignan sur BFMTV après son ralliement à la candidate du FN. C'est une alliance."

De quoi rassurer quelques électeurs indécis et inquiets ?

Marion Maréchal Le Pen, la nièce de la candidate, a d'ailleurs donné un calendrier des plus précis.

"Il y aura un long débat, vraisemblablement plusieurs mois, ou peut-être plusieurs années, avant que nous ne prenions cette décision historique", a-t-elle précisé on attend un an, jusqu'aux européennes de juin 2018.

À partir de cette date, on négocie avec les partenaires pour réformer l'Europe et l'euro. Puis référendum pour poser la question aux Français.

Car la sortie de l'euro heurte bon nombre d'électeurs !

Paul Emison pour DayNewsWorld
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« En ces temps d’incertitude, avec un protectionnisme croissant à travers le monde, le Ceta souligne notre ferme engagement en faveur d’un commerce durable », leur a répondu la commissaire européenne au Commerce, Cecilia Malmström, à l’issue du vote. « Rien dans cet accord » n’affectera « la sûreté de la nourriture que nous mangeons ou des produits que nous achetons, ni n’entraînera la privatisation des services publics », avait-elle assuré un peu plus tôt lors d’un débat de trois heures, parfois houleux.


L’Accord économique et commercial global (AECG ou Ceta, en anglais) était soutenu par les eurodéputés de droite, les libéraux et la plupart des socialistes.Les Verts, l'extrême gauche, l'extrême droite et certains socialistes ont voté contre. 408 ont voté pour, 254 contre et 33 se sont abstenus.

Le Parlement européen s'est prononcé le 15 janvier 2017 en faveur du traité, ouvrant la voie à son entrée en vigueur de façon provisoire (en excluant certains volets tels que les tribunaux d'arbitrage) une fois que le Parlement canadien l'aura approuvé. Cette entrée en vigueur aura lieu le mois suivant le vote du Parlement canadien, et donc probablement le 1er avril 2017

Cet accord aussi appelé CETA( Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement) est un traité international de libre-échange entre l'Union européenne et le Canada, signé le 30 octobre 2016.Le texte doit s’appliquer rapidement sans attendre sa ratification dans chacun des pays de l’UE qui régionaux, sera nécessaire à l'en vigueur définitive du CETA. . Le processus pourrait être laborieux et donc prendre encore quelques mois voire quelques années.

Il reste d'importantes réticences, notamment sur les tribunaux arbitraux.

En effet les adversaires du CETA le jugent anti-démocratique, trop favorable aux multinationales, léger sur l'environnement ou encore dangereux pour l'agriculture.

Les écologistes sont tout aussi sévères, à l'image du Français Yannick Jadot qui voit dans le CETA "l'aboutissement d'un processus de dérégulation, de privatisation de la norme".

"Nous sommes dans un moment trop précieux, trop rare de notre Histoire, pour ne pas regarder ce qui explique les Brexit, les Trump", a-t-il observé.

Pour la présidente du Front national (extrême droite, France), Marine Le Pen, le CETA est "un traité scélérat" qui a été "soigneusement caché à tous les citoyens".

Le groupe Socialistes et démocrates, le deuxième du Parlement, a été particulièrement divisé. Son président, l'Italien Gianni Pittella, y était favorable "à titre personnel", contrairement à la délégation française, par exemple, qui a dénoncé "une menace directe pour l'emploi".

C'est le premier accord commercial bilatéral de l'Union Européenne avec une grande puissance économique – et le plus ambitieux jamais négocié.

Avec ce scrutin favorable, une grande partie de ce document de 1 600 pages devrait très prochainement être appliquée de manière « provisoire ». Le temps qu’il soit ratifié par les 38 Parlements nationaux et régionaux de l’UE convaincus qui doivent être convaincus à leur tour.

Ce qui s’annonce incertain et devrait prendre des années dans la mesure où sept années de négociations ont déjà été nécessaires pour parvenir à ce premier accord devant le Parlement européen.

Concrètement, le Ceta supprimera 99 % des droits de douane entre l’UE et le Canada, son 12e partenaire commercial. Mais une coopération en matière sociale, sanitaire environnementale devrait être également appliquée.

L'Accord économique et commercial global (AEGC) entre l'Union européenne et le Canada (CETA) dit de "nouvelle génération" réduit donc grandement les barrières tarifaires et non-tarifaires, mais traite également de nombreux aspects liés à l'exportation de biens et de services et à la mise en place d'un cadre d'investissement stable et favorable aux entreprises européennes et canadiennes.

Pourquoi le Canada ?

Le Canada est un partenaire commercial important de l'UE au 12ème rang des relations commerciales de l'Union européenne, tandis que l'UE est le deuxième partenaire commercial du Canada après les Etats-Unis. Le volume des échanges de biens entre les deux partenaires s'élève à près de 60 millards d'euros par ans.l'UE exporte principalement des machines, des équipements de transport et des produits chimiques vers le Canada. Les services commerciaux représentent quant à eux près de 26 milliards d'euros (en 2012) ,principalement des services de transports, de voyage et d'assurance.

De plus le Canada et l'UE ont une relation étroite en termes d'investissements, le Canada étant le quatrième investisseur étranger dans l'UE avec plus de 142 milliards d'euro (en 2012) tandis que l'UE est le deuxième investisseur étranger au Canada avec près de 260 milliards d'euro (en 2012).

Une fois adopté définitivement,le CETA doit également permettre la création des fameux tribunaux d’arbitrage qui divisent les pour et les contre.

En effet grâce à ce dispositif une multinationale investissant à l’étranger pourra porter plainte contre un État adoptant une politique publique contraire à ses intérêts et demander réparation. C’est contre ce point précis que la région wallone (Belgique) s’était déjà opposée à l’automne dernier et avait failli faire capoter l’accord partiellement réécrit depuis.

De plus pour les adversaires du Ceta cet accord est anti-démocratique, trop favorable aux multinationales, léger sur l’environnement ou surtout dangereux pour l’agriculture européenne.

Le projet d’accord de libre-échange UE-Etats-Unis, dit Tafta ou TTIP suscite encore plus de contestations mais avec l’élection de Donald Trump à la Maison Blanche il a été gelé pour le moment.

Joanne Courbet pour DayNewsWorld
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Le dispositif sur la mobilité bancaire entre en vigueur le 6 février. Il doit simplifier la vie des consommateurs pour devenir presque aussi facile qu'un changement d'opérateur de téléphonie .

Voilà l’objectif du nouveau dispositif d’aide à la mobilité bancaire.

Le 6 février, un nouveau service d'aide à la mobilité fait son arrivé issu de la loi Macron .Ce dispositif d'aide à la mobilité bancaire fait partie de la loi pour la croissance, l'activité et l'égalité des chances économiques, dite loi Macron.L'adoption de cette loi par le parlement a eu lieu le 10 juillet 2015 et sa promulgation le 6 août 2015.

Que va changer ce nouveau dispositif ?

Désormais les banques auront l'obligation d'effectuer gratuitement le transfert d'un compte courant vers un autre établissement bancaire si son client le lui demande.La nouvelle banque aura pour mission effectuer elle même les démarches liées au transfert bancaire.

Elle s'occupera de prendre en charge les informations relatives aux prélèvements valides et aux virements récurrents comme par exemple Internet, énergie, impôt ou sécurité sociale.

De même, elle s'informera à propos des chèques non débités sur les chéquiers utilisés les treize derniers mois. Les démarches pour changer de banque seront donc plus simples.

Ces transferts automatiques de banque à banque n'est cependant valable que les comptes de dépôt d'un particulier.Ce service d'aide à la mobilité bancaire ne concerne donc que les opérations de paiement sur les comptes de dépôt ou de paiement.

Le transfert des produits d'épargne ne sera pas contre pas à la charge de la banque destinataire.

Ce nouveau dispositif risque d'augmenter le jeu de la concurrence entre banques qui subissent déjà celle des banques en ligne d'autant qu'un nouveau venu, Orange Bank, va entrer dans le marché en 2017proposent moment . Des primes de bienvenue de 80 euros sont pour l'instant proposés à leurs nouveaux clients par les banques en ligne Boursorama Banque, BforBank, Fortuneo, Hello bank et ING Direct Des économies potentielles – de plusieurs dizaines voire centaines d’euros – peuvent être réalisées puisque la gratuité sur les principaux produits et services du quotidien les cartes bancaires et frais de tenue de compte est pratiquée par les banques en ligne à la différence des banques en réseau.

Les banques vont donc devoir se différencier les unes par rapport aux autres pour garder leurs clients. Ainsi les tarifs bancaires devront s'ajuster au marché et les banques devront proposer d'autres services comme par exemple la possibilité de souscrire un crédit à la consommation avec son portable directement en magasin. C'est également une façon d' améliorer les relations entre banques et clients.

La mobilité bancaire était estimée à 4,5% en 2014 selon le rapport Mercereau. des clients est contre presque 8 % dans la plupart des pays européens, d’après le rapport Mercereau de 2014 sur la portabilité du compte Avec ce nouveau dispositif un Français sur cinq désirerait choisir une autre banque dans l’année .Avant tout les jeunes puisqu'il possèdent moins de produit d'épargne que les autres clients.

Paul Emison pour DayNewsWorld
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Qui avait osé prédire que le chômage baisserait à l'heure où les industries se délocalisent (sic Whirlpool n'est-pas?!), ferment des unités de production ou tout simplement déposent le bilan .

A l'heure où les start-up ont du mal à décoller faute de financement.

A l'heure où les artisans ferment boutique, la clef sous le paillasson.

A l'heure où le quinquennat honni de François Hollande a fait fuir les grosses fortunes seule capables d'investir efficacement dans notre économie.

A l'heure où les investisseurs étrangers dédaignent l'Hexagone.

A l'heure où les Français ne savent pour qui voter, déconcertés qu'ils sont.

Un énième coup dur pour la France:

Le chiffre officiel :3,51 millions en métropole et 3,77 millions en comptant l'Outre-mer.


La réalité : bien davantage.

Où est la fameuse inversion de la courbe promise depuis 2013 par le Président François Hollande ?

Ce n'est qu'une fâcheuse nouvelle de plus.

"La bonne dynamique de 2016 s'est un peu infléchie", selon le ministère du Travail.

Le coût de la vie se dégrade fortement, selon les seniors et les jeunes de moins de 25 ans qui subissent ce fléau.

Et les électeurs attendent avec impatience des politiques viables économiquement pour enrayer le chômage.

Joanne Courbet pour DayNewsWorld
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Le salaire moyen des Français aurait augmenté. Il s'établissait, en 2014, à 2 225 euros net (2 957 euros brut) selon les derniers chiffres publiés vendredi 27 janvier par la Dares, les services de statistiques du ministère du Travail.

La hausse s'observe surtout dans l'industrie et les services

Les cadres restant au sein de la même entreprise, de préférence une société de plus de 500 salariés sont ceux qui en ont le plus profité surtout dans l'industrie et les services. On observe  l'augmentation la plus importante (+2,8% sur un an) dans la fabrication de produits informatiques, électroniques et optiques.

Quelques bémols cependant.

Dans le bâtiment cependant les salaires ont reculé d'un point.

Les femmes restent moins bien payées que les hommes (plus de 18% de différence), même si l'écart continue de se réduire(38%.dans le secteur des activités financières et d'assurances) .Le BTP est la seule branche où les femmes gagnent autant que les hommes. De plus.pour Louis Morin, directeur de l’Observatoire des inégalités, cette hausse fait plutôt office de "rattrapage" après plusieurs années de baisses et de stagnation. Ce "1%" a été mangé à moitié par l’inflation.

En réalité la hausse est de 0,5%. Cependant certains salaires augmentent notamment parmi les plus élevés.

Les économistes préfèrent souvent regarder le salaire médian, qui prend en compte ce que gagnent la moitié des salariés. Il ne se contente pas de rendre compte d'une moyenne qui, elle, ne prend pas en compte les inégalités de salaires.

Et les inégalités sont telles que, si l'on prend non plus le salaire moyen mais le salaire médian, la moitié des Français gagnent en réalité moins de 1 783 euros net par mois.

La Dares vient également de publier son dernier panorama des salaires dans le privé et les entreprises publiques.

D'après les données de la Dares, c'est avant tout dans l'industrie pharmaceutique, la banque, l'assurance, la chimie et les bureaux d'études techniques (le consulting) où les rémunérations sont les plus élevées avec parfois d'importants écarts au sein même des branches concernées.

Des révélations intéressantes.

Kate White pour DayNewsWorld.

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Le Mexique "n'a pas pris la mesure de ce qui l'attend" avec l'arrivée de Donald Trump à la Maison Blanche, explique Gaspard Estrada, directeur exécutif de l'Observatoire politique de l'Amérique latine et des Caraïbes (Opalc).

L'économie mexicaine dépend économiquement des Etats-Unis dans de trop grandes proportions  : en effet près de 80% des exportations mexicaines ont été pour les Etats-Unis en 2014 et donc seul 27% ont été exportés dans d'autres pays.

Sans conteste les USA ont la possibilité de mettre l'économie mexicaine à genou avec une élévation des taxes de douane sur les secteurs clés comme l'automobile(1er exportateur en Amérique latine), l'énergie, l'informatique ... Le sort des migrants mexicains installés illégalement aux Etats-Unis pourrait également peser dans la balance...

Le président du Mexique a assuré qu'il ne paierait pas ? "Il est obligé de dire cela", a-répondu le nouveau locataire de la Maison blanche. "Mais moi je vous le dis: il y aura un paiement, même si le montage sera peut-être compliqué"

Pendant la campagne électorale, Trump avait déjà menacé de taxer lourdement les sociétés qui produisent au Mexique pour le marché américain et de dénoncer l'Accord de libre-échange nord-américain (Aléna) en vigueur entre le Canada, les Etats-Unis et le Mexique depuis le 1er janvier 1994.

Et c'est précisément ce qu' envisage le président américain, entre autres possibilités :la mise en place d'une taxe sur les produits mexicains pour financer la construction d'un mur à la frontière. Et ce ne sont pas les moyens légaux qui lui feront défaut ! Voté en 1917, le "Trading with the Enemy Act" permet à la Maison Blanche de mettre fin aux importations d'un pays "en temps de guerre ou pendant d'autres périodes d'urgence nationale" . D'autres dispositifs législatifs existent pour ne citer que le "Trade Act" de 1974 qui permet à l'exécutif d'imposer des droits de douane contre un pays si ses pratiques sont "déraisonnables", ou de suspendre un accord commercial si celui-ci fait peser un "fardeau" économique sur les États-Unis...Et enfin la loi d'urgence de 1977, l'International Emergency Economic Powers Act.

Point de doute Donald Trump semble avoir les moyens de sa politique. ..t.

Mais si l'indépendance du Mexique vis-à-vis de son grand voisin qui dispose de plus de tout un arsenal législatif pour à le mettre à genoux, l'accord de libre-échange Aléna (USA, Canada et Mexique) entré en vigueur en 1994 lie les deux pays économiquement. Les échanges bilatéraux s'élèvent à plus de 5 31 milliards par an et les Etats-unis importent plus de la moitié de de biens mexicains.alors .Le Mexique s'impose donc comme le troisième partenaire commercial des États-Unis a importé pour 320 milliards de dollars de biens mexicains sur son territoire.

De possibles mesures de rétorsion sont également dans les mains du Président Enrique Peña Nieto . Le Mexique pourrait d'abord décider lui aussi de relever ses droits de douane contre les produits provenant des États-Unis. Et les constructeurs automobiles par exemple très présents au Mexique pourraient décider de répercuter ce surcoût sur le prix final de leurs produits. Ce serait donc, en partie, le consommateur américain qui finirait par financer le mur promis par Donald Trump. ..

Des entreprises victimes des mesures américaines pourraient également avoir recours aux tribunaux d'arbitrage pour dénoncer une violation du traité de libre-échange de l'Aléna, puis le Mexique enclencher une procédure de règlements des conflits à l'OMC.

Mais l'accord de libre-échange Aléna (USA, Canada et Mexique) entré en vigueur en 1994 lie les deux pays économiquement. Les échanges bilatéraux s'élèvent à plus de 5 31 milliards par an et les Etats-unis importent plus de la moitié de de biens mexicains.alors .Le Mexique s'impose donc comme le troisième partenaire commercial des États-Unis a importé pour 320 milliards de dollars de biens mexicains sur son territoire.

De possibles mesures de rétorsion sont également dans les mains du Président Enrique Peña Nieto . Le Mexique pourrait d'abord décider lui aussi de relever ses droits de douane contre les produits provenant des États-Unis.

Et les constructeurs automobiles par exemple très présents au Mexique pourraient décider de répercuter ce surcoût sur le prix final de leurs produits. Ce serait donc, en partie, le consommateur américain qui finirait par financer le mur promis par Donald Trump. ..

Des entreprises victimes des mesures américaines pourraient également avoir recours aux tribunaux d'arbitrage pour dénoncer une violation du traité de libre-échange de l'Aléna, puis le Mexique enclencher une procédure de règlements des conflits à l'OMC.

Paul Emison pour DayNewsWorld

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C'est peut-être la fin d'un long feuilleton. L'engagement de François Hollande pendant la campagne de 2012 de fermer la centrale de Fessenheim (Haut-Rhin), doyenne des installations nucléaires françaises,a été obtenu aujourd'hui de haute lutte.

Il a fallu que les deux parties se mettent d'accord sur les modalités. Le conseil d'administration d’EDF a accepté le protocole d'indemnisation .Dans un communiqué le groupe indique la somme de «490 millions», dont un premier versement d’environ 100 millions d’euros après l’arrêt de la centrale en 2019 et les 80% restants en 2021. Mais aussi «une part additionnelle variable reflétant le manque à gagner pour EDF jusqu’en 2041»

En échange, l’Etat autorise la poursuite du chantier du réacteur EPR de Flamanville 3 (Manche) et donne son accord au redémarrage du réacteur numéro 2 de la centrale de Paluel (Seine-Maritime). Il s'agit en effet pour EDF d'être en mesure de démarrer son EPR de 1 600 MW fin 2018 pour compenser l’arrêt des deux réacteurs de Fessenheim. Reste à obtenir l'aval de Bruxelles pour l'indemnisation d'EDF relative à Fessenheim qui devrait n'être qu'une formalité. «En théorie, rien ne justifie que la Commission mette son veto à la procédure mais elle est seule maîtresse de son calendrier, souligne un expert, on ne sait donc pas quand exactement elle se prononcera.»

Ce marchandage politique permet donc, contre l'avis des syndicats, de donner en partie satisfaction aux écologistes au nom d'une accélération de la transition énergétique. Rappelons que la loi sur la transition énergétique s'est fixée une baisse de la part du nucléaire dans l’électricité à 50% d’ici à 2025.

La dangerosité de ce symbole nucléaire Fessenheim est-elle avérée ?

Pour Greenpeace Fessenheim faisait partie des cinq centrales françaises «à fermer en priorité» à cause d' un «risque d’inondation élevé» (possibilité de débordement du grand canal d’Alsace longeant le Rhin. l’Autorité de sûreté nucléaire.) .

Ouverte en 1978, Fessenheim utilise la même technologie à eau pressurisée que les autres centrales de l'exploitant.. De plus EDF à coup de 280 millions d’euros avait modernisé Fessenheim pour que ses deux réacteurs puissent encore fonctionner vingt ans. LAutorité de Sureté du Nucléaire a estimé en 2015 «que les performances en matière de sûreté nucléaire du site de Fessenheim se distinguent de manière positive» et que «l’ exploitation au quotidien des réacteurs est globalement satisfaisante».

Des conséquences pour l'emploi sont cependant à craindre même si la ministre Ségolène Royal se veut rassurante. Pas moins de 2.200 emplois directs et indirects sont concernés. Pour l'instant des promesses de «  mutation du site » : l’éventuelle installation d’une usine de voitures électriques par l’américain Tesla génération ou encore la création d’un site pilote de démantèlement de centrales…Ne peut-on pas parler comme les représentants du personnel dans une lettre ouverte aux administrateurs d'«ungâchis financier, industriel, social et climatique» au nom d'une idéologie écologiste?

Le feuilleton Fessenheim peut cependant rebondir. François Fillon a martelé que : «Le nucléaire est une richesse française,(qu'il) faut donc moderniser le nucléaire, et ne surtout pas fermer les centrales. En conséquence, on ne fermera pas la centrale de Fessenheim.»

Paul Emison pour DayNewsWorld

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Une bourse déconnectée de l'économie réelle.

Dans un souci de maintenir la stabilité la bourse chinoise a automatiquement suspendu ses cotations de peur d'engendrer un vent de panique comme en juillet 2015. Elle a dévissait début janvier de 7% en une demi-heure dès l'ouverture.

Quel est l’état de l’économie chinoise dans son ensemble, telle est la question que tous les traders se posent.

Or tout le monde devrait savoir que la bourse chinoise est déconnectée de l'économie réelle : l’activité boursière en Chine n’est pas le reflet de l’économie réelle .

Malgré les déclarations de Xi Jinping, lors de sa prise du pouvoir en mars 2013 l’interventionnisme de l’État perdure dans l’économie, et les marchés ne s’auto-régulent pas.

En effet les places boursières chinoises ne sont qu'une vitrine pour l'Occident : l’activité boursière n’est pas le reflet de l’économie réelle.


Avant tout un instrument politique.

Elle est avant d'être une jauge économique un instrument politique.

En effet la Chine vit une période de transition économique. Les exportations se réduisent comme peau de chagrin au vu de la crise économique de l’Europe et d'autres bricks . Elle commence à se tourner vers son marché intérieur, à annoncer des investissements structurels pour le pays en raison du ralentissement de l’activité économique depuis 2014.

Or cette transition doit se faire en douceur pour éviter les mouvements sociaux violents comme l'a connu l’ex-URSS. Des remous sociaux ont lieu dans les entreprises chinoises qui pourraient mettre en question la légitimité du PCC à la tête de l’État .

Voilà pourquoi les quelques 100 millions de petits porteurs ne doivent pas perdre non plus leur rêve de s’enrichir alors que les envolées des cours, fréquents en Chine,est aussi de leur fait.

Mais l'affaiblissement du yuan par rapport au dollar a des conséquences au-delà de l'Empire du milieu.

Le monde de la finance s'interroge sur les objectifs de croissance de la Chine et certains pays comme le Japon par exemple se voit dans l'obligation de baisser l'indice du Nikkei pour la relance de ses exportations. Gare aux effets domino !

La chine reste l’un des principaux moteurs de la croissance mondiale

Pour ramener un peu de sérénité et éviter un véritable krach, le monde de la finance a besoin de quelques bonnes nouvelles, notamment de Chine qui reste l’un des principaux moteurs de la croissance mondiale.

Joanne Courbet pour DayNewsWorld.

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.Fini le débat sur la loi El Khomri ?

Le recours à l'article 49-3 pour faire adopter le projet de loi sur le travail. marque la fin du chemin de croix législatif de la réforme du code du travail voulue par François Hollande.

Mais entre le projet initial, les concessions, les revirements sur les TPE-PME, et la réalité du texte comment s'y retrouver ?

Sans oublier les près de 500 amendements passés par le gouvernement !.


Pour faire court : ont été préservés le cœur du texte, sur la négociation collective, et le temps de travail, malgré une concession importante sur le licenciement économique des filiales de groupes étrangers.

Cette ténacité explique aussi que la mobilisation de l'opposition soit restée forte, comme en témoigne notamment la permanence du mouvement Nuit Debout.

Que dit la loi vraiment maintenant ?

Le temps de travail


La durée légale du travail reste de 35 heures. Pour la modifier, le texte permet que l'accord d'entreprise prime dans la plupart des cas sur l'accord de branche.

La durée maximale quotidienne de travail (10 heures) peut être portée à 12 heures maximum, en cas d’activité accrue ou pour des motifs liés à l'organisation de l’entreprise. Il est possible de porter la moyenne hebdomadaire de travail à 46 heures, au lieu de 44, sur 12 semaines.

L'accord d'entreprise fixera le taux de majoration des heures supplémentaires qui ne pourra être inférieur à 10%, au lieu des 25% généralement pratiqués par les branches

.Le projet de loi El Khomri donne donc aux entreprises plus de souplesse en matière de droit du travail, à condition qu'elles parviennent à des accords d'entreprise majoritaires.

Le référendum d'entreprise


Un accord d'entreprise devra être "majoritaire" (signé par des syndicats représentant plus de 50% des salariés). Faute de majorité, les syndicats minoritaires (représentant plus de 30%) pourront demander un référendum interne pour le valider.

Mais le référendum à l'initiative des entreprises n'est pas maintenu.

Les accords "offensifs"


Le projet de loi entend permettre aux entreprises d'ajuster leur organisation pour "préserver ou développer l'emploi". L'accord majoritaire signé primera sur le contrat, y compris en matière de rémunération et durée du travail. La rémunération mensuelle du salarié ne pourra être diminuée, mais des primes par exemple pourront être concernées.

Mais des gestes ont été faits pour les salariés qui refusent de tels accords. Ils feront l'objet d'un licenciement pour "motif spécifique", qui suivra la procédure d'un licenciement individuel pour motif économique, mais sans les mesures de reclassement. Ces salariés bénéficieront d'un "parcours d'accompagnement personnalisé", assuré par Pôle Emploi et financé pour l'essentiel par l’État.


Le plafonnement des indemnités prud'homales


Fruit du rapport Badinter en janvier, il figure bien dans le pré-projet de loi. Trois mois de salaire pour un salarié dont l'ancienneté est inférieure à deux ans, six mois entre deux et cinq ans, neuf mois entre cinq et dix ans. Le maximum est de 15 mois pour une ancienneté de plus de 20 ans.

Les barèmes seront seulement indicatifs.

Mais cette disposition reste un pis-aller ; pas de réel plafonnement des indemnités.

L'appréciation de la validité du licenciement économique


Alors qu'il appartient aujourd'hui au juge de définir un licenciement économique, le projet de loi établit des critères plus objectifs. En cas de baisse des ventes ou des commandes sur un temps donné, l'employeur pourra se séparer de salariés.

Quant aux filiales de groupes internationaux, elles n'auront plus à justifier des difficultés globale, mais seulement de la filiale française.

L’exécutif a finalement renoncé à introduire comme critère de validation de l'entreprise les difficultés au seul niveau national ,comme il l'envisageait au départ.

Laisser la jurisprudence en l'état revient à empêcher les entreprises à se restructurer sur le territoire et freine donc leur capacité à se développer. Un coup d’épée dans l'eau.


Congé ...

Le congé exceptionnel d'un salarié en cas de décès d'un enfant Le congé exceptionnel d'un salarié en cas de décès d'un enfant est porté de deux à cinq jours. Celui pour la mort des parents et beaux-parents, d'un frère ou d'une sœur, passe d'un à deux jours.

Garantie des jeunes.

Pour les jeunes ni en emploi, ni en étude, ni en formation, généralisation dès 2017 du "droit" à la garantie jeunes, sous condition de ressources: accompagnement renforcé vers l'emploi et allocation mensuelle de 461 euros, pendant un an. Par ailleurs, pour les moins de 28 ans diplômés depuis moins de trois mois, création d'une aide à la recherche du premier emploi, accordée durant quatre mois.

Moyens syndicaux et représentation patronale

Hausse de 20% des heures accordées aux délégués syndicaux.


Création d'un "service public territorial de l'accès au droit" pour aider notamment les entreprises de moins de 300 salariés. Une entreprise ayant suivi les procédures prescrites par l'administration pourra attester de sa bonne foi.

Les branches pourront négocier des accords-types applicables unilatéralement par les employeurs d'entreprises de moins de 50 salariés.

On ne peut contester des avancées de part et d'autre même si personne ne se dit convaincu par ce texte

Même avec le recours gouvernemental au 49.3aucun texte tranché n'a été retenu même si l'exécutif a voulu rester dans une position de fermeté face à Nuit Debout.

Les chefs d'entreprise peuvent au moins se réjouir d'avoir fait plier le gouvernement face aux Frondeurs sur la surtaxation des CDD ; C'était d'ailleurs suicidaire pour l'embauche …

La version de l'Assemblée va aller au Sénat et promet d'autres débats...Tout ce bruit pour un résultat aussi décevant qui laisse les milieux économiques sur leur faim.

Joanne Courbet pour DayNewsWorld.

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L'agence de notation Fitch Ratings a maintenu à AA vendredi la note d'endettement à long terme de la France.

Elle souligne cependant sa perspective "stable"mais un "risque politique" lié à l'élection présidentielle prévue l'an prochain.

la France disposerait "d'une économie diversifiée et en bonne santé", avec une "relative stabilité macro-financière", tout en affichant un "déficit budgétaire et ratio de dette sur PIB élevés"."Bien que moins importants" que par le passé, "les déficits budgétaires persistants, alimentés par les fortes dépenses du gouvernement, devraient conduire la dette publique à atteindre un plus haut à 98% du PIB fin 2018", souligne l'agence de notation américaine.

"Ce haut niveau d'endettement réduit la capacité de la France à faire face à des chocs budgétaires et constitue la principale faiblesse dans l'appréciation de la dette souveraine".

La note de la dette britannique demeure à "AA" avec perspective négative.

L'agence de notation Fitch a confirmé vendredi la perspective négative de la note de la dette du Royaume-Uni qui avait été abaissée en juin à la suite du choix des électeurs britanniques de sortir de l'Union européenne.

La note reflète "une économie à haut revenu, diversifiée et avancée, conjuguée à un haut niveau d'endettement du secteur public". « Dans le même temps, le vote sur le référendum pour quitter l'Union européenne a ouvert une période d'incertitude ».

Fitch reconnaît que les possibilités concernant les négociations sur le Brexit et les futures relations ente le Royaume-Uni et l'Union européenne sont ouvertes.

"Vu cette incertitude, il n'y a pas de scénario établi" sur l'évolution de la note de la dette britannique, conclut l'agence.

Fitch a également attribué la note à long terme "AA" de la Banque d'Angleterre.

Paul Emison pour DayNewsWorld



Social !

This measure would consist in attributing to all the French, without condition of resource, that they work or not, a lifetime income included between 500 and 1.000 euros per month ...

A generous idea, of course ...

Universal income would be neither a "good" nor a "fair" measure for a majority of French (64% of respondents) who believe it would create a society of "assisted", according to an Odoxa survey conducted Challenges and Aviva insurance.

85% think that they themselves would work to make more money.

And far from them inactivity as a source of well - being ...

Anyway the policies of any edge, with the approach of the presidential ones, have once again launched a test balloon without explaining the tenants and culminating !!!

A simple technical measure that no one can intelligently implement.

Once again: amateurish !!!.

Joanne Courbet for DayNewsWorld.

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" J’ai quitté un pays communiste, la France, pour venir dans un pays libéral, la Chine !" Pierre Gattaz.

Pierre Gattaz, président du Medef, était en Chine avec une délégation de chefs d'entreprises. I


Pierre Gattaz  face lors de son one man show à l'immobilisme de la France , le président du Medef n'hésite pas à proclamer à propos de la Chine : "Ce pays, en trente ans, est passé du Moyen Âge à la modernité"

Il ne s'agit pas de manquer pour la France la "phase 2" du développement chinois soutenu par la consommation croissante de la classe moyenne.

Après cette "phase 1" basée sur l'industrialisation et l'achat d'électroménager et de voitures ayant profité surtout à des pays comme l'Allemagne, "la phase 2 du développement chinois" se tourne vers d'autres désirs de la consommation : des produits de qualité comme le vin, le champagne et l'agroalimentaire. Et le développement durable...A LA FRANCE DE SAISIR SA CHANCE !

Joanne Courbet pour DayNewsWorld.

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On pourra voir  «des bénéficiaires qui seront en incapacité d’effectuer une activité bénévole, annonce le président du département. Dans ce cas, ils relèvent de l’invalidité, qui est prise en charge par la Sécurité sociale, et pas du RSA. Cela pourrait être des pistes d’économies immédiates » pour le département.

Une première en France

C’est une première en France. Le conseil départemental du Haut-Rhin, à majorité de droite (la gauche ne comptant à Colmar qu’une élue sur trente-quatre conseillers départementaux) a décidé vendredi 5 février 2016 de conditionner le versement du revenu de solidarité active (RSA) à l’accomplissement de sept heures de bénévolat par semaine.

Ce qui signifie que les allocataires du RSA devront présenter tous les trois mois une attestation prouvant qu’ils ont bien effectué les sept heures de bénévolat. A défaut, le versement des allocations sera suspendu.

Une plate-forme numérique sera créée pour mettre en relation les profils des allocataires avec les besoins des associations, maisons de retraite, collectivités locales ou autres établissements publics.

« Il ne s'agit surtout pas de stigmatiser les bénéficiaires. On espère plutôt mettre le pied à l'étrier aux gens, pour qu'ils se resocialisent et sortent de l'isolement »

« Au titre de la libre administration des collectivités locales, le conseil départemental entend prendre ses responsabilités dans le champ qui lui incombe, celui de l’accompagnement des bénéficiaires du RSA », a écrit la collectivité dans un communiqué.

Un détournement du RSA ?

L'association ATD Quart Monde (Agir tous pour la dignité) s'est élevée contre cette mesure, la qualifiant de "proposition inhumaine et irréaliste".

"Comment peut-on imaginer inverser le sens de la solidarité?", s'interroge dans un communiqué l'association spécialisée dans la lutte contre la pauvreté alors que le RSA est l'expression de la "solidarité de la nation (... (...) envers ceux qui connaissent de grandes précarités".

Cette mesure est-elle légale ? 

« Si le préfet attaque cette décision devant le tribunal administratif, on verra bien, a réagi M. Straumann. Mais je déposerai une question prioritaire de constitutionnalité » pour demander si le dispositif actuel du RSA n’est pas en contradiction avec l’article 72 de la Constitution, « qui stipule la libre administration des collectivités locales ».

Mais quelles véritables raisons se cachent derrière cette décision décriée par l'association ATD Quart Monde ?

Pourquoi stigmatiser les allocataires qui dans leur grande majorité veulent retrouver une activité non pas rémunérée mais du travail par dignité ?

Pourquoi éventuellement remplacer ou limiter ensuite à un temps partiel le personnel déjà en place par des allocataire du RSA ?

Un vil calcul financier de la part des élus du département ?

On verra "des bénéficiaires en incapacité d’effectuer une activité bénévole, affirme le président du département. Dans ce cas, ils relèvent de l’invalidité, qui est prise en charge par la Sécurité sociale, et pas du RSA. Cela pourrait être des pistes d’économies immédiates" pour le département.

Joanne Courbet pour DayNewsWorld

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Notre modèle social c'est 3,57 millions de chômeurs sans aucune activité en France. Plus de 5 ,8 quand on compte ceux en formation pour un retour au chômage.

Dépoussiérons notre modèle social et économique. Il y a urgence...

Ceux ne sont pas les solutions viables qui manquent dans un monde en mutation que l’État doit accompagner intelligemment pour amortir les choc et non entraver l’inéluctable changement du modèle économique..

Tout d'abord au niveau de l'entreprise.

A propos de l'éternel problème des baisse de charges :

Le zéro charges sur les bas salaires permettrait de créer des emplois non pas avec des salaires abaissés, mais avec des coûts horaires plus bas. Cela a fonctionné en 2009. Les évaluations faites prédisent la création de 800 000 emplois.

Il y a plutôt urgence à s’attaquer aux rigidités de notre droit du travail : pour les chefs d’entreprise la question des conditions de sorties des contrats en CDI est essentielle. L’idée de sécuriser la rupture du contrat de travail dans les deux sens est centrale.Travaillons sur la sécurisation des parcours des salariés mais aussi des entreprises.

Avec enfin la réforme des prud'hommes parachevée qui introduirait le plafonnement des indemnités de licenciement sans remettre en cause sa durée légale. Concrètement, des accords conclus au niveau de l'entreprise pourraient «moduler davantage» le temps de travail, voire déroger au contrat de travail «dans l'intérêt de l'emploi».

Une certaine dose de flexibilité- Osons ce mot même s'il fâche- doit être introduite dans le Code du Travail pour que les entreprises puissent s'adapter aux carnet de commandes.

Et n'oublions pas que trop de taxes sur les entreprises (taxées à plus de 55%!) revient à anéantir l'investissement, clef de la réussite dans le temps.

En ce qui concerne les salariés.

Encourageons les gens à reprendre un emploi dans des conditions favorables au lieu de créer des « trappes à pauvreté »...Certains en France n’ont pas intérêt à reprendre un emploi au . Pensons aux seniors qui ont souvent plus de trois années d’indemnisation-chômage, aux femmes isolées, ou même en couple pour qui l’augmentation du revenu familial ne compense pas la perte de certaines allocations.

La volonté d’Emmanuel Macron de plafonner les indemnités de licenciement mériterait de revenir dans le débat avec même la dégressivité des allocation pour les indemnités les plus élevées mériterait de revenir dans le Certes la «renégociation de la convention d'assurance chômage» est un sujet explosif au menu du début d'année 2016.

Le niveau et de la durée des allocations chômage font partie d' un régime «très généreux» de l'assurance chômage en France. La Cour des Comptes le dénonce dans son dernier rapport. Or la dette de l'assurance chômage devrait atteindre presque 30 milliards d'euros à la fin 2016 et 35 milliards fin 2018.

Jean-Marie Le Guen, en personne, secrétaire d'État chargé des relations avec le Parlement, a suggéré de baisser la durée et le montant des allocations chômage en France. Pour lui « ces questions-là doivent être traitées avec courage par les partenaires sociaux».

De plus les partenaires sociaux pour ne pas dire les syndicats qui d’ailleurs ne sont plus vraiment représentatifs du monde du travail ne sont pas toujours en phase avec les salariés d'ailleurs... On pourrait s'inspirer d'autres modèles européens efficaces en les intégrant à notre modèle social.

Et enfin abordons la formation au centre de la relation du couple salarié-entreprise.

Depuis des lustre on nous rabat les oreilles avec la professionnalisation !

Parlons-en sérieusement.

Il ne s'agit pas de donner « de l’occupationnel » (Laurent Berger ) aux chômeurs.

Il s'agit de cibler les formations sur ceux qui en ont le plus besoin, dont en premier lieu les chômeurs.

Or les organismes de formation ne pourront pas prendre en charge autant de personnes , y compris pour l’Afpa, un des plus gros opérateurs.

S’agissant de la formation, le système reste complexe et difficile à appréhender. La diversité prestataires de formation mais aussi des mécanismes de financement font intervenir plusieurs acteurs (Pôle Emploi, les régions, les organismes paritaires gestionnaires des fonds de la formation, etc.) et ne favorise aucunement une orientation éclairée des demandeurs d’emploi sur l’apprentissage.

De plus la qualité des formations au sens d’impact sur le retour à l’emploi, le contrôle de la qualité des formations reste lacunaire malgré la loi Sapin de mars 2014 (puis le décret publié en juin). Cette notion, en Allemagne par exemple,est capitale : les prestataires de formation ont une part de leur rémunération qui dépend du placement en emploi des gens.

Il y a aussi urgence à accélérer la labellisation des formations, pour qu’elles soient plus en phase avec les attentes du monde économique. C'est au monde de l'entreprise de donner les clés de la réussite à l’Éducation nationale qui joue un rôle beaucoup trop central. Elle continue à orienter plutôt les jeunes vers des bacs pros en lycée professionnels que vers des contrats d’apprentissage, qui dépendent de centres de formation.

Recentrer l’apprentissage  pour les bas niveaux, vers les jeunes qui n’ont pas le bac a un vrai rendement. La vraie mesure efficace serait de redistribuer les ressources vers ceux qui en ont le plus besoin, les jeunes sans bacs, vers des filières d’apprentissage.

Ceci demande la réduction drastique du décalage entre filières et besoins des entreprises. Le monde entrepreneurial doit être davantage partie prenante dans la mise en place des contenus et des examens…

Si l’objectif de la formation est seulement de transférer des inscrits de la catégorie A à la catégorie D des listes de Pôle emploi, la mesure n’aura effectivement que peu d’effet au final sur l’emploi. Juste celle d'inverser peut-être facticement la courbe du chômage dans les chiffres donnés en pâture...

Faisons confiance aux Français et encourageons l’entrepreneuriat !

Quelques mesures de bon sens, courageuses certes, mais qui ont déjà fait leur preuves chez nos voisins européens. Pourquoi les ignorer ?

Quelques mesures de libéralisation tout en sécurisant les parcours des salariés et entreprises pour assainir notre modèle social et économique. Le socialisme a vécu.

Affirmatif Monsieur le Président : « face au désordre du monde, face à une conjoncture économique incertaine et un chômage persistant, il y a aussi un état d'urgence économique et social à proclamer»,selon vos propos du 17/01/2016 devant le Conseil économique, social et environnemental (CESE).

Joanne Courbet pour DayNewsWorld